Everyone seems to be clamouring for change. Every alternative on-line portal, each alternative blog we read contend "change" is inevitable. 2012 will be a year of change, they contend (although a little have been observant this for years). The state/ country/ world will be a improved place, they say, if shift was to happen.
BUT what is exactly a CHANGE people have been seeking for? Change of a government? Change of a Prime Minister? Change of a mindset? Change of cultures? Changes in governance? Changes in a way we change?
[digressing : To folks during Pakatan as well as their supporters, shift could meant booting out BN so which they can take carry out of a government. To Anwar, shift could meant kicking Najib out so which he can become PM. To most folks in UMNO, shift could meant removing rid of a old foggies so which they get a chance of relocating up a ladder. To BN in Penang, shift could meant throwing out Guan Eng so which UMNO is in charge again. Change in Gerakan could meant kicking out Tsu Koon so which a little alternative fella get a chance of being a head-honcho as well as removing a ministerial position. The direct for shift contingency regularly be taken with a pinch of salt].
Let's get behind upon track. Monyet King says Malaysians (and a adults of each country) merit a supervision they get. Politicians as well as their behaviours have been usually a thoughtfulness of a society. Whether it is a Federal supervision or state governments, people merit a leaders they get. Leaders, after all, have been a thoughtfulness of a people they "lead". [p.s. prior to we ask, let me tell we which a nation of cowards will get a dictator as their leader] !
CorruptionIf Malaysians wish their leaders to be giveaway of corruption, afterwards all Malaysians should detest corruption. Unfortunately which is not what is happening. Many people seem to have this notion which it is crime usually if supervision officers or a little bigshot politician does it, not when they themselves use bribery. The male in a street is not antithetic to giving RM50 to a cops to look a alternative side, he is not antithetic to giving RM 500 to a sales rep in a developer's bureau to bind which corner lot, he is not antithetic to giving RM 200 to his pushing propagandize instructor to "secure" his pushing licence, he is not antithetic to giving RM 200 his automobile salesmen to "jump queue" when receiving delivery of his car.Everyone expects a alternative side to change. They themselves would not shift a bit. But if we wish uncorrupted leaders, we have to be purify yourself. Leaders, after all, have been a thoughtfulness of a people they "lead" (and vice-versa). If Malaysians wish their leaders to be honest, afterwards all Malaysians should additionally be honest. Unfortunately which is not what is happening. Malaysians have been dispassionate about shopping pirated DVDs. Isn't this tantamount to stealing? Malaysians have been dispassionate about using pirated software. Isn't this stealing? Malaysians have been not concerned about illegally photocopying books. Isn't this tantamount to stealing? The usually disproportion between these people as well as a bigshot politician who swindled millions is a quantum of theft. Both have been thieves. Employees who do their personal things during their company's expense have been being dishonest. People who lie upon their taxes have been dishonest. Everyone expects a alternative side to change. They themselves would not shift a bit. But if we wish honest leaders, we have to b! e honest yourself. Leaders, after all, have been a thoughtfulness of a people they "lead" (and vice-versa).
CivilityIf Malaysians wish their leaders to be civil, afterwards all Malaysians should additionally be civil. Unfortunately which is not what is happening. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about jumping queues. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about littering. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about stuffing themselves silly during open residence buffets. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about double parking as well as restraint others. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about letting their dogs poo in a streets. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about posting half-truths as well as unverified things upon a Facebook. A lot of Malaysians have got no qualms about be a nuisance to their neighbours. Everyone expects a alternative side to change. They themselves would not shift a bit. But if we wish your leaders to be civil, we have to be polite yourself. Leaders, after all, have been a thoughtfulness of a people they "lead" (and vice-versa).
RespectIf Malaysians wish their leaders to apply oneself as well as be supportive to a multicultural society, afterwards all Malaysians should apply oneself as well as be supportive to a diversity. Unfortunately which is not what is happening. There have been Chinese in this nation whose hobby is putting down a Malays. There have been Malays in this nation whose hobby is scornful a Dusuns. There have been Indians in this nation whose hobby is poking fun of a Punjabis. There have been Christians in this nation whose hobby is scornful a Muslims. There have been Hindus in this nation whose hobby is exclusion a Christians. You do not have to go far. Just reads a most blogs as well as online headlines portal we will realis! e how in sensitive as well as insane most Malaysians are.
Everyone expects a alternative side to change. They themselves would not shift a bit. But if we wish your leaders to apply oneself as well as be supportive to a multicultural society, we have to do a same. Leaders, after all, have been a thoughtfulness of a people they "lead".
See folks, WE MUST BECOME THE CHANGE THAT WE SEEK. Change of governments won't have a nation better. Change of a Prime Minister won't have a nation better. Changing a Chief Minister of Penang or a MB of Kelantan won't have a states better. Changing a conduct of PERKASA won't have a nation better.
Real shift will usually happen when Malaysians themselves change.
Monyet King additionally says
1.I am seeking for a little lax shift :)
2. Recyle hazard. I have posted this square prior to upon this blog. Read More @ Source
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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