RPK's nail on Anwar Ibrahim's coffin

New Sunday Times, January 1 2012
Bumped in to Mr B, a domestic user you might know during Bangsar Village this morning. He had a duplicate of NST as well as an form of Tamil newspapers upon his table during Starbucks, as well as we had only paid for my NST as well as Utusan Malaysia from a Grocers'. We systematic coffee as well as talked about (what else?) a front page story: RPK job Anwar Ibrahim irrelevant as well as saying things like "In Malaysia, you can't be a PM as well as a happy during a same time".

"What's up with RPK, you consider they paid him?" Mr B asked me.

I pronounced that's what they (the other "they") pronounced of RPK when in 2006 he rendered his services to Dr Mahathir Mohamad when a former PM was being demonized by Kalimullah Hassan as well as other aides of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. we remember assisting Zorro organsed a meeting for a organisation of bloggers with Anwar during his bureau in PJ late which year. When someone (Big Dog, if I'm not mistaken) asked about his parting of ways with RPK, Anwar nonchalantly spoke of a little people who suspicion he had stashed divided tonnes of money after Dr M had sacked him as well as right divided which he was out of jail, expelled by Pak Lah, were hounding him for their share. Go figure what Anwar was trying to say about RPK! But politicians which they are, only prior to PRU12, Anwar as well as RPK patched up as well as a latter left Dr Mahathir to campaign for Pakatan Rakyat in a Mar 2008 ubiquitous election.

And right divided RPK is saying these things about Anwar. Under normal circumstances, it would have been an eye-opener though with a settlement of Anwar's sodomy hearing reduction than two weeks away, a talk ! RPK gave as well as published upon a same day by NST, Berita Harian as well as Utusan Malayia - all seen as pro-Government - is mind-boggling.

Mr B suspicion (and we agreed with him) which it was a single some-more nail in Anwar's coffin.

Excerpts from RPK's talk with NST h e r e.
Dan dari Utusan Malaysia di s i n i.

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