Note a single thing: your notice is shabby by your values as well as standards. It is not about what a alternative chairman is. It is about what we are. If we consider drinking is bad afterwards your notice of someone who drinks would be bad. If we consider which capitalism is bad afterwards your notice of a entrepreneur would be bad. If we consider which fundamentalism is bad afterwards your notice of a fundamentalist Muslim would be bad.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
And Malaysia's 2012 Word of a Year is ...
That is what a Malaysian is told this year when reporting a robbery or a waylay burglary as well as believing which this equates to crime is upon a climb in what has been a single of a safest countries in Southeast Asia.
That is what a Malaysian is told this year when angry about taking flight swindle or taking flight cost of vital as well as thinking which a nation is sinking by global indices in what is presumably an Asian tiger of a nation.
Perception. The reality, according to a authorities, is which census data this year shows which crime in Malaysia has dipped. Graft in Malaysia has additionally dipped as well as a authorities have been starting after those in a private sector now.
And a economy is rising, so which equates to some-more income in a pocket. Not usually that, a supervision has been dishing one-off cash handouts of RM500 to households earning up to RM3,000 a month.
Yet, how many cases of robberies as well as waylay burglary have we heard which occur in civic areas, especially nearby traffic lights? Is it a box of being some-more aware since of amicable media, as some authorities claim, notwithstanding central census data display a d! ump in c rime?
How about vital costs outstripping wages? How do we try to fathom a commonwealth with an annual 5 per cent mercantile enlargement as well as a process of subsidising food as well as fuel which still needs to give cash handouts?
And a cheek to discuss it someone who has been robbed, or carrying to compensate a cheat or compensate some-more for groceries which it is usually their notice which it is getting worse is usually putting salt to a wound.
It is too easy to censure amicable media for such tales to turn viral. It is too easy to discuss it people to be some-more clever as well as take stairs to be some-more observant as well as complain about hurtful practices as well as profiteering.
Also too easy to usually have known policies as well as initiatives without ensuring they have been implemented to a letter. Putting some-more boots upon a ground, starting after a big fish in crime cases as well as targeting subsidies to specific demographics rather than an elephant gun mist of something great to eat for news headlines.
To be fair, Putrajaya has been taking action. There is a raft of policies as well as laws in place to cut crime, revoke swindle as well as vital costs. But a efforts do not seem to bear fruit as fast as they have been betrothed or implemented.
And this is where a word "perception" can bite a authorities or a supervision of a day.
The notice which it isn't we do sufficient or we do things fast sufficient to have a difference.
There have been a slew of projects under various abbreviations though a shift isn't being felt since it takes time for housing projects to finish or industries to climb as well as people to get improved paying jobs.
Therein lies a irony, which nothing is as present as perception.
Jahabar Sadiq, The Malaysian Insider
Yes, what Jahab! ar Sadiq wrote currently in his editorial inThe Malaysian Insideris really true. Everything in hold up is about notice -- as well as some-more so when it comes to politics. Politics is built upon perception.
The notice which Communism is bad as well as Capitalism is great is what we grew up with. So, if we wish to dismay someone, all we need to do is accuse him or her of being a Communist as well as he/she will behind off as well as tinge down.
My theme would be: so what if we am a Communist? What is wrong with being a Communist? If we declare which we am a Communist which is as great as dogmatic which we am a Pariah since a notice is which those who have been Communists have been Pariahs. Hence if someone accuses me of being a Communist we would repudiate it even if we do hold in Communism since Communists have been outcasts.
Do we hold in God? Many people do. But not all humans hold in God. It is estimated which usually about half of humankind hold in God. But reduction than 10% of a people will plainly confess which they do not hold in God. And this is since a notice is if we do not hold in God afterwards we cannot be a great person. Hence, to avoid being labelled as a bad person, we will never confess which we do not hold in God although in being we do not hold in God.
Do we know which thirty years ago behind in a 1980s Mercedes Benz proposed assembling a S Class in Malaysia? This is since Malaysians used to buy (I do not know possibly they still do) a many number of S Class models per capita in a world. Hence Malaysia was a usually alternative nation outward Germany which assembled a S Class.
To Malaysians, if we expostulate a S Class Mercedes Benz or a 7 series BMW afterwards a notice would be we have arrived. You have done it. You have been successful. Maybe your liabilities exceed your assets, which equates to we have been technically bankrupt, though a car we expostulate gives people a notice which we have been successful so ! everybod y wants to do commercial operation with you.
There is additionally a notice which if we shift a government, meaning we kick out Barisan Nasional, Malaysia would be a improved place to live. Foreigners who come to Malaysia for a first time as well as who see a approach Malaysians handle would probably never come to which conclusion. For example, observant a approach Malaysians expostulate is justification sufficient which Malaysians have been inconsiderate, rude, arrogant, usually care about themselves, as well as most more.
Malaysians have been absolutely sick bred as well as uncultured. Hence becoming different a supervision will not have Malaysia a improved place.It may assistance to revoke crime somewhat though not eliminate it totally. But it will never have Malaysia a improved place.
A improved nation is not usually theme to a supervision it has. It is really dependent upon a people in which country. England altered a complement of supervision some-more than 400 years ago behind in 1649. It kicked out a sovereign as well as incited England in to a republic.
Did which have England a improved place? The people were still a same. The genius was still a same. The people never changed. Hence, whilst they may have altered a government, a nation did not become a improved place. Therefore a notice which by becoming different a supervision a nation becomes a improved place is a fallacy if a people themselves refuse to change.
And what notice do we get from this statement we usually made? Your notice would be thus we am observant DO NOT shift a government. Is this what we said? This is a notice we get although this is not what we said.
And since do we get this perception? You get this notice since we refuse to confess which a error with a nation lies with a people. You wish to hold which what is wrong with a nation is someone else's fault, not your own fault. Hence we put a censure upon a government. If not afterw! ards we will have to confess which it is your own fault.
This is due to a disease called rejection syndrome. Most Malaysians humour from this disease. It is a disease where we censure others for what went wrong rather than confess which what went wrong is your fault.
Most Muslims will contend which Islam suffers from a notice problem. Islam is a plant of bad publicity. And they will censure a horse opera media for this. The horse opera media is giving a notice which 'Islam is a brand new Communism'. And since Communism is a Pariah thus Islam would additionally be viewed as a Pariah.
But it is not Islam which is during fault, Muslims will say. It is a error of a minority of Muslims who have since Islam a bad name. This minority has dragged Islam by a mud. The infancy of Muslims have been not like that. But a horse opera media is giving a notice which it is Islam as well as not a minority of Muslims which is bad.
However, which is not a notice which a non-Muslims have. Most non-Muslims understand Islam as a bad religion. The fruit of a unwholesome tree would be poisonous, they will argue. Hence it is Islam itself as well as not usually a handful of Muslims who is during fault.
So, is Islam a plant of disastrous notice which has since a sacrament a bad image? Or is Islam itself essentially flawed? The answer depends upon possibly we have been a Muslim or not as well as hence how we understand Islam is theme to this consequential point.
We understand PERKASA as a extremist organisation. We do not understand Dong Zong as well as Hindraf as additionally extremist organisations. Why is that? PERKASA fights for Islam as well as a Malay language. Dong Zong fights for Chinese education as well as a Chinese language. Hindraf fights for a Tamils as well as Hinduism. So since have been not all 3 organisations classified as extremist organisations? Why is usually PERKASA a extremist organization though not a others?
Barisan Nasio! nal is a extremist party. Pakatan Rakyat is not a extremist party. Has Pakatan Rakyat concluded to mislay Islam as a central sacrament of Malaysia? Has Pakatan Rakyat concluded to mislay a Malay denunciation as a central denunciation of Malaysia? Why do we even need an central sacrament as well as central denunciation when alternative democracies all over a universe do not have central religions as well as central languages?
Education Ministers have regularly been Malay. Why is that? In a democracy where meritocracy should prevail a abilities as well as not a competition of which chairman should be a determining factor.
Can Pakatan Rakyat have known which it would appoint a Chinese as a Education Minister? Why not? Why can't a Chinese become a Education Minister as well as since can't Pakatan Rakyat agree to this as well as have a public proclamation upon a matter?
In fact, since can't we have a non-politician as an Education Minister? Can we give which pursuit to a single of a heading academicians? We wish a best education system. We do not wish education to be used as a political tool as well as to brainwash Malaysians.
The complaint with Malaysia is a genius as well as attitude of a people. Changing a supervision will not assistance if a mindset of a people remain a same. Hence we need to do a large overhaul of our education system. And we can't trust a statesman to do this.
Yes, it is all about perception. And a notice is which everything involving a supervision is bad whilst everything involving a antithesis is good. And PERKASA supports a supervision so it is bad. Dong Zong as well as Hindraf await a antithesis so they have been good.
What if Dong Zong as well as Hindraf have known which they will await any one who agrees to their agenda? And what if Pakatan Rakyat disagrees with their bulletin whilst Barisan Nasional agrees to it? And since their bulletin is what matters Dong Zong as well as Hindraf right away await Barisa! n Nasion al as well as they have known so. Would Dong Zong as well as Hindraf still be considered great or have been they right away usually like PERKASA, a extremist organisation? What will your notice of Dong Zong as well as Hindraf be?
Note a single thing: your notice is shabby by your values as well as standards. It is not about what a alternative chairman is. It is about what we are. If we consider drinking is bad afterwards your notice of someone who drinks would be bad. If we consider which capitalism is bad afterwards your notice of a entrepreneur would be bad. If we consider which fundamentalism is bad afterwards your notice of a fundamentalist Muslim would be bad.
Whether something or someone is great or bad is not about possibly it is really great or bad though about your interpretation of great as well as bad. If we understand all religions as bad afterwards we would have a really low perspective of religionists. Religionists, however, would understand me as a Godless chairman as well as someone who cannot be trusted.
And if we await Hindraf upon it latest stand which it will not await possibly Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat unless they await Hindraf's bulletin how would we understand me? Am we a loyal democrat who fights for a oppressed minority or am we a traitor to a cause? The theme is: which means have been we using to come to this conclusion, Hindraf's means or your own cause?
Yes, your notice is guided by your interest. You will have a great notice of someone when it suits your bulletin as well as we will have a bad notice of which chairman when it conflicts with your agenda. Perceptions have been not real. And which is since many of we understand which we have been starting to heaven since we have been following a loyal as well as scold religion. And is this not since Malaysians have been fighting over who has a right to use a word 'Allah'?

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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