Salvation with BN huh?

So Yuletide have come as good as left as good as it was a modest jubilee for yours truly this year. Didn't even get a benefaction since as good busy with work as good as waiting for a cost of a Samsung NoteII to go down or maybe which Ducati? But afterwards am reminded which my God came from a squalid poor sourroundings as good as which there have been millions in BolehLand who have been struggling to have ends meet. And with a BN supervision giving a income which is part of my heavily taxed income to as a single online headlines portal distributed a single in three BolehLand folks have been removing giveaway income for doing NOTHING hah!

Celebrating Yuletide as good as pick festivities besides a central sacrament can be really stressful as good as roughly deliberate a impiety these days. There have been bigots as good as zealots who remind us which we have been celebrating a non-believer legal holiday as good as my God is a feign as opposed to a central God who is true as good as estimable of millions of ringgit in funding as good as can convert others as good as flog or jail as good as even authorised killing of anyone who select to wish to shift God hah!

And we Christians have been told we can openly celebrate a festivities since a Constitution, approbation a square of paper approved by man, mostly bigots as good as zealots which we have been authorised to ceremony a God in a sense, we have my permission to urge to your kafir God since a square of paper as good as male authorised it! Which goes to show we have most Gods between men these days who can dictate if what we do is deliberate haram, kafir or permissible.

And to assure us which we won't be uneasy in worshipping a God upon what we have been often reminded is a non-believer object God ceremony day, 1Malaysia wears a Santa shawl to assure us Christians he is a personality for all as good as which we have been 'protected' blah, blah blah as good as all that.

'I do not wish to be a budding apportion for usually a ! sold sec tion of a community. I'm a budding apportion for all Malaysians, as good as I've pronounced which repeatedly.'

Hmm am we or Christians to take it which shelter for us comes as good as is with UMNO as good as ! BN? But have been Christians muda lupa fellows who have been usually interested in saving their own souls as good as not bothered about Jesus summary to go out all as good as widespread a Good News of Salvation huh?

"I hold which a God-fearing Christian, with strong values, would be great for Malaysia," 1Malaysia said.

Well, know of most God-fearing Christians with strong values to wish to weed out corruption, injustice, fair elections as good as wear yellow clean t-shirt, as good as select to verbalise out as good as walk a talk, like yours truly upon a little arise have been not deliberate great for BolehLand. In actuality 1Malaysia as good as his machine even branded us as communists, pendatang, revolutionaries, murderers, rioters, factious dangerous criminals even.

Najib additionally called for Christian leaders to go upon enchanting in discourse as good as to engage a supervision constructively.

"I am gratified to note which we have, for a past three years, a permanent discourse resource to go upon enchanting in discourse as good as to engage a supervision constructively," a Christian partner 1Malaysia pronounced with pride really likely to a Christians.

But then, since should we need religious committees if we have been told we have been guaranteed to ceremony a God as good as celebrate a holy festivities as good as go about doing what a God has willed us huh? In Bolehland, we form committees most times since problems exists. And over a past three years as good as serve behind too, all kinds of nonsense were being finished by zealots as good as bigots as good as with silence from a supervision such insensitive actions can usually meant they have a government's blessings, no?

So do we hold we have a p! ersonali ty who is for all when a ma-cais as good as their assorted NGOs have been since roughly giveaway hand to calumniate pick people's religions as good as worse even credit Christians of undermining their God, rulers, aristocrat as good as country... And even reminded who is a selected a single by God to order over this bumi as good as tanah melayu as good hah!? In fact, wh! en their ! self allocated 'moses' declared UMNO as a selected celebration to bring shelter initial to their own competition as good as kind, there was frequency any reprove by its leaders! Which means, do those Christians upon Yuletide day listening to a autarchic personality of a God selected party, really hold a glorious personality 'I am 4u' shelter for them Yuletide message.

So to a Christians who have been reminded by those who consider we have been pagans as good as kafirs celebrating a non-believer legal holiday upon December 25, scratching their heads to have out what a assurance of 'I am F(our)U" is or either it needs any scratching of backs to hold a personality will walk a verbalise or only talking in a Yuletide walkabout huh?

Why have been Christians reminded we have been celebrating a central birthday of Jesus which is a false as good as non-believer day to nail home a indicate which who Jesus is as good as His entrance is as believable as Santa upon a sledge with Rudolph in a lead as he stand down chimneys as good as do a Ho Ho Ho dispensing millions of presents to kids as good as adults alike?

Given which a Catholic Church ole clergyman a little essentially have finished a misfortune of impiety against children as good as a innocent, these days Santa isn't encouraged to stand down chimenys or allow kids to sit upon his laps lest Santa be indicted of being a slut sex pedophile haha! So maybe Santarina is not a bad pick to as they say, put upon a little hot feverishness upon a cold Yuletide frost eh?

In BolehLand, we have an central king's birthday as good as it is venerated as sacred as! a festi vity with all a regal, resplendence as good as millions of ringgit of good wishes upon MSMedia. And we cannot subject since it should be upon a Jun Saturday lest we be indicted of mutiny as good as disregard as good as estimable to be arrested, deported as good as what have we hah! So since all of a remarkable Christians need to be reminded by so most kpcs as good as be told which December 25 is a non-believer feign birthday of Jesus? What's a agenda huh?

But it's Yuletide as good as Christians have been reminded even if they have been indicted of being pagans as good as what have you, to live out their Yuletide spir! it of pea! ce, joy, adore as good as goodwill. But since ask pagans to show such spirit if we consider they have been pagans haha! And leave which shelter part aside since it means converting others to hold as good as ceremony Jesus Christ right?

So do we really hold a sincerity as good as adore or Christian adore which a personality is assuring a Christians huh? Not certain if Christians heard all those shouting, proclamation of who is a genuine God, people, or celebration in PWTC last month is in sync with what they heard upon December 25 huh? But afterwards most Christians even with all a turkey, wine, cheese, sausages as good as pig knuckles they had upon midnight have been far-reaching watchful to know if 1Malaysia's summary of shelter is a result of Jesus' touching his heart or only a politican verbalise huh>

And to a BN fellows, stop spanning my phone as we did not give we my series to embrace your Yuletide nod or your check who we should opinion for can or not? Even if it's a sincere gesture, no thanks. Let's goal we have been not regulating my taxpayer's income to pay for a SMS text. You have been violating a really Personal Data Protection Act we have passed.

And behind to my hypocritical Christian self of assent goodwill, joy, adore as good as shelter to all humankind no matter what religion, competition or celebration we are, approbatio! n even i f we label me a non-believer as good as kafir for celebrating my God's birthday upon a day associated with most millions of events as good as symbolism, we have to pick a single which remind me it's a day to ceremony a sun! Hah, Jesus is a light of a world, as good as how aptly a religious symbolism is upon December 25.

To Christians, shelter comes from Jesus, not BN, not 1Malaysia, positively not any majority or minority competition or even Pakatan! hah.

Spreading Joy, Peace, Love & singing Salvation songs that's what Yuletide is yeah!
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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