If Anwar retires or Pakatan collapses, BN still won't be able to stop CHANGE

If Anwar retires or Pakatan collapses, BN still won't be able to stop CHANGE
Pakatan Rakyat leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pronounced that he will step down if the pick bloc fails to win the subsequent ubiquitous election. Is he perplexing to gain sympathy votes?
It does not seem like the domestic strategy, though more to the domestic reality.
First of all, Anwar has aged. He is right away 65 years aged as well as he competence not have sufficient mental as well as physical strength to quarrel for an additional five years. Take DAP Parliamentary Leader Lim Kit Siang, who is 71 years aged this year, as an example, he used to reason ceramah around the nation in the past, though he has attended reduction activities nowadays.
Sabah as well as Sarawak have been distant from the Peninsula by the South China Sea. As Sabah as well as Sarawak have been vast states with comparatively reduction available transportation as well as communication systems compared to the Peninsula, good illness is the primary condition to be opposition party members.
Secondly, he is caught by lawsuits. The Attorney-General's Chambers had filed the notice of interest opposite Anwar's acquittal upon the sodomy charge. Besides, he is additionally facing 3 Bersih 3.0 charges.
Even if he is found not guilty as well as clear of his charges in the end, he still has to initial attend courts, causing him no time as well as status quo for domestic affairs.
Thirdly, his interest as well as domestic effects have subsided. When he was arrested in 1998, he enjoyed tall recognition among the anti-ruling camp as well as the little took him as the "phenomenal! leader" . He was still successful even when he was in prison.
However, after being hit by the sodomy charges as well as sex video scandal, his picture has been damaged in the Muslim community. If he fails to win the subsequent election, it is afraid that his competence lose his status forever.
Last Battle
Although the subsequent ubiquitous choosing competence be the last battle for Anwar, the BN cannot be so nave to think that it can lay behind as well as relax as long as Anwar retires from politics. The anti-BN view has been triggered as well as thus, the pick coalition's force would not be abated, regardless of whether Anwar retires or not.
As the middle male between the DAP as well as PAS, he contributed to the establishment of the pick coalition. Even if the Pakatan Rakyat falls detached after Anwar's leaving, the bloc could still be reunited by immature leaders.
The polite multitude has been incite given the initial Bersih convene in 2007. The change of the following Bersih 2.0 as well as 3.0 were afterwards expanded to unfamiliar countries. The people proposed to take beginning to launch pacific assemblies to express their views over civic issues, including the Lynas rare earth refinery plant, Petronas Refinery as well as Petrochemical Integrated Development (Rapid) project in Pengerang, the dispersion of Jalan Sultan as well as Chinese Education. Their concern has expanded from community issues to inhabitant issues.
After being hit by the single after an additional call of startle as well as guidance lessons again as well as again, members of the open have been right away pursuing the sound system granting them the right to decide.
The BN's domestic plate, particularly the Malay sovereignty, has been shaken by the impacts. As the interest of the issues has surpassed races as well as politics, Umno has been relocating closer to the middle in recent years. However, it is assumingly! not eno ugh.
Internet has related up the anti-ruling forces as well as immature people have schooled from anti-ruling movements in unfamiliar countries. They have become more as well as more organised.
Even if without Anwar as well as the Pakatan Rakyat, we hold that the little immature professionals would still form brand new non-racial domestic parties that have been close to the polite society. It is no longer critical whether Anwar will retire or not. The BN has no way to deter the expansion of the anti-ruling force as it is the global trend.
-Sin Chew Daily
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Kalau BN adalah Parti Syaitan, maka UMNO mestilah Iblis

Dalam kumpulan syaitan, penghulu nya ialah Iblis. maka jika Dr Mahathir kata BN adalah syaitan, maka UMNO sebagai ketua , mestilah Iblis. Bukan saya yang kata, Dr Mahathir, bekas Presiden UMNO yang kata. Oleh kerana ia datang dari Dr Mahathir, maka ianya mestilah suatu kebenaran. UMNO ialah parti Iblis.

Jumlah penduduk negara ini ialah kira2 29 juta orang. Dari jumlah tersebut, Melayu merupakan 65%, Cina 25% , India 7.5% dan lain2 sebanyak 1.3%. Dalam lain perkataan jumlah orang Melayu lebih kurang 19 juta orang.

Ahli UMNO ialah sebanyak 3.2 juta. Atau 1 dari 6 orang Melayu ialah ahli UMNO. Kita ramai dari ahli UMNO. Kita ramai, mereka sedikit. Jadi tak perlu takut apa apa pada UMNO. Kalau ahli UMNO mati, ada 5 lagi orang Melayu. Jadi TIDAK BENAR kalau UMNO mati, maka orang Melayu akan hancur.

Seorang ahli UMNO mati, ada 5 lagi Melayu yang boleh mendukung Islam dan mendaulatkan Raja2 Melayu. Jadi TIDAK BENAR juga kalau UMNO mati, maka Islam dan Raja2 Melayu akan musnah.Yang mati Dr Mahathir. Najib. Muhyidin. Noh Omar. Melayu lain terus hidup.

Demikian juga. Kalau MCA mati, orang Cina lagi kuat hidup. Kalau MIC mati, orang India tetap hidup.

Demikian juga kita menolak hasutan UMNO. UMNO kata kalau UMNO tewas maka orang Cina akan ambil alih pemerintahan negara. Kita ada 6 orang, Cina 3 orang dan India seorang. Bolehkah 3 orang melebihi 6 orang?Kalau India dan Cina bergabung, adakah 4 orang lebih besar dari 6 orang?! < /div>
Oleh kerana UMNO cakap dalam bahasa bodoh, maka kita jawablah dalam bahasa yang bodoh2. Mungkin kita kena cakap bahasa bodoh2 mulai sekarang sebab Dr Mahathir kata, ahli UMNO semua nya hampas.

Yang jadi sasaran khianat puak UMNO ialah DAP. Sebab UMNO iri hati DAP boleh bermuafakat dengan PAS. Lagi joke orang Melayu merasakan tidak ada masaalah menyokong DAP sebab mereka tetap Melayu dan tetap Islam. Kita tukar wadah, bukan tukar aqidah.

Kita ada 222 kerusi parlimen. Siapa dapat 112 kerusi, dapatlah membentuk kerajaan majority mudah. Berapa kerusi yang akan DAP tandingi? Adalah sebanyak 50 kerusi mungkin. Kalau menang semua pun, takkan boleh menubuhkan kerajaan.

Mengapalah UMNO mahu membodohkan orang Melayu?

Ingat, dari 6 orang Melayu hanya 1 sahaja ahli UMNO. Kita ramai, mereka sedikit. Mati seorang ahli UMNO, ada 5 lagi orang Melayu. Takde hal.

Kalau UMNO mati, maka agama Islam akan musnah? Kita tak perlu jawab kenyataan bodoh seperti ini. tidak semua orang Cina kristian. Lebih ramai Cina dan India bukan beragama kristian. Lebih elok orang Cina mengkristiankan orang Cina dan India terlebih dahulu daripada bercakap menegnai mengkristiankan orang Melayu.

Ramai dikalangan kita di lahirkan waktu malam. Tapi kita tidak lahir malam semalam. UMNO boleh kelentong ahli2 mereka jika mereka mahu, tapi janganlah anggap orang Melayu lain bodoh dan lahabau macam ahli UMNO.

Baru2 ini, Pemuda UMNO membuat lapuran polis kerana ada penyibaran di internet mengatakan bahawa kalau kita mahu agama Kristian jadi agama rasmi, maka undilah Pakatan. Kita tidak tahu sama ada siaran internet ini dilakukan oleh pemuda! UMNO at au tidak. Tapi ada kemungkinan besar ianya kerja pemuda UMNO yang kian terdesak. Setelah mendapati menebal muka di stesyen bas, kretapi dan meng-agihkan sogokan barangan dan juadah tidak berhasil, besar kemungkinan Pemuda UMNO tukar kepada tektik jahat. Menghasut. Kalau ia disiarkan melalui internet, kita suruh lah MCMC menyiasat nya. Tentu dengan pantas mereka akan tahu, darimana mulanya penyiaran nya.

Pengalaman saya dalam UMNO mengatakan bahawa tidak mustahil kerja kotor ini dilakukan oleh UMNO. Bukankah Dr Mahathir mengakui bahawa UMNO syaitan? Dalam BN, UMNO adalah penghulu syaitan. Penghulu syaitan ialah Iblis. Boleh lah kita sebut UMNO sebagai Tun Iblis. MCA Tan Sri syaitan. Dan MIC- Dato syaitan.

Semenjak tahun 1981, UMNO dipimpin oleh seorang India. Ketika Riz Khan, pengacara temubual CNN bertanya DR Mahathir- adakah Tuan seorang India? Dr Mahathir menjawab dia by definition adalah seorang Melayu. Apalah yang susah nya nak jawab dia Melayu atau tidak? Sebab dia bukan Melayu kerana itulah dia berbelit belit nak jawab dia Melayu. Definisi Melayu amat mudah, beragama Islam bercakap Melayu dan berbudaya Melayu adalah Melayu. Maka tidak hairan lah kita bila Dr Mahathir kata pendatang haram yang masuk ke Sabah adalah melayu sebab dari definisi nya mereka telah memenuhi syarat2 seperti jugak Dr Mahathir.

Dan semenjak tahun 1981, dasar ekonomi kerajaan UMNO/BN adalah pro kaya. Pro golongan elit. UMNO pegang kuasa, menguasai kerajaan dan setiap struktur kerajaan. Dengan ada kuasa tentulah munasabah kita sangka bahawa banyak kepincangan dalam negara kita, terutama yang melibatkan kepentingan Melayu sudah dibaiki. Rupa2 nya tidak.

Jurang pendapatan dikalangan orang Melayu adalah yang terbesar. Jika kita bandingkan jurang pendapatan di kalangan cina sama cina atau india sama ! india. A pa pasal? Sebab dasar kerajaan seperti perbelanjaan kerajaan atau public expenditure adalah pro orang kaya.

Sebab itu saya kata, dasar UMNO ialah BumiPutera. Dalam istilah tersebut terdapat dua komponen. Bumi mewakili rakyat biasa manakala Putera mewakili Melayu elit, bangsawan, anak raja, anak pemimpin UMNO dan seumpamanya. Yang makin kaya ialah golongan Putera dan yang makin menderita ialah golongan Bumi.

Kita ambil contoh. Peneroka felda boleh kita anggap sebagai orang Melayu biasa. Ada 112, 655 keluarga Felda. Bila syarikat Felda disenaraikan, setiap keluarga dapat 800 unit. 800 section kalau di jual dapat wang pendapatan. Isa Samad mewakili Melayu terpilih.Mengikut cerita dia dapat 180,000 section saham. Kita terima ini sebagai benar walaupun kita tahu Isa Samad dapat juta juta section saham FGV.

Kalau kita banding pendapatan peneroka( Melayu biasa) dengan Isa Samad( Melayu elit), bagaimana?

Katalah premium saham ialah RM1. Tanpa menolak kos pembiayaan pembelian saham, Melayu biasa dapat RM800. Melayu istmewa dan elit dapat RM180,000. Berapa kali ganda pendapatan tersebut? 225 kali lebih besar.

Jadi kita tahu dan sedar bahawa penyenaraian FGV adalah satu lagi dasar PM Najib yang pro Putera dan bangsawan daripada pro rakyat biasa.

Ini joke masih tidak disedari oleh orang Melayu.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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KUCHING: The question of who will lead Putrajaya right away lies in a hands of a Malays in Peninsular Malaysia, pronounced Deputy Speaker of Parliament Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.
He pronounced whilst a majority of Malays in Sarawak as good as Sabah have been completely during a back of BN, Malays in a Peninsula have been widely separated in to 3 vital factions; namely Umno, PAS as good as PKR.
"If a present supervision ever falls it's since a Malays in Peninsular Malaysia have been divided.
"They have been widely separated in to 3 factions now; namely PAS, Umno as good as PKR. Those in a civic areas tend to await PKR as good as a kampong people have been separate in to two, by ancillary Umno as good as PAS.
"So you hope a Malays in Peninsular Malaysia will be united in ancillary BN if they wish a present supervision to continue to lead a country," Wan Junaidi told a media during his Hari Raya open residence here yesterday.
He additionally hoped which a people in Sarawak would not be burned by Peninsula-based antithesis parties who came here usually to separate them.
"When they come here, it's not usually a Malays which they order though additionally a Dayaks as well," he said.
Wan Junaidi, who is additionally Santubong MP, pronounced he would leave his domestic future to a top leadership of BN to decide.
"All these while, you have been serving a people of all races as good as you have been allocating my MPR grants to them regardless of their eremite background, be they Muslims, Christians or Buddhists.
"So, you hope BN leaders will get a feedbacks from a people during a grassroots whom you have served faithfully," he added.
He pronounced a RM1.5 million 'touch-point' grant for each MP under Prime Minister Datuk Najib Tun Razak's administration had been sincerely distributed to his constituents.
Santubong has 112 Malay villages, 40 Iban as good as Bidayuh villages as good as 3 vital Chinese settlements.
Meanwhile, Wan Junaidi, who is a counsel by profession, refused to criticism upon a state's official sacrament as debated by some antithesis members since Islam was already a official sacrament of a federation.
"We have been giveaway to rehearse whatever religions in Sarawak, most freer than west Malaysia. So you should not politicise this issue here," he said. (theborneopost)
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KOTA KINABALU: Umno Penampang is confident which a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) upon illegal immigrants will be able to resolve a problem which has been inspiring a people of Sabah for so long.

Its Chief, Datuk John Ambrose, pronounced it was uncivilised of a antithesis to burst upon a car of a Barisan Nasional (BN) initiative.
"Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) was a initial to call for a RCI as great as as forked out by MCA President Datuk Chua Soi Lek, it was Datuk Anwar Ibrahim who is right away a antithesis personality who had objected to it.

"None of a antithesis leaders right away has denied this," he pronounced when met at a Raya open residence hosted by his sister, Datin Aminah Ambrose, as great as brother-in-law, Datuk Amir Kahar Tun Mustapha, at a Sutera Residency, here, upon Sunday.

Towards this end, he pronounced Umno Penampang welcomed a arrangement of a RCI.

On a depart of Datuk Lajim Ukin as great as Datuk Wilfred Bumburing from a Barisan Nasional, Ambrose pronounced it would have minimum outcome as Umno as great as BN's strength does not lie with any particular though its members as great as supporters who have been committed to a struggle.

"Every celebration is similar to this, definition a depart of Bumburing also has minimal impact upon Upko as great as BN as a whole," he said, adding which Umno had changed its boss many times though it emerged stronger after any passing from one to another of leadership.

"Umn o is a longest surviving ruling government as great as is committed to offer a people.

The people can judge a mutation programmes Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's has initiated," he said.

As for Umno Penampang, he assured which it would continue to be loyal as great as await a care of Najib as great as Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

"We have been not lobbying for candidacy. Whoever is a claimant for BN you will support," he said.

Meanwhile, Aminah, who is also Kudat Umno Wanita Chief, pronounced a Raya open residence supposing a great opportunity for a multi-racial Malaysians, especially in Sabah, to make firm ties.

Among those who came to a open residence was Youth as great as Sports Minister Datuk Peter Pang. - Sabahkini
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DAP Sabah hurdles Musa Aman to make known a quantum as well as date of implementation of brand new oil kingship increment.

DAP Sabah is puzzled upon a sincerity upon a partial of Musa Aman, Chief Minister of Sabah when he announced which a examination upon a oil kingship is open for contention with a sovereign government.
DAP Sabah Chief Jimmy Wong pronounced Musa has a short memory since it was only few days ago which he publicly described a increment of oil kingship as "irrational".

Jimmy Wong combined which a move by Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to examination a oil kingship with a Federal supervision not long ago could be a main reason in Musa's about spin upon a oil royalty.

It is a political play for Musa Aman but in this case (oil royalty) he is showing to a people of his bad quality as a political leader. He (Musa) does not have a tummy to "rock a boat" even if a issue is very important to a people of Sabah. Taib Mahmud has taken a lead.

Jimmy who is Sri Tanjung Assemblyman however congratulates Musa for finally coming to be realistic in as distant as a oil kingship is concerned. Jimmy reminds Musa which Pakatan Rakyat has agreed to increase a oil kingship from 5% to 20% when it assumes energy in Putrajaya. How most can Musa get from a BN supervision as well as how distant will Musa pursue this matter?

Jimmy pronounced he would similar to to remind Musa as well as a BN supervision to quickly make known as well as implement a oil kingship increm! ent befo re a 13th general election. He combined which if there is any credit in his announcement afterwards a announcement upon a quantum as well as date of implementation must be made before a general election. - Sabahkini
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THE RANAU folks who had purchased a residence from a SPNB housing plan in Kg Badukan Ranau were very disappointed by a most years of long wait for there dream residence to be eventually finished as well as handed over to them. The housing plan is being built by a Syarikat Perumahan Nasional Berhad (SPNB), a auxiliary wholly owned by a Ministry of Finance.

The people here complained to a upon vacation KK MP Hiew King Cheu connected with a behind project. The plan is to build as well as deliver 528 units of houses in Kg Badukan in Ranau comprising of 154 units of low price patio houses, 100 units of medium/low price patio houses as well as 274 units of middle price patio houses. The price is ranging from RM57,000 to a little RM105,000.
The plan started work since 2006, as well as until 2008 a complaint of delayed down as well as even stop work occurred upon site. Many people who paid for had been waiting patiently as well as until today they still couldn't have a house, as well as they only do not know when they can pierce in to their new house.

The work upon site according to a people here is very delayed as well as there is not much wake up from a contractor. There is a few workers you do a little small work, but it seems which they have been not unequivocally working full speed. The work finished upon site if starting upon with this rate might take during slightest dual more years to finish or never.

The residence buyers have been angry as well as have done complaints to SPNB. Very sadly there! wasn't any respond as well as movement taken. This creates a people more be concerned as when a plan can be completed.

They pronounced they have been profitable monthly payment as well as interest to a banks where they borrowed income to a developer SPNB. They have been pang heavily, as well as they wish their houses right away as well as not excuses from SPNB as well as a MOF. The MOF cannot deliver a houses is definitely a biggest joke! They pronounced what else a MOF can do for Malaysian!

KK MP Hiew views which a sum disaster caused by a SPNB as well as MOF reflects a incapacity as well as incapability of a benefaction BN government. The simple task of office building a little houses for a people additionally cannot be accomplished with efficiency as well as effectiveness.

There have been most SPNB projects faced a same conviction as well as we only do not see they can finish these thousand of houses as well as apartments during any early dates. It is unequivocally not understandable why a SPNB projects faced such difficulty, might be our Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak can explain to us better.

If according to Tan Sri Koh Su Kyun's KPI (Key Performance Index) Najib should be in low trouble as well as can be sacked already! The people demand to pierce in to their residence immediately.

Hiew serve asked, is it so worry to finish a simple housing plan like this in Ranau? Where is a promises done by a supervision which there is a roof tiles for every one? Now a aphorism for a Malaysian Day as announce by a BN supervision is "Janji Ditepat! i", is u nequivocally demonstrating which they have lied to a Ranau people. It is loyal most people right away saying which in fact it is better be "Janji Tidak Ditepati"! - Sabahkini
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"THE SABAH supervision should take this golden opportunity to direct as well as pointer the brand brand brand new as well as improved oil agreement with Petronas as well as the sovereign government," said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in response to the statement since by the Chief Minister that the State's 5% inorganic substance kingship examination emanate is open for gentle discussions with the sovereign government.

"If the Chief Minister is indeed the Sabahan during heart, this is the many opportune time to not usually find the examination though to direct as well as negotiate the brand brand brand new understanding for Sabah's oil as well as gas resources for the benefit of Sabah as well as the future.It cannot be denied that any enlarge in the oil income including the suggest of 20% by Pakatan Rakyat is really for the benefit of Sabah as well as Sabahans" combined Dr. Jeffrey.
The aged oil agreement is scarcely 4 decades aged as well as the brand brand brand new oil understanding is certainly needed for the destiny of Sabah.The supposed examination will additionally test the frankness of the sovereign supervision as well as the Sabah leaders as well as the extent of the federal-state relationship.

The conflict for Putrajaya to be motionless in Sabah as well as Sarawak

In addition, it is critical to comprehend that the chair of supervision in Putrajaya is right away likely to be motionless by Sabah as well as Sarawak. Therefore, the Sabah as well as Sarawa! k leader s contingency leverage upon their purpose as kingmakers.

Sabah as well as Sarawak leaders contingency safeguard that the rights as well as interests of Sabah as well as Sarawak come first.And, if the sovereign supervision does not agree to enlarge the share of oil income for Sabah as well as Sarawak, the Sabah as well as Sarawak leaders, as kingmakers, should just shift the sovereign government.

The State supervision should additionally adopt the holistic proceed to the aged oil agreement in looking the brand brand brand new deal.

Oil Agreement Unconstitutional?

Many have been of the perspective that the existent oil agreement is unconstitutional as well as invalid since it is not usually astray though infringes upon the fundamental state rights.They additionally subject the management as well as the manner of the then Chief Minister in signing away the oil rights though approval from the State Legislative Assembly. The conditions of the agreement have been not usually loop-sided though grossly astray to the oil-producing states.

5% Not Oil Royalties

The Chief Minister additionally need to improved assimilate the existent oil agreement.

Firstly, the stream 5% is the money remuneration payable by Petronas underneath Section 4 of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 in return for the tenure as well as the rights, powers, liberties as well as privileges of the oil as well as gas resources vested to Petronas by the State as well as is not kingship during all.Furthermore, Section 4 provides that the money remuneration is to be concluded in between the parties, as well as not imposed upon.

There was unlikely to have been any negotiations in 1976 for the volume of the money payment.If i! t had be en scrupulously negotiated, it would not have ended up during the mere 5% for transfer of tenure of the oil as well as gas resources to Petronas.In fact, the then Chief Minster had recently settled that the State was forced to accept the 5% money payment.

Secondly, very couple of people know that in actuality underneath Clause 4 of the 1976 agreement that was sealed 8 days after the Double Six Tragedy, the State supervision was additionally asked to agree to relinquish or to reject Sabah's rights to royalties upon the oil as well as gas resources.

Therefore, in the brand brand brand new deal, the Chief Minister should find the replacement of Sabah's rights to impose oil royalties that have been provided underneath the State List of the Federal Constitution as well as Section 24 of the Land Ordinance, Sabah Cap. 68.

How Much Potential Oil Royalties Did Sabah Lose?

Thirdly, as explained, the stream 5% oil income receivable by the State is money remuneration underneath Section 4 of the Petroleum Development Act as well as nothing to do with royalties.

In the video recording finished in 1975, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who was then Minister of Finance as well as President of Petronas explained that royalties entitlements of the states was 12% for up to 3 miles from the shoreline, as well as with the sovereign supervision removing 10% for up to 10 miles as well as 8% to the sovereign supervision for up to the ubiquitous boundary.

Assuming that this was implemented, Sabah would have gotten or received the total of during slightest 17% in oil income with 12% in royalties as well as 5% money payment.

It is STAR's perspective that Sabah should receive during slightest 30% in royalties since Sabah's operation is the same as the ubiquitous op! eration as Sabah gained autonomy upon 31 August 1963 thereby substantiating the ubiquitous operation as the nation.This means Malaysia's ubiquitous operation happen at the same time with Sabab's ubiquitous boundary.

STAR's Views

As part of STAR Sabah's causes as well as aspirations for Sabah, STAR is looking an enlarge of the oil income to 50% nett income excluding royalties that have been payable even if the tenure is eliminated to Petronas.It is set out in STAR's Petroleum Masterplan that is extensive as well as covers the far-reaching operation of policies for Sabah's oil as well as gas beneficial to Sabah as well as Sabahans.

It is additionally STAR's perspective that Sabah's or Sarawak's oil rights CANNOT be eliminated as it belongs to the States though can usually be leased or assigned for the specific period.

An enlarge from 5% to 50% will bring in an one more volume of during slightest about RM7.0 billion the year for Sabah.It will really help Sabahans as well as alleviate if not eliminate poverty all in Sabah.

The one more RM7.0 billion will be proof that the sovereign as well as state governments have been frank in solution the oil emanate as well as talk of asking for the examination is not just mere election gimmick to hoodwink the voters in Sabah in the coming ubiquitous elections.

Sabah BN should touch their heart as well as impose their domestic will as well as secure the brand brand brand new oil understanding for the destiny as well as benefit of Sabahans as well as not compensate mere lip use as well as fool around the emanate up as an election gimmick .And if the sovereign supervision as well as Petronas does not agree to the brand brand brand new understanding for Sabah as well as Sarawak, the Sabah as well as Sarawak should mount joined as well as s! hift the sovereign supervision for the sake of Sabahans as well as Sarawakians alike. (STAR Media)
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Soi Lek: If Pakatan takes over govt, it will be tough for non-Muslims

BATU PAHAT: Non-Muslims in Malaysia will be during a point of no return if Pakatan Rakyat takes over a government as well as justification a Federal Constitution.PAS had always longed for to grasp its agenda of substantiating an Islamic state as well as implementing hudud, pronounced MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.We cannot listen to DAP which had claimed which even with a two-thirds majority, a single cannot acknowledgement a country an Islamic state as well as which a simple make up cannot be changed, he said.Since a last ... Read More

Kezaliman Johari Abdul terhadap peniaga kecil

Lepas PRU12, Johari Abdul ada berjanji kepada pengundi Sg Petani akan melaksanakan projek pembinaan bangunan perhentian bas ekspres Sungai Petani. Kononnya itulah cara untuk tunjukkan Pakatan Rakyat lebih cekap dan bersih dari kerajaan UMNO-BN.

Tapi pada awal tahun 2009, Kerajaan Pusat dah beri peruntukkan RM8 juta untuk projek berkenaan dan pengurusan pembinaan bangunan berkenaan

Secularism, Islamic State and The State of Islam

August 23, 2012


Secularism, Islamic State as well as The State of Islam

by Dr. Ahmad Farouk Musa, Executive Director, Islamic Renaissance Front

To most Muslims as well as in all a Islamists, a tenure physical is a really repugnant tenure as well as this abhorrence to anything physical stems mainly from a formerly sour knowledge of secularism in Turkey which had led to a dissolution of a Ottoman Caliphate; a last Caliphate in a Muslim world.

The fall of Ottoman Caliphate led to a little Muslim scholars to push for a brand new entity well well known as an Islamic State. The judgment of an Islamic State was not well well known in a Islamic world before that. The categorical proponent for an Islamic State was none alternative than Muhammad Rashid Redha, a great Muslim reformer in a early twentieth century. The categorical goal of Redha was to stem a assault of Western Imperialism.

History has shown which whilst secularism was born in a West, a values spread conflicting a world in most conflicting continents as well as societies. According to Louay Safi, a academician during a International Institute of Islamic Thought, secularism denotes a set of notions as well as values whose target is to ensure which a state is conjunction engaged in compelling specific eremite ideology as well as values, nor uses a powers as well as offices to persecute religion.

To forestall state officials from regulating their domestic management to levy a slight set of eremite attitudes as well as values upon a larger society, as well as to foreclose a probabilit! y of reg ulating eremite symbols to agitate a single eremite village opposite another; a subdivision contingency be done in in in in between domestic authorities from eremite affiliation.

The Islamic State Conundrum

It is an unshakeable idea in in in between most Islamists which a investiture of an Islamic State contingency be a initial as well as foremost bulletin in any domestic struggle. It is usually when an Islamic State is determined which Hudud Penal Code could be implemented.

Since a emanate of Islamic State as well as Hudud is intertwined as well as will become some-more distinguished each time a General Election is around a corner, it would be impending for us to revisit this issue. To most proponents of Islamic State, in particular those in a Islamic Party PAS, a judgment of Islamic State is basically a reproduction of a Gothic ideas promoted by al-Mawardi in al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah (The Ordinances of Government).

Barring a Erdoganists in PAS, a Ulama wing has been priesthood this Gothic judgment which has been ingrained even in a younger generations in all in in in between a eremite educated. It basically fails to plunge in to a little elemental issues in a twenty initial century. It fails to discuss a judgment of constitutionalism, tellurian rights as well as citizenship as an integrated horizon which is really elemental in complicated states. It is of note which it is constitutionalism which provides a authorised as well as domestic horizon for a refuge of tellurian rights, leisure as well as equality in in in between a citizens.

However in an Islamic State as envisioned by most Islamists a eremite prepared in all citizenship ! is perso nal in in in in between Muslim as well as dhimmis, namely non-Muslims who pledged submission to Muslim management as well as thus postulated insurance in sell for a payment of a special taxation well well known as jizyah. Dhimmis have been basically a conflicting of harbis which in all meant non-Muslims who have been repugnant to Islam.

In exemplary texts of Islamic State identical to Mawardi's al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah, a dhimmis have been prevented from riding horses or donkeys within a city limits. In complicated days, this might be homogeneous to pushing cars in a city. And which they wear particular wardrobe in open as well as bells around their necks when visiting pubic showering facilities. The question is would such discriminatory policies be acceptable in a complicated era.

It contingency additionally be concurred which an Islamic State will surely be based upon Islamic values. This would entail to banning all banned things in a Quran. Many Muslim ideologues like Mawdudi, for example, hold which it is unfit for such a state to extent a horizon since it is a totalitarian state encompassing a whole tellurian hold up as well as dignified theory. So nobody has a right to mount up opposite a state as well as thwart any intrusion of a state in personal matters. Obviously this is really identical to a fascist state.

Going by a current discourse in Malaysia, a single gets a impression which a priority of an Islamic State is afterwards to levy a set of rules well well known as hudud. This obsession with hudud stems from a bargain which hudud is boundless law in a Quran which is imposed upon believers. Many people hold which hudud is a set of codified law which can be imposed though resorting to tellurian agency during all. This is an obvious myth since a Quran usually lays down a little basic texts which require tellurian agency to interpret them.

The formulation, adoption as well as implemen! tation o f legislation have been regularly counts of tellurian judgment as well as reasoning. Therefore their dictated implementation is subject to tellurian error as well as fallibility as well as can regularly be challenged as well as questioned. The complaint will movement when such laws have been deemed sacred as well as of God's boundless will as well as any arrange of criticism will be deemed as heresy.

On this matter, Prof Hashim Kamali (left) has argued which hudud Allah in a Quran is a broad judgment which is conjunction cramped to punishments nor to a authorised framework. It provides a extensive set of guidelines upon moral, authorised as well as eremite themes. Whenever a Quran specified punishments for a offences, it additionally done provisions for repentance as well as reformation. Whereas juristic didactic discourse has either left this all out or reduced it to a mechanical ritual which can hardly be pronounced to be reflective of a strange teachings of a Quran.

On another note, not usually is hudud in approach conflict with a Federal Constitution though in a context of a multiracial as well as multi-religious society, such a proposition additionally raises a emanate of either a nation should be governed by dual sets of laws: a single for Muslims as well as a alternative for non-Muslims.

The genuine complaint of having laws such as hudud is which it is presented as mandated by a boundless will of God. This have such laws immune to any criticisms whereas in tangible actuality they was merely a product of a little verbatim interpretations of a certain group of scholars which unsuccessful to see a maqasid or aloft intentions of such laws in attaining a ideals of justice. Criticisms opposite such laws have been done by most Muslim intellectuals such as Prof H! ashim Ka mali as well as until today, have not received any rebuttals from a proponents of hudud.

Sharia contingency conjunction be absolved nor enforced as a source of state law as well as policy simply since they have been believed to be a will of God. Prof Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim argued in "Islam as well as a Secular State" which a idea of even a immeasurable majority of adults which these principles have been contracting as a have a difference of Islamic eremite obligation should sojourn a basement of particular as well as common observance in in in between believers. But which cannot be supposed as enough reason for a coercion by a state since they would afterwards request to adults who might not share which belief.

Why a Secular State

Secularism does not meant a exclusion of religion from a open hold up of a society. The myth which it does, is a single of a reasons most Muslims tend to be repugnant towards a concept.

Calling for a state to be physical is not identical in any ways to a call for secularising a society. A state should be physical in a sense which it is neutral to all a differing eremite doctrines. As Abdullahi An-Naim argued which a state neutrality is required for loyal conviction to be a pushing force of eremite as well as amicable practice, though fear of those who carry out a state.

A physical state contingency embrace democracy. And democracy cannot be based upon Sharia law, as which upon a contrary would denote a theocracy. A physical state would allow each living Muslim a loyal freedom. Freedom to pray as well as quick as he or she ought to, leisure to follow a footsteps of a Prophet as he or she sees ! fit as w ell as leisure to contention to a will of God as he or she understands it.

Mustafa Akyol in his book "Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty" wrote a chapter upon Freedom to Sin. In it he argued which Muslims should rethink a definition of a word "amar ma'ruf nahi munkar" or simply "commanding a good, ominous a wrong". They need to have a transparent distinction in in in in between "crime" as well as "sin". While combating crime can be done around authorised means, sins should usually be by civil means identical to preaching.

The argument does not movement from an repugnant perspective opposite loyalty though from a loyal high regard of what loyalty is all about: a frank idea giveaway from coercion. Any complement of administration which imposes loyalty since of a idea which it is part of a didactic discourse "commanding a great as well as preventing a wrong" identical to Saudi Arabia for instance, is basically formulating a village of hypocrites than genuine piety.

Genuine loyalty usually arises by personal choice. And which preference usually becomes probable when there is freedom. In alternative difference leisure to sin is a required medium to be sincerely pious. The erudite Muhammad Asad made it really transparent when creation his commentary in his magnum opus "The Message of a Quran" per hymn twenty-five of al-A'raf or Faculty of Discernment where he commented upon a story about Adam as well as Eve enticement when he said:

"The growth of his consciousness symbolised by a determined action of insubordination to God's command altered all this. It remade him from a purely intrinsic being in to a bone-fide tellurian entit! y as you know it a tellurian being means of perceptive in in in in between right as well as wrong as well as thus of choosing his approach of life. In this deeper sense, a story of a Fall does not report a retrogressive happening though rather, a brand new theatre of tellurian development: an opening of doors to dignified consideration. By ominous him to "approach a tree", God done it probable for male to action wrongly, as well as therefore, to action righteously as well. And so male became endowed with which dignified giveaway will which will heed him from all alternative sentry beings."

The Way Forward

The arguments per this topic could go ad infinitum. However a categorical goal is usually to stir a discuss in in in between a protagonists of Islamic State to which of a Secular State. One thing which is really transparent as well as succinct, there is no mention about an Islamic State in a Quran. With which in mind, you have to work upon a most appropriate form of supervision which will be tenable to all a conflicting races as well as religions in a country.

If you still wish to go on fighting for an Islamic State, you have to determine upon a single basic fact. Not a single particular Muslim either a Grand Syeikh of al-Azhar or Saudi Mufti could claim to have a theocratic authority. Considering which Muslims have been widely separated in to conflicting sects, ideas as well as views, a usually complement which would be satisfactory for all would be a a single which would include all of them in a domestic process. Taking additionally in to care a significant non-Muslim village in a nation who should never be deliberate as second-class citizens, afterwards a physical state which embraces democracy is a most logical option.

We have to determine which secularism, as a subdivision of state from religion is substantially a smallest requirement for participation in a sphere of county reason. Secularism needs religion to pr! ovide a dignified superintendence for a village as well as in turn, religion needs secularism to mediate a relations in in in in between a conflicting communities which share a same domestic space as well as space of county reason.

Secularism is means to combine diverse communities of idea as well as use in to a single domestic village simply since a dignified claims it creates have been minimal. And secularism is means to endure differing perspective in a religiously diverse village whilst maintaining a domestic stability. Whereas such a incident is substantially usually a mental condition in an strict Islamic state envisioned by most Islamists.

* Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa is a executive of a Islamic Renaissance Front.

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Kalau BN adalah Parti Syaitan, maka UMNO mestilah Iblis

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Youth To Abide By Party Leadership Decision On Electoral Candidates - Razali

Youth will respect and abide by a preference of a celebration leadership upon a preference of candidates to represent a wing in a next ubiquitous election, the vice-chief, Datuk Razali Ibrahim, pronounced today. He pronounced he himself ...

Ciri-ciri Lelaki Dambaan Rozita Che Wan

Walaupun sering kali dikaitkan dengan lelaki muda, bagaimanapun pelakon jelita Rozita Che Wan mengakui dia sebenarnya mencari jejaka kacak, berkemampuan dan tidak banyak kerenah. ... Read More

Dr M admits he & BN are the DEVIL not the Angel

... Read More

Let BN decide on Tenom parliamentary seat Pairin - The Borneo Post

Malaysia Chronicle

Let BN confirm upon Tenom parliamentary chair Pairin
The Borneo Post
Its president, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, pronounced a call from a division to be since a right to contest a Tenom parliamentary chair in a coming election, which is now held by Umno, is just an countenance from a ground. He pronounced any ...
All's not well during Tenom BN division Free Malaysia Today
Don't plead issues openly: Tenom BN Daily Express
GAG ORDER: Tenom BN leaders told not to raise domestic issues openly Malaysia Chronicle

all 7 news articles

Umno Youth in Agony with A taste of their own medicine 114A!

By Ida Lim (TMI)
August 22, 2012

Umno Youth deputy Ibdilillah Ishak shows a copy of a police inform lodged upon interest of a wing's chief, Khairy. Picture by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, August twenty-two The weight of proof is upon Umno Youth to uncover which it is not a publishing house of argumentative remarks suggesting which a opinion for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will outcome in Christianity apropos a country's central religion, due of new amendments to a Evidence Act, lawyers have said.
Umno Youth has claimed which a chairman who put up a print with a argumentative remarks was "unauthorised" to do so as well as which a page was not its central Facebook page.

The poster, which was uploaded final Saturday as well as taken down a same day, appeared to suggest which votes for sovereign antithesis Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will means Islam to be replaced by Christianity as a country's central religion.

It had read: "Jika anda setuju untuk jadikan KRISTIAN sebagai agama rasmi persekutuan Malaysia, teruskan sokongan anda kepada Pakatan Rakyat. (If we agree to have CHRISTIANITY a central religion of a federation of Malaysia, continue supporting Pakatan Rakyat.) 'God bless we my son'."

If Umno Youth is brought to court over a "unauthorised" Facebook post, it would be a test case for a newly-enforced Section 114A of a Evidence Act which has already seen drawn out antithesis from a public.

A shade constraint shows an lengthened thumbnail of a anti-Christian print upon a "Pemuda Umno Malaysia" page.
Section 114A makes even coffee shops charity giveaway Wi-Fi services liable for any insulting or criminal acts of customers using computers duri! ng their premises.
The new law creates a hypothesis which any purebred user of network services is reputed to be a publishing house of a publication sent from a mechanism linked to which network service, if he cannot uncover otherwise

The Section additionally provides which any "person whose name, sketch or pen name appears upon any publication depicting himself as a owner, host, administrator, editor or sub-editor, or who in any manner facilitates to tell or re-publish a publication is reputed to have published or re-published a essence of a publication unless a discordant is proved."

Civil liberties counsel Syahredzan Johan told The Malaysian Insider which Section 114A would impose a hypothesis which Umno Youth had published a poster, but notes which "this significant hypothesis is not tested in court" yet.

"But say, for whatever reason, Umno Youth is charged underneath a Sedition Act for promoting sick will between a Muslim as well as Christian communities, a significant hypothesis would operate," Syahredzan said.

"All a prosecution would need to prove is which a Umno Youth is stated to be a owner or director of a Facebook page," he said, observant which it is "quite easy to do so" as a page "represents itself as Umno Youth's".

Once which is proven, Umno Youth would be "presumed to be a publishing house of a post" as well as would then need to "rebut this presumption", he added.

"This is a perfect e.g. of a stupidity as well as injustice of Section 114A in operation."

The budding minister had upon Twitter final week pronounced his Cabinet would review a law after several organisations together with a Malaysian Bar chose to black out their websites to vigilance their antithesis to a law.

A day later, however, Information, Communications as well as Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim voiced which a law will stay.

Foong Cheng Leong, a Kuala Lumpur Bar IT committee co-chair, agreed with Syahredzan, observant which "if we follow (Se! ction) 1 14A, looking during subsection 1, it seems which a hypothesis of actuality is which Umno Youth is a publishing house of a poster."

He pronounced there is an "impression which it's a bona fide Pemuda Umno page", observant which a Facebook page, which has over 50,000 "likes", features Umno Youth's trademark as well as a party boss Datuk Seri Najib Razak's photograph.

Foong pronounced which Section 114A is unclear upon a number of things, observant which it "does not contend when a hypothesis is rebutted."

"We do not know if a police inform is enough to plead a presumption," he said, observant which "we're left during a unknown stage."

"Can a media go as well as tell everybody which Pemuda Umno is a publishing house of a poster? Can a media tell it as actuality because in a law it's reputed as fact?" he asked.

When asked if there was any law for Umno Youth to fall back upon in court, a counsel pronounced there is "no exemption underneath (Section) 114A" as well as "the usually thing they can do is come out with proof it's not them."

Lawyer Faisal Moideen shared Foong's view, observant which "making a police inform might not be enough because it seems to be a unclothed denial."

However, he shielded a law as well as stressed which it does not impose a hypothesis of guilt but usually a hypothesis of actuality of publication.

"At a end of a day, it doesn't mean they have committed a crime," he said, adding which "it takes more than just publication to have a chairman guilty."

Based upon his reading of a law, he pronounced "you do not have to uncover who did it, we have to uncover we didn't tell it" to plead a presumption.

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5 Malaysian varsities in Asia's Top 99

#39 in Asia, #167 in a world
So a varsities are not a most appropriate in a Middle East as well as positively not in a world, though you are one of a best, according to US News' World Best Universities. In fact, you are several of a best. Universiti Malaya is ranked 39th most appropriate university in Asia. National University of Singapore is many rungs on top of (#3) though Malaysia can exaggerate of having some-more than one in Asia's Top 100: UKM #53, USM #54, UPM #57, as well as UTM #76. Five top 100 varsities in Middle East can't be all that bad, can it?See a rankingsh e r e.
In a US News' Top 400 list, no university from Middle East creates it to a Top 20. Asia's most appropriate is ranked #22 in a world. UM comes in at #167.
p.s. Politicians are not a only ones who will do anything to get to a top. One respectable varsity owned up that it did, too. ReadEmery University Cheated ...

MCA & the Star newspaper - insulting the peoples intelligence

MCA & the Star journal - scornful the peoples' intelligence
you have not bought the duplicate of The Star given 2010 because it is not worth the RM1.30. Some have described it as Malaysia's No.1 toilet paper, as far as hard headlines is concerned.
The paper is only the mouth piece of the MCA which it controls as well as directly manages. The paper is fully used by the MCA to foster as well as further the domestic bulletin to save the Chinese community as well as Malaysians in general.
However, in so doing, the MCA leadership, especially the implicitly sinister president Dr Chua Soi Lek, as well as The Star do not practice comprehension as well as innovative arguments. They have been possibly too lazy to think intelligently, too arrogant or only do not have the domestic ideas to fit their cause though scornful the readers.
you reproduce here the classic inform by The Star which explains because the paper is not worth the single sen as far as hard headlines is concerned:
'Opposition have been small critics'
(The Star) - The Opposition is only great during criticising the Government though displaying any concrete policy or plan, pronounced MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
He pronounced the Opposition had never shown the programmes to say what the nation had been enjoying right away or how to even better it.
"Job opportunities as well as the nation's stability do not come of course as well as should not be taken for granted," he said.
In contrast, the Barisan Nasional Government underneath the Prime Minister's care had! taken t he step further by implementing the mutation programmes to ensure continuous mercantile expansion as well as improve people's lives, pronounced Dr Chua.
"The programmes provide clear amicable as well as mercantile growth as well as the whole direction is towards becoming the high-income nation by the year 2020," he said, adding which mercantile as well as amicable progress for the next couple of years was vital in bringing Malaysia out of the middle-income group.
"If you cannot get out in 10 years, you will be incompetent to compete with alternative countries, together with Thailand, Vietnam as well as Indonesia," he pronounced during the dialogue with youths from twelve Chinese associations here yesterday.
The Opposition, added Dr Chua, had additionally managed to sidetrack people from the genuine issues inspiring their lives as well as the nation by creating as well as harping upon rarely romantic issues.
He pronounced whilst most were excited over the two-party complement in the wake of the 2008 ubiquitous election, they forgot pass counts similar to education, job opportunities as well as mercantile as well as amicable development.
"They seem to be some-more disturbed about alternative domestic issues which incite arguments rsther than than important counts connected with them.
"A two-party complement which brings larger foe between domestic parties as well as provides alternatives for the people is good.
"Unfortunately in Malaysia, there have been the lot of personal attacks rsther than than policy to policy or use opening comparison," he said
Many people, Dr Chua pointed out, seemed to be less worried whether the next supervision could ensure the country's stability as well as mercantile growth, as well as emanate some-more job opportunities.
Earlier, Dr Chua, who is Batu Pahat MCA chairman, vis! ited the illness awareness debate organized by the division's 1MCA Medical Foundation during Taman Makmur.
In PUTRAJAYA, after attending the Prime Minister's Hari Raya open house, he pronounced open houses could be regarded as partial of the 1Malaysia concept as it promoted inclusiveness.
This concept, he said, was unique to Malaysia as well as should be actively practised.
From the headlines heading down to the last text, it is only solid scornful the readers' comprehension as well as only not worth the money you have been paying.
Get real, Soi Lek!
The headlines headline: 'Opposition have been small critics' so, what is MCA as well as him? Please go as well as demeanour during yourself in the mirror!
Instead of continuing to dish out such crap given Merdeka (Independence) August 31, 1957, can't Chua as well as MCA come up with the right questions as well as issues?
Instead of scornful us, can't he ask:
1. Why is Umno trying to woo PAS as well as because is Umno, right away led by the former racist premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, calling for the doing of Hudud?
2. If Barisan Nasional (BN)'s 1Malaysia policy, idea, guide or whatever you call it is to be taken seriously, because have been people similar to the emissary prime minister authorised to be Malay First, Malaysian Next?
3. Why have been people similar to Ibrahim 'Perkasa' Ali authorised to freely spew factious statements as well as use violence upon the public?
4. Why the Christian bashing each right away as well as then?
5. Why, after 55 years, MCA is still articulate about Chinese preparation as well as which it is the solitary celebration means to urge it? Instead, by saying so, MCA has essentially admitted it had failed to foster as well as urge the people's right to mother-tongue preparation given 1957. If not, because have been you s! till ups et about this issue?
6. What about the Cowgates as well as all alternative shameful gates which have been emptying the government's coffer or depleting taxation payers' savings for the country?
you can go upon to list up to 100 questions though you do not want to risk scornful or boring readers of this blog. It is sufficient to rest my case which MCA as well as The Star have been scornful the peoples' intelligence.
You be the judge. Use the mirror to question each paragraph in The Star inform as well as you will see the light during the end of the tunnel!
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Are inflammatory religious remarks now fair game?

Pak Sako
The Malaysian Insider
Statements made by Mahathir Mohamad after the mosque function in Kedah as available by Sinar Harian ('Hudud boleh dilaksana jika Pas sertai Umno', Aug 17, 2012), if true, would consecrate an unprecedented rebuff of the enlightenment of eremite respectfulness by any Malaysian statesman of which reputation.
The report cites him as saying that:
PAS should leave Pakatan Rakyat as soon as probable because they welcome "infidels" who evidently reject hudud.("Pas harus keluar dari PR secepat mungkin kerana mereka saling berpelukan dengan orang kafir yang secara nyata menolak hudud.");
PAS will not be able to exercise hudud as prolonged as they have been with the domestic celebration which does not recognize which "Islam is the higher religion."("Selagi Pas bersama parti yang tidak mengakui Islam adalah agama unggul, hukum hudud tidak dapat di laksanakan.").
The first acknowledgement uses the derogatory term which no self-respecting Muslim Malaysian would cast in referring to his non-Muslim brothers as well as sisters, domestic differences notwithstanding. The second acknowledgement implies which all other religions have been defective to Islam.
Both have been insensitive as well as divisive. They ought to have no place in our multi-religious domestic discourse.
It is regrettable which these difference were released by the former prime minister. They contingency nonetheless be! censure d. Silence would only signal which it is legitimate to engage in such eremite sand slinging.
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Anwar dah pening dengan Lajim

Menurut seorang rakan di HQ PKR, Anwar sudah mula merungut dengan suasana politik Sabah. Anwar pening kepala, kerana terlampau banyak direct yang dikemukakan oleh kumpulan yang melompat ini. Macam-macam. Those people have been foolish fools pernah diutarakan dalam meeting penting.Nampaknya, Anwar akan berdepan dengan karenah politik Lajim, Bumburing ini sampai menjelang pilihanraya. Khabarnya, Lajim

Aussies ignored Malaysian banknote scandal

A 'secret' memo warning a Reserve Bank of Australia dual years ago prior to a polymer banknote copy scandal, involving a Bank Negara official as well as a Malaysian agent, was ignored.
PETALING JAYA: A "private as well as confidential" memo warning top officials of Australia's senior manager bank of possible corruption, involving a Malaysian agent, between others, was funded from a Australian council as well as police.
The memo was about a Reserve Bank of Australia's subsidiaries Note Printing Australia (NPA) Ltd as well as Securency International upon getting contracts to imitation polymer banknotes for Malaysia .
Pressure mounted today for an independent inquiry in to allegations which a Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lonesome up justification of temptation by a note-printing subsidiaries.
Eight management team from dual firms possibly wholly or part-owned by RBA NPA as well as Securency International are facing claims they conspired to cheat officials during unfamiliar banks to secure contracts to have plastic banknotes.
This is pronounced to be a single of a misfortune cases of crime in Australian history.
The Australian newspaper The Age pennyless a story today. The paper pronounced a memo was sent in 2007 to "deputy governor of RBA" by Brian Hood, a comparison commercial operation senior manager of NPA.
The RBA is right away being accused of a cover-up, as this ask was never prior to revealed despite a parliamentary cabinet investigating a matter.
The RBA had released a statement denying which it had misled a parliamentary committee, explaining which a pronounced ask was "not new".
According to The Age, a memo had, between alternative matters, warned which "extraordinarily" large payments done by NPA to a Malaysian representative had been used to have "payments to others including officials as well as politicians".
It additionally pronounced which a Malaysian representative had admitted which such payoffs were "the accepted approach of you do commercial operation in which partial of a world".

Malaysian middleman
The same representative had asked for NPA's funds to be destined to an ANZ account of a mystery "nominated individual" whose "position" a lobbyist refused to disclose.
An online transcript of a memo read: "My concerns over probity in respect of a Malaysian representative first arose when he requested elect funds overdue to him be destined to an ANZ Brisbane account of a nominated individual."
"When we indicated which this ask wouldn't be entertained by NPA, he retracted a request. The representative would not insist what position/role a nominated particular held.
"During a visit to Melbourne, a representative sought to encourage me which traffic by such 'networks' was a accepted approach of you do commercial operation in which partial of a world," Hood additionally wrote in a memo.
The memo additionally pronounced which NPA was giving a abroad agents "greatly exceeded" industry standards as well as which those agents had admitted profitable off officials.
While a Malaysian representative was not specifically named in a memo, bureau worker Abdul Kayum Syed Ahmad has been repeatedly singled out as a Malaysian pull representing NPA as well as Securency in! a scand al.
The liaison pennyless out in 2009 after headlines reports forced RBA to initiate investigations with a police. It is bootleg in Australia to make use of middlemen to gain supervision contracts.
In July, 2011, a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) conducted joint investigations with a Australian Federal Police (AFP) in which 6 Australian management team from a dual banknote companies, as well as dual Malaysians were arrested.
Abdul Kayum, 62, who is additionally an arms dealer, was charged with giving bribes amounting to RM100,000 by a pull to former Bank Negara assistant governor Mohamad Daud Dol Moin for help in procuring a polymer note copy contract.
Tip of a iceberg
Daud was purported to have perceived a cheat to gain a contract, which saw NPA as well as Securency International awarded a RM95 million stipulate to imitation a RM5 polymer notes.
Abdul Kayum is charged underneath Section 11 (a) of a Anti-Corruption Act as well as faces up to twenty years in prison as well as a fine of five times a cheat amount. He faces a same chastisement underneath Section sixteen of a Anti-Corruption Act if found guilty.
Daud, 58, was charged with usurpation a RM100,000 cheat from Abdul Kayum to help secure a contract. Daud faces a same punishement if convicted underneath Section 11(a).
Both men, accused of giving as well as reception dual bribes of RM50,000 any between Dec 1, 2004, as well as Feb 16, 2005, had pleaded not guilty.
Meanwhile, a 6 former employees of NPA as well as Securency International were afterwards additionally charged during a Sydney magistrate's court with "bribing Asian officials to secure contracts to imitation their currencies".
They were former Securency arch senior manager Myles Curtis; former NPA arch senior manager John Leckenby; former Securency arch monetary officer Mitchell Anderson; former NPA arch monetar! y office r Peter Hutchinson; former Securency sales senior manager Rognvald Marchant and
former NPA sales senior manager Barry Brady.
Although Abdul Kayum is pronounced to be during a centre of a investigations for Malaysian as well as Australian police, it was reported which a charging of Daud was usually a "tip of a iceberg", with some-more comparison officials concerned in a scandal.
Former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had to repudiate allegations which dual Australian banknote firms attempted to cheat him for a RM100 million Malaysian banking stipulate when he was still in office.
The Age had reported which anti-graft authorities hold Securency International as well as NPA allegedly sought to cheat Abdullah in 2003, with partial of RM13.5 million in commissions done to dual Malaysian middlemen.
Other than Kayum, a alternative representative for Securency International as well as NPA was named as former Umno state representative Abdullah Hasnan Kamaruddin.
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's name was additionally mentioned in a liaison as an additional report had purported which Securency International had hired a association chaired by his hermit to help it win banknote contracts in Malaysia in 2009 as it could "offer it access to, as well as change over,
Malaysia's top politicians".
The company, Liberal Texhnology Sdn Bhd, later pronounced which Haris Onn Hussein, who is additionally Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's cousin, had sole his shares in 2006
Previously, it was additionally reported which 3 people were charged with being paid RM11.3 million to secure a stipulate from Bank Negara as well as to safeguard which a supervision of Malaysia opted for polymer notes.
Meanwhile, RBA governor Glenn Stevens is expected to face questions about a allegations as well as a 2007 memo during a parliamentary cabinet conference in Canberra upon Friday.
The memo apparently contradi! cts seve ral prior statements done by Stevens to a sovereign parliamentary cabinet in 2011 which a RBA did not know of bribes as well as crime inside a subsidiaries prior to a 2009 reports.
Stevens had later prepared his sworn statement to say which a ask had been provided to his emissary Ric Battellino, who is right away retired.
The military inquiry began in May 2009 after The Age unprotected a scandal.
Securency International prints polymer banknotes for 30 countries as well as was responsible for a 1998 Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games RM50 memorial notes. The association itself has additionally been charged with 3 counts of swindling to change unfamiliar officials.
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How can DAP sack me, Tan Tuan Tat after I quit?

Former DAP Sungai Pelek council relationship cabinet part of Tan Tuan Tat also cliams which a DAP disciplinary board done a announcement to sack him before sending him any letter.
KAJANG: Former DAP Sungai Pelek council relationship cabinet part of Tan Tuan Tat currently questioned a party's logic in sacking him after he voiced he give up DAP.
"How can DAP sack me after we had give up a party?" Tuan Tat asked, when contacted today.
Tuan Tat, who was also Selangor DAP auditor as well as Taman Sungai Pelek bend chairman, bent out of a celebration upon Thursday after raising issues relating to Selangor government-linked corporation, Talam Sdn Bhd, as well as expressing restlessness against Selangor DAP leadership for sacking him simply because he was a clever believer of Sungai Pinang state deputy as well as Selangor State Legislative Assembly orator Teng Chang Kim.
"I publicly voiced which we give up a celebration during twelve noon as well as faxed a minute to DAP headquarters during 2.45pm," he said.
Tuan Tat was supposed to be in attendance a second disciplinary conference during 4pm upon which day as a outcome of a censure against him by Salak Baru bend cabinet member Lee Kwi Keong in March, this year.
He was indicted of formulating 149 haunt members for a formation of three branches in Sungai Pelek.
Tan pronounced he was surprised to read press reports quoting DAP disciplinary cabinet chairman as well as Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai announcing which he was sacked with evident affect.
Tuan Tat also claimed which he never perceived a minute in black as well as white to say which he was booted out of a party.
"Th e final minute we perceived from DAP was a presentation informing me to attend a hearing," pronounced Tuan Tat.
Meanwhile in a related development, Sungai Pelek coordinator P Sivakumar issued a statement upon Saturday as well as simplified which Tuan Tat's exclusion was due to a latter's dishonesty in formulating bogus branches.
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Poser over Labuan MP post

and Barisan Nasional (BN) should explain either the island still has the Member of Parliament following the failure judgements obtained against Datuk Yussof Mahal on Aug 17. "People are confused.

If ENOUGH Malaysians want change, there's NOTHING much BN can do - Ambiga

If ENOUGH M'sians wish change, there's NOTHING most BN can do - Ambiga
Ambiga Sreenevasan got unknown genocide threats for her work on the rights of women whose husbands modify to Islam in Muslim-majority Malaysia four years ago. After heading the rally calling for electoral reforms in April, she was accused of fraud by the statute celebration lawmaker.
The 55-year-old former Malaysian Bar Council president, who perceived the International Women of Courage Award from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2009, hasn't stopped challenging the government's tellurian rights policies.
"They underestimate right-thinking Malaysians," she pronounced in an interview. "We do not similar to bullying."
While Prime Minister Najib Razak, who contingency call elections by early 2013, has concluded to some of the final of Ambiga's Coalition for Clean as good as Fair Elections, or Bersih, for fairer choosing by casting votes procedures such as the make use of of indelible ink, his supervision has spoken the polite society group bootleg as good as she has become the concentration of personal attacks. Opposition leaders have championed Bersih's debate as good as called the attacks racist.
"She is seen as somebody who's the professional, has the aspirations of the middle class, believes in things similar to tellurian rights as good as good governance," pronounced James Chin, the professor of political science during the Malaysian campus of Australia's Monash University outward Kuala Lumpur. "She symbolizes that: Somebody who binds the Malaysian authorities accountable for their actions."
Triple Minority
T he mom of two believes her "demonization" has intensified since supervision supporters wish to criticise the credit of the non-partisan debate for giveaway as good as satisfactory elections.
As an Indian, Hindu as good as woman, "I'm the minority in each clarity of the word as good as I consider they thought it would be easy to do," she said.
In the 2008 elections, Najib's multiparty, multiethnic National Front bloc had the misfortune showing in five decades of unbroken rule as civic Malays as good as Chinese as good as Indian minorities upheld antithesis parties pledging policies which do not distinguish in preference of the Malay-Muslim majority.
Harassment of Ambiga since the Apr proof has enclosed traders environment up outward her home as good as portion giveaway beef burgers as good as Malay army veterans stretching as good as jolt their bum near her house.
Ruling celebration lawmaker Mohamad Aziz withdrew his Jun twenty-six criticism about Ambiga's possible fraud - the crime which carries the genocide penalty - two days after following complaints from the statute coalition's racial Indian celebration leaders.
Electoral Impact
"Her rather ease as good as methodical responses to many of the opposite challenges as good as the personal attacks," have since the clarity of pride to the Indian Malaysian community, according to Bridget Welsh, Associate Professor of Political Science during the Singapore Management University. "By permitting the people who pounded her to go without charge or defamation -- this has actually had an electoral impact."
Indians account for about 7 percent of Malaysia's race of twenty-nine million. Najib's approval ratings dropped to 69 percent in Jun from 72 percent in May among the racial Indian community, presumably due to dissatisfaction over statements toward Ambiga, according to the Merdeka Center for Opinion Research consult expelled Jul 26.
Mohamad Aziz's comments were personal as good as didn't simulate the National Front's stand, the bloc pronounced Jun 27. Najib pronounced two days after which statements which hurt the feelings of alternative races shouldn't be made.
Overseas Voting
Besides the make use of of indelible ink, the subsequent choosing will allow Malaysians vital abroad to opinion as part of "unprecedented measures" to strengthen the electoral process, the supervision orator said.
Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad pronounced in an talk which Ambiga led "unreasonable" attacks opposite the supervision when she was heading the bar council.
"She seems to have some grudge opposite the government," pronounced Mahathir, who resigned in 2003 after 22 years in power. "I consider this country has done most better than any alternative developing country as good as nonetheless to her it's wrong, it's all wrong."
Ambiga insists she is non-partisan as good as will not come in ruling body "so when you contend something, it's not since of ruling body as good as not since of which celebration I belong to, but since it is right, since it's the law."
Bersih, which last month won the justice order overturning the government's declaration it is an bootleg organization, will go on to push for greater clarity in the choosing by casting votes system, observant the changes announced by the supervision aren't estimable sufficient or haven't nonetheless been implemented.
Positive Change
After receiving genocide threats together with the minute one by e-mail on Jun 30, Ambiga right away travels with bodyguards, but she doesn't believe which Malaysia, which saw racial clashes as good as the cessation of legislature when the statute celebration lost await in 1969 elections, will knowledge political violence.
"If sufficient people wish change, there's very small anyo! ne can d o to stop it," she said. "Malaysians have been in all peace- loving -- you have been nowhere near what was function in the Middle East, Tunisia as good as Egypt. We have been during the right point in time for positive change, as good as if you have been going to bring change, you usually wish to do it by purify as good as satisfactory elections."
The lawyer intends to step down from Bersih after Malaysia's subsequent choosing to concentration on her work during her organisation specializing in commercial, intellectual property as good as industrial law. Personal interests similar to cricket as good as the arts have additionally been set aside, she said.
Stage, Courts
"My claim to celebrity was sharing the stage with Jit Murad about 37 years ago," she said, referring to the comedian as good as actress who co-founded Malaysia's Instant Cafe Theatre Company.
Ambiga additionally has some unprepared work from her previous debate which first brought her genocide threats: Women's rights.
Malaysia has the polite justice complement hereditary from the former British colonial rulers as good as apart Islamic courts ruling marriage, inheritance as good as alternative family matters for Muslims.
"The courts have abdicated their shortcoming over the lot of family law issues in these situations involving both the Shariah courts as good as polite courts," she said, citing cases where husbands have converted to Islam as good as unilaterally converted their children too, leaving wives in limbo.
While the supervision in 2008 proposed legislation requiring individuals wishing to modify to first surprise family members as good as residence control issues, the process stalled during Malaysia's legislature of Malay rulers, who have inherent shortcoming for Islamic affairs.
"This should be first in line for resolution," Ambiga said. "The ordinary Malaysian is beginning to realize which i! t is not acceptable to play up religion as good as race in politics. There is the real maturing."
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