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Natives still blocking access road to Murum dam
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Pengerang RM60bil land grab: Protesters want referendum
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A clear case of selective persecution by CCM

YOURSAY'CCM chooses to go after Suaram for a teenager infringement whilst most companies with some-more critical offences have been left untouched.'

Yet CCM (Companies Commission of Malaysia) chooses to go after Suaram for a teenager infringement called "misleading accounts". Selective persecution? Your guess is as good as mine.
Mushiro:Domestic Trade, Cooperatives as well as Consumerism Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob got his pants pulled down by Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua.
And it is shocking to see former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's brother-in-law Gen (Rtd) Mohd Hashim Mohd Ali, Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin, Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman as well as Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi all breaking a law.
It is even a bigger startle to see a IRD (Inland Revenue Board) shutting their eyes upon these "poor souls".
Jbsuara:My goodness, YGP Holding with well-known directors (Khairy as well as Abdul Rahman) has not filed their audited accounts since 2006 as well as CCM is not you do anything opposite a company.
The tip CCM officer should be sacked as well as Ismail Sabri need to explain to Malaysians since this as well as alternative Umno-linked companies have been not investigated in view of charg! ing them for failing! to comp ly with Malaysian laws.
Mautak Mama:Ismail Sabri should be in isolation from his in front of as minister. He should be charged for being partner in crime for failing to report to CCM a names of a companies which have unsuccessful to submit a audited reports.
JomUbahUbah:I fully agree with what DAP MP Tony Pua said. This shows which hurtful Umno as well as BN apply stand in standards when enforcing a law.
There have been two laws in Malaysia - a single for a rich as well as powerful as well as a hurtful Umno as well as BN cronies as well as a single for poor Malaysians as well as a antithesis leaders.
Guardian:When you (CCM) action opposite open seductiveness as well as omit threats to open interest, be reminded which you have been open servants as well as your salaries have been from open taxes.
When a time comes, a Public Services Department cannot keep you in your jobs.
John Goh TC:CCM has been sleeping all these years. Most of a Sdn Bhd (private limited) companies have unsuccessful to record inside of a needed period.
If you don't hold me, greatfully spend RM15 as well as check upon any Sdn Bhd which you know, most of them don't do it as required.
Anonymous #43051382:Tony Pua, everybody knows CCM, a police, judges as well as a Election Commission have been all Umno servants, so they have to follow Umno's strict instructions.
Starr:Obviously, CCM is not you do a pursuit properly. Had it done so, there wouldn't be so most corporate crooks still during large today. ! They have been only good in pinning down NGOs similar to Suaram as well as their land companies.
Democrat:This must be between a numerous breaches which have been lonesome up by a CCM since it involves VVIPs. Welcome to justice ala Malaysia.
Jimmy Ng:Honourable MP Tony Pua, we, right-minded as well ! as const ant Malaysian citizens salute you for highlighting a sorry state of affairs inside of a nation.
We have been assured which when Pakatan Rakyat takes over Putrajaya, gross abuse of power as well as authority, miss of transparency as well as accountability, myopic thinking, mediocrity as well as racially-tainted discriminatory practices will turn history.
Blind Freddo:Tony Pua, it's my bargain which what you have been you do is supplanting a purpose of open service. I would design a statesman to be inspiring as well as forward looking.
But if you want to be a petty nit-picker, afterwards perhaps you have been in a wrong job.
Giudice:Blind Freddo, as usual, talks without bargain a context. It makes a single wonder if he is even in Malaysia or understands a incident in this country.
Ferdtan:Giudice, if people pretend to exclude to believe, or have been blind as well as foolish enough in not bargain a underlying reason of Tony Pua's exposure accusing a CCM for not taking actions opposite a delinquent companies of BN lawmakers as well as a relative of a former PM, you should not waste time with them.
Pua is showing a hypocrisy of a enforcing agency, CCM, for being super-efficient in a indeterminate as well as vindic! tive inv estigation of Suaram - just since they have been a NGO which exposed a corruption of a Scorpene submarines purchases, which involved alleged corruption by tall officials in a government.
It is not about CCM not you do a good job, it is most bigger than that.
Mahindar Singh: It looks similar to a politicians have been part-time in governing body as well as full-time in business. Now you know since corruption, crime as well as all a alternative maladies have been inspiring a country. They have been busy you do business, as well as so have no time for a nation.
Durio Zibethinus:Umno Baru has not submitted a accounts to ROS (Registrar o! f Societ ies) since a time of party treasurer Daim Zainuddin.
The only end is which Umno is exempt from a law. They have been either on top of a law or out of it - outlaws as they truly are. - Malaysiakini
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Perakians celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in different ways around state
Only Anwar can fail himself

- telling the people which Pakatan is the viable pick to BN; and
- Pakatan will settle the purify as well as efficient supervision with the purify public service as well as the commitment to sojourn vigilant opposite corruption.
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Najibs psy-war budget

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Come on la, asyik nak compare dia dengan peniaga bumiputera zaman 90an dulu adalah tidak adil. Dia berniaga dan perniagaan dia diberkati Allah kerana banyak membantu orang Islam seluruh negara la, banyak kali dah cerita benda ni semua tapi biasa la kan. Dah DAP kafir Laknatullah memang dengki bila orang Islam maju kan?
DAP memang extremist bangsat yang busuk hati! DAP siap kempen roti Massimo milik Robert Kuok hanya semata-mata mahu membunuh Roti Gardenia! Bangsat betul DAP ni. Wahai orang Melayu Islam semua, sampai bila kita nak kena tipu dengan parti extremist bangsat ni?
The Havoc Education Reform Inflicts: Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (Part 3 of 5)
October 2, 2012
The Havoc Education Reform Inflicts: Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (Part 3 of 5)
[Part One discusses the Blueprint's failure to commend the farrago within the propagandize system, as good as with which the need for specific solutions targeted to particular groups. Part Two discusses the particular challenge of carrying fit teachers generally in science, English, as good as mathematics, the vicious problem not sufficient addressed by the Blueprint. In this third part you plead the inextricable link between quality, efficiency, as good as efficacy, points not entirely appreciated in the Blueprint.]

One, there have been as many Indians as there have been chiefs in the organization, as good as two, the overwhelming weight of executive staff during all levels.
"Malaysia arguably has the single of the largest executive (federal) administrations in the world, relatio! ns to th e series of schools," says the Blueprint, quoting the UNESCO report.
We do not need those highly-paid general consultants to remind us of the bloat. The gleaming building which is the Ministry of Higher Education in Putrajaya is emblematic of that. It reveals the government's perverted priorities. That edifice shames which of the Department of Education of the US, or any First World country.
By any measure, relations to the economy, population, or total budget, Malaysia supports the preparation complement generously, many some-more so than countries similar to Finland as good as South Korea. Yet the students as good as schools lag distant behind. The answer lies in Exhibit 6-4.
The bulk of the resources depleted do not finish up in the classrooms.It reflects the panel's joining (or miss of it) to enhancing the system's potency which the post-reform draft looks usually slightly tapered during the top. It needs to be neatly pyramidal to tackle the current magisterial rectangle.
Efficiency is the single of the Blueprint's 6 goals. Briefly yet not inaccurately defined, potency is outlay relations to input. If you squander "x" volume of resources (time, money, effort) as good as produce "y" volume of dictated results, whilst my co-worker expends twice as much, afterwards you am twice as efficient. However, if he produces other than the dictated results, afterwards he is not being influential quite apart from being not efficient. His producing all those unintended as good as unwanted products reduces or interferes with his outlay of the preferred ones. Efficiency is doing things right; efficacy, doing the right thing.
Our complement of preparation is both emasculate as good as inefficacious. We have been not fit because notwithstanding the immeasurable resources depleted you produce distant as g! ood coup le of graduates who have been bilingual, scholarship literate, mathematically competent, as good as able of vicious thinking. We have been not being influential because the graduates you produce have been not the sorts you desire, meaning, they have been unilingual, incompetent to consider critically, as good as good usually during regurgitating what has been spoon-fed into them.
A some-more discernible phenomenon of the inefficiency is this. Rwanda could provide each kid with the laptop during the fragment of the Malaysian price. We have been not being as influential as Rwanda where the laptop program teaches not usually the young kids though additionally spills over to their families. In Malaysia those laptops finish up possibly being "lost" or gathering dust in the school's storerooms. Our teachers have not been sufficient lerned to use them; besides those computers go to the propagandize as good as not since to particular teachers. Thus there is no honour of ownership, as good as opportunities for them to clarity have been which many reduced.
Pursuing efficiency, you have dual ministries (one for higher education), each with the own overpaid Minister, Deputy Ministers, Political Secretaries, KSUs, DGs, Deputy KSUs, Assistant Deputy KSUs, as good as hordes of directors. With the government's settled idea of liberty to universities, all you need is the single chairman to write the checks maybe once the semester. You do not need the ministry, many reduction the grand one. That costly edifice as good as magisterial executive staff divert resources which differently could have been diverted to the classrooms as good as teachers.
Peruse the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education (MOE); dozens of divisions could be chopped off. Why d! o you ne ed the separate multiplication for matrikulasi; it is nothing some-more than Sixth Form; likewise with residential schools.
The role of decentralization as good as devolution of management to the periphery is, among others, to revoke the executive bureaucracy, not to abate the bucket of those already under-worked polite servants during headquarters. If schools truly have liberty afterwards all you need is the single chairman during domicile to write the large check each month, term, or year.
Bureaus similar to Textbook, Translation, as good as Dewan Bahasa could be privatized as good as the resources saved diverted without delay to pay writers, translators, as good as publishers, the tangible producers of goods as good as services. Then there have been the corporate as good as general relations offices. Get absolved of both. The usually vicious attribute MOE should favour is with parents as good as teachers.
I would additionally spin off the Examination Syndicate. Such bodies in America similar to the College Board (responsible for the Scholastic Assessment Test, SAT) as good as American College Testing (ACT), as good as those obliged for connoisseur as good as professional studies similar to GMAT (Business School) as good as MCAT (Medical School) have been private.
Yet there is not the word in the Blueprint upon streamlining the Ministry, reducing the bloat, as good as removing absolved or during slightest privatizing those peripheral services.
Malaysians, away as good as as the society, value as good as respect education. We willingly squander resources upon it though have been unwilling to squander the extra bid to make certain which which those supports have been outlayed wisely. MOE's budget escapes vicious scrutiny.
MOE, being part as good as parcel of the large Malaysian bureaucracy, is additionally afflicted with prevalent corruption, blatant cronyism, embarrassing incompetence, unprotected nepotism, as good as the twisted clarity of merito! cracy. T he last scandal (at slightest the single which was exposed) was in 1960 under Rahman Talib when RM100 million (then) in propagandize building the whole supports were "unaccounted for," the substitution for "missing." That may appear tiny shift by current standard of greed, though after factoring for acceleration as good as devaluation, it would be the billion in today's currency.
The Blueprint completely ignores this hurtful of administration in MOE. In an progressing book you cited the example of the magisterial price of the MARA residential college where by rival bidding you could get three such schools for the price of two. If rival bidding were to be standard practice, afterwards not usually would you get some-more for the money though additionally the schools would have roofs which would not collapse, to illustrate endangering the children.
Najib as good as Muhyiddin have not demonstrated their ability to take upon local UMNO warlords. On the contrary, both have been executive to the hurtful domestic patronage complement which plagues Malaysia. So expect the grow as good as inefficiency in MOE (and the rest of the government) to continue.
As for efficacy, the Blueprint does not even criticism upon whether the new rescinding of training scholarship as good as arithmetic in English advances the idea of producing bilingual as good as scholarship lettered graduates.
There is no letter of reference for augmenting the series of hours of instruction in English or mandating the pass in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). The some-more hours as good as the younger you have been unprotected to the language, the some-more proficient you would be, as good as faster. Making students pass the test really motivates them to study for it.
In the 1950s the government mandated all polite servants to pass the test in Malay to stir upon them the i! mportanc e. That prompted many to take in isolation lessons lest they would be bypassed in promotions. This Blueprint does not mandate teachers as good as headmasters denote their cunning in English.
As for developing "critical, creative as good as innovative meditative skills," the government could begin by abolishing which teaching center, Biro Tata Negara (BTN). The resources saved could be diverted to schools. Both Najib as good as Muhyiddin have been fervent defenders of BTN; which reflects their veneer of joining to nurturing independent vicious thinking.
Quality is linked with efficiency, efficacy, as good as the pleat of an organization's fat. We contingency essay high; surpassing the low bar is no achievement. It usually gives us the false clarity of it. On the new visit to China Muhyiddin spoken which you have done good with "93 percent of Malaysians able to attend propagandize as good as many of them could read, write as good as count." Malaysians merit better; you expect more.
The idea should be the young kids in attendance not just any propagandize though the single which would learn them to be entirely bilingual, scholarship literate, mathematically competent, as good as able to consider critically. We should be haunted by the actuality which 40,000 of the graduates have been still incompetent to find jobs during the time when Malaysia has millions of unfamiliar workers. That tells us which it is not the problem with the manage to buy rsther than with the quality of those graduates.
The concentration contingency be upon quality as good as not upon years outlayed in schools. Instead of fluctuating imperative drill to eleven years (the Blueprint's recommendation), you would concentration fi! rst upon providing universal preschool as good as kindergarten generally in farming areas.
If you wish to learn kampong kids English, starting them in soak classes during preschool years would be the many effective way. Insights from modern neuroscience await which contention.Further, the year of preschool costs extremely reduction as good as is distant some-more consequential to the child's destiny than the year during tall school. As the Jesuit knowledge would have it, "Give me the kid until he is seven, as good as you will give you the man."
Without quality, the schools would degenerate into nothing some-more than human warehouses for the young; the teachers, well-paid babysitters. We would have wasted all those changed resources, though the many changed of all is of course all those young minds. They would be improved off out of propagandize as good as learning the some-more vicious lessons of life in the real world instead of being bullied by their peers as good as indoctrinated by the system. Then when they failed, they would be tagged forever as losers, spin into caricatures of their race, as good as done to bear the weight of nauseous stereotypes.
That suspicion should show up any one since the awesome shortcoming of educating the young; likewise those tasked with reforming the system.
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Menilai Bajet Najib 2013
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Malaysia muflis? Baka bodoh Nurul dari belah siapa?
Pemimpin pembangkang akan sedaya upaya menekankan perihal negara akan muflis sama ada disebabkan oleh hutang yang bertambah ataupun kerana
Raja Pondan (in Malay)
Nantikan kisah disebalik seorang raja yang bersifat 2 alam..
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The Havoc Education Reform Inflicts: Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (Part 3 of 5)
October 2, 2012
The Havoc Education Reform Inflicts: Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (Part 3 of 5)
[Part One discusses a Blueprint's disaster to commend a diversity inside of a propagandize system, as well as with which a need for specific solutions targeted to particular groups. Part Two discusses a particular challenge of having competent teachers especially in science, English, as well as mathematics, a vicious complaint not adequately addressed by a Blueprint. In this third partial you discuss a fixed link between quality, efficiency, as well as efficacy, points not fully appreciated in a Blueprint.]

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Go to ballots based on audit report, not 'opium budget'
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Strom Thurmonds America by Joseph Crespino
When Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina died in 2003 during a age of 100, he seemed to embody a tenure "political survivor." Think of someone who began his career as a Roosevelt Democrat as well as finished it as a Reagan Republican, who campaigned for boss as a white supremacist as well as finished up ancillary a national holiday for Martin Luther King. Decades passed, a single epoch transposed another, though Thurmond soldiered on, swapping causes, even domestic parties, with a juggler's eye. Where many politicians become objects of disregard or insusceptibility over time, with Thurmond a retreat was true: a longer he lasted, a some-more worshiped he became.
Photograph from a Strom Thurmond Institute
Firebrand: Strom Thurmond addressing a Southern Governors' Conference, 1948.
By Joseph Crespino
Illustrated. 404 pp. Hill & Wang. $ 30.
He hailed from Edgefield County in a hardscrabble Carolina Piedmont, home to multiform governors as well as a host of Lost Cause Southern heroes similar to "Pitchfork" Ben Tillman, a race-baiting manipulator who notoriously advocated lynching to protect white women from black "lust." Edgefield had a tradition of enforcing a Jim Crow laws with a heavy hand a necessity, whites believed, in a county where two-thirds of a residents were black. It additionally had a story of troops use as well as sour feuding, which a Thurmond family proudly upheld. Strom's grandfather, a Confederate corporal, was present during Appomattox when General Lee surrendered, as well as his father killed a man who made a mistake of scornful him, though a sympathetic jury found self-defense. To be raised in Edgefield County, ! Joseph C respino writes in "Strom Thurmond's America," a apt mural of a senator's perpetual career, "was sufficient to yield a politically disposed white boy with a sense of heritage as well as calling."
Like many of a South in this era, South Carolina was a one-party state. The celebration of Abraham Lincoln had been violently dejected in a years after a Civil War by militant groups similar to a Ku Klux Klan. In Edgefield County, as elsewhere, politics took place inside of a Democratic Party, which stood precisely for segregating a races. In 1932, when Thurmond won his first choosing to a South Carolina Senate, Franklin Roosevelt carried a state with 98 percent of a vote. At which point, an informal bargain evolved: Southern Democrats would behind Roosevelt's confidant attempts to finish a Great Depression, as well as Roosevelt would reciprocate by ignoring their grievous treatment of blacks. For a intelligent politician similar to Thurmond, a terms were ideal. He got to take credit for a federal income pouring in to his bankrupt state while superfluous as extremist as he pleased. Among a bills he pressed in these years were a single to exempt K.K.K. skill from taxation as well as an additional to "use usually white people" as upkeep workers in state buildings.
Thurmond served in World War II, earning a Bronze Star as well as a Purple Heart. Returning home, he spoken for governor as well as won an dissapoint feat with a aid of South Carolina's growing work movement. It would be "the usually time in his career," writes Crespino, a story professor during Emory University, "that Thurmond was a some-more liberal claimant in a race." For Southern Democrats, however, a domestic ground had shifted with Roosevelt's death in 1945. The new president, Harry S. Truman, not usually urged Congress to pass civil rights legislation; he additionally i! ssued an executive order ominous racial discrimination in a armed forces.
Crespino's outline of what followed creates a politics of today seem old-fashioned as well as civilized by comparison. Thurmond as well as like-thinking bigots came together in 1948 to form a States' Rights (or Dixiecrat) Party in a goal of defeating Truman by bursting a Democratic vote. Most Southern leaders abandoned a call to arms, withdrawal a field to extremists similar to a Rev. Jonathan Ellsworth Perkins, writer of "The Jews Have Got a Atom Bomb!," as well as a Texas politician Lloyd E. Price, who assailed colonial New Englanders for bringing Africa's "howling, screaming savages" to a Americas. When a gathering nominated Thurmond for president, he warned which there were "not enough troops in a Army to force a Southern people to . . . admit a nigger competition in to a theaters, in to a swimming pools, in to a homes, as well as in to a churches." Thurmond took four Southern states, though Truman won a election.
David Oshinsky, a visit contributor to a Book Review, teaches story during a University of Texas as well as New York University.
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Editors Choice
THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE HER, by Junot Daz. (Riverhead, $ 26.95.) The stories in this collection have been about love, though they're additionally about a undertow of family story as well as informative mores, presented in Daz's exciting, overwhelming as well as entertaining prose.
ALL GONE. A MEMOIR OF MY MOTHER'S DEMENTIA: With Refreshments, by Alex Witchel. (Riverhead, $ 26.95.) A writer for The Times movingly describes her once vibrant mother's mental decline.
THE LONGEST WAY HOME: One Man's Quest for a Courage to Settle Down, by Andrew McCarthy. (Free Press, $ 26.) This searching book charts a author's roundabout tour toward committed love.
NW, by Zadie Smith. (Penguin Press, $ 26.95.) The lives of dual friends who grew up in a northwest London housing project diverge, educational questions of race, class, sexual identity as well as personal choice, in Smith's enterprising modernist novel.
FROM THE RUINS OF EMPIRE: The Intellectuals Who Remade Asia, by Pankaj Mishra. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $ 27.) An astute organisation mural of a thinkers whose ideas shaped ? la mode Asia.
BATTLEBORN, by Claire Vaye Watkins. (Riverhead, $ 25.95.) The stories in this clear initial collection, set in Nevada, concern storytelling as well as myth-busting, knowing a past as well as flourishing a present.
THE COCKTAIL WAITRESS, by James M. Cain. (Hard Case Crime, $ 23.99.) A "lost" as well as final novel, entertaining as well as cleverly plotted, by a writer of "The Postman Always Rings Twice" as well as "Double Indemnity."
LIVING, THINKING, LOOKING: Essays, by Siri Hustvedt. (Picador, paper, $ 18.) The writer insightfully combines experience, literature as well as philosophy.
HOW MUSIC WORKS, by Davi! d Byrne. (McSweeney's, $ 32.) This manual additionally explores a eccentric rock star's personal as well as professional experience.
This essay has been revised to reflect a following correction:
Correction: October 1, 2012
An earlier version of this mainstay erroneously listed a publishing house of "The Cocktail Waitress," by James M. Cain, as Free Press as well as its cost as $ 30.
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Goodbye, Punch
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The NYT and the NST, from top to bottom
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Dont be complacent, Lim warns Pakatan
Judge knocks out KDN veto of Malaysiakini
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Menilai Bajet Najib 2013.
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Budget 2013 What the Govt Doesnt Want You to Know
There have been good reasons because a antithesis does not as well as should not reveal a shade cabinet. It would be a suicidal mission to do so in a republic similar to Malaysia whereby racial politics as well as race-based policies have been partial as well as parcel of benefaction supervision which has been statute since independence. The moment a shade cupboard is revealed, a government-owned media will spin compartment kingdom come to shock a heck out of farming voters. Hence, as expected, when a antithesis presents their superior Shadow Budget, it wasn't referred to as well as compared in a fair manner by a media.
Whatever good thought due by a antithesis will be rubbished as an additional approach which could broke a country a quiescent approach by Najib regime's propaganda machines in responding antithesis propositions. By a same token, a budding apportion should not bemoan when a swap internet media criticises his recent bill which consists of nothing nonetheless Election Budget written to buy votes out of taxpayers' own money. Considering BN supervision has successfully increasing a nation's sovereign sum debt from reduction than RM200 billion in 2003 to an estimated RM502 billion in 2012, this is maybe a single of Mahathir's greatest achievements producing incompetent leaders who surpass usually in worshipping a dictator.
Naturally, when Abdullah Badawi took over from Mahathir, a republic was in auto-pilot mode while his administration department department department outlayed as if they're printing $ US dollar notes. By a time Badawi booted from a offi! ce, a so vereign debt skyrocket to somewhat some-more than RM300 billion in 2008. Well, if we think a sleepy budding apportion was bad, wait compartment we hear what a mutation budding apportion did in a marked down 4-year. Najib Razak, whose budding film is nothing alternative than Michael Bay's Transformers has leapfrog a republic to a brand brand new level increases a debt to RM502 billion this year, a top in history as well as reaching 54% of GDP. In marked down Najib doubled a debt in 4-year what Badawi managed to do in 8-year, an considerable miracle in truth (*grin*).
That's usually 1% (percentage) indicate prior to attack a legislated debt roof of 55%. If this is not relocating a republic towards bankruptcy, I do not know what else is. While we're waiting to see if a PM Najib will pooh-pooh a national debt as usually paper debt, done famous by Mahathir while he was in bureau about paper detriment due to forex gambling, let's look during all a goodies as well as sweeteners prior to a entrance ubiquitous election:
Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M 2.0)
As approaching PM Najib Razak put upon Santa Claus dress again, dishing RM500 assistance income for a household earning reduction than RM3,000 a second income since since a initial final year. The gift criteria stays a same per prior time, so if we managed to pocket it final year we do not have to queue or camp overnight as your particulars have been already in a system. But if you're brand brand new afterwards we might register starting Nov 2012 (some contend this month). The RM250 will be paid in effect January 2013.
In addition, BR1M is lengthened for single unwed people elderly twenty-one as well as upon top of with monthly income not some-more than RM2,000 nonetheless will usually get RM250. It is estimated about RM3 billion is indispensable for this second turn (first turn already costs a taxpayers RM2.2 billion) of populist move, benefiting 4.3 million households as well as 2.7 million unwed individuals.
RM200 Rebate for 3G Smartphone Purchase
Good news for immature chaps if you're elderly twenty-one to 30 years with monthly income of RM3,000 or below, you're entitled to RM200 one-off rebate for squeeze of a single unit 3G smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, Blackberry, Nokia or HTC) from certified dealers. The supervision is approaching to outlay about RM300 million upon this incentive, a unequivocally small cost to compensate in a try to fish for ignorant immature voters. However, a supervision has to precisely conclude a so-called "authorized dealers" differently each Tom, Dick as well as Rosmah can claim they're a comparison agents.
And how does a supervision safeguard these youngsters can control their monthly spending upon phone bills, right away which they can bond to internet twenty-four hours per day? Obviously telecommunication companies such as Maxis, Celcom, DIGI as well as U-Mobile have been grinning from ear to ear.
Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT)
RPGT will be increasing to 15% (from stream 10%) for disposal of skill inside of 2 years, 10% (from stream 5%) for disposal inside of 2 to 5 years. After 5 years, it is not theme to RPGT. This is maybe a single of a propositions which attract a greatest yawn in this budget, so most so which we might be wondering if a chairman who due this was sleeping upon a job. Obviously speculators have been still laughing their jerk off during a bill since they're already waiting for 2 to 3 years for their properties to be completed so which they can sell it. So how can this quell skill speculation?
Personal Tax as well as Tax Relief
Individual income taxation rate was due to be marked down by 1% (percentage) indicate for a initial RM50,000 of chargeable income. This equates to if we consequence RM50,000 or some-more annually, we would get to suffer maximum tax saving of RM475. With this proposal, it additionally equates to 170,000 taxpayers do not have to compensate income tax, with usually about 1.7 million people compensate taxation from an estimated workforce of 12 million.
Child taxation service to be increasing from RM4,000 to RM6,000 per child for young kids elderly 18 as well as upon top of as well as receiving full-time tertiary education, in effect from year of assessment 2013. Tax service of RM3,000 for assets in a National Education Saving! s Scheme (SSPN) will be increasing to RM6,000.
1.5 Month Bonus for Public Servants
Since this is an Election Budget, PM Najib was approaching to lick 1.4 million public servants' boots. Already well known as a most inexhaustible Santa Claus budding apportion ever, never thoughts which inhabitant debts is reaching a vicious stage, reward of a single as well as a half month for public servants for year 2012 was proposed. Already, half month of reward was paid during 2012 Hari Raya, as a outcome a superfluous a single month will be paid in end Dec 2012 (50%) as well as in January 2013 (50%). This strengthened a speculation which PM Najib will usually call for a subsequent ubiquitous choosing subsequent year.
PTPTN Loan Discount
PTPTN has been a unequivocally sensitive as well as wily emanate ever since a antithesis due free education. And since Najib administration department department department is struggling to have ends meet, a budding apportion is using a same tactic in trade summon payments pick up from trade offenders. Thus those who have been willing to compensate full loan from 1st October 2012 until 30th September 2013, a bonus of 20% will be since upon their loan.
For deferentia! l borrow ers whose amends of PTPTN loan is in accordance to their amends schedule, a 10% bonus per annum upon their amends will be since in effect from 1st October 2012.
My First Home Scheme as well as 50% Stamp Duty Exemption
My First Home Scheme income extent for individual loans to be raised from RM3,000 to RM5,000 per month, or in a box of joint loans of husband as well as mother of up to RM10,000 per month. 50% stamp avocation grant upon sale as well as squeeze agreements as well as loan agreements for squeeze of a initial residential skill of up to RM400,000 (increased from RM350,000), be lengthened to 31 Dec 2014.
Other goodies
- Book voucher of RM250 for students.
- No enlarge in taxes for alcohol as well as tobacco.
- Malaysians with a monthly income of RM3,000 as well as below as well as who transport by KTM Komuter, will get 50% fare discount. Currently, usually a disabled, retirees as well as students suffer a 50% fare discount. This is unequivocally cool nonetheless I supposed people will begin flashing their salary-slip each time they squeeze their tickets during a station (*grin*).
- RM1,000 one-off payments for armed forces veteran, RM200 per month for serving personnel as well as allowance increment for reserves corp. as well as Territorial Army to RM7.80 / hour. Actually PM Najib doesn't unequivocally have to outlay! so most upon this zone since a armed forces have been all a time brainwashed as well as forced to vote for a stream regime, even if we announce a pay-cut. That's how deferential they are.
- Passport fees for comparison adults as well as young kids elderly 12 as well as below be marked down by 50% from RM300 to RM150 (5 years passport) as well as RM100 to RM80 (2 years passport), effectively from January 2013.
- Reduce sugarine funding by twenty sen per kg from 29 Sept 2012. This equates to a cost of sugarine is right away RM2.50 as well as RM2.60 per kilogram for Peninsula as well as East Malaysia respectively. Consider this goodies if you're a intensity diabetes patient differently it's an additional excuse to enhance fortunes of a brand brand new Sugar King, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, a associate of former PM Mahathir. You might not comprehend this nonetheless a surreptitious stroke is equally serious, deliberation sugarine is partial required in alternative food equipment such as bread, ice-cream, cereal, biscuits or cookies, juice, home-cook meals as well as whatnot. Expect dearer Starbucks coffee as well as carbonated drinks.
The upon top of goodies have been in truth tasteful as well as if this is not an Election Budget to buy votes, afterwards PM Najib Razak is still a virgin. Since this is a final bill prior to a subsequent ubiquitous election, a budding apportion put all his chips upon a gin rummy list hoping to win an additional term. Considering most Malaysians would kill each alternative usually to get hold of a free Tupperware, a upon top of short-term candies should lapse two-third in! fancy to a stream BN (Barisan Nasional) system of administration department hands down. Thereafter, a supervision would go for a killing as well as a people would compensate most times what they're getting now.
But if there's press leisure in this country, a published comparison in between benefaction government's bill as well as opposition's bill 2013 would put Najib administration department department department in great danger. As a starting point, Najib's 2013 bill continues to register an additional year of deficit, a 16th in a row since 1998. Now do we assimilate because we referred to which this country's economy has never lapse to a former glory after a 1997-1998 Asia Economic Crisis? While Najib presented a 4% necessity budget, antithesis due a superior 3.5% necessity budget. You should take Najib's 4% necessity figure with a pinch of salt though.
Based upon past records a stream system of administration department was scandalous for a overspending habit. Last year alone, it overspent a whopping RM19.6 billion so we can sell your mother, mother as well as young kids as well as bet which a same supervision will do a same stunt again. The actuality which a overall funding was set to drop 11.3% to RM37.6 billion in 2013 compares to RM42.3 billion in 2012 as well as nonetheless a best beauty pageant they can put upon theatre is a 4% deficit, Najib's group has been working unequivocally hard in pleat proxy fats each corner usually to impress a audi! ence, du ring least prior to a subsequent ubiquitous choosing early subsequent year. Heck, Najib even cut a preparation bill by a whopping RM12 billion as compared to final year.
How a antithesis can simply delivers 3.5% necessity with a single eye sealed since PM Najib struggles with usually 4% deficit? Easy a antithesis took away total from corruption, cartels' cronyism, monopolies as well as whatnot from a bill figures. The benefaction supervision is additionally tasting a own scarcity as a outcome of engaging unemployable graduates in to a public service a mind-boggling RM202 billion for Operating Expenditure opposite RM49.7 billion usually for Development Expenditure, an unhealthy 4 to 1 ratio. This equates to sovereign government's estimated revenue in 2013 amounting to RM208.6 billion is usually good to pay for a RM202 billion operating cost only, not bad for a republic with an estimated debt of RM502 billion by subsequent year.
In a preparation sector, antithesis proposes abolishment to a National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN). While we can disagree compartment a cows come home about a feasibility in wiping out PTPTN debts, a antithesis has fit which it can be done although it's not renouned with ex-students who obediently paid their loans. Another engaging area which raises most eyebrows was a grant of a whopping RM1.2 billion for pre-school education. The fun upon a street Najib's greatest associate is noth! ing alte rnative than his "beautiful as well as intelligent" mother (*tongue-in-cheek*).
Permata Negara programme which is equivalent term with pre-school programme, a pet plan of PM Najib's wife, Rosmah Mansor, was allocated RM100 million as well as RM111 million in 2010 as well as 2011 Budget respectively. Now which strictly pre-school preparation is allocated RM1.2 billion, a past speculations which Permata had sucked up taxpayers money to a tune of RM2 billion prior essentially carries weight. The misfortune partial was a actuality that nobody knows how a income was being used. Does PM Najib's mother plan require such outrageous taxpayers' income deliberation most of a pre-schools have been fees-based as well as privately-owned?
While sharpening housing prices stays a single of a greatest emanate of which conjunction Najib administration department department department nor antithesis can compromise with their budgets, a opposition's tender to set up 100,000 affordable homes with cost range in between RM130,000 to RM300,000 to be built by newly formed National Housing Board raises eyebrows. Using Singapore's Housing as well as Development Board successful model in solving a housing shortages, patently opposition's offer should deserve a little attention. Najib administration department department department has been screaming about building thousands of affordable houses upon each bill nonetheless a problem still persists. Perhaps a budding apportion was not ready to take over a burden as well as prefers to let a in isolation de! velopers as well as speculators do as they wish.
The categorical battle - personal income or how to put some-more income in to peoples' pocket has taken a brand brand new turn when BN cut income taxation rates for taxable income up to RM50,000. Whether this is an acknowledgement of a benefaction supervision about sharpening cost of vital or simply a initial step towards introducing GST after ubiquitous choosing subsequent year is nonetheless to be seen. Seriously, there's not most Najib can do to enlarge peoples take home income except with one-off couple-of-hundreds thrown in to a cage. Obviously, antithesis trumpeted again their due cheaper cars around dig avocation reductions, toll abolishment, waiver of PTPTN, reduce fuel as well as whatnot all contributes to thousands of assets in a long run.
Overall, Najib's tender was somewhat improved than prior year's bill nonetheless can't compete with opposition's budget. Of course, a budding apportion done fun of opposition's bill as populist nonetheless not value what it was printed on. Really? If a budding apportion was so dead critical about his superiority, he should gleefully accept antithesis Anwar Ibrahim's call in for a "Budget Debate" to be live telecasted so which a farming as well as urban electorate can see for themselves a opposition's ridiculous as well as stupid budget. For all we know, a people might be so tender as well as touched with Najib which they might confirm to present all a income receive! d to Naj ib's administration, out of gratification.
PM Najib was so obssessed with being popular which he even copied what former US President Ronald Reagan pronounced during Presidential discuss in Oct. 28, 1980. On which day Reagan pronounced "Ask yourself Are we improved off right away than we were 4 years ago? Is it simpler for we to go as well as buy things in a stores than it was 4 years ago? Is there some-more or reduction stagnation in a republic than there was 4 years ago? Is America as respected via a world as it was?"
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