So, screw the RM207 billion, let's try and change the Jalur Gemilang again ..

"Instigating uprising is a crime ... Instigating change of flag is TREASON." - An sms message sent to me by an ordinary, peace-loving Malaysian (who happens to be a lawyer) this morning.
1 million Malaysians wish change of flag? They wish!

Pulling out all stops. Earlier today in Jakarta Anwar Ibrahim was still babling about a RM207 billion "Death Railway" income which Japan paid to Malaysia. Apparently, nobody told him which Tokyo had reliable yesterday what you essential Malaysians had suspected all along, which a claim was hogwash!

But that's additionally how desperate a transformation has become. With a ubiquitous choosing drawing nearer and no game-changing issue in hand, they have been pulling out all stops. So, a Japanese denied a RM207 billion, so what?! They still have Deepak's RM13 million gems for Rosmah, which would have a people angry. Right?

Not so. This Saturday's gathering is aimed to yield a biggest political platform for Anwar prior to a 13th ubiquitous election. It is not about "Amarah Rakyat" (the people's anger). The people have been angry during blatant lies like a RM207 billion stunt Nizar tried to pull. Rakyat marah dan meluat additionally with theirlying campaign,< span>malicious fabrication, anddangerous racial & religious games.

The majority or a people can see by a Bersihs. They will show their annoy during a polls, which will not be hold this Saturday.

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