Technorati tags: Happy New Year, 2013, Donovan, Season of a Which
Happy New Year 2013!
If this brand new year were to have been tag-lined by Jon Stewart, he'd probably have called it Indecision 2013. Walski, upon a other hand, thinks which this year is The Season of a "Which".
We pretty most spent a great cube of 2012 speculating WHEN GE13 would be. No thanks, of course, to Our Dear PM, who simply wasn't desirous enough to confirm when a subsequent entire choosing should be.
We now know it has to be this year. When exactly you still don't know as well as will have to wait until Our Dear PM is desirous enough, though constitutionally, it will be no later than June sometime.
But some-more important than "When" will be a subject of WHICH.
(why it's a Which, as well as whatever more, in a full post)
Do you keep Barisan Nasional - radically UMNO plus a mish-mash of hangers-on parties - to lead us in to a subsequent 4 or 5 years, or do you put a trust in care with Pakatan Rakyat?
That's a WHICH you need to ask ourselves, as well as ultimately, answer during a entrance GE13. In 2013. Has a ring to it, if you ask Walski.
It's New Year's Day, as well as a final thing Walski wants to do is to browse upon this question. Not today, at le! ast. We' ll have a entrance weeks as well as months to decide. He hopes, however, which those who have been criticizing what Malaysian governing body has become have taken a trouble to register to vote.
He's not sure if you still have time to register now or not, though seriously, shame upon you if you haven't, as well as impugn nevertheless. It may sound cliche, though each perspective does count, as well as your perspective represents your say.
There used to be a time when Walski felt his sole voice wouldn't have a single dash in a sea of seemingly entire support for BN, as well as therefore didn't worry to register as a voter.
That altered usually prior to GE12, as well as he's never regretted a preference to be partial of a electorate. It was, admittedly a first choosing he expel his perspective in, though he saw for himself which when millions of sole voices speak, they collectively have a big difference.
Let's be objective for a impulse - both Barisan Nasional as well as Pakatan Rakyat have their strengths as well as weaknesses. Neither bloc is perfect, though a plea is for us to confirm which is a immorality of a two lessers, as well as deny them Putrajaya, a chair of a Malaysian Federal Government.
Personally, Walski wants a shift promised by Pakatan, versus a lip-service sort of shift - lax change, as he calls it - which Barisan has been rising since 2008, with increasing intensity in 2012.
But which intensity in tongue has not been accompanied by genuine as well as meaningful change. The fact which Barisan Nasional has NO goal to shift became really strong when Our Dear PM came out to contend which he can usually institute shift if he's since a people's charge in GE13.
Are you to hold which he couldn't do jack for a final 4+ years, as well as can usually bring about shift in a BN (and by default, a Government) with a fresh mandate?
Allow Walski to rephrase that: Are you GULLIBLE enough to hold this?
For him, a answer is a resounding! NO.
We all know a genuine insurgency to change, even if (presumably) Our Dear PM is sincere in wanting to institute change. And which impenetrable wall is called UMNO.
But that's Walski's personal opinion, as well as you're some-more than acquire to disagree. It's a free country after all. Well, rather free. At a moment.
And so Walski intends to spend a rest of currently NOT thinking about WHICH, because 2012 gave him an contentment of time to decide. Thinking about it some-more today, New Year's Day, is not starting to shift his decision.
The round is in your court, great people Happy 2013, as well as acquire to a Season of a "Which".
Walski's WHICH-witch-inspired-this-post footnote: Yesterday, while Walski was around about town, this 60s psychedelic classic came upon BFM89.9, a usually air wave station Walski listens to. Without any assistance from psychedelics - apart from a tune - it became strong which 2013 would be a season
Many thanks, Walski supposes, to Donovan for a inspiration. Oh, as well as belated congratulations for a 60s icon's induction in to a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
melaspasin kd bersih Goris 1.3gp

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