Ramli Yusof vs Musa Hassan:

When a affluent ex-police military officer is given free rein to demonize a former Inspector General of Police, you get which sinking feeling. Some of you probably still remember a feeling, notwithstanding a mudah lupa nature, when just months after Tun Mahathir stepped down as PM, his successor's "men" proposed to systematically demonize a statesman. Are a rogues taking over?

In a way, a source of a Musa Hassan's predicament is quite similar with Mahathir's: both find which their respective successors to be a suffering in a butt! Or, rather, a people who surrounded their successors.

Ramli Yusof is cop who's done good for himself but there's no love mislaid in between him as good as Tan Sri Musa. How good has he done for himself? Big Dog has a details in his ultimate postingTaxman Cometh. I goal The Malaysian Insider will verify those information, seeing which a portal is very penetrating to foster free debate opposite a ex-IGP.

As for Musa Hassan, we was told which half he stays spare as good as simple, half his pensions left to a residence he lives in. Apparently he lacks a monetary acumen.

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