MAS done a press discussion yesterday to present their Business Plan. If you review a headlines inform today, it is sounds rosy. MAS claimed it will have distinction by 2013.
Who is a MAS Executive Director, Dato Rashdan "Danny" Yusof, claimed whizz child instrumental in putting all this together trying to kid?
Danny's dual opposite briefings to a tip government as well as staff have been filled with arrogance errors, repeating past mistakes, as well as have use of of threat. He was privately referred to as well as requested by a staff in a initial Town Hall character meeting to symbol a lapse of Tan Sri Mohd Nor Yusof, not to be put as CEO.
His "revenge of a nerd" is to hazard a staff with "you have no choice" monetary incident though to accept what you have put together.
Murmurs amongst a staff have been observant they have been frustrated with a repeated incident of Government kept promulgation airline novices to turnaround MAS. Union sources claimed Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak refused to meet them to listen to their side of a story as well as feedback.
There is now a flourishing reluctance amon! gst MAS' s government to vote Barisan Nasional (BN) in a next general election to sense a Government a lesson. It could filter down convincingly to a lower staff.
Looks like Danny had absolutely fire BN's feet. BN can lick any chances of receiving over Selangor goodbye.
Political Impact
MAS is a singular of a greatest Malaysian employer with 18,000 employees worldwide. MAS employees can be spread around a areas of Sepang, Kajang, Putrajaya, as well as Subang. Undoubtedly this partnership with Air Middle East will have serious political import upon B! N, parti cularly in a Selangor area as well as privately in Dato Zin Mohammad's Sepang area.
There is afterwards a 8,000 Malaysia Airport staff as well as 1,000 Department of Civil Aviation staff to contend with.
Pakatan Rakyat is wisely keeping wordless upon a issue to let Tan Sri Mohamad Nor Yakcop's cor-parat boys assistance fire BN's own feet. They have been additionally gentle with Tony F.
Mahfudz Omar was absolutely kidding of Tony F as a destiny KSN or Chief Secretary indicating his row with Malaysia Airport as well as Ministry of Transport have been creating negative undercurrent amongst Government servants.Najib warding off to meet a kinship heads, despite them having sent letters dual months ago, will guarantee to exercebate this potentially bomb matter.
Our kinship source have been claiming wunderboyadviser as well as member of Directors of Air Asia-X, Omar Ong "Rasputin", as being marked down upon a blogsphere, suggested as well as blocked Najib from seeing them.
Some sources speculate Najib usually listen to brother Dato Nazir's version, who was a large bad "IBanker" instrumental in putting a deal together as well as he is assured which he should not see a kinship people.
If there is any truth, Najib, as a UMNO State Liaison Chief for Selangor, might as well as forget about regaining Selangor.
If there is serious drawn out rancour opposite Government by a employees, there will be negative multiplier outcome from their evident family members, family, community as well as worsened further by open outcry which an particular had benefited from a corporate cannibalisation by Khazanah, a Government own entity.
It could reach over Selangor.
Danny's Erroneous PlanThis blog have oral most of Dann! y's br iefing to tip 100 government as well as his devise to hive off Engineering as well as Cargo operations yesterday here.
Danny's lecture to a staff is reproduced next from an remove of Bigdog's postinghere, below:
In a locale gymnasium meeting this sunrise Malaysia Airlines ED Danny Yusoff told a sernior managers upon a part of what has been concluded upon extensive partnership framework (CCF), Malaysia Airlines does not fly to where AirAsia is portion as well as AirAsia would be a tributary to Malaysia Airlines' comparison international routes.Does Danny consider he can assured a worker when they have reputed as well as it turns out loyal which a due Comprehensive Collaboration Framework (CCF) as well as Business Plan (BP) is part of a systematic 10 year cannibalisation of MAS by Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop in favour of a bad boys of a Malaysian aviation industry, Tan Sri Tony Fernandez, Tune Air as well as Ai! r Asia?< /span>
However, when asked Danny additionally told a comparison managers' locale gymnasium which they cannot stop AirAsia from starting in to Malaysia Airlines' lucrative routes, such as Sydney, since it would be "Against anti trust laws". Basically, eventually AirAsia could come as well as take divided Malaysia Airline's routes during their pleasure.
What done most of a comparison managers leaving a locale gymnasium feeling really discontented as well as dissatisfied is which Danny as a ED unsuccessful to explain a rest of a sum of a CCF. They have been having a sense which Danny would usually wish to condition them for things which would eventually good AirAsia, during a responsibility of Malaysia Airlines.
This is really demoralising to a organisation of comparison managers as well as professional airliners who have dedicated infancy of a operative hold up for a national carrier. It was additionally reliable which what you rumored last night about where Ma! laysia A irlines is heading, "Working in progress towards hiving off a engineer! ing serv ices as well as cargo. We only wish to keep a airline simple".
Malaysia Airlines as a national conduit would eventually be an airline handling business, though assets as well as behind up services. Probably a belligerent services would additionally be hived off during a little point of time.
It is so baffling to a comparison managers which these dual really critical support as well as interrelated services have been essential as well as have outrageous potential, to propel Malaysia Airlines forward.
Malaysia Airlines would remove a competitiveness as a Tier-1 reward airline though a load as well as engineering services. More over, load business has been making hefty profits as well as it is flourishing steadily, which embody brand brand new markets.
Danny additionally gave an forgive which "We have to build a use standards". What is baffling is which Malaysia Airlines have been progressing tall as well as universe reputation use standards, so because is which they have to sacrifice a lot of what have worked for them as a tier-1 reward airline for a good of AirAsia?
The other "Thirteen Million Plus Ringgit" questions;1. Who would good from Malaysia Airlines offered off a load as well as engineering services?
2. Is this about AirAsia's preparation to have their own engineering services as well as load operations?
3. Is this a second phase of Danny Yusoff's as well as Azman Mokhtar's WAU?
Does he consider by melancholy! a staff with claims which MAS contingency hive off income making subsidiaries as well as operation to raise income for operation as well as aircraft delivery is convincing sufficient to a seasoned airliners?
Who is Danny trying to child a bloggers in a meetng upon a late Ramadhan nght with his Latin "pareto optimal" spirit to a Comprehensive Collaboration Framework ("CF") which claims Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar means "no side will remove though any side can have more" though Danny acknowledged openly which a CCF no encroachment is optimally as well as heavily favours Air Asia?

The Business Plan presented by CEO Dato Ahmad Jauhari have been heard most times before. [Download a Idris Jala-compatibale program presentation from MAS central website here.]
Frankly, it is a same general shit journal reported when Tan Sri Mohamad Nor took over from Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli, Dato Fuad Dahlan from Mohd Nor, afterwards Dato Idris Jala as well as finally Tengku Azmi took a helm.
Due apply oneself to Dato Ahmad Jauhari, though he is no airliner. He was merely celebration of a mass a script prepared Danny. And, there have been multiform vital weakness to Danny's proposals.
Cost-wise, MAS has a singular of a lowest price for a reward airline in a region. The complaint is with income generation. Tengku Azmil unsuccessful in this respect. He hired no Commercial Director as well as instead had dual of his Commercial group quarrelling as well as sabotaging each other.
Everyone knows. Khazanah should ! know. Bu t Khazanah unsuccessful to meddle as well as residence a situation. It is not only Tengku Kamil's fault though additionally of Khazanah's.
If commercial being a problem, there is no need to do butchering of a airline. The internal initiatives have been already in place including a rarely essential Firefly. Instead of pumping income to make firm MAS as well as ma! ke a i nitiatives moving, Danny decided to shelve a essential Firefly's turbojet to saveguard Tony F's interest. Pareto optimal my foot?
If as Danny claimed they need income to keep starting upon as well as Air Middle East can't siphon money, because a need to share swap, do cross land of share as well as warrant with them, as well as Khazanah siphon income in to Air Middle East X?
Danny so-claimed Banks have been reluctant to finance as well as Khazanah is not pumping any more money. By a look of it, Air Middle East wants to siphon MAS's income out to Tony F's Queens Park Ranger football team.
But because did Danny admit Government as well as likely Khazanah can yield guarantee to raise for a brand brand new airlines? Usually, there will be sales of a comparison fleet to part finance a brand brand new planes. There is a little income to partly compensate for it.
What does Danny understand by a term "simple airlines" if he intends to sell of Engineering as well as Ground Handling Operations as well as Cargo business?
Even, if there exit such an airline called elementary airline, it is still a full use airline as well as those operations have been part as well as parcel of an airline operations. It is a core competency of a full fledge reward airline. Furthermore, those have been all income generators as well as expansion for MAS.
Who is diseased in these areas as well as need these services? It doesn't take a second theory to name Air Asia.
Past Outsourcing Mist! akes
Danny should sense from a most lessons from a past. Outsourcing unsuccessful as well as trying to outsource engineering, load as well as belligerent doing will translate to aloft cost.

The initial outsourcing was due by Binafikir as well as which was catering. Danny readily certified in his lecture which outsourcing catering to Dato Ibrahim Badawi led LSG Skychef unsuccessful as well as is bleeding a company.
Ibrahim is MAS Adviser as well as former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Badawi's younger brother.
Then Idris Jala bled it further by outsourcing IT as well as it became a really costly event to MAS compartment today. MAS mislaid an critical vital advantage.

The underlying complaint of MAS from a days of Tajuddin compartment currently is about cost. But a complaint is a Government never had a political will to residence it!
Government's Mistakes
The vital complaint with a Government is which everytime ! MAS mislaid money, they kept bringing in Merchant Bankers as well as Accountants to do corporate as well as monetary reorganisation.
It should have been to simply identify a pass problems as well as get airliners to residence it.
After a WAU mon! etary re organisation, MAS indispensable to improve upon a routine instituted by Tajuddin though they hired decorated salesman Fuad Dahalan who knows nuts about income as well as distinction per seat. As prolonged as craft is filled, he thinks it is profitable.
Come Idris Jala, he is no turnaround airliner though only a Butcher. When he realised he is not removing a handling distinction as well as it kept losing, he did creative accounting to uncover asset sales as handling profit. Then he did prolonged term oil hedging to upset a accounts as well as cover his unchanging RM100 million a month handling loss.
Azmil could be stuck with Idris holes. But because is he an identified accountant practising in PW London, brought behind as well as trained by Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad, became second to Idris Jala as well as brought to prominence hen a time is right be not authorised to assistance a transition?
Could he be removed immediately so which he does not turn a hindrance for Danny to cannibalise a essential route as well as MAS auxiliary upon direction from Omar Ong Rasputin to give it to Tony F before a CCF is consummated?
If a Government has no answer to Shahrizat's National Feedlot Corporati! upon mess, they will not answer to because all a good of promulgation MAS to it's demise is Tony F. They couldn't answer to YB Wee Choo Keong's questions as well as documental proofs in Parliament. No backbenchers as well as oppositions could stop or miscarry Wee's singular man attack.
The open who had been keeping wordless upon open issues like this might not have noise. But they will surprise a Government of a day to translate it en-bloc to a ballot box.
Najib beware!
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