The upon top of describes the brand new commercial operation model. It attracts many adherents who have been mesmerized by the unqualified salesman. Only anointed people have been authorised to have money. Others contingency never be allowed. The doubters as well as cynics have been usually envious. Maybe closet racists.
I see the little bloggers have been right divided ganging to demonize Tony F. we await them. But we am additionally somewhat bemused. Some of these writers met up with Azman Mokhtar as well as Danny during an allocated place sometime ago. The purpose of the arranged meeting was to concede Azman Mokhtar as well as Danny explained what they have done.
To me it's simple. What they have accomplished is an unpatriotic act to quarter as well as cannibalize MAS so that AA alone can prosper. While we do that they have money. It was the sting for the little people to have tons of money.
I was additionally invited to come. But since of the participation of the little right wing as well as dark bigots, we declined the invitation. Also, we might have been examination the Godfather film as well many times. we recollect the Don saying to his son (played by Pacino) to recollect that the first person to arrange the meeting in between the Corleone family with the alternative Mafia families, is the traitor!
Some of us have been sanctimonious hypocrites about this thing. When Khazanah came out with the thought of aligning shareholders in the infamous share swap we were all singing praises. But the little of us were additionally means to see the finish game.
I have written the number of articles about this. we even mocked Bung Mokhtar as well as his friends who lambasted Azman Mokhtar as well as Tony F though stopped reduced of mentioning the al! ternativ e member of the troika since he is the hermit of the PM. When we final met the banker, we told him without delay that he what he was we do is officious unethical. Hamman, the apportion during Paharoh's time did consulting work usually for the Pharoah. The complicated Hamman does consulting work for both Paharoah as well as Moses. We hunt with the dogs as well as run with the hare.
Despite that, we am not starting to take divided my admiration that the man is the workaholic as well as the great banker. He doesn't shun divided from meeting up as well as insist his actions. Whether the listener chooses to hold or not is the apart have the difference as well as is irrelevant to him. But as distant as MAS is concerned, we am reduction merciful about his role. The total thing, (this slipped from his own mouth) was programmed as early as 2 years ago. Where? While rowing upon the rivers Cherwell or Thames in Oxford? Vacationing during the Lake Districts?
When we asked the Oracle final time about the MAS-AA deal, he immediately said it's an insider trading case. Pure as well as simple. MAS has to pay some-more to take 10% of AA's share while MAS own shares dropped. Tony F as well as crony got MAS shares upon the cheap. Investors holding AA shares saw their value forsaken usually after the so called merger. After the contract was finished, MAS shares got up again. Tony F as well as Friend afterwards were means to have another round of monetary killing when the shares they got cheap, right divided went up.
So when Tony F the unqualified marketer as well as bull-shitter carried out his riotous tactics by putting up posters( stickers) all over the place disapproval MAHB's decision to lift airfield taxes as well as so forth- it was actually the elementary issue of muscling in. No need to say Tony F bites the finger of his master of whipping the master. These descriptions made his actions looked as the important exercise. There was! even th e some-more pitiable dog lapping gesture- imploring the CEO of Middle East X to greatfully not call us names. We have been harm we know, since we supported Tony F all the way. See? We have been starting to cry.
The real issue here is this as well as Azman Mokhtar as well as his rope of monetary re engineers countenanced this- that the usually people who can have income nowadays in Malaysia have been the owners of Air Asia. Other people cannot have income too.
I am not starting to urge the bosses of MAHB. If they have been diseased as well as can't put their foot down, they have been not value defending. If they have been emasculate as bosses of GLCs routinely are, remove them. Bashir or no Bashir. Give them the boot. They should be let off to greener pastures. Show us la- we have the balls to contest as well as urge your turf.
You have the square of item that we can gain on- the airfield as well as all the services therein. If we have to deposit in the most appropriate programmed complement in container doing as well as all alternative things such as buying tickets by fixation your palm phone over reading-machines, we deposit in all these things since we can have people pay for all these conveniences. The complaint is we have been not regulating the material in between your ears to the fullest. And we am not receiving about your bulbous noses!
Azman mokhtar will right divided have the brand new box to present the PM perhaps by his main backer- the CIMB Boss. Since the people during MAHB do not know how to run airports may be in the interest of efficiency, we concede Tony F to have his own airport. Or concede his to take shares in MAHB. You will complete the vicious round them. From airlines to airports.
Better still- have the airfield in the god forsaken place- or the distant flung place- Tebedu or Gua Musang, usually construct the couple of shed with zinc roofs as well as people ! walk opp osite an open field, no tarmac even, no aerobridges, no container doing machines, no load doing as well as everybody can fly. Everyone lugs their container as well as load themselves. That will lower costs.
The MAHB can have income by container fees as well as load handling. While these equipment stay upon the premises of the airports, airfield owners have the right to have money. If they lift the fees unnecessarily, the consumers will vote them out. Now, when these have been upon the planes, the craft owners have money.
Here the box is, craft owners can have income as well as wish to, airfield owne! rs canno t.
Plane owners know container fees as well as load doing have been significant contributors to the income of their companies. These have been even described as gushing streams by Tony F. Maybe in private, they have been described as squirting streams.
The complaint is Tony F doesn't wish Malaysian Airports Holdings Bhd to be partial of that "gushing stream". Only AA wants monopoly over the squirting sources of revenue. Otherwise craft owners usually have income upon top of the charges levied by ai! rport ow ners as well as Tony F knows that which each cent combined to "his" "gushing stream" means an one more weight upon passengers who have been afterwards expected to revolt opposite all charges. This could in spin lead to the forced scaling behind of charges, causing the "gushing stream" to weaken, possibly to the point where AirAsia money flows will be adversely affected.
When Tony F launches his riotous tactics, how have been people receiving that? Perhaps that feeling is most appropriate represented by the reduced e mail to me, sent by the person regulating the name of JL.
"What is this chap from AA perplexing to prove? Who is he to declare fight upon the authority? If he cannot! accept the increase, pierce to somewhere else where he does not even require to pay anything for that have the difference (that is if he can find such the place). How about Indonesia that he has been harping about? Go man, go, nobody is starting to stop we from relocating away. He usually knows how to pin-point upon others, what about himself e.g. all those irrational charges that he has imposed upon the travellers? Aren't all these increases from his finish pushing the cost of travelling up too? His agenda is really transparent i.e. to have as most as probable during the responsibility of others together with MAHB. Only AA can enlarge upon anything that this bloke as well as his group can consider of as as well as when they like though not others!
Over to MAHB, greatfully do not let this bloke from AA get divided scot free. Nail him by his balls. Make him pierce his outfit out of MAHB premises the earlier the better. His throwing of insults around his tweet & Facebook should not ! be toler ated. Should MAHB remains unmoved, MAHB will be promulgation the wrong summary to all as well as various upon the type of supervision we now have. MAHB will without delay or indirectly inspire others to do likewise. MAHB, greatfully take action where necessary. MAHB is in commercial operation to have income (always recollect that). Tax payers have been already fed up with all the bail outs.
Will Tan Sri Basir Ahmad greatfully put your feet down once as well as for all to close this AA bloke for good. Do not even border who is or have been behind this bloke. He needs to be humbled in the big approach as well as urgently too
This chap from AA is getting out of control as well as his function is real teruk to discuss the least. He might consider that he has the little big guns behind him that is because he is getting wild that is bad for the rakyat as well as the universe during large.
P! lease Da to' we have to collectively bring this man down to eat his common cake failing that we am sad for the supervision of the day as well as the GLC involved.
Thank we really much".
I have reproduced the e mail verbatim. Certain parts we do not agree. For instance, about being sad for the supervision of the day as well as the GLC involved. These have been emblematic of the supervision as well as GLC who do not know how to hoop things.
Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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