Sting in the tail (or at the end)

"PAS conducts tahaluf siyasi with an bargain which Pakatan Rakyat upholds the judgment of commonality as great as not focus upon differences," he said.

"This tahaluf siyasi should not have us lose steer of PAS members' bargain towards the judgment of Fiqh al-Taat (loyalty) to the party," he said.

Hadi pronounced should PAS be since the charge to order as partial of Pakatan Rakyat, the celebration would strive for the change to an mercantile philosophy which was fairer.

"In this regard, the mercantile as great as the satisfactory monetary process contingency be utilized fully to gait growth," he said, adding which destiny implementatio! n of mercantile process contingency be complemented by the judgment of prerogative as great as punishment according to the Shariah, holistic burden as great as preventive laws to forestall extravagance, leakage, fraud as great as corruption.

The! se have been not only the difference of the PAS President though which of the PM-in-waiting.

Pak Haji has right divided projected his really really presidential budding ministerial persona, as great as proclaims he/PAS is "ready" to order Malaysia . er together with Pakatan of course.

Throughout his some-more than 2-hour debate during the PAS Muktamar, he studiously avoided any discuss of the hudud word, as great as stressed instead upon PAS' judgment of an Islamic gratification state.

Coincidentally, The Malaysian Insider (TMI) had carried the headlines earlier which the little leading PAS representatives wish celebration leaders to tread lightly upon sensitive issueswhere it reported:

Several PAS representatives have voiced fright which the outspokenness as great as eagerness of the little leaders to comment upon sensitive issues would customarily entice trouble for the celebration ahead of the entrance general election.

Though they used Nurul Izzah's 'no constraint in religion' as the e.g. to showcase the improper, inapt andindiscreethaste of the little over-eager PAS leaders to speak out, as great as unwittingly have use of difference which could harm PAS' choosing pros! pects, y ou think those PAS representatives have something some-more critical in mind, namely, the doing of PAS direct hudud.

Today, TMI'sMuktamar PAS lebih matang, elak bicara isu sensitif untuk kekal sokongan bukan islamleft us in no disbelief upon that, reporting obviously PAS' pre-election strategy:

Muktamar Tahunan PAS ke-58 yang terakhir menjelang pilihan raya umum (PRU) ke-13 akan melabuhkan tirainya hari ini dilihat lebih matang berbanding tahun sebelumnya, kata penganalisis politik tanah air.

Mereka turut berpendapat, PAS dilihat mengamalkan sikap berhati-hati dalam menyentuh isu sensitif seperti hudud yang berkemungkinan akan memberikan kesan sokongan daripada penyokong bukan Muslim mereka.

In short, ... (translated in kaytee's way) ... so distant so great mateys, you've shown infancy though have sure you don't blurb out sensitive things that'll dismay divided the non-Muslim votes for PAS.

! To be fai! r, PAS has never dark the actuality it is an Islamic celebration with an Islamic obligation to spin Malaysia in to the vision of what an Islamic republic should be.

And no make the difference how many examples or empirical evidencewe present to it in hopes those wouldconvincethe Islamic celebration which the syariah system, thorough of hudud, will not heal divided or even minimize corruption, misapplication as great as misrule or for which matter, install the better system of administration of amicable justice, correct governance as great as care (as per the Compassion of Allah swt), it will tumble upon their deaf ears ...

... as PAS firmly believes it's not customarily the Islamic avocation to exercise hudud successfully though which it can do what couldn't be done/achieved in alternative Islamic hudud-ruled countrieslikePakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, as great as even Shia Iran, etc.

hudud-ruled Pakistan

In those as great as any alternative Islamic countries, you will not find the single singular Islamic republic which can denote those aspired Islamic qualities ofsocial justice, correct governance as great as compassion, as ironically can be found in many physical nations.


Aiyah, PAS obviouslyhasn'theard of the non-Islamic recommendation since by:

(a) Lord Acton who pronounced "Power tends to corrupt, as great as comprehensive energy corrupts absolutely. Great organisation have been roughly regularly bad men", or

Lord Acton
(b) British PM William Pitt the Elder who suggested "Unlimited energy is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it", or

(c) French poet Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine who gave us "It is not customarily the worker or flunky who is ameliorated in becoming giveaway ... the master himself did not good reduction in each point of view, ... for comprehensive energy corrupts the best natures."

And that's what the hudud-ruled republic would confer upon the leaders, sum unchallengeable unquestionableabsolute energy as witnessed in Afghanistan underneath the Taliban, Iran underneath the ayatollahs, Saudi Arabia, etc, as great as even the whiff of which inourown Kedah where PAS has upheld legislation saying the fatwa's may not be questioned or challenged.

! Th e commondenominator of hudud-ruled countriesseems to be the 3-P's, which of 'prohibit', 'persecute' (note, not 'prosecute') as great as 'punish'.

Missinginstead arethe3-C's of 'counselling', 'care' as great as 'compassionate' (a la the Compassion of Allah swt).

Nonetheless, for PAS to achieve the eremite dream it contingency initial be in (majority) rule, as great as which in spin relies upon dual similarly critical factors.

Firstly, it contingency win for itself mucho federal parliamentary seats, upon which it is fairly contingent upon non-Muslim votes, to assistance secure, say, around 60-ish sovereign parliamentary seats if not more. Every singular opinion counts a laJulia Fietcher Carney's:

Little drops of water,
little grains of sand,
make the strong ocean
and the beauteous land

Yes, each non-Muslim opinion helps if it is to comprehend the desire to arise as the Pakatan component celebration withthemost numberofparliamentaryseats as great as thus, with the loudest contend in the coalition, in alternative words, as Pakatan's primus inter pares (first between equals).

PAS supporters club

Naturally,at this many consequential moment (on the night prior to of GE-13)it many certainlydoesn'twant the little inflexible (immature, wakakaka) hardcore ulama to contend things which will dismay divided the non-Muslim supporters ...

... non-Muslim supporters whom it has right divided gained almost for the initial time in the prolonged h! istory, t! hanks to the multiple of the shining plan by the Erdogen coterie (one which Pak Haji Hadi Awang assimilated late, may be after his ulama eyes were non-stop to the 'bigger picture') as great as the await of the Pakatan allies.

The ABU debate which you customarily await with many advance booking as great as many qualifications has additionally contributed severely to the pro-PAS non-Muslim supporters' blind fury to get absolved of everything as great as anything BN, even if the consequences can in the little cases be distant some-more forbidding.

In this, PAS' Erdogan-ists have to be complimented for brilliantly projecting to the non-Muslims which it's an thorough domestic celebration with the gratification of the rakyat inaugural in mind. Of march in the process it had to marginalize those obdurately blinkered Myrmidon ulamas inside of the fold.

So basically, it's the consequential juncture in time which calls for the following reminders:

(a) Loose lips sink the PAS ship


(b) greatfully close the fuck up

Secondly, for PAS tobein supervision it contingency cooperate with PKR as great as DAP as great as any alternative Pakatan member. Yet in this, in annoy ofthe absoluteneed for close cohesive cooperation as great as great will, the PAS scorpion has strung again.

No, it'snotexactly shining for PAS' vehement members to come up with avaricious statementsthat reneges upon the Pakatan concluded policy, which has been for Anwar Ibrahim tobePM in the Pakatan government.

TMIreportedin itsAnwar says 'no problem' if Hadi done PMthat the PAS delegate, Hairun Nizam,proposedthat:

... the PAS boss was the "best person" to lead the country. In response, the nominee warranted enthusiastic shouts of "takbir" from the over 1000 collected for the annual meet ...

< span>"I'd similar to to ask the representatives who is the best chairman to lead the Malaysian supervision if not for Tuan Guru boss " he asked "This is not for the consequence of revering him though he is the many qualified chairman to become the subsequent budding apportion as great as you as protgs of an Islamic celebration should not debate for others to take upon the post ".

So, PAS wants to renege upon the partial as the bloc partner, by not campaigning for others in Pakatan.

Shortly you will assimilate what you meant by, 'tisthenature ofthePAS beast, or scorpion.

Poor Anwar bravely pronounced it's fine for PAS' Hadi Awang to be PM. Of march it's not f* fine for Anwar. He didn't come upon this longarduousroad only to palm over his long-sought-after dream job, the PM-ship, to the PAS man, whose celebration couldn't as great as wouldn't have completed such the broad formed multi racial multi eremite await if not for Anwar Ibrahim.

But DAP's Lim Kit Siang loyally validated DAP's await for Anwar as the brand new PM. Hmmm, may be PAS' melayu mudah lupa though not DAP Indians as great as Chinese, wakakaka.

< a href="">

Of march poetic Pak Haji Hadi Awang pronounced modestly (as reported by TMI):I'm not chasing PM's postbut TMI additionally reported:

The maestro politician however stopped short of saying if he would accept or decline the post if the suggest was done should Pakatan Rakyat PR succeed in wresting sovereign energy in the entrance pools.

At this stage, you similar to to invoke an remove from Anwar Ibrahim's second fave book (his many fave being of march the Quran - smile)

You all did see which upon the Lupercal
you thrice presented him the majestic crown,
Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?

- Mark Anthony,Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare (Act II, Scene 3)

... yet you know which Casca, the single of conspirators who murderedJuliusCaesar, believed which Caesar in refusingthecrown thrice was zero though an actor bersandiwara-ing to curry favour with the public.

Anyway, from ancient Rome to contemporary Malaysia - PAS is terribly excited, as is Anwar Ibrahim wakakaka, during the new assessment which Pakatan is u! pon the fork of feat over BN.

Suddenly, for PAS, which distant divided misty mirage-like Putrajaya is inside of the reach. So, you right divided hear PAS President Pak Haji Hadi Awang issuing statesman-like policies as great as promises, though cleverly omission discuss of hudud. Yes sir, there was not the skerrit of anything hudud-ish in his presidential residence during the PAS Muktamar.

But there is the story of the frog, nay not what you think, as this time the katak is opposite to the manmanlai or Ah Jib Gor's variety.

It's the a single in the well-known fable, about the scorpion asking the frog to lift it opposite the river. Naturally the katak was sh*t frightened which the kala jengking would prick it during the trip, though the scorpion said: "C'mon Bro, if you prick you,wouldn'tyou die as great as sink as great as drown me in the same process, huh?"

"Hmmm, sounds logical," the katak ! th ought as great as to illustrate car! ried the ! scorpion upon the back, though alamak, midway opposite the stream the scorpion did indeed prick the frog, screwing both of them up fatally.

The frog gasped out with the final breath, "WTF, why did you do which as great as doom yourself as well?"

The kala jengking replied, "Sorry Bro, it's my scorpion inlet to sting, only couldn't assistance myself what!"

You see, the katak made the deadly mistake in meditative logically, because in issues as contracting as great as blinding as the eremite obligation, there is no logic, scruple or element which can be applied. Perceived avocation to God overrides all alternative conceivable considerations.

And to illustrate you have PAS ulama chief, Harun Taib vocalization during the PAS Muktamar in Kota Baru upon Thursday, claiming PAS had clarified the views upon hudud with DAP upon many occasions, even prior to Pakatan Rakyat was formed.

Harun Taib

He even audaciously claimed which while Karpal seemed sarcastic to the doing of hudud, which "does not meant he disagrees".

Wakaka ka. He obviously believed in the old proverb (paraphrased by kaytee) which 'Fortune favours the brave bullshitter'- it's the inlet ofthescorpion (it only can't assistance itself), or as kaytee likes to tenure it, 'tis the inlet ofthebeast.

Good old Bhai went ballistic as great as responded pungently which " Harun's avowal upon DAP's mount upon hudud was mischievous as great as the prolonged approach from the truth", which wakakaka, equates to Harun was, as mentioned, full of blood blatantly bullshitting.

And by the way, do you recall what you contend about the significance of the word 'mischievous' in governing body or stream affairs or amongadultswhoaren'tintimate friends. It's not an verb describing something 'playfully annoying' as in the 'mischievous' action by the budak, though rsther than the single which is 'malicious, damaging or intended to means harm'.

Hmmm, you consternation what's the hudud penalty for blatant bullshit, especially the single which is plainly "mischievous"? wakakaka.

Free Malaysia Today reported (in the following extract) Karpal Singh saying unequivocally:

"I have regularly disagreed as great as publicly stated my reasons for saying so formed upon the provisions in the Federal Constitution as great as interpretations of this provisions by the top justice in the country."

"The position of the DAP upon this issue cannot be theme to any compromise. It is fundamental to the existence."

"The DAP has time as great as again publicly asserted the mount against the introduction of hudud in the country. Hudud cannot exist in Malaysia which is the physical state."

But the scorpion cannot assistance itself as it continues to sting, as per:

Okay, you only read an article byDr Ahmad Farouk Musa, the director during Islamic Renaissance Front, who initial penned it forNew Mandalabut which is right divided republished in Free Malaysia Today asPAS' invariable office of Islamic state(extracts only):

If there is anything certainly transparent from the new muktamar or general public of Islamic celebration PAS is which despite the acceptance of the judgment of tahalluf siyasi or domestic consensus between the 3 major components of the antithesis front Pakatan Rakyat PAS' aspiration in substantiating a! n Islami c state as great as implementing hudud laws is unwavering, if not some-more resolute.

It appears rsther than inconsistent which despite the acceptance of Buku Jingga or Orange Book as the comprehensive framework of the antithesis front upon how to oversee the republic when they come to power, PAS seems to have the aloft agenda to transform the multiracial as great as multi-religious republic in to the full-fledged Islamic state with Islamic laws.

Islamic laws as great as hudud were never referred to in Buku Jingga as great as conjunction was the investiture of Islamic State. PAS even came out with the own declaration "Nation of Care as great as Opportunity". However this judgment of the benevolent state is not great perceived by many PAS members themselves.

Reason being, the supposed Erdoganists in PAS especially mooted it.

Recent spate of debate about the judgment of Islamist Democrat the tenure popularised by the Erdoganists between the ulama coterie as great as the young Turks obviously proved which they have been deliberate contaminants in the "pure as great as pristine" PAS struggle.

Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa

Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa continues with laconic recommendation for PAS leadership:

Perhaps the many critical thing which PAS should conclude as great as assimilate is which the interest for hudud as great as Islamic state is not there any more in the post-Islamism period.

PAS should not mistake the votes they perceived as a! mounting ! to the await for their Islamic agenda.More than the hundred thousand went to the street for demonstration during Bersih 3.0 recently. The demand was not to exercise hudud or substantiating an Islamic state.

People of assorted races as great as religions from all walks of hold up marched together for the better democracy. They longed for the clean as great as satisfactory choosing as great as the supervision giveaway of corruption. It was an action of rebuttal to the draconian as great as unconstitutional Act which prevented people from any peaceful assembly.

It contingency be listened loud as great as transparent which the people wish the indeed democratic state. Not the state ruled by the organisation of Mullahs who deliberate themselves to be above the law.

The precedent was already set when the single state underneath PAS upheld an dramatization which the fatwa or eremite verdict from the Mufti cannot be challenged in the justice of law.

Dr Ahmad was referring to pro-Malay Unity Kedah MB Azizan Abu Bakar as great as his draconian as great as undemocratic-dictatorial legislation upon fatwa.

KUIN students protesting Kedah MB's anti educational freedom

It has to be accepted which the state is not something from God though from the people. The state has to serve the good of the people as great as not only the sure organisation formed upon their faith. The state has to be neutral in all aspects. It contingency additionally be done transparent which the state is the human product as great as managing the state requires human endeavor as great as not boundless inspiration.

The governance of the state falls underneath the area of domestic as great as is not in the area of revelation.

Any observance of eremite values contingency never be by coercion. A state should apply oneself personal ideology as great as dignified values as great as not imposed itself upon the citizens. Unfortunately, the stream situation in states underneath PAS rul! e failed ! to forestall this obtrusion of the state in to in isolation sphere.

... as clear throughouttheIslamic world where it's even worse in which NOT ONE SINGLE Islamic republic has ever shown it practisesthebasic (not highest) standardsofIslamic governance, probity or thecompassionexemplified byAllah swt.

A state should not foreordain how you should wear in public as this falls underneath personal affairs. However to regulate how women should skirt seemed to be the initial agenda underneath! many Is lamic governments, PAS not excluded.

Could it be the fallout of granting comprehensive energy to bully, who customarily starts bullying the weaker gender?

! Matters o! f the heart such as conviction should be left to individuals. It is not the state to occur in counts of the heart.

There is no worth in watching the conviction which was done by coercion. Coercing people to believe in the conviction they have no believe any more by state's coercive collection customarily spin them in to hypocrites.

People have been combined giveaway as great as any bid of the state to coerce people from embracing or withdrawal the conviction is worthless as great as futile.

Indeed ... yet you opine PAS won't give dual figs about his advice.

So now, what will occur when you have the PAS which has voiced the preparedness to renege upon an concluded Pakatan process regarding the PM-ship as great as the covert Islamic target to exercise hudud to replace the physical polite probity complement once it comes in to power?

Have PKR as great as DAP unwittingly entered in to the ! Faustian agreement with PAS?


To be continued ...
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Welcome to Malaysia's religious jungle

"Religion. It's since people goal in the universe torn detached by religion."- Jon Stewart

An aged PAS palm who reads my articles inMalaysiakiniranted, "Of course, PAS sees no wrong in (PKR vice-president) Nurul (Izzah Anwar)'s speech. These days they see no wrong in anything Pakatan does when it comes to Islam."

This PAS supporter, the single of my oldest as well as dearest friends, mostly jokes which he does not belong in the 'PAS for all' stay though rsther than in the 'PAS imposed all' faction. "So, aren't we going to take your jab, Thaya?"

Hudud forum Nurul IzzahWell, as someone who attended the 'Islamic state: Which version? Whose responsibility?' forum as well as who has clinging space to the subject of the purpose of Islam as well as the domestic parties which generate it, we thought we would look over the "manufactured outrage" as author Salman Rushdie categorises such Islamic grievances.

What is some-more enchanting have been the numerous worried ideas which Nurul's statement raises over the emanate of constraint in the Islamic conviction as used here in Malaysia.

Under the rsther than quizzical title'Nurul not anti-Islam though the loyal Muslim',Malaysiakinisubscribers have been discerning to describe qualitative judgements upon Nurul's Islamic stance. PAS has been praised upon the nuanced response to the assault of Umno promotion as well as there has been all this folly upon how the 'quality' of the person's conviction supersedes er! emite do gma.

What just is the "true" Muslim! or "true" Christian for which matter? Someone who believes which sacrament should not be politicised? Someone who believes which we should not mock another's religion? Someone who believes which sacrament should not intrude in the in isolation lives of members in any since society? Someone who believes which there should be the subdivision of church/mosque as well as state?

These have been not "true" eremite values though rsther than loyal physical values or physical humanist values, if we like. It is pointless as well as disingenuous to try to conclude what the "true" Muslim is deliberation the actuality which said values have been in actuality anathema to traditional Islamic thought as well as generally by non-Muslims, who plan their own agendas as to the qualities which have the great or loyal Muslim.

In alternative words, the "true" Muslim as tangible by those who have been upon the receiving end of Umno-influenced Islam all these years, is the Muslim who conforms to the domestic as well as amicable conventions of the so-called assuage in front of espoused by Pakatan Rakyat.
The "true Muslim" oppositional meme is the single of the contradictory aspects of the "one size fits all" beliefs of Pakatan which if left unchecked will prove catastrophic in the prolonged run.

Christian hypocrisy

Nurul's statement should be taken as the single some-more small step in the civilising routine of Islam (to steal the Christopher Hitchens phrase) which Christianity has already undergone.

This is since we have Christians who have deserted the hypocritical and/or amicable constraining values of their sacrament or during the really slightest been forced to sublimate them as well as grasp the little arrange of physical balance with the rest of society. This, of course, is the Western liberalism which former budding apportion Dr Mahathir Mohamad so fears.

The civilising routine which should ! have tak en base in this nation deliberation the colonial past as well as the infrastructure in place after independence was halted by Umno in the following years.

The delayed routine of Arabisation as well as the make use of of Islam as the tool to enthrall the Muslim population as well as as the arms to teach fright in the non-Muslim population meant which the process, which would have combined the "secular equilibrium" in this multi-religious country, was cut reduced for long-term domestic gain.

Non-Muslims played their part as well. Since the concept of "rights" was regularly tangible by eremite as well as village expectations, there was regularly never any oneness based upon the grounds which "rights" should be enjoyed as well as germane to all.

NONESteve Oh'sMalaysiakiniletter, (which for the little reason warranteda visitby the state's security apparatus) in await of Nurul, is loaded with the common Christian pomposity which the calcification of the Malay mind happened in an Umno vacuum.

Race politics is by the inlet conservative as well as whilst Umno used Islam for the own purposes, the same can be said of PAS, which (in the conservative nature) retreated deeper into itself propagating the thought which eremite loyalty was the panacea for Umno corruption.

Meanwhile, non-Muslim member parties were some-more than willing to toe the Umno line in sell for an unequal cut of the mercantile pie, which saw the infancy Malay village who were ostensible to be the masters of the land languish in incessant serfdom.

The Chinese village dominated the in isolation zone all the whilst enchanting in the subtl! e form o f systemic discrimination which the Umno regime sincerely used in the open sector. This fueled the Umno notice which Malay omnipotence was underneath hazard by an ungrateful non-Malay community. The racial error lines in this nation have regularly been in in between the Malays as well as the Chinese.

christians praying church attacksThe whole Christian ! emanate is ! merely the healthy effect of growing territory of the generally Chinese village descending underneath the lean of the worldwide capitalist/Judeo-Christian revivalist movement, which is leading the approach in perfectionist equal eremite rights (which is their constitutional right) after years of Umno guileful every institution which was ostensible to guarantee those rights.

Always remember, the growth of the devout Christian transformation here in Malaysia happened underneath the Umno watch as well as which the nexus in in between the corridors of Umno power as well as the business village with strong links to the devout transformation was engineered during Mahathir's era, not to discuss the enlightenment of corruption as well as cronyism which benefitted the Chinese-dominated in isolation sector.

Oh, who got concerned in amemorable spatwith Josh Hong upon the emanate of Christianity as well as homosexuality inMalaysiakini, brings his own Christian assumptions to the mix.
Just as he objected to "counterfeit" Christianity in which exchange, we am sure there would be many Muslims similar to my PAS friend who belong to the slight understand of their holy text. Muslim as well as Christian each meditative which theirs is the some-more "authentic" interpretation.

Freedom to reject dogma

Moreover, the beauty of secularism is which it enables an open market place of ideas when it comes to eremite choice.

NONENow, Umno may fright this since if people had the preference in in between the sacrament which holds them to the dictates of the state (as it is used here in Malaysia) as well as the sacrament which allows them the freedom to reject convictions though the permit of the state, which do we think would be the some-more appealing choice?

Therefore, in the field of competing religions it would be profitable for the emanate of constraint to be addressed so which the business of winning hearts as well as minds could go upon unabated. May the best sacrament win, so to speak.

Of course, if the state played no purpose in enforcing religion, nobody would feel constrained to leave it, though which is the tragedy of religion, all of it is the same though with different labels. The demon is in the details as well as though the civilising process, nobody - positively not an racial organisation tangible by their sacrament - gets to subject which part of convictions to accept or reject.

This is since Pakatan (with the s! trong PAS backbone)engagingwith the Christian village is vitally important. This nonsense about not politicising sacrament is the reason since Islamic appeasers have helped in the stagnation of the Islamic faith. The only approach to resolve eremite differences is by acknowledging them (in great faith) as well as from these tensions, secularism is the healthy by-product.

The Umno state has the corner upon Islam, which during the end of the day, means which any one with an bulletin of proselytising would get the reduced end of the stick. Understand now, which my in front of is whi! ch peopl e should be exposed to the diverse operation of ideas or agendas as well as have their sensitive preference as to what to accept or reject.

The large subject is, will Pakatan relinquish this monopoly? Will it disperse those eremite institutions which "shackle the Malay Mind? Will certain action policies which have been closely linked with Malay/Muslim identity as well as which have contributed to the desert enlightenment be dropped?
Meritocracy is the fine thought though how would it be imposed upon the domestic as well as amicable landscape built upon the injustices as well as detachment of the Malaysian open still playing the competition game?

NONENurul's watershed thought is not which Malays/Muslims should be exposed to alternative ideas or religions generally since, those ideas/religions in my perspective have been soul cages in their own ways, not to discuss the agendas during play, which would be deleterious to the multicultural/religious Malaysia.

Her watershed thought is which she is following in the footsteps of those reformers who have been some-more advanced the inner dialogue inside of Islam. This frequency concurred tradition, which is nearly regularly met with hostility, is the many subversive of movements since it relies upon the reinterpretation of convictions which has regularly been the zealously rhythmical province of those hardliners who mantle themselves in loyalty which is the new fascism.

Propagandist likeThe Starjournalist Joceline Tan may label her as the "little kid with large ambitions" though this "kid" in her nascent domestic hold up has advanced the domestic as well as amicable discourse some-more than the aged uncles who inhabit the corridors of Umno power.
What stays to be seen is whi! ch will Pakatan as well as politicians similar to Nurul have the event which federal powers allows to spin rhetoric into deed.

What would conclude her as the "true" reformer she claims to be, is which she does not back down from this controversy. She does not waffle in the face of eremite pomposity as well as she continues to agitate the Islamic standing quo since as prolonged as the thought of constraint is propagated, protestations of "quality" have been meaningless.
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy.
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Premiership talk premature, says Muslimat wing

The PAS Muslimat wing has urged celebration leaders to concentrate upon winning seats as well as not be distracted by speak of being a budding apportion or being a core of Pakatan Rakyat.

During a winding-up speech during a 58th PAS muktamar in Kota Baru today, a wing's information chief Aiman Athirah Al-Jundiaiman pronounced a celebration contingency initial prove its worth before looking a winning position.

"The many important thing is if you wish to capture Putrajaya it is by tough work as well as not only words.

"Do not demand that you be a personality (prime minister) or to turn thecorein Pakatan," pronounced Aiman Athirah, in creation a wing's shutting statements.

The wing crop up to be addressing a ulama wing which had yesterdaynominatedparty boss Abdul Hadi Awang as Pakatan's budding ministerial candidate.

Aiman Athirah pronounced that should PAS unequivocally wish Abdul Hadi to be a country's sevent! h budding minister, a celebration contingency initial win all 60 Parliamentary seats it will be contesting in.

"Only then have been you estimable to be a leader," she said.

[More to follow]
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I rather be a fisherman - Hadi pours cold water on PM talk

I rsther than be the fisherman - Hadi pours cold H2O on PM talk
KOTA BHARU -PAS boss Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang today pronounced he would prefer to be the "servant" for the people, instead of their master.
"As the personality who is taught by an Islamic party, I cannot ask to be allocated to the position. What is most important, you contingency initial secure feat (in the 13th ubiquitous elections)," pronounced Abdul Hadi.
"I don't even thoughts starting back to be the fisherman," he jokingly told reporters during the press conference on the sidelines of PAS 58th Muktamar here.
Abdul Hadi was asked whether he would determine to be the country's budding minister, if allocated to the position, should Pakatan Rakyat wring federal powers from Barisan Nasional after the upcoming polls.
PR had spoken which the de-facto personality Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be the country's subsequent budding minister if they form federal administration as well as again was voiced in front of the throng during the Kota Bharu's "Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat" yesterday.
Hairun Nizam from the Ulama's wing suggested Abdul Hadi as the Prime Minister if Pakatan Rakyat came in to energy after the subsequent election, observant Abdul Hadi as the 'ideal candidate' according to Islam.
Abdul Hadi additionally discharged claims which PAS is clamping down on members' criticisms of the leaders, stressing which concerns lifted by representatives in their discuss of the presidential residence yesterday will later be addressed by the people concerned.
"(Criticisms) just show which there is democracy within the party We need represent! atives t o speak (at the muktamar) as well as you (leaders) will respond in the winding-up speeches," he said.
Several representatives yesterday had called for stern actions to be taken against leaders whom they viewed had been making statements which contradict the party's stand on certain issues, for example hudud.
Earlier this morning, multiform representatives in their discuss of the presidential residence go on to touch on the hudud issue.
Federal Territory Representative Zahari Arip pronounced which PAS care should not be dragged in to the polemic regarding 'hudud' implementation, even by their own ally within Pakatan Rakyat.
Zahari pronounced which the PAS care should not compromise the party's stand on hudud, as if they were fearful of losing the await of non-Muslim communities in the country.
He even likened the situation to Kelantan Football Association boss Tan Sri Annuar Musa's disturbance with the Malaysian Football Association (FAM) which ended with the latter's cessation from the in front of for issuing the matter without the association's consent.
"PAS leaders had pronounced which hudud will be implemented by democracy as well as not force But because have been there (PR) leaders who kept observant which hudud is not partial of the coalition's agenda?
"Should PR additionally take action (against the leader) similar to FAM?" questioned Zahari.
PAS Supporter's Club representative Hu Pang Chaw meanwhile repelled the Muktamar when he pronounced which the Chinese in the gymnasium is `supportive' of MCA boss Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek's anti-hudud statements.
"Everytime he opens his mouth to speak bad about hudud, some-more as well as some-more Chinese community learns the law about Islam as well as proceed to await PAS.
"So I fully instruct he (Chua) would go on to give these kind of statements as well as when you win the election, you will bring him the vast chair a! s the be nefaction That 'chair' he can keep," pronounced Hu to laughter from the floor.
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For stealing milk to feed daughter, ex-soldier slapped with jail

For hidden milk to feed daughter, ex-soldier slapped with jail
The box of the former infantryman who is condemned to prison by the magistrate's justice has again brought to courtesy the question of whether Malaysian courts have clarity of equitablity as well as forgiveness when meting out their judgements.
While the new debate upon whether judges should be since option in ruling upon statutory rape cases so which no celebration is victimised led to strong reactions from the authorised community, other argumentative judgements upon sparse theft involving the poor as well as those who have been unfortunate in making ends meet usually evoked 'mixed responses'.
In the latest case, Senior Assistant Registrar Jesseca Damis of the Kuantan magistrate's justice condemned former infantryman Mohd Sobir Kashim to three months behind bars for hidden the parcel of milk worth RM21.99 from the supermarket during the new Deepavali public holiday.
Sobir, who pleaded guilty, pronounced he stole the 'Anlene Gold' milk, so which he could sell it to get income to buy food for his daughter.
Far from showing sympathy, Jesseca instead described the act as "serious", even observant which Sobir should not have committed the corruption since "you have been the former soldier".
Who's unequivocally guilty?
Giving his view, exiled blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin spoke of the ideal scenario if the box had been judged in the suggestion of Islam as the religion of the federation as well as against the backdrop of the powers as well as responsibilities of state Islamic departments.
"Now, in Islam, the infa! ntryman should have been asked since he stole which parcel of milk. And this is what the news inform said.
"Once which infantryman makes this declaration, the decider should have summoned the Kedah Religious Department, which comes underneath the PAS-led Kedah State Government, to go to justice to explain since the infantryman who has served his nation at the good risk to his hold up should be in the incident where he has to take something worth RM22 to feed his daughter," wrote Petra upon his Malaysia Today blog.
Sobir hails from Padang Serai, Kedah.
Petra added which if Sobir's explain was proven true, he should instead be put upon monthly gratification allowance.
"If the Kedah Religious Department still fails to look after the gratification of the infantryman as well as he has to continue to take to feed his daughter, afterwards the Director of the Kedah Religious Department should be sent to prison instead.
"If you take out of fervour afterwards you pay for which crime. But if you take out of necessity afterwards the authorities contingency be punished instead. That is how Hudud works, nonetheless Malaysia does not exercise Hudud," Petra continued.
Petra , who is the member of the Selangor royal family, additionally took to task the Malay rulers, the little of who have been "colonels-in-chief of the assorted branches of the Armed Forces".
"Yes, each year you celebrate 'heroes day' to recollect all those so most soldiers who died for their country. Then you send the not yet dead infantryman to prison since he had to take to feed his daughter. We honour the dead as well as prison the living," Petra pronounced in his hard hitting comments, adding which the box additionally done nonsensical the evidence which usually non-Malays were oppressed whilst Malays "get all arrange of benefits".
During his process speech for the 58th PAS Muktamar yesterday, PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang had additiona! lly touc hed upon the gratification of armed forces veterans.
Hadi pronounced armed forces veterans foundations as well as organisations such as the Armed Forces Fund Board as well as Syarikat Perumahan Angkatan Tentera (SPAT) would be since progress in resources underneath the Pakatan Rakyat Federal government.
"All these have been to secure the gratification of troops personnel as well as the family groups of veterans, detached from the joining to yield educational assistance for hold up to troops personnel, their widows as well as their dependents," pronounced Hadi.
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Rakyat diKemudiankan, Pencapaian hanya Ucapan

The upon top of was the scene of the Himpunan Rakyat in Kota Bharu. If it were an eventuality hosted by UMNO, the papers will contend 100,000 attended the event.Because it is an eventuality held by PR, the papers contend 20,000 attended. One cannot dispute the stand taken by the habitual liar.It's the congenital affliction.

It will afterwards do what it is in the habit of to: - (1) teach fear in the hearts as good as minds of Malaysia thereby exposing the utter irresponsibility. (2) Pay some-more as good as some-more money- cheat all around.

After 55 years of rule, UMNO has not been means to have up the order upon the joined Malaysian race pity thesame ideals as good as ideas. Instead it has regularly ruled by personification upon the fundamental fears as good as distrust among the assorted Malaysian races. UMMO is the upholder of divisiveness since that suits them as good as serves the overriding objective- to stay in power.

All right thinking Malaysians contingency vote out people similar to the pea-brained Jamil Khir. He is usually an overrated ustaz who got the pursuit as military clergyman as good as went up the ranks since they were no alternative people in that department. He cites the massacre of Palestinians by the Israelis as object lessons for Muslims in Malaysia. Is he suggesting that if PR takes over, afterwards Muslims will be massacred?

Excuse me, Ustaz- we have been usually stealing the UMNO overburden. The structures of supervision will remain intact as good as it's no! t like, when UMNO is not around, alternative people cannot conduct the nation better. So we urge my fellow Malaysians let us flog out UMNO lock batch as good as barrel.

You have already seen the worms entrance out of the woodwork. People have been warned about the entrance dominance of DAP should the PR come into power. The holy group of UMNO contend that PAS needs the approval of DAP to implement hudud. It seems the hudud emanate is being oral some-more by UMNO as good as MCA. The buffoon of the political cabinet member of the PM who hails from Kelantan says the DAP has no apply oneself for PAS.

This is the major complaint with UMNO. It thinks those Malay leaders in PAS as good as PKR have been as stupid as them. But afterwards since usually the riffraff remain in UMNO, the very old Chinese saying contingency be true: - A bottom person often thinks of the man of respect as meant as himself. Since UMNO is base, it thinks others next to them have been the same bottom people.

UMNO thinks alternative people have been not some-more capable than them. So what it will it say? UMNO will tell of the story of the Malaysia where Malay interests have been threatened. It will bring the example of NIzar whom they purported became the stooge to DAP leaders. It hides the loyal grant from the Malays. During the eleven months, Nizar was Perak MB, the interests of Malays were endorsed not whittled away.

Nizar authorized the emanate of 8750acres of land; 7500 acres for Malays as good as 1250 for non-Malays. He authorized 102,000 housing lots for Malays as good as 47,000 lots for non-Malays. The Malay gets the lot measuring 3200 block feet; the non-Malays got 1125 block feet. The DAP went along with his decision.

The fact is PR operates upon the opposite structure. It structures it governance upon the orde! r of law , justice as good as integrity as good as an fundamental clarity of fairplay.

Because UMNO has no answers to give as good as explain, it will continue to give out vast sums of income desiring that income sorts out all as good as washes divided all the sins. It treats whatever income as good as largesse that it has since out as something of the godsend for that the people contingency feel thankful.

So UMNO hopes the last installment of the RM15, 000- cheat to Felda settlers will have the settlers dont think about that the FGV cost is starting to hit stone bottom as good as will likely remain there for the prolonged time. It thinks RM15000 cheat will have the settlers dont think about that they have mortgaged all the resources belonging to Felda Holdings as good as that all their resources residing in physical resources have been right away converted into paper assets. The share trip says it's right away worth RM4.60 giving the settler the `handsome' distinction of RM 40 for their 800 shares.

It is incredible to hear as good as read that the little people demand that Felda settlers still get their durian runtuh. How much actually does the settler get? With the domain of 5 sen per unit of share, distinction domain for the 91.2 million shares is RM4,560,000. Divided by 112,635 , any settler has the domain of RM40 per head.

Now does the RM40 consecrate the durian runtuh or windfall? If the settler uses his own income to compensate RM3640 to squeeze the 800 shares, the return of his investment is usually 1%. That if he sells his batch now. If the reward dips next RM 40, his return upon his investment is reduce than 1%. What if he had borrowed the RM 3600? He would have to compensate RM200 estimate price that puts him rught away during the RM160 loss. What if he does not compensate anything since Najib has instructed ! Felda th at got almost RM6billion to monetary the settlers purchase? The settler who gets monetary from Felda needs to have the monthly remuneration of RM50 only. His detriment would afterwards rely upon how prolonged he binds the stock. If he binds for 3 months, his monetary cost is RM150. If the reward after 3 months is still RM40, he creates the detriment of RM 110.

So where is the windfall? So where is the durian runtuh? It does not come from the gain of the FGV shares. The FGV is the hulk Ponzi intrigue dreamt of by the little consultants to have batch market players rich.

If the duruan runtuh does not come from commercial operation transactions, where does it come from? It comes in the forms of money handouts that have been unearned. If not earned, it is usually the bribe. A cheat by any alternative name is still the bribe. The RM15000 per felda family damaged up into 3 installments is an advance bribe.The raya reward is income taken from settlers' grant in any case.

Let us see how much durian runtuh the felda settler gets. Let us contend the supervision gives the sum of RM20, 000 per felda family( R15,000 plus all the tiny change) . The supervision gives out RM20, 000 x 112,635= 2.252 billion. That works out to be around 23% of the RM10 billion raised.Who will compensate for this? Let us say, Felda pays 60% of the volume due- RM1.35 billion. Felda is left with RM4.65 billion. It owes EPF RM 3 billion. It can restructure the loan as good as pays perhaps RM 1 billion. It has RM3.65 billion.

It will have to conduct this RM 3.65 billion to take caring of the felda settlers as good as employees. Since right away it has not got any income earning item alternative than FGV, where will get income to monetary the operations? Felda needs RM3 billion the year to run the some-more than 50 Felda settlements. It s! till bin ds 1.496 billion shares from the lengthened capital of 3.684 billion carrying placed out usually 60% of the FGV shares for the public. Its categorical gain right away will be the earnings upon the shares it has- 1.496 billion. At RM 4.55 per share- Felda's shares in palm have been worth RM6.81billion.If it sells the entire batch during 4.60, it will get RM6.88 billion.

The categorical source of income right away will be FGV anticipating FGV will be good managed, run the commercial operation operations well as good as give good earnings per share. That will rely upon the dividends spoken by FGV any year.

There contingency be something essentially wrong in the government's economic thinking. Handing over the income earning item to the company with miserable record, anticipating things will turn out for the better. This is no opposite from the will-o'-the-wisp thinking.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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Make No Mistake, PAS Has Only ONE Objective

Despite all attempts to portray itself as a party for all Malaysians in any case of faith, PAS' loyal colours have flush again.
In what appears to be a chest-beating radical Islamist battle cry, PAS Information arch Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has urged party members to attend a arriving Muktamar contrast a event to a Jihadist terrain for a victory of Islam.
In a BM Harakah inform titled "Muktamar: Medan jihad untuk menangkan Islam" dated 14.11.2012, Tuan Ibrahim was quoted as observant (of a Muktamar) "Jadikan ia medan meningkatkan semangat jihad dalam meneruskan usaha memenangkan perjuangan Islam di Malaysia." [Translation: "Make it (the Muktamar) a terrain to enlarge a jihadist spirit in posterior efforts to win a Islamist onslaught in Malaysia"].
In a English version of a Harakah report, Tuan Ibrahim advised party members as follows:
"Like a neatly-erected building, we quarrel from a strong garrison. Don't get dreaming by voices on a left as well as right to stall a victory of Islam."
Make no mistake, PAS might try caricature their intentions a submissive orange by a Buku Jingga though if they ever take Putrajaya, a usually colour we will see is a Islamist green.
By a way, a Oxford Dictionary defines jihad as "a war or onslaught opposite unbelievers."
- Stop The Lies
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50 penyokong PAS kampong Pak Mali sertai Umno

BACHOK, 18 November Sekumpulan 50 penyokong PAS di Kampung Pak Mali, Bakong di sini menyerahkan borang permohonan untuk menyertai Umno di sini malam tadi. Ketua Umno Bahagian Bachok Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin menerima borang daripada kumpulan terbabit diketuai Syed Zain Syed Hassan, 48, dengan disaksikan lebih 300 penduduk kampung. Ini bermakna ...

BN's only strategy in economics - Free Malaysia Today

BN's usually strategy in economics
Free Malaysia Today
The Felda Global Venture emanate as well as democracy under Umno have most similarities, says a former Umno Pahang assemblyman. COMMENT. What has a Felda Global Venture (FGV) emanate got to do with a state of democracy in a country under Umno?

Barrage of complaints over missing drain covers

Lim Lip Eng (left) says about 10 of a empty covers are missing. Pic by Khairull Azry Bidin

Motorists as well as other road users have been complaining about a blank empty covers along a elevated stretch of a Jalan Duta highway.

Segambut part of of parliament Lim Lip Eng pronounced he had been receiving complaints from a public over a past two months. Lim pronounced he had forwarded a make a difference to City Hall (DBKL) though a local management had refused to take charge.

"Two months ago,FederalTerritoriesand Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin pronounced he would demeanour into a matter," he claimed. Raja Nong Chik, according to Lim, had pronounced that a metal manhole covers would be replaced with petrify ones.

"About 10 empty covers were stolen. The usually one left is during a end of a elevated highway."
Lim urged a supervi! sion to enact an act that would deter thieves from offered a metal to scrap yards.

"Scrap metal is now sole for during least 80 sen per kg. People who steal empty as well as manhole covers as well as other metal stuff should be punished," he said.

Nothing that uncovered empty as well as manholes could endanger motorists, Lim urged a authorities to act promptly.

- MP Lim Lip Eng
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Get real, RPK

By Singa Terhormat
RPK in his blog underneath a heading"The Malays contingency wake up konon"of 11thNovember, 2012 blames a non-Malays for Mahathir not being ousted in 1990. What crap! What finish rubbish!
In a run up to a 1990 ubiquitous election, DAP as well as PBS had joined forces with Semangat 46 as well as PAS to oppose Barisan Nasional. Does RPK assert which DAP as well as PBS are Malay parties?
Whilst a ubiquitous accord afterwards was which BN would still lift through in a ubiquitous election, it was hoped which enough of a dent would be done in BN's infancy to means Mahathir to step down. What in a future happened however was otherwise. BN won with a vast infancy nationwide solely for Kelantan where PAS as well as Semangat 46 done a finish sweep.
So did a non-Malays let down a republic then?
In a few days running up to polling date a national media (TV, newspapers etc) launched a BN promotion which Razaleigh was offered out a country to a Christians.
DAP Komtar State AssemblymanNg Wei Aik, as reported in best describes it thus:
"During a 1990 ubiquitous election, a aura of a 'Christian takeover' was played in sequence to disprove Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, afterwards from Semangat 46. A picture of him wearing a Kadazan headgear which featur! ed a cru cifix pitch was distributed as well as helped BN, afterwards underneath Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, to win a strong majority."
BN additionally widely copied as well as distributed a forged minute purportedly from a Pope addressed to a personality of PBS, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, congratulating him upon his efforts to Christianise Malaysia.
RTM afterwards went in to overdrive, daily report as well as telecasting interviews with Malays who all condemned Razaleigh as well as his political partners for betraying Islam as well as a Muslims.
The Malays panicked as well as fell for a pack of lies as well as within a make a difference of days vast numbers of them switched their await to BN. Kelantan remained unaffected as many Kelantanese frequency afterwards review a newspapers nor watched TV. Hence a Malays in Kelantan remained steadfast in their await of a Opposition whilst a infancy of Malays in a rest of a country switched their await to BN.
The assertion by RPK therefore which it were a non-Malays which were obliged for a mislaid event to unseat Mahathir cannot be more wrong. It were a Malays which deserted a Opposition during a final minute.
Be certain which BN will fool around a same tricks again in a run up to a 13thGE. Anwar, DAP as well as their East Malaysian partners will be accused of undermining Islam as well as Muslims. Be warned! And if it functions again, it wouldnt be a non-Malays which sell out.
As for RPK's assertion which MCA as well as alternative non-Malay parties sole out by revelation "Anwar Ibrahim" Baru in to BN, did they have any preference in a matter? Were a army as well as police not afterwards underneath a carry out of a Malays? Did RPK design a republic not to be up in abandon if MCA etc afterwards sought to seize power? What finish unsteadiness RPK comes up with.
Get genuine RPK. And is it not about time which we stop seeing things in quite racial lines? The rakyat has changed upon as ! well as grown in which respect. Is it not about time which we did too? And about time too which we put an finish to your useless 'spinning' of what essentially transpired.
- The People's Parliament
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Work still in progress to improve lives, concedes Najib

The government's commitment to shift a predestine of Malaysians is akin to 'work in progress', pronounced Prime Minister Najib Razak.

He pronounced although tremendous effort was put for a contentment of a people, a supervision was aware which most some-more indispensable to be done.

NONE"We need a await of a people, we need a brand new charge from a people. So, if we give your mandate, I assure you, a effort would not usually ensue though would be strong in future," he pronounced when speaking during a Malaysian Deepavali Open House 2012 during Ladang Info Ternak Sungai Siput today.

Also present during a ceremony were Perak Menteri Besar Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, Information Communication as good as Culture Minister Rais Yatim as good as wife, Masnah Rais, as good as national as good as state leaders.

The prime minister said, as an example, a supervision had supposing assorted facilities as good as outrageous allocations for a contentment of a Indian community.

He said, in between supervision efforts to lift a vital customary of a Indian village was by on condition that allocations for education as good as skills development, scholarships, as good as increasing a series of admissions into universities.

"As a government, we have done most effort to shift a predestine of Malaysians," he noted.

In this regard, Najib called on all Malaysians to hold to a element of mutual trust formed on &#39! ;nambikei' in between a people as good as a government.

"Let's hold on to 'nambikei'... we perform our promises," he said.

Najib pronounced h! e was ha ppy as good as impressed by a reception to a Malaysian Deepavali Open House by a communities of assorted races in a country.

He pronounced such a reply might not be probable in certain countries as no mutual apply oneself existed amongst a single another.

"In fact, they were in strife as good as were suspicious of a single another, though in Malaysia, we hold to a spirit as good as element of 1Malaysia, which has become our guiding principle," he said.

PM leaves for Asean Summit

Later in a evening, Najib left for Cambodia to conduct a Malaysian commission to a 21st Asean Summit as good as Related Summits in Phnom Penh.

Najib as good as his wife Rosmah Mansor left in a special aircraft during 7.45pm from Kompleks Bunga Raya, Kuala Lumpur Internatioal Airport.

The commission includes Foreign Minister Anifah Aman as good as International Trade as good as Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed.

At a three-day meeting, beginning tomorrow, Najib is expected to highlight, in between others, a Global Movement of Moderates, South China Sea as good as Palestinian issues.

On a sidelines of a Asean Summit as good as Related Summits, Najib is scheduled to meet Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, Burma President Thien Sein as good as Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan D! ung.
- Bernama
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PPP in 'pow wow' with Gerakan on seats in Perak

The People's Progressive Party (PPP) is currently in talks with Gerakan upon chair allocation in Perak for a upcoming 13th ubiquitous election (GE), pronounced its president M Kayveas.

He pronounced there were many seats a celebration could contest in a state though it all depended upon a outcome of a "pow-wow" between a dual parties.

In particular, Gerakan wants to contest in Taiping, a chair which it pronounced was 'loaned' to PPP in previous elections. Kaveas mislaid Taiping to DAP's Nga Kor Ming by 11,298-vote infancy in 2008.

"However, a final decision lies with Prime Minister Najib Razak. PPP is open disposed in a matter as well as it is my goal which a celebration will get 4 parliamentary as well as twelve state seats, as we have requested," he told reporters after chairing a meeting of a party's autarchic council today.

Also present were PPP vice-president Maglin Dennis D'Cruz, who is additionally emissary information, communications as well as culture minister, as well as celebration secretary-general, Mohan Kandasamy.

Kayveas pronounced PPP was fully rebuilt a face a GE as well as which celebration had adopted a strategy it called "Mission 510' whereby a celebration machinery targeted recruiting during slightest 510 members in each PPP bend in its bid to neutralize a opposition.

On other matters, Kayveas pronounced PPP's inhabitant association would be hold upon Dec 2 during a Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

- Bernama
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Rais: 1Malaysia concept must be instilled at all festivals

Rais pronounced a 1Malaysia judgment was not only a matter of mouth service by a nation's leaders. File pic
SUNGAI SIPUT, Nov 17 The 1Malaysia judgment desirous by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak should be practised in all forms of multi-racial festivals, pronounced Information Communication as well as Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.
He pronounced a judgment was not only a matter of mouth service by a nation's leaders though something that contingency be instilled through such celebrations.
"This is to weigh that all Malaysians mount as one as well as dynamic to uphold a concept," he pronounced during a 2012 Malaysia Deepavali Open House during Ladang Infoternak here today.
He pronounced today's open residence was a sign of apply oneself from a supervision to a complete Indian village in a country.
"It feels some-more joyous here, with a Malays as well as Chinese celebrating together with a Indians," he said.
Rais additionally thanked a Indian village in Sungai Siput for a warm acquire they showed a Prime Minister as well as for working very hard in preparing for a open house.
Meanwhile, Minister in Prime Minister's Department as well as MIC President G.Palanivel pronounced a overwhelming turn out of some-more than 25,000 people from all walks of hold up as well as races showed a joined spirit in support of a Barisan Nasional government.
Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir described a celebrations as fantastic.
The open house, organized by a Ministry of Information Communication as well as Culture as well as state government, was aimed during nurturing togetherness as well as allowing a open to learn some-more about a customs as well as culture of a Indian community.
Apart from an array ! of sumpt uous Indian food, guest were additionally treated to a accumulation of traditional performances by local artistes as well as cultural troupes. Bernama
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Rakyat diKemudiankan, Pencapaian hanya Ucapan

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