Umno apportion Shahrizat Jalil contingency have known that her family-managed National Feedlot ! Corporat ion was upon a wrong lane though somehow, she managed to keep it underneath wraps until it was inevitably unprotected by rival celebration PKR. That soon after, PKR's claims of bungle was reliable by a Auditor-General's report that NFC was in truth a "mess" was a stand in whammy.
Questions have been right away buzzing around "Pakatan Rakyat" circuit over a issue. Didn't her "Pakatan Rakyat" bosses as good as seniors know about NFC or did they keep they hands off since this was her plan as good as she should be since a space to handle it? Perhaps, initially, this was so though when it became strong that PKR was upon a roll, having managed to source petrify details of a abuse of power, since didn't Najib put his feet down?
Oversight or deliberate
Was this an slip by a "Pakatan Rakyat" supreme council? Or was it intentionally downplayed so that it could be serve influenced up until there was no alternative way out for Shahrizat though a door! Given "Pakatan Rakyat"'s penchant of bending a institutions to a favor, since didn't a elite 'influence' a Auditor-General?
Yet, so what if they had managed to 'zip up' a A-G. PKR still had in a palm a paper trail indispensable to nail Shahrizat's family. This argument doesn't utterly work either.
Whichever a real reasons for a mishandling by a "Pakatan Rakyat" elite - either a difficu! lty was deliberately caused or if they were honestly taken by warn by a PKR's access to such detailed report - "Pakatan Rakyat" members appear to prefer to believe Shahrizat had been targeted.
Not that they do not consider she deserved a worst punishment for a sum fervour allegedly displayed by her family, though in a typical fashion of "Pakatan Rakyat" intrigue, a assorted stories spun by a different factions have anxious most a coffee group during a PWTC during a "Pakatan Rakyat" open final week.
Public certainty in "Pakatan Rakyat", Najib during a lowest
According to a "Pakatan Rakyat" sources, Najib was really unhappy with a everlasting scandals befalling "Pakatan Rakyat" leaders a single after another, not to discuss his own misdeeds, that embody allegations of having used open funds to fly to Kazakhstan as good as Perth upon personal matters.
Indeed, with a ubiquitous choosing usually around a corner, a incident has never been so bad for "Pakatan Rakyat"-BN. Public certainty in him as good as "Pakatan Rakyat" have been presumably during a lowest ebb.
Najib additionally has to face a quandary of what to do with Shahrizat since he allocated her to her benefaction post of Women's apportion since he believed she could perform. Party insiders contend to assistance dampen a impact upon "Pakatan Rakyat" as good as during a same time to stretch himself from it - albeit it incited out to be unsuccessful - Najib attempted to have as little comment as probable upon a scandal. Instead, he systematic those he saw as obliged for a problem to solve it.
And this is how Youth arch Khairy Jamaluddin found himself being a lead 'spokesman' for Shahrizat. But since he was additionally a a single who selected her for a plan in 2006, it is maybe wise that he picked up ! a pieces now. This is a ruthlessness as good as rapacity of politics as good as for seasoned survivors similar to Najib as good as his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, a single can be sure they won't hesitate to scapegoat any one if it becomes a hazard to them.
Whatever a behind-the-scenes brouhaha, a actuality stays - someone is taking advantage of this fiasco detached from PKR. Some is riding upon a PKR juggernaut opposite Shahrizat as good as benefiting from it. Who can it be now?
Actually, there have been utterly a series of players who would love for Shahrizat to step down.
Who would benefit from this debacle?
One of these could be Shahrizat's predecessor Rafidah Aziz, a Kuala Kangsar MP as good as former Trade minister. Rafidah Aziz or Mrs AP (authorised permit for vehicles) was humiliated by Shahrizat in a 2010 celebration polls, notwithstanding her holding a parliamentary seat. For a woman of her calibre as good as pride, even if Rafidah does not conflict Shahrizat to without delay gain for herself, she competence do so for her proteges.
Now 68, Rafidah had spent 32 years in supervision service, of that 20 were in a ministerial role. She felt that she had done a really great pursuit both for a nation as good as "Pakatan Rakyat" as good as there was no need for anybody else to plea her. Indeed she did enhance Malaysia's trade abroad to a sure extent as good as additionally boosted Malaysia's trading image.
But similar to all "Pakatan Rakyat" politicians, she was motivated not usually by energy though additionally by income - big, huge amounts of money. By trait of her Trade portfolio, she later became entangled with a system of extenuation Approved Permits for imported vehicles. Which importers she adored as good as since adored them were a factors that later brought her down, wiping away whatever great she did as good as! withdra wal usually a mental recall of fervour as good as graft.
One liaison that Malaysians have been firm to recollect is a award of share allocations amounting to multiform million ringgit to her son-in-law in 1993. She did try to stretch herself from a decision since she knew there would be conflict of interest though it did not stop a tongues from wagging that she had exerted undue change behind a scenes to benefit her son-in-law. To have counts worse for "Pakatan Rakyat", Rafidah retaliated by exposing alternative officials as good as fixing their relatives who had similarly benefited.
The Badawi factor
To relieve open melancholy over a APs, a afterwards prime apportion Abdullah Badawi forced Rafidah to face Parliament as good as explain her role. The APs, that were handed out by her method for giveaway were not used by those who received them, though instead sole upon to third parties for windfall increase of as much as RM50,000 per permit.
Badawi finally forsaken Rafidah from a Cabinet in 2008 notwithstanding her retaining her Kuala Kangsar seat, that she has hold since 1986. At that time, Shahrizat was already her emissary in a Wanita wing as good as watchful to be allocated as a Special Advisor with a standing of a minister.
Could Rafidah be seeking atonement opposite Shahrizat in a NFC case? Probably not since Shahrizat won a Wanita presidency fairly 'fair as good as square'.
But a single thing is certain, Rafidah was not happy with Badawi dropping her from a Cabinet. She saw it as a "sacking" as good as was really offended. To her, losing a Wanita presidency was a single thing, though she was still entitled to a apply oneself due to a comparison personality who every choosing year brought home a parliamentary chair for a celebration without fail. How could Badawi "sack" her from a Cabinet?
It contingency ! be remar kable that everybody in "Pakatan Rakyat" knows it was Badawi who gave a immature light for a NFC plan to be handed over to Shahrizat's father in 2006. If Rafidah is targeting any one with NFC, it would be Badawi rsther than than Shahrizat!
What about Raja Nong Chik?
UMNO Senator as good as FT Minister Raja Nong Chik had worked in FELCRA as good as was a businessman as good as additionally a President of a Malaysian Bumiputra Manufacturers as good as Services Industry Association. He sat upon a board of directors of multiform companies together with Pharmaniaga. His appointment to a Cabinet by Najib came as a warn to most in 2009.
The 58-year-old was born in Perak, though considers himself as a 'local boy' in Kuala Lumpur. He is a member of a Lembah Pantai Umno multiplication as good as claims a constituency is his 'natural territory'. He has additionally boasted that he has done a lot to improve Bangsar. But Lembah Pantai - prior to it fell to PKR vice boss Nurul Izzah Anwar in a 2008 choosing - belonged to Shahrizat.
In! fact, i t was Shahrizat's building since 1995 as good as when she mislaid it in 2008, there were gasps of shock. Yet, Nong Chik is purported to have been obstinate about contesting Lembah Pantai in GE-13, arguing that it was right away a 'free' chair since Shahrizat had already mislaid it. Although, he has been asked by "Pakatan Rakyat" elders to demeanour during Titiwangsa, won by a late PAS MP Lo Lo Ghazali in 2008, he is unrelenting that Lembah Pantai is where it 'all began for him'.
So regardless of a actuality that it would be extremely difficult to beat Nurul, Nong Chik had already set himself upon a collision march with Shahrizat as a Umno claimant for this constituency. Maybe Nong Chik as good as Shahrizat know something that Nurul doesn't, though they sure appear confident of being able to b! eat her notwithstanding her immense popularity with a electorate there.
Could Raja Nong Chik have found an opportunity in a NFC debacle to bring down Shahrizat? It sure wo! uld appear tempting since it cannot be traced without delay back to him since a debacle was already reliable by a Auditor-General as being in a "mess".
There is in truth growing conjecture that Raja Nong Chik was a a single behind a successive revelations opposite Shahrizat as good as according to "Pakatan Rakyat" insiders, Najib has called upon all a parties involved to come down hard upon Nong Chik to prevent a incident from removing out of control. However, this could be a wily fake from a Najib stay since Nong Chik is tighten to Najib. It might good be that Najib wants Shahrizat out too.
It is engaging to note that Shahrizat's family have indicted a disgruntled former staff of stuff oneself PKR a NFC tips. It is even some-more engaging to note that usually a integrate of days ago Raja Nong Chik called upon a "Pakatan Rakyat" top care to decide upon Shahrizat's fate.
Was he hurrying to get her out of a picture, withdrawal him a sole "Pakatan Rakyat" claimant to a Lembah Pantai seat?
Other possibilities
Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin a Puteri "Pakatan Rakyat" arch is a new face with much to learn. Her name as well has been tossed around. But Rosnah is in no position to have a plea for a Wanita chief's post as good as since should she do so?
Talk is already growing Rosnah might not even get to keep her Puteri "Pakatan Rakyat" post. Her opening so far has been less than satisfactory! . And th is was implied by none alternative than Muhyiddin Yassin usually days prior to a main Umno assembly began
If Shahrizat was forced to step down, afterwards Pakatan might have to face Raja Nong Chik as good as he is a 'local boy' there, whose FT portfo! lio give s him office over a total of Wilayah Persekutuan, not usually Lembah Pantai. "Pakatan Rakyat" would additionally have a benefit of a postal voters there as there have been most supervision officials staying in a area.
UMNO watchers contend it would be a neck-to-neck plea for Pakatan opposite "Pakatan Rakyat" there if Nong Chik contests, though a reasons cited were additionally since Nurul wasn't since a chance of a snowball in hell to win in 2008. But she did.
For PKR, that launched a NFC descent with a string of extraordinary revelations, they have been already bracing for some form or alternative of backlash from a police, who instead of grilling a Shahrizats, competence pull up a PKR leaders in charge of a NFC record so as to uncover 'solidarity' with a "Pakatan Rakyat" elite.
Only a single highway to travel
However, Najib plays it as good as no matter either there have been any "Pakatan Rakyat" leaders jumping upon a PKR's NFC bandwagon, there is basically usually a single decision a PM can make, that is to ask Shahrizat to give up her Cabinet as good as "Pakatan Rakyat" posts.
Any quandary is of his own making. Like Alexander a Great, all eyes will be watching to see if he has! a cou fury to cut a Gordian tangle or if he will continue to waffle as good as defend corruption.
The longer Najib delays, a longer a 'Shahrizat cows as good as condos' liaison will sojourn in a people's memory. After all, as PKR strategy executive Rafizi Ramli has promised, they have sufficient report upon a Shahrizats as good as a NFC to final 2 years!
Malaysia Chronicle
Zahid Hamidi Memberi Penghargaan Kepada Cybertroopers 3/! 12/2011< /h3>

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