Big Cat's posting antiquated Nov fourteen A Little Warning to IRDA (you can additionally read a essay below) has driven a Iskandar Regional Development Authority silly, silly sufficient to board a military report.
I contend it's silly because, firstly, a blogger made it utterly transparent which he meant well. So a comments (125 as a time we write this, 102 when a Federal Commissioner with IRDA lodged which inform upon Nov 26) overwhelmed a little raw nerves though so what? If they had badmouthed a Sultan of Johor, by all equates to board as many reports as we like; otherwise, best to courtesy them comments as poison coop letters.
And, secondly, when we confirm to do a Rais Yatim upon bloggers, we finish up removing a lot some-more people celebration of a mass a essay as good as wondering since we have been so afraid of shadows. In a end, we have things worse for yourself as good as your organisation.
Them PR people should have told you: There have been many ways to skin a cat, atonement a pun.

- rocky's bru
The alleged article:
Monday, fourteen Nov 2011
A little notice to Irda
Well, given we am still in a tainted mood over a Kulim appointments - today, we would ! like to dog a bit about wha! t is dut y in a Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda).
For those who have been from planet Pluto, this is Irda's form which we took from Wikipedia (Irda's website is so canggih which we can't cut as good as pulp from it) -
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) (Malay: Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Wilayah Iskandar) is a body obliged for a direction, policies as good as strategies in propinquity to growth inside of a Iskandar Malaysia, carrying courtesy to a general framework of inhabitant as good as Johor State policies. Pursuant to this responsibility, IRDA will support a State Planning Committee (SPC) as good as applicable internal formulation authorities to prepare development, as good as for this purpose IRDA will adopt a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for have make use of of by such internal formulation authorities.
Ok, Irda had given its pregnancy roughly five years ago went by three CEOs. The prior dual had to leave mostly over difficulties they faced in handling issues related to their categorical stake holders - a internal population of Iskandar Malaysia. These issues have been (don't laugh ya) actually elementary things - squatters relocation, public housing, public ride , stipulate allocations between internal contractors etc etc. Simple as they might be, their solutions have been hard to implement, given they understanding with human existence. After all, managing public notice is a bitch, no?
The current CEO, Ismail Ibrahim. took over from his p! redecess or Harun Johari early last year. It was pronounced which he got a pursuit given he is a grassroot man....ok ok, a little of we who have been in a know have been already sniggering....but, do bear with me.
The truth is, we have been itching to write about Irda for u! tterly a while now. we resisted a temptation given we do not wish to give Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman additional headache as a GE is only around a corner. Ghani as good as PM DS Najib Razak have been joint-chairman of Irda. However, after many thoughts, combined with my tainted mood now, we think we improved write about it right away so which whatever is wrong with Irda could be bound prior to it can become a guilt to BN's effort to urge Johor in a election.
I will not however be as good harsh upon them here as we do not wish this posting to be intepreted as an attempt to discredit a BN-led State government. These have been only small criticisms which we feel need to be urgently addressed so which Irda cannot be used by a Pakatan people as a bullet to hit BN in a run-up to a GE.
Let us begin with Irda's new decision to hire a UK-based Oxford Group Consultant which was ostensible to have make use of of its "strong networking" to foster Iskandar Malaysia during universe level. The total thing went to nothing as good as from what we learned, Irda mislaid utterly a outrageous sum in a deal. Please ya Ismail - which one, if it is true, is taxation payers' income being burnt there. There have been many alternative identical cases such as this, though let me only leave a a single stated upon top of as a reminder which people know what is duty during a decision creation level of Irda as good as it should not be repeated in a future
Ismail additionally need to clarify upon an claim which a single of his closest aides is running around posing herself as a decision builder upon matters such as stop of staff's contract, 24-hours notice sacking of staff, promotion, bonus allocation etc etc. She had allegedly been going around arising threats to Irda staff who refused to kow draw to her.
Mail, we cannot have this kind of aides, behaving as i! f Irda i s their parents' company. we can name names here if we wish though we am land my punches for we do not wish to have this worse than it is. Do ! we know which a total thing is creation Irda people who unequivocally wish to work be really demoralised? It might even spin them (some have been genuine BN supporters, unlike your aides) into moles of a Pakatan people. The finish outcome could be really disasterous to BN.
Irda additionally need to do something to correct its propinquity with State supervision agencies. It could be celebrated which not many of those from these agencies incited up during Irda's new Hari Raya Open House duty in Persada. The absence of roughly all conduct of internal governments inside of Iskandar Malaysia during a duty was really glaring, indicating everything have been not good between Irda as good as them.
Mail, discuss it your people they need to get off their tall horses as good as be some-more friendly to all those people. we know, Irda people have been really good paid as good as those State agencies people have been paupers compared to them. But, come upon la, we all have to work together if Iskandar Malaysia is to be a success. How many times do we all need to be reminded which a categorical stakeholders of Iskandar Malaysia have been a locals. If they hatred you, afterwards a total thing will backfire to a BN government. Is which what we as good as your aides want?
Oh, Mail, additionally discuss it your staff not to be as good bashful with a orang kampung too. Especially, which corporate comm conduct of yours. Tell her it is not good la spending many of her time in KL. She need to have some-more engagements with a locals la. we know its not so glamourous to understanding with a pakcik as good as makcik though thats her pursuit isn't it? Seriously, we do not even know her name. All we know is which whenever she is in JB, she will stay during which lush Thistle Hotel. Why she is so abounding one?
Ok lah. Enough of it for now. Mail, we try solve those small issues first. we wish to see either we can or cannot. You do not repair those, we will come as good as kacau we again. Don't wait for compar! tment a GE is as good nearby ya. A lot of hot electoral ! seats ar e in your area.
For those who have been from planet Pluto, this is Irda's form which we took from Wikipedia (Irda's website is so canggih which we can't cut as good as pulp from it) -
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) (Malay: Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Wilayah Iskandar) is a body obliged for a direction, policies as good as strategies in propinquity to growth inside of a Iskandar Malaysia, carrying courtesy to a general framework of inhabitant as good as Johor State policies. Pursuant to this responsibility, IRDA will support a State Planning Committee (SPC) as good as applicable internal formulation authorities to prepare development, as good as for this purpose IRDA will adopt a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for have make use of of by such internal formulation authorities.
Ok, Irda had given its pregnancy roughly five years ago went by three CEOs. The prior dual had to leave mostly over difficulties they faced in handling issues related to their categorical stake holders - a internal population of Iskandar Malaysia. These issues have been (don't laugh ya) actually elementary things - squatters relocation, public housing, public ride , stipulate allocations between internal contractors etc etc. Simple as they might be, their solutions have been hard to implement, given they understanding with human existence. After all, managing public notice is a bitch, no?
The current CEO, Ismail Ibrahim. took over from his p! redecess or Harun Johari early last year. It was pronounced which he got a pursuit given he is a grassroot man....ok ok, a little of we who have been in a know have been already sniggering....but, do bear with me.
The truth is, we have been itching to write about Irda for u! tterly a while now. we resisted a temptation given we do not wish to give Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman additional headache as a GE is only around a corner. Ghani as good as PM DS Najib Razak have been joint-chairman of Irda. However, after many thoughts, combined with my tainted mood now, we think we improved write about it right away so which whatever is wrong with Irda could be bound prior to it can become a guilt to BN's effort to urge Johor in a election.
I will not however be as good harsh upon them here as we do not wish this posting to be intepreted as an attempt to discredit a BN-led State government. These have been only small criticisms which we feel need to be urgently addressed so which Irda cannot be used by a Pakatan people as a bullet to hit BN in a run-up to a GE.
Let us begin with Irda's new decision to hire a UK-based Oxford Group Consultant which was ostensible to have make use of of its "strong networking" to foster Iskandar Malaysia during universe level. The total thing went to nothing as good as from what we learned, Irda mislaid utterly a outrageous sum in a deal. Please ya Ismail - which one, if it is true, is taxation payers' income being burnt there. There have been many alternative identical cases such as this, though let me only leave a a single stated upon top of as a reminder which people know what is duty during a decision creation level of Irda as good as it should not be repeated in a future
Ismail additionally need to clarify upon an claim which a single of his closest aides is running around posing herself as a decision builder upon matters such as stop of staff's contract, 24-hours notice sacking of staff, promotion, bonus allocation etc etc. She had allegedly been going around arising threats to Irda staff who refused to kow draw to her.
Mail, we cannot have this kind of aides, behaving as i! f Irda i s their parents' company. we can name names here if we wish though we am land my punches for we do not wish to have this worse than it is. Do ! we know which a total thing is creation Irda people who unequivocally wish to work be really demoralised? It might even spin them (some have been genuine BN supporters, unlike your aides) into moles of a Pakatan people. The finish outcome could be really disasterous to BN.
Irda additionally need to do something to correct its propinquity with State supervision agencies. It could be celebrated which not many of those from these agencies incited up during Irda's new Hari Raya Open House duty in Persada. The absence of roughly all conduct of internal governments inside of Iskandar Malaysia during a duty was really glaring, indicating everything have been not good between Irda as good as them.
Mail, discuss it your people they need to get off their tall horses as good as be some-more friendly to all those people. we know, Irda people have been really good paid as good as those State agencies people have been paupers compared to them. But, come upon la, we all have to work together if Iskandar Malaysia is to be a success. How many times do we all need to be reminded which a categorical stakeholders of Iskandar Malaysia have been a locals. If they hatred you, afterwards a total thing will backfire to a BN government. Is which what we as good as your aides want?
Oh, Mail, additionally discuss it your staff not to be as good bashful with a orang kampung too. Especially, which corporate comm conduct of yours. Tell her it is not good la spending many of her time in KL. She need to have some-more engagements with a locals la. we know its not so glamourous to understanding with a pakcik as good as makcik though thats her pursuit isn't it? Seriously, we do not even know her name. All we know is which whenever she is in JB, she will stay during which lush Thistle Hotel. Why she is so abounding one?
Ok lah. Enough of it for now. Mail, we try solve those small issues first. we wish to see either we can or cannot. You do not repair those, we will come as good as kacau we again. Don't wait for compar! tment a GE is as good nearby ya. A lot of hot electoral ! seats ar e in your area.
Posted by BIGCAT
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