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When the police ask for goats birth cert
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Anwar jual modal bas dibaling cat merah di Kedah
Isu rampas mayat: Apakah penyelesaiannya?
NAMPAKNYA, kes rampas mayat oleh jabatan agama telahpun mencapai tahap yang baru. Sekarang, ada pula kes di mana Jabatan Agama Pulau Pinang telahpun merampas abu mayat seorang wanita, M Nagamah, kerana dipercayai si meninggal telahpun masuk Islam sebelum mati. Lantas, keluarga Hindunya dianggap tidak berhak untuk mengebumikan mayatnya.
Mohan Singh (Courtesy of Baldi Kaur, J Belvikohr and Jaswant Kaur)
Kes-kes rampas mayat oleh jabatan agama Islam di Malaysia bukan perkara yang baru. Memang sebelum ini pun, sudah ada beberapa kes yang mendapat perhatian media, orang Islam dan penganut-penganut agama lain. Mayat lain yang telahpun atau cuba dirampas oleh jabatan agama Islam termasuklah jenazah M Moorthy, Mohan Singh, T Lawrence, Nyonya Tahir dan Gan Eng Gor.
Dalam kes-kes seperti ini, antara soalan penting yang perlu jawaban adalah siapakah yang lebih berhak terhadap mayat orang yang telah meninggal? Apakah jabatan agama Islam atau ahli-ahli keluarga orang yang telah hidup bersama dan membela orang itu sehingga ke akhir hayatnya?
Status agama
Yang jelas, standing agama seseorang yang sudah meninggal seperti dalam kes-kes yang disebut tadi agak kompleks ! dan mung kin juga sangat kabur. Dalam kes Nagamah misalnya, Jabatan Agama Seberang Perai mendakwa Nagamah telah berkahwin dengan seorang Islam bernama Ibrahim Noyah. Mengikut jabatan agama dan laporan media, beliau telah memeluk agama Islam pada tahun 2005 dengan nama Islamnya, Mariah Abdullah. Namun, anak-anak beliau mendakwa ibu mereka telah mengamalkan agama Hindu dan telah mati sebagai seorang Hindu.
Yang tambah mengaburkan fakta-fakta kes ini adalah satu laporan The Star pada tahun 2007. Suratkhabar itu telah melaporkan bahawa sepuluh orang anak-anak Nagamah dan Ibrahim Noyah telah memohon agar kad pengenalan mereka mencatatkan mereka sebagai beragama Hindu. Alasan mereka? Sepanjang usia mereka, mereka telah mengamalkan agama tersebut. Menurut Ibrahim Noyah dalam laporan itu lagi, dia tidak meminta Nagamah memeluk Islam sebelum mereka kahwin dan Nagamah joke menyokong permintaan anak-anaknya untuk tetap beragama Hindu.
Kes-kes lain juga sama-sama kompleks. Ramai ahli-ahli keluarga yang sukar untuk menerima dakwaan jabatan agama apabila semasa hendak mengebumikan ahli keluarga yang tersayang itu, mereka tiba-tiba diberitahu bahawa si mati itu telahpun masuk Islam sebelum meninggal.
Maka, apakah jalan penyelesaian dalam keadaan masyarakat majmuk berbilang kaum dan agama yang hidup di Malaysia?
Islam Ramah bukan Islam Marah
Mantan Presiden Indonesia, allayarham Abdurrahman Wahid, pernah berkata yang diperlukan adalah Islam Ramah bukan Islam Marah.
Bukankah buruk sanga! t imej I slam apabila jabatan agama hanya muncul menunjukkan keprihatinan apabila mahu menuntut mayat orang yang didakwa telah memeluk Islam. Ia boleh dilihat sebagai lebih mahu menunjukkan kuasa. Walhal, sebelum itu, jabatan agama tidak pernah muncul untuk bertanya khabar atau menghulurkan bantuan sewaktu orang tersebut masih hidup.
Sepertimana orang-orang Islam mahu dilayan sama rata dan diberi hak penuh apabila mereka berada di negara bukan Islam, begitu jugalah orang-orang Islam mesti memberi layanan setara dan menghormati hak-hak orang bukan Islam. Bayangkanlah jika sebuah keluarga Islam yang sedang tinggal di Amerika, yang baru saja kematian ahli keluarganya yang terdekat, tiba-tiba didatangi oleh pihak gereja yang menuntut jenazah ahli keluarga mereka atas dakwaan bahawa dia telah joke menganut agama Kristian. Pastinya, ahli keluarga yang beragama Islam sukar menerima begitu sahaja dan merasakan hak mereka terhadap ahli keluarga dan juga perasaan keagamaan mereka telah diserang.
Di Indonesia, ada tanah perkuburan yang menempatkan kubur-kubur orang beragama Islam dan juga Kristian, di dalam kawasan yang sama. Ahli-ahli keluarga Islam tidak merasa terganggu sedikit joke apabila mereka berdoa di kubur ahli keluarganya, yang bersebelahan dengan kubur berpalang salib. ( Norhayati Kaprawi)
Apabila berlaku perselisihan yang sukar mencapai persefahaman antara pihak berkuasa dan ahli keluarga, bukankah lebih manusiawi jika perasaan ahli keluarga yang masih hidup itu lebih diutamakan? Lagi pun, setelah jenazahnya dikuburkan, pegawai-pegawai agama tidak akan lagi mempedulikan si mati. Ahli keluarganya jugalah yang akan tetap mengingati, melakukan upacara mendoakan roh si mati atau menziarahi kuburnya dari masa ke masa.
Jika menurut Islam sendiri pun, bukahkah setelah wafatnya seseorang insan, jasadnya tidak lagi menjadi yang penting, tetapi rohnya? ! Jika jen azahnya dikuburkan di perkuburan orang bukan Islam sekali pun, apakah lalu Tuhan tidak akan mengakuinya? Jika memang benar orang itu telah memeluk Islam, bukankah Allah swt itu Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengetahui?
Orang Islam marah sungguh bila orang Barat menuduh agama Islam itu keras dan zalim. Tetapi jika orang Islam sendiri suka bersikap angkuh, kasar dan tidak adil pada orang bukan Islam, maka orang Islam sendirilah yang sebenarnya menunjukkan bahawa Islam itu keras dan zalim.
Fikah minoriti
Setelah 55 tahun merdeka, sudah tiba masanya para tokoh dan sarjana Islam di Malaysia menawarkan perspektif fikah yang boleh memberi jawapan dan keadilan terhadap masalah-masalah yang timbul di dalam masyarakat Malaysia kontemporari yang majmuk dan moden ini. Tokoh-tokoh Islam di Malaysia tidak boleh sekadar bergantung pada pendapat ulama zaman dulu kerana ulama silam mengeluarkan pendapat mereka sesuai dengan realiti keadaan masyarakat mereka sendiri pada waktu itu. Ulama dan sarjana Islam di Malaysia kini juga perlu mempertimbangkan pelbagai disiplin ilmu kontemporari seperti sejarah Malaysia, psikologi, sains politik, sosiologi, kefahaman terhadap undang-undang negara termasuklah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, dan juga isu gender.
Yusuf al-Qaradawi ( NMkuttiady / Wiki Commons)
Ulama seperti Yusuf Al-Qaradawi telah joke melangkah ke depan dengan turut membentuk fikah yang disebut "Fiqh al-aqalliyyat" ataupun fikah masyarakat minoriti bagi menjawab persoalan masyarakat Islam yang hidup sebagai golongan minoriti di negara-negara bukan Is! lam. Majlis Fatwa dan Penelitian Eropah membolehkan wanita Kristian yang mahu memeluk Islam agar terus kekal tinggal bersama dengan suaminya yang bukan Islam. Fatwa ini mungkin mempertimbangkan bahawa lebih baik wanita itu tetap hidup bersama suaminya yang bukan beragama Islam daripada wanita itu tidak masuk Islam langsung.
Fatwa sebegini pastinya memeranjatkan dan mungkin sukar diterima oleh umat Islam di negara-negara Islam. Namun, para ulama berani membuat pendirian sedemikian hasil pertimbangan terhadap konteks masyarakat dan isu gender di Eropah. Ini membuatkan mereka yakin ia merupakan langkah yang terbaik waktu ini. Maka, Malaysia juga harus menawarkan fikahnya sendiri dalam memastikan keadilan pada masyarakat minoriti bukan Islam di Malaysia.
Keadilan untuk semua
Apa lagi yang boleh dilakukan untuk memastikan keadilan itu dapat dinikmati oleh semua, tidak kira Islam atau bukan Islam?
Tun Abdullah Badawi
Mengapa kerajaan Malaysia belum melaksanakan usul dari badan bukan kerajaan yang dibuat semasa Tun Abdullah Badawi menjadi perdana menteri, agar menetapkan orang-orang yang mahu menukar agama diminta memberitahu terlebih dahulu bukan meminta izin ahli keluarganya yang terdekat, terutama isteri atau suaminya?
Mahkamah sivil juga hendaklah tegas dan berani dalam melaksanakan keadilan pada setiap rakyat Malaysia. Perlembagaan Perseketuan telah memberi kuasa pen! uh pada mahkamah sivil untuk mengadili kes-kes yang melibatkan orang-orang Islam dan bukan Islam. Dalam kes pertikaian sebegini, ahli keluarga bukan Islam berhak mendapatkan keadilan di mahkamah sivil.
Seorang sarjana Barat pernah mengatakan "Keadilan bukan saja perlu dilaksanakan, malah ianya harus dilihat telah dilaksanakan." Begitu juga, seharusnya Islam bukanlah hanya melaksanakan keadilan pada orang Islam, tetapi juga hendaklah melaksanakan dan juga dilihat melaksanakan keadilan pada orang bukan Islam. Bukankah menurut orang Islam sendiri, Islam itu rahmat untuk seluruh alam (rahmatan lil-alamin) dan Allah swt itu juga Tuhan untuk seluruh alam (Rabbul Alamin)?
Kiyai Prof Dr Said Aqil Siradj, Ketua Nahdhatul Ulama, organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia, baru-baru ini mengatakan bahawa melindungi orang-orang bukan Islam itu merupakan suatu jihad. Beliau juga dengan tegas mengatakan "tidak toleransi itu melawan Tuhan kerana di dalam Al-Quran Surah 2:21, Allah swt telah berfirman bahawa Dia sengaja menciptakan manusia berbeza bangsa dan suku kaum agar kita saling kenal-mengenal."
Norhayati Kaprawi adalah seorang aktivis wanita, pembuat filem dan associate Asian Public Intellectuals. Dokumentari beliau ialah Mencari Kartika, Aku Siapa dan Kudaku Menari Lagi mengutarakan isu-isu dalam masyarakat Islam di Malaysia, yang pastinya turut memberi kesan pada semua rakyat Malaysia.
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Cool and Committed Malaysians # 4 Wong Ee Lynn
More info here.
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Firefighters to fire the roads for Raya
POWERMAP GPS YouTube: CougaBoy60 Malaysia: YouTube Facebook: twitter: tw! m Video Rating: 0 / 5More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Battle cry over downed flags
Tales from the East
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Creating a Twister From A Teacup Storm?
Siapa di sebalik Janji Bersih yang kotor???
Mortality by Mr. Hitchens
September 3, 2012
NY Times Sunday Book Review: Mortality
Mortality by Mr. Hitchens
by Christopher Buckley (08-30-12)
Christopher Hitchens began his memoir, "Hitch-22," upon a note of grim entertainment during anticipating himself described in a British National Portrait Gallery announcement as "the late Christopher Hitchens." He wrote, "So there it is in cold print, a solid naked phrase which will a single day spin unarguably true."
On Jun 8, 2010, multiform days after a discourse was published, he awoke in his New York road house room "feeling as if you were essentially shackled to my own corpse. The whole cave of my chest as good as thorax seemed to have been hollowed out as good as afterwards refilled with slow-drying cement." And so commenced an 18-month odyssey by "the land of malady," culminating in his genocide from esophageal cancer final December, when a solid naked phrase which had prompted him to anticipate his own mortality became, unarguably, true. He was 62 years old.
"Mortality" is a slim volume or, to use a mot which he loved to deploy, feuilleton consisting of a 7 dispatches he sent in to Vanity Fair magazine from "Tumorville." The initial 7 chapters are, similar to virtually everything he wrote over his long, distinguished career, diamond-hard as good as brilliant.
An eighth as good as final section consists, as a publisher's note informs us, of unprepared "fragmentary jottings" which he wrote in his depot days in a critical-care unit of a M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. They're vivid, heart-wrenching as good as vivid messages in a bottle tossed from a rug of a ! sinking ship as a captain, disorder in agony as good as fighting by a fog of morphine, struggles to keep his engines going:
"My dual assets my coop as good as my voice as good as it had to be a esophagus. All along, while blazing a candle during both ends, I'd been 'straying in to a arena of a unwell' as good as right away 'a vulgar small tumor' was evident. This alien can't wish anything; if it kills me it dies though it seems really single-minded as good as set in a purpose. No genuine irony here, though. Must take absolute caring not to be self-pitying or self-centered."
"The alien was burrowing in to me even as you wrote a jaunty difference about my own betimes voiced death."
"If you modify it's because it's better which a follower dies than which an non-believer does."
"Ordinary expressions similar to 'expiration date' . . . will you outlive my Amex? My driver's license? People contend I'm in town upon Friday: will you be around? what a question!"
Fans of a film "Withnail as good as I" will commend "arena of a unwell" as good as "vulgar small tumor." Readers of his 2007 non-believer classic, "God Is Not Great," will get a frisky "convert" bit; more than a few of a pages in "Mortality" are devoted as it were to a final, daring as good as well-reasoned invulnerability of his non-God-fearingness.
As for a "jaunty words," those are of course from Chapter 1 of a discourse whose promotional tour was so dramatically interrupted by a tap-tap-tap of a Reaper. Self-pity? Those of his friends (I was one) who witnessed his pluck as good as steel throughout his pale distress will demonstrate which he never succumbed to any of that.
"To a dumb question 'Why me?,' " he writes, "the creation barely bothers to lapse a reply: Why ! not?" He was valiant to a end, a manuscript of British phlegm. He became an American citizen in 2007, though a background song was always "H.M.S. Pinafore": "He remains an English man." (Emphasis mine.)
"Mortality" comes with a fine foreword by his longtime Vanity Fair editor as good as friend Graydon Carter, who writes of Christopher's "saucy fearlessness," "great turbine of a mind" as good as "his companionable though indeterminate code of anarchy which severely touched kids in their 20s as good as early 30s in most a same approach which Hunter S. Thompson had a era before. . . . He did not thoughts landing outward a cozy cocoon of required magnanimous wisdom."
Christopher's devoted tigress wife, Carol Blue, contributes a I've already used up my "heart-wrenching" quota deeply moving afterword, in which she recalls a "eight-hour dinners" they hosted during their apartment in Washington, when after immoderate sufficient drink to describe a complete race of a nation's collateral insensible, Christopher would climb as good as deliver flawless 20-minute recitals of poetry, polemics as good as jokes, capping it off saying, "How good it is to be us." The law of which declaration was clear to all who had a good fortune to be present during those dazzling recreations. Bliss it was in those wee hours to be alive as good as in his company, though a subsequent mornings were usually a bit less blissful.
"For me," he writes in "Mortality," "to remember loyalty is to stop those conversations which it seemed a impiety to mangle off: a ones which done a sacrifice of a following day a pardonable one." In await of this, he adduces multiform staves of William Cory's interpretation of a poem by Callimachus about his dear friend Heraclitus:
They told me, Heraclitus; they told me you were dead.
They brought me bitter headlines to hear, as good as bitter tears to shed.
I wept when you remembered how often you as good as I
Had sleepy a sun with ta! lking, a s good as sent him down a sky.
He was a male of abundant gifts, Christopher: erudition, wit, argument, poetry style, to contend nothing of a titanium constitution that, until it tricked him in a end, authorised him to write word-perfect essays while a rest of us were groaning from epic hangovers as good as reaching for a ibuprofen. But his biggest present of all may have been a present of friendship. At his memorial service in New York City, 31 people, virtually all of them boldface names, rose to verbalise in his memory. One preference was from a introduction Christopher wrote for a paperback reissue of "Hitch-22" while sincerely ill:
"Another component of my discourse a stupendous importance of love, loyalty as good as solidarity has been done immensely more vivid to me by new experience. you can't goal to convey a full outcome of a embraces as good as avowals, though you can perhaps offer a particle of counsel. If there is anybody known to you who competence benefit from a letter or a visit, do not upon any account postpone a letter or a making of it. The difference done will roughly certainly be more than you have calculated."
One of a "fragmentary jottings" in a final section of "Mortality" is a brush cadence upon Philip Larkin's chilling genocide poem, "Aubade":
"Larkin good upon fear in 'Aubade,' with pragmatic reproof to Hume as good as Lucretius for their stoicism. Fair sufficient in a single way: atheists ought not to be charity consolation either."
For a fuller chronicle of which depot pense, spin to his letter upon Larkin in his pick up "Arguably": "Without which synthesis of gloom as good as angst you could never have had his 'Aubade,' a waking meditation upon extinction which unstrenuously contrives a tense, shining counterpoise in between a stoic philosophy of Lucretius as good as David Hume, as good as his own frank terror of oblivion." The letter ends with dual lines from an additional Larkin poem which could serve as Christopher's own epita! ph:
Our almost-instinct roughly true:
What will tarry of us is love.
What discrepant tools were in him: a fierce tongue, a tender heart.
There is no "frank terror of oblivion" in "Mortality," though there is penetrating as good as good bewail during having to leave a celebration early. But even as he stared in to a abyss, his mordant quick mind did not desert him:
"The newness of a diagnosis of virulent cancer has a tendency to wear off. The thing begins to pall, even to spin banal. One can spin utterly used to a specter of a eternal Footman, similar to some fatal aged gimlet lurking in a hallway during a finish of a evening, anticipating for a chance to have a word. And you don't so most object to his land my cloak in which marked manner, as if mutely reminding me which it's time to be upon my way. No, it's a snickering which gets me down."
In his initial pick up of essays, "Prepared for a Worst" (1988), he quoted Nadine Gordimer to a outcome which "a critical chairman should try to write posthumously. By which you took her to meant which a single should harmonise as if a usual constraints of fashion, commerce, self-censorship, public as good as perhaps generally egghead opinion did not operate."
He refers behind to which in "Arguably," a introduction to which he wrote in Jun 2011, deep in a heart of Tumorville. He was still going during it mano a mano with a Footman, though by afterwards he was during slightest realistic about a contingency as good as knew which a difference he was letter competence really good be published posthumously. As it turned out, he lived just prolonged sufficient to see "Arguably" hailed for what it is inarguably, stunning. What a coda. What a life.
He remarkable there which some of a essays had been written in "the full consciousness which they competence be my really last. Sobering in a single approach as good as refreshing in another, this use can patently never spin perfected."
B! eing in Christopher's association was rarely sobering, though always exhilarating. It is, however, sobering as good as grief-inducing to examination this brave as good as nerve-racking account of his "year of vital dyingly" in a hold of a alien which succeeded where nothing of his discuss opponents had in bringing him down.
In her afterword, Carol relates an anecdote about their daughter, afterwards 2 years old, a single day coming across a passed bumblebee upon a ground. She frantically begged her parents to "make it start." On reaching a finish of her father's valedictory feuilleton, a reader is likely to be acutely unwavering of Antonia's terrible feeling of loss.
Christopher Buckley's latest novel is "They Eat Puppies, Don't They?"
A chronicle of this examination appeared in imitation upon Sep 2, 2012, upon page BR1 of a Sunday Book Review with a headline: Staying Power.
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Solat dan Tazkirah Maghrib di Masjid Al-Husin, Seberang Pumpong, Alor Setar, Kedah menjadi kecoh dan tercemar oleh kehadhiran Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim tadi.
Kumpulan yang menggelar diri mereka "Gerak Khas Perkasa' menentang kehadhiran Anwar. Mereka berkumpul dan mempamerkan tiga ensign bertulis "Perkasa Kota Setar menentang penggunaan masjid sebagai pentas politik" dan dua ensign pula menulis "Jangan pecah belah perpaduan khariah Masjid Seri Pumpong".
Anwar sampai ke Masjid Al Husin sebelum maghrib pada lebih kurang 7:20 PM dan bertembung dengan 50 orang berbaju hitam yang telah berhimpun di perkarangan masjid. Puak ini menjerit menuntut Anwar supaya berhenti.
keadaan menjadi kecoh sebaik anwar berucap lepas solat Maghrib. Hadhirin di dalam masjid membalas jeritan perkasa dengan mengutuk mereka yang menyuruh Anwar yang membaca al Quran suruh berhenti.
Buta betul orang Pas yang tidak sedar bahawa yang nak bercakap itu bukan malaikat tapi anak syaitan yang menyamar berbaju melayu dan songkok.
Seperti biasa, Anwar suka bila kecuh-kecuh ini dan terus berucap. Katanya apabila orang membaca al Quran menjerit lah mereka. Ramai hadirin menyahut dengan takbir Allah hu al akhbar. Sahlah yang dalam masjid bukan kari! ah tapi ahli-ahli dan penyokong parti politik PAS.
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Most cruel judgement by Malaysia's Judges to date
Even 'spending sifu' Rosmah would be shocked: Jho Low blows RM5mil to woo Taiwan pop-star
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'Selangor sultan's private-sec did not inform state'
This, Selangor Menteri Besar domestic cabinet member Faekah Husin said, was since it was a norm which a ruler did not attend a state's Merdeka jubilee as is with prior years.
"If this eventuality involved a Sultan, how could a state cabinet member as great as supervision officials possibly disremember it.
"Furthermore, if a Selangor sultan wished to attend a event, it is a shortcoming of his stately highness' in isolation cabinet member Mohd Munir Bani to surprise a state secretary.
"I am of a perspective which this confusion arose when Munir did not convey a necessary information to a state secretary," she said.
Faekah pronounced which she had reliable with Selangor state cabinet member Mohamad Khusrin Munawai, who is additionally chairperson of a celebration, which a sultan had never been invited before.
She adds which a norm was for a sultan to attend a central programme a following day upon a night of Aug 31, which is a tahlil as great as benediction ceremony.
"Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is unhappy which there have been officials who have failed to perform their duty well, to a border which it has caused a stretched situation which threatens his great relationship with a Selangor sultan," she said.
She additionally noted which a state supervision had invited all Selangor state assemblyperson from BN to a state-level Merdeka parade at Dataran! Kemerdekaan, Shah Alam upon a night of Aug 30, but none showed up.
Noh Omar: Why Anwar a GOH?
Meanwhile, Selangor Barisan Nasional deputy chairperson Noh Omar pronounced a Selangor supervision has failed to differentiate between an central eventuality as great as a domestic programme by ! inviting Anwar Ibrahim as a guest of honour at a state-level autonomy day jubilee last Thursday.
According toBernama, Noh pronounced this obviously demonstrated Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's attempt to strap a antithesis enlightenment in a state's administration.
"Why Anwar, who is not a state leader, was accorded a guest of honour standing at a ceremony.
"Hence, you want a menteri besar to explain either a rite was an central state supervision function or a domestic programme," Noh told a headlines discussion in Shah Alam today.
Noh additionally chided Abdul Khalid for changeable a censure to as great as asking Mohamad Khusrin, who is a state-level Merdeka Day Celebration Committee chairman, to explain a matter.
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'Funny' Magpies Must Thank Ben Arfa
Organisers say gold mining firm had cold feet
Organisers of Himpunan Hijau Raub convene today have voiced disappointment during Raub Australian Gold Mine (RAGM) Sdn Bhd over their failure to send high-ranking officials to embrace their criticism note.
"If this is a frank listed company, why don't they dare to face us?", asked Himpunan Hijau Raub personality Wong Kin Hoong during a press discussion after a rally.
The cabinet as well as Raub OCPD Wan Mohd Samsudin Wan Osman had formerly signedan agreementlast Tuesday, spelling out a conditions of a rally.
One of a conditions was which as a compromise for not marching to RAGM's bullion mine, a management-level representative would be sent to embrace a group's memorandum.
Instead, a member were nowhere to be seen by 4pm, prompting organisers to call for amarchto RAGB.
Samsudin stopped a protesters about 500m from a margin where they had initially gathered, observant which a member have been upon their way.
However, when a dual member arrived, one introduced himself as a company's chief of security (picture below, left) as well as a alternative as a designer.
MB as well as MP additionally absent
After an argument with a dissatisfied organisers, a twin left in a precipitate while Samsudin resolved to hand over a chit to a association offi! cials in stead.
This resolved a convene as well as protesters began to disperse.
Asked whether the! committe! e felt cheated, Himpunan Hijau Raub secretary Chong Pui Har said: "Maybe they (the police) were additionally cheated by a bullion mining company."
When contacted, RAGM chairperson as well as CEO Andrew Kam Tai Yeow declined comment.
Other than RAGM representatives, others invited guests who did not attend a convene were Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob as well as Raub MP Dr Ng Yen Yen.
Asked to criticism upon a dual politicians, Wong gave a brusque reply: "(We) wish them all a best."
Organisers of a convene estimated which there were 15,000 participants during a rally, butMalaysiakinijournalists puts a series during 10,000.
Cops only wants to safety a peace
Mea! nwhile during a apart press conference, a joyful Samsudin (right) told reporters which he would be handing a chit to RAGM as partial of his duties to safety peace.
To a question, he opined which a convene today was lawful.
However when asked he did not discount a possibility to initiating investigations opposite a convene organisers for marching upon a streets.
He additionally said which some 300 military officers were deployed today for today's rally, most of them ! to appro ach traffic.
Ask for his estimate for a crowd size, Samsudin incited towards one of his officers who replied "8,000".
Turning his courtesy back to a press later, Samsudin said: "For a police, a figure is not an issue".
"The important thing is which a job is to maintain a peace during pacific assemblies, which is authorised by a supervision under Act 736 a Peaceful Assembly Act 2012." Read More @ Source
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Janji Demokrasi the real Merdeka event
DBKL lacking cultural sensitivities
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Choosing Sides
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VIDEO : Perkasa members has reportedly attacked the mosque where Anwar was giving a talk (Ceramah)
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More than 10,000 at Raub protest: Najib can't even manage Pahang, what more Malaysia?
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Dr M gets honorary doctorate for MALAY LEADERSHIP & empowerment
The endowment is being presented in approval of his contributions as well as use in raising the grace as well as honour of the Malays in the universe arena.
"Dr Mahathir's use towards raising the self-confidence of the Malays to be during the same level as the others races in the universe is enormous.
"When Dr Mahathir was the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Malays felt elevated," said UNS-Solo rector, Prof Dr Ravik Karsidi during the headlines conference here Sunday.
Dr Mahahir will be the second person to embrace the titular doctorate from the university after an Indonesian figure three years ago.
UNS-Solo is the single of the largest open universities in Indonesia as well as is ranked seventh among 72 open universities in Indonesia. It additionally accepts Malaysian healing students.
In conjunction with the titular grade award, Dr Mahathir is scheduled to broach the speak titled 'Criminalisation of War' during the university.
The former budding minister, accompanied by his mother Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, is additionally scheduled to revisit the grave of former Indonesian president Suharto during Giribangun, Solo, after the display ceremony.
As the curtain raiser to the titular doctorate presentation, UNS-Solo as well as Universiti Utara Malaysia have organized an int! ernation al convention entitled "The destiny of Malays amidst global domestic crisis as well as change."
Dr Mahathir in his three-day revisit to Indonesia, will additionally broach the speak upon "War Is Crime" organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation during Universiti Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta upon Tuesday.
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Najib tells Sabah: It is Umno that is strong, not me or MUSA AMAN
The Umno boss as well as budding apportion pronounced hence, Umno was not similar to alternative political parties as a bedrock of a onslaught was to acquit a republic from a clutches of colonial order to capacitate it as well as a people to be giveaway to determine a own destiny without being commanded by outmost forces.
"Umno is not an typical party, Umno is not a celebration innate by a roadside, Umno was not innate in a surrounded by of unrest, Umno was set up to pursue a dedicated cause. Otherwise, a republic will not be free, independent.
"So, Umno is not an typical party. Umno was not innate to grab power perilously for any leader. Umno is not a celebration innate since due to annoyance by a person for a office of a budding minister. Umno was innate out of great resolve.
"If Umno members have been united, no a single nor any power can repudiate a party's onslaught in a name of religion, a republic as well as a country," he pronounced during a coexisting opening of a delegates' assembly of Umno Libaran, Kinabatangan, Sandakan, Batu Sapi as well as Beluran divisions here today.
Present was Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
Najib additionally reminded Umno leaders as well as members not to forget a history of colonialism that practised a 'divide as well as rule' policy as well as that thinking in a non-chalant perspective would only b! reak a M alays themselves.
He pronounced a setting up of Umno in early 1946 was an critical effort in uniting various Malay ethic groups such as a Javanese, Boyan, Bugis as well as others in a peninsula upon low consciousness that a Malays were weak due to disunity.
The budding apportion pronounced after Umno was set up, a Malays no longer placed a interest of their own racial group uppermost in their minds, instead they chose to unite under a banner of Umno.
"That is why! Umno succeeded as a dedicated celebration till currently since in Umno you do not glorify ethnicity anymore... It does not make a difference from that district a single comes from, from that state a single comes from. We do not think in conditions of racial groups, as prolonged as a single is an Umno member, you vote for him as a leader," he said.
Najib pronounced a perspective of glorifying ethnicity would break a Malays as well as Umno, as well as would pedal behind a Malays to a era of a 'divide as well as rule' advocated by a colonial power, thus dissipating a strange principles as well as onslaught of Umno.
The budding apportion pronounced Umno members could no longer look back, instead they need to build upon a values of a strange Umno's onslaught rather than posterior a onslaught formed upon a structure, trademark as well as songs as well as large Umno buildings.
He pronounced a onslaught formed upon Umno's principles as well as values would determine a survival of a celebration in fortifying a religion, nation, country, as well as further develop a country.
"Sow in our hearts that 'I will sacrifice, you am peaceful to fight in a name of religion, republic as well as country'. If there is any personality who wants to allege since 'I wish to fill my stomach, you wish to fill my pockets, you am fighting for a position', if you have this kind of leader, greatfully leave Umno. We will become stronger without them.
"We do not need to be disturbed since in a history of Umno's struggle,! leaders come as well as go. No Umno personality (previously) had shown that he is larger than a party... a stronger a single is a party, Najib is not strong, Musa (Sabah chief minister) is not strong, a clever a single is Umno, as well as BN is behind us," he said.
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WHO WILL BN 'HANG' NEXT: Hisham vows action on 'replacement' flag & stepping on PM's pic
He pronounced a domestic materminds and desperados behind a actions would be brought to court as a infancy of a people longed for to see them put upon trial according to a law.
"The infancy of a people have been already fed up with a actions of these domestic desperados who know they were facing defeat in a entrance general election and perplexing to create open loathing opposite government leaders," he told reporters after opening a Merbok Umno multiplication representatives meeting during Dewan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Merbok near here today.
Hishammuddin, who is additionally a Umno vice-president, pronounced police were conducting investigations and that a Attorney General's Chambers would take to court them there was enough evidence.
"We will not tolerate any negative efforts to sow loathing opposite government leaders who have turn subjects of insult," he said.
In another development, Hishammuddin pronounced a authorities in Malaysia were cooperating with a Thai confidence forces to guard a activities of Thai separatists who planted Malaysian flags during several locations after a bombing incident in southern Thailand recently.
He pronounced a foreign ministries of both countries would addition! ally be concerned in handling a issue together.
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