Kewujudan Pusat Transformasi Bandar (UTC) di bandar raya Ipoh bakal memberi impak positif kepada pertumbuhan sosial dan ekonomi di kawasan sekitarnya.
Ketika ini, kerja menaiktaraf bangunan yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai pasar raya Super Kinta sedang giat dilaksanakan oleh kontraktor dilantik dan sudah 70 peratus siap.
Pusat sehenti yang menempatkan pelbagai agensi kerajaan dan swasta itu dijangka beroperasi sepenuhnya pada Disember depan, sekaligus menjadi UTC ketiga di negara ini selepas di Kuala Lumpur dan Melaka.
Baru-baru ini, Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir dilaporkan berkata, kerajaan negeri berpuas hati dengan kerja menaiktaraf bangunan menempatkan pasar raya Super Kinta yang suatu ketika dahulu pernah menjadi tumpuan wargakota Ipoh.
Katanya, kewujudkan pusat sehenti itu pastinya akan menggembirakan rakyat khususnya wargakita Ipoh.
UTC bakal berfungsi sebagai pusat khidmat setempat akan menempatkan pelbagai jabatan kerajaan bagi memudahkan orang ramai menyelesaikan pelbagai urusan di bawah satu bumbung, katanya.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Zambry menegaskan, UTC Ipoh itu boleh dikategorikan sebagai pusat transformasi yang menarik, strategik dan terbesar dan apabila siap sepenuhnya, ia juga dijangka bakal mengubah landskap di kawasan berkenaan.
Beliau tambahnya, turut mengemukakan beberapa cadangan untuk kemudahan pengunjung kelak termasuklah menyediakan laluan bersesuaian, tempat solat, bilik mesyuarat dan kawasan khas untuk ibu menempatkan anak mereka buat sementara ketika berurusan di pusat berkenaan.
Di bahagian bawah UTC ini pula, kita sarankan agar disediakan gelanggang futsal atau kawasan-kawasan permainan untuk golongan muda. Secara keseluruhannya, kita harap UTC in! i akan m ampu menjadi satu pusat untuk semua, katanya lagi.
Sementara itu, peniaga yang ditemui Peraktoday.com menyahut baik usaha kerajaan Pusat menaiktaraf pasar raya Super Kinta menjadi UTC ketiga di negara ini.
Salah seorang daripada mereka, Normah Idris, berkata projek itu mampu melonjakkan semula pendapatan peniaga di Pasar Besar Ipoh yang terjejas teruk apabila pasar raya Super Kinta ditutup kira-kira sembilan tahun lalu.
Habibie dan Anwar, dua boneka Amerika yang sudah tidak siuman
Menurut Pak Ya, "Semua orang tahu Habibie, Presiden Indonesia yang naik atas semangat demonstrasi dan teriakan reformasi para demonstran di Jakarta, sahabat baik Anwar."
Kedua-dua mereka mengenali masing-masing dari perjuangan Islam Habibie melalui ICMI (Ikatan Cendiakiawan
That liberalism, pluralism menace

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GE13 will be horrow show for BN
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'Borrow someone else's knife to commit murder'

YOURSAYSerious allegations have been made. So because have been a MACC, AG, IGP as well as a PM gripping mum? Have all these been baked up to move a PM down?
Anwar: We're not involved in Musa, Deepak exposes

The Chinese have a saying, "Borrow someone else's blade to commit murder".
The exposes of business male Deepak as well as former IGP Musa Hassan have been all internally generated. So, if they wish to find a culprit, they should demeanour inwards.
ConcernCtzen:Correct me, if you am wrong. Obviously Deepak dared to verbalise out because he contingency have someone who has a power to at a back of him up. Otherwise, you don't consider he would dare to contend what he did.
I mean, he is risking his life. So you kind of determine which this could be an inside job. you might be wrong, though looking during a situation, you believe many Malaysians will consider similar to me.
Our PM has to verbalise out to transparent himself, rather than let this draw towards upon for so prolonged as well as never transparent this claim opposite him.
Malaysia really needs a shift for a better. May God assistance Malaysia!
Anonymous_4031:Mal aysians have been removing wiser by a day. So, nobody can lift wool over their eyes. They see, as well as put dual as well as dual together.
They know what is happening. Throwing red herrings as well as trying to clouded cover a issues will not help.
Musa has done serious allegations opposite a home minister, who cannot only brush them aside.
If a apportion is male enough, he should plea Musa. He should do it for his own integrity, if zero else. Why doesn't a home apportion do it?
As for Deepak, he had spoken which PI Bala's initial orthodox declaration was true. Why is a MACC gripping mum?
Why is a attorney-general mum? Why is a IGP mum? Why doesn't Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak come out as well as plea him?
It was all still during a Umno general public during a PWTC. Why didn't Umno delegates ask relevant questions for a home apportion as well as a premier to answer? It is purposeless to scream from a rooftop. Be practical as well as grapple with a emanate of integrity.
Malaysians wish firmness in a leaders, only similar to foreigners who demand it from their own leaders. Your names have been during stake. Clear your names.
Anonymous #21828131:The way you see it, Deepak's explanation about PI Bala's second SD should be treated severely by a police. It is an open confession. you review a little comments here which a explanation could be all baked up.
Yes, though when it is murder one - where a person's life was terminated in a many horrific manner - as well as a decider established which there was no motive. Such a explanation by Deepak totally whitewashes a progressing hearing.
Why is there inaction? If it is a false accusation (and you don't consider Deepak would resort to this during a expense of his own safety) a AG should give instructions to a military to survey this person! as well as get to a bottom of things as well as if need be, reopen a case.
Is this a stream law of a land? What about a rights of this murdered woman? Or is there no right for her after her death? It's not as simple as a frog channel a highway as well as removing run over by a car, is it?
WangMalaysia:Deepak's as well as Musa's allegations were timed to happen at a same time with a Umno general public as well as they seem to aim Najib as well as Hishamuddin Hussein (the dual cousins).
Now, take a step at a back of as well as demeanour around a bigwigs in Umno as well as see who will be a customer of Najib's fall from grace?
And because did Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who so bravely stated which he will respond, suddenly went wordless upon a matter?
Was he being asked to keep wordless to have Najib demeanour bad?
Certain big guns in Umno have been certainly not heeding their president's call for 'no sabotage'.
Angry_Voter:This is obviously baked up to move Najib down. It is not Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim who will gain by a downfall of sore duck Najib.
Besides, Anwar has got zero to suggest Deepak in conditions of security, only in box there is a little C4 fibbing around.
Anonymous #55961902:We all know who is at a back of this soap opera. It can't be so coincidental which a revelations of Deepak as well as Musa came so close to a Umno general assembly.
As a little readers correctly said, someone powerful would have instigated a incident to move a downfall of Najib. It's a same modus operandi aswhen they brought Anwar Ibrahim down.
There only can be a particular person whom you think ca! pable of ! such a heinous action - a great pretender, a sly fox, a intelligent impression which is very self-c! entred. He couldn't care reduction for others though only protects his own interests.
Anonymous #79199503:It is a direction in Umno/BN. Blame as well as pass a buck to a Opposition for any wrongdoing.
Karma:Will there be 15 military officers visitingMalaysiakiniagain upon account of this Deepak interview? They should go after Deepak so which he can reveal more in court.
Silence sounds similar to someone is wishing which people will soon forget what Deepak has only revealed.
In another country, all a newspapers would have front-paged such revelations as well as called for a deeper inquiry.
Here in Malaysia, unless a 'hero' is Lim Guan Eng or Anwar or anything Pakatan Rakyat, zero in a mainstream media would dare to tell this. It's scary, a state of broadcasting in Malaysia.
Anonymous #32993250:T! he problem with Umno is which a care is bankrupt of uninformed ideas to kindle a nation, so a next best thing is opposition-bashing, which comes to them naturally, given clearly zero of them have been learned as well as uncover a tall level of genius as seen by their pettiness as well as irrelevant basking in long-lost fame.
Anonymous_4031:What have been Umno Youth, Umno Wanita as well as Umno Puteri leaders doing?
Shouldn't they demand which their leaders transparent their names? Shouldn't they verbalise similar to Sir Winston Churchill: "We shall quarrel upon a beaches, in a streets, though you shall never surrender ...we shall quarrel for firmness in a leaders."
We have zero to suggest though "blood, sweat as well as tears" to quarrel a great conflict of integrity. Nothing else matters.
We need group as well as women of firmness to drive a boat of a nation, Malaysia, to larger heights of glory as well as excellence.
We wish other nations to demeanour up to us as a model of justice, fairness, mediation and, many critical of all, integrity.
We can mount tall between a nations in a UN; as well as in a OIC. We dare to be honest as well as humb! le, not d! ishonest as well as arrogant.
May God magnify a beloved nation, Malaysia! Will all BN leaders climb as well as be counted? Will all Pakatan leaders climb as well as be counted? - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source
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Musa too abused powers while IGP, says Ramli Yusuff

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Najib can no longer ignore the PR wind of change in Johor - Anwar
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PKR 'foot soldiers' are illiterate blind loyalists
He said in Pakatan Rakyat everything could be discussed as well as settled. Obviously this guy is just low turn guy who is not arcane to a discssions as well as happenings at aloft turn as well as he also does not read a newspapers or
Malaysias Real GDP to drop to 4.3% in 2013
December 4, 2012
Malaysia's Real GDP to dump to 4.3% in 2013
The country's sum made during home product (GDP) is approaching to tumble to 4.3% subsequent year from a projected 5.3% in 2012, with mercantile necessity projected during 4.5% of GDP subsequent year, upon a assumption that Barisan National (BN) wins a 13th General Election despite with a not as big majority.
Nomura Singapore Ltd executive executive as well as economist for Southeast Asia, Euben Paracuelles pronounced GDP expansion will dip subsequent year due to weakening made during home as well as external demand.
And whilst a country's mercantile process has bolstered expansion for dual years, it has resulted in open debt taking flight from 39.8% of GDP in 2008 to 51.8% final year, suggesting significant mercantile converging is set to occur after a election.
Paracuelles pronounced BN winning a elections will bode well for a resumption of structural reforms."If a statute BN still stays in power, nonetheless with a not as big majority, they would be means to pull by reforms that they've already identified," he told reporters during a Nomura 2013 Fixed Income Outlook lecture yesterday.
"We consider that mercantile process in a run up to a elections will be really expansionary. Our assumption here is a choosing gets called only in March, so there's still a bit of time for a supervision to implement some-more mercantile stimulus.Soon after a election, a supervision needs to get back to a mercantile converging agenda really quickly as well as that's starting to coincide with a slowdown in China in a second half of subsequent year (H2/13) that hurts Malaysia some-more than a alternative countries since of a commodity exports," he added.
In terms of monetary policy, Paracuelles pronounced Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has been clear ab! out a po sition that is not only about acceleration as well as growth, though also a monetary imbalances that come with gripping rates too low for too long.
"The disposition of BNM is to normalise rates as soon as they can. So, I don't see them slicing rates from here though if acceleration rises, then that could trigger BNM to begin hiking rates in H2/13.Our foresee is by third entertain of subsequent year (Q3/13), you will see a light enlarge in process rates," he said.
Nomura expects a 50-basis-point hike subsequent year, taking a process rate to a pre-crisis turn of 3.5%, whilst a sell rate is approaching to strengthen to 2.92 to a US dollar by end-2013 compared with 3.02 by finish of this year.
The country's headline CPI acceleration is projected to normal 2.4% subsequent year, aloft than 1.7% this year due to factors such as minimum salary hikes, aloft cost pull pressures as well as modest subsidy adjustments.
Nomura International (Hong Kong) Ltd managing executive as well as arch economist for Middle East ex-Japan, Robert Subbaraman pronounced there is a lot of downside risks around Asia, stemming from a incident in Europe.
"On our base case, a greatest risk for Middle East subsequent year is overheating; debt build-up, frothy skill markets as well as ultimately CPI acceleration starting to rise. These, total with a really loose policies in Middle East as well as strong capital inflows to Asia, will be sowing a seeds for these overheating symptoms," he said.
As a result, Asian executive banks could begin falling behind a curve subsequent year as well as ultimately in H2/13, acceleration is projected to rise in most Asian countries.
"We consider that multiform executive banks are starting to have to raise seductiveness rates namely China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia as well as a Philippines in H2/13! ," he ad ded.
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Who are you with? The Oppressor or the Oppressed?
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Tunku A. Aziz favors the status quo
December 4, 2012
Tunku A. Aziz: "The Opposition (can) fool around havoc with this country"
by The Malaysian InsiderDecember 3, 2012
Malaysians should not examination with a country's leadership by becoming different regimes at a subsequent choosing as voting in a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) federal antithesis will lead to destruction in a prolonged run, a former DAP inhabitant personality has warned.
Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim was reported by UMNO-owned every day Utusan Malaysia as observant a attempts by a organisation job for a shift in supervision regime was dangerous as well as could backfire, as he weighed in upon a previous remark by Information, Communications as well as Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim.
"If unequivocally adore our country's assent as well as unity, do not misstep as well as give a mandate to a celebration which usually thirsts for energy as well as political interest.Don't ever let a Opposition fool around havoc with this country," he told a Malay newspaper in a inform published today.
The former DAP Deputy Chairman who quit a physical celebration in May after clashing with celebration leaders over a BERSIH electoral remodel rally upon Apr twenty-eight has been highly outspoken as well as vicious towards a Opposition PR especially a DAP, given his departure.
He appeared to continue his tirade against a PR pact, highlighting a loose Opposition fondness was usually interested in grabbing energy as well as was still squabbling upon their choice of Prime Minister as well as alternative Cabinet positions should they win a mandate at a 13th ubiquitous elections which contingency be called by subsequent April.
He claimed which a agreement had not introduced any kind of reform, even in a states they had wring from a Barisan Nasional (BN) federal coalition! in Elec tion 2008.
"Think, what form of mutation as well as growth have a Opposition done in 4 years ruling alternative than what has been done by a supervision previously?Among a 'great' things they have brought given governing a couple of states have been usually bootleg demonstrations which finish in violence, banishment up a sentiments of Malaysians in all matters, allowing a interference of unfamiliar nations as well as a governing body of hate detached from receiving praise for a Barisan Nasional's efforts," he told Utusan Malaysia.
"Malaysia is a complex nation which is formidable to administer because it is populated by diverse races as well as backgrounds, what experience do they have alternative than criticising a supervision for 50 years," he said.
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Two-thirds majority? Come, let's DEBATE - Anwar dares Najib
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Tunku A. Aziz favors the status quo
December 4, 2012
Tunku A. Aziz: "The Opposition (can) fool around massacre with this country"
by The Malaysian InsiderDecember 3, 2012
Malaysians should not examination with a country's leadership by becoming different regimes at a next election as choosing by casting votes in a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) federal opposition will lead to drop in a long run, a former DAP inhabitant leader has warned.
Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim was reported by UMNO-owned every day Utusan Malaysia as saying a attempts by a group calling for a shift in supervision system of administration was dangerous as well as could backfire, as he weighed in upon a prior remark by Information, Communications as well as Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim.
"If unequivocally adore our country's peace as well as unity, don't misstep as well as give a charge to a celebration which usually thirsts for energy as well as domestic interest.Don't ever let a Opposition fool around massacre with this country," he told a Malay journal in a report published today.
The former DAP Deputy Chairman who quit a secular celebration in May after contrary with celebration leaders over a BERSIH electoral remodel rally upon Apr 28 has been highly vocal as well as vicious towards a Opposition PR generally a DAP, given his departure.
He appeared to continue his harangue opposite a PR pact, highlighting a loose Opposition fondness was usually meddlesome in grabbing energy as well as was still squabbling upon their preference of Prime Minister as well as alternative Cabinet positions should they win a charge at a 13th ubiquitous elections which must be called by next April.
He claimed which a agreement had not introduced any kind of reform, even in a states they had wrest from a Barisan Nasional (BN) ! federal bloc in Election 2008.
"Think, what form of transformation as well as growth have a Opposition finished in four years ruling alternative than what has been finished by a supervision previously?Among a 'great' things they have brought given ruling a few states are usually illegal demonstrations which end in violence, banishment up a sentiments of Malaysians in all matters, allowing a division of unfamiliar nations as well as a governing body of hatred apart from receiving regard for a Barisan Nasional's efforts," he told Utusan Malaysia.
"Malaysia is a formidable country which is formidable to discharge since it is populated by diverse races as well as backgrounds, what knowledge do they have alternative than criticising a supervision for 50 years," he said.
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Happy Birthday and RIP
Today would have been Ditta Amahorseya's birthday, her 47th we think. She stays an inspiration to all of us with her courage in confronting the cards which Fate had dealt her when it came to her health. Ypu're remembered, Ditta.
Jammie vs yuni event 3

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Is Najib Still in control of Umno ?
Chua Jr: RM121mil missing in Talam White Paper

MCA immature professionals bureau chief Chua Tee Yong has demanded a rewrite of a Selangor government'sWhite Paperon a Talam Corporation debt, claiming which RM121 million has "gone missing".

"In a KHSB proclamation ,the auditor AKN Arif was appointed to control a review of a debt allotment by Talam," he said.
Talam's total debt as well as late remuneration penalty to KHSB should be RM236 million as well as not RM115 million, Chua said.
He claimed which RM121 million had been created off in a debt-recovery exercise, as a total is missing in both a White Paper as well as a report by a auditor intent by a state government.
[More to follow] Read More @ Source
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Change in government? Forget about it, says Rais

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BNM not authorised to return gold money, says deputy minister

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FGV share price records lowest drop since listing

Alliance Research Company had in October confirmed a call to sell, with a expectancy that FGVH's gain will be upon a decline for a subsequent three years.
"With gain prospects of FGV being poorer compared to peers (companies) due to their aged hectarage as well as heavy replanting activities, we opine a organisation should traffic during bonus to peers, rather than during a premium.
Meanwhile, TA Secur! ities cu rrently additionally cut a gain forecasts for a 2012 financial year as well as 2013 financial year by 16.4 percent as well as 10.6 percent respectively.
It attributed a downward revisions due to reduce crude palm oil cost of in between RM2,933 per tonne as well as RM3,020 per tonne respectively, as well as additionally a reduced gain expectancy by Felda Holdings Bhd.
However, TA Securities remarkable that oil palm trees replanting is upon lane with 70 percent finished as during September 2012.
Opening during RM5.39, FGV sharessoared twenty percentto RM5.46 upon a first day of trading upon June 28.
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RIP The Daily, hello free iPad Mirror
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HAS SOMEONE BEEN SMOKING 'GANJA': BN to regain two-thirds majority
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THE IBAN DILEMMA (Enda nemu tuju tunga)
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Will 'neutrality' of Mr 'Neutral' be neutralised?

Aiyah, perhaps it was only a coincidental confluence of personalities upon a coincidental shared interest, eh?
Bala sensitive us through a most shameful sordid carnal explanation which he was sensitive by Razak Baginda whoin turnwas sensitive byNajib Razak whoin turnwas sensitive byAltantuyaa Shariibuu whoin spin confessed she liked 'getting it' in her behind, etc etc etc.

Then, warn surprise, they were assimilated by zero alternative than Sivarasa Rasiah who coincidentally was/is a PKR MP.
Aiyah, lots of coincidences lah, wakakaka.

very in hit with nonetheless willtheydo same for a murdered Malaysian?
Mr Americk Singh Sidhu had afterwards positive us which he was nominated because he was a onelawyerwho d! id not h ave an bulletin in this have a difference (presumably a Altantuuyaa case).
* He sensitive us:"Somehow you was selected to do this as everybody felt you was a a single counsel who did not have an bulletin in this have a difference as you was someone neutral."
I had posted upon this before, nonetheless yet you reproduce here those questions you had asked of Mr Americk Singh Sidhu in an progressing post, as follows:
(1)Why was Anwar Ibrahim spearheading a press discussion which exposed Balasubramaniam's original (1st) SD?
(2)Whydidn'the (Americk) accompany Bala to a military station when Bala was summoned to a single of Malaysia's most dangerous places after a press discussion upon a initial SD, generally some-more so when a SD was so ban opposite a then-DPM?
If you stop reading in Malaysiakini, he (Mr Americk Singh Sidhu) had advised Bala to be a great kid or great citizen as well as to report to a military station* as required ... as well as all by himselfunes! cortedby a lawyer.
In actuality Bro Haris Ibrahim wrote a antacid post upon this 'negligence', which of permitting Bala to report to a military station 'unescorted'.
*of march now, with successive revelations by Bala, we've 'learnt'he went instead to Rawang with ASP Suresh to 'burn a little copper wires' as well as to encounter Deepak.
(4)Was ASP Suresh partial of a organisation during 'The Backyard' beer hall who encouraged Bala to jot down all he listened from Razak Baginda as well as to exhibit all in a SD?
(5)Wasn't he (Americk) aware which a involvement (persuasion) of PKR MP Sivarasa in Bala's SD (and a tall form chairing of a press discussion by Anwar Ibrahim to exhibit Bala's 1st SD) would by default be a domestic involvement, removing any claims of 'neutrality' in such an affair?
Sigh, it's such a treacherous affair.
Then upon twenty-six November 2009, you review Malaysiakini'sPI's lawyer: 'Anwar not during a back of Bala tapes'whic! h you co mmented upon which same day in my postBala's SD - Americk Sidhu clears Anwar Ibrahim from involvementhow Mr 'Neutral'asserted that:
" Anwar had zero to do with a release of a initial SDexceptto broach a speech prior to to a press discussion during a PKR headquarters final July. you have had no report exchnage with Anwar during all, as well as neither has he or any PKR part of attempted to hit me."
*above underlining is mine
Now, you don't wish to hear anything from any of you which his absolving Anwar from being a inciter or promoter of Bala's 1st SD, sounded like a box of a paraphrased Shakespearean"Methinks thou doth protest as well much"- Hamlet, Act III, stage II - coincidentally again, an Anwar Ibrahim self-admitted ! prime bo ok, of march subsequent only to al Quran.
Besides, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu had stated"... Anwar has no idea about this total part [the SD] solely what he might have review in a blogs as well as upon Malaysiakini"though, coincidentally of course, a MrManmanlaihad presented himself during a press discussion to give a speech!
And which party was which - UMNO or PKR? - you, my dear readers have to decide, nonetheless of march which party it was (or wasn't) had zero to do with Mr Americk Singh Sidhu.
Since then, you know which Mr Americk Singh Sidhu has been personification utterly a significant purpose in arranging for Bala to be interviewed by a MACC. Wonderful civic-conscious Mr 'Neutral'.
And because not as he has shown by his amazing, roughly prescient, believe which he will undoubtedly be amarvellousPKR claimant as well as hopefully, MP.
Though you have to say, I'm disturbed thatwillneutralize his 'neutrality' wakakaka.
p/s This will be followed by my kaytee-ish wild speculations about a issues surroundingtheAltantuyaa murder.
(2)Balasubramaniam's counsel linked Najib to Bala's disappearance
(3)Lawyer: Najib 'linked' to Bala's disappearance
Background reading:
(1)Balasubramaniam story - brave promote or Ben-Hur-ish bullsh*t
(2)The Paradox of Balasubramanian Perumal
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