Haze causes a lot of problems. The mercantile consequences, despite not realised by most people, have been huge. Haze leads to drop in cultivation yield (haze blocks a sunlight) a goods which have been mostly felt much later. Airports mostly cancel flights. Many businesses cannot work or work during a lower turn of productivity. The bad visibility mostly leads to accidents.
In conditions of total stroke to a illness of Malaysia (and others in Southeast Asia), a mist is without disbelief a major episode. Hundreds of millions people humour a consequences. The suffering is REAL. The total stroke from a potential bearing to low turn deviation from Lynas is tiiiiiiiiny little little (that to only to a small series of people in Gebeng) compared to a stroke from a haze. we am utterly confident of putting a comparative measure of 1000 (impact of a mist versus a stroke of Lynas). It is like chasing an termite when a tiger is sneaking in your house.
Here is my question. To Br! ader Anw ar, Lim Guan Eng, Fuziah Salleh as well as a boisterous gang from Pakatan who marched in Kuantan dual months protesting opposite Lynas since have been we quiet about a mist (not forgetting some nincompoops from MCA who additionally joined a protests). The mist is an part which causes REAL illness problems to millions of people, in Malaysia as well as in a region. You who marched as well as spoke supposedly for a "rakyat's health" have chosen to be silent now. Why? Can't find an point of view to lay a censure on a Federal Government? Can't find a good reason to tie a mist to UMNO? Brader Anwar, we said, we screamed which we have been endangered about a rakyat health. Why have been we not we do anything about a haze? Why have been we not marching in a street protesting a haze?
And do not f*#king discuss it me there is nothing we can do. There is plenty we can do. You can impetus as well as criticism in front of a Indonesian embassy. You can send a delegation to encounter a farmers in Cambodia as well as Myanmar as well as discuss it them to stop burning a forests. You can impetus to Putrajaya as well as ask Wisma Putra to discuss it a Indonesians off. Brader Anwar, we have most high turn contacts in Indonesia, certainly we can use your influence to do something after all it is for a rakyat's well-being. You can demand which a ASEAN Secretariat facilitates a doing of a ASEAN Haze Action Plan effectively. There is more we can do. During a mist episode, we can ask a factories in Selangor as well as Penang (these have been where a most factories are) to cut down their prolongation as well as revoke air emission. You can speak to a cultivation zone in Selangor not to bake in a peat areas. It might not stop a mist completely though most of these actions can certainly help.
Brader Anwar, a reason we am directing this post to we is since we cla! imed to be immature dual months in Kuantan during a criticism opposite Lynas. You claimed which we were endangered about a rakyat's health. You pronounced a sourroundings is important. That's since we write to we lah. we am baffled which we as well as your merrymen have been so gungho about impacts from Lynas. Yet when a mist which poses a 1000 times more illness risks to a rakyat happens, we do not do anything. And do not discuss it me it is as well late to do anything. We all know mist occurs in Jun July each year. In fact, we have already asked we to do something dual months ago (read here).
Brader, forgive me if we do not trust we as well as your merrymen when we criticism about Lynas observant we have been endangered about a rakyat. Forgive me if we think we have been just a hypocrite out to win spirit points using Lynas emanate as your vehicle. And a rest of a greenies who were with we in Kuantan, where have been they know? Hiding in their houses, breathing by an oxygen mask? That's of course possible since which most of your associate protestors have been comparatively well-off they live as well as work in air-conditioned sourroundings as well as have been less expected to humour a full impacts of a haze. But how about a farmers, hawkers, trade policemen, tukang sapu jalan, DBKL workers, etc who have to work in a open? You have been not endangered about them?. They humour a lot from a haze, we know. And a bad asthmatic kids, aren't we gonna help them?
Monyet King additionally says
Folks, a mist is a complex complaint involving cultivation economics, rural lifestyles, ASEAN politics, informal breeze patterns, etc h! ence a p rolonged time it is receiving for a complaint to be resolved. But there have been things which a people as well as government can do. Many things have been being finished during a informal turn to minimize a mist complaint though these things will take time. Rest assured which this is NOT a final time we have been starting to knowledge a haze. Unless of course, Brader Anwar can come to a rescue. Related articles
Lynas as well as Anwar a environmentalistLynas, roadaccidents as well as ogres
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