Indian group kills Abu

Hindraf NO to ABU
Hindraf wants ABUR.Common clarity still prevails between a majority of us Malaysians. Even Hindraf boss P. Uthayakumar, described as a Soul of Hindraf, cannot stomach a hypocrisy underlining a Anything But Umno (ABU) debate [Kenapa Uthaya Menolak ABU]. Personally, we disagree with Hindraf from day a single but right away which Uthaya has plainly rejected ABU as well as will instead disciple ABUR (Anything but Umno as well as Pakatan Rakyat Racism), we can see Hindraf in a somewhat opposite light. But only very slightly.

Another vital setback for Haris Ibrahim, who has only give up MCLM since of RPK's Jan1 interview, which contained a little of a most damning comments about Anwar Ibrahim.

Anas Zubedy, who was a single of a beginning to conflict ABU's logic as well as sincerity, throws in another cinder for the cremation in his posting today, Fundamentally Flawed.

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