by Din Merican
August 02, 2012
Last Sunday, we wrote a square about a Prosecutorial Misconductsof AG GaniPatailin a box of RosliDahlan. we told readers about Rosli's difficulty in confronting an interest by a MACCagainst his acquittal whereas DatoRamliYusuff, a principal chairman who was charged, had already been clear as well as AG GaniPatailhad already withdrawn all appeals opposite DatoRamli. The supervision is additionally acknowledging a injustices committed opposite DatoRamliby profitable his gratuities.
Kudos to PM Najib for that. It is a bit late, though better late than never.
I told readers about how a MACCtried to force Roslito withdraw his civil suits as well as for which reason kept pursuing a interest opposite Rosli. we saluted Rosli for not caving in as well as asked all Malaysians to pray for him. In this holy month of Ramadan, a merciful Lord has answered a prayers!
This morning, we was in court to observe KLHCCriminal Appeal No. 42-188-10 in PP v RosliDahlan, prior to Judge DatoAzmanHussain. Rosliwas accompanied by his flattering daughter, NuryAmirah, who had only graduated from her law studies. we was gay to meet DatoRamliYusuff. Both of us witnessed Rosli' s warn DatoK Kumaraendranand Mr ChetanJethwanifacing off MACCDPP Ahmad SazileeAbdul Khairi. Rosli's warn had come armed with fierce lookinglegal submissions as well as box authorities. But there was no hotly contested authorised arguments. The MACC DPP had come to discuss it a Judge which a Public Prosecutor is withdrawing a appeal. What?!
Yes, MACCwithdrew a interest with a whimper; a travel over; no contest. They have been throwing a towel after 5 years of dragging Rosli's box by a sand as well as a courts corridors. The impression created was which a MACC was being advanced in a month of Ramadan. The DPP was listened saying it proposed in Ramadan as well as now nicely ends in Ramadan? That! simple?
I overheard Roslitalking to a DPP Ahmad Sazileevery respectfully-"Tuan, since final minute? Tak kesiankat saya ke humour anxiety? Kan elokkalaubagitahuawal-awallagi?". we listened them vocalization with a little affection. Apparently a DPP is eight years Rosli's youth in IIU as well as yet Rosli was really deferential to him.
I additionally overheard Roslisaying - "What a waste! we only filed dual affidavits yesterday. Those dual affidavits would not have been filed if we had known we were starting to withdraw. Now, DatoRazakakantersinggungwhereas we had to do what we had to do only as your people regularly say they did what we had to do." we remarkable Rosli had a little low regard about a dual affidavits. we wasn't certain what which was about.
Later, as we walked out of a court office building with DatoRamli, we asked if he knew what which was about. DatoRamlisaid which he suspected a MACCwithdrew a interest after both he as well as Roslifiled dual affidavits yesterday. Apparently, a essence of a dual affidavits have been quite explosive. we asked if DatoRamlican show me a affidavits, though DatoRamlisaid he dare not do which as Rosliis really rhythmical about a contents. However, DatoRamliindicated it had something to do with an suggest by a MACCto withdraw a interest if Rosli withdraws his civil suits.
No wonder Rosliwas upset. This contingency be a same thing which Roslihad secretly mentioned to me as well as asked me to keep confidential. But, we still wrote about it since it was a make a difference of public importance; of antagonistic prosecution as well as prosecutorial misconductsthat a public should know is being committed by AG GaniPatailand those goons in a MACC.
The same thing might still be function even as we write this piece. This is evident when PKR's Rafizi Ramliwas handcuffed as well as charged in court yesterday. It makes a hoax of a slogans about protection of whistle blowers to forestall abuse of energy as well as corruption. So, a Police a! s well a s a MACCcakaptak serupabikin. That would be another subject as well as we will write on which with deeper research shortly.
For now, we was less concerned about a technicalities of a law. we am more meddlesome which a MACC's box opposite Roslihas come to an end. we am elated which eventually after 5 prolonged years, 5 unhappy Ramadan for Rosli, God a Merciful has shown in this holy month of Ramadan which Good will eventually delight over evil!
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