300 Premises : Penang is now a mini Las Vegas

GEORGE TOWN: A non-governmental organization has labelled Penang as a mini Las Vegas after the members have allegedly identified more than 300 premises which housed illegal video and slot gambling machines here. Pertubuhan Islam Gabungan Amal (Pertiga) president Sabaruddin Ahmad said which any of these premises have during slightest 50 gaming machines each. He added which Pertiga wanted to theatre a

Muhyiddin's uphill battle. the UMNO vice presidents say no.

The alternative day, we watched the late night headlines on TV3. It ran an talk it had with DPM, Muhyidin Yassin. The DPM says its an ascending battle for UMNO as well as BN. we contend man- UMNO leaders are contradicting any other. Two vice presidents contend UMNO is ok. The deputy president says, not so ok. One of them must be lying. Or- if they are observant something thats opposite to what Muhyidin says, they mean

Pakatan: Scrap, not amend, proposed assembly law

By Shannon Teoh as well as Debra Chong
November 27, 2011

People take part in a candlelight vigil to protest opposite a Peaceful Assembly Bill, in Kuala Lumpur, November 26, 2011. Picture by Jack Ooi
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 27 Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers have deserted a Cabinet's preference to tweak a criticised open law as well as have been perfectionist it be withdrawn from Parliament instead, tentative open consultation.

Top leaders from a sovereign antithesis echoed views from polite multitude groups here that a Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 was as well flawed as well as "poorly-crafted" to be amended, as planned by a Najib administration.

Their parliamentary personality Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told The Malaysian Insider that a Bill should simply be withdrawn prior to Tuesday's debates as well as Section 27 of a Police Act, that requires military permits for all open assemblies, be repealed "without any serve regulations."

! This pr oves it is not a well-crafted square of legislation. Now they have been trying to rush by a amendments. You cannot only move it as well as decide upon changes in a matter of hours," a PKR de facto personality pronounced when met during a sidelines of his party's national association in Johor yesterday.

The Permatang Puah MP combined that "there is no need to umpire demonstrations. There have been existing laws to govern open safety so only repeal Section 27."

His daughter as well as PKR vice-president, Nurul Izzah Anwar, concluded that "mere amendments" would be deficient to do open expectations upon laws governing their right to assemble peacefully.

She pronounced her celebration expected zero less than a arrangement of a parliamentary name cabinet to ensure all stakeholders have been scrupulously consulted prior to any serve changes have been made.

"The bu dding apportion contingency understand that it is not BN-sanctioned rights as well as bills that Malaysians expect, though those enshrined underneath a Malaysian constitution," she told The Malaysian Insider.

De facto law apportion Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz reliable yesterday that a Cabinet has concluded to amend seven supplies in a argumentative law, together with apropos different a 30-day notice sequence for an open to only 10 days.

PAS's Kuala Krai MP Hatta Ramli also concluded with his coalition partners that a Bill should be withdrawn, as well as accused a supervision of treating Malaysians as though they were immature, easily-incited as well as anti-est! ablishme nt.

"The Bill is putting Malaysia in a disastrous light with nonessential control of a liberty of people, giving an indication that a supervision lacks trust in a rakyat," he told The Malaysian Insider in a content message.

"We have been not kids. [The] Constitution allows for freedom of open though it is always a tiny prints [sic] by all kinds of amendments to a Constitution as well as subsequent Acts, together with this Act, that takes away this freedom," he said.

He combined that PAS is planning to record a judicial examination next week to stop a supervision offer it regarded as u! nconstit utional from being passed in to law.

However, it is misleading either such movement would have any effect formed upon a fundamental approved element of separation of powers, where it is considered over a court's powers to interfere with a record of Parliament.

When contacted, a Islamist party's lawyer, Hanipa Maidin, explained that a justice plea was doubtful to hindrance parliamentary debate upon a matter, though a government, that derives a powers from a Federal Constitution, contingency act inside of a confines of a same law. The Federal Constitution is a country's first formula of law.

"We wish to ask a justice to declare that a supervision has acted over a energy by tabli! ng a Bil l, as a same is unconstitutional. Thus we seek from a justice to demarcate a Bill from apropos law," he explained.

He pronounced underneath judicial review, there is a method well known as a sequence of prohibition, that he pronounced allows a justice to demarcate a open physique from acting over a power.

"Such a remedy extends to plea a energy of any open physique from making any law that is unconstitutional or ultra vires in nature," Hanipa said, though admitted that what PAS was seeking has never been done in Malaysia.

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23.07.2011: Kg. Selamat, Sitiawan, Perak. BHGN 9/12. Majlis Makan Malam Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat anjuran Angkatan Muda Keadilan Lumut dengan kerjasama Biro Kebudayaan & Kesenian PKR Lumut. Ucapan oleh YB Kulasegaran, Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Barat kelahiran Sitiawan.

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PKR looks further ahead

s Johor fortress. THE Pulai Springs Resort in Johor is associated more with golf than politics. But golf took a backseat this weekend as the PKR crowd swarmed to the ...


Duduk di Ulu Tiram, Johor + kerja di Jurong, Singapura = MURTAD!

Alasan = keluar kerja sebelum subuh, sampai tempat kerja lepas suboh!
Itulah dia patwa ayam tambatan terbaru kaum hamPAS yang diberi gelaran Ustad Bob Lokman! Dari seorang pelakon kini ditabal sebagai Ustad setelah menyertai kaum hamPAS!

Begitu mudah Bob Lokman menghukum orang murtad! Apakah Bob Lokman punya bukti kukuh

Malaysians must rise up to stop the Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011

press-stThe Plan of Action for Malaysia (PoAM) Coalition urges a Government to rught away repel a Peaceful Assembly Bill, which is unconstitutional as well as some-more repressive than a existent Police Act.

PoAM urges a open to join a protests organized by Kempen Kebebasan Berhimpun (KKB), a Bar Council as well as alternative polite multitude groups as well as abroad Malaysians against this act. The events scheduled so far are:

29 November (Tues)

11.30am: Walk Lake Club to Parliament

8.00pm: Public Forum at Kuala Lumpur as well as Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall

PoAM reminds a open which in 1981, a afterwards brand new Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad as well attempted to amend a Societies Act to cripple domestic participation of associations, though a legislative addition was defeated by a joined front of polite multitude groups coming from all! backgro unds.

PoAM is thus confident a check will have to be cold or be rendered unenforceable if a open pressure continues to mount.

PoAM holds which a hefty fines of RM10,000 for public organisers who destroy to notify a military thirty days in allege as well as RM20,000 for public participants who destroy to disperse as educated by a military have been proposed in bad faith.

This is in actuality many worse than a Peaceful Assembly as well as Procession Bill upheld by Myanmar which requires only 5 days notification to a police.

Such fines have been over a means of normal Malaysians as well as have been meant to overpower typical Malaysians from center as well as reduce category backgrounds. Such fines can also be used to invalidate elected representatives, in a goal which this will deter them from joining a public.

In a opinion, if a People concede this check to be passed, a people will not be able to reason any proof or rally to express their opinion in many urban areas. Under a law, Assemb! lies hav e been prohibited within a 50-meter radius from motor fuel stations, military stations, eremite places, schools as well as 8 alternative categories of "prohibited areas", many ! of which have been ordinarily found in urban centre.

It is PoAM deliberate perspective which when governments have been stable from criticism, they will have small inducement to check corruption, arrest power abuse as well as retreat unpopular policies. This will in a future lead to domestic instability as well as conflict.

PoAM calls upon a government to repel a proposed Bill rught away as well as to deliberate vital stakeholders including polite multitude before retabling a Bill.

PoAM feels which if a Peaceful Assembly Bill in its current form is passed, is a potential time bomb which can outcome in governmental noise as well as chaos. This is something which all right-minded Malaysians do not desire as well as would climb to prevent.

Issued by GBM which comprises of a following organisations:

  • Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)

  • Aliran

  • Tamil Foundation

  • Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)

  • Majlis Perundingan Mala! ysia Aga ma Buddha, Krisitian, Hindu, Sikh dan Tao (MPMAM)

  • Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall (NSCAH)

  • Penang Chinese Town Hall (PGCTH)

  • Lim Lian Geok Cultural Development Centre (LLG)

  • United Chinese School Alumni Association of Malaysia (UCSAAM)

  • Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)

  • Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)

  • Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS)

  • Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)

  • Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (Permas)

  • Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI)

  • National Interlok Action Team (NIAT)

  • People's Green Coalition (PGC)

  • Anak Muda Sarawak (AMS)

  • All Women's Action So! ciety (A WAM)

  • Partners in Community Organising (Pacos Trust)

  • Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia

  • *********************

    Warga Malaysia harus bangkit un! tuk meng hentikan Rang Undang Undang Perhimpunan Awam 2011

    Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia [GBM] menggesa Kerajaan menarik balik Rang Undang-Undang Perhimpunan Awam [RUUPA] 2011 dengan serta merta, oleh kerana perundangan yang dicadangkan adalah bertentangan dengan lunas-lunas demokrasi berperlembagaan, serta ianya mengandungi unsur-unsur lebih menindas berbanding dengan Akta Polis sedia ada.

    GBM menyeru rakyat jelata untuk menyertai protes yang kini dianjurkan oleh Kempen Kebebasan Berhimpun (KKB), Majlis Peguam dan kumpulan masyarakat sivil dan warga Malaysia di luar Tanah Air, supaya dapat menentang perundangan tersebut. Sehingga kini beberapa aktiviti yang telah dirancang ialah seperti berikut:

    29 Nov (Selesa)

    11.30 pagi: Perhimpunan jalan dari Kelab Taman Perdana ke bangunan Parlimen

    8.00 malam: Forum Awam di Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Kuala Lumpur as well as Selangor

    GBM ingin menarik perhatian dan memperingatkan rakyat bahawa pada tahun 1981, Perdana Menteri masa itu Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga telah cuba membuat pindaan kepada Akta Pertubuhan dengan tujuan membendung dan menyekat penyertaan persatuan persat! uan dala m locus politik. Akhirnya, pindaan tersebut terpaksa ditarik balik apabila berhadapan dengan satu barisan padu kumpulan masyarakat sivil, yang terdiri daripada pelbagai latarbelakang dan sektor.

    GBM penuh yakin bahawa RUUPA 2011 akan ditarik balik ataupun tidak dapat dilaksanakan sekiranya tekanan Rakyat menentang perundangan tersebut dapat diteruskan.

    GBM berpendapat bahawa denda sebanyak RM10,000 bagi penganjur perhimpunan yang tidak mematuhi peruntukan memberitahu polis thirty hari sebelum perhimpunan dan denda RM20,000 untuk peserta perhimpunan yang enggan bersurai atas arahan polis, merupakan cadangan yang tidak berniat b! aik.

    Sebenarnya, peruntukan ini adalah lebih teruk berbanding dengan notis pemberitahuan 5 hari sahaja di bawah a Peaceful Assembly as well as Procession Bill yang diluluskan oleh Myanmar baru-baru ini.

    Ternyata denda denda tersebut dicadangkan dengan tujuan menyekat hak asasi rakyat jelata, khususnya dari golongan pendapatan terendah dan pertengahan, yang pasti tidak ada kemampuan kewangan bagi membayar. Peruntukan denda tersebut juga berniat untuk menghalang dan menyekat Wakil Rakyat menyertai perhimpunan awam bersama Rakyat, oleh kerana mereka boleh hilang standing sekiranya didendakan amaun berkenaan.

    Pada pendapat kami, sekiranya Rakyat membenarkan RUUPA 2001 jadi Akta PA 2001, Kerajaan akan 'dilindungi' dari perhimpunan jalan di kebanyakan kawasan Bandar. Di bawah perundangan ini, perhimpunan adalah dilarang dalam jarak 50 meter dari had suatu tempat larangan seperti stesyen minyak, stesyen polis, tempat ibadat, sekolah dan lapan lagi "tempat larangan", yang lazimnya terdapat di mana mana kawasan perbandaran.

    GBM berpendapat bahawa sesebuah kerajaan yang kebal kepada kritikan rakyat tidak ada insentif bagi membendung rasuah, penyelewengan kuasa ataupun menarik balik dasar dasar yang tidak terima oleh bilangan besar masyarakat. Keadaan sedemikian akan menyebabkan suasana politik yang tidak stabil serta konflik.

    GBM merayu kepada kerajaan untuk menarik balik RUUPA 2011 dan memulakan satu proses perundingan dengan masyarakat sivil sebelum pembentangan semula rang undang undang tersebut.

    Pada hemat GBM, sekiranya RUUPA 2011 diluluskan kemungkinan ianya akan menjadi punca ketidakharmonian dan huru hara dalam masyarakat. Warga Malaysia yang waras dan matang pasti akan bangkit untuk mengelakkan keadaan sedemikian berlaku. - CPIAsia

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    What a totally hopeless Deputy Prime Minister

    What a totally destroyed Deputy Prime Minister

    I find it dubious which so much angst as well as disbelief has been exhibited by Opposition politicians, pundits as well as reade! rs of ne ws portals over a lies which Lim Guan Eng's son had behaved inappropriately towards a woman in his propagandize as well as a matter was hushed up.

    This is Umno (and BN). Should any of us be surprised with politicians from which party?

    It has been my indicate for a whilst which a usually goal for Umno is for a party to lose it all during a next polls, as well as do a vital overhaul whilst in a wilderness, find brand brand new leaders, rediscover a moral core as well as come back.

    The party is tired, broke of ideas or people of integrity. It is a misconception to hold which a second line of politicians such as Khairy or which Kota Belud MP will be any opposite from a hurtful collection of ministers as well as MPs who unhappy to contend have been leaders of Malaysia.

    Either Muhyiddin cannot read or he is not so intelligent to understand what a media have been reporting during a last couple of days (How true!). Not usually has a principal of a propagandize where a purported incident was said to have committed came out to refute a lies by a Umno bloggers, though a so-called victim whose photograph was used by a reprobate as well as uncouth Umno people has additionally issued a clever matter refuting their disagreeable lies.

    Comment by Thomas Lee Seng Hock

    I am simply vacant as well as dumbfounded which a chairman of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's status can come out with such a foolish criticism upon a box of Lim Guan Eng's son.

    The Deputy Prime Minister cum Education! Minist! er (sic) has remarked which Guan Eng's rejection of a passionate harassment claims opposite his son was "inadequate".

    Muhyiddin told a media upon Saturday 22 Oct 2011 which if a Penang chief apportion "thinks it is important to correct a information, afterwards he has to come up with a clever statement; small rejection is not enough."

    Low genius as well as low culture

    What "strong statement" does a emissary budding apportion as well as Umno emissary boss design Guan Eng to come out with to opposite a immorality personal attack opposite his son? Any elementary chairman with usually elementary common sense will know which a total mischievous failure was fabricated with a deceitful intent of sabotaging a domestic achievements of Guan Eng, in all so after a clever rejection by a propagandize principal as well as a firm refutation by a immature woman named in a false accusation.

    The many wanton as well as crummy matter by a emissary budding apportion is positively a really unhappy thoughtfulness of a quality of a federal leaders, whose comprehension is in all f! ound wan ting. How can you achieve a status of a developed republic as well as high-performance citizenry when a emissary budding minister, who is additionally a preparation minister, is a chairman of such irrational as well as insane character?

    What's is more, can you trust to have such a garland of brainless leaders during a Federal turn heading a country out of a gloomy as well as capricious situation ?

    Lousy Education minister

    Muhyiddin's opening as preparation apportion has been a theme of disrespectful ridicule as well as derision between a educated class as well as intellectuals of a nation, in all his unsuitable as well as variable policy upon a use of a English denunciation in a teaching of scholarship as well as mathematics. His consistent changing merry-go-round manaeuvre of a drill system is treacherous not usually a students, though a! teacher s as well as parents, too.

    Evaluating his criticism upon a box of Guan Eng's son objectively will lead us to a end which Muhyiddin is positively not fit to be a supervision leader, as well as it is positively offensive t! o consider which he might even become a budding apportion one day! If you entrust a republic into a palm of such people, who lack a character, wisdom, intelligence, credibility, as well as integrity, afterwards woes betide us.

    PM as well as alternative BN leaders usually as bad

    And whilst you am upon this emanate of Guan Eng's son, you wish to contend which a silence upon a partial of a budding apportion as well as leaders of a Barisan Nasional member parties like a MCA as well as MIC is positively deafening.

    The total failure should be publicly censured as well as cursed by all right-thinking as well as righteous persons, though a Umno boss is apparently condoning a dishonourable diabolical allegation debate opposite Guan Eng as well as his son by keeping quiet. Any genuine as well as convincing politician would take a firm mount opposite such disgusting (dishonorable) immorality movement upon a partial of a Umno bloggers, express genuine clever revulsion as well as surpassing indignation upon a matter. But not a Umno boss or any of a Barisan Nasional member party leaders.

    So unhappy which these have been a people upon whom! a des tiny of a republic is dependent upon now.

    Unite during a list box, do something about it

    Hen! ce, you be lieve it is time which all loyal as well as nationalistic Malaysians who adore a country as well as call Malaysia their home should unite during a list box to emanate a domestic revolution to move about a genuine mutation to a hold up as well as thoughts of a republic as well as a people. This has zero to do with secular connection or religion affinity, though simply a coming together of all brotherly Malaysians to move about a installation of a compe! tent, ac countable as well as pure (CAT) federal supervision comprising aficionado leaders who have been morally righteous, truthful, honest, credible, incorruptible, as well as people-centric.

    The fate of a republic lies in a hands, in how you vote during a next general election. We either mangle a long-time bondage of being under a curved as well as hurtful regime, or you move in a brand brand new era of transformed as well as transfigured people-centric administration department handling upon a surpassing democratic principle of supervision of a people, by a people, for a people.

    Start a change.... begin today... widespread a word... protected others to protected a selves as well as a country. We can make a difference ... don't do nothing.

    ALI KADIR is a son of Tun Fatimah as well as Abdul Kadir, a former Law minister

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    23.07.2011: Kg. Selamat, Sitiawan, Perak. BHGN 5/12. Majlis Makan Malam Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat anjuran Angkatan Muda Keadilan Lumut dengan kerjasama Biro Kebudayaan & Kesenian PKR Lumut. Tarian Kebudayaan Melayu.

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    Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

    Malaysians In London Protest Peaceful Assembly Bill

    It was an incredibly windy sunrise during Belgrave Square.

    That, however, did not daunt any hard-core Malaysian overseas.

    They came with their banners as well as posters.

    There was not a peep out of a Malaysian High Commission while a protesters chanted as well as waved their banners.

    A couple of policemen kept watch during a deferential distance, though did nothing to sunder a crowd. Street protests were seen as a fundamental right.

    Making one's gainsay listened is far simpler in a UK than in Malaysia.

    By Crankster
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    23.07.2011: Kg. Selamat, Sitiawan, Perak. BHGN 10/12. Majlis Makan Malam Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat anjuran Angkatan Muda Keadilan Lumut dengan kerjasama Biro Kebudayaan & Kesenian PKR Lumut. Tarian Kebudayaan India Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham - Bole Chudiyaan during youtu.be

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    Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

    PKR blusters but offers little to Johor

    PKR was meagre upon details regarding how it plans to govern Johor should it win a state. Picture by Choo Choy May

    JOHOR BARU, Nov twenty-seven PKR's inhabitant association saw copiousness of Umno-bashing in a latter's citadel as well as birthplace, though a antithesis party offered few clues as to what a PKR-led Johor government would offer.

    While policy speeches due multiform inhabitant spin programmes which set up upon Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) Buku Jingga as well as pick budget platforms, PKR did not summarized what Johoreans can gain from voting a coalition in to power.

    Top leaders in a party dodged a subject of their preference for mentri besar candidate, with Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim a latest to suggest a "we'll work together to win a state" answer.

    Political analysts told The Malaysian Insider which PKR's push to seize a state lacks credit as well as a semblance of a "governance formula."

    "What Johoreans would similar to to know is what PR will do differently.

    "Minimum salary as well as Felda have been great in conditions of building upon inhabitant policies though how about something similar to Iskandar?" expert Ong Kian Ming said, referring to a RM78 billion economic development devise which has unsuccessful to stir 5 years given its launch.

    The congress, likely a final prior to an election expected early next year, was some-more notable for full-blooded attacks upon Umno a prominence being Youth arch Shamsul Iskandar Amin's plea to Umno to amend a constitutional to pledge a Malay budding minister.

    Deputy boss Azmin Ali had also stressed which "Keadilan is ready to lead Malaysia" without what he called a morally-bankrupt Umno.

    Meanwhile, Wanita arch Zuraida Kamaruddin repeated calls for her Umno reflection Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to step down over a RM250 million National Feedlot Centre (! NFC) sca ndal.

    At slightest 70 per cent of Wanita representatives also highlighted purported abuse in a public-funded cattle farming project.

    "It's unsatisfactory to see which a debate is still at a spin of being anti-Barisan Nasional (BN). PR isn't going to spin protest electorate in to supporters this way.

    "It needs a governance formula as well as solutions, not only opposite handouts," said analyst Khoo Kay Peng.

    At a really least, Ong added, "PR needs to have some-more peculiarity candidates who have a inhabitant station so electorate in Johor can take we seriously."

    Local leaders from all three PR components have told The Malaysian Insider which there is now no strong Malay personality in Johor where a agreement won only a single sovereign out of 26 as well as six state seats from 56 upon suggest in Election 2008.

    "We have no a single given Abdul Razak Ahmad," said a PKR division chief, referring to a late state chairman who died in 2007.

    Anwar will have a chance to outline a transparent devise when a PKR de facto personality addresses representatives prior to a close of a association tomorrow.

    But given he has already upheld up a event in multiform ceramahs so distant this weekend, this might be a subject which continues to linger.

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    Whoah! Did he say war?

    Malaysia Chronicle's eyeball-grabbing title upon Najib Tun Razak starting to fight in the next ubiquitous choosing earns reporters no credit, even yet it is substantially in line with conventional wisdom of Umno's stream state of mind. But that's commentary, not reporting.

    In the body of the story paraphrasing the transcript, the Chron said:

    It's WAR

    Likening the choosing to war, Najib pronounced Umno must accelerate the strategy, logistics as good as apparatus good prior to even the initial shot is fired.

    Did he contend war? Luckily, the full twin is available, as good as it says:

    Q: Can the call for preparedness be taken as putting the party in the fight balance to face the 13th ubiquitous election?

    A: Yes, if we're to make use of fight as an analogy, it means that prior to the initial salvo is fired, the troops should have undergone training as good as preparations, in conditions of the plan as good as logistics, as good as equipment.
    (My italics)

    It was Bernama that likened Umno's preparations to "going upon fight footing". In answering Najib agrees. "To make use of your analogy". But he didn't contend Umno is starting to war.

    To contend it's similar to starting to fight is not the same as to contend It's war

    It's the excellent distinction. Many reporters might contend What's the big deal? There's no difference. Some might protest that the result is the story or title that is plain, not exciting. Some might contend that news is only the business, we sell the readers' eyeballs to advertisers as good as never mind your damned principles.

    Tough. Journalism is not the business of selling news. It's about assisting people get to the truth of things.

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    PAS zaman Anwar: Memo buat bakal PM

    Criticism upon Anwar Ibrahim, candidate for Malaysia's budding minister.


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    Malaysians In London Protest Peaceful Assembly Bill

    It was an incredibly windy sunrise at Belgrave Square.That, however, did not discourage any hard-core Malaysian overseas.They came with their banners as well as posters.There was not a sight out of a Malaysian High Commission whilst a protesters chanted as well as waved their banners.A couple of policemen kept watch at a deferential distance, but did zero to disperse a crowd. Street protests were seen as a fundamental right.Making one's dissent heard is far simpler in a UK than in Malaysia. ... Read More

    Karpal: We are still at war with Indonesia

    Although Parliament had revoked a 3 puncture proclamations upon Thursday, counsel Karpal Singh says a a single related to a Indonesian Konfrontasi is compartment in force.

    DAP inhabitant chairperson Karpal Singh pronounced currently so technically, Malaysia is still at fight with its next door neighbour as a 1964 commercial of puncture has nonetheless to be lifted.

    NONEKarpal pronounced (right) which it was not included in Thursday's revoking of a 3 emergencies by a Dewan Rakyat.

    He combined which a government's mount is which a commercial has been impliedly revoked with a thoroughfare of a 1969 commercial as set out in a 1978 Privy Council settlement (Teh Cheng Poh vs Public Prosecutor).

    At which time, a Privy Council was a top justice for a country, pronounced a Bukit Gelugor MP, a counsel by profession.

    However, Parliament nullified a Privy Council settlement when it upheld a 1979 Emergency (Essential Powers) Act, therefore a supervision rest upon which ruling. he added.

    Separation of powers didactic discourse violated

    "The pierce by a executive, as well as supervision to stop a settlement of a afterwards top justice for a nation was rare ! as well as cont ravened a didactic discourse of subdivision of powers upon which Malaysia operates," Karpal told reporters in Penang today.

    The senior manager cannot brazenly set in reserve what a judiciary had decided in a judgement, however many it might remonstrate with it, he added.

    He pronounced what a supervision did in 1979 had brought contrition to a country.

    Karpal urged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to correct a in front of in view of a critical implications as well as consequences of a nation bei! ng still underneath which emergency, generally in a light of a contrast relationship in between Malaysia as well as Indonesia.

    konfrantasi 180205 country jungle patrol team"Najib should spring into movement as well as introduce another suit in a Dewan Eakyat to cancel a 1964 commercial of puncture after President Sukarno spoken fight upon a nation through his infamous cry of Konfrantasi," he said.

    The popular authorised eagle was referring to Najib, who moved a motion in Parliament a upon Thursday, to devaluate 3 40- year -old puncture proclamations.

    The many poignant was a May 15, 1969 commercial declaring a complete nation to be underneath emergency, which incident still stays unchanged.

    Meanwhile, Karpal pronounced by relocating to move to hold up a 1975 Essential Security Cases Regulations by annulling a Privy Council's judgement, a supervision h! as "shot itself in a foot".

    Castrated commercial ineffective

    He combined which a authorities cannot now rest upon a same nullified judgement, to say which a "1964 commercial of puncture has been impliedly revoked by a 1969 commercial of emergency".

    "The upshot of this is which a 1964 commercial is still in force, in other words, a nation is still underneath emergency," he warned.

    NONEKarpal pronounced he had upon Thursday explained a constitutional import of a matter but de facto Law Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz (right) "chose not to reply" to his question notwithstanding determined calls for him to do so.

    "It is viewable which Nazri does not know a law," charged Karpal, adding which a minister had ably demonstrated his ignorance of! a law m any a time.

    Karpal also explained which his claim by citing Nazri's latest comment which "homosexuality was unconstitutional since it is against Islam which is a official religion of a country".

    Homosexuality is not unconstitutional, however, it is a crime underneath territory 377B of a Penal Code, he clarified.

    "But what is of some-more stress is Nazri's matter not really prolonged ! ago which notwithstanding territory fifteen of a University as well as University Colleges Act of 1971 carrying being spoken unconstitutional by a Court of Appeal, it was still in force," pronounced Karpal.

    "It is viewable a PM requires someone who has enough knowledge of a law to be de facto law minister, open interest demands it," he added.

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    Death In Custody, Justice Yet Prevailed - Remembering Teoh Beng Hock & Gunasegaran (16072011)

    (Video by Malaysiakini & Reference from Wikipedia) Two years ago, Teoh died mysteriously inside of a grounds of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission while Guna died in a military lock-up. Teoh was a Malaysian journalist as well as domestic help to Ean Yong Hian Wah, a part of of a Selangor state legislative public as well as state senior manager council. On fifteen July 2009, a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) took Teoh into custody for doubt about allegations of corruption. Teoh was found dead a next morning upon a rooftop of a office building adjacent to a MACC offices. Pakatan Rakyat leaders as well as a series of federal supervision officials have called for a Royal Commission of exploration into Teoh's death.[1] Guna was a Royal Malaysian Police detainee who died in a military lock-up while underneath arrest for guess of drug possession. Coincidentally, his genocide was upon! a same day as Teoh Beng Hock's physique was found. The box of R. Gunasegaran is crucial to a discussion upon military practices since it highlights several issues with a policing of Malaysia: a reserve of whistleblowers, tellurian rights during military custody, a procedures of inquests, as well as a practices of a military force. Understanding this box could move us to find out what some-more could be finished to better a policing complement of Malaysia.

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    Amendments show Cabinet committed to real reform, says BN man

    By Debra Chong
    November 26, 2011

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov twenty-six Barisan Nasional's (BN) Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah defended today the Najib Cabinet's preference to rectify the argumentative Peaceful Assembly Bill, saying it showed the supervision is working towards real approved reform.

    The aloft education emissary apportion toldThe Malaysian Insiderin the content summary that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is committed to creating the grown up democracy as well as had really on-going ideas as well as noble intentions when he mooted the due law.

    But the outspoken Saifuddin (picture), who is customarily gallant to voice views contrary to the ruling party's stand, admitted today the draft as presented to Parliament earlier this week was flawed due to multiform "elements that protest the PM's thoughts".

    "This is most unfortunate," Saifuddin said.

    "Najib as the PM can't be seeking during too-minute details. It is up to us in the BN to assist him in this regard. So, I'm blissful that the Cabinet has concluded to some amendments we must make this Act real," he added.

    The Temerloh MP maintained the due law is the good the single as well as that it was part of Najib's "political transformation" process.

    "The supervision is creation the radical paradigm shift, from [being] allergic to freedom of public to recognising that it is part of democracy," he said.

    Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, had earlier today disclosed the Cabinet had concluded to rectify seven supplies to the Peaceful Assembly Bill after being criticised for tabling the some-more restrictive as well as repressive law than the a single it was supposed to replace.

    Little is known about the amendments, solely the supervision will digest the moderniz! ed publi c notice to the police from thirty days to 10.

    Opposition Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers as well as polite society groups, including the Bar Council had highlighted that Myanmar, that had been underneath the despotic military order for decades, had this week passed the law permitting street protests.

    Parliament is scheduled to debate the Bill upon Tuesday.

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    23 June 2011 - Penggulungan Jadual Perbekalan Tambahan Kem. Pelajaran - MP Pakatan Rakyat

    23 June 2011 - Penggulungan Jadual Perbekalan Tambahan Kem. Pelajaran - MP Pakatan Rakyat

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    must be fully prepared for polls

    's preparedness to encounter a general choosing should be likened to putting a party upon a war footing, pronounced its president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. "If we're to use war as an analogy, it equates to which before a initial salvo is fired, the ...

    Bersih: Assembly law changes another Najib flip-flop

    Demonstrators protes over a Najib administration's flip-flop decision upon a Peaceful Assembly Act. - Picture by Jack Ooi

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov twenty-six Bersih leaders have criticised a Najib administration department for not putting sufficient suspicion in to a Peaceful Assembly Bill after a supervision pronounced it will rectify several sections in a proposed law following antithesis from polite rights groups.

    Calling it yet another "flip-flop" by a budding minister, Bersih emissary chairman Maria Chin Abdullah pronounced Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should not have overlooked a wishes of a people prior to tabling a Bill progressing this week.

    "He does this all a time. First, he says yes, yes, yes, as well as afterwards after which (no, no, no)," she told The Malaysian Insider.

    Maria lamented which which Najib had depressed reduced of his Malaysia Day oath to concede larger freedoms, pointing out which a budding apportion had likewise reneged upon his promise to stop using a Internal Security Act (ISA).

    "We have been essentially in a routine of seeing a ISA taken out... as well as afterwards suddenly, they arrest 11 persons under ISA.

    "What upon earth is starting on? I think if he continues in a manner... there will be a little clever reaction (from a people)," she said.

    Bersih steering committee part of Wong Chin Huat pronounced a supervision should throw a "fundamentally flawed" Bill altogether rather than try to rectify portions of it.

    He likened a Peaceful Assembly Bill to milk powder edging with heavy metals as well as pronounced it was unacceptable for Putrajaya to merely attempt to revoke a level of contamination.

    "No, which won't work. You have to throw it away... It's so shameful which Najib should rethink a total thing," he said.

    The supervision need usually rectify a Police Act to concede leisure of ! assembly , Wong said, adding which if a authorities wished to implement alternative changes, a conference routine would have to begin anew.

    Putrajaya has agreed to rectify 7 sections in a Peaceful Assembly Bill following nationwide protests criticising it as some-more repressive than stream laws.

    According to Star Online, de facto law apportion Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz confirmed currently which a Cabinet had reached a decision during a public yesterday.

    Nazri pronounced a Cabinet motionless to rectify a Bill following protests from polite rights groups as well as antithesis lawmakers.

    Among others, he pronounced a 30-day advance notice to reason an public will be shortened to 10 days.

    The sustenance has been criticised by polite society groups as well as antithesis lawmakers as restrictive, quite after Myanmar, well known for a poor human rights record, passed a identical law progressing this week stipulating usually 5 days' notice to reason a protest.

    The Peaceful Assembly Bill was mooted by a Najib administration department as part of a Malaysia Day promises to encourage larger democracy as well as promote polite liberties.

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    A comparative research of a strategies a New Order as well as UMNO regimes in Indonesia as well as Malaysia adopted to deal with Islam in 1965 - 1998

    Thesis (M.A.) in a subject Politics - Political Systems - General, grade: 65, University of Leeds, course: International Studies, 58 entries in a bibliography, language: English, abstract: This thesis provides a comparative research of a strategies a New Order as well as UMNO regimes in Indonesia as well as Malaysia adopted to deal with Islam from 1965 to 1998. During these 3 decades, a dual regimes were identical in viewing Islam as a large challenge. However, a strategies they employed to deal with it were different. President Suharto followed a two-pronged plan of promoting informative Islam as well as during a same time, emasculating domestic Islam. Meanwhile, a UMNO leadership embarked upon their comprehensive Islamization project. As a result, Islam as a social as well as informative force grew tremendously in Indonesia as well as Malaysia. Yet in inhabitant politics, Suharto pushed Islam from core to periphery, afterwards since mid-1980s he courted Islam as well as pulled it out of a periphery again. In Malaysia, a Islamization competition in between UMNO as well as PAS changed Islam from a border to a core of mainstream politics. The work concludes which Islam was systematically manipulated by both regimes in a period of 1965-1998, as well as a dual strategies led to a presentation of dual different models of Islamization in dual countries: a "think-tank" focused plan in Malaysia as well as a bottom-up routine in Indonesia.

    List Price: $ 28.50 Price: $ 22! .66

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    Najib warns Umno against offensive speeches at upcoming assembly

    KUALA LUMPUR, November twenty-six Datuk Seri Najib Razak told Umno representatives currently not to be descent in their speeches during subsequent weeks assembly, observant a celebration contingency execute itself as conscientious as well as peaceful to change.

    Our delegates, in their speeches, contingency not provoke a feelings of others. Use correct language as well as be wakeful which they have been not only speaking to a 3,000 representatives inside a hall, though a twenty-eight million Malaysians outward who will additionally be listening, he told national headlines group Bernama in an talk today.

    The Umno president pronounced it was needed which Umno portrays itself as a reformist celebration which is peaceful to change for a people, in line with his 1 Malaysia people first tagline.

    If you recollect these two words, Umno will gain full await again, he said, according to a full twin of a talk upon Bernama Online.

    Umno will reason a annual ubiquitous assembly subsequent week as well as is approaching to concentration upon credentials for a coming polls, which is approaching soon.

    The Najib administration appears to have launched a descent over recent months, burdensome any plan in a political playbook in a diversion to most appropriate a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) foes forward of a election.

    Most significantly, a prime apportion has additionally altered into PRs middle Malaysia outpost by doling out promises of remodel as well as larger polite freedom, intent upon courtship await from a sovereign oppositions key vote bank.

    In his talk today, Najib (picture) additionally reminded representatives of Barisan Nasionals (BN) dismal display in Election 2008 when it lost five states to PR, observant it was a lesson which should never be forgotten.

    Stressing upon a significance of fielding winnable candidates for a polls, Naj! ib prono unced Umno members contingency be peaceful to scapegoat for a great of a country as well as to ensure BN stays in power.

    By right, what happened in a 2008 ubiquitous choosing when you lost five states is a lesson which should never be forgotten. And you contingency realise a consequences of which loss.

    I am not denying which sometimes you cannot please all a supporters during a local level.. which is because you pronounced progressing it is unfit for us to satisfy 100 per cent of a members in a multiplication as even during a local level, they do not share a same views.

    [But] What you contingency have is celebration discipline as well as faithfulness to a party. Meaning, when it is time to make a preference (candidate selection), it is accepted, supported as well as shielded by any member of a party, he said.

    Najib additionally demanded celebration members to change according to a shifting political landscape as well as not be overly confirmed in a aged ways or risk being deserted by a electorate.

    We contingency embrace changes in this political landscape as well as be brave to make those changes.... you have pronounced before, if you cannot change, you will be changed, he said.

    The art of speaking untruths, Najib style

    The Prime Minister has additionally committed a single or all 7 of a Cardinal sins, which have been pride, anger, lust, envy, greed, covetousness as well as sloth.


    If there is a single thing which Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is great at, it is none alternative than lies, flip-flops as well as inconsistencies.

    In this aspect, he is pronounced to have polished a art of fibbing to such a excellent art which he can be pronounced to be improved than his immediate predecessor, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    Listed next have been his major accomplishments in a art of lying:

    1. Petrol rebate

    In a middle of final year after Pemandu's Idris Jala had voiced a 'Rationalisation of Subsidies Program', Najib had annou! nced tha t there would be a motor fuel rebate.

    The volume would be RM126 for owners of cars 1,000 c.c. as well as next as well as RM54 for owners of motorbikes 250 c.c. as well as below.

    DAP's Tony Pua has reminded Najib of a make a difference progressing this year though zero came out of it, as usual.

    2. NEM (New Economic Model) Part 2

    When a NEM was launched in March 2010, Najib had betrothed which a second partial would follow in June.

    June 2010 came as well as went as well as there was zero though he pronounced which it would be denounced in a after partial of 2010. Now it is roughly a end of 2011.

    That guarantee is right away mislaid in a mists of antiquity. Also, a Equal Opportunities Commission which was partial of NEM was omitted in a after partial of 2010 due to vigour from certain quarters.

    Clearly, Najib lacks a domestic will to exercise any solid reforms or he is fibbing through his teeth! !

    3. The track lie

    He offered a make use of of a track to a organizers of Bersih 2.0 though when a organizers requested for a us! e of Sta dium Merdeka, it was incited down. After a Bersih Rally upon Saturday 9th Jul 2011, he pronounced which what he meant was a track in Shah Alam. This is a classic e.g. of word-twisting as well as promise-breaking.

    4. The 1Malaysia meal

    This is an additional outright distortion served up by a budding apportion as well as it pertains to a cost of a meal. Logic will discuss it you which starting by a volume as well as type of food shown upon his plate, a cost contingency be during least RM6.

    To misrepresent as well as to give a false impression which it usually costs RM3 or RM4 is intensely insane as well as uncivilised of Najib as a budding apportion in his bid to progress his picture as well as which of BN as a caring government.

    5. The Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) shops

    Some of a products sole in this chain of shops have been allegedly of defective quality as well as not which cheap. To unequivocally great a low-income group, these shops should batch a branded products as well as sel! l them c heaper than what is being sole during hypermarts or alternative various shops.

    This will safeguard which quality products have been being done affordable to a bad as well as a low-wage earners. For example, Sunlight dishwashing liquid is being sole during in between RM5.50 to RM5.80 in hypermarts as well as various shops. The Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia should batch up upon Sunlight as well as sell it during RM4 usually in this manner can KR1M be pronounced to be truly benefitting a rakyat.

    Otherwise, a house-brands of a hypermarts have been cheaper as has been proven by DAP's Tony Pua in a press conference in a Parliament run recently.

    6. Slanders upon trusting people

    No apologies have been issued by Najib in regards to a slanders as well as false headline! s linkin g DAP to a "Christian PM" issue as well as a supposed "molest case" pronounced to involve Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's son which have been masterminded by parties continuous to Umno. This indicates which Najib condones dirty governing body with extremist undertones.

    7. Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011

    This Bill pertains to freedom of assembly which has already been enshrined in Article 10 of a Federal Constitution. After it has been upheld (due to a opposition not having sufficient voice in Parliament), it should be renamed '1,001 Ways To Hinder Peaceful Assembly Act'.

    The excellent has been increasing from a limit of RM10,000 to RM20,000 for a organizers as well as they contingency give a military thirty days notification. The list of places where people have been not authorised to convene has been increasing as well as it includes mosques, temples, schools, kindergartens, motor fuel stations, IWK plants as well as even reservoirs!

    One is not authorised to stand 50 metres from those pronounced locations as well as not usually that, a number of persons which constitutes an bootleg assembly is not mentioned. Previously, it used to be three to 5 persons to consecrate an bootleg assembly. This means which even a single person station near a motor fuel station could be arrested without rhyme or reason.

    Najib's guarantee to give more freedom to a rakyat is zero though a blatant distortion to criminal a rakyat as this Act will positively curtail a citizens' freedom drastically. When Parliament enacts infamous legislation, no a single can take to a streets to criticism since this legislation prevents people from taking to a streets by outlawing street protests.

    This is called using a law to clampdown upon democracy.

    Seven principal sins

    From a list above, it is very obvious which a budding apportion is a liar. One should not trust him any more as well as it would be fair to say which a Parliamentary Select Committe! e upon e lectoral reform instituted by Najib is only an eyewash to dupe a public.

    Najib is not penetrating upon democracy as well as electoral reforms although he is all a time revelation alternative universe leaders which Malaysia is a thriving democracy as well as elections in Malaysia have been giveaway as well as fair.

    He has told too many lies as well as it is truly amazing which Malaysians can continue to opinion in a unreasoning liar as well as a unreasoning fibbing domestic celebration BN (which can additionally stand for Bohong Negara fibbing to a nation).

    By a way, a 7 principal sins according to a teaching of a Catholic Church have been pride, anger, lust, envy, greed, covetousness as well as languor (going by a mnemonic of PALE GAS). Has Najib committed any a single or all 7 of these sins?

    When will a rakyat wise-up to his sinful tricks as well as opinion in honest, guileless as well as transparent leaders prior to Malaysia sinks in to a array of oblivion?

    Selena Tay is an FMT columnist

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    'Selangorku' Logo rising Jul 2011 Stadium Malawati

    SHAH ALAM, Jul twenty-five Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders have refuted a military chronicle of events which they had not used excessive force when clamping down upon Bersih 2.0's Jul 9 convene as well as reminded supporters which their struggles were far from over. At a launch of a Selangor government's "Selangorku" trademark during Stadium Malawati here, a leaders took turns to explain to a audience a events which transpired upon Jul 9, drawing concentration to a death of a single convene participant as well as supposed incidences of military brutality. Several prominent personalities from a coalition's tip leadership were invited to headline a event, together with PAS! boss Da tuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, PKR boss Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as well as Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. Notably blank from a function, however, were heads of government departments as well as sovereign agencies. A video upon a Jul 9 convene was aired, display multiform clips of apparent cases of military brutality, which a authorities had denied. Some in a throng jeered as well as booed in response. Abdul Hadi thanked those who took partial in a rally, describing a revolt as "intriguing". "Not a single law enforcemetn officer was injured, not a single law enforcemetn officer died," he said. "The ones who were injured were a people; a a single death came from a people. This shows which a people have been attractive as well as this onslaught of ours, this onslaught for change, is for a great of a people as well as not to destroy a nation." The Malaysian Insider Monday twenty-five Jul 2011

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    KR1M defends milk powder, says Pua miscalculated

    By Yow Hong Chieh
    November 26, 2011

    KUALA LUMPUR, November 26 Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia (KR1M) denied today a Growing Up Milk powder contains an overdose of Vitamin A, accusing DAP's Tony Pua of miscalculating a recommended every day portion size.

    Based on an particular portion distance of 4 30g scoops, a DAP inhabitant publicity secretary had claimed that 4 servings of a divert powder daily, as recommended for toddlers elderly in between a single as well as two years, totals 480g.

    At 3,240IU of vitamin A per 100g, this totals to a expenditure of 15,552IU in a day, that is over three times a 5,000IU available extent for vitamin A in divert powder.

    KR1M clarified today that each ! portion should only contain 30g of divert powder as well as not 120g as claimed by Pua (picture).

    "When they drink 4 times per day, a volume will be 120gm per day, that means that consumers will devour only 3,888IU vitamin A per day," a supervision preservation shop pronounced in a statement.

    "Therefore, as justified by a Ministry of Health recently, 1 Malaysia Growing Up divert is protected to be consumed as a sum volume of Vitamin A does not exceed a limit authorised turn as claimed by certain parties."

    Opposition lawmakers, led by Pua, PKR's Nurul Izzah as well as Dr Dzulkelfy Ahmad of PAS, have claimed several products sole during Kedai Rakyat are of defective quality, with some unwell to meet legal requirements.

    These include Growing Up divert powder, that a opposition pronounced contained extreme amounts of vitamin A, that could lead to liver problems as well as reduced bone density in children.

    Dato' Sri Liow Tiong Lai later declared a divert protected for expenditure after contrast by a Health Ministry as well as berated PR for allegedly misleading a open with a claims.

    Pua, h! owever, has disputed a ministry's ! commentary , claiming that Liow misread a limit available dosage of vitamin A in a Food Regulations Act.

    Liow has given supposed Pua's offer to plainly discuss a issue in front of a press in Parliament on Tuesday.

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    Vigil- TBH as well as Sarbani.wmv

    Pakatan Rakyat sekali lagi mengadakan module burial yang bercanggah dengan Islam- Harap Jakim dapat menyiasat Zuraida Kamaruddin dan beberapa orang lagi yang menyertai upacara kurafat yang bertentangan dengan Islam. Gambar ini diperolehi dari blogger Manjung Mari.

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    NGOs protest Peaceful Assembly Bill in KLCC park

    By Yow Hong Chieh
    November 26, 2011

    Approximately 300 people collected in a quiet dilemma of Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) Park currently to criticism a Peaceful Assembly Bill today. - Picture by Jack Ooi
    KUALA LUMPUR, November twenty-six Almost 300 people collected in a quiet dilemma of Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) Park currently to criticism a Peaceful Assembly Bill.

    The mostly Chinese throng wore yellow clothes as well as carried yellow balloons as well as flowering plants to uncover their opposition to a "draconian" Bill, which was tabled dual days ago in Parliament.

    They were assimilated by Bersih steering cabinet members Maria Chin Abdullah as well as Wong Chin Huat, as well as Klang MP Charles Santiago, Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, Malaysian Makkal Sakti Party behaving boss A. Vathemurthy as well as Teoh Beng Hock's sister, Teoh Lee Lian.

    The half-hour demonstration was organized by a Freedom to Assemble Campaign, a bloc of over thirty NGOs.

    Wong pronounced it was "completely ridiculous" for Malaysians who wished to arrange to plead matters in a interests of a republic to have to request for accede thirty days in advance.

    "The entire indicate is why one, two, 3 4 becomes illegal. We go to pasar malam often more than 4 people...

    "Why a impulse we think about a country it becomes illegal? What's wrong with being patriotic? What's wrong with a supervision which thinks a citizen being patriotic is criminal?" he said.

    Wong pronounced he hoped a supervision would see which a infancy of Malaysians were not in favour of such restrictions, as well as urged authorities to "move to our side".

    Maria added which a supervision contingency dump a Bill as well as not only rectify it as a proposed law was unacceptable.

    "The Bill itself is unconstitutional. The Bill is s! tifling, a rollback in conditions of what Najib envisages as a democratic country," she said.

    The pacific criticism finished at 2.45pm with a delivery of "Rasa Sayang" as well as a inhabitant anthem after KLCC security crew requested which a throng disperse.

    Putrajaya has agreed to rectify 7 sections in a Peaceful Assembly Bill following national protests criticising it as more odious than stream laws.

    According to Star Online, de facto law minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz reliable currently which a Cabinet had reached a decision during a assembly yesterday.

    Nazri pronounced a Cabinet motionless to rectify a Bill following protests from civil rights groups as well as opposition lawmakers.

    Among others, he pronounced a 30-day allege notice to reason an assembly will be shortened to 10 days.

    The provision has been criticised by civil society groups as well as opposition lawmakers as restrictive, particularly after Myanmar, well known for a poor human rights record, passed a similar law earlier this week stipulating only 5 days' notice to reason a protest.

    The Peaceful Assembly Bill was mooted by a Najib administration as partial of a Malaysia Day promises to foster larger democracy as well as foster civil liberties.

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    Anwar Ibrahim: Permits For Taxi Drivers If Pakatan Rakyat Takes Putrajaya

    Persatuan Kebajikan Pemandu Texi KL & Selangor 31/07/2011 Petaling Jaya

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    Assembly to protest assembly bill

    More than 200 people protested opposite a Peaceful Assembly Bill, which they contend goes opposite their right to have pacific assemblies.

    KUALA LUMPUR: More than 200 people collected in antithesis of a Peaceful Assembly Bill today.

    With many dressed in yellow T-shirts, a throng collected during a play ground nearby a Suria KLCC shopping centre here during around 2:15pm.

    Seen holding yellow-coloured items such as balloons as well as placards, they called for a Bill to be abolished.

    "Bebas Rakyat! Say no to a Bill! Merdeka!" a throng chanted several times during a 30-minute gathering.

    The throng was led by Bersih 2.0 steering cabinet members, who insisted that a gathering was not a criticism though in fact "a amicable assembly".

    Nevertheless, a Bersih 2.0 part of present vehemently protested opposite a Bill, which was tabled by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in Parliament two days ago.

    'This is ridiculous'

    Bersih 2.0 steering cabinet part of Maria Chin Abdullah said: "The key of this Bill rolls back a human rights status of Malaysia."

    "It is unacceptable, unconstitutional, as well as goes opposite Article 10 of a Federal Constitution."

    If passed, a Peaceful Assembly Bill would need would-be protestors to notify a military of an intended gathering 30 days prior to it would be held.

    Protesters would additionally not be allowed to carry out street rallies as well as! have be en banned from assembly 50 metres from comparison buildings such as hospitals as well as schools.

    The military would additionally have a final contend upon whether a criticism would be hold or not.

    Even though certain supplies inspiring a Bill might come about as suggested by Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz, those collected today called for a law to be dropped immediately.

    Malaysian Makkal! Sakhti Party boss A Vathemurthy criticised a supervision for being undemocratic.

    "It is wrong of a supervision to feel a need to carry out us. We wish a approved country, where a people's rights have been exercised. We really do not like a Bill, it's ridiculous!" he said.

    Bersih 2.0 steering cabinet part of Wong Chin Huat, "Aunty Bersih" Annie Ooi Siew Lan, DAP MPs Charles Santiago as well as Lim Lip Eng were additionally present.

    The throng dispersed peacefully during around 2:45pm, following repeated requests from KLCC confidence personnel.

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    Tipu-Tipu Malaysia.mp4

    Makin lama semakin terbelit lah Anwar dalam kancah pembohongannya kepada rakyat, kerana solat hajat yang telah banyak dilakukan mereka untuk menutup mata rakyat. Lagi banyak dibuat solat hajat, semakin banyak terbongkar segala penipuan dan temberang pakatan haram.

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    People wear yellow, govt turns yellow

    The people wear yellowAt KLCC on Saturday opposite the governments odious Peaceful Assembly Bill. Photo: Lee Ee MayThe govt turns yellow the repeal of the Internal Security Act is an effort to have Malaysia the best democracy in the world. | Sept 18[the bill is] aimed during giving the public the event as well as space to gather peacefully as well as demonstrate their views | Nov 21The supervision is standing organisation in the target to outlaw street protests with the Peaceful Assembly Bill you table the bi ... Read More

    Maal Hijrah

    1433, general election year? During an talk with a TV station this week, Dr Mahathir was asked how he thought Najib Razak has fared as Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    "Better than a prior one," a Tun reportedly replied.
    That's a partial of a talk you'd not get to watch when they air a interview. When a editor told me about a censored bit last night, I laughed my conduct off. No


    Baru-baru ini adun dari partai komunis extremist DAP iaitu Ng Wei Aik yang mewakili dun Komtar telah memaki hamun seorabg wanita Islam yang menjadi mangsa kebakaran di Jalan Gurdwara, Georgetown.Kalau korang nak tau dai marah sebab wanita ni berjahwin dengan lelaki Bangladesh yang juga beragama Islam. Dulu adun ni marah India Muslim siap halau balik India, kali ni dia marah sebab wanita ni kahwin

    Dissolution of Parliament in March.

    Expecting the misfortune Najib has set Mar for the dissolution of Parliament, it will be after the flitting the check to mislay the Internal Security act.

    The check will have the full support of Parliament, this time around the BN, as well as in particular Najib, Mahathir Mohammed, as well as some of their cronies will wish it some-more than any one else, even some-more than those who have been currently being hold by this draconian square of legislation.

    There will be the suit to repeal the ISA in Mar as well as depending upon the outcome of the elections the new supervision if it is led by the BN will lapse the ISA if they win with the clear majority, or the check might be hold in ambiance as it will then be awaiting Royal consent as well as accordingly it will possibly embrace or not embrace Royal consent.

    This is the diversion being played as well as the devise of this government, fearing which they might be ousted in the subsequent General Elections they have been taking all measures to strengthen themselves. They fear which the armed forces as well as the military might mangle ranks as well as follow the orders of the supervision of the day, as well as so in order to safeguard which they can have make use of of whatever means within their power they might try as well as retake Parliament ! by tainted means, as well as if they fail take moody from the country, to do this safely they'll have to devaluate the ISA lest they turn victims of their own folly.

    An UMNO source says this was the brain child of the Attorney General who himself is afraid of being hold under obligation should the Barisan remove the subsequent General Elections. It has received the taciturn capitulation of Mahathir as well as Najib as well a! s the pr obability of the arrangement of an additional National Operations Council (NOC) is very real, the irony is it is being put in place by Najib Tun Razak similar to father similar to son.

    The NOC thought is to be the initial choice should they remove the General Elections.

    Huge sums of income have been being transferred out of Malaysia upon the daily basis, it is misfortune than the Indian Black market, as well as the usually person able of creation such transactions is nothing other than an Indian who masquerades as the Malay, he has the an complete band of soldiers of income changers operative for him, he does not need sophisticated banking systems to take which income out.

    The situation is rife the man who pronounced what is happening in Syria, as well as Egypt cannot occur in Malaysia is right away rsther than quiet, he sees the probability which it will occur here, the people have been fed up, as well as they wish their dignity back.

    The people of Malaysia wish their nation behind as well as in which process there will be assemblies, pacific or otherwise, no Malaysian convene has been violent, it usually became aroused because the supervision done it aroused by have make use of of of brutal military forc! e, as well as t he people who participated in those rallies were victims of violence. It has been proven in the Tung Shin Hospital incident. It happened time as well as time again in Malaysia.

    Malaysian football crowds were never violent, they announced they jeered, they cheered though they were never violent, assault is not the approach of hold up as well as many the immigrant will attest to that. But his supervision in bureau of the own agenda have been as well as have proven to be able of branch rallies aroused if it suits them, safety as well as tellurian hold up seems to take the behind seat when their own interests have! been in volved.

    Elections have been due after the Mar sitting of Parliament, the lot of issues need to be ironed out as well as as Mahathir put it, Najib has done nothing since he came to office, he has been some-more rapt with his unfamiliar travel, his selling trips for Rosmah, his promotion of Rosmah to initial lady as well as the measureless importance he has since her in Malaysian politics which she is sometimes done to look as the defacto apportion of unfamiliar affairs.
    Whilst Rosmah basks in her popularity, as well as her capability to crop up daily in the press, some-more mostly than the Deputy PM as well as even the PM, in fact some-more mostly than any apportion as well as members of Parliament, the Malaysian community as well as some-more particularly the Malays have been indignant during her arrogance, as well as her lavishness as well as yet many might not be familiar with the famed Maria Antoinette, they have been with Imelda Marcos as well as have drawn the parallel in between the two.

    In the meantime my great friend Muhydiin is just watchful for the well-suited impulse to present itself,, he knows he stands upon un! stable g round during the moment, not because Najib will get him - upon which measure he is rock solid, though the fear the real fear which Barisan might lose. This has caused his many ardent followers to keep nagging him constantly to go in to direct fight with Najib, display him as well as thereby have himself the favourite amongst the Malays.

    One UMNO insider says taking upon Najib now, is the DPM's most appropriate bet, the time is well-suited now, Najib is not renouned amongst the Malays as well as the pierce this time is the certain win, the win which will have him an UMNO favourite as well as possibly lead to the lapse of many Malays from PKR.

    If however he fails as well as tht is the remote probabil! ity he c an cross over as well as stick upon the PKR, as well as which approach it will meant "heads we win, tails we lose" to Najib.

    Muhydin is the delayed inciter as well as in politics the delayed movers can't survive, he has to come out of his bombard as well as go for which brutal blow to Najib if he is to attain in becoming Prime Minisiter. The PKR will be some-more than willing to give him which in front of after the term or dual of Anwar during the helm, though as distant as UMNO goes he can kiss his chances goodbye there is no approach he will get to lay upon which chair as it goes right right away which place is reserved for Mukhriz Mahahtir, unless Muhydin takes the advice of his followers as well as goes for upon Najib now.

    This indeed is the case of it's right away or never.
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    Noisy street protest by padi farmers

    So-called progressive Malaysia's no-balls federal supervision as well as no-balls troops force wants we to give 30 days' notice, as well as no street protests. Burma, under a brutal, repressive troops regime: 5 days' notice, street protests allowed.

    In Sekinchan earlier this week

    Photo: Selangor Times

    Street protests aren't a corner of greater KL city dwellers as well as friends who turn out in their tens of thousands, occupying busy thoroughfares in rebuttal of an increasingly repressive almost troops state vigilant upon progressing its almost total methods.

    Far divided from a noisy tourist-filled shopping streets of Jalan Bukit Bintang, Jalan Hang Tuah, as well as Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, typical people additionally need to move open courtesy to their problems.

    Repression does not come from supervision as well as troops along. Employers, too, can be repressive as well as workers contingency additionally occasionally take to a streets to draw open await as well as move attention.

    And so, too, people in not as big towns far divided from a chattering classes of Bangsar as well as Damansara.

    Here's what happened in Sekinchan, in Selangor's rice bowl, upon Tuesday:

    Rice farmers criticism tender deal

    Alvin Yap
    Selangor Times

    SEKINCHAN: Some 200 paddy farmers from across Sabak Bernam staged a well-behaved despite noisy criticism here against low rice prices as well as subsidies set by Putrajaya.

    The aged farmers from Sekinchan, Sungai Burong as well as Sungai Besar collected during Parit 5 Sekinchan upon Tuesday morning to titillate a federal supervision to demeanour seriously into their welfare as well as strengthen their fundamental rights.

    Their dual categorical final have been a implementation of satisfactory traffic for rice, as well as an enlarge in subsidie! s from a stream RM24.81 to RM50 per 100kg, in sequence to strengthen their livelihoods.

    Currently Padiberas Nasional Berhad (Bernas) pays farmers RM1,300 per 1,000kg of rice, whilst seedlings for replanting have been sold during RM1,400 per 1,000kg.

    The farmers have been appealing for these rates to revise to RM1,400 as well as RM1,600 respectively, as well as pointed out which even Thailand has recently increased a volume paid to rice farmers there.

    They additionally urged a Ministry of Agriculture as well as Agro-based Industry to annul a RM100 per 1,000kg transport fee (from acquisition centre to alternative states), which have been charged to farmers instead of a centre.

    They pronounced operating costs have been getting aloft day by day, as well as farmers have seen their enlarge slashed.
    Sekinchan assemblyperson Ng Suee Lin as well as Sabak Bernam district councillors were additionally present during a protest.

    Ng Suee Lin pronounced a Agriculture as well as Agro-based Industry Ministry cannot go upon to omit a simple right of farmers.

    He claimed which a stream rates paid to farmers have not been revised for dual decades.

    "Presently, rice prolongation is monopolised by Bernas it is unreasonable as Sekinchan produces high-quality paddy as well as seedlings," he said.

    Ng additionally pointed out there were others who have been willing to buy a rice as well as seedlings during aloft prices, nonetheless a supervision prohibits this.

    While acknowledging which there were a little subsidies as well as incentives provided by a government, Ng claimed which farmers have been not benefiting from them.

    "Farmers tell me they get fertilizer of poor quality, whilst a little say they don't get any harvesting incentives from a government," pronounced Ng.

    In addition, he expressed await for a farmers' call for a transportation fees to be abolished.

    Ng further called upon Agriculture as well as Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh O! mar to e xplain what happened to RM110 million worth of incentives promised to rice farmers.

    Putrajaya had allocated a RM110 million in 2010 for farmers to assistance enlarge their rice production, but a recent Auditor-General's report revealed which a grant was not distributed.

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    Usul memotong gaji perdana menteri! di tola k.mp4

    Ahli Parlimen PKR Batu Tian Chua ibarat menjolok sarang tebuan kerana bukan sahaja usul pembangkang supaya memotong sebulan gaji perdana Menteri sebanyak RM22,826.65 sebagai syarat meluluskan Bajet 2012 ditolak sebaliknya beliau dikecam hebat ahli parlimen BN ketika perbahasan usul itu. Malah ahli parlimen Bebas Pasir Mas Datuk Ibrahim Ali turut 'balun' Tian Chua dan menyindir DAP yang mengaitkan Perkasa dalam usul memotong gaji Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang dikemukakan dan diterima orator Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia untuk dibahaskan di Dewan Rakyat, pada Rabu. Beberapa ahli parlimen yang membahaskan serta mencelah usul itu menyifatkan usul itu hanya mainan politik pembangkang yang semakin bimbang dengan populariti Perdana Menteri selain di spin sebagai modal menmjelang PRU ke 13. Ahli parlimen BN Tangga Batu Datuk Idris Haron mempertikai kredibiliti Tian Chua yang pernah sabit kes gigit telinga anggota polis membawa usul berkenaan. "Kenapa orang yang salah pun kita benarkan bawa usul," katanya yang disokong Ahli Parlimen BN Kinabatangan Datuk Bung Raden Mokhtar yang bangun mencelah. Bung hairan mengapa Tian Chua yang disifatkannya tiada adap dalam soal undang-undang dengan mengigit telinga polis bawa usul dan diterima pihak Dewan. "Saya punya usul, adalah minta Batu (Tian Chua) masuk penjara," katanya. Kritikan Bung mendapat teguran Pandikar dan memberitahu perkara itu tidak kena mengena dengan usul asal dikemukakan Tian Chua. Ketika itu ahli parlimen Shah Alam ...

    Video Rating: 0 / 5

    Tuhan pilih siapa: Antara Anwar, Dollar, dan Sanusi

    Analysis upon three Malay politicians for future leader, Anwar Ibrahim, b. 1947, Datuk Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, b. 1939, as well as Sanusi Junid. b. 1943.


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    Nak tergelak aku baca statement si Lelaki Dayus bernama Amin semalam mengenai moral! Muahahahahaha! Azmin kau tau ke apa kebendanya dignified tu? Come upon man, lelaki yang boleh bagi bini sendiri kat Juburi nak cerita pasal dignified UMNO?

    OMG! Dari kepala sampai la ke balaci dalam PKR ni mana ada dignified beb! Semalam dalam kongres P Gay R Azmin bukan main lai cakap besar. Dia kata Johor joke PKR dah boleh

    Peaceful Assembly Bill may affect ceramahs

    Opposition MPs contend which it is right away left to a military to give a go ahead to reason a ceremah.

    PETALING JAYA: With a Peaceful Assembly Bill it looks like a military will have a final contend upon domestic ceramahs.

    Now, a military assent is no longer required to reason an assembly. But a orgnanisers contingency surprise a military 30-days in allege before organising such gatherings or assemblies.

    The Pakatan Rakyat MPs fear which this brand brand brand brand new ruling will bushel their choosing campaigns.

    During a debate over a matter, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had raised which a actuality which a check serve complicates a antithesis front's capacity to reason ceramahs as well as to strech out to a people.

    DAP MP for Rasah Anthony Loke pronounced domestic ceramahs was a vital way to reach-out to a voters.

    Under a stream law, he pronounced antithesis domestic ceramah activities have been already at a mercy of a OCPD. However, with a brand brand brand brand new law in place, it is some-more difficult to strech out to a open by these talks.

    "Usually a crowd, generally a Malay crowd depends heavily upon domestic ceramah. With a stream Police Act, we have been already heavily depended upon a option of a OCPD.

    "If we get a in accord with OCPD, its simpler (to attain a permit). If we get an irrational OCPD it gets harder," he said.

    Loke additionally took emanate with a extensive notification period.

    "Political activities don't work this way. Within 30 days, th! e issues would have already died down,

    "Within two, three days when an emanate come to a fore, we need to have forums or briefing sessions to surprise a public. Thirty da! ys is ir rational when we live in an age where information flows inside of seconds," he added.

    Huge fines

    Fellow MP as well as DAP broadside chief, Tony Pua concluded which ceramahs were an important equates to to strech out to a public.

    "We have no control over print as well as broadcasts media. Our opinions usually get published in (the) online media which have singular reach.

    "We rely upon direct communications upon a belligerent to get a message across," pronounced a Petaling Jaya Utara MP.

    Another issue, which might land MPs in a gummy incident is a of fines imposed upon wrong-doers which can disqualify MPs as parliamentarians.

    As it stands now, MPs could lose their seat if they have been fined an additional of RM2,000 or a jail judgment of one year is imposed upon them.

    If a MP is found guilty, under a brand brand brand brand new bill, he could face a limit of RM10,000 as well as RM20,000 for a little offences.

    Loke brushed in reserve arguments done by Barisan National MPs which it is up to a judge's option to emanate a fines which might not strech a limit volume stipulated by a Bill.

    "If a limit excellent is RM10,000, don't tell me a decider is going to excellent RM500. Even 30% of which stipulated volume (RM3,000) is some-more than a smallest volume of RM2,000 which disqualifies me as a MP.

    "Everybody is stuck now. If we go ahead, we face a risk of being unfit as a MP," he added.

    < clever style="margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;border-top-width:0px;border-right-width:0px;border-bottom-width:0px;border-left-width:0px;border-style:initial;border-color:initial;outline-style:none;outline-width:initial;outline-color:initial">More complications

    PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub uttered his sceptisim over a brand brand brand brand new check by raising concern over a eleventh hour s! hift of heart by a police.

    "Like Bersih 2.0, they betrothed it could be reason in a track though when Bersih demanded Stadium Merdeka, a government gave excuses because a prefered sta! dium cou ld not be used," he pronounced .

    He additionally took to emanate a interest which could be done to a home apportion as well as pronounced which a matter usually complicates serve plans to reason a simple ceramah.

    "How can we interest to a home apportion in a last minute after making all a agreement for an assembly? Will it be his piority, how fast can he get back to us. If we want to encounter him in person we have to belong to bureau hours.

    "Its even some-more troublesome when a ceramah is outstation like in Rantau Panjang or Johor Baru," he added.

    Pua however pronounced such strict rules have never stopped a Opposition MPs.

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    PR voters: Pakatan MPs want puncture sitting

    Pakatan Rakyat MPs today gave Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak 7 days to call an puncture parliamentary sitting this month to debate a emanate of permanent residents (PRs) who have been purebred as voters. Describing a liaison as an "act of treason" as well as "detrimental to inhabitant security", PAS vice-president Salahudin Ayub claimed which his celebration has identified 1597 such cases nationwide, quite in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor as well as Johor. Full story: www.malaysiakini.com Camera/Editing: Tan Jiun Wuu

    Video Rating: 4 / 5

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