Gaji RM5 Juta Untuk Air yang Penuh Karat

Pengerusi SYABAS, Tan Sri Razali Ismail, mendapat gaji sebanyak RM5.2 juta setahun. Gaji beliau lebih tinggi dari gaji CEO bank terbesar di dunia, yakni CEO Bank of China. Namun, adakah air yang kita dapat dari SYABAS benar-benar bersih dan selamat untuk digunakan?Tulang Besi mendapat surat dan video dari seorang pembaca. Mungkin pengalaman pembaca ini serta video yang diberikan boleh menjadi iktibar yang baik untuk kita. Adakah wajar kita membayar Tan Sri Rozali gaji RM5.2 juta setahun untuk be ... Read More

Gempar! Taktik Malaysiakini Selamatkan Anwar Didedah

Screenshot di bawah ialah rencana kelmarin dalam The Malaysian Insider (TMI, portal yang Senator Ezam Mohd Noor pernah ugut hendak bakar). TMI melaporkan dalam perenggan pertama: KUALA LUMPUR, October 7 Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim accused a supervision today of duplicating a alternative bill proposed by his Pakatan Rakyat on Tuesday and making unrealistic projections for a subsequent year in what

Video? Anwar? Again?

Sleepless in Bangkok, Ruthless in Kuala Lumpur. Even if you wish to tighten your ears, you will still hear the gibberish about the ultimate xxx video secretly held in a room allegedly featuring, yet again, Anwar Ibrahim and an unknown but willing partner. Latest from RBF and MiM, two fixed pro-Umno bloggers, the video will be up for viewing on Parpukari and Papagomo, two of the greatest blogs in

Bajet 2012 bukan seperti saudagar mimpi membawa gula-gula beracun Hassan Mohd Noor

Bajet 2012 bukan seperti 'saudagar mimpi' membawa 'gula-gula beracun' Hassan Mohd Noor

10 OKT Di mana sahaja rakyat Malaysia berada, semuanya mendapat faedah hasil pembentangan Bajet 2012 pada Jumaat lalu. Sedikit sebanyak mereka tetap merasainya.

Sama ada di kota atau di desa, masing-masing mendapat habuan. Tanpa mengira profesion atau pekerjaan harian mereka buruh, peladang, penternak, nelayan, guru, kakitangan awam dan sebagainya mendapat manfaat sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Pesara yang tidak bekerja juga mendapat nikmat. Malahan golongan gelandangan juga tidak dilupakan.

Memang benar kata Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Kewangan, Najib Razak: "Ia (bajet 2012) tidak meninggalkan yang berpendapatan rendah, sekalipun menengah atau tinggi, dan tidak pula meminggir mereka yang di bandar waima di desa.". Begitulah janji yang dibuat oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) pimpinan Najib. Maka tidak hairanlah ada yang "terkejut beruk", "mati akal" atau seperti "cacing kepanasan" dengan bajet ini yang dianggap praktikal, realistik dan holistik.

Ada yang berkata, BN mencedok bajet pakatan 3P DAP, PAS, PKR. Bajet bayangan 3P dibentangkan tiga hari sebelum kerajaan membentangkannya Jumaat lalu. Jika 3P memperuntukkan RM220 bilion tetapi kerajaan menyediakan RM232.8 bilion. Peruntukan subsidi kerajaan pula berjumlah RM33.2 bilion tetapi 3P RM22 bilion. Itulah bezanya. Apa pun sebagai negara demokrasi, pembangkang boleh bercakap apa yang mereka suka mengenai bajet ini.

Tidak kurang juga yang berkata, Bajet 2012 sebagai bajet pilihan raya umum (PRU). Sama ada bajet PRU atau sebaliknya, apa yang pasti bajet itu sudah tentu melegakan kebanyakan rakyat walaupun masih ada "suara sumbang" yang sinis.

Bajet 2012 boleh menjadi bajet PRU jika pilihan raya diadakan sebelum Oktober 2012. Ini kerana tarikh akhir pembubaran Parlimen ialah pada twenty-four Apr 2013. Jika PRU diadakan pada suku pertama 2013, maka tahun depan barulah ada bajet PRU. Ti! dak kisa hlah sama ada ini bajet PRU atau tidak, apa yang penting, rakyat mendapat manfaat dan kerajaan mampu menunaikannya. Memang ia umpama gula-gula tetapi bukannya "gula-gula beracun".

Rakyat tentunya lebih yakin dengan bajet kerajaan BN berbanding janji menjelang PRU Ke-12 yang lalu oleh pembangkang. Janji BN bukanlan janji kosong seperti janji "saudagar mimpi" atau "saudagar air liur". Malahan Najib ketika menjawab dakwaan nakal pengkritik yang tidak yakin kerajaan dapat melaksanakannya berkata: Kalau tak ada duit takkan saya berani bentangkan semalam (Jumaat). Saya akan melakukan satu perbuatan bunuh diri dari segi politik kalau saya bentang bajet yang tidak boleh dilaksanakan.

Biarlah 3P terus menjaja Buku Jingga ke sana ke mari. Biarkanlah mereka mengusung bajet 3P di merata tempat. Rakyat lebih tahu membezakan antara bajet yang berduit dengan bajet tidak berduit. Mereka dapat bezakan janji orang yang belum mempunyai kuasa sebaliknya kemaruk kuasa dengan orang yang sudah berkuasa. Bagi rakyat di negeri-negeri Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Selangor dan Kelantan, mereka boleh menilai sendiri sejauh mana janji PRU pada tahun 2008 telah ditunaikan oleh 3P ini.

BN yang sudah menerajui negara ini sejak merdeka, pastinya lebih arif dengan apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dijanjikan. Janji seseorang yang berkuasa dan belum berkuasa memang ada bezanya. Sebelum berkuasa, mereka boleh janji apa sahaja malahan bulan, bintang dan matahari semata-mata untuk menang. Apabila menang, mereka tidak mampu melakukannya, tidak ada keupayaan untuk menggapai bulan, bintang, apatah lagi matahari.

Tetapi lain pula janji orang yang sudah berkuasa. Ada yang boleh dijanjikan dan ada yang tidak. Ia mengikut kemampuan.

Maka tidak hairanlah walaupun Bajet 2012 meliputi semua lapisan masyarakat, masih ada suara-suara yang tidak berpuas hati. Ada saja yang tidak kena. Diberi satu hendak dua, diberi dua hendak tiga dan diberi tiga hendak empat dan seterusnya. Bak kata orang diberi betis hendak paha. Sikap negatif, ! tidak pu as hati sentiasa ada dalam naluri manusia. Tidak dinafikan ada perkara atau bidang yang tidak disentuh dalam bajet ini tetapi tidak bermakna ia akan dilupakan begitu sahaja. Manusia tidak pernah sempurna.

Dalam sebuah keluarga, seorang bapa kadang-kadang tidak dapat bersikap adil kepada anak-anaknya. Ada anak yang nakal, bodoh dan hodoh apabila melakukan kesalahan disebat tetapi anak lain yang cerdik dan dimanjakan terlepas daripada hukuman. Ada bapa yang ketika di luar begitu tegas dan garang tetapi apabila di rumah menjadi seorang pemaaf atau pengecut.

Begitulah juga dalam bajet yang tidak mampu memuaskan hati semua orang. Namun seperti mukadimah Selak ini, semuanya akan menikmati faedah.

Contohnya pelbagai subsidi yang diberi. Walaupun ia telah lama diberikan oleh kerajaan tetapi eloklah bajet itu memperingatkan semula supaya kita bersyukur dengan apa yang telah diberikan. Subsidi kerajaan menyebabkan saban hari, setiap mulut rakyat negara ini 'disuap' oleh kerajaan.

Beberapa isu yang sempat didengar mengenai bajet dalam sehari dua ini ialah belanjawan defisit yang memaksa kerajaan terus meminjam. Isu peruntukan kepada perkara berkaitan hal ehwal Islam juga disentuh termasuk peruntukan kepada sekolah agama rakyat, peruntukan mengatasi masalah gejala sosial yang semakin meruncing serta isu-isu keselamatan rakyat.

Begitu juga slick rumah pertama yang membenarkan pembeli membeli rumah pada harga maksimum RM400,000. Timbul kerisauan sama ada ia akan mengatasi masalah pemilikan rumah atau harga rumah akan melambung?

Begitu juga bantuan RM500 kepada isi rumah berpendapatan RM3,000 ke bawah. Adakah langkah ini akan menyebabkan harga barang tidak terkawal?

Di kalangan pemandu teksi, ada yang berkata, apalah sangat pemansuhan cukai jalan berbanding beban menanggung insurans. Kenapa tidak dihapuskan sistem syarikat dan diganti dengan permit persendirian? Walaupun sistem bas di luar bandar mendapat RM150 juta tetapi bagaimana pula sistem pengangkutan awam dalam ba! ndar yan g belum berkesan?

Ada juga yang risau dengan kehadiran kedai 1 Malaysia kerana ia dilihat boleh mengancam kedai runcit. Namun kita percaya, apa yang boleh diperbaiki akan diperbaiki. Mana-mana "lubang" yang boleh ditimbus akan ditimbus sebaik mungkin.

Harus diingat bahawa pemaju perumahan, peniaga runcit, pemandu teksi, penumpang bas dan pelbagai lagi adalah rakyat Malaysia. Maka setiap perkara atau tindakan yang terlibat dalam bajet ini memberi kesan kepada mereka.

Justeru berilah peluang kepada pihak-pihak berkenaan untuk memperjelaskan isu yang timbul berhubung bajet ini. Jangan terlalu cepat mencari kesilapan dan kekurangan. Lebih-lebih lagi pihak yang berkepentingan politik akan cuba menjadikan isi kandungan bajet ini sebagai modal mereka menjelang PRU Ke-13 yang dikatakan semakin hampir. Utusan Malaysia

* This is a personal perspective of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a perspective unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Adopt Zakat, Not Hudud

By M. Bakri Musa

Malay politicians tumble all over themselves in advocating hudud, a Islamic penal laws. That is reduction an countenance of their joining to Islam, some-more obvious pandering to Muslim voters.

If these leaders have been indeed committed to some-more advanced a equates to of Islam, there is a some-more prolific strategy: make zakat mandatory. Being one of a pillars of a faith, zakat is some-more defining of Islam. It is even forward of performing a Hajj. Adopting zakat would bring a nation closer to an Islamic state symbolically as great as operationally, positively much some-more so than implementing hudud.

Creatively managed, zakat could be a formidable force for mercantile as great as social development; it would additionally highlight what is right about Islam. Currently in Malaysia as great as in many Muslim countries, mobilizing zakat stays usually a potential. As a Halal Journal noted, "[I]n a context of a Malaysian economy, zakat has not played a poignant purpose ." There is additionally a default of mercantile investigate upon zakat. The not long ago convened United Malay Economic Action Council, as if comprising luminaries in custom as great as economics, has not even explored a issue.

Zakat is positive, charitable as great as "do good" directed during alleviating tellurian suffering; hudud is punitive, barbaric, as great as vengeful, directed during maiming a tellurian physique as great as spirit. Zakat expresses a merciful as great as benevolent aspects of Islam; hudud conjures zero but sadistic as great as repulsive images.

The many frequently invoked phrase in Islam is, Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim (In a name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful!). Zakat resonates some-more with these dual pristine qualities of Allah (beneficent as great as merciful); hudud is a antithesis.

Practical Reasons for Mandating Zakat

A some -more pragmatic reason for mandating zakat is which as Islam is under state jurisdiction, a income would accrue to a state, in outcome be a brand new taxation to illustrate enhancing states' authority. A office with no management to taxation has small power. With a sovereign system, states have small taxation energy solely for land taxation as great as a few miscellaneous small-ticket items. States have been to illustrate dependent upon a central government. Where a sovereign as great as state governments have been from different parties as with Kelantan, a state would be during a mercy of a sovereign government. Zakat would change a mercantile as great as to illustrate domestic dynamics in favor of a state.

One snag is which states have been ill versed to pick up taxes. This could be solved by constrictive with a sovereign Inland Revenue Service to pick up zakat. That should poise minimal additional executive costs as a IRS is already pciking up income as great as alternative taxes. Many Canadian provinces have such an agreement with their central government. Such a intrigue would additionally coordinate a dual systems especially deliberation which zakat is treated with colour as a taxation credit. Even in physical America zakat is taxation deductible when since to a purebred charitable entity.

Zakat Disbursement

States would have to enact legislations consonant with a Koran as great as hadith upon a worth of those funds, as great as a penalties for disaster to pay. The penalties should be upon standard with unwell to compensate income tax. At a really slightest those in balance should be denied a Hajj as great as umrah visa.

Zakat cannot go in to a general fund, but of a eight categories of placement restricted in a Koran, five would be deliberate charity; a remaining could be deliberate as investment in people.

One, riqab, securing a freedom of slaves, can be interpreted metaphorically as emancipating a people. Thus zakat supports have traditionally been used for rel! igious s chools; we see no reason because which cannot be broadened to alternative schools as with building laboratories as great as libraries.

Providing job opportunities is additionally a form of emancipation. The prophet used to set up bazaars so traders would have a place to control commerce, to illustrate upon condition which employment opportunities as great as make use of as great as merchandise for a community.

Our pasar minggu (farmers' market) where many of a traders have been Malays miss even a basic amenities. Provide H2O supply, as great as which would greatly enhance their sterilizing practices, to a benefit of their customers. With energy those hawkers could refrigerate their perishables, to illustrate enhancing food reserve as great as reducing wastage. Why not make use of zakat to set up these clean, well-equipped bazaars as with a prophet's time? The area outside a Kaaba was a stage of intense blurb activity during his time. It still is, especially during a event season, upon condition which dominance in mixing divine pursuits with mercantile ones.

Zakat could be total with a "one village, one industry" beginning by appropriation these enterprises, to illustrate upon condition which jobs for a villagers. That would be some-more dignified than simply giving a bad handouts.

The building of public infrastructures as marketplaces as great as appropriation encampment enterprises can be viewed as pardon a people from enslavement, a subjugation of carrying no jobs, no income, as great as many of all, no hope.

Zakat could additionally be used to set up hostels upon mosque properties. Besides being a source of revenue, it would additionally perform zakat's mandate of helping travelers (Ibnus sabil). Such hostels would be especially utilitarian for villagers as great as others not gentle with blurb hotels.

The alternative bona fide make use of of zakat is for fisabillillah, jihad in a ways of Allah. That as well is a extended mandate. Creatively interpreted, those! fightin g corruption, injustices, as great as misery could be pronounced to be engaging in fisabillillah as great as to illustrate honourable zakat support.

Showcasing Zakat Versus Income Tax

Having income taxation side by side with zakat would be an glorious margin experiment to review a dual systems. There have been definite philosophical as great as practical differences between a two.

Zakat meets a economist's criteria of an efficient taxation system. Its prosaic rate equates to a redistribution aspect is minimal, really unlike a "progressive" income tax. By casting a net far-reaching as great as shallow instead of narrow as great as low as with income tax, zakat maximizes revenue. Zakat's simplicity, low rate as great as minimal deductions discourage cheating by underestimating asset value. It additionally spares a need for costly taxation accountants as great as attorneys.

In terms of equity, cruise which half of Americans do not compensate any income tax; a figure is even reduce in Malaysia. With zakat, a figure should be considerably higher. After all we have been probable for zakat if your personal asset exceeds nisab, a worth of three ounces of gold. You have to be vacant to equivocate zakat.

As for equity, during benefaction sultans do not compensate any income tax; with zakat they have to. we wonder how much zakat which dentist-cum-politician pays for his mega mansion or Rosmah for her ring! With a physical income taxation they owe nothing. That is a best proof of a justness of Islam.

Zakat is incumbent usually upon individuals, not corporations; there is no sustenance for which in a Koran as great as hadith. That is not startling as a concept of a corporation is recent. we do not see because corporations should not be subjected to zakat. However, considerable egghead work needs to be done with respect to valuation of assets, in sold "goodwill" as great as egghead properties.

Adopting zakat would give so many opportunities to outcome good, reason suffi! cient fo r a leaders to focus upon it rsther than than upon hudud. Obsession with hudud usually distracts them from facing a genuine hurdles facing a people.

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Lim Kit Siang

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Wahai Anwar al juburi, kau ingat selama ini kita main-main ya? Ini baru intro saja, ada banyak lagi! Cerita banyak pun tak guna la Anwar, lebih baik lu resign je!


Ada lagi....tungguuuu...sementara itu ada petikan menarik di bawah ni, bacalah..

Semenjak kemunculan video yang menunjukkan Anwar Ibrahim bersama salah seorang contingent Datuk T

Will Najibs election goodies be enough? Ooi Kee Beng

OCT 10 The annual bill is a powerful arms for a Malaysian government, as well as never more so than when inhabitant elections have been impending. Datuk Seri Najib Razak's third bill as budding minister, voiced last Friday, really signals which elections have been indeed on a way.

Beleaguered as his supervision must feel after a Bersih demonstration in Jul turned into a bigger anti-government event than it indispensable to be when major mercantile indicators have been all indicating a wrong approach as well as with only 1 years left before a ubiquitous choosing has to be held, it was wiser for Najib not to carry over a use of this arms until subsequent October.

In fact, there is no reason for him to hold which a political as well as a mercantile incident will improve over a coming year. Political scepticism runs tall in Malaysia as well as even his recent beginning to repeal a unpopular Internal Security Act (ISA), to lift three declarations of puncture as well as finish a requirement for annual renovation of copy licences was since a lukewarm reception.

What a open is concerned with is what a supervision will replace a ISA with. Few hold a repeal is motivated by a charitable wish to enlarge civil liberties.

After 2 years as budding minister, Najib continues to humour from a credit problem, which has been aggravated by his penchant for regulating foreign consultants for open relations exercises as well as his waste remodel initiatives. PR exercises threaten to overshadow serious process discuss in Malaysia.

Given this political milieu, a annual bill voiced last week was expected by most to be full of something good to eat for as most constituencies as possible. In which respect, Najib exceeded expectations.

Not only will 1.3 million civil servants get pay increases of between seven as well as 13 per cent, their retirement age is being lifted from 58 years to 60. Cheap loans for first-time residence owners creation reduction than RM3,000 a month have b! een bein g made accessible for properties up to RM400,000 whilst taxi drivers have been being since various monetary aids.

Significantly, income handouts to poorer households will benefit as most as 3.4 million families. That's 53 per cent of all households. And not only will subsidies for food as well as fuel be retained, as most as 85 subsidised grocery stores have been to be set up throughout a country. The something good to eat list goes on.

While one should not error a supervision for assisting a needy, it is formidable to see how with a 10 per cent enlarge in expenditure, a GDP necessity can still be brought down from 5.4 per cent to 4.7 per cent as is predicted. But those have been figures for a future. For now, a stream of something good to eat flow.

Something like 1.3 million students on top of a age of seventeen will be since RM200 vouchers. These will include a most first-time electorate which a opposition has for three years been trying to get to register to vote.

Despite all this, a supervision still denies which what it has presented is an choosing budget. In fact, what a two-coalition system which has developed in Malaysian governing body seems to have done is to put a nation in a perpetual campaigning mode. So there is little need to repudiate which this most important of political weapons is not being used during this consequential time.

Najib is obviously aiming for numbers, structuring his bill to definitely affect a wallets of as most electorate as possible. He is targeting a Malay community where a battle for votes in a ubiquitous choosing will be strongest.

The big subject is either it is enough. Will electorate take a income as well as await a opposition anyway or will they consider which a time for reforms is past as well as a waste measures which Najib is receiving have been all they should expect?

As it is, these dear measures have been firm to show tangible gains for a government. The resources accessible to a incumbent celebration should! never b e underestimated, as well as Najib is right away regulating them to generate immediate effect.

Nevertheless, a round is right away in a opposition's court. Pakatan Rakyat's strength lies in a guarantee of significant raise of Malaysian life as well as it has to project a prophesy which takes electorate over a uninteresting slugging which characterises a country's day-to-day politics.

The coming campaign duration is going to be an interesting one. Today

* Ooi Kee Beng is a Senior Fellow during a Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. His latest book is "The Right to Differ: A Biographical Sketch of Lim Kit Siang".

* This is a personal perspective of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a perspective unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

MPs pay could double under parliamentary overhaul proposal

October 10, 2011

MPs' pay could stand in underneath parliamentary overhaul proposal

By Clara

Members of Parliament could see their pay stand in underneath a offer to restructure Parliament directed at restoring total independence to a country's legislative arm.

The Malaysian Insider understands a "parliamentary examination committee" formed final year has referred to raising MPs' arrangement to between RM30,000 as well as RM35,000, thorough of allowances, which is some-more than stand in a present estimated RM12,000 a lawmakers have been entitled to.

The nine-member bipartisan committee, chaired by Deputy Speaker Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (left), has also referred to expanding MPs' parliamentary powers as well as privileges as well as reviving a Parliamentary Services Act (PSA), which was repealed in 1992.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is also financial minister, had alluded to a probable pay travel when tabling a Budget 2012 proposals on Friday.

Wan Junaidi confirmed with The Malaysian Insider that a cabinet submitted 3 draft Bills a PSA Bill, Houses of Parliament (Privileges as well as Powers) Amendment Bill as well as Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Amendment Bill to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, Senate President Tan Sri Abu Zahar Nika Ujang as well as apportion in charge of parliamentary affairs Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz inside of a past dual weeks.

The Santubong MP, however, would not disclose sum on a referred to pay travel for MPs, observant a matter should first be deliberated by a contin! gent pri or to they have been presented for serve examination to all elected representatives as well as after due to a government.

"We have agreed which this should be embargoed until serve notice. This is still in a really early stage," Wan Junaidi pronounced when contacted.

But he urged The Malaysian Insider to stress which Malaysian MPs have been between a world's lowest-paid elected representatives with salaries homogeneous to lawmakers in Yuletide Island as well as Fiji.

"You can hint which you have been between a lowest paid in a world. We have been four times reduce than Indonesia as well as Thailand as well as there is no need to even examination us to Singapore," he said.

MPs' salaries have been revised 5 times in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2002 as well as 2005 since a Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Bill was enacted in 1980.

In a 2005 amendment, their simple salaries increased from RM5,916.90 in 2002 to RM6,508.59, not thorough of other benefits such as a RM1,200 motorist allowance.

Last year, DAP MP Anthony Loke lifted furore over a disaster to lift MP salaries concurrently with a Senate President's as well as Dewan Rakyat Speaker's allowances, which saw a travel in party allowances from RM7,000 to RM9,680; a one-off appointment stipend of RM10,000; an enlarge of RM1,000 for both their housing as well as let allowances, from RM3,000 to RM4,000; an annual housing upkeep stipend of RM10,000; as well as other increases.

On a offer to enhance MPs' parliamentary powers as well as privileges, Wan Junaidi pointed out a legislation was enacted in 1952 as well as usually underwent one legislative further in a following year.

"It was never overwhelmed after that. Imagine, this Act was in place even prior to Merdeka is it still valid underneath present circumstances? Certainly it requires some changes," he said.

Referring to Pandikar (right), Abu Zahar as well as Nazri as a "panel of advisers", Wan Junaidi pronounced a contingent has been offered an estimated one-month period from Oct 6 to study a committee's suggestions as well as add serve input.

"The row will decide either there is a need for serve amendments and, in addition, either to agree which a suggestions should be presented to a MPs prior to flitting it on a government," he said.

Many lawmakers had formerly lamented a 1992 dissolution of a PSA, observant which in line with a element of separation of powers, a law should be restored to lapse total independence to Parliament to conduct its own administration, staffing as well as financing, instead of stating to a executive arm of a government similar to a Prime Minister's Department.

Wan Junaidi pronounced efforts to remodel Parliament had kicked off since 1994 though strike most snags over a years due a refusal of past Speakers practice their "inherent authority" to form a parliamentary examination committee.

He pronounced a cabinet was formed outside of a Standing Orders, which currently usually provides for 5 permanent committees: Select Committee, House Committee, Committee of Privileges, Public Accounts Committee as well as a Standing Orders Committee.

"We did not have a Speaker who longed for to intervene I spoke to a previous ones though they would not place significance in this. But Tan Sri Abu Zahar, using his inherent management which allows for such moves to be done for a good of a House, gave a instruction to form a cabinet final year.

"We formerly did not have enough money, experts, assistants as well as researchers in a margin to indecisive these changes. But today, you also have a former draftsman from a Attorney-General's office to be with us," he said.

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Malaysian MPs: Lowest paid? Othman Wahab

OCT 10 we was changed to tears reading this morning's inform in The Malaysian Insider upon skeleton to almost enlarge a income of MPs.

Apparently they have been in between a lowest paid in a world. How unhappy which a elected representatives who live in swanky neighbourhoods as well as transport in chauffer-driven cars have been having difficulty with rising cost of living?

How so hapless which most of a MPs who have lucrative positions upon GLCs as well as alternative play have been deprived of a higher salary?

It is unequivocally vicious which a MPs who have commercial operation interests as well as have interests in most supervision projects have been paid so poorly for so long.

Yes, this inform changed me to tears since once again we was reminded of a flourishing disconnect in between a rakyat as well as a politicians. A pay enlarge or bump up in arrangement is regularly scored equally to performance. Can any of us unequivocally hold which a legislative opening of MPs has been outstanding?

It has not. It is still a third-rate, rubber-stamping Parliament. Look during a written answers to questions, they have been directed to strengthen blunders by supervision as well as politicians as well as insult a comprehension of a rakyat.

Quality is not a word any one uses when talking about Dewan Rakyat or for which matter a Senate.

But nonetheless these group as well as women hold they deserve a outrageous income increase. we may be sensitive to claims by opposition MPs for an enlarge of sorts though scored equally to transport expenses, etc. But we have no time for an across-the-board travel as well as this is since most BN MPs have been rich beyond standards we as well as we can fathom.

Even some of a younger ones do not have any "source of income" though nonetheless have a fibre of aides, cars as well as wear suits costing thousands of ringgit. we can only presupposition which they either have rich parents or benefactors or have been! propiti ous sufficient to get a project.

And nonetheless they wish some-more money.

* Othman Wahab reads The Malaysian Insider.

* This is a personal perspective of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a view unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

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Anwar Tak Sembahyang? Thomas Hoogland kata mustahil Anwar bongkok

Sakit belakang, mustahil Anwar lakukan seks KUALA LUMPUR- Mahkamah Tinggi semalam diberitahu, berda-sarkan sejarah perubatan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mustahil untuk beliau menggerakkan badan seperti didakwa di dalam pertuduhan liwat yang dihadapinya.Pakar bedah ortopedik, Dr Thomas Hoogland berkata, beliau berpendapat Anwar sukar membongkokkan badan berdasarkan masalah kesihatan

MPs pay could double under parliamentary overhaul proposal

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 10 Members of Parliament could see their compensate stand in underneath Datuk Seri Najib Razak's offer to restructure Parliament aimed at restoring sum autonomy to the country's legislative arm.

The Malaysian Insider understands the "parliamentary examination committee" shaped final year has referred to raising MPs' arrangement to in between RM30,000 as well as RM35,000, thorough of allowances, which is more than stand in the benefaction estimated RM12,000 the lawmakers have been entitled to.

The nine-member bipartisan committee, chaired by Deputy Speaker Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (picture), has additionally referred to expanding MPs' parliamentary powers as well as privileges as well as reviving the Parliamentary Services Act (PSA), which was repealed in 1992.

The prime minister, who is additionally finance minister, had alluded to the probable compensate travel when tabling the Budget 2012 proposals upon Friday.

Wan Junaidi reliable with The Malaysian Insider which the cabinet submitted three breeze Bills the PSA Bill, Houses of Parliament (Privileges as well as Powers) Amendment Bill as well as Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Amendment Bill to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, Senate President Tan Sri Abu Zahar Nika Ujang as well as apportion in assign of parliamentary affairs Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz within the past dual weeks.

The Santubong MP, however, would not divulge details upon the referred to compensate travel for MPs, saying the matter should initial be deliberated by the contingent prior to they have been presented for serve examination to all elected member as well as later due to the government.

"We have agreed which this should be embargoed until serve notice. This is still in the really early stage," Wan Junaidi pron! ounced w hen contacted.

But he urged The Malaysian Insider to highlight which Malaysian MPs have been among the world's lowest-paid elected member with salaries homogeneous to lawmakers in Yuletide Island as well as Fiji.

"You can spirit which you have been among the lowest paid in the world. We have been 4 times reduce than Indonesia as well as Thailand... as well as there is no need to even compare us to Singapore," he said.

MPs' salaries have been revised 5 times in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2002 as well as 2005 given the Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Bill was enacted in 1980.

In the 2005 amendment, their simple salaries increased from RM5,916.90 in 2002 to RM6,508.59, not thorough of alternative benefits such as the RM1,200 motorist allowance.

Last year, DAP MP Anthony Loke raised furore over the failure to raise MP salaries concurrently with the Senate President's as well as Dewan Rakyat Speaker's allowances, which saw the travel in entertainment allowances from RM7,000 to RM9,680; the one-off appointment stipend of RM10,000; an increase of RM1,000 for both their housing as well as rental allowances, from RM3,000 to RM4,000; an annual housing upkeep stipend of RM10,000; as well as alternative increases.

On the offer to expand MPs' parliamentary powers as well as privileges, Wan Junaidi pointed out the legislation was enacted in 1952 as well as usually underwent the single legislative addition in the following year.

"It was never touched after that. Imagine, this Act was in place even prior to Merdeka... is it still current underneath benefaction circumstances? Certainly it requires some changes," he said.

Referring to Pandikar, Abu Zahar as well as Nazri as the "panel of advisers", Wan Junaidi pronounced the contingent has been offering an estimated one-month period from October 6 to investigate the committee's suggestions as well as supplement serve input.

"The row will confirm either there is the need for serve amendments and, in additi! on, eith er to agree which the suggestions should be presented to the MPs prior to passing it upon the government," he said.

Many lawmakers had previously lamented the 1992 repeal of the PSA, saying which in line with the principle of separation of powers, the law should be restored to lapse sum autonomy to Parliament to conduct its own administration, staffing as well as financing, instead of stating to the executive arm of the supervision like the Prime Minister's Department.

Wan Junaidi pronounced efforts to remodel Parliament had kicked off given 1994 though hit many snags over the years due the warding off of past Speakers exercise their "inherent authority" to form the parliamentary examination committee.

He pronounced the cabinet was shaped outside of the Standing Orders, which now usually provides for 5 permanent committees: Select Committee, House Committee, Committee of Privileges, Public Accounts Committee as well as the Standing Orders Committee.

"We did not have the Speaker who wanted to intervene... I spoke to the prior ones though they would not place significance in this. But Tan Sri Abu Zahar, using his fundamental management which allows for such moves to be done for the great of the House, gave the direction to form the cabinet final year.

"We previously did not have sufficient money, experts, assistants as well as researchers in the margin to indecisive these changes. But today, you additionally have the former draftsman from the Attorney-General's bureau to be with us," he said.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

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Lennon By Tim Riley Book Review

"I hated Lennon," one of a aged madcaps says, defiantly, in Jonathon Green's verbal history "Days in a Life: Voices From a English Underground, 1961-1971." "Oh yes. Lennon's no hero of mine. you cannot separate people as well as what they do from what they are. Lennon was unmitigatedly immorality as far as you was concerned." Doesn't which receptive to advice terrible, similar to a kind of spiritual monstrosity hating John Lennon? Tangled low in a nervous system of every person from earth over a age of 40, you would argue, is a small fiber or strand of peak Beatlemania, a small flutter of a aged wild adoration. We want, you need still to adore these men. And nonetheless Lennon in sure aspects was unequivocally quite hateable. Cruel during times, chaotic, dissociated: upon his bad days small more, so it seems, than a gigantic tellurian smirch by which a shifting light of genius displayed itself.

Challenging for biographers? Disorienting? Just a bit. Albert Goldman, whose demonically readable book "The Lives of John Lennon" still haunts a margin of Lennonography, suspicion he had found in Lennon a text case of mixed luminary disorder. Tim Riley, in his huge new "Lennon," is soberer though no reduction dazzled as he tracks his subject's "bipolar muse." Here is Lennon in a generosity of his diffracted personality, opposite a spectrum of his phases as well as faces. Leather John, mugging sailors in Hamburg "A Lennon punch felled him to his knees" is superseded by Beatle John, mugging for a world's press. (The reader will pardon a heavy wordplay: Riley reminds us which Lennon himself was an unstoppable punster as well as purveyor of Spike Milligan-inspired "word fizzle.") Beatle John contains both "Ed Sullivan" John, yodeling harmonies as well as tortuous ! his knee s in awkward demi-plis, as well as "Revolver" John, acidhead, sleepyhead, drug dormouse, singing in which cold small cocoon voice (Riley calls it "time-frozen") about floating downstream as well as not wanting to be woken up. Then there's "Imagine" John, a drooping sage. And finally, of course, John a martyr. . . . Can such variety cohere, you ask, inside a single being? It did, barely, just once, is a answer, as well as his name was John Winston Lennon.

About a art, "Lennon" is potently descriptive. Alan White's unilateral drum fill in a middle of "Instant Karma" (after a line "Why in a world have been you here?") "tilted a total track laterally for a few bars as well as afterwards jumped right behind into a groove, as if a small alternate reality tore a brief hole in a song." "Mind Games," in 1973, "wafted opposite radio with sweeping strings doubling guitar lines, surrounding Lennon's voice similar to a cloud relocating opposite a good setting of feeling." Riley already wrote a useful book about Beatle music, "Tell Me Why" (1988), though a combined biographical dimension in "Lennon" has deepened his insight considerably. His account of a essay as well as creation of "Strawberry Fields Forever," for example, is a vicious tour de force, similarly in touch with a song's subterranean sources as well as a technical midwifery which drew it into a light. Lennon brought a strain to a college of music in November 1966, roughing it out upon guitar for his brother Beatles as well as for George Martin, who later described a occasion as "a good privilege." "Suddenly," Riley writes, "their many arguable cutup had enchanted them with a nightmare of youth, which someway done him receptive to advice comparison as well as done a others feel comparison as well." Woozily regressive though sharp as splinters, "Strawberry Fields Forever" would take weeks to perfect, spliced as well as respliced, a accomplished article sounding, in Riley's phrase, "like a mental condition reassembled in a bottle."

At 5 years ! old, in a room in Blackpool, small John was given a choice: to go with Julia, his good-time girl of a mother, or with Alf, his capering, rickety dad. The child chose his father; afterwards he panicked, chose his mother. He ended up vital with his aunt. Was this a aboriginal shattering, a impulse during which he became double- or triple-natured? Or was it Julia's death in a car accident, when John was 17, which did him in? Beatlehood, for Lennon, was a state of aroused irony a beaming cocktail star singing "Help!" Riley earnings again as well as again, with vehement wonderment, to a fact which his subject's late-'60s creative zenith coincided with his period of limit mental disarray: "The worse Lennon's depression got, a sharper his songwriting skills became, roughly as if they were his usually arguable tie with his world as well as peers." Diminishing earnings in this context, anyway were inevitable. By a time you get to "I Am a Walrus" (which Riley says "could be his least funny gash during surrealism"), Lennon is singing "from a alternative side of a small huge creative chasm."

Efforts to overpass this chasm by love, debauchery, meditation, etc. would figure a rest of his life. He strew a Beatles, he threw himself into Yoko Ono: blanketing uxoriousness. Primal roar care arrived upon a scene, as well as he went for it in a big way. Arthur Janov done a trans-Atlantic house call: 6 weeks of private sessions in England, retching as well as howling. "John had about as much pang as I've ever seen in my life," Riley quotes him as saying. Primal roar could have been done for Lennon a idea which sound, voice, a single distressing chord, could express a first means of suffering. Unguardedly confessional, whether in a college of music or upon a set with Dick Cavett, he endeared himself to mouthy New York, his adopted city. In 1974, separated from Ono as well as thrashing by West Hollywood with Harry Nilsson during ! his side , he done his own small Hamburg out of a Smothers Brothers show during a Troubadour heckling, removing thrown out, taking swings during bystanders. "Even for a cocaine-fueled Hollywood," Riley tuts, "this situation reeked of washed-up celebrity." Then came a years of hermetic domestication in a Dakota: a bread-baking as well as a Sean-rearing (Some travel, too, "furtive jaunts . . . directed by Ono's sect of astrologists, psychics as well as numerologists.") Half a decade passed, as well as he emerged with his I'm-so-happy-at-home album, "Double Fantasy," to big sales as well as (as Riley reminds us) mixed reviews. "It sounds similar to a good life," Charles Shaar Murray wrote, "but unfortunately it makes a lousy record."

John Lennon would have been 71 today. Riley doesn't discuss Mark Chapman by name an cultured decision, perhaps a moral one. Lennon's assassin is an "anonymous figure," "a young autograph hound," a ghost from a half-world of fandom who irrupts into a account during 10:50 p.m. upon Dec. 8, 1980, with five gunshots. The force released during which moment, interestingly enough, released as well as afterwards globally diffused, was a opposite of hate.

James Parker writes a Entertainment column for The Atlantic.

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Knocking on Heavens Door By Lisa Randall Book Review

Lisa Randall is a highbrow of production during Harvard as good as a single of a some-more strange theorists during work in a contention today. In a fancifully patrician "Knocking upon Heaven's Door," her second book for a renouned audience, she has two direct aims: first, to explain where production competence be headed now which a Large Hadron Collider a huge molecule accelerator upon a Swiss-French border is eventually up as good as running; as good as second, to air her views upon a inlet of science, a diligent relations with religion, as good as a role of beauty as a beam to scientific truth. Her book thus alternates in between a nitty-gritty of molecule production as good as meditations of a some-more rarefied sort. Stitching a total thing together have been passages recounting a author's globe-trotting adventures: usurpation a key to a city from a mayor of Padua, chatting up a scientifically curious actress upon a moody to Los Angeles, attending a Barcelona premiere of an show about production for which she had written a libretto.

Martial Trezzini/European Pressphoto Agency

The magnet core of a molecule detector upon a Large Hadron Collider. "The L.H.C. belongs to a world," Randall writes, "that can usually be described with superlatives."


How Physics as good as Scientific Thinking Illuminate a Universe as good as a Modern World

By Lisa Randall

Illustrated. 442 pp. Ecco/HarperCollins Publishers. $ 29.99.

So where is production headed? Before grappling with this question, it competence be correct to ask initial where production is. And a cynical answer is, about where it was in a 1970s. That was when a finishing touches were put upon a supposed Standard Model of molecule physics. The Standard Model describes, in a singular mathematical framework, a basic constituents of inlet as good as 3 of a 4 good well known forces which oversee their interactions: electromagnetism; a "strong" force, which holds a iota of a atom together; as good as a "weak" force, which causes radioactive decay. The Standard Model is not particularly elegant; indeed, it's something of a stick-and-bubble-gum contraption. But in a decades since it was formulated, it has likely a outcome of each examination in molecule physics, as good as with superb accuracy.

There is a single viewable complaint with a Standard Model. It leaves out a fourth force of nature, a beginning a single to be discovered as good as a a single with which we're many familiar: gravity. Nobody has yet figured out how to report sobriety in a same language a language of quantum mechanics a Standard Model uses to report a alternative 3 forces. So we need a separate speculation for gravity: Einstein's ubiquitous relativity theory.

Some physicists of a conservative kidney, similar to Freeman Dyson, have been pretty content with this multiplication of labor. Let a Standard Model hoop a tiny things (atoms upon down), they say, as good as ubiquitous relativity hoop a massive things (stars upon up). Never mind which a two theories give inconsistent answers during impassioned energies, where unequivocally tiny things can additionally be unequivocally massive; we can't comply such energies anyway.

But alternative physicists insist which an entirely brand new framework must be found, a single which would transcend a Standard Model by putting all 4 forces upon a same theoretical f! ooting. Only then, they argue, will we understand how inlet behaves during energies similar to those which prevailed during a Big Bang, when a 4 forces acted as one. The most appropriate candidate for such a unifying framework seems to be fibre theory.

String speculation is a top-down approach to progress in production sum revolution from above. Once you find a right beliefs to report inlet during a unequivocally highest energies, all else follows. The complaint with fibre speculation is which so far during least, it makes no testable predictions. Since fibre theorists have been operative in a dark, experimentally speaking, a little contend they have been not unequivocally doing science, though rather pristine mathematics.

The alternative is a bottom-up approach gradual reform from below. And this brings us behind to Lisa Randall. She knows as good as her string-theorist colleagues do which a Standard Model can't be a total story. At best, it's a low-energy estimation of a Truth. But she prefers to hew closely to a accessible initial data, regulating those interpretation to resolve puzzling facilities of a Standard Model as good as to theory how it competence be extended to energies only over a reach a arrange of energies that, she hopes, will be receptive soon in a Large Hadron Collider.

This is not to contend which Randall has no lorry with fibre theory. Indeed, she has exploited a single of a central ideas which space competence have extra, dark measure as partial of an inventive bottom-up proposal (worked out with Raman Sundrum) to resolve a longstanding mystery about a Standard Model, good well known as a hierarchy problem: Why do a facile particles it describes have such wildly capricious masses? Related to this is a second mystery: Why do these particles have any mass during all?

Jim Holt's brand new book, "Why Does a World Exist?," will be published subsequent spring.

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Your Medical Mind By Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband Book Review

Most of us hold you have been receptive preference makers. But healing decisions have been generally complex, interjection to a countless unknowns as good as a aberration of each person's body. Suppose you've usually found out which you or a loved a single has prostate cancer, a single of a many examples in Jerome Groopman as good as Pamela Hartzband's educational brand new book, "Your Medical Mind." Nearly each urologist would recommend radical operation to remove a organ. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

But let's look during a numbers some-more closely. Prostate cancer is slow-moving; some-more people die with it than from it. According to a single 2004 study, for each 48 prostate surgeries performed, usually a single studious benefits a alternative 47 patients would have lived usually as long without surgery. (Groopman as good as Hartzband plead a critical epidemiological judgment "number indispensable to treat," which relates to surgeries, prescriptions, therapies, you name it.) Moreover, a 47 who didn't need a operation have been mostly left with an form of unpleasant as good as irrevocable side effects, together with incontinence, impotence as good as detriment of passionate desire. The likelihood of a single of these side goods is over 50 percent twenty-four of a 47 wil! l have d uring slightest one. This means a studious is twenty-four times some-more likely to knowledge a side effect than a cure.

"Your Medical Mind," a kind of supplement to Groopman's 2007 best seller, "How Doctors Think," aims to commission patients to become active participants, in truth negotiators, in decisions about their seizure care. "The trail to progressing or convalescent seizure is not a same for everyone," Groopman as good as Hartzband write. "Medicine involves nuanced as good as personalized preference creation by both a studious as good as a doctor." you suspect word companies, H.M.O.'s as good as some-more than a couple of doctors have been starting to hatred this book.

Groopman as good as Hartzband try dual sets of biases which affect studious decisions. We can be minimalists, preferring to do as little as possible, or maximalists who aggressively aspire to treatment. We can be technology enthusiasts, looking a newest drugs or procedures, or naturalists who hold a physique can heal itself, maybe with a assist of devout as good as plant-based remedies. Of course, these orientations interact: any a single who lives in Northern California knows someone who eagerly takes armloads of herbal supplements while having their chi realigned in in between weekly acupuncture sessions (maximalist-naturalist). And there have been minimalist-technologists, who equivocate healing diagnosis when probable though if operation is compulsory will ask for a ultimat! e high-t ech robotic laser surgery. Understanding these biases, a authors argue, can lead to some-more in effect doctor-patient dialogue.

Groopman, an oncologist during Harvard Medical School as good as a staff writer during The New Yorker, as good as Hartzband, an endocrinologist during Harvard, deliver a series of alternative profitable concepts readers might not be informed with, similar to a "risk for disease," which is critical to untangling mildew statistics. Say a drug promises to revoke your risk of deadly seizure X by 50 percent. Sounds great, doesn't it? But suspect there was usually a one-in-1,000 possibility which you'd get a mildew to begin with: reducing your risk by 50 percent means which you'll now have a one-in-2,000 possibility of getting it. Most medications have side effects, as good as a likelihood of these might distant exceed which of being helped by a medication. For example, a "number indispensable to treat" for a particular cholesterol-lowering drug is 300. (For each 300 people receiving it, usually a single heart attack is prevented.) The drug has a 5 percent probability of side effects, together with serious flesh as good as joint pain as good as gastrointestinal distress. Thus, for each person helped, fifteen people (5 percent of 300) will knowledge! side go ods as good as not be cured. In alternative words, any a single receiving a drug is fifteen times some-more likely to knowledge a neglected goods of a remedy than a profitable ones.

Of course, none of us wish to cruise of ourselves as a statistic. What if a a single person saved is me? When it comes to deciding either to aspire to a sure treatment, a receptive march is to cruise all a relevant factors age, weight, healing history, alternative conditions as good as so upon as good as afterwards follow these newly refined statistics, a routine known as Bayesian reasoning, a method Groopman discusses in "How Doctors Think."

Yet studies by cognitive psychologists have shown which a smarts have been not configured to cruise statistically, either a theme is how to find a best cost upon paper towels or either to have behind surgery. In a single critical study, Amos Tversky as good as Daniel Kahneman found which even doctors as good as statisticians done an startling series of deduction errors in mock cases; if those cases had been real, many people would have died needlessly. The problem is which a smarts overestimate a generalizability of anecdotes. Scientists call anecdotes a "n of 1," pseudo-experiments with no controls as good as usually a single subject. The power of complicated systematic method comes from random choice of diagnosis conditions; a little suit of people will get better by you do nothing, as good as without a tranquil hearing it is impossible to discuss it either which homeopathic thistle tea which helped Aunt Marge is unequivocally you do anything.

Groopman as good as Hartzband understand a psychological need for first-person stories, illustrating their statistical points with clear case histories, together with their own. (Groopman describes a u! nsuccess ful spinal operation which incited him from a maximalist to a some-more "risk averse" patient, a self-described "doubter"; Hartzband recounts a time she passed upon an M.R.I. after a ski collision as good as a knee got better upon its own.) You'll tighten a book with an wholly brand new perspective as good as set of collection for creation healing decisions.

Much of this preference creation revolves around your own eagerness to take risks as good as your starting point for putting up with inconvenience, side goods or pain. Returning to prostate surgery, cruise which 6 weeks is a advised liberation period. Coincidentally, a operation will, upon average, add 6 weeks to your life. (This averages across a 47 people who had no good from a operation as good as a a single person who did.) To my approach of thinking, a preference afterwards becomes this: When do you wish to "spend" those 6 weeks? When you're relatively immature as good as feeling well, or during a finish of your life, when you're old as good as usually dimly wakeful of your surroundings?

But as Groopman as good as Hartzband argue, you can put up with things you could not have imagined. Extensively incapacitated patients lend towards to report hold up compensation equal to what they reported previously. Facing death, you mostly completely reassess what you suspicion you could tolerate, usually to add a couple of some-more weeks to life.

"If disinfectant were an expect science, similar to mathematics, there would be a single scold answer for each problem," Groopman as good as Hartzband write. There isn't. One tighten crony of cave with prostate cancer opted for evident surgery, entirely wakeful of a risks as good as side effects, usually to "get a cancer out now!" Another said he would rather risk dying earlier than lose passionate function, as good as so he deserted operation in preference of a vegan diet as good as yoga, as good as has no regrets 10 years later, superfluous happily symptom-free. Groopman as good as Hartzband's critical book will help alloy as good as studious sense how each of us navigates a own toleration for risk, thus improving outcomes upon both sides of a hearing table.

Daniel J. Levitin is a professor of psychology during McGill University as good as a writer of "This Is Your Brain upon Music: The Science of a Human Obsession."

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Lost Memory of Skin - By Russell Banks - Book Review

In a nation right away important for its second acts a philandering politician, a reformed insider trader, Charlie Sheen virtually a usually American denied an additional chance is a passionate offender, branded in perpetuity, his whereabouts tracked by a government, a modern-day boogeyman incompetent by law in many states to live anywhere even remotely habitable. In his 12th novel, "Lost Memory of Skin," a formidable Russell Banks bravely explores this specific plight, perplexing to find amiability in people who have been feared as well as despised, mostly for good reason, as well as raising questions not usually about a mostly horrible public diagnosis of these outcasts though additionally about a ways a larger culture might minister to their crimes.

As a vehicle he has combined a noted character, well known as a Kid, a young male so mislaid as well as waste as well as deprived it would take a heart of stone not to feel for him even during his many repulsive. Abandoned by his father, uncared for by his mother, it is no wonder which as a preteen without friends solely for his giant house pet iguana, Iggy a Kid fell in to a dark Oz of online porn to assuage his isolation as well as boredom.

Now, during 22, he is a paroled sex offender, forced to live with a tracking device clamped to his ankle between his fellow amicable lepers in an ad hoc cluster of felons underneath a viaduct. His crime? After stumbling onto a discuss line upon Craigslist, a Kid arranged to encounter an underage girl with a hoop "brandi18" during her home whilst her parents were away. Recently liberated from a Army for planning to discharge publishing to his fellow soldiers in an bid to win favor, as well as right away unemployed, a Kid arrived for a assignation via city bus with a backpack full of beer, condoms, X-rated movies, liniment as well as tall hopes "to strike up against as well as break ! by an in visible surface between a ideally tranquil universe locked inside his head as well as a forever superfluous unpredictable, dangerous universe outside." Instead, he was greeted by Brandi's father as well as 5 cops who "do similar to a SWAT team takedown." Convicted of soliciting sex with a minor, he spent 3 months in prison as well as was expelled upon good function in to a universe where he was banned for a subsequent 10 years both to leave a jurisdiction as well as to reside inside of 2,500 feet of anywhere young kids gather. In a Miami-like Floridian coastal city Banks has invented, this leaves 3 housing choices: a swamp, an airfield or a dry mark underneath a causeway. The Kid has pitched his tent there between "the polyethylene lean-tos . . . as well as a salvaged plywood huts circuitously as well as a group who live in them station around similar to bored ghosts." He calls himself a Kid since his genuine name, typed in to a poke engine, will prevent him from renting an apartment or alighting a job, as well as additionally since "it's what he looks similar to anyhow: a kid." The actuality which after all he's been by a Kid is still a pure is yet an additional approach Banks underscores his innocence (to make use of a loaded word).

This is bleak stuff, with flashes of humor which land similar to sparks upon dry grass, as well as additionally flattering fascinating. A two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, Banks might be a many compassionate novella bard working today, as well as a Kid is usually his many new lens in to a souls of clearly decent group who do terribly indecent things out of ignorance, thirst as well as recklessness in a deeply uncaring world. Balancing impressively upon a moral tightrope, Banks never absolves a Kid of his actions even as he sympathizes with him.

The tract kicks in when a police raid scatters a truly pitiable as well as creepy inhabitants of this rickety community, as well as brings in a Professor a might sociologist as well as poser male of astonishing physica! l bulk a s well as gluttony. He can eat for pages. His refrigerator holds "containers of ready-to-eat food potato salad, macaroni as well as cheese, beef stew, lamb stew, curried chicken, boiled chicken, pig dumplings, duck pot pies, half a ham, chunks of cheese, egg salad, tuna salad, sliced meats, marinated tuna steaks, mashed squash, creamed spinach, beef loaf, Cuban, Chinese as well as Indian takeout . . . as well as much, many more." Drawn to a ravaged tent city, he finds a Kid, who reminds him (and us) of Huck Finn, as well as arrogantly, easily intends to "cure" him.

The Professor can additionally posit for pages, as well as his ideas "are quick evolving": "When a society commodifies its young kids . . . a young kids gradually come to be viewed by a rest of a village as well as by a young kids themselves as passionate objects." He after expands upon this meditative about pedophilia: "If it is a mental illness, then a complete society is to a single grade or an additional ill with it. Which creates it normal." Normal? Then again, a Professor's normal might not be everyone's, given his own passionate proclivities (masturbating upon a "forest immature leather Barcalounger" whilst his mother poses naked) as well as his secrets as well as lies (he claims he was a spy as well as a stand in representative for "black-box agencies" which "aren't as well well known as a F.B.I. as well as C.I.A."). Indeed, a Professor's obvious grotesquerie creates him a disturbingly original impression there's zero utterly similar to him in American literature though also, during times, an infinite one. His theories as well as ideas, extrapolated as well as repetitive, loom vast as well as complicated in this novel. To be honest, as well as perhaps this is my bad, by a finish of a book we still couldn't utterly make sense of him.

After a skillfully rendered hurricane as well as a outing in to a heart of dark in a swamp, a Kid is delivered by a Professor's thorny games of deception as well as manipulation in to an or! ganisati on with a novel's slightest character: a repository bard who, as Banks describes him, looks a small similar to both Ernest Hemingway as well as Banks himself. This bard derails a narrative whilst cheerfully as well as strangely extracting a many appropriate from a appalling situation as well as an unsettling ending. Here is what he leaves us with: "What you've got to do, Kid, is dont think about logic, confess its limitations, postpone your disbelief as well as believe!"

This might receptive to advice similar to advice for a Disney heroine, though during its hyper-real many appropriate "Lost Memory of Skin" is explanation which Banks remains a premier chronicler of a doomed as well as lost American male, a desperate as well as a weak, group whose afflictions as well as antagonists might shift over a years though whose elemental onslaught never does. As a side note, you can additionally tract key moments in informative devolution by Banks's books. In "Continental Drift" (1985), Banks's doomed protagonist Bob Dubois has a fleeting moment of beauty when, in a desperate hour, he runs in to a good retired ballplayer Ted Williams in a bait as well as tackle shop, "and it's as if he's stumbled onto a saint or an angel." Twenty-six years later, a Kid enjoys a likewise transcendent moment when he spots O. J. Simpson: a Kid's "legs go all watery as well as his respirating turns shallow as well as fast. . . . The Kid has never been this close to a genuine coldblooded torpedo before. He someway hadn't realized O. J. Simpson was a genuine chairman as well as not usually a important torpedo who existed usually upon TV." If you're seeking for a quick approach to insist a last 3 or four decades of American life, a arc from Williams to O. J. isn't a bad one.

And by a finish of this ambitious, complex as well as not wholly coherent story, a Kid knows, as Bob Dubois with his illusions of exceptionalism did not, which he "is n! ot a vic tim." The usually a single heroic enough to save a Kid is a Kid himself. Redemption, in Banks's America, is harder won than ever.

Helen Schulman's many new novel is "This Beautiful Life."

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The Better Angels of Our Nature By Steven Pinker Book Review

It is unusual for the subtitle of the book to undersell it, but Steven Pinker's "Better Angels of Our Nature" tells us many some-more than because assault has declined. Pinker, the highbrow of psychology during Harvard who initial became during large well known as the author of "The Language Instinct," addresses the little of the biggest questions we can ask: Are tellurian beings essentially great or bad? Has the past century witnessed dignified progress or the dignified collapse? Do we have grounds for being optimistic about the future?

If which sounds similar to the book we would want to read, wait, there's more. In 800 information-packed pages, Pinker also discusses the host of some-more specific issues. Here is the sample: What do we owe to the Enlightenment? Is there the link in between the tellurian rights movement as well as the campaign for animal rights? Why have been carnage rates aloft in the southerly states of this nation than in northern ones? Are assertive tendencies heritable? Could declines in assault in sold societies be attributed to genetic shift among its members? How does the president's I.Q. relate with the series of battle deaths in wars in which the United States is involved? Are we removing smarter? Is the smarter universe the better world?

In seeking answers to these questions Pinker draws upon new investigate in history, psychology, cognitive science, economics as well as sociology. Nor is he afraid to venture in to deep philosophical waters, similar to the purpose of reason in ethics as well as whether, but delectable to religion, the little ethical views can be grounded in reason as well as others cannot be.

The central topic of "Better Angels" is which our epoch is reduction violent, reduction vicious as well as some-more pacific than any prior period! of tell urian existence. The decrease in assault binds for assault in the family, in neighborhoods, in between tribes as well as in between states. People vital right away have been reduction expected to encounter the aroused death, or to suffer from assault or cruelty during the hands of others, than people vital in any prior century.

Pinker assumes which many of his readers will be skeptical of this claim, so he spends six substantial chapters documenting it. That might sound similar to the tough slog, but for any a single interested in bargain tellurian nature, the material is engrossing, as well as when the going gets heavy, Pinker knows how to abate it with ironic comments as well as the hold of humor.

Pinker begins with studies of the causes of genocide in different eras as well as peoples. Some studies have been based upon skeletons found during archaeological sites; averaging their formula suggests which fifteen percent of prehistoric humans met the aroused genocide during the hands of an additional person. Research in to contemporary or new hunter-gatherer societies yields the in few instances likewise average, while an additional cluster of studies of pre-state societies which embody the little cultivation of gardens has an even aloft rate of aroused death. In contrast, among state societies, the many aroused appears to have been Aztec Mexico, in which 5 percent of people were killed by others. In Europe, even during the bloodiest periods the 17th century as well as the initial half of the 20th deaths in fight were around 3 percent. The data vindicates Hobbes's basic insight, which but the state, life is expected to be "nasty, cruel as well as short." In contrast, the state corner upon the legitimate use of force reduces assault as well as creates everyone vital under which corner better off than they would differently have been. Pinker calls this the "pacification process."

It's not usually deaths in war, but murder, too, which is disappearing over the prolonged term. Even those! tribal peoples extolled by anthropologists as especially "gentle," similar to the Semai of Malaysia, the Kung of the Kalahari as well as the Central Arctic Inuit, spin out to have murder rates which are, relative to population, allied to those of Detroit. In Europe, your possibility of being murdered is right away reduction than one-tenth, as well as in the little countries usually one-fiftieth, of what it would have been if we had lived 500 years ago. American rates, too, have fallen steeply over the past dual or 3 centuries. Pinker sees this decrease as partial of the "civilizing process," the tenure he borrows from the sociologist Norbert Elias, who attributes it to the converging of the energy of the state above feudal loyalties, as well as to the outcome of the widespread of commerce. (Consistent with this view, Pinker argues which during least partial of the reason for the regional differences in American carnage rates is which people in the South have been reduction expected to accept the state's corner upon force. Instead, the tradition of self-help justice as well as the "culture of honor" sanctions retaliation when a single is angry or mistreated. Statistics bear this out the aloft carnage rate in the South is due to quarrels which spin lethal, not to some-more killings during armed robberies as well as experiments show which even currently Southerners respond some-more strongly to insults than Northerners.)

Peter Singer is highbrow of bioethics during Princeton University. His books embody "Animal Liberation," "Practical Ethics," "The Expanding Circle" as well as "The Life You Can Save."

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Umno Youth Target 6000 Youths To Venture into Franchise ...

Umno Youth Target 6000 Youths To Venture into Franchise Business. Oct 10, 2011 Leave the Comment. Posted in National News Cancel Reply. Leave the Reply. Name. Email. Website. You can use these HTML tags and attributes: <a ...

Man dies while in Kota Baru court lock-up

KOTA BARU, Oct 9 Police have classified as remarkable genocide a passing of a detainee during a court lock-up here, where he was being held following a drug assign proffered earlier today.

"The law enforcemetn officer had gone to a lock-up to move him to Pengkalan Chepa Prison when he saw a detainee lying unconscious," Kota Baru deputy military chief Supt Idris Abd Rafar was quoted saying by Bernama Online.

"Our investigation found there was no tainted fool around involved as well as you have classified a box as remarkable death."

It is not transparent when a man died as he was reportedly comatose during a time he was detected during 3pm, nor did a report item if a man had suffered from injuries or illness complications.

The body was later sent to Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital.

Over 1,500 custodial deaths took place in Malaysia between 2003 as well as 2007, as estimated by a United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Few have been ever pinned on authorities underneath whose watch a fatalities took place.

The spotlight on custodial deaths grew some-more strident following a murdering of 23-year-old A. Kugan, who died while underneath military detention for suspected car theft.

Kugan's genocide was primarily classified as remarkable genocide as well as attributed to water in his lungs according to an primary autopsy report.

However, a box was reclassified as murder following a public outcry.

Eleven rank as well as record policemen were eliminated to desk avocation during a Selangor military headquarters but usually a single person Constable V. Navindran was charged over a incident.

Navindran was later acquitted.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

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Budget 2012- hardly transformative

Here is a reason why PM Najib isn't heeding a unsolicited talking-tos as well as recommendation of Dr Mahathir. He has which a single apparatus which he thinks can earn a loyalty as well as allegiance of people who will ensure BN stays in power. The BUDGET.

It's themed as a transformative budget. The customarily transformative feature in a bill described to satisfy which effect, is converting a cashless chairman to a chairman with a little money by a sudden though temporary windfall. The jaga who is a former home-guard will get a RM 3000 windfall after which he remain! s a jaga to means a living.

The denunciation used is a denunciation of a gambler. Hence, his minders leaked report which this is a mangle a bank budget, a denunciation some-more matched to a roulette table. The residence doesn't have sufficient funds to cover a value of a chips upon a table. Yet it lets people win to inspire some-more to play during a table. Because in many cases a residence in a future wins, so a PM's minders reasoned, which law will additionally work upon a 2012 budget. So spend.

PM Najib is gambling. Create a illusion which voters can win by removing income now, while a residence is depleting itself. But in a finish because a residence customarily wins, Najib is starting forward to spend. At around a same time, a former PM who was additionally a former financial apportion additionally never known for mercantile frugality, warned a west not to outlay in denial. Was he additionally targeting a current PM? In a universe set upon by slower mercantile growth, where do you sell a exports? Can you contend a price of oil as well as gas to ensure you have sufficient funds to financial a 2012 budget?

Th! ese appe ar to worry a financial apportion a slightest for now. So, he will as well as can call elections anytime. Best, call it prior to a finish of a year. But then, UMNO people have been only starting by a drill in attendance courses here as well as there. The UMNO Assembly is slotted someday during a finish of a year. The PM is withdrawal for Hajj event for about dual weeks. Perhaps there he will be seeking boundless signs upon a dates to hold elections. God is upon BN's side only as God is a Republican in USA. It's impossible not to win. I will say, a elections will be around March 2012.

In brand new years, a bill instead of being a honest criticism of what a supervision earns as well as how it will apply as well as appoint a income has turn Santa Claus's bag of goodies. The 2012 bill breaks all barriers- all amicable groups fathomable by a financial apportion as well as a organisation which rebuilt a bill have been enclosed as recipients of a little arrange of money. It pays everybody to secure their vote.

How a nation's bill is in use is not dissimilar from a approach a Ketua Bahagian UMNO of Pekan sorts out problems in Pekan- compensate every damn person. That's a tiny approach to have people forget about a trials as well as tribulations of life- a taking flight prices of food stuffs as well as goods, a horrible levels of crime as well as abuse of bureau for self-aggrandizement, a unfair distribution of wealth, a rapacious profiteering around supervision projects, a audacity of those in power.

The 2012 bill gives a suffering killer to treat a some-more heavy agony. With all a income which is starting to be since out, a nation will have additional liquidity unless it has a absorptive capacity. So where is a buildup of prolific genius to absorb a additional liquidity which will surely add to inflationary pressures? What you see is a catalog of spending as well as not many report upon an overa! ll devis e to do justice to a 2012 bill theme- to renovate society. Mr Finance minister, Mr Optimus Prime falls reduced here.

How do you do that? We can grasp which transformative bulletin by building capacity, cultivating skills as well as other prolific enhancing capabilities. We have been deluged with a overzealous desire to palm out income to all sorts of people. Indeed, you conclude as well as salute a sacrifices of a home-guards, specia! l consta bles as well as so upon giving them RM 3000 a single off payment. That's RM 500 per month if you earn a income of a jaga which will final you for 6 months. The retraining scheme of a servicemen who offer no longer than twenty-one years has been an ongoing module since so many years back. So, it's only a re statement of an existent plan.

There is regularly this funfair ambience surrounding a presentation of a inhabitant budget. Everyone thumps a list upon conference this organisation will embrace a a single off payment, which organisation another lump sum payment. The loudest reply of course came when PM make known MP's allowance will additionally be revised. A bill is a honest document. It's an criticism of how many this nation earned as revenue, a sources as well as then a proposals to dedicate which income. It's a explanation a single a exercise of monetary management as well as discipline. Those have been a things you must approach a courtesy to.

For example, everybody clapped when a financial apportion said; this year's bill is a lower suit of a GDP. Yes, though isn't a GDP this year bigger than final year's? Look during a comprehensive figure too. It's still a necessity suggesting perhaps monetary indiscipline as well as even worse unworthy leakages. Have a leakages been dealt with?
The bill is humongous RM232.8 billion which is a lot of money, generally with a 9.4 per cent climb in expenditure. Despite a country's nece! ssity be ing reduced to 4.7 per cent from 5.4 per cent of GDP, a fact remains which in terms of comprehensive mount, it would be a greatest necessity in Malaysian history. Biggest deficit.

Our growth rate of 5-6 %? Malaysia should be performing a spectacle subsequent year. Our financial apportion is assured which Malaysia will do a 5-6% growth rate, whereas a universe will grow from a negative figure to may be 3% max. So is a 5-6% growth rate realistic as well as achievable? Or is a financial apportion quietly pulling wool over a eyes?

Please discuss it me- when is it, during a 50 over budgets presented have you ever listened a commentaries which followed a bill ever described a bill in negative terms? The analysts someday handle similar to children only since a little lollipops purgation with wild exuberance.

Before a 2008 elections, Pak Lah presented a bill in many a same way- giving out goodies to everybody he can constraint in a dragnet, yet it didn't stop a B! N losing a vast number of seats. So when friends told as well as confided in me, then a 2012 bill strikes fear in a hearts of a opposition, I told them to let a realities of a bill penetrate in first. Similar feelings were clear after a bill prior to a 2008 GE.

I do not watch TV during all during a bill presentation preferring to listen to old school radio. Listening to only a verbal presentation, excludes a titillate to determine upon criticism of facial expressions, speech giving antics as well as so forth. Also I customarily refrain from giving a spontaneous reply again preferring serve analysis of a budget. People can simply be impressed by a feel great nature of an choosing budget. Did I contend an choosing budget?

That's what it is unequivocally despite a DPM's usual dour rejecting to suggestions which it is. But today not many people take a DPM seriously. So you can ! forgive his monotonal warnings as well as posturing.

Nowadays people have been simply bewitched by a form by which a bill is presented. Hence people will criticism upon a denunciation used by a PM, a approach he presented it as well as so forth. This reminded me of a time when Anwar Ibrahim was a financial minister. He presented his bill quoting phrases from a Quran, roughly all a philosophers known as well as review by him, used brand new phrases- prompting Johan Jaafar, then head honcho of Utusan Malaysia then, to report Anwar Ibrahim as a many appropriate financial minister. We could roughly imagine Johan Jaafar removing soppy in a pants when describing Anwar Ibrahim as such. Today, Johan Jaafar is of course ensconced in a guts of BN's media citadel somewhere. If he were asked to report PM Najib yesterday when presenting a budget, he will likely do so with a same awed glorification.

I do not assimilate why there is so many hype around a bill unveiling. It seems a politics is some-more important then a contents, ramifications as well as implications of a budget. It's additionally erroneously used as a height to make known a slew of projects which has nothing to do with a budget. But this year, you have been spared a proclamation of construction of towers by PUNB, Felda as well as so forth. The financial apportion stays tighten to a script. The bill is an criticism of income entrance in as well as where a income is going. That's it. Then a issues as well as factors which have affected a entrance details as well as starting outs.

How has he addressed a emanate of taking flight price of living? People have been doubtful about a official acceleration rate pronounced to be around 5%. What products as well as services have been contained in a basket of products chosen by bank Negara? One year ago 1 kilo of ikan k! embong was 60% cheaper. So acceleration can't be 5%. The many important products as we! ll as se rvices which a open have been seeking during have been a price of foodstuffs- simply taking flight over 5%, education, housing, transport, price of fuels etc. acceleration only can't be around 5%. Will a disposable money increases all around plunge into a base means of taking flight prices?

What's a means of rice shortages which forces us to incur vast import bills upon rice? Why should be allow Bernas to own a monopoly over rice imports causing market distortions? The apportion has voiced skeleton to rise a agriculture sector so which you can increase food production as well as so forth. That will take a couple of years down a highway so which a immediate as well as effective approach to arrange out food import bills is to mislay any form of monopolies.

I review a single commentator( from Khazanah I think) said- There is a discernible shift towards bite-sized, approach transfers which have a broad strech as well as approach impact upon people's lives as well as in isolation expenditure numbers. There you are- enhancing in isolation consumption. That's not transformative all. The additional liquidity is starting to be mopped up by in isolation consumption.

I find it rather strange a same writer saying which a bill exhibited mercantile fortify as well as it was a very fit bill which manages immediate needs in an uncertain environment. Is this a state of rejection Dr Mahathir spoke about?

In relation to that- i.e. sportive mercantile discipline, only how do you determine this statement with a devise for some-more mega projects such as a Coastal Highway JB-Nusa as well as a Taiping Heritage Tourism Project during a price of RM978 million. Can you see mercantile fortify being exercised there or can you expect these to go into price over-runs, be subject to closed tenders as well as cronyism. Certainly not transformative. .

Posted by sakmongkol AK47
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

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Itulah kata-kata RBF tadi didalam psotingnya, setelah lama kita categorical passing-passing!

Akhirnya aku dan blogger Papa Gomo akan menyiarkan video tersebut!

Nantikan jam 10 pagi esok di blog House PK dan Papa Gomo!

Mati pucuk ya Anwar? He he he...

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Bersih: Police corporal scapegoat in Tung Shin scandal

By Lisa J. Ariffin
October 09, 2011

Bersih steering cabinet part of Maria Chin Abdullah said which pinpointing a single victim is not starting to give a public any certainty which any review is starting to be fair. record pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 9 Bersih 2.0 said currently authorities have done a victim of a law enforcemetn officer held only responsible for firing rip gas in to Tung Shin Hospital during a Jul 9 convene for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections.

"This is ridiculous. Everyone saw ... a whole world saw a video. The bad guy is a scapegoat.

"If we contend just one, did they unequivocally do a correct investigation? How can they contend it's one?" Bersih steering cabinet part of Maria Chin Abdullah told The Malaysian Insider.

Kuala Lumpur military had said yesterday which a military physical who breached customary handling procedure (SOP) during a convene would be disciplined.

"Just similar to a minister of health (Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai) who denied Tung Shin was attacked by police, this is a denial which more than a single military officer was involved," Chin added.

In a report done public upon Tuesday, a Health Ministry had determined which military acted in an unethical demeanour as well as breached SOP when dispersing demonstrators who had converged upon a sanatorium to escape riot police.

The report prompted a statement from Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam which a matter would be referred to a military disciplinary committee.

"If we understanding with abuse in this manner, carrying a single victim is not starting to give a public any certainty which any review is starting to be fair," Chin said.

Police had excluded themselves of any indiscretion during a Jul 9 convene after environment up six inner teams t! o invest igate claims of military savagery which followed after scarcely 1,700 were arrest! ed, scor es harmed as well as an ex-soldier died during pell-mell scenes in a capital.

But Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai systematic a second examine in to a Tung Shin incident upon Jul fourteen after a organisation of healing consultants had created to a media refuting a sanatorium house as well as military who claimed which no gas canisters or H2O cannons were dismissed in to a hospital.

Police finally admitted upon Jul 21 which Tung Shin was hit with rip gas canisters as well as H2O gunnery unit during a rally, but denied shooting directly in to a compound.

But this claim flies in a face of assorted video clips uploaded upon a YouTube video-sharing site display H2O gunnery unit as well as rip gas being dismissed in to a sanatorium area.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

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Right to question Hudud Law

October 9, 2011

Right to subject Hudud Law

By Azmi Sharom (10-06-11)

My complaint with religion-based law making, is a thought which it cannot be questioned since it is boundless in origin. In a democracy, if you can't subject a laws which start a lives, then it is not a democracy during all.

POOR Fulham. Despite thoroughly thrashing Tony Fernandes' Queens Park Rangers 6-0, all a sports headlines were about a alternative London derby where Tottenham Hotspur edged Arsenal 2-1.

I suppose it is all about perception; usually what is critical as well as what is not.As much as you would similar to to consider which a diversion during White Hart Lane is an denote which a energy in North London has shifted to Seven Sisters road, you am ever cautious as well as am reminded of a saying which a swallow does not a summer make. Although you suppose in a box of a Spurs-Arsenal rivalry, deliberation which you have knocked about them three times in a final four joining clashes, it usually may be there is some-more than a single swallow whipping about.

However, you digress. My earlier point remains as well as which is a perception of what is critical as well as what is not. At a moment, there have been all sorts of news stories floating about as well as they point towards a single thing, elections.

PAS has once again raised a hudud issue. Frankly, you am not as well disturbed about this matter.Pakatan Rakyat has stated which they will not go upon with hudud unless all a member parties agree.

This seems highly doubtful as DAP will never determine as well as you am certain there have been some voices in Keadilan as well who will not be gentle with hudud. However, if ! they do try to deliver it, you will most positively object.

The reason why you intent is encapsulated in Hadi's (PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) make a difference in a press upon a make a difference (if it was fairly reported) where he said which hudud cannot be questioned.

Whoa there, "cannot be questioned"? you am sorry, if you have personal beliefs which start usually you as well as you won't subject them, that's all fine as well as dandy. But if you have been going to deliver something into a open sphere, something which will start a lives of a citizens, you do not caring if a source of what you have been introducing is divine, it ridicule well improved be questioned.

And you do not caring if you say you have no degree from Al-Azhar as well as no goatee to go along with it, you will subject any law which any supervision wants to introduce. This has been my complaint with any religion-based law making, a thought which simply since it is boundless in start equates to it can't be questioned. In a democracy, if you can't subject a laws which start a lives, then it is not a democracy during all.

And then there is bad Mat Sabu; charged with rapist insult for doubt a intrepidity of a policemen who fought during Bukit Kepong. you checked a Penal Code as well as certain enough, rapist insult can be committed opposite a dead.

It's a bit uncanny since how distant back does this provision extend? you meant in historical matters there will always be opposite perspectives as well as incompatible opinions formed upon new findings as well as discoveries.

In box a Government decides to assign me with rapist insult for doubt a character of a single of a early leaders, let me make use of an American example. Is Thomas Jefferson; renaissance man who helped breeze a American Constitution as well as ensured a complicated democracy where all men were combined equal, or a shameless deceiver worker owner who fathered numerous children with his womanli! ke slave s?

Both views have been correct as well as depending upon your own take upon story a perspective which will take precedence will differ. And positively which was what Mat Sabu's make a difference was; his take upon history. Was it insensitive, probably, should he be prosecuted for it? you do not consider so.

However, all these issues have been unequivocally not which critical to me. you consider they have been usually a usual sound as well as fury which come with politicians posturing in a light which elections have been coming. The genuine critical story for right away should be a Budget as well as some-more importantly a alternative budget which a Pakatan has unveiled.

It is unequivocally good to see Pakatan acting similar to they have a Shadow Cabinet (although they do not have a single really). We need to see petrify opposite proposals from a opposition to not usually help us subject a Government's Budget but also to assess a alternatives which a opposite supervision could give. This is critical in a mature democracy.

I positively hope which discussions in a subsequent couple of weeks will be about comparing a dual budgets for positively which is some-more critical than a hudud law which is doubtful to be implemented as well as Mat Sabu's supposed miss of patriotism.

Post Script: you do not consider a Fulham diversion was which important, who cares what happened during Craven Cottage. We kick Arsenal, again!

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