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This is How Liberty Dies...With Thunderous Applause
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Tug-of-war for leadership of Sabah NGO
Former Umno charge force
The duplicate was filed to stifle the ROS decision, the stipulation which no AGM in 2012 was ever conducted and, otherwise even if an AGM was held, the assembly was unlawful, nothing as well as void.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
JK III prevents more followers from entering Sabah
AirGo airline seats, brainchild of Malaysia-based engineering student
- New pattern places the party shade as good as tray upon top of the newcomer in their own storage compartment
- Seats embody nylon filigree to pillow passengers - as good as minimise sweating upon long flights
- Concept has already wonMalaysian inhabitant James Dyson Award
Scroll down for video
- Alternative universe will burst 'like the bubble' as good as obliterate ours during the speed of light (at least we won't see it coming... as good as you've ten billion years to get your affairs in order)
- The 'Robocop' headset which lets military see through walls as good as brand suspects usually by LOOKING during them
VIDEOWatch the video put together by the designer to showcase his wo! rk
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Ubah DAP, gag-nam style!
Speaking to ABC's Foreign Correspondent program, Carr had to admit he lied about the government being unknowingly of Zygiers existence. Previously he had told ABC, It's never been lifted with me."
"We have been not like all other countries.We have been some-more threatened, some-more challenged, as well as therefore we have to safeguard the proper wake up of the confidence forces."
Half truths and semi-lies
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BNs politics of fear
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Perebutan jawatan Menteri Besar Kedah semakin memuncak. Krisis dalaman PAS Kedah semakin membesar sepertimana besarnya juga lubang tembelang yang mereka cuba katup selama ini. Azizan Abdul Razak sudah terlalu hampir hendak menelanjangkan siapa tok dalang yang menyebat duit taukeh-taukeh Cina menerusi penebangan rakus hutan dan penggondolan bukit serta gunung di Kedah. Malah Azizan Abdul Razak juga sudah terlalu hampir hendak mendedahkan rahsia, siapa sebenarnya yang menjadi dalang, Kedah bakal menjadi negeri muflis.
Justeru, sebelum Azizan buka mulut dan mendedahkan segala-galanya, puak berkenaan terlebih dahulu bertindak dengan memanggil ahli-ahli PAS untuk berdemonstrasi semata-mata untuk menggulingkan Azizan Abdul Razak. Saranan agar setiap masalah diselesaikan secara musyawarah nampaknya telah digantikan dengan demonstrasi menuntut perletakan jawatan.
Beberapa hari lepas, Phahrolrazi Zawawi dengan MUKA TAK MALUnya, lengkap dengan bulu hidung terjulur, tersenyum sengih memberitahu, DIA SUDAH BERSEDIA MENJADI MENTERI BESAR KEDAH!
Punyalah konfiden menatang penjilat Guan Eng tu.
Tapi hari ini, nampaknya Phahrolrazi Zawawi dah berjaya meyakinkan Dewan Ulama PAS Kedah untuk berdemonstrasi menggulingkan Azizan Abdul Razak. Entah berapa banyaklah pula rasuah yang telah diberikannya kepada Dewa! n Ulama PAS Kedah untuk berbuat begitu.
Yang sahihnya, orang yang paling takut sekiranya Azizan buka mulut sebenarnya adalah Phahrolrazi Zawawi. Justeru, walau dengan apa cara sekalipun, dia perlu mendesak Azizan letak jawatan walaupun penggal pentadbiran PAS di Kedah sudah begitu hampir untuk ditalqinkan!
Xenophon ditahan di Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah (LCCT), Sepang pada Sabtu lepas setelah didapati mempunyai rekod memudaratkan kesejahteraan negara dan tindakan itu mengikut Seksyen 8(3) Akta Imigresen 1959/63 oleh Jabatan Imigresen.
Rata-rata mereka tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan Xenophon itu kerana ia dianggap mencampuri urusan negara Malaysia yang berdaulat dan merdeka sejak 1957 lagi.
Berikut petikan laporan yang telah diterjemahkan:
Laporan The Australian, 19 Februari 2013, twelve pagi:-
Nick Xenophon dilantik dan dibayar gaji oleh rakyat Australia untuk mewakili kepentingan mereka di Parlimen, bukannya untuk mencampuri urusan dan hal ehwal dalaman negara lain. Daripada mencampuri politik Malaysia, adalah lebih baik jika beliau fokus terhadap isu dalam negara seperti kerajaan pimpinan Gilliard yang tidak berhati-hati dalam menangani masalah ekonomi, hubungan industri, pertahanan dan kebajikan warga emas.
Satu tindakan yang tepat untuk Malaysia menghantarnya pulang.
- John George, Cherrybrook, NSW
Nilai dan standard yang pelik: golongan atasan berasa tidak senang apabila ahli politik Nick Xenophon dihlalang masuk ke Malaysia tetapi pada masa sama, golongan yang diketuai oleh bekas Menteri Imigresen, Chris Bowen merasakan tidak salah untuk menyekat selama beberapa bulan sebelum meluluskan visa ahli politik Belanda, Geert Wilders, yang mana proses itu biasanya mengambil masa tiga atau empat hari bagi rakyat Belanda.
Pada masa sama, jurucakap k! epada ca wangan kumpulan Islam British dikenali Hizb ut-Tahrir, Taji Mustafa yang mengecam pembunuhan askar Australia di Aghanistan dan meminta tindakan ketenteraan dikenakan terhadap Israel juga tidak diluluskan permohonan visanya.
- Jim Ball, Narrabeen, NSW
Saya berasa terkejut mengetahui kita menghantar ahli politik untuk campurtangan dalam politik negara lain di rantau ini dan begitu memahami mengapa Nick Xenophon telah dihalang dari masuk ke Malaysia.
Sebelum ini, Kevin Rudd menganggu China, rundingan ternakan Indonesia yang gagal, isu pelarian dari Malaysia dan Timur Leste yang memalukan dan terbaru, tindakan yang dilakukan olen Nick Xenophon.
Malaysia berkembang pesat pada kadar 5 peratus dan kadar pengangguran ialah 3 peratus, jadi wakil rakyat mereka patut ke sini dan memaklumkan kepada kita bagaimana untuk menguruskan negara ini.
- John Mather, Mosman, NSW
Laporan anda menjelaskan nilai Nick Xenophon (18/2). Sebagai bekas kakitangan kerajan yang bergantung kepada pencen seperti mana yang dijanjikan oleh kedua-dua parti utama untuk diperbetulkan tetapi akhirnya ia tidak berlaku. Saya tidak dapat melupakan sifat hipokrit Xenophon yang menyokong permintaan dan kehendak kakitangan awam apabila beliau bertanding dan kemudiannya menggunakan undinya dalam Senat untuk menghalang masalah berkaitan pencen kakitangan awam diselesaikan.
Sekurang-kurangnya rakyat Malaysia dapat mengenali ahli politik yang suka mencetuskan kekecohan apabila mereka berjumpa dengannya.
- J. J. Goold, Mudgeeraba, Qld
Satu ingatan kepada Nick Xenophon: Malaysia sudah menjadi negara merdeka sejak 1957. Jika anda perlu bertanggungjawab dalam memperjuangkan hak orang putih, ada banyak isu di negara ini yang boleh diselesaikan daripada hasil kepakaran anda itu.
- Lawrence Gribben, Carseldine, Qld
Baca seterusnya di Perak Today
House PK: Aku tak faham la, kenapa Pakatan syok sangat dengan si gay ni atau ! pakatan ni dah jadi pejuang GAY antarabangsa?
Malaysia is almost bankrupt: Anwar's claim a slander - Muhyiddin
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MIC Wants Sinar Harian To Apologize
Ustaz PAS "Touch N Go" 11 isteri
GEMPAR!! Seorang ahli Pemuda PAS telah menipu eleven orang isterinya dan
meninggalkan mereka selepas malam pertama bersama. Hebat Pemuda PAS ni.
Muka dah macam ustaz tapi nafsu mengalahkan anjing.
Heboh diperkatakan sejak seminggu dua yang lalu di media maya, ustaz
muda ini dicari oleh eleven orang isteri-isterinya kerana telah ditipu.
Ustaz ini berkahwin hanyalah
Best Leaders and Best Policies for Malaysia
February 20, 2013
Best Leaders as well as Best Policies for Malaysia
by Steven Wong (02-19-13) |
THERE seems to be no necessity of policies in Malaysia. We have them in most areas a little competence even contend too most of open as well as private life, from how a government raises as well as spends money, right down to how people should think, action as well as behave.
Policies have been declared objectives as well as a principles or manners to achieve them. A elementary approach to think about them is to brand a certain things which you wish to pierce towards as well as a disastrous ones which you wish to pierce divided from.
They are, upon top of all, about making choices, mostly formidable as well as heatedly contested choices.
In his second inauguration address, for example, United States President Barak Obama laid out a broad template for a policies which he would aspire to in his final term.
Not each American is a voter as well as not each voter is a Democrat. All those who did, however, would know his views as well as through their vote had a contend in a policies which affect their lives.
It stands to reason which policies have been unequivocally powerful things. If they have been absent or misdirected, they can means untold suffering as well as loss.History's darkest moments were ones of distressing moral disaster all brought to realisation by a policies of people of a day.
It can be officious dangerous to await personalities as well as not their policies. Adolf Hitler as well as his Nazi Party garnered a most series of popular votes in a 1933 German elections. His clever in front of meant he was a! ppointed Chancellor as well as could garner a coalitional await to pass a Enabling Act of 1933 which effectively done him dictator.
Good policies have a genius to lift a republic from a scrap heap; bad ones have a genius to send nations there. In a approved societies which you live in today, you can disagree for as well as choose a policies which best fit our beliefs. We have been not forced to accept those of a dictator or tyrant.
Given a border to which they permeate, organise as well as impact our lives, one would have suspicion which policies would be closely studied, discussed as well as heatedly contested in this country.
The fundamental subject should be all a time asked: What is best for my nation as well as for me?But a in front of which most Malaysians find themselves today is greatly opposite in emphasis.
The governing body of policies here plays a apart second fiddle to which of personalities. For this reason, a little explain which governing body in this nation is still "insufficiently mature".
To me, this is mostly rhetorical since personalities have been critical in governing body just about everywhere. After all, policies contingency regularly be embodied in a person, a organisation of persons or else invested in a domestic party.
To be sure, these days it is leaders who receive most of a media spotlight as well as publicity. It has spin select for their open relations people to portray them roughly similar to rock stars.
But where a media is allowed to do a job, a inspection of their policies is never far behind. They have been not allowed to get divided with what they contend or promise.
Knowing which a effects of their policies cannot be easily swept underneath a carpet or dark in! a close t, politicians have been thankful to action seriously as well as responsibly, even with no pass opening indicators to hold them accountable.
Without policies, there is no receptive to advice domestic platform, as well as without a domestic platform, there is unequivocally no genuine domestic choice.
Decisions will lend towards to be based upon merely what happens to be expedient as well as win votes at a sold time.Not surprisingly, since policies have been cobbled together ad hoc as well as without correct foresight, suspicion as well as planning, it is inevitable which most policies spin out to be of hollow intent as well as tantamount to half-fulfilled promises.
This is all a worse since it can begin to emanate a credit gap. If a politician's words lose their value, if his firmness as well as credit is questioned, what more does he or she have to offer?
Malaysia is a nation which in a past five decades has demonstrated a worth to a world. Of this, you can be justifiably proud.We deserve not usually a best leaders though a best policies, as well as this is what a upcoming election should be all about.
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Picture terbaek !!..Solute sama mokcik ini
"Buat noheng"...
Ha ha ha...Solute sama mokcik itu,kerana buat muka 'noheng".
Kepada pengundi ingatlah, inilah masanya semua rakyat marhaen kena tunjuk ego masing, kerana masa ini lah kita menjadi bos kepada Datuk Datuk atau Pak Menteri.Pada masa ini baru Pak menteri dan YB YB tau betapa kerdilnya mereka walau berjawatan bertaraf menteri.
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Lokasi: Ban Kuda Bagan Serai.
Sementara itu penyokong Pas dan Pkr telah menyerang Ketua pemuda Umno Bahagian Bagan Serai sedang minum, dimaklumkan atas arahan dia menyuruh macai cincang tiang bendera pas yang bersilang dengan bndera dacing dan dibuang dlm parit taliayaq....hebat tak amno bagan serai?belum masuk gelanggang dah categorical kecoh.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Best Leaders and Best Policies for Malaysia
February 20, 2013
Best Leaders as well as Best Policies for Malaysia
by Steven Wong (02-19-13) |
THERE seems to be no shortage of policies in Malaysia. We have them in most areas some might even contend too most of open as well as private life, from how a supervision raises as well as spends money, right down to how people should think, action as well as behave.
Policies have been spoken objectives as well as a principles or rules to achieve them. A elementary way to consider about them is to identify a positive things which you wish to pierce towards as well as a negative ones which you wish to pierce away from.
They are, above all, about creation choices, often difficult as well as heatedly contested choices.
In his second coronation address, for example, United States President Barak Obama laid out a broad template for a policies which he would pursue in his final term.
Not each American is a voter as well as not each voter is a Democrat. All those who did, however, would know his views as well as through their opinion had a contend in a policies which start their lives.
It stands to reason which policies have been unequivocally powerful things. If they have been absent or misdirected, they can means infinite suffering as well as loss.History's darkest moments were ones of terrible moral failure all brought to realization by a policies of people of a day.
It can be downright dangerous to support personalities as well as not their policies. Adolf Hitler as well as his Nazi Party garnered a most number of popular votes in a 1933 German elections. His strong position meant h! e was ap pointed Chancellor as well as could garner a coalitional support to pass a Enabling Act of 1933 which effectively made him dictator.
Good policies have a genius to lift a nation from a scrap heap; bad ones have a genius to send nations there. In a democratic societies which you live in today, you can argue for as well as select a policies which most appropriate fit our beliefs. We have been not forced to accept those of a dictator or tyrant.
Given a extent to which they permeate, organize as well as stroke our lives, one would have suspicion which policies would be closely studied, discussed as well as heatedly contested in this country.
The fundamental subject should be all a time asked: What is most appropriate for my nation as well as for me?But a position which most Malaysians find themselves currently is greatly different in emphasis.
The governing body of policies here plays a distant second fiddle to which of personalities. For this reason, some claim which governing body in this nation is still "insufficiently mature".
To me, this is mostly controversial since personalities have been important in governing body just about everywhere. After all, policies must always be embodied in a person, a organisation of persons or else invested in a domestic party.
To be sure, these days it is leaders who embrace most of a media spotlight as well as publicity. It has become fashionable for their open family people to portray them roughly like rock stars.
But where a media is authorised to do its job, a scrutiny of their policies is never distant behind. They have been not authorised to get away with what they contend or promise.
Knowing which a goods of their policies cannot be easily swept under! a carpe t or dark in a closet, politicians have been thankful to action seriously as well as responsibly, even with no pass performance indicators to reason them accountable.
Without policies, there is no receptive to advice domestic platform, as well as but a domestic platform, there is unequivocally no real domestic choice.
Decisions will tend to be formed on merely what happens to be judicious as well as win votes at a sold time.Not surprisingly, since policies have been cobbled together ad hoc as well as but proper foresight, suspicion as well as planning, it is inevitable which most policies turn out to be of vale intent as well as tantamount to half-fulfilled promises.
This is all a worse since it can start to emanate a credibility gap. If a politician's words remove their value, if his firmness as well as credibility is questioned, what some-more does he or she have to offer?
Malaysia is a nation which in a past 5 decades has demonstrated its worth to a world. Of this, you can be justifiably proud.We deserve not only a most appropriate leaders but a most appropriate policies, as well as this is what a arriving choosing should be all about.
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Teresa Kok: Flood due to LRT project, not drain failure
The flash inundate in Puchong yesterday was due to a circuitously LRT extension plan as well as not since of a state's failure to maintain its drains, pronounced Selangor senior exco member Teresa Kok.
She pronounced that building a whole materials during a plan site had restricted a H2O upsurge out of a area, thereby causing a inundate that had stuck vehicles around a IOI Mall yesterday evening.
"Garbage clogs competence have contributed a little bit to it, but it is not a categorical means of a flood... it has to do with a LRT extension plan next to it.
"Somehow, all a building a whole materials piled up there had clogged a drain as well as done a H2O upsurge slower," pronounced Kok when contacted today.
[More to follow] Read More @ Source
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San Siro Cheers: Barca's Sanchez Can Reproduce His Magic Against Milan
RCI untuk Tabung Memali, Mahfuz?
Maka demikian, ekoran pendedahan Cikgu Non, Mahfuz Omar perlu desak parlimen untuk adakan Suruhanjaya DiRaja untuk
menyiasat isu duit Tabung Memali yang lesap bersama-sama tabung itu
sekali semasa diuruskan oleh PAS
Ini Bukan Video Bola Tapi Video Tajuk Bo La Wei - Tahniah Tok Pa Kito @Mustapa_Mohamed Atas #GelombangMerah Yang Makin Mengganas !!!
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PRU dah dekat, dah bersedia ke BN untuk terima semua keputusan PM kalau dia pilih calon yang winnable?
Dah sedia? Boleh terima keputusan tuan Presiden?
Apply Full Weight of the Law on Sulu Invaders
February 19, 2013
Hishamuddin, Apply Full Weight of a Law upon Sulu Invaders
by Mat Zain Ibrahim (02-18-13)
COMMENT 'The Sulu Sultanate invasion of Lahad Datu.' This is a term I cruise many suitable to define a deadlock in between a little 100 heavily armed intruders from a now gone Sultanate of Sulu as good as a Malaysian confidence forces in Kampung Tanduo in Lahad Datu.
The intruders have done transparent which they have been there to stay for as prolonged as necessary as good as some-more of their kind will be fasten them to claim a piece of Sabah which they understand to go to their ancestors.They have additionally done it transparent they have been not going to budge, even when in jeopardy with deportation.
If a initial collection of 100 or some-more can infiltrate in to a territories but being detected by a confidence forces, afterwards their back-up forces can quarrel their boats opposite easily, but any insurgency as well.
There was, but any doubt, a confidence relapse in Sabah waters. There wouldn't have been an intrusion of such magnitude otherwise. If you have been awaiting a Philippines Armed Forces to assist us in preventing them from coming here, you might as good forget it.
If you played them out during a final minute in handing over Manuel Amalilio a many wanted conman who has allegedly deceived a little 15,000 Filipinos of roughly RM1 billion, afterwards you cannot design frank team-work from them.
While it is not wrong for a little BN MPs to subject Senator Nick Xenophon's role in visiting Malaysia, it is additionally not wrong for Malaysians to direct which both a Defence Minister as good as a Home Affairs Minister (above) insist a confidence relapse in Sabah waters which resulted in a Kampung Tandou standoff.
We have lost Pulau Batu Putih (Pedra Branca) to Singapore due to a carelessness as good as relapse of application by a little polite servants. We cannot means to lose any some-more of a lands, obey a government to criminals or show a weaknesses.
Not so opposite from Sauk incident
There's not most disproportion in between a deadlock in Kampung Tandou, Lahad Datu, as good as a one which took place in Bukit Jenalik, Sauk, Perak, in July 2000. The only disproportion is in a numbers. There were less than 30 in a Sauk incident whilst there have been now during slightest 100 in Kampung Tandou as good as some-more have been expected to stick on them.
If a Sauk box was classified as "waging or attempting to salary war opposite a Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a Ruler or Yang Dipertua Negeri", which is an offence opposite a state, afterwards a adults can direct a same law be applied to a Sulu invaders.
If a own adults concerned in a Sauk incident can be forcibly disarmed as good as even killed by a confidence forces as good as after charged in a justice of law as good as a few in a future hanged, afterwards a rakyat has a right to voice their snub should a Prime Minister, who was a Defence Minister during a Sauk incident, provide a Sulu invaders with kid gloves.
Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, who hails from Lahad Datu, Sabah, < img alt="A-G Gani Patail" src="" />and who had about dual weeks ago promised to take movement upon a illegal immigrants in Sabah given which is his state, would be failing in his duty should he not advise a Yang di-Pertuan Agong as good as a Prime Minister which there have been supplies in a Penal Code to understanding with those armed criminals from Sulu holed up in Kampung Tandou.
After all Gani, as one of a lead prosecutors in a Sauk incident, will surely recollect a ingredients indispensable to prove this case.
However, should there be any goal or try to feat as good as make use of a Lahad Datu incident to spin Najib's form politically before a impending ubiquitous election, afterwards they have been firm to fail miserably.
Should a actions taken opposite those armed intruders in Kampung Tanduo be less severe than those imposed opposite a own adults in a Sauk incident, afterwards a actions shall be deemed to be a disgraceful, treacherous as good as villainous act by a Prime Minister.
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Konek berhantu menyamar Ketua Dewan Ulamak PAS
segarnya dengan kisah klip video Anwar Ibrahim menoron China Doll.
Bezanya Ketua Dewan Ulama PAS Perlis yang bernama Abdul Rashid Rahman
ini dengan Anwar Ibrahim ialah, Anwar menoron China Doll dan meliwat
jantan, sedangkan Abdul Rashid pula meliwat isterinya sendiri dan
gemarkan seks ganas tetapi gagal bertanggungjawab
Malicious plan behind May 13 film, claims Bersih
Teruk Mahathir kena TIBAI... [Tengok laa...]
jumpa madey,takut
perkasa, takut
jumpa obama, setuju semua
balik rumah, lagi takut
Lembah Pantai Chinese New YearCelebration, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur 16/02/2013
- shalehudin Read More @ Source
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Bangga Rasanya Bila Jadi Anak Melaka
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TERKINI : dari Lahad Datu
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein melihat senjata anggota Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) yang mengawal kawasan Kampung Tandou di Lahad Datu hari ini. - Foto Bernama
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Cops suspect inside job for death of bear and horse at Melaka Zoo
MELAKA, February 19 Police have not ruled out a probability of an inside job in a genocide of a sun bear as well as a racer horse, believed to have been poisoned, during a Melaka Zoo as well as Night Safari here.
Melaka Crime Investigation deputy head, Supt R Gunarajan, pronounced this was formed upon a preliminary investigation upon fruit samples found during a scene.
The fruits were cut by an expert as well as according to specification for a animals concerned, he told reporters during a Chinese New Year jubilee during a Melaka Police Contingent domicile here today.
He pronounced military had identified dual suspects.
The bear, a female, died upon Sunday, five minutes after apropos epileptic, salivating in excess as well as suffering from a bout of diarrhoea.
According to a zoos veterinary officer, Dr Zubaidah Kamarudin, a bear, that a zoo had looked after given 2000, died after eating a banana laced with poison.
The horse, declared Basket, was found passed in a fast yesterday.
Gunarajan pronounced military found remnants of white powder, believed to be poison, as well as had sent it to a Chemistry Department for analysis.
We have been still watchful for a result, he added.
He pronounced military did not order out a probability of a animals being tainted by workers or formers workers who were not happy with a zoos brand new management.
The Melaka Zoo as well as Night Safari was managed by a Wildlife as well as National Park Department given 1979 until early this year when it was handed over to a Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council.
Gunarajan urged witness or those with information upon a situation to contact a police.
Meanwhile, a spokesman during a zoo, when contacted, pronounced following a incident, visitors were no longer authorised to bring food to a zoo as well as checks were carried out given yesterday. Bernama
Wow! S/U Agong PAS main balak dengan Suzana ...
gadis manis berasal dari Binjai Kertas, Hulu Terengganu dengan
tiba-tiba mempunyai syarikat yang didaftarkan atas namanya Berkat Timber
Trading, No Pendaftaran TR 0046100 H ditubuhkan pada 10 Julai 2003
dengan jenis perniagaan Pembalakan dan Menjual Kayu.
ini adalah pekerja kilang papan Aneka Timber Wakaf Tapai yang dimiliki
cina DAP kroni Pas bernama Simon Yeo
Whistle-blower, RAFIZI RAMLI at centre of Malaysia graft fight
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