Hafiz Yatim | May 18, 2012 Malaysiakini The Apr twenty-eight violence erupted when military began firing rip gas at a historic Bersih 3.0 convene participants, pronounced Besih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan. In an exclusive talk with Malaysiakini upon a Bersih 3.0 rally, she pronounced that she was blissful a organisers did not accept a track Merdeka [...] ... Read More
Tunku Aziz's exit from DAP

It offends "Pakatan Rakyat" which Malays select to stick upon DAP. Why does a movement of Malays fasten an additional legitimate domestic celebration which is not "Pakatan Rakyat", induce which feeling? It springs from audacity as well as domestic xenophobia. "Pakatan Rakyat" is a loyalist celebration which sees people who reject it ( for whatever reasons they choose) as a profanation to "Pakatan Rakyat". That is what offends "Pakatan Rakyat" actually. They can't understand why people can be `disloyal' to "Pakatan Rakyat". "Pakatan Rakyat" expects Malays to be constant to it- though what beliefs as well as values does it offer which can sustain a much preferred loyalty?
UMNO arrogantly believes which an "Pakatan Rakyat" Malay is a usually Malay. So it offends "Pakatan Rakyat" to see Malays desert "Pakatan Rakyat" as though, a Malay has converted in to an additional race. "Pakatan Rakyat" is fast taking advantage of a Hassan Aqidah Ali mentality.
Next it offends "Pakatan Rakyat" not being means to see an mass depart of alternative Malays from DAP. Suddenly "Pakatan Rakyat" has credited Tunku Aziz with some extraordinary attributes which contingency though fail, inspire alternative Malays to leave DAP. Alas, Tunku Abdul Aziz is alone. "Pakatan Rakyat"'s hope which Tunku Aziz's movement can offer as a matter prompting alternative Malays in DAP to do likewise crumbles. Indeed, Tunku Aziz's movement reinforces a firmness of Malays who assimilated DAP to stay put notwithstanding hisu-turn.
Then it dawns upon "Pakatan Rakyat"- notwithstanding them being handicapped in mind, which people adopt a sure domestic mount not since of faithfulness to a figure. Such faithfulness is ephemeral. ! You will see which soon- as soon as Najib performs worse than Pak Lah, those fellas right away tripoding Najib will desert him similar to rats do to a falling ship.
The genuine emanate in my mind, is not about Tunku Aziz's depart from DAP during all. It's all about "Pakatan Rakyat" saying this as possibility to revitalise a own abating legitimacy. "Pakatan Rakyat" thinks, by being means to expel this movement as a secular thing, it regains a own mislaid legitimacy as representative of a Malay voice.How most times have we said, which "Pakatan Rakyat" can't event claim it's representing a Malays. In 2008, "Pakatan Rakyat" possibilities got usually 2 million of a 5.7 million votes. That's a clearer pointer which "Pakatan Rakyat" is no longer applicable to Malays than Tunku Aziz's exit from DAP.
Like "Pakatan Rakyat"'s a one preferred line when interpreting Tunku Aziz's exit, a mass depart of Malays from a "Pakatan Rakyat" mom boat can usually meant which Malays have been no longer concordant with "Pakatan Rakyat". If we have been fervent to arrive during such end from Tunku Aziz's exit, afterwards we contingency apply a same line of logic as well as accordingly, end per "Pakatan Rakyat". Can?
If cant, afterwards see Tunku Aziz's depart as it really is- a depart of one man who realizes right away which changing something cannot happen within a self-imposed time frame. Just similar to Tunku Aziz's sudden eureka impulse which Najib's transformation takes time which same logic contingency be applied to whatever Tunku Aziz wishes to happen to DAP.
Except a complaint with Tunku Aziz: - changes which Tunku Aziz wants in DAP contingency take place NOW, though a changes which Najib sloganizes MUST be since a possibility to take place. Why not a same treatment?
Since withdrawal DAP, Tun! kU Aziz has turn "Pakatan Rakyat" media's darling. He has been described as a Malay face which DAP can make use of to capture some-more Malays. What rubbish. Malays who assimilated DAP did not even embody Tunku Aziz in their equation. He was an different domestic entity. It's positively not loyal which DAP wanted to make use of Tunku Aziz as a face which would tempt Malays in to fasten DAP. we find which offensive. The Malays who assimilated DAP find some inflection with a values as well as struggles which DAP espouses.
If a Malays assimilated DAP upon account of Tunku Aziz's presence as well as face, a celebration contingency take steps to weed these people out.
To repeat, "Pakatan Rakyat" is offended which Tunku Aziz's exit did not emanate a opening a floodgates effect. "Pakatan Rakyat" is offended which Malays reject "Pakatan Rakyat". "Pakatan Rakyat"'s longevity as well as legitimacy rests very precariously upon a success to expel itself as a solitary orator as well as savior of a Malays. It's not.
If Malays do not want to stick upon DAP, there have been better off fasten PAS- a genuine Malay celebration founded upon values as well as principles. "Pakatan Rakyat"? No beliefs as well as no integrity. It has as much firmness as well as beliefs as a plunderer as well as thief. It's a falling ship.
Why is "Pakatan Rakyat" worried during all about a handful of Malays being in DAP? It should inspire some-more Malays to stick upon DAP to restructure DAP as a multiracial party. It should not mount in a approach if Malays select to stick upon DAP. Unless of course, it's very presence depends precisely in being means to keep alive a racist slants of Malaysian politics. Thenhaving an competition composed of usually a single competition or even races conflicting of themselves, "Pakatan Rakyat" keeps itself alive. ! More Mal ays contingency stick upon DAP to offer a bigger bulletin of speeding up a passing of "Pakatan Rakyat".
Thats how "Pakatan Rakyat" is. it can usually survive upon a misfortunes of others. It has never grounded a presence upon a strength of a own beliefs as well as values.It Must rely upon a weaknesses of others.
Who shall demeanour after a lot of Malays then? Why should or contingency it be "Pakatan Rakyat"? "Pakatan Rakyat" hasn't improved a lot of Malays notwithstanding carrying as well as placing Malays during care levels in politics, in supervision institutions etc. Malays browbeat a land offices, served as director generals of departments, turn district military chiefs,the State secretaries have been almost exclusively Malays- does carrying Malays during these care positions helped a Malays? They have not achieved a preferred results since a "Pakatan Rakyat" Malays helped out a chosen Malays.
We Malays do not rely during all upon "Pakatan Rakyat". The laws of this land, a institutions of democracy as well as most of all our own industriousness as well as work, protect us. We positively do not rely upon "Pakatan Rakyat".
My advice to Malays in DAP- do not elaborate yourselves with lofty bulletin during a moment. The evident bulletin is to flog out xenophobic "Pakatan Rakyat".
Posted by sakmongkol AK47
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
How Astro censors international news feeds
Asia Sentinel, a Hong Kong-based headlines web site, has declared headlines controller Vincent de Paul as Astro's "censor" of international headlines in a inform which takes a peek into how Astro deals with headlines bulletins from international broadcasters. Two weeks ago both a BBC as well as Al Jazeera complained which their headlines bulletins on a Bersih [...] Read More @ Source
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
An undignified exit for Tunku Aziz

The truth is, hardly any of us have ethical energy sufficient for some-more than a single unequivocally inflexible indicate of honour.- George Bernard Shaw
The sad fact is that Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim's role in a DAP was merely window-dressing to project a image of this supposed 'chauvinistic Chinese party' as a multiracial forward-thinking party.
His cool pose symbolically completed a secular holy trinity for a domestic celebration so prolonged demonised as 'racist troublemakers' focussed upon destroying a frail amicable stipulate of Malaysia.
He presented a image of a Malay as urbane as well as soft so unlike a confrontational fear-mongering ruffians who have no complaint displaying their butts to make a indicate usually they appear able of understanding, that seems to be a norm these days. A Malay willing to work with alternative like-minded Malaysians towards a improved tomorrow.
Exactly that Malay demographic Tunku Aziz was supposed to paint or attract into a DAP fold was never determined.
Even amongst civic Malays, he seemed out of hold with their reality. Rabble-rousing was never in a Tunku's repertoire, that is usually what many Malays (urban or rural) who gravitate to Pakatan Rakyat appear to relate to.
Unlike say someone similar to former National Union of Journalists boss Hata Wahari who gifted a regime's wrath in an up tighten as well as personal manner, a Tunku's appointment as well as participation seemed similar to worried pointer of a bygone domestic era, steeped in gentlemanly convention (which was anything but) whose sole duty was to joy a non-Malays in DAP that theirs was a celebration indeed contemplative of a different! inlet o f Malaysia.
Josh Hong'sadroit pieceinMalaysiakinion a man is substantially a best commentary so far, yet for me during least, there's copiousness of blame to go around as well as nobody comes out of this looking good.
His cool pose symbolically completed a secular holy trinity for a domestic celebration so prolonged demonised as 'racist troublemakers' focussed upon destroying a frail amicable stipulate of Malaysia.

Exactly that Malay demographic Tunku Aziz was supposed to paint or attract into a DAP fold was never determined.
Even amongst civic Malays, he seemed out of hold with their reality. Rabble-rousing was never in a Tunku's repertoire, that is usually what many Malays (urban or rural) who gravitate to Pakatan Rakyat appear to relate to.
Unlike say someone similar to former National Union of Journalists boss Hata Wahari who gifted a regime's wrath in an up tighten as well as personal manner, a Tunku's appointment as well as participation seemed similar to worried pointer of a bygone domestic era, steeped in gentlemanly convention (which was anything but) whose sole duty was to joy a non-Malays in DAP that theirs was a celebration indeed contemplative of a different! inlet o f Malaysia.
Josh Hong'sadroit pieceinMalaysiakinion a man is substantially a best commentary so far, yet for me during least, there's copiousness of blame to go around as well as nobody comes out of this looking good.
Heaping scorn upon Guan Eng
Much has been done of Tunku Aziz's old-school gentleman feeling as well as he has artistic an air of sap detachment. His was not a gutter-level skirmishes that a DAP as well as Pakatan were inextricable in yet rsther than his own personal electioneer opposite a investiture was characterised by a feint as well as resist engagements carried out often in a promotion organs of a state.
Much has been done of Tunku Aziz's old-school gentleman feeling as well as he has artistic an air of sap detachment. His was not a gutter-level skirmishes that a DAP as well as Pakatan were inextricable in yet rsther than his own personal electioneer opposite a investiture was characterised by a feint as well as resist engagements carried out often in a promotion organs of a state.
The face of a counter that Pakatan as well as their supporters stared during was not a face that Tunku Aziz beheld. Most often his utterances of his anathema of governmental malfeasances come off sounding similar to an exasperated parent raw during a wayward child.
Make no mistake, we consider it was a provocative as well as fair pierce upon Tunku Aziz's partial to become a really open Malay face of a DAP even if it was usually a mystic gesture, yet a approach how he chose to depart from a DAP creates a mockery of his protestations of honour as well as dignity.
DAP upon a alternative hand is nicely building a lane jot down of open relations ineptitude as well as perhaps some-more distressing (if we have been a Pakatan supporter committed to a ideals DAP claims to represent), a jot down of being uncharitable towards gainsay from inside of their own ranks.
I have no complaint with Tunku Aziz's mount upon a Bersih 3.0 rally. In fact we know might people who agree with him. we welcome a comparison of views inside of a domestic celebration or domestic alliance.
A lthough we consider that a Tunku's reasoning for objecting to a rally upon a grounds that a Bersih steering committee rejected a government's suggest of holding it during Stadium Merdeka as well as his views towards travel protests in ubiquitous have been faulty, we don't consider (like a small Pakatan member as well as supporters) this is anything that warrants any kind of censure. As we can tell, we am not a organisation follower in toeing a celebration line all a time.
However, following a dictates of your conscience does not meant personification into t! he hands (willingly or unwillingly) of those who usually harbour malice towards a domestic celebration we have oath your loyalty to.
The honourable, nay dignified, avenue of countenance of his gainsay would be a party's own promotion organs or failing that a "alternative media", all a while maintaining a cool overpower when it came to a mainstream media.
This approach even yet a mainstream media would have picked up a story, a Tunku's overpower (in a feeling in that he chooses to rivet with a media) would have been a transparent pointer of where his loyalties lay.
Instead by waging his fight in a mainstream press, by announcing his depart from a DAP upon ntv7 for instance, what Tunku Aziz has finished is to safeguard that whatever cool exit he claims to wish is mired in a passageway for liquid governing body as well as shadow-play drama that characterises a Malaysian domestic landscape.
Byheaping scornon DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, a tone of that is suggestive of that emanating fromUtusan Malaysiaand a ilk, a single can usually surmise that Tunku Aziz for whatever reason is enchanting in mischief-making for! reasons I'll leave to a conspiracy theorists to articulate.
DAP fails to play label right
Of course, all this could have been avoided if a DAP played their cards right. ! Why they appear so fervent to supply their enemies with ammunition is something that has regularly amused me.
From a start, they should have usually supposed as well as politely disagreed with Tunku Aziz's mount upon Bersih 3.0. They should have done it clear, especially when it comes to highly-charged issues such as these, that there is room for celebration members to demonstrate their dissent.
Understand now, a avenues these dissenters select to demonstrate their views in is extremely critical as well as what separates an fair individual as well as a think one, is how much suspicion they have put into how as well as when they select to demonstrate their dissent. If a first thing we do is run to a promotion organs of your party's rivals, then we question a motives of your dissent.
And even after carrying voiced his abdication from a celebration in a rsther than uncouth manner, a DAP one after another to douse a media bonfire with gasoline by making this rsther than ridiculous suggest of a think-tank job to Tunku Aziz.
To me, a suggest would usually be scornful (in this context) if a person being charity a job had a principled leg to mount yet as is, a suggest comes of as politically nave or downright repellent, even some-more so, when a domestic cabinet member to Lim, Zairil Mohd Khir protests that a suggest had been "misconstrued". If a tables were turned as well as it was Umno you do a "offering", nobody would give them a good of a doubt.
If as Zairil (left) seems to consider that Tunku Aziz was a "public intellectual" with a profitable "global ne! twork", then perhaps he should have been hand! led in a different way. Perhaps a powers-that-be during a DAP should have done it transparent they welcomed his submit even yet they infrequently disagreed with it as well as his in front of as senator would be renewed.
If his in front of inside of a celebration was untenable because of certain of his ideological stances, charity him a in front of in a supposed think-tank many substantially aligned with a DAP reeks of a kind of domestic back-scratching that Umno is really famous for. In my experience, if a man is dynamic to tumble upon his sword, it is best to stay out of a approach of a red blood spatter.
The dignified of a story here is that a DAP should request a small some-more common sense when dealing with gainsay from inside of their ranks as well as they should be grateful of a impassioned partisan inlet of this dispute because if voters were not as polarised as they have been now as well as had a small objectivity to spare, a small of a actions of a DAP would not mount up to scrutiny.
As for Tunku Abdul Aziz, he doesn't get to play a 'honourable exit' card. His actions in a past couple of days have effectively broken whatever bit of myth-making was due his way.
Henceforth, what will be disseminated by a bigots who despise DAP is a narrative of how another Malay intellectual was ejected from a celebration that does not tolerate dissent. On a alternative hand, supporters of DAP will regularly be heedful of Trojan horses inside of a Malay ranks of a party. And a show goes on.

DAP upon a alternative hand is nicely building a lane jot down of open relations ineptitude as well as perhaps some-more distressing (if we have been a Pakatan supporter committed to a ideals DAP claims to represent), a jot down of being uncharitable towards gainsay from inside of their own ranks.
I have no complaint with Tunku Aziz's mount upon a Bersih 3.0 rally. In fact we know might people who agree with him. we welcome a comparison of views inside of a domestic celebration or domestic alliance.
A lthough we consider that a Tunku's reasoning for objecting to a rally upon a grounds that a Bersih steering committee rejected a government's suggest of holding it during Stadium Merdeka as well as his views towards travel protests in ubiquitous have been faulty, we don't consider (like a small Pakatan member as well as supporters) this is anything that warrants any kind of censure. As we can tell, we am not a organisation follower in toeing a celebration line all a time.
However, following a dictates of your conscience does not meant personification into t! he hands (willingly or unwillingly) of those who usually harbour malice towards a domestic celebration we have oath your loyalty to.
The honourable, nay dignified, avenue of countenance of his gainsay would be a party's own promotion organs or failing that a "alternative media", all a while maintaining a cool overpower when it came to a mainstream media.
This approach even yet a mainstream media would have picked up a story, a Tunku's overpower (in a feeling in that he chooses to rivet with a media) would have been a transparent pointer of where his loyalties lay.
Instead by waging his fight in a mainstream press, by announcing his depart from a DAP upon ntv7 for instance, what Tunku Aziz has finished is to safeguard that whatever cool exit he claims to wish is mired in a passageway for liquid governing body as well as shadow-play drama that characterises a Malaysian domestic landscape.

DAP fails to play label right
Of course, all this could have been avoided if a DAP played their cards right. ! Why they appear so fervent to supply their enemies with ammunition is something that has regularly amused me.
From a start, they should have usually supposed as well as politely disagreed with Tunku Aziz's mount upon Bersih 3.0. They should have done it clear, especially when it comes to highly-charged issues such as these, that there is room for celebration members to demonstrate their dissent.
Understand now, a avenues these dissenters select to demonstrate their views in is extremely critical as well as what separates an fair individual as well as a think one, is how much suspicion they have put into how as well as when they select to demonstrate their dissent. If a first thing we do is run to a promotion organs of your party's rivals, then we question a motives of your dissent.
And even after carrying voiced his abdication from a celebration in a rsther than uncouth manner, a DAP one after another to douse a media bonfire with gasoline by making this rsther than ridiculous suggest of a think-tank job to Tunku Aziz.
To me, a suggest would usually be scornful (in this context) if a person being charity a job had a principled leg to mount yet as is, a suggest comes of as politically nave or downright repellent, even some-more so, when a domestic cabinet member to Lim, Zairil Mohd Khir protests that a suggest had been "misconstrued". If a tables were turned as well as it was Umno you do a "offering", nobody would give them a good of a doubt.
If his in front of inside of a celebration was untenable because of certain of his ideological stances, charity him a in front of in a supposed think-tank many substantially aligned with a DAP reeks of a kind of domestic back-scratching that Umno is really famous for. In my experience, if a man is dynamic to tumble upon his sword, it is best to stay out of a approach of a red blood spatter.
The dignified of a story here is that a DAP should request a small some-more common sense when dealing with gainsay from inside of their ranks as well as they should be grateful of a impassioned partisan inlet of this dispute because if voters were not as polarised as they have been now as well as had a small objectivity to spare, a small of a actions of a DAP would not mount up to scrutiny.
As for Tunku Abdul Aziz, he doesn't get to play a 'honourable exit' card. His actions in a past couple of days have effectively broken whatever bit of myth-making was due his way.
Henceforth, what will be disseminated by a bigots who despise DAP is a narrative of how another Malay intellectual was ejected from a celebration that does not tolerate dissent. On a alternative hand, supporters of DAP will regularly be heedful of Trojan horses inside of a Malay ranks of a party. And a show goes on.
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of a Royal Malaysian Navy.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
BNs offer: Money and madness
The Malaysian political scenario has taken the spin towards stupidity in new weeks. Consider these 3 instances:1. Former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Rahim Noor labelling Kelantan Menteri Besar and PAS spiritual adviser Nik Aziz Nik Mat as bapak kafir;2. A Malay non-governmental organization whose members hold the ridicule funeral rite in front of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Engs residence; and3. Protesters creation the nuisance of themselves in front of Bersih chairperson S Ambigas hous ... Read More
An undignified exit for Tunku Aziz

The truth is, frequency any of us have reliable appetite sufficient for some-more than a single unequivocally resistant indicate of honour.- George Bernard Shaw
The unhappy actuality is which Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim's role in a DAP was merely window-dressing to plan a image of this so-called 'chauvinistic Chinese party' as a multiracial forward-thinking party.
His cool pose symbolically finished a racial holy threesome for a domestic celebration so prolonged demonised as 'racist troublemakers' focussed upon destroying a fragile amicable stipulate of Malaysia.
He presented a image of a Malay as urbane as well as benign so unlike a confrontational fear-mongering ruffians who have no problem displaying their butts to have a indicate only they appear capable of understanding, which seems to be a norm these days. A Malay peaceful to work with alternative like-minded Malaysians towards a improved tomorrow.
Exactly which Malay demographic Tunku Aziz was ostensible to paint or capture in to a DAP overlay was never determined.
Even amongst urban Malays, he seemed out of hold with their reality. Rabble-rousing was never in a Tunku's repertoire, which is exactly what many Malays (urban or rural) who ride to Pakatan Raky! during appear to relate to.
Unlike say someone similar to former National Union of Journalists president Hata Wahari who gifted a regime's wrath in an up close as well as personal manner, a Tunku's appointment as well as participation seemed similar to worried pointer of a bygone domestic era, steeped in gentlemanly convention (which was anything but) whose solitary avocation was to joy a non-Malays in DAP which theirs was a celebration indeed r! eflectiv e of a opposite inlet of Malaysia.
Josh Hong'sadroit pieceinMalaysiakinion a man is probably a most appropriate explanation so far, yet for me during least, there's plenty of blame to go around as well as nobody comes out of this looking good.
His cool pose symbolically finished a racial holy threesome for a domestic celebration so prolonged demonised as 'racist troublemakers' focussed upon destroying a fragile amicable stipulate of Malaysia.

Exactly which Malay demographic Tunku Aziz was ostensible to paint or capture in to a DAP overlay was never determined.
Even amongst urban Malays, he seemed out of hold with their reality. Rabble-rousing was never in a Tunku's repertoire, which is exactly what many Malays (urban or rural) who ride to Pakatan Raky! during appear to relate to.
Unlike say someone similar to former National Union of Journalists president Hata Wahari who gifted a regime's wrath in an up close as well as personal manner, a Tunku's appointment as well as participation seemed similar to worried pointer of a bygone domestic era, steeped in gentlemanly convention (which was anything but) whose solitary avocation was to joy a non-Malays in DAP which theirs was a celebration indeed r! eflectiv e of a opposite inlet of Malaysia.
Josh Hong'sadroit pieceinMalaysiakinion a man is probably a most appropriate explanation so far, yet for me during least, there's plenty of blame to go around as well as nobody comes out of this looking good.
Heaping scorn upon Guan Eng
Much has been done of Tunku Aziz's old-school lady demeanour as well as he has cultivated an air of sap detachment. His was not a gutter-level skirmishes which a DAP as well as Pakatan were embroiled in yet rsther than his own personal electioneer against a investiture was characterised by a fool as well as parry engagements carried out mostly in a propaganda viscera of a state.
Much has been done of Tunku Aziz's old-school lady demeanour as well as he has cultivated an air of sap detachment. His was not a gutter-level skirmishes which a DAP as well as Pakatan were embroiled in yet rsther than his own personal electioneer against a investiture was characterised by a fool as well as parry engagements carried out mostly in a propaganda viscera of a state.
The face of a adversary which Pakatan as well as their supporters stared during was not a face which Tunku Aziz beheld. Most mostly his utterances of his abhorrence of bureaucratic malfeasances come off sounding similar to an exasperated primogenitor irritated during a careless child.
Make no mistake, we consider it was a provocative as well as fair pierce upon Tunku Aziz's partial to become a really open Malay face of a DAP even if it was only a mystic gesture, yet a approach how he chose to depart from a DAP creates a hoax of his protestations of honour as well as dignity.
DAP upon a alternative palm is easily office building a track jot down of open family uselessness as well as perhaps some-more distressing (if we have been a Pakatan supporter committed to a ideals DAP claims to represent), a jot down of being hardhearted towards gainsay from inside of their own ranks.
I have no problem with Tunku Aziz's mount upon a Bersih 3.0 rally. In actuality we know might people who determine with him. we welcome a comparison of views inside of a do! mestic c elebration or domestic alliance.
Although we consider which a Tunku's reasoning for objecting to a convene upon a grounds which a Bersih steering committee deserted a government's suggest of holding it during Stadium Merdeka as well as his views towards travel protests in ubiquitous have been faulty, we don't consider (like a small Pakatan representatives as well as supporters) this is anything which warrants any kind of censure. As we can tell, we am not a firm believer in toeing a celebration line all a time.
However, following a dictates of your demur does not mean personification in to a hands (willingly or unwillingly) of those who only gulf malice towards a domestic celebration we have oath your loyalty to.
The honourable, nay dignified, avenue of expression of his gainsay would be a party's own propaganda viscera or unwell which a "alternative media", all a while progressing a cool silence when it came to a mainstream media.
This approach even thoug! h a ma instream media would have picked up a story, a Tunku's silence (in a demeanour in which he chooses to rivet with a media) would have been a transparent pointer of where his loyalties lay.
Instead by waging his war in a mainstream press, by announcing his departure from a DAP upon ntv7 for instance, what Tunku Aziz has done is to ensure which whatever cool exit he claims to wish is mired in a gutter politics as well as shadow-play drama which characterises a Malaysian domestic landscape.
Byheaping scornon DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, a tone of which is reminiscent of which emanating fromUtusan Malaysiaand a ilk, a single can only surmise which Tunku Aziz for whatever reason is enchanting in mischi! ef-makin g for reasons I'll leave to a swindling theorists to articulate.
DAP fails to fool around label right
Of course, all this could have been avoided if a DAP played their cards right. Why they appear so fervent to supply their enemies with ammunition is something which has regularly amused me.
From a start, they should have only accepted as well as politely disagreed with Tunku Aziz's mount upon Bersih 3.0. They should have done it clear, especially when it comes to highly-charged issues such as these, which there is room for celebration members to demonstrate their dissent.
Understand n! ow, a avenues these dissenters select to demonstrate their views in is extremely important as well as what separates an fair individual as well as a suspect one, is how many thought they have put in to how as well as when they select to demonstrate their dissent. If a first thing we do is run to a propaganda viscera of your party's rivals, then we question a motives of your dissent.
And even after carrying voiced his resignation from a celebration in a rsther than uncouth manner, a DAP one after another to douse a media bonfire with gasoline by creation this rsther than ridiculous suggest of a think-tank pursuit to Tunku Aziz.
To me, a suggest would only be insulting (in this context) if a chairman being offered a pursuit had a scrupulous leg to mount yet as is, a suggest comes of as politically nave or downright repellent, even some-more so, when a domestic cabinet member to Lim, Zairil Mohd Khir protests which a suggest had been "misconstrued". If a tables were incited as well as it was Umno doing a "offering", nobody would give them a benefit of a doubt.
If as Zairil (left) seems to consider which Tunku Aziz was a "public intellectual" with a profitable "global network", then ! perhaps he should have been rubbed in a opposite way. Perhaps a powers-that-be during a DAP should have done it transparent they welcomed his submit even yet they infrequently disagreed with it as well as his in front of as senator would be renewed.
If his in front of inside of a celebration was untenable since of certain of his ideological stances, charity him a in front of in a so-called think-tank many probably aligned with a DAP reeks of a kind o! f politi cal back-scratching which Umno is really important for. In my experience, if a man is determined to tumble upon his sword, it is most appropriate to stay out of a approach of a red blood spatter.
The dignified of a story here is which a DAP should request a small some-more usual clarity when traffic with gainsay from inside of their ranks as well as they should be grateful of a impassioned narrow-minded inlet of this dispute since if voters were not as polarised as they have been now as well as had a small objectivity to spare, a small of a actions of a DAP would not mount up to scrutiny.
As for Tunku Abdul Aziz, he doesn't get to fool around a 'honourable exit' card. His actions in a past few days have effectively destroyed whatever bit of myth-making was due his way.
Henceforth, what will be disseminated by a bigots who despise DAP is a account of how another Malay egghead was ejected from a celebration which does not tolerate dissent. On a alternative hand, supporters of DAP will regularly be wary of Trojan horses inside of a Malay ranks of a party. And a uncover goes on.

DAP upon a alternative palm is easily office building a track jot down of open family uselessness as well as perhaps some-more distressing (if we have been a Pakatan supporter committed to a ideals DAP claims to represent), a jot down of being hardhearted towards gainsay from inside of their own ranks.
I have no problem with Tunku Aziz's mount upon a Bersih 3.0 rally. In actuality we know might people who determine with him. we welcome a comparison of views inside of a do! mestic c elebration or domestic alliance.
Although we consider which a Tunku's reasoning for objecting to a convene upon a grounds which a Bersih steering committee deserted a government's suggest of holding it during Stadium Merdeka as well as his views towards travel protests in ubiquitous have been faulty, we don't consider (like a small Pakatan representatives as well as supporters) this is anything which warrants any kind of censure. As we can tell, we am not a firm believer in toeing a celebration line all a time.
However, following a dictates of your demur does not mean personification in to a hands (willingly or unwillingly) of those who only gulf malice towards a domestic celebration we have oath your loyalty to.
The honourable, nay dignified, avenue of expression of his gainsay would be a party's own propaganda viscera or unwell which a "alternative media", all a while progressing a cool silence when it came to a mainstream media.
This approach even thoug! h a ma instream media would have picked up a story, a Tunku's silence (in a demeanour in which he chooses to rivet with a media) would have been a transparent pointer of where his loyalties lay.
Instead by waging his war in a mainstream press, by announcing his departure from a DAP upon ntv7 for instance, what Tunku Aziz has done is to ensure which whatever cool exit he claims to wish is mired in a gutter politics as well as shadow-play drama which characterises a Malaysian domestic landscape.

DAP fails to fool around label right
Of course, all this could have been avoided if a DAP played their cards right. Why they appear so fervent to supply their enemies with ammunition is something which has regularly amused me.
From a start, they should have only accepted as well as politely disagreed with Tunku Aziz's mount upon Bersih 3.0. They should have done it clear, especially when it comes to highly-charged issues such as these, which there is room for celebration members to demonstrate their dissent.
Understand n! ow, a avenues these dissenters select to demonstrate their views in is extremely important as well as what separates an fair individual as well as a suspect one, is how many thought they have put in to how as well as when they select to demonstrate their dissent. If a first thing we do is run to a propaganda viscera of your party's rivals, then we question a motives of your dissent.
And even after carrying voiced his resignation from a celebration in a rsther than uncouth manner, a DAP one after another to douse a media bonfire with gasoline by creation this rsther than ridiculous suggest of a think-tank pursuit to Tunku Aziz.
To me, a suggest would only be insulting (in this context) if a chairman being offered a pursuit had a scrupulous leg to mount yet as is, a suggest comes of as politically nave or downright repellent, even some-more so, when a domestic cabinet member to Lim, Zairil Mohd Khir protests which a suggest had been "misconstrued". If a tables were incited as well as it was Umno doing a "offering", nobody would give them a benefit of a doubt.
If his in front of inside of a celebration was untenable since of certain of his ideological stances, charity him a in front of in a so-called think-tank many probably aligned with a DAP reeks of a kind o! f politi cal back-scratching which Umno is really important for. In my experience, if a man is determined to tumble upon his sword, it is most appropriate to stay out of a approach of a red blood spatter.
The dignified of a story here is which a DAP should request a small some-more usual clarity when traffic with gainsay from inside of their ranks as well as they should be grateful of a impassioned narrow-minded inlet of this dispute since if voters were not as polarised as they have been now as well as had a small objectivity to spare, a small of a actions of a DAP would not mount up to scrutiny.
As for Tunku Abdul Aziz, he doesn't get to fool around a 'honourable exit' card. His actions in a past few days have effectively destroyed whatever bit of myth-making was due his way.
Henceforth, what will be disseminated by a bigots who despise DAP is a account of how another Malay egghead was ejected from a celebration which does not tolerate dissent. On a alternative hand, supporters of DAP will regularly be wary of Trojan horses inside of a Malay ranks of a party. And a uncover goes on.
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of a Royal Malaysian Navy.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | S! ociopoli tics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
Manji scorches fatwa council's anti-Bersih edict

Controversial Uganda-born Canadian writer Irshad Manji strike out during sure muftis as well as clerics, including those in Malaysia's National Fatwa Council, which she pronounced have been perplexing to levy their own mores as well as dogma upon a populace.
"Muftis, imams as well as clerics of assorted stripes love to tell us what we have been to believe; in a course of telling us this, they also want us to adopt a sold identity.

She was responding to a subject upon a recent National Fatwa Council edict ominous Muslims from taking partial in sure demonstrations, quite targeting a Bersih 3.0 pro-electoral remodel rall! y.
Manji argued which "good believers" cannot be approaching to uncritically submit to a eremite scholars without subject as a scholars themselves as well have been humans as well as conjunction perfect nor boundless as Allah is.
"Here's a little violation news for these muftis. You're not God. There is usually a single God as well as which job is not vacant.
"Put all your fatwas out as we wish, but your fatwas do not reason boundless authority, as well as conjunction do you," pronounced a successful writer as well as film-maker.
Manji believes which a Quran - which she posits is a usually boundless document as well as sole running light of a conviction - instead encourages Muslims not usually to subject but to find out a truth upon their own as well as consider for themselves.
'They don't have humility'
"I consider which if some-more as well as some-more Muslims assimilate which there is a disproportion in between a ulama as well as Allah - just as we realised during a age of 14 which there is a disproportion in between a madrasah as well as Allah - we would be some-more willing to give ourselves a permission to do exactly what a Quran asks of us, which is to consider for ourselves in order to lower our conviction as well as realize a piety which these fatwa-flinging mullah obviously don't have," argued a feisty Islamic reformist.
Earlier this month, a National Fatwa Council spoken which it isharam(not permissible) for Muslims to participate in any entertainment or demonstration which is unproductive as well as is against a law or causes disturbances in a country.
Its chairperson Abdul Shukor Husin pronounced a legislature noticed severely this emanate as a little Muslims had formerly resorted to rioting during street demonstrations.
The council's decision, however, was met with stringent critique from PAS spiritual personality Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, wholambastedthat a body for not seeking during a emanate clearly, while others quoted influential Egyptian Islamic clergy Yusuf al Qaradawi, who maintains which rallies or actions to quarrel against restraint isencouragedin Islam.

PAS - which ironically agree with Manji's critique of a fatwa legislature upon Bersih 3.0 - as well as multiform regressive Muslim NGOs havespoken outagainst her participation in Malaysia, claiming which her really liberal position upon Islam is dangerous to a conviction of local Muslims.
Her initial book, a general bestseller 'The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith' has been banned in Malaysia.
As clear in her books as well as an Emmy-nominated PBS film, 'Faith Without Fear', her work often challenges accepted notions in Islam, in a idea which education as well as a leisure to consider is peerless as well as not a indoctrination, which she believes is ordinarily practised in many eremite teachings. Read More @ Source
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
s credibility, court told
s credit when they implied which it was involved in organising a violent proof in a state last year, a High Court was told. I deny any arrange of ...
Letih LGE si lidah biawak: Saman malu mula dan 25 NGO buat laporan rasuah
SEMALAM ...... perbicaraan kes UMNO P.Pinang menyaman terhadap Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng sebanyak RM30 juta atas dua dakwaan iaitu menuduh UMNO Pulau Pinang terlibat dalam demonstrasi ganas di negeri tersebut pada 1 Julai lalu dan menuduh UMNO Pulau Pinang terlibat dalam kebakaran yang membabitkan pejabat DAP. Selain Lim yang juga Setiausaha DAP, turut dinamakan sebagai defendan
GEMPAK habis wei. . kalau tak berani baca tak pa tapi rasa-rasanya inilah kali pertama Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Haji Zakaria Khamis melondeh serta membongkar cerita lama mengenai kegilaan PAS sehingga menyebabkan masyarakat Islam khusus orang-orang Melayu berada dalam keadaan berpecah belah.
Selain dari itu beliau memberikan nasihat kepada para pemimpin parti itu supaya berhenti dari mengeluarkan fatwa yang songsang sesuka hati kerana ia mengelirukan umat lslam.
Bahkan mufti itu juga menggunakan perkataan tekong perpecahan merujuk kepada perbuatan PAS yang memecahbelahkan perpaduan umat lslam di negara ini.
Serentak itu sambil menjawab tuduhan Menteri Besar Kelantan mengenai dirinya campurtangan dalam politik, Harussani selain menafikan tuduhan PAS itu bahawa beliau mencampuri urusan politik berkata:
Tuduhan tok guru Nik Aziz bahawa saya campur politik . . .ia tidak betul, saya selama ini tidak mencampuri mana-mana parti poliltik.
Bahkan saya tidak pernahpun mendaftar diri sebagai ahli dalam mana-mana parti politikkatanya ketika diminta mengulas komen Nik Aziz.
Bercakap dalam satu pertemuan di pejabatnya di Ipoh, Harussani memberitahu sejarah penglibatan keluarganya dalam politik serta bagaimana tindakan PAS memulau abang iparnya kerana fahaman politik kepartian.
Bahkan dari awal sejarahnya bapa saya semua ahli UMNO. Tapi apabila tertubuh PAS dan PAS kemudian keluar daripada UMNO, semua masuk Pas.. tapi PAS waktu itu lebih bertujuan kepada dakwah.
Berdakwah kepada orang supaya kita ni menjalankan hukum Islam dalam Negara ini dan dalam ceramah berbangkit tentang masalah hukum dan sebagainya dan masalah yang wajib kita lakukan, katanya.
Beliau ! menjelas kan bahawa ini cukup baiklahsaya juga pernah mengikuti semasa saya kecil lagi masa itu..bahkan saya baik dengan ketua PAS waktu itu, namanya Helmi (minta wartawan semak nama sebenar).
Dia baik dengan saya, dia sakit saya pergi ziarah dan kami selalu berbual namun cara dia bercakap dia cukup bersetuju dengan cara perjuangan untuk kita menegakkan Islam di negara ini.
Walaubagaimanapun Harussani menjelaskan akhir-akhir ini kita melihat perkara itu tidak berlaku lagi bahkan saya melihat PAS sudah menuju seolah olah menjadi `tekong kepada perpecahan umat Islam dan orang Melayu.
Banyak contoh boleh diberi seperti umpamanya pada akhir tahun 1970 an berlaku di Kedah. Orang- orang Islam iaitu orang UMNO menyembelih ayam sepikul lebih (terpaksa) dibuang ke dalam sungai kononnya haram (tidak halal) dimakan.
Jadi saya katakan sedangkan Yahudi nasarah dibenarkan Tuhan halal sembelihannya bagaimana orang Islam yang sembahyang lima kali sehari, jadi imam pula tidak boleh sembelih. . . haram.
Yang kedua yang pale menyayat hati saya ialah abang ipar saya seorang ahli PAS dan dia seorang peniaga kedai runcit di tempatnya tu di Kedah jugak..yang datang membeli banyak orang PAS dan orang UMNO joke ada.
Kebetulan satu ketika seorang ketua UMNO di kampong itu meninggal dunia,.jadi abang ipar saya datang menziarah dan kerana itu saja dia dipecat daripada parti dan dipecat dari ahli khairat kematian, katanya.
Kerana insiden tadi Harussani menjelaskan abang iparnya diboikot sehingga tutup kedai dan kembali memotong getah semula ..sampai begitu mereka buat dia..jadi dia datang jumpa saya . . .tapi saya kata sabarlah orang begini tak boleh buat apa.
Banyak lagi yang saya bangkitkan umpamanya akhir-akhir ini kita lihat ceramah-ceramah yang dibuat oleh pemimpin PAS merupakan kutukan, cacian, laknat sedangkan itu adalah larangan Allah . . . jadi itu bukan dakwah lagi.
Kalau sudah seorang ustaz, berceramah mengutuk, memaki hamun dan sebagai nya maka orang meng! anggap i tu halal mengikut masa itu..kutukan umpamanya kita lihat saja apabila Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan mengatakan bahwa (demonstrasi) Bersih 3.0 itu haram kerana telah bertukar corak kepada keganasan sebagainya.
Dia orang kata apamufti-mufti tidak lebih daripada anjing, jadi bolehkah kita mengelar orang anjing? Ini satu perkara yang sangat bertentangan samasekali dengan hukum syarak.
Jadi kalau itu yang dibawa sekarang maka dia bukan lagi membawa kepada Islam..dia membawa kepada syaitan..parti syaitanlah kalau memaki hamum dan sebagainya. Parti syaitanlah kerana syaitan itu nak membawa kepada perpecahan ujarnya.
Mufti Perak berkata bila kita lihat berlaku di Terengganu dan beberapa tempat (sembahyang) dua imamkita di masjid hanya satu imam, satu kariah itu satu imam. Kita sembahyang . sepatutnya kenapa kita berpecah dan ini dihalalkan oleh pihak pemimpin PAS.
Dan ini saya merasa pelik keadaan-keadaan seperti ini sehingga berpecah . . . dalam sekampung berpecah, kenduri joke berpecah jadi ini buruk sungguh keadaan Islam
Bukan buruk daripada orang itu saja bahkan kita melihat seolah-olah syariat Islam itu terlalu buruk..jadi itu yang dinilai orang-orang kafir sekarang.
Kerana itu Islam tidak pernah mendapat tempat pada orang kafir di Malaysia kerana melihat keadaan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam . . . sudahlah hidupnya susah dalam negeri yang kaya ..asyik berpolitik di kedai-kedai kopi dan sebagainya langsung tak buat kerja . . . berkelahi sesama sendiri.
Katanya Inilah yang menjadikan masyarakat kita makin mundur dan sebagainya.
Akhir-akhir ini pula banyak fatwa dikeluarkan iaitu menyamakan tunjuk perasaan Bersih 3.0 itu disamakan dengan saf jemaah bersembahyang..kita sembahyang beribadat bukan tunjuk perasaan kepada Tuhankita mengadap bersyukur kepada Allah swt.. Dia (Allah) suruh kita bersatu, bahkan dalam bersembahyang kita diwajibkan berjemaah . . .
Bermakna kita bersatu tapi kita di sini sekarang diwajibkan berpecah . . ..itu satu perkara! yang be rtentangan.
Kemudian ada pula yang menyamakan dengan mengatakan Omar Ibnu Khattab pernah menunjuk perasaan . . . sebenarnya Omar tidak menunjuk perasaan tapi dia memulakan dakwah secara terang terangan.
Ini kerana Saidina Omar apabila memeluk Islam dia bertanya apakah ini agama yang benar dari Allah . . ..Rasullulah menjawab ia kenapa kita duduk bersembunyi.,.dia terus bertakbir dan hentam orang jahiliah.
Begitu juga isteri-isteri Nabi tidak pernah menunjuk perasaan kepada Nabi kerana tidak cukup makan .. Cuma itulah bila kita tunjuk perasaan ini satu penghinaan kepada sahabat-sahabat Rasullullah .. .
Ini bukan perbuatan orang-orang ahli sunnah tapi perbuatan syiah..dan terakhir ini kita ada mendengar fatwa kata mengundi parti itu masuk syurga, tak mengundi masuk neraka.. apakah neraka syurga ini boleh ditentukan oleh manusia atau ditentukan oleh Allah swt.
Jadi hal-hal sebegini sedang berlaku sehingga menimbulkan kegelisahan dalam masyarakat, jadi kerana itu sebagai seorang mufti bukan kerana politik saya memberi nasihat dan memberitahu bahawa tunjuk perasaan dengan niat untuk mengguling kerajaan itu satu perkara salah.
Kerana kerajaan yang sah sekarang diketuai oleh seorang Islam iaitu Yang diPertuan Agong, Raja-raja dan dipimpin sekalipun . . . haram kita memberontak.
Tapi sekarang ini orang dah pakai demokrasi, bila pakai demokrasi, kita ada jalan untuk menurunkan kerajaan dengan mengundi tapi bukan dengan cara tunjuk perasaan, dengan menimbulkan kekacauan . . .
Harussani menjelaskan lagiSaya tidak mengatakan siapa yang benar siapa yang salah tapi apa yang kita lihat perkara yang dilakukan itu bertentangan dengan hukum syarak. Pertama, dataran itu (Dataran Merdeka) dimiliki oleh DBKL .. . DBKL tidak membenarkan membuat tunjuk perasaan di situ maka tidak boleh pergi.
Kerana Allah menyebut dalam Quran kita tidak boleh masuk ke dalam rumah melainkan kita minta kebenaran. Jadi kita kiaskan itu hak milik bukan di rumah saja, kalau ! kampong orang orang tak bagi masuk, tak boleh masuk .
Katanya lagi Kedua kita tidak boleh merosakkan harta benda tapi kita lihat terang terang (mereka) merosakkan harta benda, memukul orang sehinggakan kereta polis joke dirosakkan, anggota polis dipukul dan seorang wartawan hampir mati kerana mempertahankan anggota polis itu.
Ini kita pelajari dari tunjuk perasaaan pertama (Bersih 1.0) kedua (Bersih 2.0) dan ketiga (Bersih 3.0), jadi ini dah tak betul, jadi kerana itu saya kata ajarannya banyak menyeleweng daripada ajaran Islam yang berasaskan kepada empat asas.
Iaitu Islam berasal daripada silmun maknanya kedamaian, yang kedua salamun berasal daripada pokok perkataan salam.
Salam maknanya kesejahteraan, yang ketiga sulamun maknanya kita menuju ke peradaban yang tinggi.. .manusia ini meningkat darjahnya, perwatakannya dan yang keempat kita menyerah bulat-bulat kepada Allah..
Dengan nada kesal Harussani berkata Tapi ini Islam dikaitkan dengan semua itu tadi ..jadi ini yang saya merasa cukup terpanggil dan terkilan untuk membuat kenyataan walaupun saya tidak hadir dalam ,majlis fatwa yang lalu kerana saya dalam keuzuran tapi saya rasa terpanggil untuk menjawab dalam surat khabar apabila dikatakan ahli majlis fatwa kebangsaan ini tidak lebih daripada anjing.. .bolehkah kita mensifatkan ulama sebagai anjing?.
Katanya Ini satu perkara yang cukup berat dan saya lihat kalau itu tidak disetujui oleh ketua-ketua PAS tapi tidak ada langsung joke teguran daripada mereka . . . . sepatutnya mereka menegur orang dibawah supaya tidak bersikap demikian.
Tapi seolah-olah mereka menyokong. Saya rasa terpanggil untuk menyatakan yang hak dan saya bukannya daripada parti manapun .
Tapi apabila diselewengkan maka saya wajib menegur beliau . . . jadi Nik Aziz ini memang patut ditegur kerana terlalu banyak. . . . Nik Aziz pernah mengelar mufti-mufti (sebagai) terompah kayu dan macam macam lagi dan ini dia memburukkan nama sahabat nabi dengan mengatakan para sahabat tunjuk ! perasaan kepada Tuhan.
Kemudian ibadat disamakan dengan tunjuk perasaan ini semuanya salah jadi kita jangan telan bulat-bulat perkara yang salah..walaupun dia seorang ulama, mungkin dia terlajak maka itu saya memberi peringatan supaya jangan . . . . saya tak ada musuh dengan sesiapa ..selama inipun doa saya tak pernah tinggal tiap-tiap lima kali sembahyang minta Allah ampuni seluruh umat Islam.
Menjawab satu soalan bahawa PAS sudah terikut-ikut dengan DAP sehingga dilihat sanggup menggadai prinsip,Harussani berkata:
Peringkat awal dulu kenapa PAS keluar daripada Perikatan? Masa itu kenapa bila ditubuh Perikatan, PAS keluar kerana tidak mahu sekongkol dengan orang kafir masa itu, keluarlah fatwa bersekongkol dengan orang kafir jadi kafir..tapi hari ini orang yang terang terang menentang Islam, yang katakan langkah mayat (dia) kalau nak laksana hukum Islam.
Yang kedua kita melihat Ambiga (Datuk) sebagai ketua dalam majlis peguam dulu telah merangka beberapa undang undang untuk menjatuhkan Islam dengan hendak menubuhkan IFC dan (perkara) ini mufti tentang waktu itu.
Beliau hairan kerana orang ini pula yang kita sokong, kemudian kita dengar akhir-akhir ini, PAS melantik orang bukan islam . . .apakah kita akan mengharap orang bukan Islam untuk membela dan bangun untuk menegakkan islam?
Quran banyak sekali meletakkan ayat-ayat supaya kita jangan melantik ketua kita orang bukan islam.
Nasihatnya kepada puak-puak ini dan umat lslam seluruhnya . . . kita (perlu) berhati-hatilah dalam masalah agama ini, kita lihat betul- betul, jangan kita hanya taksub kepada orang atau parti sehingga kita sanggup melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang salah dan melanggar hukum Allah.
Harussani mengakhiri interbiu itu dengan berkata Inilah peringatan saya sebagai orang tua yang masih diberi Tuhan kuasa bercakap, kalau tak mahu dengar itu terpulang . . .Kita hanya menyampaikan, katanya.
Sumber: Agenda Daily
Selain dari itu beliau memberikan nasihat kepada para pemimpin parti itu supaya berhenti dari mengeluarkan fatwa yang songsang sesuka hati kerana ia mengelirukan umat lslam.
Bahkan mufti itu juga menggunakan perkataan tekong perpecahan merujuk kepada perbuatan PAS yang memecahbelahkan perpaduan umat lslam di negara ini.
Serentak itu sambil menjawab tuduhan Menteri Besar Kelantan mengenai dirinya campurtangan dalam politik, Harussani selain menafikan tuduhan PAS itu bahawa beliau mencampuri urusan politik berkata:
Tuduhan tok guru Nik Aziz bahawa saya campur politik . . .ia tidak betul, saya selama ini tidak mencampuri mana-mana parti poliltik.
Bahkan saya tidak pernahpun mendaftar diri sebagai ahli dalam mana-mana parti politikkatanya ketika diminta mengulas komen Nik Aziz.
Bercakap dalam satu pertemuan di pejabatnya di Ipoh, Harussani memberitahu sejarah penglibatan keluarganya dalam politik serta bagaimana tindakan PAS memulau abang iparnya kerana fahaman politik kepartian.
Bahkan dari awal sejarahnya bapa saya semua ahli UMNO. Tapi apabila tertubuh PAS dan PAS kemudian keluar daripada UMNO, semua masuk Pas.. tapi PAS waktu itu lebih bertujuan kepada dakwah.
Berdakwah kepada orang supaya kita ni menjalankan hukum Islam dalam Negara ini dan dalam ceramah berbangkit tentang masalah hukum dan sebagainya dan masalah yang wajib kita lakukan, katanya.
Beliau ! menjelas kan bahawa ini cukup baiklahsaya juga pernah mengikuti semasa saya kecil lagi masa itu..bahkan saya baik dengan ketua PAS waktu itu, namanya Helmi (minta wartawan semak nama sebenar).
Dia baik dengan saya, dia sakit saya pergi ziarah dan kami selalu berbual namun cara dia bercakap dia cukup bersetuju dengan cara perjuangan untuk kita menegakkan Islam di negara ini.
Walaubagaimanapun Harussani menjelaskan akhir-akhir ini kita melihat perkara itu tidak berlaku lagi bahkan saya melihat PAS sudah menuju seolah olah menjadi `tekong kepada perpecahan umat Islam dan orang Melayu.
Banyak contoh boleh diberi seperti umpamanya pada akhir tahun 1970 an berlaku di Kedah. Orang- orang Islam iaitu orang UMNO menyembelih ayam sepikul lebih (terpaksa) dibuang ke dalam sungai kononnya haram (tidak halal) dimakan.
Jadi saya katakan sedangkan Yahudi nasarah dibenarkan Tuhan halal sembelihannya bagaimana orang Islam yang sembahyang lima kali sehari, jadi imam pula tidak boleh sembelih. . . haram.
Yang kedua yang pale menyayat hati saya ialah abang ipar saya seorang ahli PAS dan dia seorang peniaga kedai runcit di tempatnya tu di Kedah jugak..yang datang membeli banyak orang PAS dan orang UMNO joke ada.
Kebetulan satu ketika seorang ketua UMNO di kampong itu meninggal dunia,.jadi abang ipar saya datang menziarah dan kerana itu saja dia dipecat daripada parti dan dipecat dari ahli khairat kematian, katanya.
Kerana insiden tadi Harussani menjelaskan abang iparnya diboikot sehingga tutup kedai dan kembali memotong getah semula ..sampai begitu mereka buat dia..jadi dia datang jumpa saya . . .tapi saya kata sabarlah orang begini tak boleh buat apa.
Banyak lagi yang saya bangkitkan umpamanya akhir-akhir ini kita lihat ceramah-ceramah yang dibuat oleh pemimpin PAS merupakan kutukan, cacian, laknat sedangkan itu adalah larangan Allah . . . jadi itu bukan dakwah lagi.
Kalau sudah seorang ustaz, berceramah mengutuk, memaki hamun dan sebagai nya maka orang meng! anggap i tu halal mengikut masa itu..kutukan umpamanya kita lihat saja apabila Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan mengatakan bahwa (demonstrasi) Bersih 3.0 itu haram kerana telah bertukar corak kepada keganasan sebagainya.
Dia orang kata apamufti-mufti tidak lebih daripada anjing, jadi bolehkah kita mengelar orang anjing? Ini satu perkara yang sangat bertentangan samasekali dengan hukum syarak.
Jadi kalau itu yang dibawa sekarang maka dia bukan lagi membawa kepada Islam..dia membawa kepada syaitan..parti syaitanlah kalau memaki hamum dan sebagainya. Parti syaitanlah kerana syaitan itu nak membawa kepada perpecahan ujarnya.
Mufti Perak berkata bila kita lihat berlaku di Terengganu dan beberapa tempat (sembahyang) dua imamkita di masjid hanya satu imam, satu kariah itu satu imam. Kita sembahyang . sepatutnya kenapa kita berpecah dan ini dihalalkan oleh pihak pemimpin PAS.
Dan ini saya merasa pelik keadaan-keadaan seperti ini sehingga berpecah . . . dalam sekampung berpecah, kenduri joke berpecah jadi ini buruk sungguh keadaan Islam
Bukan buruk daripada orang itu saja bahkan kita melihat seolah-olah syariat Islam itu terlalu buruk..jadi itu yang dinilai orang-orang kafir sekarang.
Kerana itu Islam tidak pernah mendapat tempat pada orang kafir di Malaysia kerana melihat keadaan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam . . . sudahlah hidupnya susah dalam negeri yang kaya ..asyik berpolitik di kedai-kedai kopi dan sebagainya langsung tak buat kerja . . . berkelahi sesama sendiri.
Katanya Inilah yang menjadikan masyarakat kita makin mundur dan sebagainya.
Akhir-akhir ini pula banyak fatwa dikeluarkan iaitu menyamakan tunjuk perasaan Bersih 3.0 itu disamakan dengan saf jemaah bersembahyang..kita sembahyang beribadat bukan tunjuk perasaan kepada Tuhankita mengadap bersyukur kepada Allah swt.. Dia (Allah) suruh kita bersatu, bahkan dalam bersembahyang kita diwajibkan berjemaah . . .
Bermakna kita bersatu tapi kita di sini sekarang diwajibkan berpecah . . ..itu satu perkara! yang be rtentangan.
Kemudian ada pula yang menyamakan dengan mengatakan Omar Ibnu Khattab pernah menunjuk perasaan . . . sebenarnya Omar tidak menunjuk perasaan tapi dia memulakan dakwah secara terang terangan.
Ini kerana Saidina Omar apabila memeluk Islam dia bertanya apakah ini agama yang benar dari Allah . . ..Rasullulah menjawab ia kenapa kita duduk bersembunyi.,.dia terus bertakbir dan hentam orang jahiliah.
Begitu juga isteri-isteri Nabi tidak pernah menunjuk perasaan kepada Nabi kerana tidak cukup makan .. Cuma itulah bila kita tunjuk perasaan ini satu penghinaan kepada sahabat-sahabat Rasullullah .. .
Ini bukan perbuatan orang-orang ahli sunnah tapi perbuatan syiah..dan terakhir ini kita ada mendengar fatwa kata mengundi parti itu masuk syurga, tak mengundi masuk neraka.. apakah neraka syurga ini boleh ditentukan oleh manusia atau ditentukan oleh Allah swt.
Jadi hal-hal sebegini sedang berlaku sehingga menimbulkan kegelisahan dalam masyarakat, jadi kerana itu sebagai seorang mufti bukan kerana politik saya memberi nasihat dan memberitahu bahawa tunjuk perasaan dengan niat untuk mengguling kerajaan itu satu perkara salah.
Kerana kerajaan yang sah sekarang diketuai oleh seorang Islam iaitu Yang diPertuan Agong, Raja-raja dan dipimpin sekalipun . . . haram kita memberontak.
Tapi sekarang ini orang dah pakai demokrasi, bila pakai demokrasi, kita ada jalan untuk menurunkan kerajaan dengan mengundi tapi bukan dengan cara tunjuk perasaan, dengan menimbulkan kekacauan . . .
Harussani menjelaskan lagiSaya tidak mengatakan siapa yang benar siapa yang salah tapi apa yang kita lihat perkara yang dilakukan itu bertentangan dengan hukum syarak. Pertama, dataran itu (Dataran Merdeka) dimiliki oleh DBKL .. . DBKL tidak membenarkan membuat tunjuk perasaan di situ maka tidak boleh pergi.
Kerana Allah menyebut dalam Quran kita tidak boleh masuk ke dalam rumah melainkan kita minta kebenaran. Jadi kita kiaskan itu hak milik bukan di rumah saja, kalau ! kampong orang orang tak bagi masuk, tak boleh masuk .
Katanya lagi Kedua kita tidak boleh merosakkan harta benda tapi kita lihat terang terang (mereka) merosakkan harta benda, memukul orang sehinggakan kereta polis joke dirosakkan, anggota polis dipukul dan seorang wartawan hampir mati kerana mempertahankan anggota polis itu.
Ini kita pelajari dari tunjuk perasaaan pertama (Bersih 1.0) kedua (Bersih 2.0) dan ketiga (Bersih 3.0), jadi ini dah tak betul, jadi kerana itu saya kata ajarannya banyak menyeleweng daripada ajaran Islam yang berasaskan kepada empat asas.
Iaitu Islam berasal daripada silmun maknanya kedamaian, yang kedua salamun berasal daripada pokok perkataan salam.
Salam maknanya kesejahteraan, yang ketiga sulamun maknanya kita menuju ke peradaban yang tinggi.. .manusia ini meningkat darjahnya, perwatakannya dan yang keempat kita menyerah bulat-bulat kepada Allah..
Dengan nada kesal Harussani berkata Tapi ini Islam dikaitkan dengan semua itu tadi ..jadi ini yang saya merasa cukup terpanggil dan terkilan untuk membuat kenyataan walaupun saya tidak hadir dalam ,majlis fatwa yang lalu kerana saya dalam keuzuran tapi saya rasa terpanggil untuk menjawab dalam surat khabar apabila dikatakan ahli majlis fatwa kebangsaan ini tidak lebih daripada anjing.. .bolehkah kita mensifatkan ulama sebagai anjing?.
Katanya Ini satu perkara yang cukup berat dan saya lihat kalau itu tidak disetujui oleh ketua-ketua PAS tapi tidak ada langsung joke teguran daripada mereka . . . . sepatutnya mereka menegur orang dibawah supaya tidak bersikap demikian.
Tapi seolah-olah mereka menyokong. Saya rasa terpanggil untuk menyatakan yang hak dan saya bukannya daripada parti manapun .
Tapi apabila diselewengkan maka saya wajib menegur beliau . . . jadi Nik Aziz ini memang patut ditegur kerana terlalu banyak. . . . Nik Aziz pernah mengelar mufti-mufti (sebagai) terompah kayu dan macam macam lagi dan ini dia memburukkan nama sahabat nabi dengan mengatakan para sahabat tunjuk ! perasaan kepada Tuhan.
Kemudian ibadat disamakan dengan tunjuk perasaan ini semuanya salah jadi kita jangan telan bulat-bulat perkara yang salah..walaupun dia seorang ulama, mungkin dia terlajak maka itu saya memberi peringatan supaya jangan . . . . saya tak ada musuh dengan sesiapa ..selama inipun doa saya tak pernah tinggal tiap-tiap lima kali sembahyang minta Allah ampuni seluruh umat Islam.
Menjawab satu soalan bahawa PAS sudah terikut-ikut dengan DAP sehingga dilihat sanggup menggadai prinsip,Harussani berkata:
Peringkat awal dulu kenapa PAS keluar daripada Perikatan? Masa itu kenapa bila ditubuh Perikatan, PAS keluar kerana tidak mahu sekongkol dengan orang kafir masa itu, keluarlah fatwa bersekongkol dengan orang kafir jadi kafir..tapi hari ini orang yang terang terang menentang Islam, yang katakan langkah mayat (dia) kalau nak laksana hukum Islam.
Yang kedua kita melihat Ambiga (Datuk) sebagai ketua dalam majlis peguam dulu telah merangka beberapa undang undang untuk menjatuhkan Islam dengan hendak menubuhkan IFC dan (perkara) ini mufti tentang waktu itu.
Beliau hairan kerana orang ini pula yang kita sokong, kemudian kita dengar akhir-akhir ini, PAS melantik orang bukan islam . . .apakah kita akan mengharap orang bukan Islam untuk membela dan bangun untuk menegakkan islam?
Quran banyak sekali meletakkan ayat-ayat supaya kita jangan melantik ketua kita orang bukan islam.
Nasihatnya kepada puak-puak ini dan umat lslam seluruhnya . . . kita (perlu) berhati-hatilah dalam masalah agama ini, kita lihat betul- betul, jangan kita hanya taksub kepada orang atau parti sehingga kita sanggup melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang salah dan melanggar hukum Allah.
Harussani mengakhiri interbiu itu dengan berkata Inilah peringatan saya sebagai orang tua yang masih diberi Tuhan kuasa bercakap, kalau tak mahu dengar itu terpulang . . .Kita hanya menyampaikan, katanya.
Sumber: Agenda Daily
Pendedahan Bekas Naib Presiden DAP, Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim berhubung cubaan merasuahnya oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng jelas membuktikan bahawa kepimpinan kerajaan Pulau Pinang hanya pandai membuat aphorism tetapi tidak mampu merealisasikannya.Pengerusi Pemuda Barisan Nasional Pulau Pinang, Ir Shaikh Hussain Mydin, berkata aphorism C.A.T (Cekap, Akauntabiliti, Telus) sebenarnya tidak wujud tetapi C.A.T yang diperkenalkan oleh Guan Eng itu adalah Chit (tipu), Arrogance (ego), ... Read More
Guan Eng attacked Umno's credibility, court told - Malaysia Star
Guan Eng pounded Umno's credibility, court told
Malaysia Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as well as three others had pounded Umno's credit when they implied which it was concerned in organising a violent demonstration in the state final year, the High Court was told.
Malaysia Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as well as three others had pounded Umno's credit when they implied which it was concerned in organising a violent demonstration in the state final year, the High Court was told.
"Kerajaan Barisan Nasional..tak Boleh Tolong Orang Melayu...."
SYABAS kepada saudara Naib Ketua Pemuda Umno Kampar, Sdr Zamhuri Md Zin.Akhirnya ada juga suara dari dalam UMNO yang sedar mengapa orang Melayu ketinggalan.Walaupun UMNO mengaku Melayu tapi hakikatnya UMNO bukan ditubuhkan untuk orang Melayu. UMNO ditubuhkan untuk pemimpin2 serta kroni.Rakyat2 Melayu yang biasa ni haram nak dapat bantuan. HAHAHAHAKalau dah macam ni pun, ada lagi orang nak sokong UMNO saya tak tau la.TULANG BESI ... Read More
Tunku Aziz's exit from DAP
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Umno Youth challenges person who disrupted PM's speech to debate - The Borneo Post
Umno Youth challenges person who disrupted PM's discuss to debate
The Borneo Post
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth yesterday challenged the loudest as well as many eager person, who disrupted Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's discuss in London, to a discuss to convey to him correct report as well as updates on the Bersih 3.0 issue.
Umno Youth dares PM heckler to discuss over Bersih issue Malaysia Star
all 2 news articles
The Borneo Post
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth yesterday challenged the loudest as well as many eager person, who disrupted Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's discuss in London, to a discuss to convey to him correct report as well as updates on the Bersih 3.0 issue.
Umno Youth dares PM heckler to discuss over Bersih issue Malaysia Star
all 2 news articles
Guan Eng: Palanivel appears confused
In a minute to a MIC president, a CM points out which a state supervision was not obliged for a dispersion of a Hindu temple.

In a minute to G Palanivel, he pointed out which a state supervision was not obliged for a situation during a Prai Bulk cargo terminal, where a Muniswaran church was ripped down upon Apr 20.
He was responding to a MIC's boss demand for an apology from Lim over his acknowledgement which Hindu temples would be in jeopardy if Umno returned to power in a state.
Defending Umno, Palanivel had pronounced which Lim's claim was untrue given a sovereign supervision supposing various allocations for office building as well as repairing temples nationwide.
In his letter, a arch apportion said: "The state supervision views a dispersion severely as well as condemns a Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) as well as Penang Port Commission (PPC) for not respecting religious sensitivities in allowing a church which served as a place of worship for PPSB's Indian workers to be demolished."
"You (Palanivel) have been perhaps confused because it was not a state supervision which demolished a church though PPSB, which falls under a reach of a sovereign government.
"So it should be PPSB authority (Umno assemblyman) Hilmi Yahya as well as PPC authority (MCA president) Dr Chua Soi Lek who should apologise," he combined in a minute dated May 15.
Lim additionally pronounced he done a argumentative acknowledgement in a state public following Hilmi's refu! sal to a pologize in a House to all Hindus for a demolition.
Penang antithesis leader Azhar Ibrahim had additionally lodged a police inform against Lim over a matter which a former regarded as seditious.
The Penaga representative claimed which a DAP secretary-general's matter caused uneasiness among a people as well as could lead to secular disharmony.
Meanwhile, a arch apportion additionally sought a meeting with Palanivel to plead a issue as well as to explore ways of rebuilding a temple.
Indian await rising for MIC
In another development, Palanivel claimed which a Indian community's confidence in MIC was upon a rise.
According to a Bernama report, he pronounced a community was wakeful which MIC truly looked after a welfare compared to a antithesis which was only great during creation dull promises.
On MIC's list of candidates for a arriving ubiquitous election, Palanivel pronounced a list was ready as well as was during a contention stage with Prime Minister as well as Barisan Nasional authority Najib Tun Razak.
However, either a MIC boss would contest in a arriving ubiquitous choosing continued to sojourn a mystery, with sure observers claiming which he was unbale to find a safe seat.
The former Hulu Selangor MP was one of a many high-profile casualties in a 2008 ubiquitous election.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
Shut up you lawyer buruk
A repetition Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu, caused an conflict in a Sarawak State Assembly today, withdrawal Speaker Asfiah Awang Nassar helpess.

For 10 minutes, a Aug House was a virtual 'fish market' as Jabu went upon a verbal uproar attacking a opposition, accusing them of suppressing as well as oppressing natives.
The remarkable outburst, which repelled a assembly, came about when Wong stood up to intent to Jabu's accusation of DAP, whilst answering a extra subject from Joseph Mauh (Tamin), upon what programmes a governemnt had to help a bad as well as a needy detached from a 'E-Kasih'.
Towards a finish of his explaination Jabu said: "I would similar to to remind especially DAP who have been suppressing as well as oppressing a opportunities of misery eradication. You chuck divided your selfish ideas "
At this indicate Wong stood up to find clarification as well as was told by Jabu to "shut up you, close up, close up, close up, we lay downI know improved than you. You have been counsel buruk."
The heated sell went upon for during slightest 10 mins with Speaker Asfiah Awang Nassar having a tough time perplexing to move a house in to order.
Jabu ignoring Asfiah's sequence went upon to say: "Let it be available here. Every time we say, "DAP suppressed as well as oppressed a opportunity of NCR land owners from participating in misery expuls! ion prog ram," DAP walked out since a truth hurts "
Venting Jabu
Jabu also took swipes during another DAP representative Wong Hua Seh (Repok), acussing him of "suppressing as well as oppressing" a local language.
Jabu also took swipes during another DAP representative Wong Hua Seh (Repok), acussing him of "suppressing as well as oppressing" a local language.
His conflict upon Hua Seh came about since a latter had asked which pesticides as well as insecticides be marked down in Bahasa Malaysia, English as well as Chinese.
To which Jabu vented: "Tuan Speaker, misery expulsion is priority as well as we would similar to to repeat (that) we am a Minister of Rural Development, we am entrance from a single of a Dayak communities as well as we know which a Dayak communities have been still during a disadvantaged, vital in rural areas."
All this while, a house usually heard what Jabu said as well as a replies from a antithesis were not heard as their microphones were switched off.
The drama usually stopped when a orator threatened to adjourn a assembly as well as told Jabu to breeze up his answer.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
Kalau korang nak tau, siap mamat yang suka kutuk UMNO pastu jilat Pak Menteri kat depan ni, maka korang wajib kena KLIK KAT SINI
Lagi bestnya mamat ni tuduh kita smeua dok makan duit, dia buat kerja ikhlas, niat nak remodel UMNO tapi hakikatnya parti yang betul-betul perlukan remodel adalah Pakatan sebenarnya, PKR dengan seks bebasnya, DAP dengan tak demokrasinya dan PAS yang sekejap Islam sekejap kafir!
Si bangsat yang menyebabkan runtuhnya rumahtangga orang ni pulak, upon a other palm kata buat kerja ikhlas tak terima bayaran. TUP-TUP dah ada bistro mewah seperti gambar di atas, tak percaya si ke SPectrum Ampang dan siasat la siapa pemiliknya! Hik hik hik
Ini baru sikit, kalau nak lagi, aku boleh aje....
Lagi bestnya mamat ni tuduh kita smeua dok makan duit, dia buat kerja ikhlas, niat nak remodel UMNO tapi hakikatnya parti yang betul-betul perlukan remodel adalah Pakatan sebenarnya, PKR dengan seks bebasnya, DAP dengan tak demokrasinya dan PAS yang sekejap Islam sekejap kafir!
Si bangsat yang menyebabkan runtuhnya rumahtangga orang ni pulak, upon a other palm kata buat kerja ikhlas tak terima bayaran. TUP-TUP dah ada bistro mewah seperti gambar di atas, tak percaya si ke SPectrum Ampang dan siasat la siapa pemiliknya! Hik hik hik
Ini baru sikit, kalau nak lagi, aku boleh aje....
Selangor wants judicial review of ministers powers on water issue

Chin maintains he had no management to meddle in a matter. File pic
On Tuesday, Chin responded to Selangor's hazard of a legal examination by observant it was not in his jurisdiction to "terminate a H2O concessionaires' contract" or to order which they determine with a "restructuring of a state's H2O industry".
Selangor executive legislature part of Dr Xavier Jayakumar now discharged Chin's warding off to intervene, observant a state legal confidant will support in filing a legal review.
"What's transparent to us is which it is not which he has no energy as a sovereign minister, though his energy has no change over a companies owned by Umno-Barisan Nasional cronies," Jayakumar pronounced in a statement today.
"We see Peter Chin usually as an 'errand boy' to Umno-BN, as well as it would be most appropriate if he resign from his position as sovereign apportion immediately," he added.
The Pakatan Rakyat Selangor administration department department has tussled with H2O concessionaires in a state as well as Putrajaya over a gratefulness of resources such as pipelines, dams as well as diagnosis plants given taking over a state in 2008.
Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim toldThe Malaysian Insiderrecently he was prepared to take a Barisan Nasional (BN) sovereign administration department department to justice if it refuses to move a send of assets, mandatory under a sovereign law upheld in 2006, to international arbitration.
But Chin has pronounced his energy was to "only co-ordinate as well as ensure there is consistent ! supply o f water," adding which "it is up to Khalid if he wants to move me to court."
Section 114(1) of a Water Services Industry Act (WSIA) allows a apportion to assume complete or prejudiced carry out of H2O resources as well as commercial operation "for inhabitant interests". It further state such movement "shall not be challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed or questioned in any court".
The law requires a centralisation of all H2O resources solely those in Sabah as well as Sarawak to have H2O supply management more efficient, though Umno-linked H2O concessionaires Puncak Niaga as well as Syabas have repeatedly deserted offers from a state.
Both companies are tranquil by Tan Sri Rozali Ismail, who is Selangor Umno treasurer as well as a 31st richest male in Malaysia, according to Forbes.
The state supervision has made 3 prior offers for a H2O assets. The initial offer, RM5.7 billion for resources as well as equity, was incited down by all 4 concessionaires in a state, whilst a second RM9.4 billion suggest this time together with liabilities was deserted by Syabas as well as Puncak Niaga.
The other dual concessionaires are Syarikat Pengeluar Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (Splash) as well as Konsortium Abass Sdn Bhd (Abass).
A third suggest value RM9 billion for a 100 per cent takeover of all 4 companies in January last year was additionally rejected.
Putrajaya has additionally discharged Selangor's gratefulness of RM11 billion for all a resources together with a 80 per cent a state supervision says it already owns, observant a sovereign government's Water Asset Management Company (PAAB) will usually pay RM1.1 billion.
Selangor has asked a Najib administration department department for over a year right away to allow a make a difference to be brought to international settlement as a assorted parties cannot determine upon a assets' value.
The state supervision has pronounced which ! resolvin g a H2O item impasse was crucial to go on a free H2O intrigue as well as head off tariff hikes.
It now writes off a initial 20 cubic metres used by a little 4 million consumers in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur as well as Putrajaya.
But PR has accused a sovereign supervision of stalling a routine during a responsibility of a Selangor open by bailing out H2O concessionaires with a RM6.5 billion takeover of outstanding debts due by a companies in 2010.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
Bila PKR jadi YDP MAIP, fardhu kifayah begitu payah
Sebentar tadi telah diadakan sidang akhbar tergempar bertempat di Masjid Bandar Baru Air Itam, Pulau Pinang. Isunya sangat besar yang pasti menyentak perasaan seluruh umat Islam negara ini tidak kira ideologi politik.Isunya ialah mengenai kesangsian yang berlaku terhadap satu jenazah yang sedang berada bersama dengan keluarga beliau menjalani upacara kematian mengikut cara kaum
Umno Youth invites PM's heckler to debate

(Bernama) - Umno Youth currently challenged a loudest as well as most eager person, who disrupted Najib Abdul Razak's discuss in London, to a discuss to communicate to him scold report as well as updates upon a Bersih 3.0 issue.
Describing a particular as a confused as well as very droll person, Umno Youth executive committee part of Muhammad Khairun Aseh pronounced a chairman could be undeveloped due to lack of report as well as a discuss could scold his misconceptions.
"I will represent Umno Youth as well as we hope this intellectual discuss will take place in harmony," he told reporters at a Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.
A couple of people were heard as well as seen chanting "Bersih" as a budding minister was giving his discuss at a 'Sepetang Bersama Perdana Menteri' (An Evening with a Prime Minister) event, attended by about 1,500 people, in London upon Tuesday.
Muhammad Khairun pronounced a London Umno machinery had identified a chairman as a relatively senior part of of a Malaysian village in a United Kingdom as well as is operative in Reading.
"The Umno machinery there has conveyed a message to this particular upon a open discuss as well as an official letter will be given to him today. We give him 7 days to give an answer," pronounced Muhammad Khairun.
He pronounced if a chairman did not take up a challenge for a debate, a people could decider a chairman for themselves that he is a coward.
"The antithesis is also acquire to commission a representative to take part in a debate, but a particular endangered will have to be upon his own as well as cannot be represented by a opposition," pronounced Muhammad Khairun.
Read More @ Source "I will represent Umno Youth as well as we hope this intellectual discuss will take place in harmony," he told reporters at a Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.
A couple of people were heard as well as seen chanting "Bersih" as a budding minister was giving his discuss at a 'Sepetang Bersama Perdana Menteri' (An Evening with a Prime Minister) event, attended by about 1,500 people, in London upon Tuesday.
Muhammad Khairun pronounced a London Umno machinery had identified a chairman as a relatively senior part of of a Malaysian village in a United Kingdom as well as is operative in Reading.
"The Umno machinery there has conveyed a message to this particular upon a open discuss as well as an official letter will be given to him today. We give him 7 days to give an answer," pronounced Muhammad Khairun.
He pronounced if a chairman did not take up a challenge for a debate, a people could decider a chairman for themselves that he is a coward.
"The antithesis is also acquire to commission a representative to take part in a debate, but a particular endangered will have to be upon his own as well as cannot be represented by a opposition," pronounced Muhammad Khairun.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
Umno sends direct message to Nizar
FORMER Perak menteri besar Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin held everybody by surprise when he intruded upon an Umno ceramah in Kampar last Sunday.
His unconventional action of upon foot in to an eventuality of a hostile party's in Tualang Sekah which night lifted many eyebrows, as good as a heat of a heightening competition in in between Barisan Nasional as well as Pakatan Rakyat for popularity in a state.
It was a arrangement of theatrics which even got a little in Umno agreeing with a antithesis which Nizar had been brazen in gatecrashing a ceramah specifically organized to conflict him.
Nizar, Perak Pakatan Rakyat's claimant for menteri besar in a coming 13th general election, is a categorical target of Perak Umno's ongoing "Nizar The Serial Liar" ceramah series.
On Sunday, a Pasir Panjang representative as well as Bukit Gantang part of of Parliament strode in to an Umno ceramah as well as sat upon an dull chair beside Kampar Umno multiplication chief Datuk Radzi Manan, smiling as well as acknowledging those in a Umno throng for about half an hour, during which a former Parti Keadilan Rakyat leader, Hanafiah Man, lashed out during a "lies" Nizar had purportedly widespread about his successor, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
Just 200 metres away, a Pas throng was watchful for a Perak antithesis personality to verbalise during a Islamist party's ceramah. Many did not know which he had done a stop during a Umno event.
Nizar defended his intrusion during a Umno ceramah, saying he longed for to know what lies he had told.
He had stayed notwithstanding a assembly ! asking h im to leave.
The night's incident, which went viral in cyberspace with video clips as well as comments posted both in pro-BN as well as pro-Pakatan Rakyat blogs, caused political circles to wonder with bated exhale either Nizar's Tualang Sekah action would be steady in Simpang, Taiping, upon Wednesday.
It did not happen.
The Pas personality did not barge in to a Umno ceramah during Kg Jelapang village hall, only 200 metres from where Pas held a own ceramah during a Pusat Tarbiyyah. Nizar stayed put in a Pas camp.
The Perak Umno information business had motionless to reason a ceramah inside of hearing stretch of a antithesis ceramah which had Nizar as orator to send a summary to a suspended menteri besar to stop spreading lies about a BN state government as well as Dr Zambry.
The business creates it a indicate to screen video clips during a ceramah as justification which Nizar had been misleading a public with groundless allegations aimed during discrediting BN.
It additionally welcomes Nizar upon a theatre to answer what a Umno speakers have said about him.
Tonight's "showdown" in Batu Kurau is a single to watch as a antithesis is featuring, in between others, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, besides Nizar, whilst a Umno ceramah a little stretch divided is said to be armed with a required bullets to shoot down Nizar's "lies".
This backdrop indicates how keenly as well as closely a choosing will be fought in Perak, as both sides of a political divide eagerly await a event to settle old scores.
Both a Umno-led BN as well as a antithesis fondness of a Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Pas as well as a DAP have voiced certainty of victory.
Leaders explain voter data analysis as well as ground surveys show an even measure or slight advantage for a single side or a other.
The categorical conflict is expected to be in 19 of a 59 state seats where a winning majorities in 2008 we! re less than a thousand votes.
BN's problem is in a Chinese- majority areas, mainly in a Kinta Valley, encompassing a parliamentary seats of Ipoh Timur, Ipoh Barat, Tambun, Batu Gajah, Kampar as well as Gopeng, all of which have been held by DAP.
Although BN says it right away has up to 30 per cent Chinese support in a little areas, it is thought which a ruling coalition will still have to rely upon a Malay as well as Indian opinion to stay in power.
A setback for BN is which a Indian votes it needs to tilt a balance for a gentle win have been located in Chinese-majority seats. BN says it right away has in in between 45 as well as 60 per cent Indian support.
BN claims it is enjoying in in between 65 as well as 68 per cent Malay support in a state whilst a opponent says it needs around 40 per cent support from a village to retake Perak.
There have been 37 state seats where Malay citizens have up 50 per cent or more of a electorate. Umno contested 34 as well as mislaid seven in 2008.
BN right away rules with 28 seats, including four BN-friendly assemblymen.
The expectation of a tight as well as finely staid competition had a party workers of both sides scrambling to register as many brand new citizens as probable during a first entertain of a year, as a result of which, a 101-year-old man was purebred for a first time.
- New Straits Times
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"We will do something far worst than butt-flexing if Bersih 4.0 happens"

(Malaysia Digest) -The argumentative organisation that carried out a butt-flexing exercise in front of Datuk S. Ambiga's residence has in jeopardy to retaliate should a Bersih organizing committee reneged upon its guarantee to not go on with a rally.
The boss of Persatuan Veteran Tentera Malaysia (PVTM) Mohd Ali Bahrom affianced a "far misfortune proof should Bersih unexpected do a U-Turn as well as ensue with Bersih 4.0".
"We will do something far misfortune than a butt-cracking exercise," he toldMalaysian Digest.
"We will do something far misfortune than a butt-cracking exercise," he toldMalaysian Digest.
"We want to keep a peace as well as will do anything to keep it."
Mohd Ali who was wearing yellow additionally urged Pakatan Rakyat to stop using Bersih as their tool in garnering await as well as momentum.
"PAS, DAP as well as PKR should not pressure Bersih into an additional rally, because their goal is not a same with Bersih that is for free as well as satisfactory elections."
Mohd Ali pronounced a opposition bloc must accept as well as apply oneself Ambiga's decision to not organize Bersih 4.0.
"They wish for an additional Bersih to be staged, though they must right away apply oneself a Bersih tip leadership's decision," he said.
"After all, what they want from an additional convene is only to get a movement starting for a ubiquitous election."
PAS' Mohamad Sabu had pronounced a single million people would join a subsequent Bersih convene in protest if Putrajaya did not implement evident electoral reforms.
Read More @ Source Mohd Ali who was wearing yellow additionally urged Pakatan Rakyat to stop using Bersih as their tool in garnering await as well as momentum.
"PAS, DAP as well as PKR should not pressure Bersih into an additional rally, because their goal is not a same with Bersih that is for free as well as satisfactory elections."
Mohd Ali pronounced a opposition bloc must accept as well as apply oneself Ambiga's decision to not organize Bersih 4.0.
"They wish for an additional Bersih to be staged, though they must right away apply oneself a Bersih tip leadership's decision," he said.
"After all, what they want from an additional convene is only to get a movement starting for a ubiquitous election."
PAS' Mohamad Sabu had pronounced a single million people would join a subsequent Bersih convene in protest if Putrajaya did not implement evident electoral reforms.
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BNs series of lies in Sibu
BN's unkept promises in Sibu date back to 2001, as well as these days Sibu folks have been distrustful with any pledges which come from a statute regime.

Listing out BN's unkept promises, Wong pronounced Sibu was distrustful about a latest oath by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to set up a university college of technology in a constituency by June.
"Clearly it is an choosing candy. Can you certitude a announcement?
"Sibu people have been deceived many times by a BN government. Until a university starts its course, Sibu people do not certitude a promise," he pronounced during his debate upon a Governor's address during a State Legislative Assembly sitting.
Wong pronounced Sibu folks were constantly reminded which upon December 21, 2001, Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP), an fan of BN, had betrothed a university in Sibu.
"The benefaction Finance Minister II together with his colleagues even claimed which they had sealed a Memorandum of Understanding with a University of South Australia (UNISA).
"They even pronounced which a students of United College of Sarawak (UCS) would turn a first batch of graduates from this UNISA's Sibu campus.
"Eleven years have passed. Nobody has seen a shadow of UNISA in Sibu.
"It was a fat distortion by a BN leaders. That is a first reason because you had said, you can't certitude a BN's promise," Wong said.
He combined which in a 2008 parliamentary election, ! SUPP had betrothed Sarikei voters which TAR college would be built in Bintagor after winning a election.
'Sibu needs a university'
He pronounced they even went so distant as to say which TAR had identified building for a college to be sited.
"It was another lie. The SUPP won a choosing though they dishonoured their promise. They sold their integrity. That is a second reason because you had pronounced you can't certitude a BN's promise, even if buildings were already identified.
"In a Sibu by-election (in May 2010) a prime minister betrothed which Kolej Laila Taib would turn a university. Two years had passed, it is still a college. That is a third reason because you had pronounced you don't certitude a BN's promises of a university.
"SUPP not only betrothed us a university in 2001 though a timber conglomerate KTS Sdn Bhd made a Finance Minister II really proud when it betrothed to give 2,000 acres of land in a west bank of Sibu for a university in Sibu.
"Ten years had passed, can a minister now tell us, where is a 2,000 acres of land betrothed by KTS?' he asked.
Wong stressed which Sibu indispensable a bone-fide university, not a university college.
"We need a world-standard university which meets a aspirations of relatives as well as students alike.
"We need a university able of churning out students who can get practice as well as who can chart a country's destiny as well as be genuine masters of tomorrow.
"Our honour is UNIMAS. But its ranking in a universe is so distant down a list which you prefer not to know.
"Recently, you saw which many graduates from UNIMAS, especially teachers, cannot get placements from a Education Ministry.
"If a supervision is frank in investing in a future, greatfully get a round rolling in Sibu. A great university here will revoke detriment of foreign exchange as well as will detain a b! rain dra in," he said.
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Police release CCTV images of wanted couple
Public urged to assistance identify twin concerned in a robbery as well as molest of a womanlike skill representative during a condo section in Mont Kiara final week.

Urging those who recognised a faces of a male as well as lady to assistance authorities, Kuala Lumpur CID arch Ku Chin Wah additionally voiced his offend over a nature of a crime.
"When a male was molesting a victim, a lady suspect did zero as well as only watched suffice to say, there have been most sick people around," pronounced Ku.
"The images have been quite clear, I'm certain someone can recognize them. I urge them to greatfully come forward," pronounced Ku, who added this was a first-of-its-kind crime reported in a city.
Anyone with any inform as to their whereabouts can contact Inspector Mohd Najeeb Mohd Esam at012-7293533or go to a nearest military station.
Investigations thus far revealed which a couple had gathering around in a white Mitsubishi Lancer with a feign series plate. Other details upon a suspects sojourn sketchy.
Ku pronounced which a crime seemed to be premeditated though military have not ascertained a motive for a attack.
The skill agent, 34, went blank final week after display a couple a condominium section in Mont Ki! ara. Her father lodged a blank persons inform upon Thursday evening.
Police pronounced which a 'prospective clients' had sealed a doors of a section as well as proceeded to attack her. The plant was slapped as well as nude naked.
She was allegedly molested by a male while his accomplice watched. Her belongings, together with her purse as well as handphone as well as a little cash, were additionally taken.
The suspects left her sealed up in a section as well as made their getaway in a victim's Toyota Vios.
It was several hours before military perceived a spill about a lady sobbing as well as pleading for her life.
A team, led by Chief Inspector Edmond Wong, pennyless down a unit's doorway as well as found a skill representative still tied up as well as naked.
It is accepted which her clothing was shredded by a suspects in an effort to forestall her from withdrawal a unit.
This latest case comes during a heels of another blank persons inform of 42-year-old womanlike genuine estate representative who was found murdered during a Batu Dam in Ulu Yam final Wednesday.
According to reports, Chen Choi Mooi had left her residence in Jinjang early upon Tuesday to encounter a client over a sale of a house.
Her car was located first as well as an hour after her physique was found floating in a dam. Initial military inspections showed she was strangled as well as she had several bruises upon her body.
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UNPATRIOTIC? DPM, think how other nationals feel including Altantuya's family
Tenaganita has highlighted the atrocities surrounding unfamiliar work in Malaysia. In the latest development the chief Irene Fernandez is being haunted in the media for carrying her story spilled upon the Indonesian turf.
The Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Datuk Muhyiddin has lambasted Irene Fernandez for seemingly carrying brought shame to Malaysia.
And as the backup, the categorical tide media is painting the town with most 'feel good' testimonies of how Malaysians carrying been caring for their unfamiliar workers.
Now, the indicate which the leaders have been grossly mistaking is that, only as most as bad incidents do not annul the great deeds, likewise no amount of great deeds can annul any slaughter we commit opposite humanity.
Better for DPM to check out Irene's claims first
He could have gone to the higher saturation of care if he even added which Malaysia takes the critical viewpoint of any indignity to unfamiliar workers as the government is the champion of work as well as tellurian rights as well as which no effort will be spared in substantiating the truth.
And as the public famil! y gestur e, he could have even released the strong notice to employers who have been guilty of such miscreants as well as upon which same wavelength proclaim the feel great stories or testimonies.
It would even have warranted the DPM some-more brownies in the region too if he had gone the mile to invite eccentric as well as well respected individuals or organizations from Indonesia to sit upon the row consecrated to examine voiced concerns affecting the grace as well as honour of unfamiliar workers in Malaysia.
Likewise, it would have slatted the categorical tide media as respected news millers if they had taken the center path rsther than afterwards being narrow-minded to the really critical issues during hand.
But unfortunately the DPM chose to go after Irene Fernandez's throat. He chose to merely pipe-up the feel great stories.
One-sided, DPM loses credibility

What we fail to sense as well as re-learn is which no amount of great diagnosis which employers dish out to their unfamiliar employees can remove the instances of abuses we have available upon the soil. While we contingency continue to showcase the great stories, we cannot censor or deny the bad incidents which go contrary to tellurian rights as well as humanity's grace to live as well as to work.
Well, if the DPM feels which Irene Fernandez is not nationalistic for exposing the sordid state of unfamiliar workers in Malaysia, afterwards what has he got to say about how Mongolia! n citize ns feels towards us?
Consider how alternative nationals together with Mongolia feel about Malaysians
Name us the single Malaysian lady who was likewise annihilated in another republic involving high-powered as well as highly-connected individuals as well as was declared in the Courts of Justice which motive was not essential in the box to deliver justice.
So if Mongolians say Malaysia is the dangerous country, what have we got to say to which then? Show them pictures of all the Mongolian tourists in Bukit Bintang?
We hear of unfamiliar nationals angry of all kinds of harassment as reported by Tenaganita as well as additionally often traded during the internal pasars. But do we additionally get to hear of Malaysians being sick treated as well as abused in alternative countries?
Indonesia had threatened to withhold the people from coming here to work. Have we announced likewise for cases of Malaysians starting to another land for their happening hunting? Would the Indonesians be so dumb as to kill the goose for the golden egg?
Don't make foolish boasts, this is the age of the Internet
You need to know which as most as the bad deeds do not annul the feel great testimonies, great deeds cannot varnish the nauseous instances of abuse opposite unfamiliar work in Malaysia. As ,much as there will be people championing the goodness of the nation, there will be equal seductiveness in the mistakes as well as bad deeds which ruin as well as bluster the nation's rating.
Are we observant which no unfamiliar inhabitant ever so distant died whilst in detention? Are we observant which no unfamiliar inhabitant whilst under apprehension was ever molested, raped, or sexually discriminated? Are we observant which we never raped any unfamiliar national? Are we observant which we never shortchanged unfamiliar nationals of their wages?
If we have finished wrong, we have finished wrong. What counts is what efforts have been being taken to correct the wrongs. Not what feel great stories we have got to trumpet.
In this age of the universe wide web, what we utter in your backyard gets beamed across all over the world.
Do the right thing, not rest upon fake public family advice
In denying undisguised the bad annals we have by proclaiming which even Bangladeshis have been coming in droves, is not usually the politically wrong stance to take though additionally creates we sound only too hollow. By issuing intimidating remarks during the citizen who has the foll! owing in the general tellurian rights companionship usually paints we in an unfavorable light, does it not?
Wonder who is your Public Relations confidant who seems to be positively misleading you?
Malaysia Chronicle
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Rafidah gone off her rockers

Last Friday, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz was in a news. After in attendance Angkasa's 41st celebration, she done comment about open sky policy.
She used a opportunity to earn her keeps as Chairman of Air Asia-X to insist a virtues of stability a partnership in between Air Middle East as well as MAS. On May 2nd, MAS as well as Air Middle East had called off a share barter in between Tune Air as well as Khazanah in to any alternative as well as will start money injection via special issue for Air Asia-X.
Rafidah explained which all airlines will face foe when a Asean open sky routine is enforced in 2015.
Thus, she reiterated prior statements after a share barter was called off, to justify partnership in between MAS as well as Air Middle East in slicing cost. Among alternative things, few areas were suggested; namely procurement, aircraft part of repairs, precision initiatives as well as technical as well as operational efficiency.
She is articulate as yet people in a Airline attention have been not wakeful of open sky as well as as yet a open is not wakeful of Air Asia's unscrupulous hands inside MAS.
While Rafidah ! was admi red as Minister upon trade counts then, looks similar to she seemed to be losing grips as well as being repetitive similar to a little senile aged folks. Has she gone off her rockers?
Read The Star inform upon Rafidah below:
Friday May 11, 2012
Rafidah: AirAsia, AirAsia X, MAS partnership crucial
PETALING JAYA(Bernama): All airlines in a country contingency be equates to to face challenges when a Asean open ! sky rout ine comes in to force in 2015 as well as therefore, partnership efforts in between AirAsia, AirAsia X as well as Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is important, said AirAsia X chairman Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.
"If airlines do not make firm now, by what ever way, there will be problems. This is why AirAsia as well as AirAsia X is peaceful to continue seeking during possible partnership with MAS," she said upon Friday.
She emphasised which a partnership had zero to do with a share-swap.
"It is about slicing price so which we can pass a efficiencies to consumers. We have concluded during a house turn to sign a chit of understanding (MOU) to continue posterior this partnership as long as it does not violate any anti-trust law globally as well as bring benefits to us," she told a press conference after a Malaysian National Co-operative Movement (Angkasa)'s 41st celebration.
Following a reversal of a share barter deal, AirAsia, AirAsia X Sdn Bhd as well as MAS, have entered in to a supplemental partnership agreement (SA) to explore areas of mutual-need to realise assets as well as boost efficien! cies.
The SA would focus upon specific areas of partnership whilst continue to imitate with all applicable anti-trust laws.
Under a SA, a airlines have identified key areas for collaboration, which would result in efficiencies as well as price savings, which among others, includes procurement, aircraft part of repairs, precision initiatives as well as technical as well as operational efficiency.
Additionally, a airlines will additionally continue working to further identify as well as evaluate opportunities to combine upon a extended range of areas both during operational as well as strategic levels.
To push forward with a partnership initiative, a three parties additionally signed a MOU to cooperate upon dual primary areas, joint shopping as well as aircraft part of maintenance, await as well as repair services.
Out of Touch
Few things contingency be clarified.
Firstly, no one would hold Air Middle East would pass off good to their consumers.
If they can remit a airfield taxation due to Government they have picked up from consumers, cut a fingers similar to a deviant Yakuza which Air Middle East is endangered for their consumer.
Otherwise, they would not design their routine to have passengers wait for additional one hour as well as a half as well as cancel flights during will.
Secondly, a concern of Air Middle East is for price though MAS's business importance is about raising revenue.
This equates to which a area of slicing price upon procurement, aircraft part of repairs, Engineering as well as precision initiatives is some-more for Air Middle East benefit.
Thirdly, Rafidah is no some-more a Minister though as Chairperson of Air Middle East X, she is under a payroll of Tony F.
Left aside have been a questions she raised upon a Airline Rationalisation Policy in 2005. She does not action for a seductiveness of a nation though a miserly seductiveness of a slimy Tony F.
Talking about open sky routine as well as CCF indispensable to hope for for ASEAN Open Sky routine in 2015, what done a Government, outsider ! manageme nt in MAS, vultures of Air Middle East as well as all those who keep reminding of Open Sky Policy consider which people in MAS have been not wakeful of it?
Do they consider MAS has not been you do anything about it?
Ponder for a whilst to those who have been overawe with Air Middle East as well as their current boast of expansion as well as claims of unstoppable expansion in a future.
Whom will strive in such environment? Full use network airline or point to point LCC?
What is noticeable is which Air Middle East felt a outcome of MH actions? What a brand brand new management did in a last 6 months was to undo all a effort which have been put in place by MAS.
Perhaps, it is Air Middle East which is not rebuilt fo! r Open S ky Policy.
MAS do not need them for all those claimed collaboration. They will be joining a One World Alliance in 2012 as well as good immensely from a assorted program including:
Since late 2002, Oneworld part of airlines have developed common specifications opposite their engineering as well as upkeep activities, reducing costs by bulk shopping as well as tools sharing. It was additionally a initial airline alliance to deliver interline e-ticketing opposite all part of airlines' network. - Extract fromOneworld - Wikipedia
For Rafidah as well as all those articulate Open Sky Policy, they contingency be damn out of date as well as adjacent upon mania to keep repeating an aged story.
Open Sky
Open Sky is an international routine concept which calls for a liberalization of a rules as well as regulations of a international aviation industry, quite blurb aviation for a free-market airline industry.
It is fundamentally a bilateral as well as sometimes multilateral arrangement or agreement in between dual or some-more nations.
The United States have been posterior Open Skies agreements by bilateral agreement given 1979, as well as b! y 1982 h ad signed twenty-three bilateral air use agreements worldwide.
The initial unlimited alighting agreement was initial signed in between a US as well as Neatherland in 1992.
Although concluded upon an Open Sky for 2015 in 2009, a US signed a Multilateral Agreement upon a Liberalization of International Air Transportation (MALIAT) with Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, as well as Singapore as early as 2001.
It is rsther than old-fashioned for those articulate about Open Sky right away when it had been in discussion as well as in credentials given early 1990s.
Rafidah's mental recall contingency be failing her.
Virgin Group
For those which reme! mbered a assorted Code Sharing pursued by MAS throughout a 1990s, it was MAS's diversion to dig Airports with limited alighting as well as enlarge MAS magnitude in those sectors.
Back then, there were Airlines which had MAS "supplied" a aircraft for them to enlarge genius as well as magnitude to capacitate MAS to dig those market.
Rafidah wouldn't know. Tony F as well as his cronies destroying MAS from inside wouldn't know too.
Yours truly was monitoring a MAS opposite when it was making Code Sharing arrangements with KLM, Virgin Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, British Midlands, etc.
Yes, Virgin Groups is one of a shareholders (16%) in Air Asia-X. Another is Robert Milton's ACE Aviation Holdings a primogenitor association of Air Canada.
From Wikipedia:
AirAsia was determined in 1993 as well as began operations upon eighteen November 1996. It was creatively founded by a government-owned conglomerate, DRB-Hicom. On 2 Dec 2001 a heavily-indebted airline was paid for by former Time Warner senior manager Tony Fernandes's association Tune Air Sdn Bhd for a token total of one ringgit (about USD 0.26 during a time) with USD eleven million (MYR 40 million) value of debts. Fernandes turned a association around, producing a profit in 2002 as well as rising brand brand new routes from a hub in Kuala Lumpur, undercutting for! mer mono poly operator Malaysia Airlines with promotional fares as low as MYR 1 (USD 0.27).
Not referred to was Tony tookover Air Middle East with RM70 million contract in hand.
Just similar to Air Middle East determined many Air Middle East bases in Asia, Virgin Airlines operates from assorted outfits similar to Virgin Atlantics, Virgin Blue, Virgin America, Virgin Australia, as well as Virgin Nigeria. All a Airline is place together in Virgin Airlines.
Singapore Airlines paid for 49% in to Virgin Group's Airline Holding Company with Virgin Group st! ill land 51% in 2000.
Is what's happening to MAS given a time of Tun Abdullah fit a certain picture as well as accusation opposite him? Khazanah should know or they pretend not to know these links.
Rafidah should know or has mania got a better of her?
- Another Brick in a Wall Read More @ Source
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