A change is gonna come

An critical time is nearing in Malaysia, as well as it does not make the difference if we are for it or not; that's not material anymore. The flourishing fright is which the nation is about to come in this phase but the chair belt.

History students in the distant destiny will love 2011. When in disbelief in the category history quiz, 2011 is, as they contend in basketball, the high commission shot (or guess in which situation). The world has copiousness of contention points from this year, with the death of Kim Jung-il tipping the year to epic proportion.

However for Malaysians, notwithstanding its share of watershed moments this year, 2012 will be the one which is monumental.

Two unavoidable events in 2012 will dictate life in Malaysia for the little time.

A general election as well as the justice verdict.

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Hasil panen tertinggi sejak saya jadi petani.3gp

Testimoni H Wahab untuk propertycirebon.wordpress.com H Wahab adalah salah seorang pengusaha petani di daerah Eretan - Kabupaten Indramayu - Jawa Barat (Termasuk salah satu daerah lumbung padi Indonesia). Selama ini hasil panen tertinggi rata-rata 5-6 ton / bahu (7500m2)(bersih setelah dibagi hasil dengan pekerja). Namun setelah mengenal dan menggunakan Pupuk Organik cair CIREMAI, hasil panennya mencapai 9.3 ton/ hektar (bersih) atau eleven ton/hektar (kotor). "Ini adalah HASIL PANEN TERTINGGI SEJAK SAYA JADI PETANI", kata P Haji Wahab yang berpenampilan sangat sederhana ini. Anda mungkin tidak percaya pada awalnya, tetapi setelah mencoba anda akan menyesal....mengapa baru sekarang ketemu POC CIREMAI.

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Karnival Sayangi Selangor - Disember 28-31

Karnival Sayangi Selangor yang telah bermula semalam (28-12-2011) dengan begitu meriah sekali.Pelbagai aktiviti telah sempat dirakamkan buat tatapan umum. It's okay, pembangkang kalau nak tengok gambar-gambar ni pun boleh..even better turun sendiri ke Karnival tu ler..baru terbuka minda pekung korang tu.. Pelbagai lapisan masyarakat membanjiri I-CityPenat berjalan, kaum ibu pakat berehat..

Gambaran palsu kepada dunia luar

Azmi Anuar

dictatorsDua orang ternama meninggal dunia pada awal minggu ini. Pemimpin Korea Utara, meninggal dunia pada seventeen Disember 2011 dan bekas presiden Republik Czech,Vaclav Havel pula meninggal dunia pada 18 Disember 2011.

Vaclav Havel mungkin tidak begitu terkenal berbanding Kim Jong-Il dalam senario berita dunia akhir-akhir ini.

Penglibatan Havel mengubah perjalanan politik di negaranya bermula dengan penulisannya. Apa yang dilakukan oleh beliau dalam memperjuangkan kebebasan negaranya menerusi penulisannya membuktikan bagaimana tajamnya mata pena seseorang penulis.

Apa yang digarap dan terpapar untuk khalayak pembaca dan penonton, merangsang pemikiran kita. Status quo yang sedia ada mula disoal, sama ada masih diperlukan dalam bentuk asal atau diubahsuai mengikut kehendak ramai.

Apa yang tertulis menyentuh perasaan pembaca dan mereka yang menonton play hasil karya Vaclav Havel. Itulah permulaan bibit-bibit revolusi di negaranya. Rakyat yang hidup di bawah pemerintahan komunis semenjak akhir Perang Dunia II memperolehi semangat baru dengan hasil tulisan karyawan yang memahami perasaan rakan senegara yang tertindas.

Pemerintah terpisah daripada realiti

Walaupun tulisan yang tidak dipersetujui pemerintah tidak mudah diperolehi menerusi saluran yang sah, penyebaran hasil nukilan karyawan secara gelap berleluasa dan bercambah ke seluruh negara.

Kata-kata punya kuasa tersendiri; menjangkit, menular, merangsang, mempengaruhi dan mengubah persepsi seseorang. Kata-kata dari pihak pemerintah tentu enak-enak belaka dan jarang sekali mempamerkan kelemahan. Realiti yang perit dan tidak memberangsangkan mungkin tidak didedahkan malah disembunyikan.

Pada hal orang ramai! sedar d an arif tentang hakikat sebenar kerana merekalah yang mengalami dan merasai apa juga hasil tindakan pihak pemerintah.

Pihak pemerintah kian lama kian terpisah daripada rakyat jelata, duduk penuh selesa di atas singgahsana yang empuk hinggakan terlupa apa yang terjadi pada mereka yang hanya inginkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Bukan kemewahan yang melampau tetapi memadai sekurang-kurangnya kehidupan yang selesa.

Vaclav Havel dan Kim Jong-Il sepintas lalu mungkin kelihatan sebagai dua personaliti yang amat berbeza tetapi mungkinkah minat Kim Jong-Il pada filem mencerminkan bagaimana penulisan boleh dianggap satu talian persamaan di antara kedua-duanya. Kuasa mata pena yang diolah dalam bentuk media lain juga boleh mempengaruhi seseorang.

Cerita Potemkin Village

Kim-Jong-Il, menurut satu kajian, mempunyai satu koleksi lebih kurang 20,000 pita video termasuk kumpulan cerita James Bond dan Rambo. Cerita-cerita yang bertemakanaksi lasak menarik perhatiannya dan mungkin pula salah satu sebab dia sentiasa degil mempertahankan penglibatan negaranya dalam pembuatan senjata nuklear.

Korea Utara merupakan satu-satunya negara di dunia yang amat berahsia tentang apa yang berlaku di dalam negaranya. Maklumat yang sahih, yang tidak disiarkan oleh lidah rasmi pihak pemerintah memang sukar diperolehi.

Rakyat Korea Utara yang berjaya melarikan diri ke luar negara amat kurang dan berita yang disampaikan amat menyedihkan. Walaupun berita rasmi menggambarkan sebuah negara yang aman makmur dengan penduduk yang bahagia di bawah satu pemerintahan yang adil dan saksama, keadaan sebenar jauh berbeza.

Kebuluran yang menimpa Korea Utara pada 1995-1998 adalah satu contoh bagaimana kata-kata boleh diputarbelitkan. Ibu negara Korea Utara, Pyongyang kelihatan ! seperti biasa sehinggakan pasukan bantuan antarabangsa yang tiba di situ tidak mengesyaki apa-apa.

Walhal, kawasan bandar telah dibersihkan daripada orang yang kebuluran dan yang tinggal hanyalah mereka yang beruntung, bernasib baik mendapat makanan secukupnya. Tidak ada sesiapa yang tahu jumlah sebenar mangsa kebuluran ketika itu kerana kata-kata yang dilaungkan tidak langsung menerima hakikat bahawa ada malapetaka yang sedang menimpa rakyat negara tersebut.

Dunia hanya diberitahu bahawa keadaan terkawal dan mereka berupaya meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa.

Pena membawa perubahan

Kata-kata memang mudah diungkap dan dijalin menjadi sesuatu yang cantik dan indah. Adakah kata-kata itu membayangkan apa yang tersurat dan tersirat.

Vaclav Havel menggunakan dramanya sebagai alat memperlihatkan keadaan sebenar yang berlaku di negaranya. Drama yang dilulus untuk pementasan pasti menepati terma dan syarat pihak berkuasa. Tidakkah pihak berkuasa sedar merekatelah meluluskan rangkaian kata-kata yang mungkin menggoncang kedudukan mereka sendiri?

Atau mungkinkah ada di antara pegawai atasan yang sengaja meluluskan drama-drama Vaclav Havel kerana sedar bahawa sudah tiba masanya kata-kata mencerminkan realiti bukan hanya mimpi-mimpi yang indah?

Korea Utara sebaliknya menggunakan kata-kata untuk meneruskan gambaran indah tentang negara itu. Setakat ini pihak pemerintah negara tersebut berjaya dalam misinya dengan bantuan para petugas yang memastikan seluruh rakyat akur dengan versi yang disampaikan.

Penulis sebagai perintis

Seorang Vaclav Havel versi Korea Utara belum kelihatan ataupun mungkin telah dihapuskan. Dunia luar masih terpinggir daripada mengenali hati budi Korea Utara yang sebenarnya. Memang keadaan dan waktu juga banyak mempengaruhi kemunculan seseorang yang boleh menjadi perintis untuk sesu! atu peru bahan. Havel bermula dengan dramanya. Penulisan. Kata-kata.

Kalau kata-kata dapat diungkap dan disebar kepada semua, walaupun sedikit, tindakan itu pun sudah membuka satu pintu ke arah yang lebih membina dan memberi harapan.

Harapan memang diperlukan oleh mereka yang dahagakan kebebasan, sebagai azimat menghadapi cabaran. Kata-kata yang memberangsangkan menjadi pengubat kepada segala penderitaan yang dilalui. Perjalanan yang dilalui dan mesti ditempuhi oleh seseorang penulis pasti penuh liku dan lencongan.

Walaupun arah yang dituju kelihatan begitu jelas tetapi rintagan dan halangan menuju ke penghujung tidak semudah yang dijangka. Pengorbanan demi pengorbanan, masa beredar dan hasilnya mungkin tidak kelihatan pada masa penulis masih hidup. Penulis yang beriltizam akan tetap menulis kerana khalayak pembaca memerlukannya.

Korea Utara dan Czechoslovakia, sama-sama di bawah pemerintahan komunis pada abad ke-20 tetapi sedikit sebanyak dengan bantuan kata-kata, rakyat Czech pada masa ini sedang menikmati kebebasan manakala yang di Korea Utara masih dibuai dengan kata-kata yang indah.

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Program bantahan roboh Madrasah Salihiah

KEKALKAN GEREJA DIUTAMAKAN, ROBOH MADRASAH DIDAHULUKANNampaknya MB Kedah Azizan bahalol masih degil mahu robohkan berdasarkan keputusan Majlis Fatwa Negeri yang dipersoalkan kesahihan, memandangkan tanah madrasah adalah wakaf khas.Azizan joke menolak penangguhan meroboh Madrasah. Baca Media Kedah sini. Bagi membantah tindakan kerajaan PAS Kedah untuk merobohkan Madrasah Salihiah yang berusia lebih

The Alleged Plagiariser Judge is still around

December 29, 2011

The Alleged Plagiariser Judge is still around

by S Pathmawathy@www.malaysiakini.com

Veteran counsel Karpal Singh today renewed his call for Court of Appeal Judge Abdul Malik Ishak's resignation for gripping mum on a claim of piracy made opposite a Judge.

Demanding which Justice Abdul Malik quit in a open interest, Karpal pronounced a decider had committed a "serious action of misconduct"."He is no more a fit as well as correct person to go on to reason a tall office in a Court of Appeal. It goes without saying which his one after an additional function of which tall office is an embarrassment to a Judiciary," pronounced Karpal, who is additionally a DAP's Bukit Gelugor MP.

The claim opposite a Judge was initial reported in 2000 as well as caused a row in between Singapore as well as Malaysia. Former Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Rais Yatim, who held a law as well as parliamentary affairs portfolio when Singapore authorities lodged a complaint in 2000, has pronounced he does not a know a result of a complaint as he had left a portfolio in 2004.

Retired Singapore Judge GP Selvam brought up a emanate when he claimed which his visualisation had been plagiarised in a copyright matter. According to reports quoting Selvam, a Malaysian Judge had backdated his visualisation as if to reflect it was his own.Karpal had sent a letter to a decider on August twenty-two as well as given him 7 days to respond. However, there has been zero to date.

The comparison counsel wrote an additional letter on Sep 29, informing a Judge which given he did not reply to a claim of plagiarism, it amounted to an admis! sion of a misconduct.On October 4, while Parliament was in session, Karpal, submitted a motion supported by 59 Pakatan Rakyat MPs calling for a tribunal opposite Abdul Malik to answer to a piracy charge.

"You have, notwithstanding your silence all along over a critical allegations I've made opposite you, if untrue, a pill to sue me for defamation as I'm going open on a allegation," pronounced Karpal, in a letter which was delivered by hand to Abdul Malik yesterday.

He offering Abdul Malik an additional 7 days to opposite a claims, otherwise take a silence as a "public admission" of being guilty of plagiarism.

'The Speaker should reason sway'

As Parliament was adjourned on December 1, Karpal's in isolation motion lapsed, as it is in a powers of a ruling supervision to call a shots when it comes to motions. This, Karpal added, should not be a way. "Rightfully, it should be a orator who should reason lean regarding proceedings in Parliament.

"Prior to this a temperament of a Judge was blanked out by a media, tentative a right to reply to a allegations. However, it was eventually published by Malaysiakini when Karpal appeared before a alleged plagiarist, Judge Abdul Malik Ishak, asking for his recusal to listen to an seductiveness in a box associated to a drug offence.

Prior to a indictment opposite Abdul Malik of having committed plagiarism, a decider had heard an seductiveness associated to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's second sodomy charge. In a march of a appeal, Abdul Malik had allegedly maligned Anwar as well as his counsel Karpal in a written judgment.

Upon seductiveness during a Federal Court, however, a comments were expunged. Asked if Karpal had a personal! vendett a opposite a decider following a remarks, he said: "I've zero personal opposite him. This is just out of open interest."

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Newsflash: Anwar Ibrahim, Rapat Anak Muda 13.0 AMK

Shah Alam 18/06/2011

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A simple dare to ADUN BA and MP Ampang (and their sidekick) : A Test of performance

As an ordinary resident in Bukit Antarabangsa or any other neighborhood, a decent quality of hold up is needed. In BA, our greatest needs have been safe hill slopes, decent roads as well as probably a propagandize as well as a supervision clinic. The miss of propagandize as well as poor highway conditions have been bane to the residents here. As there is no school, the residents here have been forced to minister to the traffic congestion on MRR2 during peak hour as they have to send their kids elsewhere. As for slopes, there is a surveillance group fro ... Read More


Cuti hujung tahun dah datang. Kakitangan Ibupejabat PKR joke ramai yang sudah bercuti. Ada yang melancong luar negara. Ada yang dapat bajet lebih, bawa keluarga ke tempat yang lebih hebat dan jauh. Sesiapa yang dapat rezeki extra, kerana pandai kalih duit peruntukan yang diberikan kepada parti lebih jauh dapat bersama keluarga. Untung masing-masing lah.

Walaupun dalam menuju akhir tahun, Ibupejabat masih sibuk dengan susunan strategi nak berdepan dengan tarikh 9 Januari. Ada dua group khusus yang telah ditubuhkan, satu untuk tarikh 9 Januari. Satu lagi group tumpu kepada KONVENSYEN PAKATAN RAKYAT yang dijadualkan pada 14 Januari. Masing-masing group ini diketuai oleh orang yang lain. Masing-masing ikut kepala sendiri. Asal ada untung dan boleh bawa anak bini berjalan jauh. Mereka joke kononnya buat kerja.

Blog GELAGAT ANWAR antara yang awal pecah tembelang program FACK yang akan dianjurkan PKR. Free Anwar Campaign ke-2. FACK. Khabarnya, sudah kecoh juga di Ibupejabat kerana penggerak The Malaysian Insider, Jahabar Sadiq akan diberikan peruntukan besar bagi melancarkan FACK di dalam laman tersebut. Siap dengan ensign dan couple dengan international organization. Hebat.

Khabar daripada ibupejabat PKR, Jahabar Sadiq akan diberikan dana USD1.5 juta di peringkat awal dalam memastikan FREE ANWAR CAMPAIGN akan menjadi tajuk utama The Malaysian Insider dalam beberapa bulan akan datang. Antara yang dijanjikan oleh Jahabar kepada PKR:-

Banner Free Anwar Campaign (sepanjang tahun). Siap dengan couple kepada twitter, facebook dan sebagainya.

Khidmat fotografi (semua gambar Anwar di mahkamah dan sebagainya akan dispin oleh! TMI den gan maksima)

Membuka semula kempen mata lebam di dalam website khas yang akan dikendalikan oleh kakitangan TMI;

Social media debate (siap dengan beberapa eventuality yang melibatkan mahasiswa dan orang muda:

Meletakkan Nurul Izzah sebagai torch bearer PKR yang baru;

Manifesto pilihanraya Pakatan Rakyat akan turut dibawa bersama sebagai couple kepada program FACK.

Kakitangan ibupejabat menganggap Jahabar sebagai con-man yang sangat berbahaya kepada gerakan reformasi dan FACK. Kepada mereka, couple Jahabar bersama Kalimullah, Brendan Pereira dan beberapa tycoon Singapura tidak akan membantu imej Nurul Izzah dalam jangka masa panjang. Ramai di dalam PKR yang persoalkan kenapa perlu dana sampai USD1.5 juta sekiranya memang Jahabar adalah pejuang reformasi?

Tanpa pengetahuan ramai staff di ibupejabat PKR; kerjasama Jahabar-Brendan-Kalimullah-Anwar ini bukan kerjasama baru. Sudah lama wujud. Jahabar hidup mewah kerana wujudnya hubungan dalaman yang begini. Sayangnya, apa yang patut orang UMNO dan BN risaukan adalah kewujudan hubungan silang Jahabar-Brendan-Kalimullah-KJ-Anwar. Ini lebih bahaya.

Seorang pegawai khas KJ pernah berkata, KJ has nothing to lose dalam permainan politik lanskap baru yang ada. KJ secara terus terang pernah mengatakan bahawa dia adalah seorang yang indispensable di dalam set up kabinet Najib yang baru. Mesti ada. Atau Najib akan berhadapan dengan ribut tsunami dalaman oleh Pemuda UMNO.

Tahniah Jahabarbajet besartercapai hajat nak beli unit mewah di Bangsar yang dia idam-idamkan selama ini.

House PK: Dah berkali aku kata, Anwar dan KJ Kitol memang ada hubungan. Aku harap pihak atasan UMNO sedar akan perkara ini dan jangan dipandang ringan segala pendedahan blogger Gelagat Anwar ni.

Sesungguhnya musuh dalaman adalah lebih merbahaya dari musuh luar! Jenis ni boleh tiksan! belakan g kita bila-bila masa saja. Sesiapa saja yang menjadi penyokong si Khairy Kitol ni adalah sama jua pengkhianat kepada parti! Dan mereka ni (penyokong kitol) adalah sebangsat-bangsat manusia.


Clarify the Status of Isa Samad, says ANAK

December 29, 2011

Clarify a Status of Isa Samad, says ANAK

by Koh Jun Lin@www.malaysiakini.com

ANAK, an NGO representing Felda settlers, has lodged a second censure to a Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM), asking it to explain whether Isa Abdul Samad is in truth a chairperson of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Bhd (KPF).

This is due to conflicting accounts upon Isa's position. A letter from a Prime Minister dated August 15, 2011, had appointed Isa as chairperson. However, in reply to a ANAK's inquiries, SKM pronounced that Isa had nonetheless to be appointed to a post as of November 10, formed upon its own investigations.

SKM additionally cited a Deputy Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Ahmad Maslan reportedly telling a Malay daily Utusan Malaysia upon Oct 25, that Isa had nonetheless to be appointed as chairperson of KPF.

The organisation is additionally discontented that SKM's reply has not addressed a issue of Isa's membership in a cooperative. It claims that Isa is ineligible to be a member.

NONE"We ask for a correct mount from SKM upon whether Isa had indeed become a part of of Felda cooperative," pronounced Anak chairperson Mazlan Aliman (right), who is additionally a PAS central committee member.

"Only employees of Felda and its subsidiaries with permanent positions are authorised to become KPF mild members, whereas Isa functions as chairperson of KPF by stipulate only," they wrote in a previous censure to SKM, citing a cooperative's bylaws.

! Mazlan h opes for a reply from SKM prior to Jan 5, when an extraordinary general assembly (EGM) would be hold to residence issues relating to Felda Global Ventures Holdings' inventory upon Bursa Malaysia.

Anak, that opposes a Bursa listing, has already filed for an injunction to retard a EGM, that would be listened during a Kuantan High Court upon Jan 4, one day prior to a EGM.

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Pendedahan WAJAH SEBENA! R Anwar Ibrahim PART 2..

mediapermatangpauh.blogspot.com Pendedahan ekslusif oleh Zulkifli Nordin.., bekas peguambela Anwar dan juga Ahli Parlimen Kulim/Bandar Bharu...

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Gerakan 901: Tindakan desperado pasti gagal

Mat Kilau melaporkan AMK bercita-cita untuk kemen jelajah 10 negeri bebaskan Anwar 901:Siri Jelajah kempen 'Tolak fitnah lawan konspirasi, bebas Anwar 901' telah ke 10 negeri dan akan berakhir pada 31 Disember ini.Timbalan Setiausaha Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK), Mohd Saifullah Mohd Zulkifli, berkata, antara negeri yang terlibat termasuklah Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang, Melaka dan Negeri

Monyet King predicts things that will not happen in 2012

As we know, HRH Monyet King is very wordly as well as wise. While all a alternative supposed smart-people out there have been presaging what will happen subsequent year, His Highness has taken a contrarian approach. Here he predicts twelve things which will really not happen in 2012.
1. Ibrahim Ali WILL NOT win a Nobel Prize for Literature (or Physics or Chemistry). Yes, we know some of we will be disappointed though a Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee will not be promulgation out any invitations to Pasir Mas subsequent year.2. Perkasa WILL NOT be merging with a MCA or a DAP or a Gerakan.3. Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, Nik Aziz as well as Hadi WILL NOT be retiring from governing body although they will be more than 500 years aged subsequent year. So we youngsters in Pakatan, take a number as well as mount in line.4. The initial lady Rosmah Mansor, Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein Onn, MIC president Palanivel, MCA President Chua Soil Kek as well as Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon, WILL NOT win a many popular person in Malaysia award. So if we have been RM's fan, contemptible lah try again in 2013.5. Tun Mahathir WILL NOT be keeping quiet despite being older than Yoda. With his philosophy of prodding, poking, stabbing as well as whacking his successors, he WILL NOT go widely separated quietly.6. Hassan Ali WILL NOT be visiting a Vatican. Despite his keen seductiveness in 12th century Roman architecture as well as Renaissance Art, Hassan WILL NOT be boarding which plane to Rome.7. The Malaysian football group WILL NOT be feared around a world. we know some of we might think otherwise, though a reality is our group will onslaught to break 150 in a universe ranking. The only teams which might fear us have been Bangladesh as well as Papua New Gu! inea.8. The Malaysian space programme WILL NOT land a male upon Mars or a Moon or a Sun. Our space programme WILL NOT be going anywhere, except perhaps to Uranus.9. Sodomy WILL NOT be made authorised in Malaysia. Sigh. Sorry lah bro (yes, yes, we know who we are). If we have been gay, all a domestic parties WILL NOT accept you, despite their seemingly liberal as well as mode! rn outlo ok.10. The year-round racial, eremite as well as domestic tongue WILL NOT go away.11. Malaysians WILL NOT turn divided, hate or kill any other. Despite a consistent immorality prodding by unethical politicians, many Malaysians WILL NOT be swayed. Some people who mount to gain from Malaysians being widely separated WILL NOT give up as well as go upon spewing hatred.12. HRH Monyet King WILL NOT turn a Prime Minister of Malaysia. Despite numerous requests by thousands of Malaysians, HRH will decrease a offer, preferring to focus upon essay nonsense upon his blog.
A special messagefor a imbeciles between you
The universe WILL NOT finish in 2012
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Haiwan misteri di laut china selatan

Muzamal mus my fb Lawak kungfu dispatch Haiwan misteri di laut china selatan Tv3 Video lawak. shoalin soccer. Layak tube. Mahadhir. Anwar ibarahim. Ombak rindu le. Bola sepak. Football. Dragon ball. "Barisan Nasional". Dato siti nurhaliza. Dato najib abdul razak

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Deputy minister may quit to launch new party - star.com.my

The political grapevine is speculating which a Federal Deputy Minister from Sabah Umno is about to conduct a newly-registered party a Sabah Peoples Front (SPF) in January in a bid to competition a subsequent ubiquitous election. Sources wakeful of a political ...


AKHBAR Nanyang Siang Pau terbitan 22 Disember 2011 menyiarkan artikel mengenai perlunya orang Melayu memahami budaya kaum Cina di negara ini jika mahu memajukan hidup mereka.Artikel bertajuk Jika Tiada Keperluan Tidak Perlu Ubah yang ditulis oleh pengkritik semasa, Loh Hon Chew disiarkan dalam ruangan Pendapat Yuanlun, halaman A16.Bekas Naib Canselor Universiti Malaya (UM), Profesor Diraja Ungku Abdul Aziz Ungku Abdul Hamid pernah mencadangkan supaya kita menghantar anak-anak Melayu belajar ke ... Read More

Aziz Bari dilamar PAS

KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Dis Prof Dr Aziz Bari dipelawa Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat Malaysia (DPMM) untuk menyertai parti berkenaan bagi meneruskan perjuangannya sebagai Pakar Perlembagaan dan Undang-undang negara selepas menamatkan kerjayanya sebagai pensyarah di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) baru-baru ini. Naib Ketua DPMM, Raja Ahmad Al-Hiss dalam ... Read More

Occupy Dataran to stage 'V for Vendetta flashmob' on New Year's Eve

To mark a finish of 2011 and a inception of a 2012 New Year, you have been job ALL to Occupy Dataran Merdeka with us on December 31st, 2011, during 11pm. This will be a participatory MASS FLASHMOB, symbolically expressing a usual indignation opposite a many injustices and anti-democratic events which happened in Malaysia in 2011, in contrast to a positive stress of 2011 for a rest of a world. We want to collectively contend ENOUGH IS ENOUGH; TIME FOR REAL DEMOCRACY NOW, in 2012!'V' mas ... Read More

Debt Is (Mostly) Money We Owe to Ourselves

December 29, 2011


Debt Is (Mostly) Money We Owe to Ourselves

by Paul Krugman, The Conscience of the Liberal (12-28-11)

I wish to enhance the bit upon something Dean Baker said yesterday:

As the country you cannot levy huge debt burdens upon the children. It is impossible, during least if you have been referring to supervision debt. The reason is simple: during the single point you will all be dead. That equates to that the ownership of the debt will be passed upon to the children. If you have the little huge thousand trillion dollar debt that is due to the children, then how have you imposed the weight upon them? There is the distributional emanate Bill Gates' young kids might own all the debt though that is within generations, not between generations. As the group, the children's well-being will be dynamic by the capability of the manage to buy (which Brooks complained about earlier), the state of the physical as well as social infrastructure as well as the environment.

One can make the point that many of the debt is owned by foreigners, though this is the outcome of the traffic deficit, that is in spin caused by the over-valued dollar.

I consider it's worth seeking during the little numbers here.

Below have been dual series, both expressed as percentages of GDP: total made at home non-financial debt (public plus private), as well as U.S. net unfamiliar debt, as totalled by the disastrous of the net international investment p! osition:

What you can see here is that there has been the large climb in debt, with the many not as big pierce into net debtor status for America as the whole; for the many part, the additional debt is income you owe to ourselves.

And here have been the same numbers, totalled as changes from 1980, so that you can see that the great bulk of the climb in debt was not financed by unfamiliar borrowing.

People consider of debt's purpose in the manage to buy as if it were the same as what debt equates to for an individual: there's the lot of income you have to compensate to someone else. But that's all wrong; the debt you emanate is basically income you owe to ourselves, as well as the weight it imposes does not involve the genuine send of resources.

That's not to say that high debt can't cause problems it positively can. But these have been problems of distribution as well as incentives, not the weight of debt as is ordinarily understood. And as Dean says, talking about withdrawal the weight to the young kids is generally nonsensical; what you have been withdrawal behind is promises that the little of the young kids will compensate income to alternative children, that is the very opposite kettle of fish.

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Elia - Lumrah

Lumrah orang seperti Anwar Ibrahim

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PERKASA and Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution

December 29, 2011

PERKASA as good as Article 153 of a Malaysian Constitution

Maclean Patrick, Malaysia Chronicle | twenty-eight Dec 2011

PERKASA, as an NGO which is focussed upon safeguarding a rights of Malays, will regularly melt any demeanour of legislation to suit their arguments whether right or wrong, satisfactory or unfair.

Obviously, this does not bode good fior a Malays as PERKASA's nonconformist mount will be taken to reflect which of a community as a whole.

So if PERKASA adopts a racist as good as greedy stance, a Malays it claims to represent by virtue of PERKASA carrying access to high-profile mainstream media coverage will additionally come opposite as racist, greedy as good as fearful of competition.

But which as you know is not true. However, a single looks during it, PERKASA has little substance, even during a core. It is a mere shallow capsule to serve a vain urges of someone who is, politically, a non-entity in Malaysia. This person is a owner president Ibrahim Ali.

Supported by UMNO

Ibrahim Ali is not fearful to bluster any one he sees fit since he has a subsidy of Prime Minister Najib Razak's UMNO party. And as prolonged as UMNO gives Ibrahim a nod, he can speak all demeanour of nonsense. Others will get pulled up for mutiny or even incarcerated under a draconian Internal Security Act, though not Ibrahim Ali, who never has to comment for his words.

The many recent idiotic approach taken by PERKASA towards Article 153 as good as a comments by Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng, shows a inability to perspective any subject make a difference objectively as good as intelligently. Eu, a National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) chairman who likened Article! 153 to "bullying" for usually safeguarding a rights of a single group.

"We direct a supervision make use of a Sedition Act upon any one who creates statements similar to this from now upon as good as assign them in court," a PERKASA arch told reporters a day ago.

"We're usually support what's in a Federal Constitution. Please do not keep inspiring us upon as good as upon since it's not great for a country. And you have been studious for so long."

Get a contribution right

But who is PERKASA to talk about a Federal Constitution, generally when it gets a contribution all wrong? Then upon his interpretation of Article 153, Ibrahim Ali as good as PERKASA have been wrong upon various fronts.

Article 153 states which it is a King's responsibility "to guarantee a special in front of of a Malays as good as locals of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak as good as a bona fide interests of alternative communities in suitability with a supplies of this Article".

The argumentative essay consists of ten statements, as good as a initial blunder by PERKASA is that, in Article 153, there is no mention of a tenure "bumiputra". The second blunder is to assert which Article 153 protects a rights of a Malays as good as Bumiputeras.

The heading for Article 153 gives us a transparent design as to what it covers Reservation of quotas in respect of services, permits, etc., for Malays as good as locals of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak.

Article 153(1) uses a broad tenure "the special in front of of a Malays as good as locals of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak as good as a bona fide interests of alternative communities in suitability with a supplies ! of this Article."

The "special position" refers to a Malays as good as locals of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak in relation to supervision service, a distribution of permits as good as etc. Special in front of does not mean "special rights" instead it points to a state of welfare or priority. And nowhere in Article 153 does it mention "bumiputera", as good as when reading a sentence in a whole, a locals of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak have been upon par. They have been to be since EQUAL preference.

The Malays have been not to duke over a locals nor a locals over a locals of Sabah as good as Sarawak. This is fundamental, as it relates to a conditions as good as conditions for Sabah as good as Sarawak to form a association of Malaysia as equal partners.

Who says usually for Malays

PERKASA is additionally dead wrong in reporting their mount which Malays, as good as usually Malays, should take priority. If it is a defender of Article 153, by right, PERKASA should additionally hold up a cause for all locals of Sabah as good as Sarawak. Article 153(1) serve states a third group of citizens, "the bona fide interests of alternative communities".

This third group of adults includes all alternative groups outward a globe of Malay as good as locals of Sabah as good as Sarawak. Meaning, priority is since to Malays as good as locals of Sabah as good as Sarawak though where legitimate, alternative communities should not be deprived of polite use employment, business opportunities as good as education in suitability to to a supplies of a Article 153.

For PERKASA to merely hold up a Malays, using Article 153 as their tool, as good as whitewashing a existence of a locals of Sabah as good as Sarawak as good as alternative communities; have been they not supporting a depriving of equal event as settled in Article 153 as good as thus, all contradicting as good as nullifying a supplies of Article 153?

Article 153 ! protects which rights of all Malaysians, giving priority to Malays as good as locals of Sabah as good as Sarawak as good as where legitimately possible, alternative communities.

When Rev Eu settled which Article 153 is same to "bullying" if it usually protects a rights of a single group, he was referring to a gap you now see when it comes to in front of of a "natives of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak as good as a bona fide interests of alternative communities in suitability with a supplies of this Article" as settled in Article 153(1).

No a single questioned a Agong either

There is additionally no question of questioning a management of a Agong, nor is there any challenge to a Federal Constitution. Another point which irks a intelligence, is a explain by PERKASA, which if any one questions Article 153, they have been to be charged with mutiny as good as a military case lifted against them.

For what crime, might you ask? For a crime of speaking an opinion? For a crime of stating an observation? For a crime of being a Christian as good as addressing a need? What is a crime? Since when was thinking a crime? Since when was a adult punished for voicing out their concerns?

"We direct a supervision make use of a Sedition Act upon any one who creates statements similar to this from now upon as good as assign them in court," Ibrahim told reporters a day ago.

The PERKASA arch was referring to a statement done upon Saturday by National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) chairman Eu, who likened Article 153 to "bullying" for usually safeguarding a rights of a single group. Article 153 states which it is a King's responsibility "to guarantee a special in front of of a Malays as good as locals of any of a States of Sabah as good as Sarawak as good as a bona fide interests of alternative communities in suitability with a supplies of this Article".

If anything, PERKASA should be charged ! with a c rime of melancholy non-Malays as good as non-Muslims, in particular a Christians as good as Chinese, as good as scornful a comprehension of every right minded Malaysian.

Malaysia Chronicle

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(Newsflash) Anwar Ibrahim: Konvensyen Pilihan Raya KeAdilan

Shah Alam 19/06/2011

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Article 153 Debate rages on

December 28, 2011

Article 153 Debate rages on

by G Vinod@www.freemalaysiatoday.com

Lack of open discussions over Article 153 of a Federal Constitution has allowed slight minded extremists such as PERKASA to steal a proviso for their own greedy agenda.

Article 153 of a Federal Constitution calls for a safeguarding of a 'special position' of Malays as well as a 'legitimate' rights of non-Malays. Whilst a term 'special position' has come to mean, as well as by default, 'special rights', a bona fide rights of a non Malays, according to Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) director Lim Teck Ghee, has been 'diluted'.

Lim blamed this upon UMNO as well as Barisan Nasional. "By preventing discussion about it, nonconformist organisation similar to PERKASA has hijacked a proviso with their ludicrous understand of Article 153. Article 153 accords protection for non-bumiputeras but a make a difference seems to have been diluted," pronounced Lim commenting upon Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's warning to a open not to plead as well as subject Article 153.

Muhyddin pronounced any discussions could trigger "racial tension". He was responding to National Evangelical Christian Fellowship authority Eu Hong Seng who purported that Article 153 was used to bully a non-Malays in to submission.

"There is a reason, a rationale, behind a article. There is a story behind it. I goal that there will be no plead upon this make a difference as it could incite racial tension. What is already enshrined in a Constitution should not be questioned" pronounced Muhyiddin.

'No a single is doubt legitimacy'

Perkasa additionally joined a ravel as well as accused Eu of perplexing to ind! uce anim osity opposite a Malays by doubt a privileges accorded to a infancy group.

Article 153 divide (1) reads: "It shall be a shortcoming of a Yang di-Pertuan Agong to guarantee a special in front of of a Malays as well as natives of any of a States of Sabah as well as Sarawak as well as a bona fide interests of alternative communities in accordance with a supplies of this Article".

Rebutting Perkasa's views, Lim pronounced that BN should, in a election manifesto, devote time as well as bid to address a grievances that movement from a slight understand of Article 153."There have been most who crop up to be undeveloped about a proviso as well as BN should make a mount upon it to stop further verbal sparring over a matter," he said.

Echoing Lim's view, University College Sedaya International (UCSI)'s political researcher Dr. Ong Kian Meng pronounced Article 153 should be read again in a full context as well as "in a suggestion a autarchic law of a land was drafted by a nation's founders."

"No a single is doubt a legitimacy but you have been articulate about a implementation," pronounced Ong. He additionally pronounced that Malaysians have been grown up enough to plead a topic as well as people should address a implementation of policies related to a proviso in order to good all races.

"For example, a New Economic Policy (NEP) is not partial of Article 153. That is something that needs to be addressed as most have been preoccupied about it," he said.

'Change takes time'

Although he agreed that in a past there was singular room to plead this matter, a situation was improving since a 2008 general election. University of Malaya political researcher KS Balakrishnan, upon a alternative hand, pronounced there was no need to subject or plead anything upon a constitution as everyone's rights were upon trial under a amicable contract.

"What you need to address is upon how to discharge a nation's resources equally as well as help a underp! rivilige d that a BN administration department is already doing," pronounced Balakrishnan. He additionally discharged Eu's claims as well as pronounced a Chinese as well as a Indians were not stopped from looking a fair share of a nation's resources for their respective community.

However, Balakrishnan conceded that although a right policies were in place to cater for all Malaysians, a supervision should look in to speeding up a process."Change takes time as well as a supervision is in a process of ironing out a right policies for all,' he said.

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BERSIH 2.0 is Malaysiakinis Newsmaker for 2011 by Readers Choice

December 28, 2011

BERSIH 2.0 is Malaysiakini's Newsmaker for 2011 by Readers' Choice

Over a past 10 years, Malaysiakini has but destroy picked a newsmaker come Dec as you move a curtain down upon a year.

A newsmaker is defined as "someone whose actions have news headlines, who goods a course of public discourse as well as creates an impact in Malaysian politics, for better or worse".

For 2011, you have decided to break from a decade-old tradition, as well as instead let Malaysiakini readers name their preference from a list of seven.

As most would have expected, it was unequivocally a two-horse race. Both contenders are but related one is an particular who is widely seen as a face of a movement, whilst a other are a 50,000 people, most of whom faceless, who braved chemical-laced H2O as well as rip gas in a streets of Kuala Lumpur upon which July day when a nation stood up as well as pronounced 'no' to electoral fraud.

Yesterday, Malaysiakini readers declared a Bersih transformation as a top news of 2011. So it's not startling which a preference of newsmaker for this year is in between Bersih coordinator Ambiga Sreenevasan as well as Bersih supporters, a Malaysians who supported a remarkable movement.

The endowment goes to

And a newsmaker of 2011 is it should be 'are' the Bersih supporters! Of a 1,222 Malaysiakini readers who took partial in a five-day survey, 491 picked Bersih supporters, whilst 305 opted for Ambiga.

'First Lady' Rosmah Mansor accomplished third with 181 votes, maybe helped by a most allegations surrounding her, arch among them a RM24 million diamond ring.

This is a second year which a newsmaker endowment goes to a organisation of people as well as not an individual.

In 2008, Malaysiakini declared 'you' as newsmakers for "thinking a inconceivable as well as adventurous to achieve it" in a arise of a domestic tsunami which swept a country.

The large question is: Will 'you' again be a newsmaker of a year in 2012?www.malaysiakini.com

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Anwar Ibrahim: Konvensyen Pilihan Raya KeAdilan (Part 1/5)

SACC, Shah Alam, Selangor 19/06/2011

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