Bukan DAP yang Lesapkan Hampir RM3billion Wang FELDA
3.4m members won't guarantee BN's victory, says Umno information head
Regional law society says assembly law breaches human rights

Malaysian Bar members marching to Parliament to criticism a Peaceful Assembly Bill November 29, 2011.
The 45-year-old multitude which a Malaysian Bar is a member forked out which Article 20 (1) of a UDHR states which "Everyone has a right to leisure of pacific public as well as organisation as well as which principle is entrenched in other general as well as regional instruments".
In a statement today, its president Malathi Das said it objected to a prohibition of street protests, a age restrictions upon who may organise as well as attend an assembly, as well as a toilsome procedures required to seek permission to hold an public as provided for underneath a brand new law.
It additionally remarkable which a brand new law increased a police's powers with regards to an public but miss a definition to safeguard a public from excessive misuse of such powers.
It is remarkable which members of a Malaysian Bar had marched peacefully to Parliament yesterday to benefaction their alternative, which proved street demonstrations could be pacific as well as not threaten public sequence or safety.
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Umno guarantees Malay rule, says Khairy
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov thirty Umno, not a inherent amendment, will safeguard a Malay budding personality perpetually, pronounced Khairy Jamaluddin today.
The Umno Youth arch pronounced which component parties in Barisan Nasional (BN) had full certainty in a Malay party leading a bloc as well as a government, therefore digest any change to a Constitution unnecessary.
"We hold Umno is able to offer care to all Malaysians...even without inherent amendment, Malaysians will await a judgment of Malay care which is fair as well as usually to all," Khairy pronounced during his debate during his party's girl wing assembly here.
PKR girl arch Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin had dared Umno final week to rectify a sovereign constitution to state which a budding apportion contingency be Malay since "history shows Umno is willing to sell out everything."
"To safeguard which a final Malay stronghold, which is domestic power, is not traded away by Umno, we plea Umno to rectify a sovereign constitution to insert conditions as well as guarantees which a budding apportion contingency be Malay.
"The excuse which a post is held by a Malay since Umno is in energy cannot be accepted. To cover up their evil, those who question them have been indicted of betraying Malays," he had said.
Khairy (picture) labelled PKR as "desperate" in reply to Shamsul's remarks.
"Perhaps PKR is beginning to realize which Malay await for them is upon a wane, Malays have been now aware which PKR is not able to quarrel for their interests as well as future," he said.
Khairy pronounced Umno's interest between voters was since of a "fear" which if Pakatan Rakyat took over Putrajaya, a PM will not be from PKR or PAS.
"PKR lacks self! -esteem as well as temperament so much which they have to spin to Umno to do their bidding," he added.
PR defacto personality Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has since moved to explain which his bloc would not await any pierce by Umno to rectify a Constitution to guarantee a Malay budding minister.
The PKR de facto personality explained which his party girl wing's plea Umno to do so was merely a partial of PKR's "strategy" as well as was neither a "Keadilan nor Pakatan Rakyat stand."
Umno has repeatedly indicted PR of selling out a Malays to Chinese as well as unfamiliar interests, insisting which a Malays can usually be protected if Barisan Nasional (BN) stays in power.
Since a turning point Election 2008 where PR denied BN a customary two-thirds infancy of Parliament as well as 5 state governments, a Malays have swung behind towards a ruling bloc even as Chinese await for a sovereign antithesis has increased.
Racial tension has also heightened over a past few years especially with repeated allegations which Muslims have been being proselytised.
Umno's Utusan Malaysia indicted a DAP progressing this year of conspiring with a church to spin Malaysia in to a Christian state as well as implement a Christian budding minister.
A bloc of Muslim NGOs well known as Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Gathering of a Million Faithful) has also organized several gatherings around a country to "rise up to a plea of Christianisation."
Article 153 of a constitution grants a Agong di-Pertuan Agong responsibility to "safeguard a special in front of of a Malays" as well as has been interpreted by Malay rights groups to justify special privileges in a economy, religion as well as education.
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Najib hints general election is near
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants Umno members to be "in a final stage of preparedness" for a ubiquitous election, saying t! he first azan or call for it has already been made.
The Umno president, who stressed which he did not hold in announcing a choosing formed upon numbers and theories, pronounced he longed for everybody to safeguard a party and Barisan Nasional won.
In addressing a 5,000 delegates during a closed-door briefing, Najib done a result using a first azan or call to request as an denote which a choosing is near.
During Friday prayers, a azan is a vigilance for a assemblage to get ready to perform their eremite duty.
Najib also criticised a little division heads for being gentle in their position although Umno failed to win in their states.
"This is because they still receive monetary grant from a Government. What they don't realize is if Umno is not in energy (in a sovereign government), they will not get a money," he added.
A delegate, who declined to be named, pronounced a boss stressed upon a importance of Umno winning all seats, together with parliamentary seats.
Citing an e.g. of a seriousness to do well, Najib pronounced most party officials were not present during a lecture as they were asked to be in Parliament.
"They have to be in Parliament because you need to safeguard a Peaceful Assembly Bill is passed. If you have a gentle infancy in Parliament, they could be with us in this session," he quoted Najib as saying.
He pronounced Najib also done it a indicate to mention his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's name several times throughout a briefing.
"Najib obviously pronounced which he would c! onsult h is deputy upon a emanate of candidacy and a party's future direction.
"I think a boss wants Umno members to know which he is tighten to Muhyiddin. I think he longed for to clear a air and stop any talk of a rift between them," a nominee said.
Ambiga Sreenevasan: Fulfil The 8 Demands, Then GE13

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Dr M, false pride, Pakatan bashing, racism, religion and sex to dominate Umno AGM
Former Umno boss Mahathir Mohamad is really unfortunate indeed. He has no preference but to sing praises for Najib right or wrong. If BN falls underneath Najib in a next general election, UMNO would relapse in to a coma. It's afterwards starting to be a new made at home epoch in Malaysian politics, that most Malaysians have been looking brazen to. UMNO is right divided already caught in quicksand. A annoyed Mahathir right divided observes UMNO as a celebration of opportunists all out to squeeze energy as good as secure huge contracts from government. The members have been no some-more constant to a celebration or work for celebration sake. Money as good as energy have muddled their minds as good as visions.
UMNO's AGM this week is substantially a last before a 13th General Election. The representatives would once again be babbling upon separate issues such as race as good as sacrament a same aged tales being steady continually to lull as good as composed a representatives as good as a bad Malays out there. This, as usual, would be budding provender fo! r a pr o-UMNO media to be used to generate as good as win magnetism from a farming Malays, when in being UMNO has let down a bad Malays. Customarily, a AGM would regularly be out of concentration taking advantage of to a common 'denial syndrome' upon most crucial issues inspiring a celebration as good as a nation.
It's usually speak as good as a lot of prohibited air
UMNO has not learnt that a people have turn sleepy of listening to their racial as good as religious tongue as good as clichs for umpteen years during their AGMs. The representatives right divided have been gradually changeable their concentration upon some-more convenient issues inspiring a ailing party. Some unhappy representatives have been right divided some-more penetrating to know how UMNO has unsuccessful a nation. They would wish to know how fraud, dishonesty as good as crime have crept in to a celebration as g! ood as g overnment; since a nation is not managed as it should be and, since a past 4 years has not seen any change in a country's mercantile development prompted by Najib's supervision a mutation bulletin that has yet to see any mutation upon a ground.
This mess usually reminds a people of Najib's predecessor's epoch a epoch of a 'sleeping' budding minister. It seems like, even post that epoch it is usually speak as good as a lot of prohibited air by a care to again delude a people in to meditative that everything in a nation is hunky-dory. Some UMNO representatives would most expected be gracefully wordless to see Najib unwell a nation. Many UMNO representatives aligned to Najib have been so unfortunate right divided that they have been expecting non-other than a Grand Old Man Mahathir to intervene before UMNO is cursed forever. But, Mahathir is additionally not seen as a saviour for Najib, as ! there is a huge faction within UMNO itself who have been opposite Mahathir as good as would wish to see a tumble of Najib. They have been usually impatient to see Najib tumble to get to a top.
The representatives who have been not in favour of a benefaction care have been expecting a little fireworks during this AGM. They would not demur to enquire upon a bad supervision of a economy as good as monetary leakages that have since a bad picture to a UMNO-led BN government. When states underneath Pakatan prosper as good as have shown apposite monetary supervision as reported in a AG's Reports, states underneath Barisan rule were found to be not that impressive in their opening despite UMNO as good as BN helming a nation for roughly six decades. It usually took reduction than 4 years for Penang, Selangor as good as Kedah to propagandize UMNO-BN led state governments upon what advantageous monetary supervision is when a latter have been still being mired in a sludge of wastage as good as crime for most years.
This time around, a little discontented UMNO d! elegates would wish to ponder over this fail! ure. Mos t of these representatives have been not 'village fools'. Many have been educated as good as have an effort to mount up a UMNO ladder as good as to illustrate might air concerns about a bad governance with a hope that they be towering to tip celebration posts, candidates for elections or even ministers.
False honour in their ailing party
The UMNO AGM would wish to delve in to a governance of a nation to renovate UMNO's image. The infancy have been not meddlesome in compensate enlarge as good as bonuses since to a selected few in a country. They have been some-more worried about a sharpening cost of vital that would chase divided electorate from UMNO. They have been wakeful that a non-wage earners have been a misfortune influenced by a cost enlarge of essential items. The UMNO-led supervision seems to have no solution to strike this problem. This shows how amateurish a supervision could be. To massage salt in to a wound, taxpayers income has not been wisely spent. Each year a Auditor General (AG) would come up with plain justification upon how loosening as good as irresponsibility of a authorities have led to monetary leakages. UMNO representatives have been wakeful that Malaysians have been getting fed up with a endless dishonesty as good as misappropriation of supports of this nature.
The representatives would additionally be wakeful that there is a miss of clarity as good as accountability when it comes to supervision expenditure. UMNO's superciliousness during these most years of land upon to energy is unwell a nation due to these long-lived monetary fiascos. High inflation rate, diminishing rate of mercantile growth, tall crime rate, miss of unfamiliar investment, bad standard of education, corruption, la! ck of fa ith in a police, judiciary as good as a MACC have been sworn statement to UMNO as good as BN's mess in governance. UMNO's AGM should allot time to discuss all these issues instead of regulating emotions to stir up a representatives in to car! rying fa lse honour in their ailing party.
On a 'Malays'
Race, religion, as good as sex contingency regularly shade UMNO AGMs. These have regularly been UMNO's trademarks. Perhaps this time around crime as good as misappropriation of taxpayers' income could be added to a bulletin to clout a delegates' thoughts.
Malays have been perceptually widely separated since they understand a supervision to be corrupt. They would however unite to dispossess a incumbent of another possibility to govern a nation similar to what they roughly did in a 2008 General Election. The media turn that a Malays or Islam is underneath hazard in a nation would not remonstrate a people. Neither would sexploitation have a electorate turn opposite a Opposition. Yet you could clarity that these issues would be spun during a AGM to have a sessions some-more spicy.
Mahathir is possibly sober now. At a single time he hinted that crime could be a form ! of 'lu bricant' to get things finished faster. Mahathir has eventually come to his senses after helming a celebration for 22 years as good as right divided saying crime rotting UMNO. He right divided says that crime is a hazard to society:
" A courteous race would be a a single that is means to carry out a titillate to dedicate any wrongdoing, together with corruption. If a multitude regards crime as normal, afterwards you will never be means to progress. Corruption could move about adverse consequences, together with precipitating a mess such as office building collapsing since poor materials were used due to hurtful practices. Corruption could destroy a nation if leaders were elected in a hurtful manner. A supervision that is hurtful will not be means to move a nation forward."
Mahathir, crime as good as income politics
Mahathir sensing that Najib is already standing upon a edge for his last plunge is making himself applicable for UMNO this time around. The AGM would not demur to have him broa! ch a spe ech. He may afterwards expected espouse upon celebration as good as crime a single of his prime topics these days. Money governing body has messed up UMNO's picture yet nothing most was finished during his time as premier to curb this problem. When it was alleged that a lawyer wrote a visualisation for a judge during his time, no serve investigation was made. The most publicized Eric Chia's case was a buried mystery. Many some-more hurtful cases during his time did not reach or unsuccessful in a justice of law. Corruption was rife during his reign as budding apportion but nothing most was finished to contain this suffering in a neck. After all crime was euphemistically good known as 'lubrican! t' a n. This enlightenment of crime as good as income governing body right divided seem to have found a approach in to UMNO as good as BN. Hopefully, a AGM could come up with an remedy to this severe syndrome inspiring a fabric of a society.
Mahathir may touch upon a AG's Report as good as give his dual cents value upon how to strike a misappropriation of supervision funds. This abuse as good as misuse of supervision supports have been not new though. It happened roughly each year during his time as premier too. The most appropriate person to confirm upon this unprofessional conduct would be a AG himself, not politicians. However, there has been no made at home will to illustrate distant to action upon what a AG's Reports have suggested to instil fear in those involved. Some representatives contingency be irritated by a 2010 AG's Report as good as a AGM as a result would be a excellent height for a representatives to air their frustrations. Disclosures in a 2010 AG's Report should be a special bulletin during this AGM to uncover that UMNO is really endangered about correct supervision of a country. Fraud, dishonesty as good as crime cannot be tolerated, as espoused by born-again Mahathir.
Weak in Mathematics
To start a round rolling, most representatives would conde! mn those who wish a PPSMI Mahathir's brain kid to go upon branding a proponents of this process with all sorts of names to uncover to a representatives that they have been not reduction nationalistic than a others. This would offend Mahathir who still feels that a sciences should be taught in English in schools. The people have been wakeful that this issue by a representatives during a AGM would be some-more to play upon Malay sentiments. Anyway, most of them would not give a scream about this issue as they have been ! wakeful th during most of a rich UMNO delegates' young kids have been studying overseas or in private schools.
Some representatives would cite that Malay young kids have been diseased in Mathematics usually since it's being taught in English. And they would substantially poise this question: Why have been a little supervision servants amateurish as good as incapable of bargain a importance of correct chain of decimal points as good as making accounting mistakes that have resulted in improvident overspending? As a result of their lackadaisical attitude, a pensioner received RM21,433 a month instead of RM214.33 for 16 months. The faux pas was usually detected after some-more than a year. This would clear a delegates' reason since Mathematics should not be taught in English.
The great news is that a representatives would be treated with colour with sumptuous food as good as drinks with sweet drinks aplenty to have them cheery. Following this would be talks upon office building some-more precision centres for youth to have them some-more in use since man! y youths have been unemployed these days as good as additionally there would be a lot to say about poverty in a country. Perhaps, a nominee would afterwards wish to lift this question: How could Giatmara Centre mistakenly compensate RM170 per kg instead of RM1.70 per kg for sugarine for a poverty eradication programme RM25,500 for 150 kg of sugar? Could this be sugarine of a special super brand from outer space?
To a little re! presenta tives from Sabah this AGM would be a form of distraction or amusement for them distant divided from their state. Perhaps, a nominee from Sabah would wish to lift this question: How could a Malaysian Marine Parks Department spend a whopping RM56,350 for a span of night vision Marine binoculars they paid twenty-nine times some-more than a binoculars' market value of RM1,940 a pair? A extra question to this would be: How could they compensate for a span of night vision Bushnell binoculars 1,893 percent some-more than a tangible cost of RM2,827?
Financial misdeeds
There would additionally be talks by representatives upon sports as good as fitness by UMNO youths as good as Puteri UMNO. Perhaps a nominee would wish to poise this question: How could a National Sports Institute acquire twenty-three horses totalling RM5.66 million but a Financial Ministry go-ahead as good as since nothing of these horses competed in dual endorsed general championships by a Sports Ministry?
There would be a little fiery speak upon a monetary state of a nation by a Minister of Finance nothing other than Najib himself. Perhaps a nominee would wish to poise this question: For a year 2010, a supervision authorized a budget of RM149 billion for operating output (OPEX). It was found to be not sufficient as good as they had to enlarge a OPEX to RM151 billion. How could nine ministries overspend their allocated budget? Why didn't a supervision spend a RM2 billion upon Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) to create some-more resources for a country?
Though people would be some-more glued to their prime TV programmes upon Astro ignoring what is being televised by TV3 upon a AGM, a people cannot repudiate that a lot of other forms of information exchnage would be starting upon between UMNO representatives as good as a members in this digital era. Perhaps a nominee would wish to poise this question: How could a RM142 million RazakSAT heavenly body malfunction hardly a year after it was being comm! issioned ?
With about 1300 pages of exposes of monetary misdeeds, hanky-panky as good as misappropriation of open supports in a 2010 AG's Report, UMNO representatives could have a gala day posing questions to their leaders to assistance rehabilitate UMNO as good as a government.
The people would usually omit them
Money outlayed by a supervision is taxpayers' money. Some UMNO representatives would coach their leaders upon this. The income does not go to UMNO, BN or a Opposition. UMNO as good as BN should not be arrogant meditative that income dispensed to a people easily comes from their own pocket. If a celebration wants to be in power, a interests of a people is inaugural as good as in managing taxpayers' income those responsible contingency be accountable. They cannot means to sojourn in energy if dishonesty as good as dishonesty have been starting to be their approach of management. This is about a supervision of a nation as good as not governing body to squeeze or stay in power.
The rascal as good as dishonesty mentioned in all a past Auditor General's Reports contingency be accounted for as good as those responsible contingency be punished either or not they have connections with UMNO leadership. The UMNO AGM contingency allot during least a single total day to discuss upon a voluminous papers relating to steady transgressions by a authorities. Following that, ministers as good as authorities endangered should be asked to renounce or dragged in to a MACC's net. This is a usually approach for UMNO to recover certitude from a people. If the! y confirm to omit a most complaints opposite abuse of in front of as good as money, a people would usually omit them in a next general election.
Imaginary threats to UMNO
As practised in a past, small tongue upon irrelevant issues would dominate a AGM. This is to obstruct a people's courtesy as good as perception that cheap as good as deceptive activities have been starting u! pon in a supervision as good as that a nation is not managed to people's expectations. The AGM would certainly be entertained to a common playground antics jokes as good as satires to sidetrack people's courtesy to UMNO's as good as BN's incompetency in governance of a country. Deprived of honour as good as responsibility, a tongue would border upon a hypothetical threats upon Malays by a Christians, a split in Malay unity, sexploitation to demean a Opposition as good as a sanctity of a Royalty.
All these have turn made at home clichs that no typical people would wish to listen to. The people know that these have been issues combined by UMNO to made at home a typical Malays in to supporting them. In actuality, a people know that there is no hazard whatsoever to a Malays in this nation from any sacrament or race. They have been wakeful that a reduction than 10 percent Christian population in a nation could never be a hazard to a Malays. If law is to be told, a Malays of today have been united with all other Malaysians to find a better government. They have been wakeful that sex is usually an exercise to move down made at home opponents. They have been additionally wakeful that UMNO's attribute with a Istana had never been sincere in a past. It's a attribute merely for made at home expediency.
Mahathir's mount upon Royalty
The AGMs contingency touch upon a Royalty but miss. However, regulating a word 'ill-bred' to report a learned professor, or any hum! an being for that matter, is so unbecoming of a real Malay.
Mahathir's comments upon a royalty in his Memoirs (2011) is sworn statement to UMNO stands for when it comes to a Royalty. On a constitutional amendments relating to a Rulers in 1982 as good as 1993 to limit a energy of a Rulers, Mahathir had this to say:.
"Although a Malays had supposed democracy they were still really feudal in their thinking." (p452)
The infancy celebration sh! ould be means to reject a ruler's preference simply by ! passing a vote of no confidence in him when a legislative body is convened. But a Malay law as good as feudal attitudes can essentially overrule a Constitutions. This is not healthy." (p456)
"I felt strongly that somehow a amendments contingency be partial of a Constitution." (p457)
After a 1993 amended Bill upon a Royalty was passed as good as gazetted, Mahathir had this to say:
"I fel! t most r elief as good as so did all a leaders of a Barisan Nasional member parties." (p464)
UMNO did it as good as right divided they should stop exploiting a Royalty to favour them during times when they face any made at home impasse. If this is finished afterwards it becomes a hypocrisy of a total state of affairs involving a Constitution. UMNO should stick to a Constitution that they had to some extent amended was passed in a Parliament with a full support of a Opposition during a time for people to cherish loyal democracy in a country. There should not be any flip-flop as distant as this have a difference is concerned.
UMNO representatives do not have to be endangered as a people of this nation in all do not have complaints upon a complement of Constitutional Monarchy. They revere their Sultans. They would usually turn uneasy with UMNO when a Royalty is used to politically favour them.
Sweeping a have a difference underneath a carpet
There has to be a paradigm change to UMNO's AGM this time. UMNO representatives should be some-more endangered with what is function to a taxpayers' money, instead of harping upon trivial issues similar to sex, race as good as sacrament or r! oyalty overdose of that is not full of health for a people's mind. They should instead discuss upon corruption, abuse of taxpayers' money, overpricing in procurement, negligence, incompetency, haughtiness as good as transgressions due to official audacity of officers issues that have been of some-more concern for a people.
UMNO-led supervision owes a taxpayers as good as a! elector ate an explanation. Year in, year out taxpayers have been outraged by a revelations of a 2010 Auditor-General Reports upon a continuing monetary scandals, hanky-panky as good as gross monetary loosening in governance. It has all left badly as good as off-beam since a year 1981. Away from routine sex, race as good as sacrament issues, a representatives should discuss upon a steady irregularities of monetary supervision underneath UMNO dominated BN, a bad race family in a society, miss of opportunities for all Malaysians in education as good as jobs as good as a inflationary direction in prices of goods.
The over 1,300 pages ! of expos es of monetary irregularities, hanky-panky as good as misappropriation of open supports in a first full year of Najib's premiership should be debated to move behind honour to UMNO. Failing that sweeping a have a difference underneath a carpet would catch a rage of UMNO members as good as a people during large. They would fundamentally repudiate their support for a benefaction government. The people upon a street have been not meddlesome to hear trivial matters discussed during celebration AGMs. They have been some-more endangered about all a monetary leakages underneath Najib's supervision as good as governments before to this. Bringing Mahathir to rescue tumbling Najib is not a solution, as good as successive audacity would have UMNO nothing a wiser.
Malaysia Chronicle
Undilah - English (Namewee Afdlin Shauki Kuli Pete Teo)

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PAS guarantees Malays still powerful under Pakatan rule
November 30, 2011

Hadi pronounced a usually a single who would lose power underneath PR order was Umno. File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, November 30 Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yesterday gave PAS's "guarantee" which Malays would still remain absolute underneath Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) rule, moving swiftly to opposite an Umno leader's explain which a village would humour underneath such a government.
The PAS boss pronounced a emanate "does not even arise" as a series of seats contested by PR's non-Malay leaders from DAP as good as PKR usually amounted to about 60 of a 222 parliamentary seats available.
"It is not usually a guarantee, but a reality," Hadi told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.
"In Malaysia's domestic geography, a series of seats which DAP contests at present have been usually about 40 out of a 222. How would DAP, even if it wins in all 40, take over? It is not right.
"Plus with PKR, a (non-Malay) seats series to usually 60 out of 222 as good as a rest have been Malay seats so it (Umno's claim) is something which makes no sense," he said.
Hadi was commenting upon Umno report chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan's warning earlier yesterday which a Malays would lose all to a Chinese should a nation knowledge a "hung parliament" scenario, such as Australia's, in a next ubiquitous election.
Ahmad additionally indicted DAP of disrespecting a stately establishment as good as a inhabitant language, claiming which even Islam would be "lost" if PR won more seats.
"Say goodbye to Islam, because they (DAP) have been agents of Christianisation in articulate about a Malay bulletin we cannot run divided from this," pronounced Ahmad.
Stressing which a hazard of "Malays losing power" was very real, Ahmad claimed which a Chinese village was slowly gaining carry out of a country's politics as good as economy.
But Hadi dismissed Ahmad! 's remar ks as "empty threats", accusing a deputy apportion of regulating a race label to combine a Malays underneath Umno.
"The a single who loses power if PR makes gains, is Umno. The a single who replaces them is us in PAS as good as PR.
"This is an empty hazard to promote extremist sentiments a matter which is inaccurate as it does not consider Malaysia's domestic geography," he said.
Hadi's PR colleague, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, yesterday indicted Umno of "doing a same as Hitler" by regulating such threats to win support.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pronounced Ahmad's remarks showed Umno is "still stranded in a extremist agenda" as good as "cultivating a culture of fear" ahead of a ubiquitous choosing approaching early next year.
Umno is now holding what is approaching to be a last ubiquitous assembly before a ubiquitous choosing approaching early next year.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is pronounced to need a marked improvement from a last polls to keep his position as usually a return of Barisan Nasional's prevalent two-thirds majority of Parliament can pledge he remains in office.
BN ceded 82 federal seats as good as four state governments to a antithesis in a landmark Election 2008.
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UMNO Deputy President Muhyiddin sets the tone for GE-13
November 30, 2011
UMNO Deputy President Muhyiddin sets a tone for GE-13 during UMNO General Assembly
by Hafiz Yatim (11-29-11)
UMNO has made a clarion call to a members from a Wanita, Youth as well as Puteri wings to urge Putrajaya during all costs to ensure a sovereignty of a Malays.
UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, pronounced UMNO is in a critical incident now.
He was vocalization during a UMNO General Assembly tonight in Kuala Lumpur.
"The 13th general choosing is a mother of all elections as it would establish whether a Malays will fall or climb up. Will a domestic energy sojourn in a hands or will it pass to others?" he asked.
"Do you wish to see a domestic energy to be mislaid as well as allow a antithesis to win Putrajaya? Are you rebuilt to see a Malays losing their energy upon their own land? Certainly a answer is no," pronounced Muhyiddin in his corner debate to a Wanita, Youth as well as Puteri wings tonight.
Muhyiddin urged all three movements to mobilise to urge UMNO as well as BN during all costs in a entrance election.
The Deputy President also called upon Wanita chief, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, to lead a female warriors of a party, as well as UMNO Youth arch Khairy Jamaluddin to be a Malay warrior in leading his mutation to be a defenders of UMNO.
"All votes from women have been critical as women have a clever shift in society. As for UMNO Youth you have a youngest warrior in Khairy, as well as he should pierce h! is membe rs to quarrel in a strongest plea a celebration is facing. Prepare yourself mentally as well as physically for a conflict ahead."
Muhyiddin pronounced today's landscape had changed where it right divided caters for a young, as well as UMNO contingency give a joining as well as certitude to a younger generation. "To UMNO leaders give approach to a younger era for them to contribute in a party. Guide them as UMNO would not last though await from a younger generation," he said.
Muhyiddin also had words for a brand new mutation Puteri UMNO chief, Rosnah Sirlin, job upon her to fool around her role effectively.
"We have to sojourn united, have a single mind, a single request as well as a single aspiration to see a celebration remains strong. Disregard a differences as well as inner fights. "Believe which a party's struggle is a jihad for a religion, competition as well as country. It is a jihad for probity as well as safeguarding a rights. We have to believe which a entrance choosing is critical to a survival. The choosing is a fighting arena for all of you to turn warriors. Do not shelter or surrender easily," he said.
'Let Leaders confirm upon candidates'
Muhyiddin pronounced possibilities were a weapons for a celebration as well as members should give their full certitude as well as await to them.
"Let a Leaders confirm upon a preference of candidates. What is critical is they have a calibre, have been educated, have been tighten to a people, clean, sincere, honest, have high ethics as well as have been supposed by society," he said.
"Give your undivided await to a celebration as well as a leaders so which you could successfully foster a celebration president's mutation agenda. The President is brave to deliver a domestic transformation, as well as change. This should be supposed by all UMNO members," he said.
He urged members to urge a celebration during all costs as well as not to! run div ided from a battle. "Do not retreat, do not sabotage, do not boycott, do not fool around dirty, do not tighten a party's office during elections, as well as do not stab people from behind. Do not do anything which would bushel a party's chances of winning. Remember a choosing is a contest to establish a survival. It is not to win individually though collectively as a party," he said.
"Focus upon a problems faced by a people. Feel their pulse, hear their problems as well as go as well as support them. We contingency be their eyes, ears as well as voice as well as most critical you contingency be responsible to dedicate ourselves morally to support a people," pronounced Muhyiddin.
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Keputusan Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) untuk menghapuskan Kompleks Sukan PKNS Kelana Jaya di sini dengan menjadikannya tapak tujuh blok pangsapuri 35 tingkat dan sebuah kompleks perniagaan 15 tingkat menyerlahkan
Herr Maslan- What went wrong?
PAS guarantees Malays still powerful under Pakatan rule

Hadi pronounced a usually a single who would remove power underneath PR order was Umno. File pic
The PAS boss pronounced a emanate "does not even arise" as a series of seats contested by PR's non-Malay leaders from DAP as good as PKR usually amounted to about 60 of a 222 parliamentary seats available.
"It is not usually a guarantee, but a reality," Hadi told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.
"In Malaysia's domestic geography, a series of seats which DAP contests during present are usually about 40 out of a 222. How would DAP, even if it wins in all 40, take over? It is not right.
"Plus with PKR, a (non-Malay) seats series to usually 60 out of 222 as good as a rest are Malay seats... so it (Umno's claim) is something which creates no sense," he said.
Hadi was commenting on Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan's notice progressing yesterday which a Malays would remove all to a Chinese should a country experience a "hung parliament" scenario, such as Australia's, in a next ubiquitous election.
Ahmad also indicted DAP of disrespecting a royal establishment as good as a national language, claiming which even Islam would be "lost" if PR won more seats.
"Say goodbye to Islam, since they (DAP) are agents of Christianisation ... in talking about a Malay agenda you cannot run away from this," pronounced Ahmad.
Stressing which a threat of "Malays losing power" was very real, Ahmad claimed which a Chinese village was slowly gaining control of a country's politics as good as economy.
But Hadi discharged Ahmad's remarks as "empty threats", accusing a deputy apportion of re! gulating a race card to unite a Malays underneath Umno.
"The a single who loses power if PR creates gains, is Umno. The a single who replaces them is us in PAS as good as PR.
"This is an empty threat... to foster extremist sentiments... a statement which is inaccurate as it does not consider Malaysia's domestic geography," he said.
Hadi's PR colleague, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, yesterday indicted Umno of "doing a same as Hitler" by regulating such threats to win support.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pronounced Ahmad's remarks showed Umno is "still stranded in its extremist agenda" as good as "cultivating a culture of fear" forward of a ubiquitous choosing expected early next year.
Umno is currently holding what is likely to be its last ubiquitous assembly before a ubiquitous choosing expected early next year.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is pronounced to need a noted improvement from a last polls to keep his position as usually a return of Barisan Nasional's prevalent two-thirds infancy of Parliament can guarantee he remains in office.
BN ceded 82 sovereign seats as good as four state governments to a antithesis in a landmark Election 2008.
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No room for favouritism - New Straits Times

New Straits Times
New Straits Times
That's a word from Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak to a ground as he prepares his infantry for a 13th general election. The prime minister chose a analogy of a recitation of a azan, or a Muslim call to prayer, to great outcome when he ...
Call To Umno Members To Pursue Extraordinary Work Bernama
Prepping for high-stakes polls Malaysia Star
Umno General Assembly as well as Malay agenda Sin Chew Jit Poh
Middle East Sentinel - T! he Sun D aily - Free Malaysia Today
all 51 news articles
1. Marilah kita dahului dengan sembah tahmid ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. dan selawat serta salam ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. kerana dengan limpah kurnia dan izin-Nya dapat kita bersama-sama berhimpun pada malam yang bersejarah ini untuk menyempurnakan Majlis Perasmian Serentak Persidangan
UMNO Deputy President Muhyiddin sets the tone for GE-13
November 30, 2011
UMNO Deputy President Muhyiddin sets a tone for GE-13 during UMNO General Assembly
by Hafiz Yatim (11-29-11)
UMNO has made a musical instrument call to a members from a Wanita, Youth as well as Puteri wings to urge Putrajaya during all costs to ensure a sovereignty of a Malays.
UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, pronounced UMNO is in a critical situation now.
He was vocalization during a UMNO General Assembly tonight in Kuala Lumpur.
"The 13th general choosing is a mother of all elections as it would establish whether a Malays will tumble or rise up. Will a domestic energy sojourn in a hands or will it pass to others?" he asked.
"Do you want to see a domestic energy to be mislaid as well as concede a opposition to win Putrajaya? Are you prepared to see a Malays losing their energy upon their own land? Certainly a answer is no," pronounced Muhyiddin in his joint debate to a Wanita, Youth as well as Puteri wings tonight.
Muhyiddin urged all 3 movements to mobilize to urge UMNO as well as BN during all costs in a entrance election.
The Deputy President additionally called upon Wanita chief, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, to lead a womanlike warriors of a party, as well as UMNO Youth arch Khairy Jamaluddin to be a Malay soldier in heading his mutation to be a defenders of UMNO.
"All votes from women have been critical as women have a clever influence in society. As for UMNO Youth you have a youngest soldier in Khairy, as well as he should move his members to quarrel in a strongest plea a celebration is facing. Prepare yourself mentally as well as physically for a conflict ahead."
Muhyiddin pronou! nced tod ay's landscape had altered where it right away caters for a young, as well as UMNO contingency give a commitment as well as certitude to a younger generation. "To UMNO leaders give approach to a younger generation for them to minister in a party. Guide them as UMNO would not final though await from a younger generation," he said.
Muhyiddin additionally had difference for a new mutation Puteri UMNO chief, Rosnah Sirlin, calling upon her to play her role effectively.
"We have to sojourn united, have a single mind, a single prayer as well as a single aspiration to see a celebration remains strong. Disregard a differences as well as internal fights. "Believe which a party's onslaught is a jihad for a religion, race as well as country. It is a jihad for probity as well as protecting a rights. We have to hold which a entrance choosing is critical to a survival. The choosing is a fighting arena for all of you to turn warriors. Do not shelter or surrender easily," he said.
'Let Leaders confirm upon candidates'
Muhyiddin pronounced candidates were a weapons for a celebration as well as members should give their full certitude as well as await to them.
"Let a Leaders confirm upon a preference of candidates. What is critical is they have a calibre, have been educated, have been close to a people, clean, sincere, honest, have tall ethics as well as have been supposed by society," he said.
"Give your undivided await to a celebration as well as a leaders so which you could successfully promote a celebration president's mutation agenda. The President is brave to deliver a domestic transformation, as well as change. This should be supposed by all UMNO members," he said.
He urged members to urge a celebration during all costs as well as not to run away from a battle. "Do not retreat, do not sabotage, do not boycott, do not play dirty, do not close a party's bureau during elections, as well as do not gash! people from behind. Do not do anything which would hamper a party's chances of winning. Remember a choosing is a competition to establish a survival. It is not to win away though collectively as a party," he said.
"Focus upon a problems faced by a people. Feel their pulse, hear their problems as well as go as well as support them. We contingency be their eyes, ears as well as voice as well as most critical you contingency be responsible to commit ourselves implicitly to support a people," pronounced Muhyiddin.
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Politik meracau Umno bakal jatuhkan Najib
"Kenyataan itu menggambarkan psikologi Umno yang berada dalam ketakutan ekoran diambang kehilangan kuasa.
"Mereka (Umno) masih belum jumpa strategi jelas, maka mereka meneruskan strategi lama dengan mencetuskan rasa takut (politic of fear) di kalangan rakyat dengan isu kuasa orang Melayu, agama dan sultan" katanya kepada Harakahdaily.
Dalam kenyaatan pagi tadi, Datuk Ahmad Maslan dipetik berkata orang Melayu akan hilang segala hak dan kuasa mereka sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memenangi lebih banyak kerusi Parlimen dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Ahmad berkata, senario pale buruk berkenaan masa depan orang Melayu negara ini ialah apabila wujud "Parlimen tergantung" seperti di Australia, di mana Barisan Nasional tidak mampu melaksanakan agenda polisi-polisi ekoran hanya majoriti mudah.
"Bahasa Melayu akan hilang (kedudukan), kata selamat tinggal kepada Kesultanan Melayu, malah pembangkang DAP tidak akan hormati institusi diraja mereka tidak pernah terima gelaran diraja meskipun mereka ditawarkan.
"Kata selamat tinggal kepada Islam sebab mereka (DAP) adalah ejen Kristian dalam bercakap mengenai agenda Melayu, kita tidak boleh lari daripada ini," kata Ahmad pada satu forum parti sempena perhimpunan agung tahunan 2011.
Mengulas lanjut, Dr. Dzulkefly juga menyifatkan kenyataan Ahmad itu sebagai kegagalan Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk membawa transformasi politiknya kepada pemimpin Umno lain termasuk Ahmad.
Najib juga ujarnya masih tindak menentu dalam mencari strategi dan pendekatan untuk mempertahankan kuasanya.
"Mungkin juga ketua penerangan Umno ini mewakili suara maj! oriti ah li Umno dan suara Najib (yang mahu transformasi) hanya minoriti.
"Ini juga bukti 'banyak kepala' dalam Umno yang semakin bersimpang-siur dan bercelaru. Umno tetap Umno yakni parti berteraskan perjuangan perkauman Melayu sempit, Melayu Umno, masih ramai Melayu yang terpinggir, jurang miskin-kaya pale lebar dalam etnik Melayu di negara ini" kata Dr. Dzulkefly yang juga ahli parlimen Kuala Selangor.
Sementara itu juga, beliau menjangkakan perhimpunan agung Umno yang akan dirasmikan malam ini menjadi medan anggota parti itu membangkitkan isu perkauman.
Ianya memandangkan parti itu kini berada dalam keadaan terdesak selepas hilang sokongan bukan Melayu sejak tsunami politik 2008 lalu.
Pemerintahan yang bersih: Perspektif politik, hukum, ekonomi, budaya, dan agama
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Pakatan walks out, will not vote on Assembly Bill

Pakatan Rakyat MPs walked out of a Dewan Rakyat during a discuss upon a Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 as well as will not participate in voting upon a Bill.
The MPs pronounced which they were troubled which a orator had usually authorised 3 Pakatan Rakyat MPs - one from any party - to discuss what they cruise to be a really important square of legislation.
The 3 who were authorised to speak were Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim (Permatang Pauh-PKR), Lim Guan Eng (Bagan-DAP) as well as Abdul Hadi Awang (Marang-PAS).
Upon Abdul Hadi's concluding his debate, Pakatan MPs walked out only as Ibrahim Ali (Pasir Mas-Independent) was commencement his speech.
Ibrahim was followed by P Kamalanathan (BN-Hulu Selangor), after which Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz addressed a House.Speaking to reporters later, Shah Alam MP Abdul Khalid Samad decried a astray treatment as well as pronounced Pakatan MPs were unlikely to stay behind as well as vote.
Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching additionally pronounced a speaker's decision to concede usually 3 Pakatan representatives to speak was unfair.
! For exa mple, during a discuss upon a Supply Bill 2012 during a Education Ministry committee stage, 42 MPs spoke. About half of them were from Pakatan," she told Malaysiakini.
Abdul Khalid pronounced which there was "no point" for their participation in a House as they have presented their views, but it does not crop up which their call would be determined to repel a Bill.
"The government has finished whatever they think they should do, in conditions of amendments, but all is still a same," he said.
"Their perspective is really slipshod... (We have been walking out as well as boycotting voting! ) as it is all only window dressing."
Asked if Pakatan will participate in a discuss in a committee theatre celebration of the mass of a Bill, Teo pronounced which they have been still deciding upon this.
Anwar Ibrahim: Rapat Anak Muda 13.0 AMK (Part 2/2)

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Zambry: Perak Umno moving in right direction
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov twenty-nine Perak Umno appears assured which open annoy over a controversial 2009 takeover of Perak has calmed, with Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir claiming tonight a celebration is "moving in a right direction".
The Pangkor representative told reporters which a state's Umno leadership has "strengthened" given it took over a reins of a state government as good as was ready to face a coming polls.
"Thank God... We have been moving in a right direction. We have strengthened ourselves," a smiling Zambry (picture) said when met after Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak delivered a special pre-general public lecture to top celebration leaders here.
Zambry would not however directly express certainty which Barisan Nasional (BN) would retain a northern state in a coming polls though repeatedly said "thank God, appreciate God" when asked if things were looking positive for a pact.
"I do not wish to contend which we am assured since we would not be a good ubiquitous then," he coyly said.
He said Perak BN representatives have been "preparing our belligerent well" though stressed which it would be up to a electorate to decide upon their performance.
Asked again if he felt open fury from a year-long 2009 inherent impasse had subsided, Zambry smiled as good as said "pretty much".
"But we do not wish to be self-assured as good as self-proclaim which we have been this or that... I'd like to pierce in a tactical or strategic way," he said.
"But we can tell we this we know a belligerent well."
Zambry additionally concluded with Najib who had purportedly told delegates during a lecture to stand joined in a face of what he predicted would be an "extraordinary" ubiquitous election.
"We have been confronting an environment which is unusual. So, yes, we need some-more unusual moves! to prep are for this.
"If we have been not a winnable candidate, we have to sacrifice for a sake of a party," he said.
Pakatan Rakyat (PR) had won 31 seats in a 59-seat Perak public in a March 2008 ubiquitous election as good as in Jan 2009, Bota representative Datuk Nasarudin Hashim defected from Umno to PKR.
However, he returned to Umno in early February during a same time as 3 assemblymen left PR as good as corroborated BN as independents.
This allowed Zambry to be sworn in as mentri besar upon February 6, 2009.
Guru-guru bermazhab umno

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Newly-passed assembly law sparks tiny protest
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov twenty-nine A tiny rope of people collected upon a sidewalk heading to Parliament House tonight to criticism a Barisan Nasional (BN) governments quick flitting of a controversial peaceful assembly proposal in to law.
The group, which called itself Occupy Parlimen, was dissapoint at what it considered a hastily-drafted law traffic with peoples simple right to arrange had been successfully pushed by without most open consultation.
The Peaceful Assembly Bill, which bans travel demonstrations, was upheld only hours progressing upon BN votes after a opposition Pakatan Rakyat confederation staged a walkout.
The organisation proposed with 13 people at 7.30pm, long after a lawmakers had left a building, as well as grew to series only twenty-two people within an hour.
They stood upon a sidewalk with their hand-drawn card placards which review #Occupy Parlimen as well as Democracy is dead for about 10 minutes prior to being chased divided by Parliament security.
They reassembled a little 50 metres down a road, upon a grassy divider, as well as illuminated a little candles whilst deliberating their next march of action.
A immature bespectacled man, who gave his name as Nicol Paul Miranda, pronounced he was a sixth former at St Johns Institution Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razaks alma female parent as well as which he was demonstrating to uncover he did not recognize a newly-passed law which limited his inherent right to arrange in peace.
He noted which underneath a brand new law he could not organise an assembly because he was still next 21 years of age.
This is another action of shutting us up, he said, indignant a government did not think he was grown up enough to import his actions.
The outspoken 18-year-old pronounced he believed which people his era will not put up with what he pronounced was an unjust law.
He pronounced they will find ways to have a government pay for undermining youths even if they were too immature ! to valid ate to vote.
He pronounced polls were not a only approach to uncover restlessness with a government.
He combined which a brand new law would not forestall dissenters from taking to a street, even with a large fine of up to RM20,000 for a little offences.
People will intent to this as well as a government wont be able to do anything, he said.
Im assured my era will go on to arrange freely notwithstanding a restrictions. Were a brand new breed, he said.
Umno veeps caught unawares by Ahmad Maslans remarks - Yahoo!
eager to win Malaysians' support
Ahmad Maslan dan kedangkalan nya.
Ahmad Maslan stands by Malay power remarks
KUALA LUMPUR, November 29 Datuk Ahmad Maslan today shielded his claims which Malays would remove energy if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) won more seats in a subsequent ubiquitous choosing as well as which a DAP is an representative of Christianisation, indicating out which which it was nothing but a truth.
The Umno report arch additionally discharged suggestions which his remarks showed Umno was taking after Hitler by regulating a Chinese as well as Christians as a bogey to attract voter support.
Ahmad (picture) pronounced at a forum this sunrise which a Malay language will be lost, contend goodbye to a Malay Sultans ... contend goodbye to Islam if a antithesis gains more energy as a DAP do not respect a stately institution ... (and) have been agents of Christianisation.
In turn, PR leaders indicted Umno of doing a same as Hitler as well as which a remarks were factious as well as could stimulate secular tension.
I am not a sort to contend anything slanderous. What we pronounced this sunrise is based upon my own end as Umno report chief.
I spoke a truth, he told reporters here.
The emissary minister shielded his remarks as well as steady what he pronounced earlier, stressing which Umno indispensable to win over more electorate prior to national polls have been called.
I consider they cannot hoop a truth... we know what they want. The antithesis wants to take over a country.
This is interesting... do we even demeanour similar to Hitler? pronounced Ahmad, laughing.
He had claimed a hazard of Malays losing energy was really real as a Chinese community was slowly gaining control of a countrys politics as well as economy.
Umno is now holding what is expected to be its final ubiquitous public prior to a ubiquitous choosing expected early subsequent year.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is pronounced to need! a noted alleviation from a final polls to retain his position as only a lapse of Barisan Nasionals prevalent two-thirds majority of Parliament can pledge he stays in office.
BN ceded 82 sovereign seats as well as 5 state governments to a antithesis in a turning point March 2008 ubiquitous election.
salam bro....
mintak tolong bro posting le saman MPKB BRI bandaraya Islam ni.
Gua baru kena saman ngan
Govts new magic shield, by Zunar
Peaceful Assembly Bill passed
Four hours of debate, only six MPs taking part. Barisan Nasional puts out despotic party whip. Pakatan MPs travel out in protest when only 3 of its MPs allowed to take part in debate. Opposition personality says government bulldozed Bill as well as avoids calls for parliamentary name cabinet to inspect details.
The Bill now goes to the Senate for discuss as well as approval, after which it will be sent to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for stately assent. If stately assent is not perceived by 30 days the Bill becomes law.
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'BN MPs real heroes for pushing for Bill changes'

"It was a BN backbenchers who met with a (de facto law) minister, attorney-general as well as Home Ministry to ask that multiform amendments be made...
"Don't a antithesis try to claim to be heroes as a ones pulling for a changes were BN MPs, nonetheless we never done any noise," he said.
In supp! orting t he Bill, a Kota Belud MP pronounced that a anathema upon travel demonstrations is fit as research show that host mentality can lead to dangerous situations.
"An particular does not action normally whilst in a large group, he or she is shabby by a group. A lawyers can go insane as well as a fortify clergyman can lose his or her mind due to a mass psychology," he said.
He combined that in a country similar to Malaysia, where adults come from such different backgrounds, a smallest trigger can lead to "chaos as well as even killings".
"It is not a opposition, a Bar Council, Amnesty International, Suaram or Suhakam who will be responsible when this happens," he said.
Foreign infiltration
Abdul Rahman additionally argued that it is "wrong for a antithesis to contend that we should not be heedful of subjugation or infiltration of unfamiliar ideas".
"If we hold that (there is no infiltration of unfamiliar ideology) afterw! ards we are not estimable of being here," he said.
The contentious Bill was tabled for second celebration of a mass multiform days after a initial celebration of a mass last week, as well as is currently being debated prior to it can be upheld to cabinet level.
The debate, that will continue after lunch, saw burning exchanges sparked between a antithesis as well as supervision bench.
The supervision has done multiform amendments to a Bill since its initial reading, including shortening a days in that an modernized notice contingency be since prior to an assembly, from thirty days to 10 days.
The blanket anathema upon travel demonstrations still stands, resulting in a criticism impetus led by a Bar Council this morning.
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Aku dah naik meluat dengan golongan peguam pro pembangkang yang
Khairy, Saifuddin stay mum on Ahmad Maslans Malay power remarks
By Lisa J. Ariffin as well as Shazwan Mustafa Kamal

Umno girl arch Khairy shook his conduct when asked to reply to Ahmad's matter today, but pronounced nothing. file pic
The dual Umno politicians, who have been vocal on political reforms, appeared surprisingly doubtful when asked to criticism on remarks made by Datuk Ahmad Maslan progressing now which referred to a worst-case unfolding for Malays if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) made some-more gains in a subsequent ubiquitous election.
The Umno report arch claimed which Malays would remove all to a Chinese should a country knowledge a "hung parliament" unfolding like Australia.
Both emissary minister Saifuddin as well as Umno girl arch Khairy shook their heads in reply to Ahmad's statement, but pronounced nothing.
After a couple of seconds of silence, Saifuddin gently mumbled "tak apalah" (Never mind) prior to relocating on to an additional topic.

Datuk Ahmad Maslan claimed now which a hazard of "Malays losing power" was really real. file pic
"Say goodbye to Islam, since they (DAP) have been agents of Christianisation ... in talking about a Malay bulletin we cannot run divided from this," pronounced Ahmad.
Stressing which a hazard of "Malays losing power" was really real, Ahmad claimed which a Chinese community was slowly gaining control of a country's politics as we! ll as ec onomy.
This, he said, was since a Chinese were now heading in voter registration.
Umno is now land what is expected to be its final ubiquitous public prior to a ubiquitous election expected early subsequent year.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is pronounced to need a noted alleviation from a final polls to keep his in front of as usually a return of Barisan Nasional's prevalent two-thirds infancy of Parliament can guarantee he stays in office.
BN ceded 82 federal seats as well as five state governments to a antithesis in a landmark Mar 2008 election.
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Disebabkan kedegilan Khalid Gagap Harami maka rakyat Selangor bakal menederita dalam masa kurang dari 3 tahun lagi. Inilah masalahnya bila ada