Migrating to Sarawak (or Sabah)

Sarawak fascinates me. we was in Sarawak some-more times final year than I'd been in my initial 50 years upon Earth. we hope to be there some-more often this year. I'm meditative right away - while waiting for news of the bank camp a police report opposite the tip staff working clandestine for the domestic party - which if we were ever to migrate, I'd head for Sarawak. Or Sabah. If these states won't accept me because demeanour similar to the Filipino celebrity or the miner from Nunukan, then I'd consider the foreign country similar to Canada or the UK. Not the US. Never. Too most clandestine agents there.

Please check out these Sarawak sites which I've added upon to my blogroll: Sarawak Monitorand Mulu View.Fascinating Sarawakian voices.

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