Najibs Gaza trip a political gimmick for GE13 but it BACKFIRED!

Najib's Gaza trip a domestic gimmick for GE13 but it BACKFIRED!
Saying prime minister Najib Razak's rarely publicised visit to Gaza in Occupied Palestine was zero more than domestic ploy to boost support of a Malay-Muslim electorate, dual domestic experts however discharged its stroke on a aim group's voting pattern.
An join forces with highbrow of domestic science during Singapore Management University described a visit as being "primarily a domestic ploy directed during winning Malay-Muslim support" in a looming general election.
"(It's only a settlement of Najib) trying to seek general legitimacy for a [Malaysian] regime that is being challenged during home," pronounced Bridget Welsh, as quoted by headlines portal World Politics Review (WPR).
Welsh however opined that a stroke should not be overstated, though she pronounced Islam and issues of probity fool around a part in Malaysia politics, as is a emanate of Palestine that is deliberate an important Muslim cause.
Welsh pronounced a indignant outburst by Mahmoud Abbas, a president of Palestinian Authority alligned to Hamas's opposition Fatah, showed how a Palestinian means was "used symbolically" for domestic purposes in Malaysia "with singular attention to its actual reality".
Joseph Liow, join forces with dean of a School of International Studies during Nanyang Technological University Singapore echoed her point, saying Najib's visit might not have any stroke on Malaysian electorate.
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Beginikah caranya Umno menguatkan Islam?


BN sangat bergantung kepada pengundi yang malas berfikir atau kurang daya berfikir untuk mengekalkan sokongan. Golongan ini hampir tidak menyedari bahawa setiap isu yang disensasikan media Umno/BN sebenarnya langsung tiada kena mengena dengan kepentingan Islam atau Melayu. Mereka memberi reaksi spontan terhadap isu rasis yang dimainkan BN serta terus hanyut dengan propagandanya.

Apabila media Umno/BN mendedahkan cerita promotion kononnya 10 ribu Bible berbahasa Melayu menggunakan kalimah Allah sedang diedarkan di negeri yang dikuasai Pakatan Rakyat, golongan kurang daya fikir ini akan menelan bulat-bulat dan meyakininya macam orang beriman percayakan kitab Al-Quran. Rentetan itu muncullah reaksi pelbagai yang menggambarkan kerisauan tidak berasas terhadap isu ciptaan itu.

Kononnya juga baru-baru ini terdapat cubaan mengedar Bible kepada pelajar Islam di Pulau Pinang. Gambar dua lelaki sedang mengedarkan Bible disebarkan di alam maya. Orang kurang daya fikir akan segera berkata, "Betullah macam dihebahkan, puak Kristian ni memang kurang ajar, sengaja nak cabar kesabaran umat Islam."

Manakala golongan berfikir sudah nampak itu adalah rentetan promotion Umno BN untuk kononnya mengesahkan apa yang menjadi kekhuatiran mereka. Mereka percaya mengedar Bible itu cuma pelakon, di mana pengarahnya ialah pihak yang terdesak untuk mendapat undi Melayu/Islam melalui sentimen rasisme.

Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Samad menegaskan perkara itu ti! dak masu k akal dan merupakan fitnah jahat yang dilakukan bagi mencetuskan kemarahan umat Islam selepas isu penggunaan Kalimah Allah. Ia merupakan hasutan perkauman terbaru bagi mengalihkan perhatian rakyat.

"Jika betul perkara itu (pengedaran Bible) berlaku, mengapa hanya mengambil video dan tidak menangkap perlaku itu?

"Tangkap saja sebab pelaku itu sudah menyalahi undang-undang dan perlembagaan. Kenapa tidak serahkan kepada pihak polis? Kenapa hanya dimuat naik di Youtube dan Facebook?

"Sebagai rakyat, jangan mudah diperbodohkan Umno-BN. Mereka sudah terdesak dan tersempit oleh itu mereka lakukan pelbagai perkara," katanya.

Isu pengedaran Bible itu mendapat ulasan dari para pemuka rasis Melayu dengan persembahan penuh emosi dan memualkan. Mereka marahkan pihak pendakyah Kristian kerana menyebarkan kepercayaan mereka kepada umat Islam. Memang terdapat dalam peruntukan undang-undang di negara ini, agama selain Islam tidak boleh didakyahkan kepada umat Islam.

Hari di mana langit sudah luas terbuka ini, wajar bagi umat Islam bertanya diri sendiri, sampai bila kita mahu menyelamatkan aqidah umat Islam dengan cara menyekat pengaruh atau maklumat dari bukan Islam berasaskan undang-undang? Hari ini, ajaran bukan Islam dari apa sahaja agama bukan hanya boleh didapati dari kitab yang bertulis. Hanya dengan sentuhan di keybord computer, segala jenis agama boleh dipelajari di internet. Apakah perlu pula bagi Umno, Jati dan Perkasa mendesak kerajaan mengharamkan internet di Malaysia demi menyekat dakyah Kristian?

Soalan menarik untuk difikirkan ialah, apakah Islam boleh berkembang pesat dan diagungkan dengan cara menyekat fahaman agama lain masuk ke pemikiran umat Islam semata-mata?

Kalangan pihak yang anti Kristian ini bukan categorical beremosi apabila mendengar cerita Bible diedarkan secara te! rbuka. M ereka marah jentera pendakyah agama bukan Islam menyebarkan agama mereka, tetapi puak yang kononnya terlalu kuat Islam itu sendiri tidak pula melakukan kerja dakwah terhadap umat manusia yang lain, khususnya bukan Muslim. Kerja mereka siang malam cuma memburukkan PAS dan Melayu KeADILan serta memaki hamun DAP. Agaknya melalui cara tersebut, semakin kuatlah Islam di Malaysia.

Di banyak negara di dunia ini, pertikaian berhubung fahaman agama diredakan melalui perdebatan antara agama secara ilmiah. Dalam banyak perdebatan, pihak Islam sentiasa menang berhujah. Menang atau kalah hujah adalah satu isu, tetapi Islam dianuti adalah kerana hidayah dari Allah. Ahmad Deedat menjadi tokoh lagenda Muslim yang semasa hayatnya sangat bijak berhujah dalam dialog Islam-Kristian. Beliau pernah diundang ke Malaysia dalam satu forum berhubung isu tersebut, malangnya kerajaan BN Malaysia tidak membenarkannya. Penghakiman salah betul sesuatu isu berdasarkan nilai keintelektualan nampaknya tidak laku di Malaysia. Lebih laku lagi cara perungus, bebal dan emosi yang mempamerkan wajah hodoh orang yag 'terlebih' Melayu dan Islam hingga sanggup membakar Bible... sedangkan ia langsung bukan dari ajaran Islam.

Cara menangani perbezaan antara agama di Malaysia, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Umno serta sekutunya ialah dengan memasak ego rasisme, menyemarak kebencian terpihak pihak lain dan yang paling utama bagi mereka ialah menyalahkan DAP, KeADILan dan PAS! Kalimah Allah hakikatnya dijadikan barang dagangan politik oleh mereka untuk ditukar dengan undi Melayu dalam PRU13 nanti.
Posted byKedah Lanie
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PEMIMPIN PAS selalu dianggap sebagai pemimpin yang maksum dengan berimejkan jubah, serban & kopiah. Mereka dipatuh, dipuja bagaikan tidak ada pemimpin dari parti lain yang boleh dipercayai melainkan dari Parti PAS.

Tetapi malang bagi seorang penyokong tegar PAS apabila dia telah dikhianati oleh seorang YB dari parti yang dianuti sekian lama di Kuala Terengganu. Beliau mendakwa berasa teramat sedih & menderita apabila ISTERINYA DIRAMPAS OLEH SEORANG YANG BERHORMAT ADUN YANG BEGITU DISANJUNG SELAMA INI.

Kisah bermula apabila isterinya ditawarkan untuk menjaga isteri YB PAS Adun ini yang ketika itu sedang sakit kerana komplikasi penyakit darah tinggi.

Selama 6 bulan isterinya berulang alik dari rumahnya di Kg Bukit Kecil ke rumah YB PAS Adun tersebut bagi menjaga isterinya. Kadang-kadang isterinya akan ke rumah YB tersebut pada waktu malam .Dia sebagai suami tidak pernah mencurigai isterinya kerana dia percayakan isterinya. Lagipun seorang YB dari parti yang memperjuangkan Islam tidak akan mengkhianatinya.

Dia mula syak sesuatu yang tidak kena apabila isterinya masih juga ke rumah YB tersebut walaupun isteri YB berkenaan telah meninggal dunia.Apabila ragu,curiga dan syak wasangka menguasai fikiran, dia mula bertanya kenapa isterinya masih ke rumah YB. Isterinya pula memberikan berbagai alasan. Mereka bergaduh kerana hal ini. Kejadian tersebut berlarutan sehingga beberapa bulan.

Apa yang lebih menyedihkan ialah apabila dia diberitahu orang kampung, YB tersebut pernah dilihat berada di rumah mereka di Bukit Kecil bersama isterinya ketika dia tiada di rumah.

Keadaan rumahtangga mereka meruncing apabila isterinya meminta cerai tetapi dia tetap bertahan dan bersabar kerana dia masih sayangkan isterinya ketika! itu.
Namun sebagai jalan terakhir, isterinya menuntut fasakh di mahkamah. Kerana tidak mahu menanggung dosa, dia telah menceraikan isterinya.

Akhirnya terbukti apabila selepas setengah tahun kemudian isterinya telah berkahwin dengan YB tersebut, sehingga kini dia merasa amat terhina dengan perbuatan itu serta merasa teramat aib dengan masyarakat.

Dia sungguh tidak sangka seorang YB yang disanjungnya selama ini telah mengkhianati kepercayaanya & seoarang penipu yang sanggup merampas isterinya secara kotor & hina.

Demikianlah secebis kisah seorang penyokong tegar Parti PAS yang akhirnya terpaksa menceraikan isterinya yang mahu berkahwin dengan seorang Yang Berhormat ADUN.

Seperti yang semua tahu semua DUN di Kuala Terengganu telah jatuh ke tangan PAS semasa PRU2008 kecuali DUN Bandar yang diwakili oleh MCA. Parlimen Kuala Terengganu pula di menangi PAS dalam pilihanraya kecil 2009. Maknanya kisah yang diceritakan diatas adalah kejadian YB PAS di Kuala Terengganu.

Jadi selagi kita dijadikan sebagai manusia, jangan kita mengganggap insan berjubah, berkopiah atau berserban itu adalah manusia maksum yang tidak melakukan kesilapan seolah tidak bernafsu.

Insyaallah, kisah ini akan dibongkar lagi dari masa ke semasa sehingga kita temui siapa YB PAS ini.....

Sumber: Angin Laut China Selatan

House PK: Macam biasa anjing-anjing PAS akan datang kesini dan aka kata inis emua fitnah UMNO! Ini semua salah UMNO, depa dok berzina, rampas bini orang pastu salahkan UMNO. Tapi, jangan risau. Bukti semua cukup. Tunggu......jeng jeng jeng

Ibrahim Ali and PAS: WIll they reconcile for PRU13?

Ibrahim Ali: Shoot initial ...

There have been a few salient facts about a statesman Ibrahim Ali which we contingency know when crucifying him for his gedebe speak about blazing Malay-language Bibles which use Islam's "Allah" instead of god.

1. He became a MP for Pasir Mas after beating a Barisan Nasional candidate. Ibrahim contested as an Independent claimant BUT underneath a PAS banner, definition he was a de facto Pakatan candidate! (PAS is a part of of Pakatan Rakyat but which we know already);

2. Ibrahim Ali is not a part of of UMNO;

3. Perkasa, a NGO he founded, is not a part of UMNO or a statute Barisan Nasional coalition;

4. He does not hold any post in Government;

5. The man graduated from ITM, which means:
a. He is not stupid
b. ITM does not save a students to be pro-Government

6. Ibrahim Ali was a PAS part of before he jumped to UMNO, Semangat 46, as well as went into a unholy fondness with PAS/Pakatan Rakyat in PRU12.

PAS proudly presents ... h e r e

For PRU13, a single thing certain is a dood won't mount as a claimant in Sabah or Sarawak after his stunt with a Bible. UMNO has always kept a healthy distance: Ibrahim as well as Perkasa have been less harsh towards! UMNO af ter Pak Lah stepped down but UMNO has always been heedful of Ibrahim. So, which leaves PAS. What have been a chances which Ibrahim Ali will competition once again as an eccentric claimant underneath a PAS banner? we say a chances have been slim but, ahoy, this is politics. As a corporate arch reminded me during a Press Club last week: "In politics, there have been no bound friends as well as no bound enemies; usually bound goals."

The foreign invasion

Is a supervision receiving in vast series of unfamiliar workers to perform a specific purpose? Otherwise since a augmenting influx?
Now it has been suggested which underneath a tenure of former budding apportion Dr Mahathir Mohamad, citizenship has been since out to foreigners who landed upon Sabahan shores.
This is a make a disproportion of grave concern but a current headlines is which most foreigners who invaded a Peninsular after a 2008 general election have been since fast-tracked citizenship.
In actuality one of a biggest advance has as well as is now receiving place in Kuala Lumpur is a advance by Bangladeshis who have now overwhelmed a city in these locations:
1. Jalan Hang Lekir
2. Jalan Hang Lekiu
3. Jalan Hang Kasturi
4. Lebuh Pudu, areas surrounding Pudu Sentral as well as Menara Maybank
5. Chinatown, Jalan Petaling as well as Jalan Sultan
6. Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Jalan Tun HS Lee as well as Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin
7. Jalan Yap Ah Loy
8. Jalan Tun Perak as well as Lebuh Ampang
9. Areas surrounding Central Market (Pasar Seni) as well as Kota Raya
Daily these Bangladeshis can be seen in these areas, milling around in groups of six to eight, carrying their vast bags, most of them usually arrived. On a weekends, it is much worse. Thousands of them have been upon a streets, crowding in to a remittance houses as well as a business premises owned by their fellow countrymen.
Is there a specific purpose?
! The in cident already resembles Dhaka during a weekdays as well as upon weekends you will be forgiven for meditative you have been in Bangladesh if you happen to walk upon a streets referred to above.
Other areas in KL where there have been lots of foreigners are:
1. Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Chow Kit as well as a Lorong Haji Taib areas populated by Indonesians;
2. Selayang Wholesale Market populated by Myanmarese; and
3. Sentul populated by Bangladeshis as well as Indians from India.
Recently this incident has gotten worse as a sovereign supervision has lifted a anathema upon a import of Bangladeshi workers although anathema or no ban, a incident has always been worse, no disproportion at all.
Is a supervision receiving in unfamiliar workers to perform a specific purpose? Otherwise since a augmenting influx?
It contingency be settled which unfamiliar workers have been here usually for working purposes. Can those who gave instructions for them to be since fast-tracked citizenship as well as a ones who follow those instructions be categorised as "working against a interests of a nation"?
Simply allowing citizenship to be since to every Tom, Dick as well as Harry reveals a impassioned stupidity of those who engage in such a traitorous action as these inexperienced workers can poise a genuine threat to a lives of Malaysian citizens since during their time-off, these unfamiliar workers can easily indulge in crime.
A couple of bad apples is all which it takes to cause a Malaysian's life miserable.
Admittedly there have been most great unfamiliar workers but a cost to compensate in a augmenting crime rate caused by those who have been jobless is usually as well high a price.
As a BN sovereign supervision is a usually supervision who has been governing Malaysia, it is a BN sovereign supervision then who will be blamed as a ones who instituted this problem since a Nation! al Regis tration Department (NRD) is underneath their purview.
Vote out BN
Therefore a usually way to finish this sadness is to opinion out a traitorous crooks. No two-ways about it. We have to retrieve a streets, a cities as well as a republic from these authorised as well as bootleg foreigners.
The supervision contingency see to it which a propagandize dropouts as well as jobless girl have been since skills precision to capacitate them to turn gainfully employed. Otherwise a supervision should stop articulate about Vision 2020 as well as high-income republic status.
As of now, a obligatory supervision is usually heaping hype upon a word "high-income nation" but their actions do not suit their words. Is a supervision perplexing to hoodwink a rakyat with regard to a same?
How to turn a high-income republic when there is so much inexperienced or low-skilled work in Malaysia? Currently a government's immorality diversion plan is this: keep a apportionment of a citizens as well as a vast corporations well-fed as well as gentle so which they will not speak out against a supervision as well as keep another apportionment of a citizens bad so which they will always need to depend upon a supervision for handouts as well as assistance.
Thus by this Machiavellian scheme, both a bad as well as a abounding will opinion to keep BN in power.
We have to mangle giveaway from this complement by booting out a rogues using a list box. Ironically as a right-thinking citizens have been perplexing to opinion in a brand brand new sovereign government, those who have been since fast-tracked citizenship will be perplexing to say a obligatory supervision in a sovereign chair of power.
Thus in sequence for a brand brand new sovereign supervision to be voted in, all genuine Malaysians contingency opinion in foster of Pakatan Rakyat. Otherwise, Pakatan will not have a numbers as well as you a rakyat ca! n indeed be said to be dumb as well as doomed.
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Lets Bring on the Ladies of Song

January 26, 2o13

Your Entertainment for the WeekendLet's Bring upon the Ladies of Song

Dr Kamsiah

The strange thing about strain is which there have been days when it sounds prosaic as well as uninspiring. Intervening events can affect one's mood as well as how the single feels about as well as react to strain depends upon one's state of mind. Dr. Kamsiah as well as we have not been providing we with the pleasing sounds of instruments as well as outspoken chords over several weeks. The mood was not right because of the governing body which is increasingly desperate, dirty, hate rendering, as well as divisive.

But for this weekend, we decided which it is about time to move back memories of what used to be in the idea which we have right away the event to move about shift in the country's domestic landscape. Bring back timeless values as well as work towards the good destiny for all of us as well as generations to come, where we can feel protected in the homes, at work, upon the streets as well as in the selling malls.

For this weekend, we move to we some of excellent ladies of song. Our choices have been Doris Day, Patti Page, Joni James, Patsy Cline, Peggie Lee as well as Natalie Cole. Please feel their share your choices with us. Let us together have the refreshing weekend.Dr. Kamsiah as well as Din Merican

Doris Day

Patti Page

Joni James

Patsy Cline

Pegg! y Lee

Natalie Cole

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Hadi hari ke 36: Amanat bukan ajaran Nabi, kafirkan PAS dan Khawarij

Dengar bezanya wasiat atau Amanat Nabi berbanding dengan Amanat Hadi dan suruhan Nik Aziz.

Oi ... salah dan sesat Hadi dan Nik Aziz! Dengar ...

Kerajaan Filipina, MILF terima rujukan pihak ketiga pasukan pemantauan

KUALA LUMPUR, 26 January Kerajaan Filipina dan Barisan Pembebasan Islam Moro (MILF) memeterai terma rujukan untuk pihak ketiga iaitu pasukan pemantauan yang akan menjadi badan bagi mengkaji semula, menilai dan memantau pelaksanaan Perjanjian Rangka Kerja Mengenai Bangsamoro serta lampirannya. Kedua-dua pihak dijangka mengenal pasti anggota pasukan ... Read More

PAS: Friday sermon an attempt to spread religious hatred

KUALA LUMPUR, January twenty-six - Several PAS leaders have blasted Malaysias Islamic authorities for allegedly stoking eremite hatred during yesterdays Friday prayers for Muslim by calling labeling those who insist upon regulating Allah to report their God as enemies of Islam. According to a couple of leaders contacted by The Malaysian Insider, a Malaysian ... Read More

Appellate Court grants stay in Rosli Dahlans RM50million suit

January 26, 2013

Appellate Court grants stay in Rosli Dahlan's RM50million suit

by Hafiz Yatim (01-25-13)@

The Court of Appeal in Putrajaya, currently authorised a stay of record tentative interest in a RM50 million fit filed by Lawyer Rosli Dahlan against a Anti Corruption Agency (MACC), Utusan Malaysia and a Government.

NONEThe three- part of row headed by Justice Ramly Ali unanimously authorised Rosli's(right) application for a stay of Kuala Lumpur High Court Justice Hue Siew Kheng's Jan 3 order, which among others had authorised a expunging of six questions upon a grounds which they were "riddled with hearsay".

Justice Hue additionally had not postulated a stay of a proceedings.

The appellate court had authorised a stay of a conference which was additionally scheduled for today.
The alternative dual members of a row were Justice Anantham Kasinater and Justice David Wong Dak Wah.

Lawyer Nitin Nadkarni acted for Rosli, whilst Mohan Kumar appeared for Utusan Malaysia and senior federal warn Azizan Md Arshad represented a ACA and a government.

It had been reported formerly which a Attorney General Chambers representing a MACC and a government had objected to a six questions being admitted and which Rosli be authorised to attest orally. The six questions are eight, 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118 out of a total of 127 believed to be related to what is right away well known as a argumentative "Copgate affair".

Rosli, was charged during a Kuala L! umpur Se ssions Court, with non-compliance of a agency's procedures in dogmatic his assets. However, a court had acquitted him but calling for his defence. The prosecution had later withdrawn its interest against a exculpation late final year.

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Religious authorities insist 'Allah' only for Muslims

Federal religious authorities in Malaysia upon Friday urged Muslims to safety a sanctification of their conviction by not allowing non-Muslims to make make make use of of of a word "Allah" in their scriptures.

The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) warned which non-Muslims who do so are out to upset Muslims.

"It is very clear which today enemies of Islam are looking to obstruct as well as criticise a Muslim community's faith," a dialect pronounced in Friday's sermon review via a Federal Territories.

"Muslims contingency be organisation in safeguarding a sanctification as well as a identity of their religion."

NONEBut Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein urged calm after a call by a organisation in Penang to burn Bibles at a weekend to criticism an appeal by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to allow non-Muslims to make make make use of of of "Allah" in their scriptures.

The group, calling itself a Anti-Bible Bahasa Melayu (Anti-Malay Bible Action Force), has distributed pamphlets calling upon Muslims to j! oin a mass Bible blazing Sunday in Butterworth, 290 kilometres north-west of Kuala Lumpur.

"I titillate all of us to be receptive as well as to remain cool so to not hurt a peace in our society," Hishammuddin said.

The debate over a make make make use of of of of a word "Allah" first erupted in 2007 when a Home Ministry stopped a Catholic announcement from regulating a word in its magazine.

The church sued a government, as well as a justice ruled in Dec 2009 ! which a make make make use of of of of a word "Allah" is not disdainful to Muslims in Malaysia, where 60 per cent of a more than 29 million people profess a Islamic faith.

The preference triggered attacks upon some Christian churches as well as protests by Muslims via Malaysia.

The Home Ministry appealed a preference as well as is available a ruling. In a meantime, state leaders have released edicts which demarcate non-Muslims from regulating a universe "Allah."

- dpa Read More @ Source

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Appellate Court grants stay in Rosli Dahlans RM50million suit

January 26, 2013

Appellate Court grants stay in Rosli Dahlan's RM50million suit

by Hafiz Yatim (01-25-13)@

The Court of Appeal in Putrajaya, currently authorised a stay of record pending appeal in a RM50 million fit filed by Lawyer Rosli Dahlan opposite a Anti Corruption Agency (MACC), Utusan Malaysia and a Government.

NONEThe three- member panel headed by Justice Ramly Ali unanimously authorised Rosli's(right) application for a stay of Kuala Lumpur High Court Justice Hue Siew Kheng's Jan 3 order, which among others had authorised a obliteration of six questions on a drift which they were "riddled with hearsay".

Justice Hue additionally had not granted a stay of a proceedings.

The appellate court had authorised a stay of a hearing which was additionally scheduled for today.
The other dual members of a panel were Justice Anantham Kasinater as well as Justice David Wong Dak Wah.

Lawyer Nitin Nadkarni acted for Rosli, while Mohan Kumar appeared for Utusan Malaysia as well as senior federal counsel Azizan Md Arshad represented a ACA as well as a government.

It had been reported previously which a Attorney General Chambers representing a MACC as well as a supervision had objected to a six questions being admitted as well as which Rosli be authorised to attest orally. The six questions have been eight, 114, 115, 116, 117 as well as 118 out of a sum of 127 believed to be associated to what is now well known as a controversial "Copgate affair".

R! osli, wa s charged at a Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court, with non-compliance of a agency's procedures in declaring his assets. However, a court had acquitted him but job for his defence. The charge had after withdrawn its appeal opposite a acquittal late last year.

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PAS to field non-Muslim candidates in Election 2013

KUALA TERENGGANU, January twenty-five PAS will field non-Muslim possibilities from a Non-Muslim PAS Supporters Congress (DHPP) in a 13thgeneral choosing following approval of a party's Syura Council, pronounced report arch Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.
"This is a first time in our story you will be nominating DHPP members. They will contest in PAS seats," he told reporters when met during a Kuala Ibai PAS Office, here today.
Launched upon May 23, 2010, a DHPP, which was upgraded from a five-year-old PAS Supporters Club, has 35,000 members nationwide.
PAS made story in 12th general choosing when it fielded a first ever Indian candidate, Kumutha Raman, a law graduate, to contest a Ulu Tiram state seat in Johor.
Tuan Ibrahim pronounced non-Muslim possibilities should accept a PAS' judgment as well as onslaught besides carrying good morals as well as behaviour. Bernama
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1Rumah Terima 28 Surat BN, Bukti Wujud Usaha Rampas Selangor Guna Taktik Kotor???

[MK] Lebih banyak kontroversi menyelubungi surat ucapan tahun baru dari Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak selepas pembangkang menerima satu lagi aduan mengenai berpuluh surat tersebut dihantar kepada orang yang tidak dikenali di sebuah rumah di Petaling Jaya.

ADUN Subang Jaya, Hannah Yeoh (kiri dalam gambar) yang juga menjaga kawasan pilihan raya Bukit Gasing berikutan kematian wakil raknyat, berkata aduan terbaru itu datangnya dari sebuah rumah di kawasan berkenaan.

"Pemilik rumah tersebut telah menerima twenty-eight surat daripada BN, tetapi dia tak kenal joke mereka," katanya dalam sidang akhbar bersama ADUN Kampung Tunku, Lau Weng San dan Kasthuri Patto, iaitu setiausaha politik kepada pemimpin DAP, Lim Kit Siang.

Untuk memburukkan lagi keadaan, Hannah berkata carian pada daftar pemilih menunjukkan terdapat 37 nama orang yang tidak dikenali yang didaftarkan di alamat tersebut.

"Kami mahu bertanya kepada Najib dan (penyelaras BN Selangor), Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed sama ada ini adalah pengundi hantu mereka?" kata Hannah.

Dengan mendedahkan sendiri 'pengundi hantu' terse! but, teg as Hannah, BN umpama "menyumbat gol sendiri".

"Saya tidak kata mereka tidak bijak, tetapi mungkin terdapat terlalu banyak pengundi hantu sehingga mereka joke tidak kenal."

"Kami mahu bertanya kepada Najib dan (penyelaras BN Selangor), Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed sama ada ini adalah pengundi hantu mereka?" kata Hannah.

Dengan mendedahkan sendiri 'pengundi hantu' tersebut, tegas Hannah, BN umpama "menyumbat gol sendiri".

"Saya tidak kata mereka tidak bijak, tetapi mungkin terdapat terlalu banyak pengundi hantu sehingga mereka joke tidak kenal."

P/s: Setinggi-tinggi tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga, sepandai-pandai mereka menipu, akhirnya kantoi juga!

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Of The Australian lies and Mahmoud Abbas' stupidity

In spinning as well as undermining PM Datuk Seri Najib's revisit to Gaza a couple of days ago,The Australiansimply fabricated a distortion by jotting which Malaysia as well as Israel two-way traffic has expanded to about US$ 1 billion annually over a past couple of years.
"Mr Najib entered Gaza from Egypt, during Rafah. He was accompanied by his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor; Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman; as well as a junior minister in a Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
About 62 per cent of Malaysia's twenty-nine million race are Muslims. Malaysia does not recognise Israel diplomatically, though traffic has grown rapidly in new years, to almost $ 1 billion a year."
Which source had The Australian got a figure from? The Australian Trade as well as Industry Ministry? Or from Tel Aviv?

As far as Malaysia's relation with a Jewish nation is concerned, no central shared traffic of whatsoever had been established. Even Tel Aviv, who is diplomatically represented in Singapore, does not allow any of a products to reach Malaysia, as well as clamp versa.

I am not if Singaporeans who traffic with Israel are fluctuating their use to Malaysia though according to Bukit Aman as well as Custom Dept, such products in any form are not allowed entrance in to a country. If there is any, it comes in tiny equipment which are smuggled out of a Republic.

So, there is no basis during all for a Australian media to speculate upon Malaysia-Israel traffic nonetheless there were efforts by a little bu! liding t o establish a couple with them.

Malaysia has not long ago loose a difficult order for a Christian citizens to go upon pilgrimage in Tel Aviv, a preference lauded by many (including Christian organisations abroad) as proper, wise as well as satisfactory by a Barisan Nasional government.

As for Najib's revisit to Hamas-ruled Gaza, it was finished in a loyal spirit of society with a Palestinians as a total as well as not to await any form of Hamas' 'aggression' towards a neighbor Israel. Furthermore, it constituted a oneness Muslim-to-Muslim personal couple in between Malaysia as well as a Palestinians.

Irrespective of what Mahmoud Abbas opined about a visit, he should be advised to guarantee a seductiveness of any as well as every Palestinian - Hamas or not, Fatah or not - in a context of a Palestine statehood as well as not sequester them by their politics.

Malaysia has been most vocal between a non-Arab confederation in championing a rights of a Palestinians, as well as had never upon a singular occasion separate them in groupings such as Fatah or Hamas since a usually objective is to get general approval for an autonomy Palestine state.

Mahmoud, in this context, is deemed not fit to lead a Palestinians if he refuses to accept which simple fact. Even a leaders of Hamas had offered to concur with Mahmoud though a latter incited it down, ! afraid of losing his hold upon a rest of a Palestine.

It was Fatah who all this while rejected all settlement bid initiated by third parties or by Hamas itself. During Israeli air raids upon Gaza final year, Fatah as well as Mahmoud did not emanate any statement to malign it, let alone offered any benefit to them.

So, all parties should stop politicising Najib's revisit to a Hamas-ruled areas. we believe a PM's office had attempted to hit Mahmoud Abbas office prior to a revisit though was taken out of context by Mahmoud's aides.

Whether a a US, Australia, Canada, France of any alternative countries, their regard f! or a Mid dle East dispute is upon a contentment of a well-armored Israel as well as not a handicapped Palestinians. Is which a approach to work out a assent plan?

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Received news that Reshina has finally received her long awaited MYKAD. She will finally be receiving her SPM exams this year. Read More @ Source

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BONGKAR :Penemuan terbaru isu pengedaran lC kpd pendatang

- mimpi senja
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Setelah gua baca laporan darimkyang memetik berita dariBernamarasanya macam TAK PERCAYA joke ada beb... sebab kenyataan tersebut JELAS satu kenyataan yang gua rasaBUDAK BAWAH UMUR yang tanya SOALAN kat Datuk Seri Hj Naji tentang NAJIS MUGHALAZAH joke tahu yang Ketua Polis Daerah Kajang ACP Abdul Rashid Abdul Wahab MENIPU... apa tidaknya beb kalau mengikut kata Ketua Polis Daerah Kajang ACP Abdul Rashid Abdul Wahab tersebut bahawa MANGSA adalah seorang yang mempunyai PENYAKIT MENTAL... ok beb gua TERIMA kata-kata beliau yang ini... tetapi dengan mengatakan bahawa MANGSA telah MENGAMUK dengan menggunakan PALANG BESI untuk MEROSAKAN HARTA BENDA AWAM yang mula MENGAMUK dari Taman Sri Nanding di sini sebelum menuju ke Taman Desa Raya hingga ke Taman Lagenda Suria... dan pihak POLIS telah MENGEKORI SUSPEK sejauh DUA kilometer sebelum MANGSA tiba-tiba TERJATUH di bahu jalan... yang ni yang buat gua GELAK beb... kah kah kah !.

Tambah beliau lagi "Ketika itu POLIS dan ORANG AWAM menangkap lelaki itu yang BERTINDAK AGRESIF dan beliau didapati tidak sedarkan diri ketika berada dalam kenderaan polis... samasa dalam perjalanan ke Hospital Serdang... beliau disahkan meninggal dunia... Hasil BEDAH SIASAT menunjukkan beliau mengalami SALURAN JANTUNG TERSUMBAT dan TIADA SEBARANG KECEDERAAN lain... KEMATIANYA tiada KENA MENGENA denganTINDAKAN POLIS ketika menahannya"... kah kah kah... jangan lah macam itu TUAN... jangan lah buat RAKYAT BODOH sangat seperti ISI PERUT UMNO tu... sedangkan GAMBAR diatas sudah JELAS yang MANGSA telah MENINGGAL DUNIA ketika diatas TANAH lagi...! apa cer ita yang mengatakan MANGSA bertindak AGRESIF semasa DITAHAN... kah kah kah... gua bukan nya nak BELA kalau betul MANGSA adalah seorang PENJENAYAH... tapi biar lah HUKUMAN setimpal dengan KESALAHAN dan ditentukan oleh KEADILAN... kah kah kah !.

Ini lah HASIL nya kalau BERKETUA SEPUPU kepada PEMIMPIN DEMOKRASI TERBAIK beb... yang mana JENAYAH TUMBUH seperti CENDAWAN SELEPAS HUJAN... oleh itu PEMBETERASAN JENAYAH mesti dilakukan... cuma yang di PERTIKAIKAN ialah cara JENAYAH KECIL di TANGGANI dan cara JENAYAH BESAR DISELESAIKAN... ya memang JENAYAH tetap JENAYAH walaupun KECIL atau BESAR... namun cara KEMATIAN MANGSA tetap jadi PERSOALAN serta JAWAPAN BALAS dariKetua Polis Daerah Kajang ACP Abdul Rashid Abdul Wahab yang boleh DIPERTIKAIKAN... kalau ya joke nak MENJAWAP biarlah dengan JAWAPAN yang LEBIH CERDIK beb... kalau gua yang PENYOKONG POLIS joke pasti gua tak boleh nak MENYOKONG POLIS dengan KENYATAAN beliau bila melihat kepada BUKTI BERGAMBAR yang telah disiarkan... yang mana MANGSA telah MAUT terlebih dahulu sebelum lagi menaiki kereta Polis... jadi dimana yang dikatakan AGRESIFNYA MANGSA tersebut beb... kah kah kah !.

hemmmmm..... gua ni beb kalau nak dikirakan adalah keturunan polis... ayahanda gua seorang polis... pak saudara gua polis... pak gua mertua polis... abang ipar gua polis... kawan jangan cerita lah punya banyak nya polis... tapi tak kan kerana benda tak betul gua kena sokong polis gak... lebih-lebih lagi yang jadi ketuanya ialah si auw auw auw tu... kah kah kah... umporno perkasam jati... betul-betul meloyakan heeeee... A B U. - pad indera sipejuang
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Jingga thirteen mendesak PDRM untuk membuka kertas siasatan berkaitan seorang seorang pengawal keselamatan, Sugumar Cheliah 40 Tahun yang didakwa dipukul oleh polis dan orang awam di Taman Sri Nanding, Hulu Langat hingga membawa kematian. Memetik kenyataan saksi menyebut sekurang-kurangnya empat anggota polis terlibat mengejar Sugumar dan seterusnya menahan dan menggari lelaki tersebut dalam kejadian itu. Laporan itu menyebut, seramai twenty orang yang lain kemudiannya didakwa menyertai anggota polis berkenaan dan memukul Sugumar.
Jingga thirteen mempersoalkan mengapa mangsa digari, kemudian dipukul, dibogelkan serta dilumur dengan serbuk kunyit dan kemudiannya mangsa didapati meninggal dunia. Setelah itu dicampakkan ke bahu jalan dan dibiarkan sehingga pasukan forensik PDRM yang tiba jam 11 malam.
Kenyataan Ketua Polis Kajang amat diragui kerana dilihat seolah olah satu cubaan ingin menutup kes itu dengan mendakwa bahawa polis tidak memukul Sugumar hingga mati dan dia meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung. Sedangkan tiga saksi telah tampil memberi keterangan bahawa Sugumar telah dikejar oleh polis, digari, dipukul dan berlumur dengan kunyit.
Adalah menghairankan apabila pihak polis mendakwa bahawa tidak ada unsur janayah, sedangkan mereka telah merekodkan kenyataan ketiga-tiga saksi berkenaan. Semalam polis mengklasifikasikan kes Sugumar sebagai 'kematian mengejut' dan bedah siasat menunjukkan dia mengalami saluran jantung tersumbat dan tiada sebarang kecederaan lain.
Jingga thirteen mendesak pihak PDRM untuk segera membuka kertas siasatan dan mengambil tindakan kepada pegawai dan anggo! ta-anggo ta polis termasuk beberapa individu yang terlibat memukul mangsa sehingga membawa kematian. Seseorang yang ditahan dan dituduh bersalah seharusnya dibicarakan dan diadili terlebih dahulu sebelum dijatuhi hukuman. Polis dan orang awam tiada kuasa untuk menghukum sesuka hati seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam undang-undang Malaysia.
Jingga thirteen memandang serius terhadap tindakan kejam sesetengah pegawai dan anggota polis yang menggunakan kekasaran melampau terhadap OKT. Insiden ini bukan baru berlaku tetapi telah banyak kali berulang kali dan ramai OKT kehilangan nyawa ketika ditahan polis.

Mohd Rudey Bin Abd Rahman
Koordinator Penerangan
Jingga thirteen Malaysia

- Sharp Shooter
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MP PAS Baling Kini Terlantar di Hospital Akibat Stroke

Berita yang baru diterima Ahli Parlimen Baling, Datuk Taib Azamuden Mohd Taib kini terlantar di home akibat cadence dan pendarahan di kepala..

Khabarnya beliau dirawat disalah sebuah home swasta di Pulau Pinang sejak semalam akibat terkena angin akmar di kediamannya Baling Kedah. Kini beliau dimasukan ke tingkat 1, Wad CCU di Hospital Swasta Pulau Pinang.

Walaupun kita orang UMNO yang ternyata berbeza fahaman politik, namun ada baiknya jika sama-sama mendoakan agar beliau cepat sembuh dan sempat bertanding semula di PRU 13...Insyallah...

UMNO mahupun Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak pernah tergamak mendoakan kecelakaan berlaku ke atas sahabatnya apatah lagi kepada umat Islam yang lain.

Dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia 1999, Ust Taib Azamudden telah bertanding di parlimen Baling, Kedah mewakili parti PAS, menang dengan 21468 undi.

Namun pada Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia 2004 beliau tewas kepada seorang ustazah, Dato' Dr Mashitah Binti Ibrahim.

Pada Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia 2008 beliau memenangi kerusi parlimen Baling mengalahkan calon Barisan Nasional - UMNO, Datuk Abd. Azeez Abdul Rahim.
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Ibu sahkan mayat kanak lelaki di Port Klang ialah William Yau...

Polis sahkan mayat kanak-kanak ditemui di jeti Kampung Sungai Sireh Pelabuhan Klang malam tadi adalah William Yau, 6,yang dilaporkan hilang di Putra Heights minggu lalu.Ketua Polis Daerah Subang Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Yahaya Ramli berkata, ia berdasarkan pengecaman dibuat kedua ibu bapa mangsa, Goh Ying Ying dan Yau Kok Kang di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) pagi tadi.Bagaimanapun, menurutnya pihak polis masih menunggu ujian DNA, yang dijangka diperoleh dalam tiga hari lagi untuk penges ... Read More

Rakyat ke Istana Feb 2hb bawa isu ladang rakyat

Sebagaimana yang dirancang dan kami hebahkan tadi di SINI, satu demonstrasi telah diadakan tadi pukul 3 petang di Serian Batu 11, Gua Musang.

Seramai 150 orang telah turut sama mendesak mendesak kerajaan negeri dan MB Kelantan menyelesaikan masalah tanah penduduk serian yang dikatakan telah kehilangan tanah akibat diceroboh oleh syarikat TLC yang diberi hak untuk mengusahakan tanah oleh

The long and the short of it

But what will happen, say, in 2057, 100 years after Merdeka, when the young kids as well as grandchildren of those 3 million pendatang -- who by afterwards might series 5 million as well as reason Malaysian temperament cards given they were innate in Malaysia -- all wish to opinion as abroad electorate yet they had left the nation the prolonged time ago as well as never once went behind to Malaysia?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
There have been those who conflict the Islamic rapist law of Hudud. When you ask them as to given they conflict Hudud they will reply which it is given underneath the Hudud law they cut off the hands of thieves. Hence Hudud is the very barbarous law. Rather than cut off the hands of thieves they should instead be killed with the bullet in the head similar to what they do to highway robbers as well as alternative thieves in China, hurtful officials as well as womanlike robbers included.
Well, you suppose the bullet in the head is reduction barbarous than carrying to live with usually the single hand.
Let's contend for argument's sake you argue: so what if they cut off the hands of thieves? Why have been you so worried about which if you have been not the thief? Aren't you the ones who have been complaining about the extremely tall crime rate in Malaysia? Aren't you the ones alleging which the military have been not doing their job? Maybe you need the law such as Hudud to solve the serious crime complaint which appears to be spinning out of control.
Only thieves should be worried about as well as conflict Hudud. If you have been so opposite to Hudud afterwards which can usually meant the single thing -- you have been the thief. If you have been not the burglar afterwards given have been you so opposite t! o Hudud? And it appears similar to some-more non-Malays than Malays conflict Hudud. This can usually meant which there have been some-more non-Malay thieves than Malay thieves.
you suppose this statement creates as much clarity as the statement which if you do not await Pakatan Rakyat afterwards you contingency be the Barisan Nasional believer (if you do not await Hudud afterwards you contingency be the thief). There can be no alternative judicious reason for you to not await Pakatan Rakyat only similar to there can be no alternative judicious reason for you to not await Hudud.
Can you see which when you request your same proof to an additional incident your proof no longer sounds logical?
And which is the complaint with most of you. Your proof is not universal. It can be used usually to await your biased view though when applied to an additional argument it sounds real silly.
The Sedition Act as well as the Internal Security Act have been draconian laws. Why have been they draconian laws? Well, given these laws have been used opposite the opposition, to stifle dissent, as well as to repudiate Malaysians their leisure of speech. Hence the Sedition Act as well as the Internal Security Act contingency be abolished. And if Pakatan Rakyat ever takes over the sovereign supervision this is the single of the initial things they contingency do -- annul the Sedition Act as well as the Internal Security Act.
However, prior to they annul these laws, they contingency initial be used opposite those upon the 'other side'. Once those from the 'other side' have been dealt with usually afterwards should these laws be abolished.
In fact, if Pakatan Rakyat takes over, you should exercise Hudud as well as make use of which law to cut off the hands of those crooks from the ruling party. Once all their hands have been cut off you can afterwards annul the Hudud law.
What have been you fighting for? We have been fighting for justice. And h! ow do yo u get justice? We get probity by abolishing bad laws as well as by reforming the system. Should you do all which now? No, you do which usually after you have taken punish upon the enemies. Is punish justice? Yes, though usually if taken opposite the alternative side, not if taken opposite the own people.
It is not fair which Malaysians who have left the nation for longer than 5 years as well as have not returned to the nation for during slightest thirty days over those 5 years have been not authorised to opinion as an abroad voter. Even if those Malaysians left the nation thirty or 40 years ago as well as never once went behind to Malaysia they should still be authorised to opinion (as prolonged as they still have an temperament card, of course, given you need this to vote).
What happens if the single million of the 3 million foreigners who right away retain Malaysian temperament cards go home to their strange countries? Can they be authorised to opinion as abroad voters? Your entitlement to opinion depends upon you possessing the Malaysian temperament card. Hence if you have the Malaysian temperament label afterwards you have been entitled to vote.
And what happens if these people had left Malaysia some-more than ten years ago as well as never once came behind to Malaysia? Should they still be authorised to vote?
You might argue which they should not be authorised to opinion given yet they retain Malaysian temperament cards they were not innate in Malaysia. Ah, though afterwards their young kids were. Their young kids retain Malaysian temperament cards which uncover they were innate in Malaysia yet they left Malaysia ten years ago as well as right away live in an additional country. So given can't they be authorised to vote?
Back in 1957, when Malaya initial gained independence, the Chinese as well as Indians came from China as well as India as well as were given Malaysian citizenship. Subsequently, the young kids of those 'pendatang'! were in nate in the country. Hence the descendants of these pre-1957 immigrants have been Malaysian innate as well as should not be called 'pendatang'.
Agreed, it is wrong to call the present era Malaysians of Chinese as well as Indian descent 'pendatang'. Their relatives or grandparents might have been pendatang behind in 1957. But the present stand of Malaysian-born Chinese as well as Indians have been not pendatang as well as should not be treated as pendatang or called 'pendatang'.
But what will happen, say, in 2057, 100 years after Merdeka, when the young kids as well as grandchildren of those 3 million pendatang -- who by afterwards might series 5 million as well as reason Malaysian temperament cards given they were innate in Malaysia -- all wish to opinion as abroad electorate yet they had left the nation the prolonged time ago as well as never once went behind to Malaysia?
Sometimes you need to demeanour reduced term, such as over the subsequent dual months heading to the entrance ubiquitous election. Sometimes you need to demeanour prolonged term, contend thirty years down the road. And sometimes you need to balance in between short-term as well as long-term goals.
When the supervision came out with the education process it looked reduced tenure as well as not prolonged term. And now, most years down the road, you have been paying for this short-sighted as well as short-term strategy.
But the repairs has been done. It is not going to be which easy to redress things. It might take the whole era to correct the mistakes of the past -- as well as even afterwards usually if you have been rebuilt to bite the bullet as well as have been rebuilt to humour the tall casualty rate.
Are you rebuilt to allow the Malays to become casualties in the interest of the improved education system formed upon meritocracy? Neither Najib Tun Razak nor Anwar Ibrahim would dare contend 'yes' to this question.
Things have been going t! o get wo rse prior to they become better. The cure might be as painful as the disease. But you am sure conjunction Barisan Nasional nor Pakatan Rakyat would be rebuilt to take the risk of the domestic fallout out if they try to shift the education system as well as see Malays tumble by the wayside given they have been only not great enough.
It is similar to earnest no taxation as well as earnest to give all the oil income behind to the states. How would you finance the country? No disbelief which type of promise is going to assistance win votes. But what do you do after you win the votes?
To have income you need to plant oil palm trees. To plant oil palm trees you need to bake down the forests. When you bake down the forests you create an ecological problem. So you do not bake down the forests to prevent an ecological problem. But given you do not bake down the forests you can't plant oil palm trees. And given you can't plant oil palm trees you can't have money.
Life is full of infamous cycles. And Malaysia can win the bullion award in infamous cycles if which happened to be an eventuality in the Olympic games.
Use of Sedition Act is wrong
Yin Shao Loong, The Malaysian Insider
Bar Council boss Lim Chee Wee settled which the Sedition Act should be used upon Ibrahim Ali given the latter had advocated the blazing of bibles.
Even though Lim acknowledged which the Bar binds which the law should be repealed, it should yet be used opposite Ibrahim if the supervision is charging antithesis leaders such as Karpal Singh underneath it.
Burning any book as the domestic action is vulgar, uncultured as well as should be condemned. Invoking the make use of of the draconian law to punish book burning, or incitement to bake books, is the defeat to authoritarianism.
By taking this stance, Lim as well as the Bar ! he leads have undermined any explain to scrupulous antithesis to the Sedition Act. Their rationale is same to those who proposed maintaining the Internal Security Act (ISA) so it could be used the single last time opposite the puppet master of Operation Lallang.
Even if Lim's vigilant was to underline how the present supervision selectively enforces the law, his argument was feeble selected given it was formed upon the proof which dual wrongs would have the right.
The Sedition Act has been the convenient as well as objectionable tool of peremptory power in Malaysia due to the broad applicability opposite anything which could be construed as raising malignity or feeling within society or opposite the authorities.
Anyone can explain they had feelings of malignity or feeling raised by someone's statement or action, ensue to record the military report, as well as have someone investigated for sedition. Of course, the contingency of successful charge would improve if the accused happened to be someone not favoured by the government.
Historically, mutiny was compared with absolutist monarchies. Undemocratic governments criminalise mutiny given they fright gainsay will destabilise management formed upon force, heredity or property. The order of the couple of over the most requires some form of institutionalised discrimination, fright as well as termination of criticism.
Democracies soak up critique into their system of supervision as well as allow the most to make use of their votes to initiate peaceful, nurse changes in government.
As prolonged as you have well known it, the Bar Council has stood for the scrupulous movement towards bone-fide inherent democracy in Malaysia. Supporting the make use of of the Sedition Act is the back step contrary to human rights.
Lim has already remarkable which any book-burning action or incitement to such action can be prosecuted underneath those sections of the Penal Code which understan! ding wit h abetment as well as trespass.
Additionally, sections 298 as well as 298A of the Penal Code understanding with acts designed to equates to harm upon eremite grounds, territory 504 covers intentional insult with vigilant to provoke the crack of the peace, as well as territory 505 refers to statements compelling public mischief.
It is in accord with to record the military report, or call for laws to be employed, where the actions in question have been criminal, incompatible those bona fide forms of gainsay criminalised by the Sedition Act, ISA, Printing Presses as well as Publications Act, as well as so forth.
One organisation of adults is hostile the barbarous action of book blazing by mouth-watering people to join in celebration of the mass holy books any books, in fact underneath the trees during KLCC play ground upon Sunday.
Others have filed the military inform opposite Ibrahim, citing most of the Penal Code sections referred to above, though without chance to the Sedition Act or any of the odious bedfellows.
These have been civilised equates to of hostile an barbarian act.
If you wish to pierce Malaysia out of the shade of authoritarianism you cannot condone the very methods of authoritarianism. This equates to which race-baiting, odious laws as well as parole contingency be abandoned in favour of scrupulous debate, pacific protest, accountability as well as reform.
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Who will win GE13?

P Gunasegaram, Malaysiakini
Numbers, they say, never lie nonetheless census data can be finished to. Where they have been most useful, however, is when they can be analysed to give a scale of a magnitude of a charge forward for someone who wants to grasp something.
The antithesis Pakatan Rakyat coalition, comprising of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), PAS, DAP as well as allies in Sabah as well as Sarawak, has finished plain a target of receiving over a government in a next 13th ubiquitous election, as well as is publicly assured of we do so.

Can it? The figures clearly uncover which it is a most easier charge for Barisan Nasional to keep a energy than it is for Pakatan to wrest it away. Before we get pilloried as a doomsayer for antithesis chances, do hear me out. As we said, numbers don't lie.

Let's focus upon Parliamentary elections which confirm sovereign power. The Mar 2008 elections, GE12, saw a outrageous pitch of votes to a opposition. Popular opinion for BN forsaken to a small 50.3 percent from a prior 64 percent. The BN mislaid 58 seats to a opposition, effectively Pakatan. The antithesis gained 61 seats to take 82 seats. The disproportion between seats gained as well as mislaid is since of a 3 one some-more seats in 2008.

In peninsular Malaysia where all of a pitch occurred, a antithesis had 51 percent of a popular vote. But since their strength was in a urban areas which had most higher race densities, it translated in to a smaller proportionate series of 80 seats for a opposition, as well as 84 seats for BN in a peninsula.

What saved a day for BN was a really solid display in Sabah as well as Sarawak where it mislaid just a single seat in each of a dual states to garner 25 seats in Sabah, as well as 31 seats in Sarawak. That gave them 56 seats from East Malaysia as well as thus, a right to r! ule.

Without a clever display in Sabah as well as Sarawak, BN would have been really upon a ropes, as well as most closer to losing a elections. In a event, BN garnered 140 seats in Parliament, absolutely exceeding Pakatan's 82 seats, with usually eight seats short of a two-thirds majority.

But it is a testament to a clever display by BN in all a prior elections (barring a ill-fated 1969 elections) which this gentle feat was still a worst display by BN in any polls to dat! e, forcing a abdication of BN conduct Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, as well as a successive ascent of Najib Abdul Razak to his in front of as BN arch as well as budding minister.

What would it take for Pakatan to win GE13 during a sovereign level? BN has 58 some-more council seats. It would need during a slightest a pitch of thirty votes for a slight two-seat infancy in a house. For that, we need to see another pitch as large as a a single we saw in 2008 towards a opposition.

The subject is, where is Pakatan starting to get a thirty seats? Most of a seats which have been of a Chinese infancy or which have poignant Chinese populations, have been already in a bag. Chinese votes can't pitch most some-more than it already has, as well as so is not likely to be wilful in conditions of getting some-more seats, nonetheless it will assistance in a influence of many.

Key 'Malay, Sabah as well as Sarawak' votes

The pass this time is either there will be a successive pitch in Malay votes to PAS as well as PKR a approach it was in 2008, as well as either major swings will be seen in Sabah as well as Sarawak of a scale which was seen in 2008 in a peninsula.

Realistically, a single should expect which a pitch to Pakatan, in conditions of seats won, will moderate altogether in peninsular Malaysia, as well as which there will be some reversals even if a popular opinion altogether increases in foster of a opposition.

That would meant which though a poignant shift in Sabah as well ! as Saraw ak, as well as a gain of during slightest fifteen seats there to 17 altogether from East Malaysian states, there is likely to be little chance of upsetting a BN reason in conditions of Parliamentary seats. Even with such a pitch there, Pakatan still needs to get an one some-more fifteen seats in a peninsular, which is not an easy task.

Yes, Pakatan will have some-more inroads. But will they win? Tough, though not impossible. After all, no a single likely a pitch to Pakatan in 2008. What's! there to! contend which it could not happen again? A lot could rely upon a events leading up to a elections.

Opposition pundits point to investigations by a Royal Commission of Inquiry in to a illegal immigration as well as registration of voters there which might find traction among Sabahans in foster of a opposition.

Those who consider BN will win contend Najib has tried hard to recover both a center belligerent as well as Malay votes, as well as might succeed during slightest partially.

One thing's for sure, a starting to be closer than ever before. If we want to have your opinion equate - as well as your opinion will equate some-more than during anytime, since voting had started in this country in 1955 - have certain we go out there as well as opinion upon polling day, even if we have to lapse from Singapore or Kalimantan.

That way, whatever a outcome as well as whichever celebration we supported, we would have finished your partial towards giveaway as well as satisfactory elections in this country, a results of which would simulate infancy aspirations.
P GUNASEGARAM is publishing house as well as editor of business headlines portalKiniBizwhich is to be set up next month in a joint try withMalaysiakini. He has worked as a publisher as well as researcher in Malaysia for over thirty years.
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Race in politics, politics in race

I have just review P Gunasegaram's articleWho will win GE13?in Malaysiakini. He has really methodically, as good as you hold quite logically, laid down his points that argue that it will be the difficult struggle for Pakatan to secure the infancy of sovereign seats in Peninsula to explain rule aftertheelection.

But he pronounced it's difficult though not impossible, usingtheMarch 2008 results as indicative of Pakatan achieving the 'impossible'.

But he cautioned that it will expected be the really close call, where in such the situation, every single opinion will count, some-more than ever before in Malaya/Malaysia's 55 years' history as an eccentric nation.

Malaysian governing body is the story of governing body of competition or, if you like, competition in politics. Unfortunately you can't shun secular discussions in governing body given in truth you haven't yet possess competent bearing (or trust) as good as to illustrate the required shun quickness to overcome the powerful gravitational pull, that compels us in to some-more mundane Earthly understanding of the issues.

One insight Gunasegaram shared with us in his essay has been that the Chinese opinion bank is some-more or less already owned by Pakatan, as good as to illustrate any serve enlarge in Chinese await will expected not be as dramatically poignant as it had been in 2008.

Whatever assuage gains Pakatan will serve obtain from the Chinese in GE-13 will substantially be in the little MCA-held seats in Johor.

Also, rumours have it that Hishamuddin Hussein will be becoming different his chair for an additional as 40% of the registered electorate in his stream subdivision of Sembrong have been Chinese, so thatcouldwell be the pending Pakatan seat.

Of course there might be gains in additional Chinese-majority seats in Sabah as good as Sarawak, though I'll leave this zone to betterinformedpeopleto illuminate me.

One vivid omission in Gunasegaram'sarticlehas been the Indian factor in Peninsula. Remember how Uthayakuamar as good as hissupportersand sympathizers kept telling us it wastheHindraf-galvanized Indian mass that enabled Pakatan to achieve the 2008 choosing wins, ...

... as good as how he would repel that Hindraf-ized Indian await for Pakatan if the coalition doesn't attend to as good as accept his HRP's multiform demands, oneofwhich had been the right to competition in 7 parliamentary seats as good as sixteen state seats though Pakatan's participation, formed upon the Free Malaysia Today's inform upon fourteen September ! 2011 tit ledHRP final 23 seats from Pakatan.

The seven parliamentary seats he longed for were:

(1) Padang Serai (Kedah) now hold by Gobalakrishnan, before PKR,
(2) Batu Kawan (Penang) now hold by Dr Ramasamy (DAP)
(3) Ipoh Barat (Perak) now hold by Kulasegaran (DAP)
(4) Kota Raja (Selangor) now hold by Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS)
(5) Teluk Kemang (Negri Sembilan)currently hold by Kamarul Baharin Abbas (PKR)
(6) Cameron Highlands (Pahang)currently hold by Devamany Krishnasamy (MIC), and
(7) Tebrau (Johor) now hold by Teng Book Soon (MCA).

Now, hasn't Uthayakumar just beenthebrightest hint in the category in asking Pakatan to meekly surrender 5 of their sovereign seats for his HRP to competition in GE-13, with 3 of the 5 seats hold by his join forces with Indians?

Surely this calls for the re-readingofmy postMalaysian Racism & The 3 Baskets of ! Crabsat my alternative blogBolehTalk, wakakaka.

T! he sixte en state seats he longed for were Bukit Selambau as good as Lunas (Kedah), Prai as good as Bagan Dalam (Penang), Buntong as good as Hutan Melintang (Perak), Port Dickson as good as Jeram Padang (Negri Sembilan), Tanah Rata as good as Ketari (Pahang), Puteri Wangsa as good as Tiram (Johor) as good as Sri Andalas, Ijok, Seri Setia as good as Bukit Melawati (Selangor).

You can work it out how many of those seats have been now hold by Pakatan. Help you with the couple: Khalid Ibrahim binds Ijok, wakakaka, as good as Dr Ramasamy binds Prai, wakakaka again.

What do you reckon Pakatan would have told him? Maybe something similar to this:

You claimed to have gifted mandores
In 2008 with the Hindraf vacant cheque
Now you instruct us to be similar to whores
To give in as good as distortion down upon the back

Perhaps mandores you might good be
Though if you design us to give in
To final so big-headedly crazy
Tambi, we'd be committing the large sin

Wakakaka, as good as you amnotsure either Uthayakumar is still insisting upon these 23 seats.

But anyway, behind upon track, you instruct Gunasegaram had analysed the Indian factor in his article.

On the single palm people similar to Uthaykuma! r claimed that it had been Indian await that enabled Pakatan to win such the large feat in 2008, as good as should that be true, afterwards given new analyses that about 80% of Indians have returned totheBN fold, what does that spell for Pakatan alternativ! e than l arge trouble.

Ontheother, that you am inclined towards, yestheIndians did contribute to the Pakatan feat in 2008 though they weren't the many impactful force behind the tsunami sweepingour domestic landscape.

In arguing against the speculation of Hindraf being the principal winning factor, you drew comparison to an progressing tsunami in 1969 when Hindraf was not even in existence (and Anwar Ibrahim was the youngish twenty something) yet that saw BN's predecessor, Perikatan (Alliance) mislaid humongously.

Gerakan celebrating the 1969 victory
Syed Hussein Alatas with pipe, his arms around Lim Chong Eu
I settled thatthePakatan feat in 2008, as the feat forthe loose spontaneous agreement ofGerakan-DAP-PPP (includingeven spontaneous join forces with PAS) in 1969, happened given many electorate had had enoughofBN as good as respectively Perikatan, as good as were rebuilt to change, as good as not given of any sold NGO. It calls in to question the speculation of Hindraf beingthe primaryearth-shakingforce in Mar 2008.

Assuming my belief is correct, as good as if the infancy of Indian electorate will be ancillary BN in GE-13 as they traditionally have (yes, the Indians have been BN's 'fixed deposit'), there might be the little adverse outcome for Pakatan though certainly not to the extent Mr Gloom & Doom has ! been mel ancholy the Pakatan 'mandores', wakakaka.

Najib's genuine 'fixed deposit', wakakaka
We additionally need torememberthat Hindraf had not been an exclusive Uthayakumar's one-man effort though that saw front line appearance by DAP members, oneofwhom, M Manoharan, is an ADUN who won Kota Alam Shah chair whilst he was behind ISA jail as the Hindraf leader. So not all Hindraf supporters would indispensably boycott Pakatan.

It's additionally poignant to note that Manoharan won in the Chinese infancy seat, defeatingtheBN Chinese claimant by the resounding infancy of some-more than 7500 votes in the subdivision of usually 26000 voters. Thus it's expected the DAP brand rsther than than Hindraf tag that had enabled Manoharan to turn an ADUN in Selangor.

So you privately hold the Indians ancillary BN, whilst certainlynot enlightened to Pakatan, willnothave that extreme outcome as threatened by the crab (in the basket, wakakaka).

Leaving aside the Sabah as good as Sarawak factors, as good as let's not deny they will be really BIG factors, the fight in GE-13 that will produce large earth shaking results in Peninsula will be for the hearts of the Heartland.

This is certainlythebelief of RPK as enunciated in his postWhy is Dr Mahathir such an idiot?, atitlewhich belies the domestic shrewdness of the former PM.

as if observant "up yours, you mongrels" wakakaka
RPK wrote (extracts only):

The usually thing that can save Umno would be the Malay votes -- that determine roughly two-thirds of the seats in West Malaysia.

And that is why what they have been doing/saying is not to win the hearts as good as mind of the Chinese as good as Indian voters. It is as good late to win the hearts as good as minds of the Chinese as good as Indian voters. They need to win the hearts as good as minds of the Malay voters. And to do that they need to do as good as say what they have been now you do as good as saying.

While this might dissapoint the Chinese as good as Indians, who have been not going to opinion for Umno anyway, it pacifies the Malays. And it is the Malays they instruct to pacify, not the Chinese as good as Indians, who have made it really transparent they have been not going to opinion Barisan Nasional or Umno come hell or high water.

And that might be why they had expelled the hounds of hell to 'threaten' to seize as good as burn bibles, to assure the Heartland that "Pakatan Rakyat" is their defender of Islam.

Maybe you have beensyiok-sendiri-i! shlymistaken (kidding ourselves) about "Pakatan Rakyat" being the divided house, when in actuality they have been personification Sun Tze's'inflict damage upon oneself to win the enemy's trust', where Najib by pretending to be 'injured' from "Pakatan Rakyat" intra-party fighting, lulls his rivalry in to relaxing his guard given he longer considers Najib to be an immediate threat.

Thus, maybe Najib plays being the plant of ultra rightwing forces within "Pakatan Rakyat" in amanmanlaihope to secure as many Chinese as good as Indian magnetism votes as possible, or remonstrate Chinese as good as Indians to 'help' bad Ah Jib Gor against "Pakatan Rakyat" rightwing forces,for as Gunasegaram mentioned, every opinion will count, ...

c'mon MCA as good as Gerakan, own up, that the single of you orderly this, wakakaka
... whilst his "Pakatan Rakyat" colleagues (orsifu, wakakaka) assures (and secures) theHeartlandthat all's good as good as 8 bells under aHang Tuah-ishUMNO, though Najib couldn't help though additionally hide in the revisit to Gaza, just to seaside up his Islamic-Muslim pro-Arab credentials, wakakaka.

If so, afterwards it's the brilliant pincer conflict whichwouldhave earnedtheadmirationofthe Carthaginiangeneral Hannibal (or during least his soul).

Hannibal conducted such the pincer conflict atthe Battle of Cannae in 216 BCE to better the Romans, that troops historians deliberate to be the initial successful executionofthe movement as good as the single of history's greatest terrain manoevres.

Battle of Cannae
Anyway, the week ago Debra Chong of The Malaysian Insider serve illuminated the understanding of competition in governing body with her articleFor Pakatan, Election 2013 not the wander in the park. She informed us about the Merdeka Centre consult that polled thepreference of pure (first time) voters, providing findings as follows:

(a) Najib's popularity rating was available during 49% of polled sample, consisting of:

  • 64% Indians approval
  • 60% Malay approval

Alas,thearticle was less transparent upon the capitulation of Chinese pure electorate for Najib, stating instead that 60% of them were dissapoint with bad Najib.

But you don't hold this can be directly translated in to 40% Chinese pure electorate commendatory or fondness him, wakakaka. That'sthedanger of misinterpreting consult results though the headlines article, unless the actual inform is thoroughly examined. Thus you don't how many percent of Chinese initial time electorate authorize of Ah Jib Gor though you dare say not many, wakakaka.

The 40% or 4%? wakakaka
(b) BN capitulation rating was usually 41%,supportingthe evidence that Najib is distant some-more renouned than his team. Maybe hisSun Tze-inghas paid off, wakakaka.

(c) Now this aspect of the consult is distant some-more important. It's about what the initial time electorate cruise as critical issues, whichobviouslywill change their votingpreferences.

The consult saidtheyoung Chinese were many endangered about corruption, whilst immature Malays were about competition as good as religion. Alas, this might dissapoint Uthayakumar though the TMI essay didn't say anything about Indian concerns.

IftheChinese sampling expressed they were many endangered about corruption, guess who afterwards will they be choosing by casting votes for? Wakakaka.

But the many educational explanation from the polls has been that of half of the first-time (Peninsula) Malay electorate polled. These pure electorate pronounced they would no longer swallow scaremongering about their secular position being encroached upon by alternative ethnic groups,BUTthey would still instruct to see politicians debate Malay as good as equality rights than speak about vital costs or crime ...

... that is the same as observa! nt they have been still really endangered about their rights as good as sacrament than costofliving or corruption, etc.

Does this mean they have been some-more expected to go upon swallowing the "Pakatan Rakyat"-Perkasa propaganda of the Yellow Peril being during the gates as good as breaking them down, in spite oftheirclaim not to swallow cock & longhorn story from ablokelikeIbrahim Ali or numerousotherUMNO mouthpieces?

Andgnam gnam, you see the stream exploitationofthisconcern as reported by TMI's articleFriday sermon: 'Enemies' of Islam staking explain over 'Allah' to confuse Muslimswhere JAKIM told Muslims that"... being as good open-minded as good as allowing Islamic rights tobeabused byotherreligionswas adangerousact."

Oh dear oh dear, oh dearie me,theUMNO onslaught of Goebbels-ism is relentless.

Okay, so Dr Mahathir has got it right, as good as you suspect PAS as good doesn't instruct to remove out upon the Heartland votes. Thus screw the concerns of the Chinese.

But you opine thereis the difference in between "Pakatan Rakyat" as good as PASvis--visChinese electorate in GE-13.

UMNOknowsit can no longer rest upon or design Chinese votes as good as has factored out any hopes for them. If Najib canmanmanlaia cou ple of here as good as there, fine, those will be bonus points though not consequential to the choosing strategy.

But you assimilate PAS is contingent upon these Chinese votes in, you was told, about 60 sovereign constituencies, where Chinese have traditionally not upheld the Moon Party, though that they goal this time, withthehelp of PKR as good as generally DAP, tomanmanlaithem in to choosing by casting votes the party by to Putrajaya.

If such is the case, afterwards it is PAS rsther than than "Pakatan Rakyat" that is caught betweenthe (Cina) Devil andtheDeepBlueGreen Sea.

But you disbelief Uthayakumar will help them with his Hindraf force, wakakaka.
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