After her Kerinchi fiasco, Nurul Izzah looks for redemption

If usually the Felda settlers were some-more gullible than the Kerinchi flat dwellers, YB.Unfortunately, for you, they have been not.

And conjunction were the Kerinchi folks. If they had all listened to Nurul Izzah, the 467 family groups in Kampung Kerinchi low-cost flats would have mislaid the event to pierce up in life. Fortunately, 93 per cent of them did not and, instead, stuck to what they had concluded to before their immature MP emerged to derail the redevelopment project. Yesterday, these hard-working people as well as their family groups changed out of their "cheap flats" in to brand new homes as well as the brand new beginning.

The 35 family groups that put their destiny in her hands finished up the greatest losers. All 467 have been Malay households.

Nurul Izzah, the MP for Lembah Pantai where Kerinchi is, was not there to honour the 467 family groups or to help the 35.ReadNurul Izzah as well as Kg Kerinchi shall never twain?and find out how her constituents tracked her down to the futsal game instead of helping the residents.One Kerinchi resident was so disrespectful of the immature MP:
Nurul cuma timbul bila masa nak buat kecoh dan merusuh. Masa tu dia datang dengan samseng-samseng Cina dan India, sedangkan kawasan ini 100% Melayu. Dia datang dengan orang luar macam Adam Adli yang tak pernah tunjuk muka sebelum ini di Lembah Pantai, tapi cuma datang untuk wujudkan huru-hara.
After the disaster! in Keri nchi, Nurul Izzah is hoping to fare improved with the Felda settlers. Read her posting Peneroka Felda: Durian Runtuh atau Durian Reput?
Jelas sekali apa yang disifatkan oleh PM Najib sebagai lonjakan berganda ini sebenarnya lebih cenderung ke arah membuka peluang niaga baharu dan memberi kesempatan kepada institusi kewangan terbabit mendapat hasil atas titik-peluh dan keringat peneroka dan pekerja FELDA, terutamanya 5 bank pelaburan yang dilantik menyelenggara kesemua perkara berkaitan penyenaraian, 7 bank yang dipilih untuk memberi pinjaman membiayai pembelian saham, dan beberapa syarikat pembrokeran saham yang dilantik untuk menjalankan urusniaga jual-beli saham di pasaran terbuka.
Basically, what Nurul Izzah is trying to do is, in the difference of the Kerinchi blogger, "buat kecoh dan merusuh". She made no mention that this is not the first time Felda is you do an IPO. And what is wrong with the MP? You have to engage the pros in any IPO lah. At least we know the Prime Minister is not giving "business" to the single party; quoting what she herself wrote, the Felda settlers will have the help of 5 investment banks, 7 blurb banks, as well as several brokerage firms!

Surely politicians from both sides contingency know by now, you can't dope all the people all the time? Obviously, Nurul Izzah thinks she still can. No wonder talk is rife that come PRU13, Anwar Ibrahim's daughter may be sent by the Pakatan Rakyat elders to Kelana Jaya to reinstate the worse-performing MP from PKR.

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