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Some of them, they simply gasak you know? You know?
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Bajet 2012: Pemuda PAS bimbang dayatahan ekonomi negara Syahir Sulaiman
Will the cops call these 'seditious acts' as well?

Currently, a military have identified eleven people indicted of behaving such acts during a night prior to of Merdeka Day during Dataran Merdeka.

However, it has been pointed out which a eleven have been subjects of selective persecution, exacerbated by a haste in investigations as great as a supernatural ability of a military to identify them with such supernatural accuracy.
The police, however, havedenied receiving sidesand vowed to probe similar instances involving Pakatan Rakyat leaders, provided military reports have been lodged.
Since, it has been established which showing disregard for open total is a crime underneath a Sedition Act 1948, below is a list fromMalaysiakiniarchives to show which a application of this law is not regularly consistent.
Lim Guan Eng
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng mostly boast about many firsts underneath his administration, though he could add "facing a many array ! of demonstrations in a shortest period of time as arch minister" underneath his belt as well.

Not usually has his posters beenburntand stepped upon several occasions, he has additionally been givencake done in a form offaecesand a had amock funeralstaged in front of his house.
The perpetrators of such acts have been widely well known as a little of them had been quoted by a media. Some of their leaders have additionally led countless protests. None of them have been prosecuted thus far.
Due to a sheer startle factor as great as frequency of such acts opposite Guan Eng, he deserves to be placed initial in this list.
Ambiga Sreenevasan
The former Bar Council boss turned electoral reforms activist had quickly amassed a legion of new fans for her work with a Bersih coalition, though it attracted enemies as well.
Detractors came right up to her doorstepsflipping burgersandexercising their posteriorsin criticism opposite a Bersih 3.0 convene upon Jul 9.

Kuala Lumpur City Hall could have taken movement opposite a group for vandalism though no well known movement has been taken, alternative than to paint over a yellow lines.
Prior to this, Malay rights pressure group Perkasa had hold a convene in Kuala Lumpur to criticism plans tohold Bersih 3.0where posters depicting Ambiga were set alight.
In April, Jaringan Melayu Malaysia hold a noisyanti-homosexualitydemonstrationat Universiti Putra Malaysia which saw posters depicting Ambiga being burnt as great as stepped on.
Nik Abdul Aziz as great as Abdul Hadi Awang
PAS' top dual have been lesser chosen as targets by vandals though a array of photographs which have stranded to a minds of their supporters is a single depicting several youths urinating upon a banner.

One of a perpetrator was clad in a BN t-shirt.
Lim Kit Siang
Like his counterparts in PAS, Lim additionally had to suffer a same indignity of people urinating upon his photograph.
The incident happened in Apr 2009, outside a Shah Alam courthouse where twelve people were being tried for their inflammatory demonstration involving acow head.
Khalid Samad
He was indicted ofconspiring opposite Muslimsand a single ensign indicted him o! f "s! odomising" a Islamic faith.
For great measure, protestors additionally done certain which posters with his sketch were stepped on. All this took place within a devalue of a Selangor state mosque.
Perak's eccentric trio
Pakatan Rakyat is not totally purify either, as revealed during a Perak DAP gathering in November 2009.
A giant ensign depicting 3 former Pakatan state assemblyperson who paved a way for a BN takeover of a state in February which year, was used as a doorway pad for a convention.
Kit Siang was between those photographed standing upon a ensign whilst his son Guan Eng had gingerly leapt over it.
Perak DAP arch Ngeh Khoo Ham laterconcededthat not all celebration members condoned a act, though stopped reduced of condemning it.
Koh Tsu Koon
In September 2008, a teenager tiff between afterwards Penang BN arch Koh Tsu Koon as great as Bukit Bendera Umno multiplication arch Ahmad Ismail escalated to a point where it almosttore apartGerakan as great as Umno's long ties.

After Ahmad's burning press conference, a single of his men smashed a photo frame prior to tearing up koh's sketch of whilst vouchsafing lax a shrill roar which impressed a staccato sounds of camera shiver clicks.
Najib Abdul Razak
Compared to a above, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak seemed to have got off pretty easy.

The perpetrator was Adam Adli, a tyro leader, who was laterquizzedby a police. He has been dangling by his university for 3 semesters, though no criminal movement has been taken.
In Apr this year, a same group of students hold an additional demonstration.
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Anwar Ibrahim: MerdekaRakyat 72 Hours In Picture (VIDEO)
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Bill Clinton full DNC Speech 2012 (VIDEO)
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Cemburu Anwar bila rumah terbukanya kosong
Solving the wrong precisely with proposal to convert Shiites
This is a standard case of what Mitroff as well as Silvers plead in their book Dirty Rotten Strategies: How We Trick Ourselves as well as Others into Solving a Wrong Problems Precisely. Unspunhas a some-more precise tag for this kind of thinking which is in my tag: shot-for brains.
The base causes of a persecution of a Shiites by a infancy Sunni Moslems in Indonesia is not since they reason a slightly different belief. What's really causing this wholesale as well as constant conflict upon a minority is intolerance, reluctant as well as bad military coercion as well as an deficiency of domestic to reason a military accountable for disaster to keep a assent (what happened to a military chief after he admitted to a disaster of intelligence in a final Shiite bashing? Nothing) will to get Indonesians to respect a law as well as one another.
Solve these problems as well as you would see a reduction of cases where Shiites have been persecuted, often brutally. Converting Shiites to Sunnis would be solving a wrong problems precisely as well as have it come behind to bit us in a rump. If there have been no shiites to collect upon a intolerance, bad coercion of laws as well as lack of domestic will give a event for alternative bullies in a Indonesian multitude to persecute others. Perhaps gays, lesbians, transponders, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, a rich, Chinesewhichever organisation which forms a minority as well as therefore exposed to mob rule.
Shia acclimatisation is solution: Minister
Margareth S. Aritonang, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Thu, September 06 2012, 11:08 AM
Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali says converting Shiite Muslims to a Sunni Islam followed by many Indonesians would be a many appropriate app! roach to forestall aroused outbreaks in between a sects in Sampang, East Java.
"The many appropriate solution for what has been starting upon in there is dialogue. Many things can occur after a dialogue. We had an knowledge where a Ahmadis [...] converted to mainstream Islam after dialogue," a apportion pronounced upon Wednesday upon a sidelines of a meeting with lawmakers upon House of Representatives' Commission VIII overseeing eremite affairs.
Suryadharma was referring to a internal eremite leader in Ciaruteun village in Bogor, West Java, who persuaded 15 members of a minority Muslim Ahmadiyah sect in March 2011 to modify to a form of Islam used by many Indonesian Muslims.
The apportion pronounced which in first theatre of a acclimatisation process, minority Shiites, their infancy Sunni neighbors as well as alternative stakeholders in Sampang could encounter for a dialogue.
He declined calls made by moderate Muslim groups to have a determination either Shia is heretical, claiming it was outward his subtract as minister.
"I'm in no in front of to have a decision. I can't ask a MUI [Indonesian Ulema Council] of Sampang to retract their eremite fatwa [edict] deeming Shia as heretical. As I have pronounced earlier, discourse will be a many appropriate way," Suryadharma said.
Contacted separately, Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Nasaruddin Umar concurred with Suryadharma which a method was thankful to educate subscribers of faiths deemed deviant by "mainstream" religions to modify to a teachings of a 6 religions recognized by a governments.
"We never condemned Shiite Islam as heretical or prohibited it from being used here since Saudi Arabia, for example, has never criminialized a supporters from starting to which country for a haj pilgrimage," Nasaruddin said.
"I think there have been around eleven different types of Shia Islam, as well as not all of them have been heretical. It is a strands which curve off from mainstream Islam which you have to u! nderstan ding with," a emissary apportion said, disappearing to blow up if a Sampang Shiites were outward mainstream Islam.
Sunni Muslims attacked a Shiite village in Sampang upon Aug. 26, forcing almost 300 people to seek retreat in a internal forest before they were given retreat in a tennis stadium.
The assault followed an conflict in December 2011, when a Shiite Muslim, Mochamad Kosim, 50, was hacked to death. Three alternative Shiites were harmed as well as 37 families mislaid their homes in a attack.
Suryadharma discharged speculation which a assault in Sampang resulted from a kin rivalry in between Shiite leader Tajul Muluk as well as his Sunni brother, Roisul Hukuma.
The apportion pronounced which a mother of a brothers, Umah, was severely harmed in a conflict as well as had asked which a supervision to immigrate a Shiites to forestall some-more attacks.
"She told me which when I went to visit her a day after a attack. However, it is up to a village either or not they want to leave a area. We will pierce them to somewhere safer if they have a decision. Nonetheless, they can stay in a area if they want to do so," he said.
East Java Governor Soekarwo formerly discharged schemes to immigrate Shiite residents, nonetheless little action has been taken by provincial officials to safeguard them.
Critics pronounced which Soekarwo's reluctance to take action to assist a Shiites was done to garner await from Sunni Muslims in a run up to a East Java gubernatorial election.
Suryadharma as well as Nasaruddin declined to comment upon potential connectors to gubernatorial politics.
Pattaya Police Never Give Up

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'I'm the best' Dr M: No one dared step on my picture when I was PM!
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Bureaucracy & corruption top grouses of Malaysia investors
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Gelombang Merah 20,000 buat Nik Aziz mintak bantuan Sami Siam
Masaalah air tak selesai tapi rupanya wang berbillion yang diberi kerajaan pusat sudah diselewengkan untuk jalan-jalan dan urusan tak berkaitan air. Mana pulak kisah Ladang Rakyat
Kerry B. Collison Asia News: Malaysia's UMNO Goes After A Critic
Be Patient, Sabahans and Sarawakians
September 7, 2012
Be Patient, Sabahans as well as Sarawakians: Wait for Another 55 Years
by Hazlan Zakaria (09-06-12)

"In truth, I consider which a growth of Sabah as well as Sarawak has outstripped a Peninsula. Sarawak has a top foreign direct investment as well as Sabah has a largest pot of inorganic substance in a country.
"Just be patient as well as wait for for for a resources to be extracted as well as shortly your earnings (and development) will increase," he continued.
He was responding a subject from a Sabahan who wondered why after 55 years of choosing by casting votes BN as well as having contributed a lot to a coalition's electoral victories, Sabah as well as Sarawak are still extremely backward in terms of growth compared to a frenetic pace seen in a peninsula.
Mahathir also hit out during those who done much happening about his 'Devil they know" remark."Those comments can usually come from those who do not understand It is an English saying."
The saying, countered Mahathir, has zero to do with a devil per se. He was asked upon comments from certain buliding who want him to repudiate his words as well as grieve to God for talking about associating with a devil.
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A Different Merdeka: Increasingly Malaysian First
September 7, 2012
A Different Merdeka: Increasingly Malaysian First
by Bridget Welsh (06-09-12)
COMMENT: Malaysians distinguished 55 years of independence upon Aug 31. Most did so the usual Malaysian approach with family as good as friends, along with good food as good as good friendship.
Despite tall levels of domestic anxiety, angst as good as uncertainty, there is much to celebrate. Malaysia is the good country, with the unapproachable history as good as comfortable smashing people.
I distinguished the eventuality in Ipoh, where Perakians showed me the excellent hospitality of good hearten as good as company. It is clearly clear which Malaysia's finest resources have been the people.
This year's Merdeka was considerably different, however. The eventuality became rarely politicised, as both sides of the domestic order used the occasion to woo supporters. The make make use of of of supervision resources for logos, songs as good as domestic slogans as good as politicking during the official jubilee with UMNO-like domestic speeches does not reflect good upon the ruling coalition.
The sagas around the preparation for Merdeka raised critical questions of credibility. Rather than welcome all Malaysians, the mode was one of "by call in only" which during the core violated the suggestion of imprinting independence.
There was the necessity of statesmanship. This highlights one of the many critical ! issues U MNO is facing nationally which it is seen to offer only the selected couple of rather than the broader community.
At the same time, the yellow-shirt civil society's 'Janji Demokrasi' (Promise of Democracy) entertainment mirrored the polarising governing body right away present in the country, with the uncover of one after another essential element between the BERSIH movement in the debate for the cleanser electoral system.
While the intention to move together Malaysians was some-more clear as good as the legal holiday suggestion of the eventuality revelation the strategy adopted by the couple of to denigrate others by stomping upon pictures as good as flying alternative flags even if from questionable sources allowed the supervision to criticise the event's altogether impact.
Prouder to be Malaysians
The enticement to make make use of of this eventuality in the increasingly high-stakes governing body was just as good tasteful to resist. The reason is simple Malaysians have been deeply unapproachable of their country as good as politicians longed for to exploit this.
Despite all the domestic noise, the angry comments upon websites, the disastrous attacks as good as underlying concerns, the love of Malaysia has been growing.
Survey formula from two different periods (2006 as good as 2011) as part of the region-wide cross-national Middle East Barometer Survey uncover which Malaysians have been overwhelming committed to their country; they have been unapproachable to be citizens as good as believe in being always loyal, as shown in the table.
Recent data shows which 97 percent of Malaysians have been unapproachable to be Malaysians - this says something. It is betwee! n the hi ghest in the region. The direction between all racial groups is towards stronger national identity, with considerably some-more people identifying themselves as "Malaysians".
While there have been racial differences understandably scored equally to feelings of ostracism as good as concerns about equivalence these dark in comparison to the altogether direction towards the stronger Malaysian nationalism.
The data additionally shows which fewer Malaysians have been peaceful to live abroad, with the sizeable dump over the last 5 years. The enticement for better mercantile opportunities stays present, however, highlighting concerns about opportunities as good as peculiarity livelihoods.
That said, some-more Malaysians opposite races have been simultaneously identifying themselves as "Malaysian". In the Malay community, the "Muslim" as good as "Malay" markers persist, though the shifts between the alternative communities is noted as good as telling.
Noteworthy, the majority of Malays prioritise the Malaysian identity. This places the challenge upon any personality who does not see himself as Malaysian first, even between the Malay community. Malaysian patriotism is alive as good as well, as good as flourishing stronger.
Stronger welcome of democracy
The engaging subject is why? Some would indicate to PM Najib Razak's 1Malaysia concept. Despite the consistent misuse for partisan campaigning as good as marketplace branding, the thought in the nutshell involves the clarity of place for everyone in Malaysia.
This mental condition similar to Malaysia's push for the usual Vision 2020 for all gives people the clarity of belonging as good as hope. But couple of in the survey pointed to 1Malaysia directly as the success.
Another some-more substantiated part of the story comes from the larger gains made for non-Malays in Parliament as good as the larger clarity of inclusion in the ruling process of many antithesis governments, either in Selangor, Penang, (briefly in) Perak or Kedah, to name the few.
The altogether commentary of the data uncover the stronger welcome of democracy as good as tall await for some-more thorough representation. This clarity of all communities having the place during the table from Sabah as good as Sarawak to the different racial groups is the true exam of the leaders' capability to paint them nationally.
The struggle BN faces to be seen as multi-ethnic have been real with UMNO's overwhelming dominance as good as weakening non-Malay representation, as have been the hurdles Pakatan Rakyat faces in assuring which all the voices have been represented as good as accommodated.
The energetic is not about representing one group, however, though the country even during the responsibility of governing body as good as especially during the responsibility of personal interest.
The bloc as good as leaders which have been seen to be you do this most appropriate to be thorough of all Malaysians with the guarantee of goal as good as belonging as good as seen to put the country as the total first have the advantage electorally.
Part of this is putting in reserve governing body as good as genuinely celebrating each other. For during their core, Malaysians have been Malaysians as good as unapproachable to be so.
DR BRIDGET WELSH is Associate P! rofessor of Political Science during Singapore Management University as good as she can be reached during
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Pengerang compensation within fortnight, Johor MB pledges
Mahathir's perverted logic: good material in, garbage out
Dr Mahathir is living in fear nowadays. He has to leave his restful days to help out UMNO. Which means which Najib is unqualified of heading UMNO. That can only be a most receptive deduction.
He is right away a flame dispatcher for UMNO. UMNO contingency be receptive he says as well as he says which whilst cavorting with a most irrational UMNO surrogate, Ibrahim Ali as well as Perkasa. UMNO members contingency right away await Ibrahim Ali if UMNO leaders select Ibrahim as candidate in GE13. UMNO members contingency be receptive to accept a most irrational Malay candidate. That's a different logic of Mahathir. Good element in, rubbish put. We know Dr Mahathir- he does a conflicting of what he says.
Mahathir is urging Malays to stand on their heads. Not good, too much blood rushing to a brain. Malays contingency right away stand honest naturally. Rejecting UMNO as well as a ways, is a receptive behavior. Supporting UMNO goes against a rational.
UMNO can get 2/3 infancy if a members do not harm possibilities chosen by a leadership. He is just confirming which notwithstanding carrying 3.2 million members, it hasn't got leadership talent. Hence his UMNO is full of half past six leaders. He is observant which in allege because he knows which Najib will field most non-UMNO members as possibilities in a subsequent election. We instruct him as well as Najib great luck. After heading UMNO as well as a successor celebration for so long, both do not seem to understand a UMNO Malay mind.
I am commencement to consider which what Daim once told me will become true. Come assignment day, UMNO is 70% fit to do battle. Come choosing date, it has mislaid 30% of a seats.
Mahathir's motives behind his overarching as well as during times forceful articulation on behalf of UMNO have been irrelevant to us. Malaysians contingency remind him which in 2004, Pak Lah got a greatest charge in history with pleasant! ness fro m Mahathir. People gave Pak Lah a greatest mandate, because they were celebrating a exit of Mahathir. It wasn't because of Pak Lah who in 2008 then led UMNO/BN to a most catastrophic outing. Let us right away do a second celebration to give Najib as well as UMNO a most abrasive defeat.
He faces a grim prospects of seeing his UMNO finished with in a coming ubiquitous elections. For 22 years, UMNO as well as he became one. So during stake is essentially his legacy.
I will not dispute a opinion of most which Mahathir is a most appropriate PM you have ever had. Perhaps people have been mesmerized by his prophesy of a showy Malaysia. He was swilling to back up his prophesy by embarking on a grandest of earthy developments. During his term of office, Malaysians marveled during Putrajaya, Daya Bumi, PETRONAS Twin towers, KLIA as well as most other monumental developments. Malaysia was flooded with initial universe facilities peerless by most countries in south East Asia. In a Muslim world, Mahathir was hailed a favourite especially by a tyrannical rulers in most Arab speaking world.
From Mahathir they have learnt a single intent lesson-people can be deceived an comforted into submission by giving them illusions of greatness.
Given those earthy achievements how do you rate Mahathir? Since this is a deteriorate of idioms as well as allegories, I would to share with readers a story.
It's about a abounding as well as powerful person. Let us call him Dr X. While included in those areas, Dr X is a sickly person. Not a single month passes but him contacting as well as developing some debilitating illnesses. He has left to a most appropriate hospitals as well as in isolation clinics but to no avail. So he finished a compact with Allah, which if during 3 months, he is free from any illness, he will bestow a gift of a dwelling or a homogeneous to orphans. A guarantee to Allah is a honest a single as well ! as a the me in this story knows that.
After a vow as well as promise, Dr X was free from all form of seizure as well as illness. Still to strengthen his belief which this has indeed been a miracle from God, he extended a hearing period to another month. Even after varying a original covenant, a Dr X did not hit any illness.
He is right away assured which this was indeed a benediction from God. So he right away contingency honor his part of a covenant.
So he started an announcement to suggest a single of his palatial properties in a city. He offers for sale a skill worth RM30 million with sufficient rooms as well as devalue to potentially house an orphanage. He offers to sell a skill for a total of RM500, 000. With a sustenance which whoever buys a skill during RM 500,000 contingency also buy an aged cupboard inside a house for RM29.5 million. Therefore there were essentially 2 items for sale. The house as well as a aged cabinet. He found a single serious willing buyer who duly signed a necessary writings shopping a house as well as a cabinet.
In his own ways, Dr X is a amply religious person. He hasn't lost his compact with God. He takes RM500, 000 as well as hands over a income to a trustees of an institution entrusting them to make use of a income to build an orphanage. Dr X has therefore fulfilled his guarantee to God. Having finished that, he still creates RM 29.5 million.
It's loyal Mahathir has since so most things which Malaysians can be proud of. The worth of all those is RM500, 000. Mahathir has taken RM29.5 million.
DR Mahathir is bustling nowadays giving MPs as well as ADUNs from a various states pep talks. Presumably he has been telling a UMNO legislators a same advise. Be rational. But he contingency not forget- each UMNO legislative part of who attended a meetings with Mahathir during a Perdana Foundation, consider as well as believe which they have been as wi! nnable a s Najib as well as Muhyidin are.
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Will DAP dominate PR?
A close UMNO friend asked me this question. If PR takes over, wouldn't it lead to DAP prevalence over PR? Wouldn't a Chinese be in control? Just take a example of Nizar when he became MB of Perak by pleasantness of DAP. He has since out land to a Chinese since DAP contingency have pressured him to.
DAP has turn a favorite bogeyman which contingency be attacked from all possible angles. Lim Kit Siang was during a back of a May thirteen incidents ignoring a annals which showed which Kit Siang was in Sabah during which time. Lim Guan Eng who was 8 years aged during which time, was additionally instrumental in creating a secular clashes. DAP has never isolated itself as a substitute to Singapore's PAP. The list of wrongs is seemingly bottomless. And now, a ghost is haunting Malaysia. The DAP shall browbeat PR government.
I have prolonged longed for to answer this anxiety. Apparently this is a propaganda being sole by UMNO leaders all over a country. It's simply called shock mongering. It indicates which UMNO is scared. Its other component party members which have been radically stooges of UMNO have been right away irrelevant. It has additionally shown which UMNO right away realizes it can lose power.
Let us dispel a myths prior to we answer as to what Nizar has essentially done.
First of all, DAP will substantially contest 52-53 parliamentary seats. Even if it wins all, a series is not sufficient to concede DAP to form a supervision upon its own. It will turn a challenging force. And which is not since a members have been Chinese. It becomes challenging since it has so many high quality MPs.
Non DAP will still browbeat a numbers. So, combining a supervision with DAP dominating is out of a question. Why should any Malay fright DAP dominance? Only common UMNO leaders do. The good Malays in PKR as well as positively a really able people in PAS can mount as equals t! o DAP le gislators. But these Malays do not quarrel with DAP people upon trivial things similar to low quality UMNO MPs.
The area in which DAP has dominated appears to be in a intensity of their resolve to quarrel for causes. Why should which be feared? It contingency be emulated. Can't UMNO offer a electorate higher caliber people who can travel as well as gnaw resin during a same time? Instead it takes a populist proceed selecting people whom it sees as winnable as well as armed substantially with fake degrees they bought.
The other big emanate we instruct to residence is this. The same friend asked. Wouldn't it be similar to what happened in Perak- Nizar became a front for DAP as well as he has usually implemented policies which benefited Chinese in Perak.
Nizar governed Perak for a period of eleven months. He was kicked out of office by approach of a coup detat involving additionally a Perak Royalty. We contingency right away remember always, which people have been regularly some-more emperor than Kings as well as Rulers. we hope this is taken in good spirit. Nobody wants to demolish a Royal Houses supposing there is mutual respect. The acclamation as well as bend of a people to a Royal Houses contingency be reciprocated with a pinnacle apply oneself for their emperor wishes. The overriding instruct was to have a legitimately inaugurated supervision which cannot be broken up with extra judicial means. Collectively a will of a people is as emperor as a Malaysian Monarchy.
During a eleven months Nizar served as MB, his supervision authorized 314 housing lots for Kampung Tersusun and for 134 brand brand new villages. These lots were since out to applicants who have been waiting for over thirty years to get land titles. These people were denied or refused capitulation by a UMNO/BN government. What is so formidable about giving out land titles? During by-elections, titles could be since in a week'! s time.< /span>
95% of a residents in a kampong tersusun have been denied titles for over thirty years. All they asked was a housing lot of about 3200 block feet. So a single can imagine how `big' a house which can be assembled upon such a lot size. The whole house is smaller than a bedroom distance of a little people we know.
How many of these were released by Nizar? He gave out 102,000 lots involving 7500 acres. Most of these recipients were Malays. Again? To Malays.
What about a brand brand new villages or Kampung Baru? We know from experience many dwellers in Kampung Barus have been Chinese. Indeed 97% of these have been Chinese many of whom have not perceived titles for as prolonged as 80 years. What's a land sizes have been they seeking for? The normal distance is 1125 block feet (25' x 45'). That is a distance of a garage. 47,000 lots were released to applicants involving 1250 acres.
Kampung Tersusun( a dwellers have been often Malays) got 7500 acres while a Chinese brand brand new villagers got 1250 acres. If we were to ask an MCA friend citing a upon top of examples, can he/she discuss it me, in giving out land for housing, which race has benefited some-more from Nizar's actions? The Malays got some-more land, as well as a Malay has a bigger lot measuring 3200 block feet compared to a Chinese brand brand new villager who got 1125 block feet.
Did Nizar delude a Perak Royal house as distant as land is concerned? Well, judge for yourself. During a tenure of a former UMNO MB, Ramli Ngah Talib, there was a verbal agreement to endowment a Perak King a land totaling 600 acres located in Tanjong Tualang. But a land was not eliminated by a UMNO government.
This was what Nizar did. His EXCO confirmed a verbal guarantee done earlier by an UMNO MB, to vest a land with a Perak King. The transfer of a pretension was done in a name of a hopeful of a P! erak Kin g to a single particular named Pak Tok Khair. The hopeful completed a transaction, paid a required premiums as well as a land was formally transferred.
What UMNO unsuccessful to do to a King, Nizar succeeded.
In another instance, a eremite teacher who runs a eremite school ( pondok) Tok Guru Pak Teh practical for land for cattle extending in 2004. He practical for 45 acres. But each time his duplicate was deserted by a UMNO government. Again what a UMNO supervision failed, a PR supervision underneath Nizar who was supposed to be ordered by DAP authorized a 45 acres to a Tok Guru Pak Teh. To add security, a area was gazetted as extending land for a good of POndok Tok Guru Pak Teh permanently. For which Nizar perceived a personal note of appreciation from a Tok Guru who has since passed away.
In addition, Nizar has authorized tiny mislaid ranging from half an acre to 3 acres to operators of state land. The capitulation was fit upon a drift which a operators have worked a land for a really prolonged time.
That was all Nizar did. UMNO goes to town accusing Nizar of selling out to a Chinese.
Now let us see what UMNO, a party which fights for Agama, Bangsa dan Negara did during their tenure. Let's go back to see what UMNO did prior to PR took over Perak.
1. 22,000 acres belonging to PKNPk in Lekir Manjong planted with oil palm were affianced to KLK which is owned Tan Sri Lee Oi Lean. He is a Chinese.
2. 500 hectares of Malay Reserve land in Padang Rengas (Nazri Tan Sri Aziz's seat) together with a cement making bureau jointly grown by PKNPk as well as Hanjoong of Korea was sole to YTL. Now, a present Perak UMNO supervision is bustling appropriation some-more Malay haven land as they see fit.
3. The UMNO supervision has since 1300 ! acres of land to Tan Sri Ling Liong Sik in Kampar to construct a greatest UTAR College.
4. The UMNO supervision gave 15-30 acres to each rancher in a areas between Bikar as well as Bidor as well as Teluk Intan. Most of these farmers were Chinese farmers.
Now let's see what Zambri did when he took over as MB. He sole off a Casuarina Hotel belonging to a state supervision inside of 2 months of presumption office. He sole it to a Perak Sultan's son in law, Tengku Farouk for usually RM48 million. Nizar has steadfastly refused to sell even when ordered by a Sultan. That road house belongs to a state as well as a value of a strategically located land in conditions of marketplace price was afterwards around RM94 million.
Under Zamry who has a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies, chase land, timber concessions, mangrove concessions, have been being distributed to UMNO cronies wantonly. It's similar to there is no tomorrow for these people.
Zamry has authorized 1100 acres to a Brazilan organisation Vale, for a purposes of setting up an iron ore plant. The endowment was since when Zamry was in office.
Now, who has essentially betrayed a Malays? UMNO or Nizar? UMNO has sole out to a Chinese some-more than anyone else can.
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Courts inconsistent, says Bar Council

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Sabahans testify BN's promises ANYTHING BUT FULFILLED - Kit Siang
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Najib & Rosmah are NOT the govt: Sedition Act can't be used on buttocks & stomping case
"The Sedition Act has a provision of not permitting a raising of annoy opposite a government, but right away we have discarded it as critique leveled at a supervision as well as its leaders is legitimate underneath a freedom of speech guaranteed underneath a Constitution."
GOBIND SINGH DEO is a DAP MP for Puchong
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Failure of BN to honor points engraved in the Keningau Oath Stone
[VIDEO] PERKASA Thugs Throw Shoe Inside Mosque BUT No Police Investigation & Action Yet - Saifuddin Nasution
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In Sabah. some very clumsy politicians shoot themselves in the foot

Bet we additionally didn't know which the area of TPAS (Totally protected areas) reserves in Sabah is reaching 1.3 million ha or about 20% of Sabahs total land area, even exceeding the IUCN customary of 10%. The ultimate addition is about 180,000 ha the 55,000 ha. wildlife corridor linking Maliau Basin, lmbak Canyon to Danum/Ulu Segama as well as the re-classification of Ulu Segama (130,000 ha) to total protected status.
And we were many substantially ignorant of the fact which underneath current Chief Minister Musa Aman, Sabah has seen the biggest border of TPAS enlargement in the story of Sabah, notwithstanding huge opportunity price of conservation!
These have been FACTS which many of us didn't know as well as weren't unequivocally meditative about. But interjection to some daft politicians in Sabah who, upon orders from their orang Malaya masters, were trying to take Musa Aman down with wild allegations of timber/logging kickbacks, we have been now drawn to the good things the Sabah supervision has finished - but has not been shouting about - to protect the state's forests.
Read some-more about the winning conflict opposite illegal as well as extreme logging H E R E.
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Will DAP dominate PR?
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