RCI Sabah: Pendatang Dulu, Pendatang Sekarang

When we were Malaya ...The author Syed Akbar Ali has come up with a brillaint suggestion: set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to demeanour into how as well as because 1 million citizenship was granted to Chinese as well as Indian migrants not which prolonged ago.

"Allow me to annoy a other immigrant citizenry : would it be too out of place to indicate which we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to examine because 1.0 million immigrants (mostly Chinese as well as Indians) were since citizenship in Malaya in a 1950s?
I meant surely there must be during least 5 million Malays on a Peninsula today who might be wondering because or how which sold incident happened? Were they consulted? Was there a public referendum?
Is this a fair request? Or a not fair? Lets not argue about a fairness. Lets have a RCI initial on a emanate - how as well as because 1.0 million Chinese as well as Indians (including my mamak squad of course) were since citizenship."

Read OutSyed a Box's Alamak They Were ISA detainees

History can learn us useful lessons, a single of it is never to pretence thatthe present-day Malaysian-wannabes in Sabah (or, for which matter, in Sarawak as well as Semenanjung) have been reduction qualified, or will be reduction loyal, than those 1 million Chinese as well as Indian migrants. Or reduction credible than those hurtful KDN officials who were offered a blue ICs for money.

Read A Voice's ("Anifah Aman for PM") RCI's witnesses' credit questioned
Big Dog'sGhost of Christmas Past

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