The EC is BN's biggest weapon, not a police with their batons, H2O cannons as good as rip gas nor a law with a flawed judgments.
Our opinion is really critical as good as there's no magnitude of a worth. To illustrate this indicate further, here is how in 1969 MCA's late Tan Siew Sin campaigned for votes in a parliamentary chair of Bangsar by observant which there was no indicate whatsoever in choosing by casting votes for a Opposition (DAP's Goh Hock Guan).
"The typical voter should recollect which while a bigger antithesis is all right in theory, in practice it equates to which those electorate represented by antithesis members will suffer, as good as humour hideously, merely to suffer a luxury of carrying someone there in Parliament reprehension a supervision upon their behalf," he said.
The above quotation is taken from a bestseller by Dr Kua Kia Soong entitled "May 13" which was published in 2007.
Knowing how changed any opinion is, it is therefore not startling which in sequence to win every ubiquitous election, Barisan Nasional goes about soliciting votes by satisfactory equates to or foul.
Thus, it is of pinnacle significance to safeguard which all a 10 recommendations proposed by a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) for electoral reform have been implemented prior to a 13th ubiquitous choosing takes place. Otherwise, a PSC is only a sham to criminal a public.
However, these 10 proposals do not quite resemble Bersih 2.0s demands solely for a offer to use memorable ink as good as a offer to clean up a electoral rolls. As for a postal ballot, right away it will be called "Advance Voting" though a essence is still a same, it is usually a terminology which differs.
Listed next have been Bers! ih 2.0s eight demands:
BN's biggest weapon
What is some-more critical is which Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is wordless upon either a polls will be hold prior to a electoral reforms have been implemented. This equates to which a polls can be called before
the reforms take place. The budding apportion is known to have lied prior to as good as he contingency not be allowed to dupe a open as he has so mostly finished so in a past.
The budding apportion is a single slippery character as good as those members of a open who have wised up to his tricks contingency watch him like a hawk to safeguard which he does not occupy any indeterminate tricks to lift a wool over a eyes of those who have been gullible.
DAP's Rasah MP Anthony Loke has highlighted cases of armed forces electorate in Negri Sembilan who have a same name as good as date of bieing born though using dual opposite forms of identification (MyKad as good as a armed forces registration number) in a voter roll.
This will capacitate a pronounced armed forces male to opinion twice in dual opposite polling centres as good as thus he has dual votes. Those undetected cases could be large as good as this obvious abuse of a choosing by casting votes process by a armed forces crew is tantamount to a destruction of democracy.
Another questionable account of hanky-panky in a Election Commission (EC) is in Lembah Pantai, a parliamentary chair of ! PKR's Nurul Izzah.
On Sept 26, 2011, there were 149 registered postal electorate though upon Nov 2, 2011, a figure shot up to 2,180 postal electorate (an enlarge of 1,363%)! Not usually which though in Kampung Haji Abdullah Hukum where all a residents have c! hanged o ut as good as a kampung is no longer in existence, a series of electorate have increasing from 3,204 to 3,300. Amazing indeed!
There have been many names in Nurul's constituency though residence as good as these no disbelief have been haunt voters. Who is creating a names as good as MyKad numbers out of a blue? What is starting on?
In addition! , there have been unconfirmed reports which during slightest 200,000 indeterminate electorate have been combined to a voter rolls (at slightest 70,000 in Selangor as good as some-more than 50,000 in Penang)! If so, then not usually will Pakatan Rakyat remove badly, Pakatan will be wiped out for sure!
The EC contingency be taken to task upon this distressing state of affairs. The EC has passed a buck to a political parties to do a checking as good as to lift issues of doubtful voters, though this is only a government's unwashed tactic of hindering a antithesis knowing full good which Pakatan is hampered by lack of resources.
The EC is not only during all as it has taken upon a role of a BN subsidiary association as good as is resolutely in BN's grasp.
Thus, a EC is BN's biggest weapon, not a police with their batons, H2O cannons as good as rip gas nor a law with is flawed judgments. It is a EC, wordless as good as sinister, which goes about a task of weeding out or transferring out ideally eligible electorate as good as replacing them with indeterminate electorate which is starting to be a torpedo of democracy.
If not for a EC's shenanigans in 2008, a antithesis would have taken over Putrajaya. It is a normal which when a BN claimant is lagging behind in a opinion count, boxes of postal votes would arise out of a blue to await a BN candidate. BN attempted to lift this pretence in Lembah Pantai with a postal votes though a await for Nurul was as well strenuous as good as so she defeated Sharizat Abdul Jalil.
In 2008, postal votes were being sent here as good as there to rescue BN candidates as good as there were a series o! f cases where PAS mislaid really narrowly to Umno under questionable circumstances! .
Pakatan faces uphill battle
The BN sovereign supervision always gave a excuse which a elections have been giveaway as good as fair, saying: "If not, how can a antithesis win five states?" That line is only to criminal a rakyat since if a elections were truly giveaway as good as fair, a BN would be a antithesis now.
As it is, vote-buying is a many deadly arms in use by BN to benefit a votes of a farming folks as good as those in Sabah as good as Sarawak. Thus, item No 7 (stop corruption) in Bersih 2.0s demands is of comprehensive importance.
Therefore, it would be satisfactory to say which as BN practises money politics, it is in a interest to create dual groups of people:
the mega-rich as good as a BN cronies who will opinion BN perpetually in exchange for mega-projects; and,
the hardcore bad whom BN can enslave perpetually in sequence to benefit their votes.
Thus, BN has all a bases covered via a use of crime as good as this is because Bersih 2.0 wants it to be eradicated in sequence for elections to be giveaway as good as fair.
This is a transparent indicator which a BN sovereign supervision is evil, sinful in a schemes as good as depraved to a core. It is pretentious as good as usually takes caring of a own interests as good as those of a cronies as it makes a hoax of democracy.
With a EC resolutely in BN's grasp, Pakatan positively faces an uphill conflict in a coming 13th ubiquitous election, which will be a dirtiest in a story of Malaysian ubiquitous elections.
With Najib observant which BN will urge Putrajaya during all costs, no a single can be certain to what border will BN go in sequence to win, though a single thing is for sure: Malaysia will go downhill if BN continues to be a sovereign government.
We contingency have giveaway as good as satisfactory elections so which a highway sweeper, a armed forces corporal as good a! s a rich aristocrat all have usually a single opinion each.
Selena Tay believes in Pakatan Rakyat will be improved during governing a nation. She is an FMT columist.
Read More @ SourceAkta Keganasan Dan Subversion Tidak Di Mansuhkan - Hishamuddin 3/12/2011

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