March 25, 2012
Najib's Art of Doing Nothing
by K Suresh, Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle
Gua Musang UMNO MP Tengku Razaleigh said it many appropriate once when he warned which Malaysian Prime Minister Najibl Razak "will not do anything new". "I know this child really well," combined Razaleigh when asked for his comments by the media upon Najib receiving over from Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in Apr 2009, the year after 2008 ubiquitous choosing results which were catastrophic for their ruling BN coalition.
Razaleigh's difference upon Najib have been right away entrance behind to haunt us. Regarded as the 'Big Squatter' because he has no mandate of his own, Najib was picked because his celebration had no improved preference during hand. UMNO's miss of talent has foisted upon Malaysians the purpose model which clarity advocates shudder during as well as secretly advise might take the country retrograde by 5 decades due to his open publicity for crime as well as active pursuit for mega-deals which have been biased in favor of his own cronies as well as those of UMNO elders, such as Mahathir Mohamad, in whose great books he wishes to be.
The art of doing nothing
Najib proved this again with ashamed Wanita UMNO Chief Shahrizat Jalil, refusing to ask her
to renounce from the Cabinet as well as permitting her to stay until her Senatorship expires upon Apr 8. Najib ! has addi tionally fended off attempts by factions in Wanita UMNO to have Shahrizat quit as their Wing's chief. Why is Najib so protecting about Shahrizat? Has it to do with the purported RM1.7million luxury-apartment 'wedding gift' to his daughter who recently married in to the absolute Kazakhstan family?
Najib's forgive is which not the singular charge has been elite opposite Shahrizat. But dire charges have been the privilege of the Attorney-General, whom even the male in the street knows will take his orders from Najib.
Does it creates clarity which Shahrizat would not know what her father as well as their 3 children have been up to when the rest of the country is up in arms during their purported crime in the National Feedlot Centre debacle.
These questions go upon to hound the cattle breeding plan awarded to the in isolation firm set up by Shahrizat's husband, Salleh Ismail, as well as their 3 children. The family is indicted of rapine from the RM250million supervision soft loan granted to develop the NFC project. The scandal has turn well known here as well as abroad as Malaysia's Cowgate.
Indeed, Najib is choosing the line of slightest resistance. On Friday (March 23), after the key Wanita assembly to plead Shahrizat, he was indicted by UMNO watchers of flitting the sire so which he could indicate the fingers of blame elsewhere, away from him, not realising which for the single finger forked during Wanita UMNO, 3 will be forked behind during him.
Shahrizat stands impeached, without check as well as indirectly, for Cowgate. Her deputy, Kamilia Ibrahim (left), is right Shahrizat has to go. The palm which rocks the cradle cannot be seen to be unclean. Do Malaysians wish destiny generations to grow up breast-fed upon the principles which crime is fine, so prolonged as we! know th e right strings to pull!
This is what Najib is endorsing by throwing his await behind Shahrizat's quest to stay as Wanita UMNO chief. Some contend he has no preference because Shahrizat has report about his Kazakh tie which will embarrass him deeply, putting his already unsafe reason upon the UMNO leadership serve during risk.
Whatever his motive, Najib has finished positively zero so distant about Shahrizat stability to sojourn as Wanita UMNO Chief as well as is not expected to do anything. To the civic voter, Najib stays the glorified supervision clerk which he has regularly been as well as intends to sojourn so for as prolonged as probable so which he can collect, during the finish of the day, the fat grant for himself as well as wife, Rosmah Mansor. Already, the people have been upset during his miss of action as well as leadership in crucial issues as well as the near zero swell finished in the economy.
Forced to eat difference upon mercantile growth
Just days ago, Najib was forced to trim 1 commission indicate off the 2012 mercantile expansion forecast
to 4-5% from 5-6% as well as this is poignant because his overly flushed prophecy was finished less than 6 months ago.
Was he perplexing to beguile the people which Malaysia's manage to buy was upon the climb again when he finished the prediction? Indeed, Najib's probity is in question.
The due National Public Debate with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is another e.g. where Najib does not feel compelled to do anything to mistreat his own chances even if it clearly benefits as well as is preferred by the populace.
Even so, he seems as well vain as well as aware of his 'face' to swallow being called the doormat as well as as! such, h as left to nonessential lengths heading nowhere to show because it is Anwar who is not qualified to debate with him rsther than than take head-on the subject of because doesn't he accept the plea then. But if the Opposition Leader is not qualified afterwards who is?
Anwar's ultimate acceptance to the fresh plea initiated by WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, receiving upon the three-cornered debate with Najib as well as refugee blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin has cast serve doubt upon Najib's certification as well as political 'manhood'. It swivels the gun behind onto him, so to speak. However, as usual, Najib will seek retreat overseas. In early April, the PM will resume his official visits abroad this time to China. And he can be expected to spend as well as lavish upon himself as well as his entourage first class fare as well as lodging, all upon taxpayers' expense, as he has finished in past trips.
A confused nation: GE-13 expected to be reason after UMNO polls?
Najib will leave behind the nation confused as well as wondering when the 13th ubiquitous choosing will be held. Over the past few days, he has hinted which GE-13 will be "soon" though seasoned watchers have been certain he is "bluffing again".
Chances have been really tall Malaysia's national polls will be reason only after the UMNO inner elections due to take place later this year. With the mandate given to him to choose who will have it to the BN's list of winnable candidates for GE-13, Najib binds in his palm the energy weapon to 'blackmail' the UMNO warlords in to renewing his term as their celebration president as well as thereby Prime Minister.
UMNO is the widespread or trainer celebration of the 14-member BN bloc as well as if GE-13 is reason before the UMNO polls, the contingency have been really strong which Najib will be ditched unless he delivers the stunning victory by winning two-thirds of the Parliament's 222 seats the feat he himself has certified is beyond his a! bility g iven the stream open mood opposite his government.
Most expected scenario: Delay after Delay
While Najib has not taken the initiative so distant to disintegrate Parliament to pave the way for the 13th General Election inside of two months, he can still spring the last-minute surprise. But pundits have been betting which Najib, being Najib, will only allow Parliament's five-year term to expire automatically in the deficiency of dissolution.
In which case, the Election Commission will have 60 days to call for GE thirteen as well as the many expected scenario to be played out will be the single of insensitive check after another, warned the pundits.
According to them, they design the EC to follow the book written by the Najib stay as well as surprise the Caretaker Prime Minister of their endorsed GE date. But Najib will not respond. In 'frustration', after informing the PM of the assorted alternative dates, the EC will finally have no preference under the circumstances though reason the GE upon the last day of the 60 days-period.
Hung Parliament
When the choosing results come in, as well as if it becomes apparent which Najib's settled 'greatest fear' the hung Parliament has emerged, pundits do not design him to do anything either. He will wait for crossovers from the alternative side to be arranged by the moneybags around him, Mahathir Mohamad as well as Daim Zainuddin, so which he can go upon to be Prime Minister.
Mahathir as well as Daim will of march panic during the suspicion of losing the UMNO gravy train as well as will move sky as well as earth itself to have certain which UMNO during slightest stays in the saddle. They would have to understanding with Najib later as well as for sure, it will not be easy to oust him although they can call as many Extraordinary General Meetings as they wish.
Najib is not Badawi who fled with his tail between his legs! the mom ent Mahathir hammered his feet as well as focussed down pretending to pick up the mill to play during him. Najib has the backing of his strong-willed mother Rosmah Mansor, as well as the UMNO warlords upon his 'winnable list' who won seats would not instruct to rock the boat.
In which case, it would actually be smarter for Mahathir as well as Daim to save their money as well as let go of the Federal Government to the opposition. But the subject remains, would they be means to dismount from the roaring as well as inspired tiger? Would not the brand new Pakatan Rakyat federal supervision go after them to return all their ill-gotten gains from past years?
Simple BN majority
Apart from the hung Parliament, Najib might secure the elementary majority to go upon as Prime Minister. Mahathir as well as Daim would afterwards face the really same difficulties of perplexing to dislodge Najib, unless by afterwards the entire UMNO celebration is additionally fed up to the knob of Najib as well as Rosmah, as well as would pour out to vote them out.
If Pakatan wins, King might be 'asked' to foster UMNO
Then, the probability which Pakatan Rakyat as the national antithesis alliance as well as government-in-waiting will come in with the elementary majority. Again, Najib can be expected to lay behind as well as do zero whilst Mahathir as well as Daim hasten to meet with the King as well as convince him which Pakatan is not the purebred coalition.
So, if the assorted PR components have been deliberate alone as well as individually, UMNO-BN will claim to reason the singular greatest retard of seats in Parliament as well as should be authorised to form the Federal Government, despite the minority one. The probability of the no certainty suit being moved by the antithesis opposite Najib in Parliament can regularly be discharged by the Speaker upon the grounds which even if specific, as well as the make the difference of open interest, ! it could not presumably be deliberate "urgent". Looks as well as sounds ridiculous? The actuality is this happens all the time as well as is happening in Parliament right now!
Fast-rising doubts
With Najib right away blaring out 'alerts' of GE-13 around the dilemma every alternative day, because have been doubts rising which he is in actual actuality doing the opposite as well as engineering the Mother of all Delays. Three new incidents tell us why.
The many new is of march the Shahrizat disturbance as well as Najib's warding off to understanding with it, which not only means he is endorsing crime in itself the turnoff to voters though such the preference additionally splits Wanita UMNO down the line.
There have been more members who wish Shahrizat out than in as well as they will be unhappy as well as disgruntled. This provides the perfect forgive for Najib to explain to the UMNO Supreme Council because he cannot probable call for GE-13, not when the key section of the celebration is in disarray. Conveniently, he will replace to mention his purpose in assisting to stir the disarray.
The second is Najib's new repetition, for the umpteenth time, which the Federal Government has authorized RM 350 million since 2008 for Tamil schools. The actuality of the make the difference is which these schools have not perceived even the sen so distant as well as have been unlikely to get any. Next is his announcement which 100 top Indian students will get Federal Government scholarships every year to pursue Master's as well as Doctorate programmes supposing which they get First Class Honours Degrees during the Bachelors level.
A First Class Honours Degree during the Bachelors turn is not the criteria during any university in the universe to pursue Masters or Doctorate Programme. So, because lift the bar which tall for only Indian students? A! nyone wh o creates such frivolous as well as vexatious statements cannot presumably be serious or frank about anybody else. They have been only interested in themselves.
Likewise, Najib's assorted statements upon the High Income Economy they can even make known the Minimum Wage similar to in Thailand (RM1, 500 per month) though his alphabet soup of programs from the GTP, ETP, NKRA, KPI have been all hype upon paper as well as not working during all. The explanation of the pudding is in the eating as well as the 1 commission indicate or 100 basement points chop in the GDP expansion guess to 4-5% from 5-6% previously positively tasted toxic.
Luckily, the manage to buy is in autopilot mode interjection to stability in isolation sector initiatives, the increasing purpose of India as well as China in the local manage to buy as well as Malaysians themselves in general. The actuality is for Malaysia to be where it now is economically, the people don't need Najib, the UMNO-BN Government or Mahathir as well as Daim as well as their massive corruption.
But when the chips have been down as well as unlawful outflows distant exceed what Malaysians can produce, they will need the proper as well as great set of guiding hands really soon. Anwar as well as Pakatan have been the fairly great preference when compared to 'Big Squatter' Najib as well as his BN coalition.
Malaysia Chronicle
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