In Islam we cannot apart a church from a state similar to they do in Christianity. Islam is closer to Judaism than to Christianity. The Jews cruise themselves a competition as well as they aspired to set up their own nation, Israel. The Muslims, too, cruise themselves a republic -- anummah(community) -- as well as they as well make an effort to set up an Islamic republic (or Islamic State). How most times have we heard Muslim scholars as well as religious people say 'Ummah Islam'? This equates to a Community of Islam or a Nation of Islam.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Don't brew Islam with politics: Selangor Sultan
(Bernama, 14 November 2012) -- The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has warned against an inclination of mixing Islam with governing body for it could confuse as well as order a Malays.
He pronounced difficulty arose when people who were not competent to appreciate Qur'anic verses began informative them formed upon their own bargain as well as enterprise or it could go against a actual meaning.
"Qur'anic verses have been not similar to communication verses that can be interpreted according to one own ambience as well as belief."
"I wish a Malays to urge a sanctification of Islam by their might as well as wisdom as had been finished by Prophet Muhammad, his companions,mujahid(warriors), as well as Islamic leaders."
"The Malay leaders of yesteryears had used their wisdom to define a characteristics of a Malays in Article 160 (2) of a Federal Constitution that they should adopt a Malay culture, speakBahasa Me! layuand being Muslims," he pronounced during a state-levelMaal Hijrahcelebration during a Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque here, tonight.
That was what His Highness a Sultan pronounced final night, as reported byBernama.As what His Highness hastitah(royal decree), we will not allude to as well as appreciate any verses from a Qur'an. After all, we am not receiving Qur'anic studies in Oxford. we am just receiving history, as well as philosophy of sacrament thrown in. Hence we shall restrict my comments to usually a chronological aspects of a subject.
Judaism, Christianity as well as Islam have been what we call a Abrahamic faiths. And note a word 'faiths', that equates to we need to believe in a deficiency of evidence. Now, they have been called 'Abrahamic' faiths given all 3 have their roots in a Prophet Abraham (or Ibrahim, to a Muslims). In fact, a Muslims believe that Abraham as well as his son Ismail (Ishmael) built a Ka'bah in Mekah, a direction Muslims face when they pray.
The Jews have been a race. You need to be born a Jew. You cannot 'become' a Jew similar to we can turn a Christian or a Muslim -- although a little people have converted to Judaism. Followers of Christianity as well as Islam, however, have been not a race. Christians courtesy Christianity as a conviction (of a Christian faith) whilst Muslims courtesy Islam as anadeen(a approach of life).
And that was given a Jews longed for a 'homeland', that they now have. So a Jews went upon to emanate a republic called Israel. The Christians went upon to apart a church from a state. And a Muslims went upon to form governments as well as conquered brand new territories to extend their complement of supervision to these territories.
If we were ask a Muslim as to given Islam 'interferes' in a lives of a people, given they 'police' behaviour/morality, giv! en they wish to impose an Islamic complement of administration department as well as laws, etc., they will reply that this is given Islam is not a sacrament though a complement of governance -- definition a finish approach of hold up (adeen, as mentioned in a Qur'an).
Using a Muslims' own arguments, Islam is a total/complete domestic complement that determines a administration department as well as laws of a country. And that is given Muslims speak about an 'Islamic State' -- or, as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said, Malaysia is a Muslim country.
Hence, Islam is not merely a sacrament where we pray, fast, pay tithes, etc., as well as then go upon as well as lead your own hold up without any division from a government. Islam is a form of supervision -- it governs what we can as well as cannot do very strictly, even in a privacy of your bedroom.
So how can His Highness a Sultan of Selangor direct that Islam as well as governing body should not mix, or that we should apart governing body from religion? Islam is politics!
In Islam we cannot apart a church from a state similar to they do in Christianity. Islam is closer to Judaism than to Christianity. The Jews cruise themselves a competition as well as they aspired to set up their own nation, Israel. The Muslims, too, cruise themselves a republic -- anummah(community) -- as well as they as well make an effort to set up an Islamic republic (or Islamic State). How most times have we heard Muslim scholars as well as religious people say 'Ummah Islam'? This equates to a Community of Islam or a Nation of Islam.
Now, 'nation' does not indispensably meant 'country'. For example, a 'Indian Nation' is a collection of various Native American tribes within a United States of America. So it can, in a way, be called a republic within a nation.
If we were to snippet a story of a 3 Abrahamic faiths, we can see that a Jews started, from a very beginning, as a competition or tri! be -- fo r example, Moses led hispeopleout of Egypt to cranky a Red Sea. The 'religion' came later. (If Moses had been smart sufficient to lead his people a bit farther easterly they would have ended up in Saudi Arabia as well as today they would own all a oil).
Christianity as well as Islam, however, started as cults. It was most after that Christianity became a sacrament (with a didactic discourse or dogma) as well as Islam became a domestic complement (or approach of life,adeen, government, etc.).
Hence a Jews emerged rught away as a Nation a day Moses led his people out of Egypt as well as settled in a 'Promised Land'. The Christians as well as Muslims, however, evolved over time as well as transformed in to what Christianity as well as Islam is today by 'reinventing' itself by a clearly tangible doctrine.
Christianity began to lose its cult standing after a time of Jesus as well as during a time of Paul (see a timeline below). However, it was not until some-more than 300 years after that Christianity was 'defined' with a clear didactic discourse as well as roughly 800 years prior to Catholicism took root.
As for Islam, as early as during a time of Prophet Muhammad it determined itself as a complement of supervision as well as a Battle of Badr in 624 tangible what Islam was starting to turn -- a domestic force.
Now, given His Highness a Sultan is Malay, as well as as a result will be from a Shafi'i propagandize of Islam, let us speak aboutMazhab Shafi'ior a Shafi'i propagandize of Islam.
The Shafi'i propagandize of Islam was determined around 200 years or so after a time of Prophet Muhammad during a power of Hrn al-Rashd (the Caliph of theOne Thousand as well as One Nightsfame). Hence Malays have been following a branch of Islam that was determined prolonged after a genocide of a Prophet as well as during a time of 'liberalisation'. This can be pronounced to be a com! mencemen t of a 'separation of church as well as state', when power over sacrament was eliminated in to a hands of a scholars (ulama') who were not as well happy with a 'liberal' lifestyle of a Caliph.
Let me interpretation this piece as follows. Islam says it is not a sacrament though a approach of life. Prophet Muhammad embarked upon setting up a complement of supervision formed upon an Islamic complement of administration. Malays follow a Shafi'i propagandize of Islam, that was determined 180-200 years after a genocide of Prophet Muhammad as well as when theHadithbegan to emerge (and that is given Malay Muslims speak some-more about theHadiththan a Qur'an).
In short, just similar to what happened in Christianity, Islam was tangible (or redefined) after as well as what Malays make use of today is a 'reinvented' chronicle of Islam, just similar to what a Christians have been doing. Hence His Highness a Sultan's Royal Decree is not in line with a Medina chronicle of Islam though follows a after form of Islam where sacrament as well as state have been separated. If we follow Prophet Muhammad's Medina chronicle of Islam then Islam is a state.
Of course, we am analysing things from a chronological point of perspective as well as not from a theological point of perspective -- so certainly theologians will remonstrate with my hypothesis. But then that is their perspective (based upon theology) whilst we have my own perspective (based upon history).
Paul a Apostle's (c. AD 5 c. AD 67) leadership, change as well as bequest led to a formation of communities dominated by Gentile groups that worshiped a God of Israel, adhered to a "Judaic moral code", though loose or deserted a ritual as well as dietary teachings of a Law of Moses, that these laws as well as rituals had either been fulfilled in a hold up of C! hrist or were mystic precursors of Christ, all upon a basis of Paul's teachings of a hold up as well as works of Jesus Christ as well as his training of a New Covenant (or "new testament") determined by Jesus' genocide as well as resurrection.
The First Council of Nicaea was a legislature of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea in Bithynia (present-day znik in Turkey) by a Roman Emperor Constantine we in AD 325. This first ecumenical legislature was a first effort to attain consensus in a church by an assembly representing all of Christendom.
The Battle of Badr was fought upon Saturday, thirteen Mar (AD) 624.
The Second Council of Nicaea met in AD 787 in Nicaea (site of a First Council of Nicaea) to revive a make use of as well as reverence of icons (or holy images), that had been suppressed by majestic edict inside a Byzantine Empire during a power of Leo III (717741). His son, Constantine V (741775), had held a Council of Hieria to make a termination official.
Caliph Hrn al-Rashd (17 Mar 763 or Feb 766 twenty-four Mar 809) was a fifth Arab Abbasid Caliph that encompassed complicated Iraq.
Imam Shafi'i a.k.a. Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i (AD 767-820) or 150-204 years after Prophet Muhammad'shijrah/migration from Mekah to Medina.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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