Lajims defection is not Umnos loss

A liaison allegedly involving former Umno leader Lajim Ukin was a reason why Umno was happy to see a Sabah statesman defect to Pakatan Rakyat.
PETALING JAYA: The real reason why Sabah veteran statesman Lajim Ukin quiescent from all his posts in Umno as well as threw his support during a behind of Anwar Ibrahim's Pakatan Rakyat was given of a liaison which is about to explode, renouned blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin pronounced today.
He pronounced which Lajim had realised which he had no future in Umno as well as which he would not be selected as a Barisan Nasional claimant for a entrance ubiquitous election.
"Lajim is carrying as well much baggage. And this container is starting to be suggested immediately after assignment day of GE13," Raja Petra pronounced in his Malaysia-Today portal today.
Raja Petra combined which Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman knew about a liaison as well as which Lajim was to be forsaken as a claimant in a entrance ubiquitous choosing as a outcome of a scandal.
"Realising which his future is no longer bright, Lajim woke up a single sunrise as well as decided to join a antithesis to fight for reforms."
Islamic college project
The scandal, according to Raja Petra, allegedly concerned Lajim earnest his monetary devotee declared usually as Mr W a RM50 million contract to set up an Islamic college in Beaufort in 2007.
Raja Petra pronounced Lajim wanted Mr W a Bruneian who had migrated to Sabah to pay his elect upfront, supposedly as choosing supports for a 12th ubiquitous election.
"Over a final 5 years given 2007, Mr W has paid L! ajim a s um of RM8 million. However, Mr W never got a project.
"What Mr W received instead was 55 undated cheques totalling RM3 million. But all these cheques are worthless as well as Mr W is hopping mad as well as now realises he is not starting to get a project, nor his income back," pronounced Raja Petra, who additionally posted photographs of a cheques in his blog.
Raja Petra additionally claimed which a so-called RM50 million Islamic college does not exist, calling it a scam.
He combined which Mr W, who had been Lajim's monetary devotee for a long time, no longer wants to fund Lajim as well as wants his income back.
"If he does not get it, he is starting to go open on this. And given of which Umno can no longer keep Lajim in a entrance ubiquitous election.
"And given of that, also, Lajim has unexpected woken up as well as is joining a antithesis to fight for reforms justice, transparency, accountability, good governance, an finish to crime as well as abuse of power, as well as all which shit," pronounced Raja Petra.
Pakatan will get whacked
Raja Petra warned which tainted candidates like Lajim would outcome in Pakatan "getting whacked in East Malaysia".
He pronounced which Anwar was creation a inapplicable designation in anticipating which a road to Putrajaya would turn clearer with politicians like Lajim with him.
"Having Lajim as well as those of his ilk as your partners will usually safeguard which Barisan Nasional will sojourn in power.
"I know you [Anwar] want to turn budding minister. But this sort of thing is usually starting to have your dream turn a nightmare.
"As a Malays would say: why would you want to reject 'penyamum' as well as opinion for 'lanun'? We pronounced you want change, definition shift for a better, not shift for a worse," he added.
Raja Petra additionally suggested which Lajim was asking! as well much from Anwar detached from cash, he additionally allegedly wanted to turn a single of a 3 emissary budding ministers if/when Pakatan marches into Putrajaya.
And if he can't turn a single of a 3 emissary budding ministers, afterwards he wants during slightest a post of Sabah arch minister, pronounced Raja Petra.
"But Lajim can't be made a arch apportion of Sabah as well as positively not a single of a 3 emissary budding ministers. And this is not given those posts have been promised to others, although which is a single reason, though given he is carrying as well much baggage," pronounced Raja Petra.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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