Everyone contingency assimilate which BN MPs have been already disclosing their resources to the budding minister who is the keeper of the gate. If we cannot certitude your own PM, who else can we trust?

How can they be asked to do anything which could imperil their reserve or endanger their lives?
Several BN MPs have pronounced which the open stipulation of resources by intensity choosing possibilities competence imperil their safety, forward of what is expected to be the country's many intensely-fought polls.
Some have left so far as to indicate which BN members of council would look some-more credible if they disclose their resources publicly.
Can we suppose what could occur to the BN MP if it became open knowledge which he had millions as good as millions of ringgit stashed during home or in his local or overseas banks or even in parts unknown?
That YB will become the target of every samseng who will not customarily proceed right away to the MP's gated mansion to sack him blind, though some-more worrying they will lane his wife, partner or chick on the side on their selling trips to Milan, London or New York as good as afterwards have the wife, partner or chick on the side kidnapped for ransom.
Aiyah certain die the single lah not customarily got to compensate out though also if the mother hears about the partner or mistress, certain die twice!
BN MPs have already finished enough untuk bangs! a, negar a, ugama dan lain lainmore of the lain lain than anything else.
Some of them have braved the wraths of their initial wives by marrying an additional the single or dual other wives on the sly an actress, the model or perhaps even the singer. Call it love, call it libido, call it anything we like. we call it the irrationality of aged fat lothario whose customarily attraction to the opposite sex is the fat bank balance.
One of them was 'brave' enough to confront the lawful Malacca Custom as good as Excise Office as good as demanded which they 'close the single eye' whilst he himself would substantially be closing both his eyes in this game of dare.
That was dauntless of which MP since who can repudiate which the a single eye is some-more during an advantage than the male with dual eyes closed.
What about the "courage" of which BN MP caught with his pants down? Not customarily did he confess to the action after DVDs of the pronounced action were distributed in Muar (well what else can he do when faced with such justification already seen by the good people of Muar as good as elsewhere!) though he also courageously resigned from all his political post.
His supporters were so tender with his 'berani mati' action which they shortly inaugurated him to be their celebration president. That only goes to prove which this unequivocally is Bolehland.
Being conceited as good as obnoxious
Being conceited as good as obnoxious
BN members of council have been not frighten to call the scoop the scoop as good as damm the consequences.
Nazri Aziz knows why he is being attacked all the time. It is not since he is conceited nor was it since he is such an repulsive characternoas he pronounced it:
"Don't we consider which we am an asset, which there's an attack on me now? If I'm only an typical MP or I'm not important to Umno, we consider they'll attack me? They won't, right?"
we theory being conceited as! good as repulsive is partial as good as parcel of being the valuable item to Umno as good as BN.
These BN MPs will leave no stone unturned, will climb any towering as good as will swim through shark filthy waters in their tireless efforts to offer bangsa, negara, ugama dan lain lain.
Even if they fail time as good as time again in trying to offer bangsa, negara dan ugama, as good as even if they have never finished their avocation towards their electorates what matters is which they did try. Give them credit for lying, cheating we meant trying!
Who suggested to Najib Tun Razak which his bloc possibilities should be screened by MACC? Aisehman, as if the MACC have been not flat out questioning the hurtful practices in Selangor, Kedah, Penang as good as in Kelantan.
Thank God BN was means to take back Perak as good as give the little breathing space to MACC. MACC knows which states underneath Barisan Nasional have been free from graft, plenty of crime though no graft.
It has been suggested by the little anti-national elements (well Pakatan Rakyat MPs actually have been they not the single as good as the same thing?) which all this item stipulation practice is an try by Najib to ensure which no possibilities from Muhyiddin's camp will be authorised to stand as claimant for BN.
It is mischevious of any the single to indicate which Najib would do something underhand to absolved himself of any political threats from inside of Umno.
There is zero underhand in all this. If any palm is involved, it would be Najib's palm as good as its capability to palm over say. RM5 million. to the people of Sibu as good as others who competence have need of the palm out.
The rakyat should know since they have been removing so many handouts from him this year.
Some of we competence dismiss this out of palm since we consider Najib had no palm in these kind of handouts though we have to palm it to Najib when thes! e kind o f things need to be finished he is customarily the initial to lift his hand!
If we cannot certitude the BN MP, whom can we trust? As the little MPs have forked out, the MACC's job is to quarrel crime as good as not to filter choosing possibilities with indeterminate monetary records.
Let the people decide. If they wish to elect MPs with indeterminate monetary records, afterwards how can we censure these MPs? Blame the poeple!
Trust your PM
Trust your PM
The people contingency assimilate which BN MPs have been already disclosing their resources to the Prime Minister. Najib is the keeper of the gate as good as if we cannot certitude your own PM, who else can we trust?
And do not discuss it me which we would rather certitude Botak Chin some-more than we certitude your own PM.
Anyway which was the rhetorical question, so do not discuss it me who we certitude more! Confused? What is the rhetorical question we ask me? Okay here have been the little examples of rhetorical questions:
Are we revelation me which Umno is corrupt?
Has Mahathir retired?
Are Muhyiddin as good as Najib buddies?
CT Ali is the reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat's ideologies. He is the FMT columnist.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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