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Next change: NFC saga on silver screen, says PKR

"Many people have called as well as asked because have you gone quiet (on NFC). Are you afraid of Shahrizat? Not to worry, you have been working upon it.
"Now you have been focussing upon a special movie where there will be actors in a purpose of Shahrizat, her father as well as children," he said.
'Most bomb cow film'
Announcing a film, Rafizi joked which any one who could hurl up their sleeves best would be deliberate for a purpose of Shahrizat, referring to her poise during a lastUmno ubiquitous assemblyin fending off her critics over a controversy.

The film, Rafizi (right) said, is expected to be completed before a subsequent ubiquitous election, adding, "This cow movie will be a many bomb of 2012".
Rafizi also took a impertinent appropriate during Shahrizat who had, before to her finale her term as women, family as well as community growth minister, indirectly pronounced which Rafizi was stalking her as well as called a CEO of a Selangor Economic Advisory Office 'jambu' (pretty boy).

Rafizi has been instrumental in exposing NFC's numerous incidents of purported abuse of its soft loan dictated for a growth of a inhabitant beef valley, upon private expenses involving oppulance properties as well as holidays.
Shahrizat's husband, NFC chairperson Mohamed Salleh Ismail has given beencharged for criminal breachof trust for one of a cases, squeeze of oppulance One Menerung condomuniums in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
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Umno MP says Anwar wanted bloodshed and death at Bersih rally

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Advertlets owes me some-more than RM472. we had repeated email them though there was no response. we had done a Cash pay-out in February 2012 though to-date NO PAYMENT RECEIVED.
Suddenly, now we find my account with them had gone "MISSING".
The final balance overdue was some-more than RM$ 472.
Many bloggers, similar to myself have been CHEATED by them. Read More @ Source
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Setpol LGE ugut peguam, hina mahkamah ... Bar Council berdiam
Reasonable Malay and the Reasonable Malaysians. Free ourselves from "Pakatan Rakyat" Bondage!
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Umno's activities abroad coming home to roost

YOURSAY'They suspicion which they can have a protected breakwater outward a nation once BN falls, though it looks similar to their bootleg activities will follow them wherever they go.'
First French submarines, right away Australian banknotes

Unlike in Malaysia where all their ill-gotten gains can be covered up with a aid of a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bank Negara as good as a police, their surreptitious activities overseas such as Australia, Canada as good as US have been starting to be unprotected once a dots have been connected.
They suspicion which they can have a protected breakwater outward a nation once BN falls, though it looks similar to their bootleg activities will follow them wherever they go. Soon, justice will be served.
ABBN:With usually a make a difference of 4 years after a political tsunami swept through Malaysia, already you have so many scandals unprotected which you some-more than what you could chew.
I strongly hold which these have been usually a tip of a iceberg. As time passes, you expect some-more scandals would be uncovered as good as which many of a present as good as former politicians of BN have been getting ready to contend goodbye to Malaysia with their loot, leaving during a back of a pennyless as good as dilapidated country.
No make a difference what it is, you consider it is never too late for a people of this once beautiful nati! on to wa ke up as good as be united in a direct for change. It is improved for a people to face a harsh being as good as be ready to repair a damage done.
Taikohtai:It was eccentric Australian senator Nick Xenophon who had pursued a Securency scandal while Labor as good as its coalition parties dithered as good as looked a other way.
Yes, a same Xenophon who got sprayed while watching Bersih 3.0 convene in Kuala Lumpur.
Anonymous 007: Now you know because your cosmetic banknotes can fade colour when in hit with water, as good as it can additionally tear. Remember when! a cheat is paid, a peculiarity of a product declines. Nothing is for free.
Hmmmmmmmm:Can anybody discuss it me what is a value combined to a ethanol as good as cigarettes by sticking labels upon them? Similarly a hologram stickers upon a medicines?
They have been usually a means to tax a rakyat but many bid put in. Who can't print a stickers? And how many does each of a stickers cost?
Some people have been creation income but any bid or adding any value to a products, as good as you have to compensate for it.
20121221Disaster: If all these hurtful practices as good as irregular activities as good as leakages were to be plugged, a government would have some-more than enough income to implement low motor fuel prices, 0 main road tolls, giveaway education, as good as Malaysians could suffer improved welfare than during present as good as be a single of a many prosperous countries in a world.
GoneBananas:In truth, a leaders have been usually fake Muslims as good as Christians - they essentially worship a gods Mammon (money) as good as Moloch (brute force).
The usually faithfulness they know is to th! eir own family mafias. Once you realize this, nothing they do will surprise you. But the! n, becau se would you concede these spiritual retards to wield material energy over you?
You competence as good install a parrot as your king as good as conform every word it utters, no make a difference how nonsensical.
Yes, these so-called energy elites have been indeed sickening as good as repulsive. Time to repel them through conscious expansion as good as political revolution.
Hang Pa:I, as a Malay as good as Muslim, always urge which these hurtful leaders will a single day be brought to justice.
They have been really conceited in thinking which all in Malaysia belongs to them. you additionally agree which a father of crime in Malaysia is former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Look during Mahathir, as good as his family as good as cronies - how they have turn millionaires/billionaires compared to a previous Umno leaders similar to Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak as good as Hussein Onn, etc.
Joe Lee:If Tunku Abdul Rahman was Bapa Malaysia, as good as Abdul Razak was a father of development, as good as Hussein Onn was a father of unity, afterwards ! Mahathir has to be, as good as still, is a father of corruption.
Mahathir as good as his student Najib would figure very, really prominently between a good prosperous family groups of a Third World, such luminaries as Ferdinand Marcos, Suharto, Mobutu Sese Seko, as good as lately Muammar Gaddafi as good as Hosni Mubarak.
The Malaysian 'Guinness' Book of World Records must have a special entry for Malaysians who have done it big, such as a family groups of Umno elites, similar to Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Mahathir youth etc, etc.
I indicate a destiny Pakatan government set up a special prison for these thieves as good as robbers of a country's wealth. The prison will offer a reminder to destiny governments not to be greedy as good as hurtful similar to these folk! s.
vCan:There is a usual review listened roughly everywhere saying which a current government has splashed income expensively to those whom they consider can support them with votes, as good as is pocketing as many as possible or else opportunities will be lost soon, as good as to squeeze all contracts/projects as after GE13, all these will no some-more be in their hands.
Up2U:The total complement has been so hurtful for roughly 30 years which it is right away decaying to a core where roughly every pow! erful le ader as good as powerbroker expects some personal gratification in every deal. The tough truth is which usually a comparison privileged few have been a beneficiaries.
Battle Station:Malaysia is unique. Once a apportion is unprotected of hurtful practices, instead of given him a flying doctrine out of MACC's window, indisputable laws have been accorded to concede them to keep a rob as good as during a same time, a apportion is speedy to rob a nation's bin even more. - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source
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Consequences of MBPJ ignoring its own rules
RM114 Juta Duit PKPS.Kerajaan Selangor Bapak Hipokrit

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Reasonable Malay and the Reasonable Malaysians. Free ourselves from UMNO Bondage!
<![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]>
<![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]>
is strong despite efforts by some to destroy it
Pemimpin UMNO diingatkan jangan perjuang kroni tertentu: Ismail
Sidek SBPA idea tepu, Cerita merapu ... Cukup-cukuplah tu
Despite defection letdown, PKR focuses on change in Sabah
PTPTN Blunder
Rectangle Oreos and cucumber gum, made in China for China
Instead of creamy white "stuff" in a centre, a glob of resin was sandwiched neatly between a span of Oreo's iconic dim chocolate biscuits.
"The taste was ok. The problem was which you could not swallow it," pronounced Wang, a Kraft food scientist with two decades of experience in a biscuit industry.
Investment may be powering a Chinese economy though experiments similar to a resin cookie - which, for better or worse, never done it to store shelves - have been a reminder which expenditure is taking flight sharply. That means it is vital for food companies to get a right products into a market, quite with direct dimming in a United States as well as Europe.
A consult published earlier this year by a American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, a largest foreign traffic organisation in China, showed which for about 3 in 5 of a member companies, a tip priority here is producing or sourcing products in China for a Chinese market.
"The classify is we're exporting jobs as well as everything's being made with poor work as well as sent back, as well as that's not a box during all," pronounced Kent Kedl, managing executive of China as well as North Asia for a consultancy Control Risks, which collaborated upon a AmCham survey.
China, with a 1.3 billion people, overtook a United States as a world's biggest code new automobile marketplace 3 years ago as well as became a tip grocery marketplace final year. The Boston Consulting Group pronounced in a inform this week which it expects China to be a world's No. 1 marketplace for oppulance products by 2015.
KFC, a Yum! Brands chain as well as one of a initial Western quick food restaurants to hit China in a 1980s, has prolonged been recognised as a pioneer, with offerings similar to rice porridge with recorded egg along with boiled chicken.
But most Western companies resisted starting internal when they initial came to China, in part given they mistakenly believed their well-known general brands would automatically attain there. That mindset has changed, as well as companies right away routinely tailor products or marketing campaigns.
"It's substantially quite tough to find examples of people who do not localise," pronounced Paul French, chief China researcher during marketplace research organisation Mintel.
BMW grown stretch sedans in China given a wealthy similar to to sit in a behind as well as be chauffeured. Wrigley's sells cucumber-mint flavoured sticks of resin as well as Haagen Dazs mooncakes have been a hit given their key in 1997.
At a Kraft R&D facility, which is half scholarship lab, half kitchen, researchers in white coats dally with seasonings such as " California Cheeseburger" as well as " Chicken Feet With Pickled Chili".
About 95 per cent of a ideas which have been floated never make it to market, Wang said. Some important misfires: a red bean pulp Oreo (kids didn't similar to it) as well as a Ritz cracker flavoured similar to fish boiled in sharp Sichuan peppercorn oil (too local).
But a hearing as well as blunder can compensate off, infrequently over China's borders.
Blue jeans giant Levi St rauss & Co introduced a Denizen brand, launched in Shanghai in 2010 as well as designed to fit Chinese physique sorts as well as trends, to a United States final year, for example.
In 2006, Kraft created a ! rectangu lar Oreo wafer cookie which shortly became a best selling biscuit item in China, pronounced Shawn Warren, President of Kraft Foods China.
Now it's being spiffed up for a lapse to a nation where a famed cookie sandwich got a start 100 years ago.
"We've done a little tests in a US as well as still think they need to optimize as well as tweak it though stay tuned as well as may be we'll see it in a US, may be in a not so distant future," pronounced Warren.
Some day a gum-cookie judgment may even resurface, though it would substantially be flipped upon a conduct as resin which tastes similar to an Oreo, Wang said.
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The Biology of Bubble and Crash
June 11, 2012
New York TimesArticle by John Coates
The Biology of Bubble as good as Crash
by John Coates
Published: June 9, 2012
WHAT happens to your physique when you take risks? What happens to it when you have or lose money? Economics rarely asks these questions. It tends to perspective the assessment of monetary risk as the purely egghead affair, involving the calculation of item returns, probabilities as good as grant of capital. It is economics from the neck up.
But to this without bloodshed account of preference making, you wish to add the little guts. Advances in neuroscience as good as physiology have shown which when you take risk, you do the lot some-more than usually consider about it. We hope for for it physically.
Normally, the physique of the risk-taker purrs along efficiently after all, our bodies have been crafted for the discerning reactions as good as tummy feelings you need to survive in the brutal world. But not always. Under resources of outrageous success or terrifying failure, our biology can overreact; as good as when this happens to traders as good as investors, they humour an undiscerning merriment or melancholy which can destabilize monetary markets as good as wreak massacre upon the wider economy.
To get an inkling of how this physiology works, consider the following scenario, in which the merchant grapples with the gossip which the Fed might lift rates later which afternoon:
As 2:15 the time of the proclamation approaches, trade upon the screens dwindles. The floor goes quiet. The merchant feels intellectually prepared. But the cha! llenge h e faces requires some-more than cognitive skill. He needs fast reactions, as good as appetite for the hours ahead.
Consequently, his metabolic rate speeds up, ready to break down appetite stores in liver, flesh as good as fat cells. Breathing accelerates, drawing in some-more oxygen, as good as his heart rate speeds up. Cells of the defence system take up in front of during exposed points of the body, ready to deal with injury as good as infection. And his nervous system, extending from the brain down in to the abdomen, redistributes red blood constricting flow to the gut, giving him butterflies, as good as to the reproductive organs, since this is no time for sex shunting it to major flesh groups in the arms as good as thighs as good as to the lungs, heart as good as brain.
The proclamation will bring volatility, as good as the chance to have money. The merchant feels the swell of appetite as steroid hormones have been synthesized by their particular glands as good as injected in to his bloodstream. Steroids have been powerful, dangerous chemicals they change almost every item of physique as good as brain: his expansion rate, lean-muscle mass, mood, even the memories he recalls as good as for which reason their make use of is firmly regulated by the International Olympic Committee as good as the hypothalamus, the brain's drug enforcement agency.
These past hours, the trader's testosterone levels have been climbing. This steroid hormone, constructed by group (and, in obtuse quantities, by women) primes the merchant for the challenge ahead, usually as it does athletes scheming to compete as good as masculine animals to fight. Rising levels enlarge faith and, crucially, appetite for risk. For the merchant this is the impulse of transformation, what the French since the Middle Ages have called "the hour in between dog as good as wolf."
The highlight hormones adrenaline as good as cortisol swell out of the adrenal glands, as good as the cortisol travels to the brain, where! it stim ulates the recover of dopamine, the containing alkali handling along neural circuits well known as the wish pathways. At tall levels, cortisol provides the nasty, stressful experience. But in tiny amounts, in combination with dopamine one of the many addictive drugs well known to the tellurian brain it delivers the analgesic hit, the rush which convinces traders which there is no alternative job in the world.
Finally, during 2:14, the merchant leans in to his screen, pupils dilated, respirating rhythmic, muscles coiled, physique as good as brain fused for impending action. An expectant hush descends upon global markets.
This unfolding illustrates usually how sensitive the physique is to information. We do not courtesy prices upon the shade as the computer would, dispassionately; you conflict physically. Our physique as good as brain rev up as good as down together, as good as this natural fusion creates us improved risk-takers.
When you was using the derivatives desk for Deutsche Bank during the dot-com bubble, however, you began seeing pathologies in this biology. Traders, routinely the prudent lot, were apropos overconfident, fixation bets of augmenting size, with ever getting worse risk-reward trade-offs.
As profits mounted, traders as good as investors seemed to feel the bonds of human hold up trip from their shoulders. Assessment of risk was transposed by judgments of faith they usually knew what was starting to happen. Extreme sports seemed like child's play; sex became the competitive activity. They even walked differently. "I can handle anything," their bodies seemed to say. Tom Wolfe nailed this euphoric as good as delusional function when he described the stars of Wall Street as Masters of the Universe.
I've not usually celebrated this behavior. When you enjoyed the prolonged winning streak as good as approaching the vast bonus, I, too, became the picture of cockiness. Frankly, you cringe when you consider about it.
The point you wish to make, ! though, is this: The hubris which traders knowledge during the burble can be as overwhelming as passionate enterprise or wall-banging anger. They have been underneath the change of the little naturally constructed narcotic, one which can transform them in to different people. you have come to consider of it as the "molecule of undiscerning exuberance," as good as to take seriously the possibility which during bubbles as good as crashes the monetary community turns in to the clinical population.
Convinced you should be seeking during the change of the physique upon risk-taking, you done the preference frequently regretted of timid from Wall Street, starting to Cambridge University as good as retraining in physiology as good as neuroscience. My colleagues as good as you set up the array of experiments to exam the hypothesis which the molecule of undiscerning merriment was in fact testosterone which levels of this hormone climb with above-average profits, enlarge risk-taking as good as morph prudent decisions in to risky ones.
In one experiment you sampled hormones from 17 masculine traders as good as found which their testosterone did indeed climb with above-average profits, as good as in alternative studies, with 54 traders, you found which aloft testosterone led to larger risk-taking. These experiments have been continuing, though the preliminary data was strong enough to be published by the National Academy of Sciences. We collected equally absolute data suggesting which the molecule of undiscerning melancholy which you think can foster chronic risk aversion, pushing the bear marketplace in to the crash is the highlight hormone cortisol.
Understanding the goods of tellurian biology upon the markets should profoundly change how you see them, as good as their pathologies. At the moment, you fear you have the worst of both worlds an inconstant biology joined with policies which inspire as well much risk-taking during bubbles as good as as well little during crashes, as good as the r! eward sc heme which penalizes prudent risk-taking. Nature as good as nurture conspire to emanate recurrent disasters. Risk government needs to moderate these biological waves, not amplify them.
One approach to do which would be to inspire the some-more even change inside of banks between group as good as women, immature as good as old. Women as good as older group have the fragment of the testosterone of immature men, so if some-more of them managed money, you could perhaps stabilise the markets. We could also look to sports scientists for guidance, for they have been the ones with the many ability during handling biology in the interests of performance, during developing the resilience to exuberance, tired as good as stress.
Finally, you should recognize, upon the personal level, which "know thyself" equates to know your biochemistry.
John Coates is the Research Fellow during Cambridge University as good as the former derivatives trader. This letter is blending from his stirring book, "The Hour Between Dog as good as Wolf: Risk Taking, Gut Feelings, as good as the Biology of Boom as good as Bust."
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All eyes on Sabah BN duo over rumoured defections

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Anwar confirms talks with Sabah BN leaders

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The Biology of Bubble and Crash
June 11, 2012
New York TimesArticle by John Coates
The Biology of Bubble as good as Crash
by John Coates
Published: Jun 9, 2012
WHAT happens to your physique when you take risks? What happens to it when you have or lose money? Economics frequency asks these questions. It tends to perspective the comment of financial risk as the quite egghead affair, involving the calculation of asset returns, probabilities as good as allocation of capital. It is economics from the neck up.
But to this without bloodshed comment of decision making, you wish to add the small guts. Advances in neuroscience as good as physiology have shown which when you take risk, you do the lot some-more than only consider about it. We prepare for it physically.
Normally, the physique of the risk-taker purrs along good after all, the bodies have been crafted for the quick reactions as good as tummy feelings you need to survive in the heartless world. But not always. Under circumstances of outrageous success or terrifying failure, the biology can overreact; as good as when this happens to traders as good as investors, they suffer an undiscerning merriment or melancholy which can destabilize financial markets as good as wreak massacre upon the wider economy.
To get an inkling of how this physiology works, consider the following scenario, in which the merchant grapples with the rumor which the Fed might raise rates after which afternoon:
As 2:15 the time of the announcement approaches, trade upon the screens dwindles. The floor goes quiet. The merchant feels intellectually prepared. But the plea he f! aces req uires some-more than cognitive skill. He needs fast reactions, as good as ardour for the hours ahead.
Consequently, his metabolism speeds up, ready to break down ardour stores in liver, flesh as good as fat cells. Breathing accelerates, drawing in some-more oxygen, as good as his heart rate speeds up. Cells of the immune system take up in front of during exposed points of the body, ready to understanding with damage as good as infection. And his shaken system, extending from the brain down in to the abdomen, redistributes red blood constricting flow to the gut, giving him butterflies, as good as to the reproductive organs, given this is no time for sex shunting it to vital flesh groups in the arms as good as thighs as good as to the lungs, heart as good as brain.
The announcement will bring volatility, as good as the possibility to have money. The merchant feels the swell of ardour as steroid hormones have been synthesized by their respective glands as good as injected in to his bloodstream. Steroids have been powerful, dangerous chemicals they change almost every item of physique as good as brain: his growth rate, lean-muscle mass, mood, even the memories he recalls as good as for which reason their use is tightly regulated by the International Olympic Committee as good as the hypothalamus, the brain's drug enforcement agency.
These past hours, the trader's testosterone levels have been climbing. This steroid hormone, constructed by group (and, in lesser quantities, by women) primes the merchant for the plea ahead, only as it does athletes preparing to contest as good as masculine animals to fight. Rising levels enlarge faith and, crucially, ardour for risk. For the merchant this is the moment of transformation, what the French given the Middle Ages have called "the hour between dog as good as wolf."
The highlight hormones adrenaline as good as cortisol swell out of the adrenal glands, as good as the cortisol travels to the brain, where it stimulates the recover of do! pamine, the chemical handling along neural circuits known as the pleasure pathways. At high levels, cortisol provides the nasty, stressful experience. But in small amounts, in multiple with dopamine the single of the many addictive drug known to the tellurian brain it delivers the analgesic hit, the rush which convinces traders which there is no alternative job in the world.
Finally, during 2:14, the merchant leans in to his screen, pupils dilated, respirating rhythmic, muscles coiled, physique as good as brain fused for impending action. An expectant overwhelm descends upon tellurian markets.
This unfolding illustrates only how supportive the physique is to information. We do not regard prices upon the shade as the computer would, dispassionately; you react physically. Our physique as good as brain rev up as good as down together, as good as this healthy fusion makes us improved risk-takers.
When you was running the derivatives desk for Deutsche Bank during the dot-com bubble, however, you began noticing pathologies in this biology. Traders, routinely the advantageous lot, were becoming overconfident, fixation bets of augmenting size, with ever getting worse risk-reward trade-offs.
As increase mounted, traders as good as investors seemed to feel the bonds of human hold up trip from their shoulders. Assessment of risk was replaced by judgments of faith they only knew what was starting to happen. Extreme sports seemed similar to child's play; sex became the rival activity. They even walked differently. "I can handle anything," their bodies seemed to say. Tom Wolfe nailed this overjoyed as good as delusional function when he described the stars of Wall Street as Masters of the Universe.
I've not only celebrated this behavior. When you enjoyed the prolonged winning strain as good as expected the vast bonus, I, too, became the design of cockiness. Frankly, you cringe when you consider about it.
The point you wish to make, though, is this: The hubris which traders kn! owledge during the burble can be as overwhelming as passionate desire or wall-banging anger. They have been under the influence of the small naturally constructed narcotic, the single which can transform them in to opposite people. you have come to consider of it as the "molecule of undiscerning exuberance," as good as to take severely the possibility which during froth as good as crashes the financial village turns in to the clinical population.
Convinced you should be seeking during the influence of the physique upon risk-taking, you made the decision often regretted of timid from Wall Street, starting to Cambridge University as good as retraining in physiology as good as neuroscience. My colleagues as good as you set up the array of experiments to exam the hypothesis which the proton of undiscerning merriment was in actuality testosterone which levels of this hormone climb with above-average profits, enlarge risk-taking as good as morph advantageous decisions in to risky ones.
In the single examination you sampled hormones from 17 masculine traders as good as found which their testosterone did in truth climb with above-average profits, as good as in alternative studies, with 54 traders, you found which aloft testosterone led to greater risk-taking. These experiments have been continuing, but the preliminary interpretation was clever sufficient to be published by the National Academy of Sciences. We picked up equally absolute interpretation suggesting which the proton of undiscerning melancholy which you suspect can foster chronic risk aversion, pushing the bear market in to the crash is the highlight hormone cortisol.
Understanding the goods of tellurian biology upon the markets should profoundly change how you see them, as good as their pathologies. At the moment, you fright you have the worst of both worlds an unstable biology joined with policies which inspire as good much risk-taking during froth as good as as good small during crashes, as good as the reward scheme which p! enalizes advantageous risk-taking. Nature as good as maintain conspire to create recurrent disasters. Risk government needs to dampen these biological waves, not amplify them.
One approach to do which would be to inspire the some-more even change within banks among group as good as women, young as good as old. Women as good as comparison group have the fraction of the testosterone of young men, so if some-more of them managed money, you could maybe stabilise the markets. We could additionally look to sports scientists for guidance, for they have been the ones with the many skill during handling biology in the interests of performance, during developing the essential element to exuberance, tired as good as stress.
Finally, you should recognize, upon the personal level, which "know thyself" equates to know your biochemistry.
John Coates is the Research Fellow during Cambridge University as good as the former derivatives trader. This letter is blending from his forthcoming book, "The Hour Between Dog as good as Wolf: Risk Taking, Gut Feelings, as good as the Biology of Boom as good as Bust."
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Public perception a problem for BN!

- DPM MY pronounced which BN faces a critical complaint of public notice as well as he blames it upon PR. While it is good to know which DPM appreciate a core emanate but he still got it wrong upon who did it. If BN cannot accept as well as understand why they destroy in a public notice litmus exam than their destiny is obviously doom. Ask any doctors as well as they will tell you which if they destroy to diagnosed a root means of any complaint afterwards chances have been a studious will in a future die. Ironic isn't it when BN has all a resources at a ordering as well as nonetheless they unsuccessful in a public notice test.
- Prior to a days of a blogs, Google, chatter as well as I-phone public notice is tranquil by supervision TV, "Anwar Ibrahim" owned TV as well as BN component party owned print media. I used a word tranquil because a media tell half-truth as well as omit all a weaknesses of a supervision as well as literally plant ideas in to a thoughts of a people which our leaders have been clean as well as they have a people interest at heart. The approach a news was portrayed sometimes it looks like BN leaders have been messiah.
- Why is it which BN is losing a notice war-games? Simply pronounced a "1000 hired guns cannot fight 100 volunteers fortifying their land" BN unsuccessful to win a cyberspace because their troopers took an descent as well as coarse strategy which creates peoples fed up. Most of them don't believe what they have been defending. They were paid troopers. They should have focused upon display their certain side rsther than than indicating a negative side of PR leaders. Have they not schooled which all a sex scandals revelation has no stroke upon PR leadership?
- BN leaders have been sharpened in their own foot. One man is observant one thing; a alternative is observant something else. The negative perceptions of BN between a people have been as a result of their own doing. They supposing a event for a people to impugn them. They emanate a bullet to make people hatred them. Now at your convenience people see a signboard observant "Projek Kerajaan Barisan Nasional" a first thing which came in to thoughts is how much "Anwar Ibrahim"-BN people have been ripping of a supervision around a project. The conscious inefficiency as well as legally hidden have been making people sick of BN. Unless BN accept a reality upon why a people hates them, they cannot shift a problem.
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"Raja dan Rakyat berpisah tiada"
Anwar confirms talks with Sabah BN leaders

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Muhyiddin greatest threat to Najibs 1 Malaysia, says Kit Siang

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Hisham: Video withheld due to Bersih panel
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein pronounced his ministry's video shave of a Berih 3.0 convene was withheld because of a government appointed row to examine a rally.
Speaking to reporters today, Hishammuddin pronounced his method longed for to avoid accusations that a video would capture a panel's work.
"We do not wish to capture a panel. We reside by procedures as well as good practices, they should be since a space (to investigate)," he said.
On Jun 3, Hishammuddin voiced that his method will recover a video shave to concede a public tojudge for themselveson what took place during a rally.
Critics argued that a video shave wouldcompromisethe integrity of a row - that reports to a home method - as well as it was written to counter video clips of military brutality circulating online.
Hishammuddin pronounced that for now, a only people that can view a video is a row itself! , that is led by former inspector-general of military Hanif Omar.
Previously, Hanif had voiced that a row has access to 43 police-produced video clips, totalling 73 hours of footages, that a row will review.
Hishammuddin pronounced that his method might still recover a video after a row had viewed it as well as provide feedback.
"There is no reason why they cannot be since dual or three days to see a video, it does not affect us as well as we will screen it after we get their views," he said.
However, Hishammuddin did not mention a time frame for that a video will be released.
[More to follow] Read More @ Source
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Leaders & followers
Abolish ISA open forum - Ambiga - Bar Council (1of2)

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M. Kayveas contingency rught away retract his matter as well as apologize to the Malaysian Public for his explain which about 250,000 people who took part in the Bersih 3.0 peaceful sit-in rally had the "herd mentality".
It seems Kayveas is undermining the intelligence of these matured crowd of people who just wanted the BN government to ensure the clean as well as fair elections. Kayveas can't repudiate which there have been irregularities in the election rolls as well as these have been reported in the medias daily. The Election Commission on the other palm seems to be just flitting the censure to third parties in order to avoid corrections.
Kayveas need to realize his domestic background as well as the status of his PPP when he makes this sort of unwanted remarks. If Kayveas intention is to please his domestic masters afterwards he had done the vital inapplicable designation given the VOTERS have been the ones who have the power to elect the candidate as well as given he had ashamed them, they will just omit him, his PPP as well as his member party, BN.
Kayveas is well well known for just seeking broadside as well as would just speak nonsenses just to get prime time television as well as media coverage.
Kayveas need to serve realize which this outrageous turn-out of people during Bersih 3.0 rally who done it on their own but any financial rewards should have been the lesson for his BN member celebration to CHANGE FOR THE BETTER but until currently they seem to omit this thought.
The 13th general elections results will in conclusion uncover Kayveas as well as his BN leadership who has the flock mentality. By afterwards it might be as well late for Kayveas or his BN to correct the situation. Read More @ Source
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
MIC says trying to get more Indians into matriculation

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