Following a post Understanding a Lynas Rare Earth Plant in thirteen Questions, which featured answers by Dr. Lee Chee Hong, Chemical Engineering Expert upon Metals, LoyarBurokker Eric Choo sought a views of Nick Tsurikov.
Mr Tsurikov is an expert in Mining Radiation Hazards. He is a director of Calytrix Consulting Pty Ltd which provides recommendation upon a government of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM). Many of his replies relating to NORM can be obtained from his website. He does not work for Lynas Corporation though he has been independently advising Lynas upon a government of deviation insurance issues. He had upon 29 August 2011 wrote a letter to reply to a technical comments done by YB Fuziah Salleh upon TV PAS upon issues relating to Lynas. More info of Nick can be obtained here. He is additionally a part of of a Western Australia Radiation Council.
His response to Eric is reproduced below:
My apologies for a delay in replying we will try to answer a questions as well as comment upon a answers below. Questions from 1 to 9 we cannot answer they have been not applicable to deviation protection, Questions 10-13 we will.
Question 10
The points in a answer have been in all correct. It is, however, critical to note two things: a radon generated in a spoil of thorium is different to a a single generated in spoil of uranium (I will residence this below) as well as it is not 'introduced' by Lynas a natural credentials in Malaysia in accordance with United Nations Scientific Committee upon Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) [Table 24 of a Annex B of a 2000 Report to a UN General Assembly] specifies in which a credentials turn of radon in Malaysia is 14 Becquerels per cubic met! er.
Which means which in any cubic scale of air inside your home, your workplace, in a restaurant, etc fourteen atoms of radon break up each second, producing hot lead.
Question 11
The points in a answer have been in all scold as well. Important thing to note, however, is which a wet(!) material will be transported in double-layered plastic bags which have been placed inside containers, so there will be no spillage of any kind. Theoretically, radioactivity may be rescued in plant stacks (chimneys) as well as in a waste H2O it has been, however, scientifically proven which a concentrations of hot materials would be utterly close to undetectable levels in a stack as well as a limit set by AELB for a waste H2O is of a same order as World Health Organisation sets for a drinking(!) water.
In fact, of march we can detect deviation everywhere; a main indicate which it is not expected which there will be any quantifiable increase in a credentials levels due to a operation of a plant.
Question 12
The first indicate is in all scold there will be no outmost (gamma) deviation detectable during a stretch of 100 meters from a plant, in actuality substantially not even during a 40-50 scale distance.
The second indicate (about radon as well as lead travelling hundreds of kilometers as well as being in all 'deadly'). The hapless blunder was done here most likely due to requesting a criteria for uranium spoil products to thorium spoil products. we do assimilate which a answer is not wholly befitting to a subject "I'm usually a layman, we review a paper we saw a news, though we want to know more", however there is simply no other way though to get a little bit in to a 'scientific side', creation it as easy to assimilate as possible.
As we all know, there will be some very minimal amount of uranium present in a combine (but not some-more than in ilmenite as well as about 6-7 times reduction than in zircon which h! ave been common parts of tin/amang concentrate), as well as as everybody says a emanate is with thorium. Now, if we compare a spoil products of uranium as well as thorium, namely radon as well as lead: Uranium-238: Radon (Rn-222), half-life=3.8 days ebbing in to Lead (Pb-210), half-life=22 years Thorium-232: Radon (Rn-220), half-life=56 seconds ebbing in to Lead (Pb-212), half-life=11 hours.
Clearly, a statements in a answer to Q12 appear to be some-more or reduction correct, though usually for radon as well as lead generated by a spoil of uranium. It is obvious from a some-more aged upon top of which if any radon is emitted from any materials upon site (thorium) a concentration will be half of a strange a single in reduction than a minute.
And if we assume, for example, which a breeze is blowing during a velocity of 5 meters per second, this will occur during a stretch of about 300 meters from a 'source'. Naturally, during a stretch of, say, 3 kilometers (where a nearest houses are, as we understand) it will be reduction than a single tenth of a strange thus flattering most 'unmeasurable' as well as 'undetectable' during distances over 1 kilometer.
Now to lead. Even if any lead from thorium (Pb-212) will be carried out anywhere as well as be rescued (unlikely, though contend it can be) it is critical to note that:
(a) in 24 hours there will be usually about 20% of a strange left; as well as (b) is is most reduction harmful than a a single from uranium (Pb-210). There have been determined sip coefficients for a transformation of both Pb-212 as well as Pb-210, as well as Pb-212 (from thorium) is three times reduction dangerous than Pb-210 (from uranium).
Therefore, a statements about radon as well as lead 'getting in to food chain', 'released inside a body' as well as causing 'very critical consequences' have been obviously incorrect.
It will be very most appreciated if this information is prepared anywhere where it was published.
Question 13
The answer to a Q12 upon top of as well as a lot of information presented on my website clearly uncover which "it is safe". Of course, no a single has reported a consequences of consuming hot materials as, even if there will be any in theory, any increase in a credentials levels will be undetectable as well as increase in people's bearing to deviation unmeasurable.
And, lastly, any one should confirm for him/herself to whom they should listen to. we determine to this, of course.
If I've done any mistakes upon top of or missed something please let me know.
Kind regards
Nick Tsurikov
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Tags: Eric Choo, Gebeng, Lynas, Lynas rare earth plant, Nick Tsurikov, radioactive materials, radioactivity, rare earth
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Posted upon 20 Sep 2011. You can follow any responses to this entrance through a RSS 2.0.
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