I was in Langkawi for LIMA 2011 this week. we was since a certitude by a Minister of Defense as well as Chief of Navy, to be since a respect of a initial brand new media practitioner as well as blogger to go inside a Perdana Class submarine, KD Tun Razak.
I boarded a 1,800 tonnes Perdana category submarine during Awana Porto Malai boat landing upon a sunrise of Wednesday, 9 December as well as was escorted upon house by a senior manager officer of a vessel. we was taken around a vessel end-to-end as well as was shown a workings upon how a dual Pielstick motor fuel engines were used to charge a 180 batteries, front as well as back, which in turn energy a electric motors upon a behind to propel a submarine. we additionally had a preview of a Blackshark shoot they carry upon house as well as a short of a operative of a fight system.
It was state of a art as well as a submarine is entirely automated. we contingency contend it is unequivocally impressive.
KD Tun Razak's hull was laid in DCNS back yard in Cherbourg, Northern France but was finished during Navantia back yard in Cartagena, Spain. The element of a vessel 1s 32,w here there have been 12 officers as well as a rest have been enlisted men. These have been cream-de-la-cream of Royal Malaysian Navy's best, where 169 was comparison as well as primarily trained in Brest since late 2004.
KD Tun Razak is a sister vessel to KD Tunku Abdul Rahman. She arrived upon a shores in Jul 2010, with her initial maiden docking in Malaysian waters carried HRH Sultan of Selangor Tuanku Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (who is additionally a Captain-in-Chief for a RMN), Deputy Defense Minister Dato' Dr Abdul Latif Ahmad as well as Chief of Naval Forces Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Hj Jaafar. Awaiting during TLDM Lumut boat landing is HRH Sultan of Perak Tuanku Sultan Azlan Shah.
KD Tun Razak calls TLDM Kota Kinabalu during Sepanggar Bay, Sabah as h! er home as well as which is additionally where a Submarine Forces Command is at, The stream Panglima Markas Angkatan Kapal Selam was a plan team personality when a submarines were assembled in Cherbourg.
Amongst other things which we witnessed in a vessel is how a officers as well as group live as well as do their daily work as well as live their lives, as submariners. Spaces were unequivocally wanting as well as confined. The officers as well as enlisted have been separated in dual different cabin. However, they share bunks since space is so singular as well as they do not even have a oppulance to be released a berth each, even yet a berth space is no larger which a distance of a coffin as well as a stacked up to four levels.
They have a unequivocally tiny space to eat as well as sup as well as where they do recreation. The mess list is a distance of typical senior manager's table where unto eighteen group eat during any dish time, As a space is limited, they have to serve a dishes in dual apart batches, to accommodate everyone for a chow. The ships kitchen to prepare a dishes a! nd wash up then onwards for un to 45 persons, is usually a distance of a brazen ships kitchen in a typical B737-400.
These dauntless group have usually a space of dual shoe boxes to store personal belongings. Hence, they do not have much oppulance to move a lot of things upon board. There have been dual tiny latrines, which dedicated as 'big' as well as 'small' respectively for a usage. There is additionally dual showering cabinets. Fresh H2O is desalinated from sea water. However, out of use (especially to preserve energy even in peace time), a submariners do not take showers during their rides during sea. The usually individuals who have which oppulance have been a persons who have been portion food; a cook as well as stewards.
This is scapegoat a submariners made, who volunteered for this job. They do this pursuit with pride as well as dedication, as well as they scapegoat their lives as well as joy for a n! ation. I magine partial of their training is to be in France for a good 5 as well as a half years, away from family as well as friends.
Life is a submarine isn't unequivocally easy. They work all time. At any a single moment, during least 8 group would be upon watch. All systems contingency be in full operative order as well as their sensitivity as well as awareness of their vicinity is a critical factor during your convenience they have been during sea. It is much more challenging than flying. Whenever they have been upon a surface, they have to reside general nautical laws. The actuality which these submarines have been equates to to dive to depths below 1,000 feet, equates to which a crew contingency be unequivocally focused in their pursuit to say safety as well as operationalbility.
It took 8 days for a officers as well as group of KD Tun Razak to cruise from their home during Sepanggar Bay to Langkawi of a distance of roughly 1,300 nautical
miles where they did diving drills in a little tools of a journey. Imagine, both ports have been within Malaysia.
As a nautical nation, a proportions of physique of H2O around as well as in between Semenanjung as well as Sabah as well as Sarawak warrants for a nation to have a challenging navy. The responsibility to protecting a emperor right in a waters as well as a single of a many busiest commercial waterways in a world, is multiplied. That is upon top of a disdainful economic zone where 20% of a economy is contingent upon it.
It is unequivocally expensive for a Government to say a vast navy, for a effort requirement to strengthen all these areas. The decision to acquire a dual submarines in Jun 2002 was vital in nature, even yet it was said to be costing RM 3.4 billion during which time. Any invading naval force would do their evaluation upon a strength as well as capability of their rivalry before they launch a strike as well as rivet their adversaries in a sea. The dual submarines yield a army with a 'multiplier factor' homogeneous of 10 ! aspect s hips, for any adversaries deliberation in to direct sea battle engagement.
Each of a submarines could be armed either eighteen Italian-French done Whitehead Allenia Blackshark torpedoes or eighteen MBDA SM 39 Exocet missiles or any eighteen combination of both. KD Tunku Abdul Rahman ! did a li ve firing of a Exocet missile in a middle of last year.
It is unfair for Opposition MPs such as Nurul Izzah Anwar to demean a submarine force as well as lied about a inability to operate. Moreover, to unfamiliar press when she is abroad. To infer them wrong, Defense Minister Dato' Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid this afternoon would fly in Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Deputy Chief Minister Prof Ramasamy as well as a other Deputy Chief Minister upon house KD Lekiu as well as transfer them to KD Tun Razak, for a dual hour dive around a waters off Langkawi. This is for these MPs to see for themselves as well as dispel a lies about "The submarines have been not equates to to dive".
The determination as well as scapegoat of a submarine force as well as Royal Malaysian Navy should not be questioned.
- bigdogdotcom
Objektif Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2011 Tercapai - Najib

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