January 1, 2013
Embrace Change
by Mariam Mokhtar (12-31-12)@http://www.malaysiakini.com
Puppet shows, 'Punch as well as Judy' politics, ridiculous presentations, tragicomedies, play queens, flip-flops, U-turns, skirt rehearsals as well as of course, pornographic productions can be used to sum up current Malaysian politics.
It is amazing what the subconscious reveals. When MCA keeps asking if Hadi Awang or Anwar Ibrahim would have the improved Prime Minister, we know what the ruling coalition have been thinking which BN is doomed.
Why would a single of the categorical member parties in BN talk about antithesis possibilities for the post of Prime Minister? If they suspicion they stood any chance of winning GE13, they would be discussing which BN candidate should lead the country, rsther than than which antithesis politician would have the many appropriate PM.
In November 2011, the UMNO Information chief, Ahmad Maslan, talked about the hung parliament: "If there is the hung Parliament unfolding similar to Australia, let's contend 112 government seats to 110 antithesis seats, it is the worst thing which could happen." This showed which UMNO had no certainty of feat at the polls.
Ahmad Maslan warned the Malays of the DAP's Christian zeal: "The Malay denunciation will be lost, contend goodbye to the Malay Sultans, the antithesis DAP do not even apply oneself the stately institution they have never accepted stately titles even yet they have been offering them."
!Last week, it was purported which the MCA President Chua Soi Lek additionally talked about the hung parliament, when asked to criticism about the antithesis in his party. An online newspaper had reported which the blogger, Syed Akbar Ali had written: "Revisiting the issue of factionalism as well as miss of support, he spoke bluntly about the Ong Tee Keat faction perplexing to sabotage him in Melaka. Dr Chua feels which if there is the hung Parliament after the ubiquitous elections, Ong Tee Keat might just container his bags as well as leave. Like Chua Jui Ming."
One year after UMNO raised fears of the hung parliament, MCA has uttered the same anxieties. There have been alternative indications of the miss of certainty in BN.
The sporadic acts of violence against the antithesis have been acts of recklessness by the defeated UMNO which has acknowledged defeat before the choosing has been held. In the past, the usual spokesperson in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's cupboard would be quick to come to his defense, whenever someone makes critical allegations about him. This time, they have been quiet. Has Najib issued the gagging order?
Enter the Carpet Man, Deepak (not Chopra)
Despite revelations by the carpet seller, Deepak Jaikishan about Rosmah Mansor as well as Nazim Razak, interfering in the investigations in to the genocide of the Mongolian indication Altantuya Shaariibuu, both the Police as well as the Attorney-General's Chambers have taken no action.
Deepak (left) additionally claimed to be the victim of the business deal, involving the Defence Ministry project, which had left foul. One would have approaching the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commissio! n to inv estigate these allegations, but they, similar to the Police as well as the Attorney-General's Chambers, have been quiet.
When the former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Musa Hassan complained of division in the military force, by the Home Minister as well as alternative comparison politicians, there was no response from Najib.
Mahathir's Machinations
Many allege which former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is behind these revelations. Why would he await moves which would give an advantage to Anwar Ibrahim, his arch-enemy? Mahathir has been not often wordless about Deepak as well as Musa's claims. Why would he give the Opposition the chance to take over Putrajaya, remove his legacy as well as end his dynasty?
Najib is gradually being dismantled by his greed as well as vanity. If usually he had paid Altantuya her small commission, then none of this disaster would haunt him. If usually he had paid Deepak his monies from the hurtful land deal. If usually he had paid Musa Hassan his dues which many former IGPs perceived in the past.
Luxury products up for grabs?
Last week, the Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali arranged for the auction of thousands of luxury products owned by Tunisia's deposed tyrant Zine El Abidine Ben Ali as well as his family. People have been queuing-up to have the brief glance of the tyrant as well as his wife's magnificent life. There were fast-cars, jewellery, works of art, shoes, handbags as well as alternative accessories.
For years, Malaysians have listened stories about multi-million ringgit rings, costly handbags, fast-cars as well as alternative dizzying displays of an opulent lifestyle by the politicians, their spouses, as well as their children. When the time comes, will Malaysia's new Prime Minister prepa! re an au ction of goods, similar to the Tunisians have done?
So what would we demeanour for if the Opposition were to win as well as there was an auction of luxury products formerly owned by BN politicians as well as their cronies? Would it be Rosmah Mansor's handbags as well as rings? Her badminton racquets? Her lycra tracksuit? Her clothes?
Or would it be Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's grand piano which allegedly belonged to Liberace? Or Taib's preference of Rolls-Royces, gems or yachts? Or would we be interested in his son, Sulaiman's fast cars?
Would we include the items which were 'lent' by their cronies, such as the Hummer 2 SUV lent by Michael Chia to the de facto Law Minister Nazri Aziz's son, Nedim? What about Nedim's luxury watch which would cost some-more than the average Malaysian could earn in several lifetimes?
The a single item which we would love to see is Mahathir's small red book, which is purported to reason the dirty secrets as well as purported crimes of his cronies, his hurtful politicians as well as the alternative people who were easily bought. Allegedly, he positively encouraged crime as well as indiscretion so he would be means to reason them to ransom at the later date.
The book should have interesting reading, but judging by the series of scandals which have rocked Malaysia over the past 30 years, it would not be the book which a single could read in an evening.
Happy New Year to everyone.
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