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Gross Encounters of the Zin Kind
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Rare earth refining in Malaysia without coherent waste management concept
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Debt level still healthy, says Mahathir
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Tony exposes more of Najib's 'SAPU' Malaysia deals
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Wajah Syarikat Taja "Gangnam Style"
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The urgent issue of the deplorable state of the private sector stage bus operators in West Malaysia (and also East Malaysia) and their expected demise
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Politician in pampers cant find way out
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Embarrassing moment for the world to see
Najib is hex or is it karma?
Another part prior to Psy's performance. Will TV1,2, NTV7 and certain bloggers come out with their home done version?
Leaders from BN should stop making excuses when a total universe can see for themselves how a Rakyat have deserted their own Prime Minister.
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Guess... who wants to kill Psy?
Hmmm... because would any a single wanted to kill him, as well as for what reason?
The Gangnam Style thespian has millions of air blower in Malaysia as well as I don't think any of them poses any kind of hazard upon his life.
He was in fact a heavenly during a Chinese New Year celebration, which was boycotted by Pakatan Rakyat, generally Penang chief apportion Lim Guan Eng. The opposition members who assimilated a throng were there for a single purpose - to ridicule him as well as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
But again,who would wish to kill Psy?
Obviously not his fans as well as not members of a public. Barisan Nasional members? Can't be, because Psy brought about hearten to a celebration?
Then, who could it possibly be? It has to be someone who didn't wish him to be there, right? Any wild guess?
A 'death threat' was between a reasons South Korean popstar Psy(pix)was not able to join Barisan Nasional leaders for a yee sang tossing ceremony during a Penang BN Chinese New Year Open House upon Monday.
State BN chief Teng Chang Yeow pronounced military had informed a organisers of a hazard upon Psy, whose genuine name is Park Jae-sang.
"The military had received report which there was an try upon Psy's life," he said.
Describing a developments as "technical hiccups" occurring during a event, Teng sought to refute rumours over reasons Psy did not turn! up to t oss yee sang with Najib as well as other BN leaders.
He pronounced a womanlike emcee for a event did not take a evidence from a theatre physical education instructor as well as unsuccessful to deliver a Korean megastar.
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Mazhab UMNO@BN....
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Di Negara Malaysia kita semua inilah anak bangsa melayu. Yang bakal mewarisi perjuangan bangsa dan negara. Jangan kira rumpun atau kenegerian atau bahasa. Yang penting bahasa Malaysia. Yang inilah sebenarnya orang Melayu ahli UMNO, kaum mejoriti yang berkuasa memerintahan Malaysia. Menteri Melayu. Agong Melayu, Sultan Melayu. Bukan macam parti PAS, DAP dan PKR, semua bangsa boleh masuk. Kalau mereka memerintah terbalik punya.
Inilah yang harus kena faham. Bila berparti dalam politik, yang penting mejoriti Melayu kena menang melebihi mejoriti lain-lain kaum. Sebab itu kena undi BARISAN NASIONAL. Wakil perti ada disetiap pelusuk negri dan daerah. wakil UMNO masih melebihi kota wakil Cina dan India. Kalau undi pembangkang wakil Melayu tak cukup hebat, ada tempat tak ada wakil. Maka tak penuhlah wakil melayu pembangkang yang akan di sokong. Sebab itu nanti wakil melayu pembangkang jadi kelas tiga, kerana tak cukup mejoriti bangsa. Yang peliknya melayu ada undi DAP atau PKR. konon nak berkuasa memerintah. Bila sudah dicuba, tebukti pembengkang memerintah, ramai kafir, cuma dapat melayu jadi mentri besar, sementara Exco lain banyak cina campur keling. Lihat Selangor dan Kedah, nasib baik tak Perak sekali. Sedihnya, sekarang semua sudah di halalkan dan berkuasa ikut sedap hati masing-masing. Masing-masing ada agenda tersndi! ri, tak sekata.
Ada parti UMNO yang solit orang Melayu pula, di kafirkan. Siapa lebih kafir kalau PAS joke iktirap parti DAP dan PKR., yang solit kafir. Ingatlah Nabi ada berpesan, Jangan suka kafirkan orang, kelak nanti sendiri yang kafir, sekarang sudah terbukti. Kalau PAS dapat kuasa merintah negri kelantan sudah 23 tahun tak laksanakan hukum Islam sepenuhnya, jadi kafir juga sampai sekarang.
Bergaduh pasal parti, bangsa Melayu kita yang terror. Bangsa lain, cina, India berpakat, bersatu. Mereka nak ubah Negara Malaysia ini, sudah hampir berjaya sekarang. Kalimah Allah, akidah Islam dipertikaikan. Salah siapa. Jangan salahkan orang lain. Sebab bangsa Melayu sendiri yang beragama Islam joke tak bersatu, tak berpakat. Ada majlis Syura, memberi fatwa sekejab betul, sekejap salah. Bagi kuasa Mursyidul pada Nik Aziz, dah tua, nyayuk tak sedar diri cakap dalam majlis Syura berdolak dalik.. Lagi bagus Timbalan Mursyidul, Harun Din tu. Beliau tetap pada landasan dan aqidah agama Islam. Bukan kerana PAS kerana tok guru, kerana Mursyidul. Semua jadi jauh lari daripada landasan keImanan dan Islam, sebab Taksub sangat dengan pati.
Memomokkan hanya parti PAS itu sahaja yang Islam, siapa nak tanggung. Akidah tak betul keluar daripada syariat Islam, Iktiqatnya hanya kepada pemimpin PAS, bukan kepada Allah. Sebab PAS, Pemimpin mereka menjamin Syurga. Pemimpin UMNO juga Islam, mereka hanya berkata benar, masuk syurga dengan amalan masing-masing. Syurga Neraka hak Allah, bukan hak manusia Banyak kisah dan tauladan yang diceritakan berkaitan orang yang tak disangka-sangka masuk Syurga. Mungkin artikal dakwah ana ini juga salah satu amalan membawa ke Syurga, Amin
Cerita pasal bangsa dan aqidah Islam, Melayu harus sedar. Menikmati kemajuan, memperjuangkan tanah air, menjaga kedaulatan bangsa dan kebajikan rakyat, bekerja dalam kerajaan dengan Industeri hasil usaha kerajan, memberi keistimewaan belajar dalam negri, luar negri, memberi bantuan, itukan menegakkan Syiar Islam. Kalaupun masih ada kemunk! aran sed ikit-sedikit kita baiki bersama, bukan terus tukar kerajaan. Bertindak melulu, bergaduh, kita yang rugi, bergolak, timbulkan huru-hara, cuma seronok, tetapi jadi malas, tak pandai, tak berjaya dan ketinggalan.
Melayu harus sedar bangsa kita kerdil tetapi di hormati di mata dunia, Mengapa rakyat sendiri yang masih mempertikaikan kebolehan dan keistimewaan yang ALLah telah beri itu. Setiap undang-undang, setiap perlaksanaan dalam negara, memperolehi kelulusan dalam mesyuarat Parlimen dan diperkenakan ke bawah Duli Yang Mulia Agong dan Raja Malaysia. Negara berpelembagaan, Negara mempunyai undang-undang, segala masalah, segala kekurangan boleh dibincangkan. Agong dan Raja bukan orang bodoh. Ada penasihat, ada pengawal, ada mufti, ada imam, ada guru semua cukup.
Wakil PAS kata, sistem negara ini ikut yahudi, sedangkan negara menuju kepada washotiah Islam. Peliknya sistem ini juga yang wakil PAS makan anak bini. Makan gaji wakil rakyat sistem ini. Semua kerja, cara pemerintahan Kelantan, dan Kedah, apatah lagi Penang sistem ini juga yang di pakai. Apa kurangnya. Sedangkan Sisitem ini yang di akui dunia, orang Arab, orang Islam, bangsa lain hormat-menghormati. Tetapi Melayu tak sokong, Melayu lupa diri, Melayu tak sedar diri, bagi gaji, bagi makan, enjoy, relek, masjid banyak, surau banyak, tak penuh juga, Hendak macam mana lagi.?
Pesanan Pemimpin dan orang alim, Jangan berbalah, jangan bergaduh, bersatulah. berunding, bermesyuwarah. Allah berfirman, Gunakan akal fikiran kamu, yang sebaiknya. Bukan ikut nafsu kamu yang mengikut Syaitan. Hadith Rasulullah meriwayatkan, Adalah bercelaru kepada umatku apabila menghukum untuk kepentingan sendiri dan kumpulannya sahaja, sedangkan hukuman/ tuduhan hanya dijalankan kepada hamba dan rakyat jelata. Kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani berazam, kalau orang tidak ikut agama mereka joke tak apa, asalkan boleh ikut cara dan kelakuannya. Yahudi berjanji, beri keyakinan, yahudi bagi duit, Yahudi berjaya, Pemimpin kita cair ikut cakap yahudi..habis kena TIBAI.(To! lak Insa n bernama Anwar Ibrahim .
Wassalamu Alaikum Warohmatullah, yang baik aku dipimpin Allah, yang kurang aku mengikut panduan dan keinsafan memohon pada Allah demi menjaga maruah bangsa, agama dan negara.
Terima kasih.
VIDEO yang tak ingin Najib lihat... [Saksikan...]
Anwar Ibrahim: Saya "Salute" Pada Orang Penang Kerana Pandai Bagi Jawapan pada Najib...
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Accountability Qs for Dr. M
February 14, 2013
Accountability Q's for Dr M
by P Gunasegaram@
QUESTION TIME I became a publisher during a Business Times, afterwards a standalone newspaper, in 1978.Three years after in 1981 Dr Mahathir Mohamad became Prime Minister of Malaysia, a fourth, next Hussein Onn.
I have followed his career quite closely since as well as frankly we am not impressed. He started off with promise as well as promised a lot though over nothing if any. In fact we would go so far as to contend which he was definitely a worst Prime Minister this nation has ever had.
Through destruction of institutions such as an independent Judiciary, using roughshod over civil servants, bringing his code of power, clientele as well as bad economics in to preference creation as well as creation have make make use of of of of rough laws, he used an iron fist to order as well as in a routine brought some-more harm to this nation than any alternative person alive or dead.
Much of a problems of Malaysia can be traced behind to him as well as he has done it formidable for his successors to have vital changes going forward, much of which would rivet unwinding processes as well as linkages he had put in place before.
Mahathir, after he stepped down, questioned decisions taken by his successor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. True to form, he never stopped inserted as well as systematically undermining Abdullah's reign by creation disparaging comments as well as organising gainsay opposite him.
Now he has admitted inflating voter rolls in Sabah during his reign by giving citizenship to bootleg! migrant s, justifying this by a autonomy agreement of 1957 which granted citizenship to migrant Chinese as well as Indians who came here during British rule.
And he has controversially called for a Barisan Nasional to be since dual thirds majority in Parliament so which they can devaluate a citizenship of BERSIH personality Ambiga Sreenevasan, a clear import being we can shift a constitution of a nation to take divided citizenship of any a single during will, as well as as if those who were since citizenship in 1957 as well as their descendants.
Questions to ponder on
In Jun 2006, three years after Mahathir stepped down, we wrote an article for The Edge, a weekly business newspaper where we worked then, titled '22 questions for Mahathir'. This fundamentally questioned Mahathir's caring by asking 22 groups of questions for each of 22 years he held energy as prime minister.
Considering all which Mahathir has said recently, here's a list of those 22 questions to ponder again though a strange unedited ones which were somewhat opposite as well as with minor revisions to take in to account recent developments.
You can decider for yourself what kind of Prime Minister he was as well as what kind of weight we should put on what he says.
1. On clean government. You came to energy in 1981 as well as introduced a aphorism 'Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah' (Clean, Efficient as well as Trustworthy) a following year. What did we do to further that?
Did we have a Anti-Corruption Agency some-more independent as well as effective? Did we safeguard which a Police did their pursuit properly as well as reduce crime in their ranks?
Did we safeguard which Ministers as well as Chief Ministers did not have income beyond their legal means? Did we have a Judicial complement some-more effective? Did we do things transparently? How many large guns were prosecuted for crime offences during your long tenure? What happened to "Bersih Cekap dan Amanah"(right)?
Tempurung of a opposite order
2. Press Freedom. While your complicated critique of a supervision underneath Abdullah as well as your ranting as well as ravings right divided get plenty of coverage in a internal media, during your time criticisms opposite we by dual former Prime Ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman as well as Hussein Onn were pale in a mainstream newspapers.
The other, Abdul Razak Hussein, stream Prime Minister Najib Razak's father, had upheld divided then. Editors in UMNO-linked newspapers, too, were private during your time for not toeing a line. What have we done to allege a means of thankful press freedom? Is it a judgment we believe in during all?
3. Proton. You went ahead with a inhabitant car project in 1983 notwithstanding a series of experts conflicting with you, generally with apply oneself to lack of economies of scale.
Why, generally when Proton's profit over a last 28 years came out of vastly higher prices which a Malays! ian open pays, ensuing in considerable hardship, generally to a poorer people who could not afford cars?
More lately, Proton has been taken over by a single of your tighten associates Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's DRB-Hicom. DRB-Hicom's lack of imagination as well as economies of scale in car production promises one after another high prices for Proton cars which no doubt we will support as Proton adviser.
4. Heavy industries. Why did we push in to complicated industries such as steel as well as concrete in a eighties, ignoring studies which referred to building resource-based industries instead?
They caused vital problems as well as billions of ringgit in losses. The steel attention continues to be stable largely since of moves which we allowed during your reign as prime minister.
Consequences of thoughtless movement
5. Population. Why did we inspire a race of 70 million for Malaysia as well as shift a name of a National Family Planning Board to a National Population Development Board?
How do we expect bad people to take caring of five, six or some-more children? What kind of quality can they yield to their children? Is this not right divided reflected in farming misery as well as widening income gaps between a rich as well as a poor?
6. Immigration. Why did we concede hordes of people to immigrate, mainly from Indonesia, in an unregulated way such which there are as many or some-more bootleg immigrants than legal ones, right divided accounting for a small dual million or some-more people?
Did we not realise which this will means critical social problems as well as subdue a cost of Malaysian labour? Why did we give citizenship to thousands of them to lean a change of voting in Sabah? Where were your dignified standards?
7. On his initial Deputy. Some 5 years after we came to power, there were critical rifts between we as well as your Deputy (Tun) Musa Hitam. What was a means of these problems as well as is it since we were heavy-handed as well as did not deliberate your ministers?
8. On a initial critical UMNO split. When Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as well as Musa took on we as well as Ghafar Baba during a UMNO General Assembly of 1987, it caused a critical separate in UMNO with we winning by a really narrow margin (761 to 718).
Why did we not seek to reanimate a rift in UMNO post a elections? Instead we purged UMNO as well as a inheritor UMNO Baru of those who opposite we causing an rare separate in Malay unity.
In 1987 were we not a personality with a least amount of support which UMNO had ever had? Were we not directly or indirectly thankful for a many critical separate in Malay unity?
9. Operation Lalang. Why did we have to resort to this pierce in October 1987, when we used wide powers of detention underneath a Internal Security Act to catch over 100 people, tighten down 4 newspapers as well as means a wave of fear throughout a country?
Was it to connect your gossamer reason on energy afterwards by using an rough law? You could have used your in front of as Barisan Nasional personality to defuse a racial tensions during a time over a appointment of non-Chinese educated headmasters to Chinese schools.
Ghost entity ruling a roost
10. UMNO Baru. You are of course aware which UMNO's scold ! name rig ht divided is UMNO Baru since a old UMNO was spoken bootleg by a courts in 1988.
Why did we not take steps to legalise UMNO? Is it since a arrangement of a brand new UMNO Baru done it easier to keep out members who opposite you?
And why did we amend rules to have it extremely formidable to challenge a obligatory President as well as Deputy President?
Was it to forestall any some-more hurdles to you? Didn't UMNO Baru turn less democratic as a result? Did we put in place measures to prolong your rule?
11. Judiciary. What was your motive in taking movement in 1988 to remove a Chief Justice as well as several Supreme Court judges from their positions underneath allegations of judicial misconduct, a pierce which was heavily criticised by a Bar Council as well as alternative bodies?
Is it since we needed some-more agreeable judges whose rulings will not threaten your in front of of energy in a series of cases in court? Was this a initial step in dismantling a judiciary's purpose as a check as well as change opposite a legislature as well as a executive?
What have we to contend to steady assertions by many, including distinguished ex-Chief Justices, who contend which this led to a wearing divided of judicial autonomy as well as viewed abuse of power?
Why did we not take any movement opposite a Chief Justice who had taken a holiday abroad with a small lawyers?
Responsible for preparation decline?
12. Education. You presided over a preparation complement during an important partial of a mutation initial as Education Minister in a seventies, afterwards as Prime Minister.
Would it be scold to surmise thus which we were thankful for a decrease during those year! s? Why d id we not spend some-more income as well as resources to safeguard which a preparation complement was excellent as well as one after another to urge though instead outlayed billions on alternative showpiece projects?
13. Former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin. Why did we give this a single male so much power, permitting him to decide on a award of virtually all supervision projects as well as tenders, as well as alternative projects?
14. Cronyism as well as Patronage. Did we not inspire cronyism as well as clientele by dishing out vital projects to a couple of within a middle circle, as well as generally continuous to Daim?
People such as Halim Saad (the Renong organisation toll roads, telecommunications etc), Tajuddin Ramli (mobile write TRI organisation as well as Malaysia Airlines), Amin Shah Omar (the failed PSC Industries multi-billion ringgit naval dockyard contracts), Ting Pek Khiing (Ekran a Bakun Dam) to mention just a few? Why did we not have make make use of of of open tenders as well as auctions?
15. Privatisation. Why did we concede privatisation to take place in such a manner which a many essential parts of supervision operation were since divided to cronies?
Toll roads had on hearing toll increases as well as compensation in a event traffic projections were not met. Independent energy producers had contracts which on hearing them increase during a responsibility Tenaga Nasional.
No pals in politics holds true
16. Ghafar Baba. Although Ghafar had a top series of votes between vice-presidents when Hussein Onn became P! rime Min ister in 1976, you, who got a lowest series of votes, were selected as Hussein's Deputy.
Yet when we called on Ghafar to be your deputy in 1987, he obliged, assisting we to win a UMNO presidency.
But we did small to behind him up when he was challenged for a deputy presidency in 1993 by Anwar Ibrahim. Can we contend which we stabbed him in a back?
17. Anwar Ibrahim. Did we pierce opposite him since he was a threat to your in front of in 1998?
Did we have make make use of of of a complete supervision machinery during your disposal to get him sentenced underneath trumped up charges of sodomy? Do we consider he got a satisfactory trial? Don't we consider a nation suffered terribly since of this energy struggle involving a dual of you?
18. Bank Negara losses. How could we tacitly inspire a executive bank, Bank Negara Malaysia to rivet in speculative trades, using as an forgive a need to strengthen unfamiliar sell reserves?
Bank Negara mislaid a small RM32 billion in 1993, according to a small accounts, as a outcome of taking positions in a unfamiliar sell market. In stream prices, using an normal inflation rate of 3.2% a year, which amounts to nearly RM60 billion!
19. KL International Airport. Was it really necessary to spend RM10 billion on a showpiece airfield during Sepang when a Subang airfield could have been so easily extended?
The airfield was operating way below genius for years as well as it substantially is today, fourteen years later, judging by a void during a small times during a day. The RM130 million low-cost terminal carries some-more passengers which a main terminal!
! 20. Putrajaya. What is a fact for spending RM20 billion on a grandiose supervision city during a time when office space was available in Kuala Lumpur? Could not a income be put to better have make make use of of of such as mending educational resources?
21. Government-linked companies (GLCs). Why did we not have efforts to urge a performance of GLCs?
Why did we concede supports such as a Employees Provident Fund as well as Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to take up indeterminate investments to fundamentally assistance cronies out of their problems?
These have led to billions of ringgit in waste to these funds. Thankfully, there has been improvements in these areas after we left.
22. Don't we consider we owe it to a nation as well as a people to offer explanations over your 22-year reign which is replete with examples of incompetence, crime as well as cronyism, mismanagement as well as misallocation in a billions of ringgit as well as which has set a nation behind years?
Don't we think, some-more than any a single else, we deserve to be branded as a hypocrite to this nation for grossly abusing your in front of as Prime Minister?
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PM Najib to attend Dong Zong CNY open house
Hardline Chinese educationist vigour group Dong Zong is all geared up to welcome Najib Abdul Razak at the Chinese New Year open residence upon Sunday, which it bills as the useful event.
Dong Zong, or the United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia, pronounced the budding apportion has supposed the call in to attend the duty to be held at the Higher Learning Centre in Jalan Bukit, Kajang.
About 3,000 guests, together with the Singaporean high commissioner, as good as ambassadors as well as preparation groups from China as well as Taiwan have been approaching to attend the open house.
The Malay Mailhad initial front paged Dong Zong's call in to Najib upon February 8.
Dong Zong chairperson Yap Sin Tian(left)said it would bea historic occasionbecause Najib would be the initial premier in the final 50 years to attend the Dong Zong event as well as this would vigilance good towards fostering improved ties between the government as well as the Chinese community.
"The budding minister's attendance will symbolise the important of the Chinese village as well as his (Najib) in front of in the community.
"Dong Zong has been established for 58 years as well as this is the initial ice-breaking session with the budding apportion ... the highest ranking leader in the country.
No vigour to budding minister
"His participation is important in creation certain this entertainment is effective as well as overwhelming," he said.
Yap pronounced the participation of the budding apportion would raise the overall mood of the celebration.
"A total 85 Chinese associations as well as organisat! ions in J! ohor have voiced goal which Najib will attend ... they will be entrance as well as you goal Najib, with his hectic schedule, will make it.
"The entertainment is in no approach to vigour the budding apportion for anything ... though to celebrate with him," added Yap.
Meanwhile, Chow Siew Hon, Dong Zong emissary chairperson, pronounced between those who will be welcoming the premier include the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce as well as Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM), the Chinese Chambers of Commerce as well as Industry of Kuala Lumpur as well as Selangor (KLSCCCI) as well as Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembley Hall (KLSCAH).
"Chinese preparation in Malaysia has always been in the formidable position. We goal which by this gathering, you will be means to foster the improved bargain towards the stronger operative relationship in future," he said.
Apart from the horde of internal delicacies, guest at the open residence will additionally be treated with colour to the arrangement of Chinese normal arts, informative performances together with Indian dancers, wayang kulit as well as additionally calligraphy.
"There will additionally be the showcase upon Chinese story as well as alternative activities. We have been really happy the budding apportion will be there to join us ... this is the real wish for us," pronounced Chow. Read More @ Source
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Bersih: EC's accusation against Ambiga malicious
The electoral rights organisation said at best, Wan Ahmad's (left) matter serves as a distraction from critical concerns lifted by a polite multitude organisation as good as Malaysians alike.
"Since Bersih's launch in 2010 as a non-partisan, polite multitude movement, it has consistently pushed for reforms toward clean, giveaway as good as satisfactory elections.
"From a 2001 Likas box to a 2012 commentary of theMalaysian Electoral Roll Analysis Project(Merap), as good as now testimonies before theSabah stately elect of inquiry(RCI), a weight of justification makes it transparent which a call for reforms is based upon fact.
"Bersih 2.0 itself has received complaints from a ubiquitous public, including abroad Malaysians, trimming from electoral irregularities as good as violence during campaigning, to a miss of distinctness upon postal choosing by casting votes procedures," it said in a statement.
According to Bersih, a hazard of choosing by casting votes rascal persists under a stream state of electoral rolls as documented by Merap's study as good as testimonies upon a alleged complicity of government officials in "Ops Durian Buruk" in Saba! h.
"Under these conditions, a EC could hardly cr! edit any one of swelling a distrust doctrine when a open can decider for themselves either they ought to certitude a electoral system."
It was reported earlier this month which Wan Ahmad had asked Ambiga, who is former Bar Council chairperson,not to disruptthe smooth running of a stirring 13th ubiquitous election.
He reportedly claimed which her statements resulted in confusion as good as affected open confidence.
Efforts to bring everybody together
"Our efforts to bring everybody together to work towards purify as good as satisfactory elections have been in actuality a first step towards re-building open certitude in a electoral system.
"Further, it is a view which a miss of distinctness upon postal choosing by casting votes has arisen because of a last-minute gestures by EC to implement changes to postal choosing by casting votes regulations when these could have been finished much earlier."
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There's only one punishment for treason
YOURSAY'There is no statue of reduction for fraud as well as if found guilty, there is usually a single penalty as well as which is genocide by hanging.'
Anwar as well as Pak Lah not in upon Project IC, says ex-honcho
Lover Boy:Former Bank Pertanian Malaysia manager Mat Swadi Awi, what is a point of accusing ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Nothing is going to happen.
It is similar to runner merchant Deepak Jaikishan who openly broadcast which PM Najib Razak was concerned in a cover-up of a Altantuya Shaariibuu affair. Let a Sabah RCI (royal commission of inquiry) call Mat Swadi as well as let him testify as well as place upon record which a designer of Project IC was Mahathir.
The conditions of anxiety did not empower a RCI to find out who was behind this surreptitious project, though let his justification stand which Mahathir was a a single behind it all.
The RCI can, in a power, have recommendations to a Agong which a military investigation! be conducted upon a possible assign of fraud opposite Mahathir.
After a GE13, when a brand new supervision has been installed, you shall let due process of law to take place. There is no statue of reduction for fraud as well as if found guilty there is usually a single penalty as well as which is genocide by hanging.
So Mahathir, it's time to scoot off to a single of a African countries. Your friend Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe will many certainly acquire you.
Anonymous_40c3:Wow, what a revelation. Some of a names which keep entrance up have a usual denominator. This is! where a RCI should focus a enquiry, despite with a limited term of reference.
Restless_Native:This is yet another square of damning sworn statement implicating Mahathir as a designer of Project IC. Instead of owning up as well as usurpation full shortcoming of a enterprise, he select to inhibit blame, further demonstrating his slippery care traits.
Any self-respecting leader would state which a buck stops with him/her. He was a architect, a planner as well as a executer of this sham. He must be held underneath obligation for this perfidious act, as well as soon.
Starr:See, who's a devil? Even federal officers who were intent in such a divergent intrigue to shift a demographic of a state have been right away entrance out to testify opposite him in extended daylight.
No doubt, a state of Sabah has been grievously spoiled by Mahathir's administration department only because he didn't similar to a sights of Joseph Pairin Kitigan following Parti Bersatu Sabah's (PBS) pullout of a coalition to side with Semangat 46.
He resorted to such a treacherous intrigue opposite a state though any regard to a people as well as future. That sums up a impression of a man.
It's nothing more offensive to see a really people as well as their parties opposite whom Mahathir had acted with such impunity, have been right away sleeping with a 'devils'.
Let's it be reminded of a stop difference of a person upon his passed bed about his disappointment with Mahathir as well as Umno-BN. Former Sabah CM Mustapha Harun might have had many regrets in his shining career though a biggest of them all was to have facilitated Umno's entry in to Sabah.
Black Panthar:I do not know what to contend now. The RCI should right away focus upon a whole of M! alaysia r! ather than restrictive a probe upon Sabah alone.
Furthermore! , a Elec tion Commission (EC), Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) as well as a Armed Forces have been additionally involved. It looks similar to these people have been not faithful to a king, though instead have been faithful to Umno.
Civil servants, too, assume Umno will order a nation forever.
I can stop a Perak state public after a 2008 choosing whereby a state cabinet member as well as a polite servants did not give their cooperation to a newly as well as legally inaugurated government.
Just suppose what will happen when Pakatan Rakyat were to capture Putrajaya.
P Dev Anand Pillai:It all boils down to how dumb as well as foolish a people of this nation were - to continuously allow a person similar to a worshiped leader of Umno to order though stop for twenty-two years.
Now is a time for Sabahans to act as well as opinion out a regime. In which way, Sabahans can confirm their own future.
Freemsia:"Threats were additionally made which if a (Indonesians) do not opinion for Umno-BN, a EC would acknowledge their votes as well as then their citizenship would be revoked. What is startling is which whilst a Indonesian votes have been sought, at a same time they have been being sidelined with actions being taken opposite them," pronounced Mat Swadi.
Didn't Mahathir pronounced which in giving ICs (identity cards) as well as citizenship to these foreigners, it was not required which a brand new adults would opinion for BN? Well, so most for that.
Mushiro:When Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim pronounced which former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was involved, it was not which Abdullah was directly concerned in Project IC which took place in a late 1980s as well as early 1990s.
The plan one after another when Abdullah was a PM. The plan did not end. It continues today underneath Najib.
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Parliament will be dissolved when all quarters are ready, says Najib
PAPAR, February fourteen Parliament will usually be dissolved when all quarters, including a people, are ready for a polls, pronounced Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Asked how tighten is a retraction of Parliament, a budding apportion said, "Very soon, very soon, do a pursuit first, do not worry."
"Now we am upon a ground explaining a policies as well as citation spearheaded by BN (Barisan Nasional).
"We want a people to assimilate that a vote for BN is a vote for a country's mutation agenda as well as a vote for peace as well as fortitude for a brighter future," he told reporters after in attendance a people's entertainment at padang pekan here, today.
On his assembly with state BN leaders yesterday, Najib, who is additionally BN chairman, pronounced there was no serious complaint confronting them except for counts regarding to coordination as well as personality.
"On a whole, we am confident with a level of understanding among Sabah BN component parties," he said.
On a preference of BN possibilities in a 13th ubiquitous election, Najib pronounced a BN had almost finished selecting a candidates.
"We have to do background as well as security verifications as well as additionally check upon any reports from a MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) as well as others before we finalise a list," he added. Bernama Read More @ Source
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