As you have been already underneath a assault of a UMNO/BN promotion machine in a weeks heading up to a 13th General Election, a little gob has popped up that reminds us of a characteristics as well as attributes of a incoming government.
If you recall in 2008 UMNO/BN began acquiring a services of really costly international public relations consultants together with APCO as well as FBC. In both cases a contracts were unprotected as well as eventually canceled. But not after most ink as well as video fasten had been spilled upon ad hominem attacks upon Anwar Ibrahim, a opposition, while blindly extolling a greatness of PM Najib Razak. These articles were portrayed as 'journalism' though they were in fact anything but.
This complete fiasco was expertly unprotected by hereand here.
One of a people during a center of this scandal as well as abuse of supervision energy was a American Joshua Trevino. In Jan Josh Trevino filed a inform with a United States Department of Justice underneath a Foreign Agents Registration Unit. Any American you do work upon interest of a unfamiliar supervision or politicians has to proactively register these activities with a Department of Justice.
Trevino's Jan filing is related hereor here.
In it you see as well as have been reminded of a couple of engaging things.
These people included
- Brad Jackson (received $ 24,700) who published articles aggressive Anwar Ibrahim during a regressive blog RedState.
- Ben Domenech (received $ 36,000) who published articles aggressive Anwar Ibrahim as well as his mother Wan Azizah Wan Ismail during a regressive blog RedState together with this oneand this one upon a Huffington Post.
- Claire Berlinski (received $ 6,750) who published essays aggressive Anwar Ibrahim during a regressive blog here.
- Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld (re! ceived $ 30,000) who published essays during aggressive Anwar Ibrahim an Georgetown Universityhere; a contributing editor as well as director of a New York City based American Center for Democracy as well as one of a key proponents of Islamophobia-fear in America.
- Seth Mandel (received $ 5,500) who viciously pounded Anwar Ibrahim during FrontPageMagazine, a National Review, Daily Caller as well as alternative regressive blogs.
- Chuck DeVore (received $ 3,000) former member of California State Assembly who ran for a US Senate in 2010 as well as mislaid in a Republican primary. Currently functions during a regressive Think Tank. He sent out emails andpublishedessays aggressive Anwar Ibrahim as well as was debunked here.
- Rachel Motte (received $ 9,500) who pounded Anwar Ibrahim often during a right away gone blog called a New Ledger. One of her essays was so vast that she had to remove it when she was threatened with a law fit by a former US Ambassador for a libelous statements. (see my blog here). Rachel additionally posted during a Daily Caller as well as alternative regressive sites.
- Christopher Badeaux (received $ 11,000)
- David Brown (received $ 2,500)
- Kevin Holtsberry (received $ 2,000)
Let us repeat. All of these people were paid BY THE MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT to tell essays that praised a Malaysian supervision as well as pounded Anwar Ibrahim in AMERICAN MEDIA as well as have it appear similar to they were independent, UNBIASED writers. This is a crack of journalistic firmness during RedState, Huffington Post as well as each alternative outlet that carried thesefrivolousessays.
This additionally reflects a ethics of he Malaysian supervision as ! well as a believe that it can chuck a couple of million dollars to paper over a massive corruption taking place underneath a purview simply byslingingsome mud during a political opponents.
Furthermore, a irony of a promotion is amazing. In Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim is continually pounded as being a Jewish agent as well as american agent. However in most of these articles a paid writers conflict him for being a terrorist sympathizer, an agent of thenefariousMuslim society as well as as well as frontman for in advance Islam who hides at a back of a facade of moderate Islam.
Trevino himself has turn a target of a little ridicule. He was about to join a staff of a Guardian when report about his writing-for-hireactivitieswas revealed to a British paper, that soon canceled his contract.
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