Put competence first, Guan Eng tells Malaysians

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 30 Malaysians contingency put impression as well as competence upon top of race before a nation can overcome its shortcomings as well as thrive amid greater competition worldwide, Lim Guan Eng said.

The DAP secretary-general pronounced that while a nation has done most economic swell since independence, a time has come for Malaysians to abandon failed policies in foster of new ones to set up better prospects as well as hope for a next era for a challenges of globalisation.

We contingency stir upon a young that there is no substitute for competence. Neither is there any pick to innovation as well as creativity as a roadmap towards high-income status. But initial you contingency be gentle as Malaysians, Lim (picture) pronounced in his National Day message today.

There contingency be a clarity of Malaysian temperament that what you have been is some-more critical than who you are; that a content of a impression is some-more critical than a colour of a skin as well as that how you bond with alternative Malaysians is some-more critical than a past ancestry.

Malaysians need to know how to hold upon to critical ethnic identities while still identifying strongly with a inhabitant temperament that binds a nation together, a same singular challenge faced by a founding fathers decades ago, he said.

He lamented that a energy as well as leisure to be masters of a own destiny postulated by autonomy have been abused to instil fear between Malaysians that their secular temperament as well as rights will be taken away if a inhabitant temperament formed upon freedom, justice as well as equivalence were to take root.

The consistent marker as well as importance upon bogeymen, be it sure antithesis domestic parties, communists or Christians, is a transparent proof that a goal of 1 Malaysia still eludes us.

In fact, to most ! 1 Malays ia sounds too most similar to an empty slogan devoid of substance, he said, adding that a politics of fear appears to have turn some-more hackneyed after a 2008 general election that saw a antithesis sweep five states.

Lim hoped Malaysians would once again find a dignified bravery as well as strength of impression to confirm what it is to be indeed Malaysian despite a race-first views promoted by groups similar to Perkasa as well as irresponsible newspapers similar to Utusan Malaysia.

But Malaysians contingency initial have an sourroundings where simple freedoms have been reputable as well as protected to do this, he forked out, observant that a Jul 9 Bersih rally was an example of how a pull to strengthen a freedoms had resulted in a spontaneous coming together of Malaysians from all races.

Here, a assertion of a simple right a leisure to assemble that was betrothed by Tunku Abdul Rahman during his Merdeka remarks upon August 31, 1957, was asserted together with a strong display of solidarity between Malaysians. This is a kind of Malaysian temperament that needs to be inculcated in us, especially between a younger generation.

We contingency be Malaysian initial always as well as Malays, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban second. Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysians as well as to all Malaysians looking a Malaysianness within, Lim said.

Selamat Hari Raya: HRP wishes that the majority UMNO,PKR & PAS ...

Selamat Hari Raya: HRP wishes which a majority UMNO,PKR & PAS Malay muslims protect,grant equivalence as well as equal opportunities to additionally a Indian poor according to a Quran as well as Hadis of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ...

Salam Idilfitri dan Reformasi dari Malaysiawaves

Sempena Hari Raya tahun ini, Tulang Besi ada mengarang sebuah pantun empat rangkap: Anak itik masuk paya,Paya depan rumah Pak Karno,Masa raya, kita beraya,Lepas raya, kita humban UMNOMinal Aidin Wal Faizin wa Kullu Sanna Entu Tayyibin minni wal ahli.Tulang Besi ... Read More



IT HAS BEEN eighteen months ago since a DBKK Market in 88 Market Place was highlighted. So far there was no pointer of any commercial operation activities in a soppy market.

PKR Supreme Council cum PKR SABAH Dr Roland Chia whilst receiving most complains from a hawkers as well as tiny traders.

Many tiny traders as well as hawkers have been penetrating to set up stalls at a new market, though most have been still being kicked around similar to a round as to a status of a soppy market.

Many complainants mainly hawkers as well as tiny traders raised questions as to a earnest of a internal authority of setting up another soppy market- which is in tandem with a growing population in a rarely densed growth along Penampang Pintas Highway.

Many of a shoplot owners have been additionally penetrating to see a soppy marketplace operational there with a same judgment of a soppy marketplace in Singapore whereby there is a tighten corporation in between hawkers as well as supermarkets.

Many investors actually paid for a units because in a growth devise there was a DBKK Market. The one more soppy marketplace is for a convenience of a people.

- Sabahkini

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz



IT HAS BEEN 18 months ago given a DBKK Market in 88 Market Place was highlighted. So far there was no sign of any business activities in a soppy market.

PKR Supreme Council cum PKR SABAH Dr Roland Chia while reception most complains from a hawkers as well as tiny traders.

Many tiny traders as well as hawkers have been penetrating to set up stalls at a brand new market, but most have been still being kicked around similar to a round as to a standing of a soppy market.

Many complainants especially hawkers as well as tiny traders lifted questions as to a earnest of a internal management of setting up another soppy market- that is in tandem with a flourishing race in a highly densed growth along Penampang Pintas Highway.

Many of a shoplot owners have been also penetrating to see a soppy marketplace operational there with a same concept of a soppy marketplace in Singapore whereby there is a close house between hawkers as well as supermarkets.

Many investors essentially paid for a units because in a growth plan there was a DBKK Market. The additional soppy marketplace is for a preference of a people.

- Sabahkini

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

UMNO creates history by granting Indian poor drinking water after ...

Human Rights Party. Malaysia. Focusing to put operative class Indians into the national mainstream development of Malaysia and to discharge all forms of UMNO state sponsored racial and religious supremacist policies ...

Selamat Merdeka Raya... Eid Mubarrak!

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Anak bulan di langit senja,
Tanda akhirnya bulan Ramadhan,
Sebulan sudah kita berpuasa,
Kini masanya menyambut lebaran

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, picture hosting by PhotobucketOriginal picture credits: Malaysian dwindle (from here) & Putrajaya Mosque (from here)

Pantun (or Malay verse) is not only Walskis forte, though he tries. Most of all, hed similar to to instruct all Malaysians Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Eid Mubarrak to the single as well as all...
(some thoughts on the special national day raya, as well as more, in the full post)

Because the Hijri monthly calendar revolves around the everyday-use Gregorian calendar, lagging we estimate eleven days every year, this time around Aidil Fitri falls the single day prior to National Day. Which is nice, because it equates to which Walski can take the whole week off though any guilt. And boy, does he need the break.

Extra-long holidays aside, Walski is the firm believer which everything happens for the reason. Perhaps Raya falling in such close vicinity to Hari Merdeka! is meant to remind us of what it equates to to be Malaysian during fest! ivities.

Be it Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali or Christmas, Malaysians have always distinguished together. Thats the single of the things which creates the republic unique. Granted, most of the informative celebrations have their roots in the various creeds held by the various cultures which make up the nation. But which has never stopped Malaysians from celebrating as the single people. And so it should be.

As time progresses, however, Walski cannot help though notice which there was the lot reduction hesitation about fasten any others celebrations in days past, compared to the present.

If you recall, back in 2006, there was this advisory e-mail which done its rounds, warning Muslims about the dangers wishing someone Happy Deepavali could poise to their faith. Since afterwards there have been most alternative articles, sermons, as well as what not, all the time reminding Muslims which jeopardy to their conviction lies in... well, only about anything not strictly labeled Islamic.

Walskis talked about prior to in the past, in more than the single post, so he wouldnt repeat himself here.

We wouldnt excavate into because this has gradually been happening over the past several decades, though for someone who follows these developments with the penetrating interest, Walski unequivocally wonders because we appear to be steadily retreating back into the own demographic comfort zones, rsther than than forging forward as the single people.

Perhaps Hari Raya falling the single day prior to Hari Merdeka is to remind us which we should embrace which singly Malaysian practice of pity the festivities, not reject it. And in doing so, help forge us as the single nation, of the single people the single bangsa Malaysia.

And so, whic! h said, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, to all Malaysians, wherever you might be...

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Perutusan Khas Hari Raya Aidilfitri Dan Hari Kemerdekaan

August twenty-nine ,2011

twenty-nine OGOS 2011


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Aidilfitri serta Salam Kemerdekaan,

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Walillah hil Hamd.

Pertamanya, segala ucapan tahmid dipanjatkan ke hadrat Allah SWT justeru selesai sebulan kita melaksanakan ibadah puasa dalam satu perjalanan devout mentarbiyyah rohani dan menguji fizikal. Maka, dengan tibanya fajar Syawal yang mulia, umat Islam hari ini dengan penuh rasa kesyukuran menyambut satu kemenangan mujahadah yang tertinggi pengertiannya seperti disifatkan oleh Rasulullah SAW yakni jihad bagi melawan nafsu.

Pada tahun ini, ditaqdirkan sesuatu yang bitara dan unik, sebagai rakyat Malaysia kita bertuah dapat menyambut gema Aidilfitri berselang sehari dengan ulangtahun sambutan kemerdekaan negara yang ke lima puluh empat. Kedua-dua perayaan ini mempunyai signifikan begitu besar kepada negara yang mempunyai kemajmukan amat kompleks seperti Malaysia di mana bukan sahaja wujud perbezaan daripada segi etnik tetapi juga teranyam indah dengan kepelbagaian agama, budaya, bahasa dan taraf sosioekonomi.

Pucuk pangkalnya, rakyat Malaysia yang berlainan agama, anutan dan kepercayaan mempunyai banyak sebab untuk bersyukur dan berterima kasih. Hakikat bahawa, Malaysia telah dan sedang dirahmati nikmat keamanan juga kemakmuran tidak mampu disangkal oleh mana-mana pihak. Jelas sekali, kita ibarat sebuah oasis di tengah-tengah dunia berkecamuk sedang dilanda badai politik dan kegoncangan ekonom! i yang b ertali ! arus.

Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan,

Hari ini, seperti yang kita maklum, ketika gergasi ekonomi dunia seperti Amerika Syarikat dan juga beberapa negara anggota Kesatuan Eropah yang dikelompokkan sebagai ekonomi maju sedang bergelut dengan krisis kewangan serius sehingga memerlukan penyelamatan atau bailout, sebaliknya, Malaysia hasil pengurusan yang berhemah serta cekap, masih mampu bukan sahaja untuk mengembangkan ekonomi dan mencipta peluang pekerjaan baru tetapi juga untuk memberikan setengah bulan bonus kepada satu perpuluhan empat juta kakitangan awam yang menelan belanja dua bilion ringgit menjelang sambutan istimewa perayaan Aidilfitri dan Hari Kemerdekaan.

Sungguhpun yang demikian, kita tidak boleh sekali-kali terbuai dan berpuas hati dengan ehwal kejayaan tersebut. Untuk itu, sepanjang tempoh dua tahun yang lepas, pancang-pancang telah dipasak oleh kerajaan bagi memastikan penciptaan kekayaan baru, pertumbuhan ekonomi berterusan dan penciptaan pekerjaan berganjaran tinggi selaras dengan kemahiran yang semakin meningkat. Apa yang diimpikan adalah sebuah negara yang makmur dan sejahtera dimana setiap individu sanggup bekerja keras, meningkatkan kemahiran secara istiqomah dan beriltizam menggunakan segala peluang dengan bijak agar dapat mencorak sebuah kehidupan bahagia berkelangsungan hingga cucu cicit kita kelak.

Peri pentingnya, setiap seorang daripada kita hendaklah mengetahui bahawa, matlamat tertinggi kerajaan adalah untuk mendahulukan kebajikan seluruh rakyat, sebagai suatu urutan keutamaan yang telah menjadi wawasan nasional semenjak negara mencapai kemerdekaan. Dari itu, sebagai kerajaan yang merasai denyut nadi rakyat, lagi prihatin terhadap kegundahan serta resah gelisah warganya dan memahami kebimbangan mereka, kita sedar tentang fenomena kos kehidupan semakin meningkat sekaligus kita maklum terhadap harga bahan makanan yang semakin naik. Lantaran itu, kerajaan telah dan akan terus mengambil tindakan memperbaiki dan memperelok keadaan ini secara berperingkat ! serta me nyeluruh d! emi kepe ntingan rakyat.

7. Pokoknya di sini, sekalipun fenomena kenaikan harga bahan makanan bersifat global, namun sebagai kerajaan bertanggungjawab kita tidak akan berpaling daripada menghadapi sebarang cabaran. Misalannya, sebagai langkah awal kita telah menjadikan matlamat menangani kos kehidupan yang semakin meningkat sebagai satu lagi Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara atau NKRA yang terbaru. Satu Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengenai Bekalan dan Harga Barang juga telah ditubuhkan dengan dipengerusikan sendiri oleh YAB. Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Sememangnya, langkah-langkah ini membuktikan komitmen kerajaan bagi memastikan program yang bakal digubal serta dilaksanakan akan benar-benar mampu membantu rakyat.

Selain daripada itu, kerajaan akan meneruskan dasar memberi subsidi secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Ini terutamanya, subsidi bahan makanan yang terpilih seperti beras, minyak masak, tepung gandum dan gula. Begitu juga bahan bakar seperti Petrol RON95, Diesel dan LPG serta perkhidmatan kesihatan dan pendidikan. Akan tetapi, kita berhasrat melakukannya dengan lebih cermat dan bijaksana tanpa menjejaskan kesihatan fiskal negara dengan mendukung prinsip bahawa mereka yang lebih memerlukan dan berkelayakan akan didahului serta diutamakan.

Sehubungan itu, baru-baru ini saya telah mengumumkan beberapa inisiatif awal bagi membantu mengurangkan bebanan yang ditanggung. Antaranya, Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia di mana barang-barang keperluan berjenama 1Malaysia mampu dibeli dengan harga yang lebih rendah berbanding harga pasaran. Di Klinik-Klinik 1Malaysia pula rawatan asas boleh diperolehi dengan bayaran seringgit dan yang mutakhir melalui Program Kebajikan Rakyat 1Malaysia atau singkatannya KAR1SMA sejumlah 1.4 Bilion akan diperuntukan kepada lima ratus ribu warga emas, orang kelainan upaya, ibu tunggal serta balu polis atau tentera yang berkelayakan.

Sesungguhnya, usaha kerajaan tidak terhenti sekadar itu sahaja. Selanjutnya, insyaAllah melalui Bajet 2012 yang akan dibentangka! n pada a wal Oktober na! nti, contend the akan mengumumkan pula langkah-langkah susulan bersifat lebih komprehensif bagi menangani masalah yang memberi kesan kepada isi keluarga yang berpendapatan rendah dan pertengahan.

Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan,

Dalam syiar meriahnya perayaan dan besarnya jiwa kemerdekaan, saya menyeru kepada semua agar tidak sekali-kali melupakan pengorbanan, darah, keringat dan air mata bapa-bapa kita para pejuang kemerdekaan negara serta anggota pasukan keselamatan negara dari dahulu hingga sekarang. Beringatlah yakni semuanya tidak terjelma dengan berwenang-wenang ataupun kekal lestari jika bahtera keramat kemerdekaan Malaysia tercinta ini terbiar hanyut tidak dikemudi dengan tulus, tidak dihargai dan musnah tanpa dipelihara. Oleh yang demikian, kita dengan ini menolak dan mengecam sekeras-kerasnya sebarang pernyataan dan usaha oleh mana-mana pihak yang ingin mempersenda atau memperlekeh pengorbanan mulia para wirawan dan wirawati negara serta keluarga mereka. Kita berasa kesal kerana mereka sebaliknya pula memperagungkan Parti Komunis Malaya yang anti Tuhan, anti agama dan anti Nasional.

Jadi, di atas segala-galanya, bagi memastikan apa yang terlimpah dan tercurah ke atas kita dan bumi Malaysia kekal berkesinambungan, maka perpaduan nasional perlu terus dibajai dan diperkukuhkan. Mudah-mudahan jua atas keinsafan ini makin tersepuh dan menebal semangat patriotisme dan kecintaan yang kukuh kepada pertiwi di setiap nubari kita.

Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan,

Bertolak dari situ, pada hemah saya, dua sambutan yang bersesekali ini sewajarnya membawa permaknaan dan pengertian yang mendalam tentang betapa besarnya kurniaan Ilahi kepada Malaysia yang makmur, bebas dari sebarang ketakutan dan kebimbangan terhadap keselamatan sama ada keselamatan diri kita mahupun keluarga disamping dapat meraikan hari-hari kebesaran sebegini dalam keadaan kecukupan dan kelimpahan.

Kata orang dulu-dulu, sempena hari baik bulan baik ditambah pula hembusan Merdeka, kita buanglah yang keruh,! kita am billah yang jernih. Di m! usim per ayaan ini, marilah kita bersatu sebagai sebuah keluarga besar Malaysia supaya dapat menjadi contoh kerukunan hidup kepada seantero dunia.

Lantas, sempena bulan yang mulia dan semangat sambutan Hari Kebangsaan ini, ayuhlah kita terus menyemarakkan tradisi murni kunjung mengunjung dan mengadakan rumah terbuka. Seperti yang sering dinyatakan, bukalah pintu rumah dan pintu hati seluasnya dengan menjemput rakan-rakan berlainan kaum, kepercayaan dan agama ke rumah masing-masing. Di sinilah tergubah dan terlukisnya sebuah citra Malaysia yang kita damba-dambakan.

Akhir kata, saya dengan rasa kerendahan hati bagi pihak diri, isteri, anak-anak dan seisi keluarga mengambil kesempatan ini menyusun jari nan sepuluh memohon kemaafan zahir dan batin atas apa jua kesalahan mahupun kekhilafan yang dilakukan. Turut dihulurkan salam istimewa Hari Kemerdekaan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dimana jua Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan berada. Semoga Tuhan sentiasa merahmati kita semua.

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu AkbarWalillah hil Hamd.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan.

Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

To all Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Selamat Hari Raya Eidulfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin aku ucapkan, maafkan aku sekiranya ada artikel aku ni yang menyinggung perasaan korang. Sesungguhnya niat aku hanyalah satu iaitu untuk mencari kebenaran.

Kepada sesiapa yang nak balik kampung malam ni atau esok pagi, tolong berhati-hati di jalanraya. Marilah kita hayati lagu M. Nasir kat bawah ni. Ingat, dalam nak berseronok-seronok tu jangan

Do not discredit security forces, says Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 29 Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has condemned statements by any one which discredited a sacrifices of a countrys confidence forces in a onslaught for independence.

He pronounced it was regrettable which there were people who hero-worshipped a outlawed Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) which he pronounced was anti-national as well as against God as well as religion.

Najib (picture) pronounced this in his special message for Aidilfitri as well as a 54th anniversary of independence, as well as was apparently referring to a statement allegedly made by PAS deputy boss Mohamad Sabu.

While you have been in a celebrative mood, lets not ever dont think about a sacrifices as well as blood as well as persperate of a forefathers as well as members of a confidence forces who fought for independence, Najib pronounced in his message broadcast over Radio Television Malaysia.

He pronounced a people should bear in mind which what a nation enjoyed so far did not come by accident or which it could be sustained if a countrys autonomy was not appreciated or safeguarded.

Najib pronounced which it was critical which a people nurture inhabitant togetherness as well as patriotism. He also pronounced which a coming of Aidilfitri as well as National Day celebrations brought about a low meaning about how blessed Malaysia was.

The budding minister called upon a people to go upon with a open house tradition, as well as assured them which a supervision would go upon to provide approach funding upon necessary items such as rice, in progress oil, flour as well as sugar as well as fuel such as a RON 95 petrol, diesel as well as liquefied inorganic substance gas.

Police Find Body of Newborn Baby in Rubbish Bin

SANDAKAN, 29 AUGUST, 2011: The physique of the baby baby boy, with the umbilical connective tissue attached, was found in the rubbish bin nearby the supermarket here today. ... Read More

Ulamak PKR berdiam, AMK 'coverup' usaha murtad

Dimana ahli-ahli JIM yang begitu ramai dalam PKR? Sebagai contoh adalah Zuraidah Kamaruddin.

Apa jadi dengan aktivis ABIM yang masuk dalam PKR seperti Dr Mohd Nor Manuty dan Ustaz Badrul Amin?

Jumaat lepas, AMK Selangor kononnya menghantar memorandum di bangunan SUK Shah Alam memberi sokongan dignified kepada perbuatan tiada dignified kerajaan Selangor dalam isu JAIS/DUMC.

Malangnya hanya tiga orang

Cops probe Mat Sabu over communist remark

Mohamad indicted Utusan Malaysia of fibbing in the report. File pic

KUALA LUMPUR, August 29 PAS emissary boss Mohamad Sabu is being investigated by the military over comments in which he allegedly disparaged the countrys armed forces as well as voiced await for communism.

We have received up to 49 reports on the matter so far. The (alleged) matter has dumbfounded the public. It has harm members of the nation's confidence forces as well as the families of the victims of the Bukit Kepong tragedy, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar was quoted by Bernama Online today.

According to Khalid, the PAS personality was being probed underneath Section 505(b) of the Penal Code, which pertains to the making, edition or present of any statement, gossip or inform with the intention to cause fright or alarm to the public.

On Satuday, Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia quoted Mohamad as saying which the communists who attacked the Bukit Kepong military station during the communist rebellion were heroes.

Mohamad, popularly known as Mat Sabu, has since denied the inform as well as indicted the Malay-language every day of fabricating the quote.

Utusan lied...they made up stories about my speech, Mohamad told The Malaysian Insider today.

When we checked behind as well as looked during the recording, the word communist wasnt found in my speech, he added.

Utusan yesterday launched the full-scale conflict on Mohamad over his alleged remarks, carrying 8 pages worth of comments as well as criticisms opposite him, trimming from tip Umno leaders like Umno emissary boss as well as Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, emissary IGP Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar, to ex-soldiers who had fought communists during the Bukit Kepong military station conflict .

The journal additionally indicted Mohamad of wanting to re-write history to spin Malaysia in to ! the repu blic.

Mohamad said later which he intends to sue Utusan over the initial report.

Are you ready yet for a liberal society?

Sodomy is a crime in Malaysia. But afterwards so is verbal sex. And if you additionally detain as good as prison all those who put up with in verbal sex, afterwards fifteen million Malaysians would substantially be in jail. Probably all a 222 Members of Parliament will be in prison as well.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When a Malaysian Civil Liberties Society (MCLS) was first mooted seven years ago, it was not about contesting a ubiquitous elections. It was not about fielding candidates in a elections. In fact, it was not during all about politics. It was about compelling as good as propagating a polite multitude -- which can additionally mean a magnanimous society.

However, a MCLS did not take off. So, final year, you reactivated it in a form of MCLM. Society became Movement, which is all.

But how rebuilt as good as how critical have been Malaysians about vital in a magnanimous society? Are you unequivocally magnanimous or do you speak only though still cringe during what you cruise a incorrigible lifestyle of a west?

Today (and yesterday), three events have been being held in a UK -- in London, Liverpool as good as Manchester (see a links below).

I suppose a Notting Hill Carnival in London as good as a Matthew Street Festival in Liverpool would not lift many eyebrows in Malaysia. But what about a Manchester Pride, a jubilee of lesbian, bay, bisexual as good as transgender life? Are Malaysians liberalised sufficient to tolerate something similar to that?

We can select to be magnanimous or you can sojourn conservative. And if you instruct to sojourn regressive afterwards it is maybe still as good early for polite multitude movements similar to a MCLM.

See next a statements by a British Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister as good as Opposition Leader. The! y have b een not asking a military to detain as good as assign these people for sodomy. They plainly await a Manchester Gay Pride festival.

Nick Clegg, David Camero! n as good as Ed Miliband have been not happy (at least you have not heard any rumours of them being so). But they apply oneself your right to be happy or bisexual. They dont judge you. They dont moralise. They dont ask a military to detain you as good as assign you for any crime opposite a order of nature.

Today, you have been seeing Anwar Ibrahim facing trial for what a government says is his incorrigible act of sodomy. Is Anwar happy or bisexual? There have been some who believe he is. There have been many who believe he is not.

But does it matter? We have Prime Ministers of alternative countries who have been plainly happy (you know which country you am talking about, right?). Do you find a opening of these Prime Ministers not in only since they have been gay?

Sodomy is a crime in Malaysia. But afterwards so is verbal sex. And if you additionally detain as good as prison all those who put up with in verbal sex, afterwards fifteen million Malaysians would substantially be in jail. Probably all a 222 Members of Parliament will be in prison as well.

Someone, somewhere, many, many years ago, motionless what is natural sex as good as what is unnatural sex. And, today, you have to live a lives by these norms set by someone, somewhere, many, many years ago, who suspicion he or she knows best what you should as good as should not do.

The universe has changed. Standards have changed. What might have been unnatural 100 years ago is really natural today.

You dont have to be happy or bisexual. You dont have to drink. You dont have to do anything during all which you might cruise as incorrigible or a defilement of your religious beliefs. But who have been you to tell me what you can as good as cannot do?

As prolonged as what you do does not hurt you, afterwards what you do is my complaint as good as not of your! concern . And a days of people removing arrested for celebration drink or for having a happy attribute must end. This is what a polite multitude is all about. And this is what you should be fighting for.

So, is Anwar gay? Who a ruin cares! What you do caring is: is he a good Opposition Leader? What you do caring is: will he have a good Prime Minister?

That is what w! e should worry about since a destiny of Malaysia depends upon this as good as not upon Anwars passionate preference.

Even if Anwar is not happy though he is a poor Opposition Leader as good as will have a bad Prime Minister, afterwards you must reject him for those reasons as good as not since he does not meet a passionate guidelines.


The Notting Hill Carnival http://www.thenottinghillcarnival.com/

Matthew Street Festival: http://www.mathewstreetfestival.org/

Manchester Pride: http://www.manchesterpride.com/


Pride as good as Politics

Manchester Pride backed by a leaders of a Conservative, Labour as good as Liberal Democrat parties:

Message of Support from Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg

It is with good wish which you congratulate Manchester Pride upon a 21st anniversary.

Over more than two decades, by celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual as good as transgender life, Manchester Pride has upheld LGBT individuals as good as organisations, as good as promoted equivalence as good as diversity. Manchester Pride is to be applauded for a work in raising recognition of a discrimination as good as difficulties affecting a lives of LGBT people as good as you would similar to to sincerely praise all those in! volved w ith Manchester Pride upon reaching this really special milestone.

Message of Support from Prime Minister, David Cameron:

I would similar to to instruct Manchester Pride a happy 21st birthday, you am certain which this years jubilee with a Best of British thesis as good as brew of sports, arts, drive-in theatre as good as parties will be a good success. you additionally wanted to congratulate everybody who has been involved in growing Manchester Pride over a yea! rs; thes e events don't organize themselves as good as require a lot of tough work, though they fool around an critical partial in a informative life of a country as good as you should be unapproachable of what you've achieved.

Events such as Pride have been not only about a fun day-out celebrating, they additionally send an critical summary as good as lift recognition of issues, they have been a really manifest sign of a need to fight discrimination as good as await any other, which is why a burial during a finish of a Big Weekend in Sackville Gardens is such a moving tribute*.

The Pride celebrations here in Manchester have been particularly successful in raising money for LGBT as good as HIV charities across a region, since 2003 scarcely 900,000 has been raised which is a terrific achievement.

So you hope you all have a good as good as protected time during Manchester Pride as good as it goes from strength to strength in a years ahead.

Message of Support from Labour Party Leader, Ed Miliband:

I wish to convey my best wishes to everybody taking partial in Manchester Pride. you enjoyed taking partial in a impetus final year as good as showing my await for equality. The popularity of eventuality shows only how far you have come in recent years in a campaign for equivalence from tackling hatred crimes through to polite partnerships.

I am unapproachable ! of a pro gress you done towards LGBT equivalence over a final decade, though there is still more to do. The key of polite partnerships was one of a many significant changes which Labour brought in, though right away it is right to look during fluctuating matrimony equivalence for those who wish it. From a diagnosis of LGBT asylum seekers through to homophobic bullying, there is still a impetus of progress forward as good as you have been with you upon it.

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Outgoing chief justice denies controlling judges

Outgoing Chief Justice Zaki Azmi has denied having had any control over judges, nonetheless he could have simply done so.

NONEIf we wanted to change anyone we could have simply tranquil a immature judges or a Judicial Commissioners because they wanted promotions, yet we never tranquil them, he pronounced in an interview with Bernama.

Zaki, 66, who is set to retire subsequent month, had risen dramatically up a ranks - from a practising lawyer to a Federal Court decider in 2007 and, a year later, to Chief Justice.

He remarkable which younger judges had motionless opposite a government in several cases, including a Perak constitutional crisis - where Zambry Abd Kadir of BN as well as Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin of Pakatan Rakyat had battled it out in justice to be spoken a menteri besar.

They motionless opposite a government yet it was reversed by 3 Court of Appeal judges, as well as they have been some-more gifted than a immature judges.

So whose preference should you accept? The preference of a immature judges or which of a 3 gifted judges?

I do not manipulate. we think of Allah. That's some-more important. If we am unfair or confirm but following a law, afterwards we am obliged to Allah. To me that's some-more important. Not money or whatever.

He reiterated which he has never presided over any Umno-related cases during his tenure as a judge, nonetheless he was among a pass Umno lawyers before his appointment.

Even yet we was not in Umno, we did not do it. In fact, after we became Chief Justice as well as Court of Appeal President, we was not concerned in environment up a panel of judges. we asked a former Court of Appeal preside! nt, Alau ddin Mohd Sheriff, to do it.

I did no! t wish t o know who was a judge, win or remove we did not care. In fact, in a Felda case we heard, we motionless opposite Felda as well as systematic them to pay RM11 million in damages.

Improvements in judiciary

In a interview, Zaki highlighted his feat in clearing tens of thousands of reserve cases from a 1990s.

jalan duta justice house mahkamah 010507Adding which it was his primary objective when he took up a post, Zaki pronounced that, with a practice of some-more High Court judges as well as benefit of improved recording equipment, cases were likely of sooner.

He additionally pronounced which a relationship in between a judges as well as a Bar Council had improved tremendously over a past 3 years, following a changes which were implemented.

However, asked if a speedy approach has changed open perception of a firmness of a courts, Zaki said: (It's) is harder for me to prove... yet from a slander, letters we received, complaints of judges being unfair or office losing files have been severely reduced, (there are) almost none now. - Malaysiakini

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

India official hurt, in-law killed in Berjaya resort mishap

KUALA LUMPUR, August twenty-nine A top government central from India suffered spinal injuries while his mother-in-law died final Saturday after a patio vituperation during a Berjaya Langkawi Resort which they had been disposition on gave way, Langkawi military pronounced today.

Kuala Triang military chief Sergeant Amran Ahmad pronounced Narayanan Gobalakrishnans father-in-law as well as six-year-old son who were additionally disposition opposite a wooden vituperation sustained injuries after all four fell 3m onto a rocky beach.

His father-in-law broke an arm as well as leg as well as his son broke his arm, Amran told The Malaysian Insider today.

All 3 victims went to Singapore yesterday to get treatment, he added.

Amran pronounced a military ruled out foul fool around as well as classified a case as remarkable death.

When they were walking along a (veranda during the) chalet, a four of them were disposition opposite a patio vituperation while his (Narayanans) mother took pictures, pronounced Amran.

Berjaya Langkawi Resort officials did not rught away lapse calls for comment.

Langkawi OCPD Superintendent Harrith Kam Abdullah pronounced a Indian embassy was informed of a incident during a four-star hotel.

Gobalakrishnans mother-in-law Alamelu Ramamoorthy was elderly 69 years.

Apabila Pencacai2 British Dijulang Sebagai Pejuang Kemerdekaan

Bayangkan saudara saudari sekelian. Orang seperti Dato' Onn, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Kapten Hussein Onn dsbnya adalah mereka yang bekerja dengan penjajah British. Setiap bulan British memberi mereka gaji di samping elaun dan kelebihan2 yang lain i.e. kereta bersupir, perkhidmatan kesihatan percuma, quaters kerajaan dalam bentuk rumah banglo dan sebagainya.Sehari pun dalam hidup pemimpin2 UMNO ini tidak pernah mereka menentang British. Mereka gembira duduk di bawah kerajaan British keran ... Read More

Merdeka: Najib's approval rating plunges to 59% due to rising prices, Bersih

Merdeka: Najib's capitulation rating plunges to 59% due to rising prices, Bersih

Prime Minister Najib Razaks capitulation rating has plunged neatly by 6 commission points to 59%, based upon an Aug consult conducted by a Merdeka Center for Opinion Research.

59% of a Malaysians polled said which they were confident with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razaks performance in this consult which is 6% lower compared to 65% available in May 2011. Broken down into racial groups, a consult found 69% of Malays, 38% of Chinese as well as 69% of Indian respondents expressed satisfaction.

From a survey, you note which a significantly marked down capitulation rating may be due to a increasing concerns over cost of living associated counts as typical citizens begin to feel a impact of hikes in a price of fuel as well as electricity. Besides pocket book issues, a poll outcome additionally suggests a little linkage with inauspicious open notice of how a supervision rubbed events as well as open sermon outset from a BERSIH 2.0 rally as well as alternative associated events.

One half of Malaysians say nation headed in a right direction

At a same time, a consult found which 51% of a citizens felt which a nation was headed in a right citation down somewhat from 54% in May 2011.

With respect to issues, a consult found which a publics greatest regard remained a manage to buy referred to by an aggregate comprising 38% of respondents, followed by concerns over amicable problems during 10%. Worries over domestic associated counts ranked third during 9% of a open mindscape, whilst concerns over open safety as well as crime stood during 7%.

Majority welcome elect! oral rem odel proposals

Close t! o half ( 49%) of a respondents claimed they understood about a final of BERSIH 2.0, a criminialized bloc of non-government organizations perfectionist for free as well as satisfactory choosing in Malaysia. 39% of respondents expressed compensation with a way supervision rubbed a issues regarding BERSIH, whilst 48% of a respondents were dissatisfied.

When queried upon a little of a reforms proposed by BERSIH, a consult found some-more than two-thirds of all respondents expressed agreement with a little of a final as noted below:

Suggested Electoral Reform %Agree %Disagree Net support

Allowing unfamiliar as well as internal observers to monitor elections 70% 23% 47%

Allowing opposition parties entrance to government-owned
TV & radio networks for during slightest one hour a day during the
campaign period 68% 24% 44%

Using memorable ink upon electorate 70% 19% 51%

Review as well as purify up a electoral roll 88% 6% 82%

The Peninsular Malaysia wide telephone consult of 1,027 randomly comparison Malaysian registered electorate aged twenty-one as well as on top of was carried out between 11th 27th Aug 2011. Respondents were comparison using a random, stratified sampling method as well as structured along a inhabitant citizens form as well as specifically proportional to gender, ethnicity, age groups as well as state of residence.

(Merdeka Center for Opinion Research is an independent, non-partisan classification as well as readers can view the top-line, respondents form as well as alternative commentary during www.merdeka.org)

- Malaysia Chronicle

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Menunggu Khalid Gereja tentang Unit Selamat Akidah

Exco hal ehwal agama Islam Selangor Datuk Hasan Ali hari ini mengumumkan penubuhan Unit Selamat Akidah satu pusat khidmat yang bertujuan menerima aduan dan permohonan untuk mendapatkan bantuan daripada masyarakat Islam.

Hasan berkata, section berkenaan ditubuhkan memandangkan "masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang Islam di Selangor, khasnya berhubung dengan persoalan kristianisasi yang kini telah

Mutiny in Umno: MIC must back Najib

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC should recur the in front of in Barisan Nasional if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is defeated from power by sure forces inside of Umno, pronounced celebration Central Working Committee (CWC) member S Vell Paari.