Double Standards in Sentencing

August 23, 2012

Double Standards in Sentencing

by Azmi Sharom (08-22-12)

There have been times you hail justice decisions as well as there have been times you find them bizarre. But if you omit a implausible disparities in a little justice decisions, it is usually during a own peril.

HOSLAN Hussein (left) gets a single year in prison for inaccurately chucking (he missed) his slippers during a judge. Noor Afizal Azizan gets a fine as well as zero prison time for raping a 13-year-old girl.

It boggles a mind. Hoslan's sentence, in my view, was really harsh as well as over a top. But even if a single were to hold which a sanctity of a courts is so frail which a punitively halt low mark is compulsory for a flinging of footwear, it is impossible to omit a inconsistent inconsistency in a punishments meted out to these dual men for crimes of such vastly opposite seriousness.

Much has been said about a judge's unimaginable criticism when sentencing Noor Afizal. Apparently being a inhabitant bowler with a bright destiny is sufficient to let you escape prison time for rape.

Actually, what is this "bright future" a judge is meditative about? The man is a kid rapist; he confessed to it. He should not be allowed to represent a republic in anything during all.

And in box you consider there have been mitigating issues in this case, namely which a passionate action was presumably consensual, concede me to disagree otherwise. In this case, a lady was under a age of consent. This equates to a crime committed is orthodox rape. The emanate of consent does not even arise in such cases.The reason for this is since you as a society have prolonged ago dynamic which a young girls of ! a villag e deserve protection.

It does not matter in a slightest which young kids grown up during opposite rates; what counts is which in general, this society believes which girls under a age of sixteen have been not yet ready to make decisions regarding their own passionate activity.

There have been mental, mental as well as additionally physiological elements to this need for protection. The passionate action by itself could have implications for a child's well-being, though a kid from a society would certainly be traumatised in a event which she got pregnant as well as had to face either birth or abortion. Furthermore in juvenile bodies, a knowledge can additionally be severely damaging physically.

I make use of a term "a kid from a society" since I realise a age of consent will differ from republic to republic as well as enlightenment to culture. But in a box of orthodox rape, there is no room for comparative anthropology. What counts is what you worth for a girls.

I regularly hold which Malaysians caring for a children. We wish them to have a receptive to advice as well as stable childhood so which they can go to school as well as build a strong foundation for their future.

This is why you wish to protect them for as prolonged as possible, for it is this safety which helps to establish an sourroundings where they can grown up as well as develop during a gait which you hold is healthy.

The Judge in creation his decision could not presumably have been meditative about this bigger picture.

For if he had, he would have realised which his visualisation was not usually about Noor Afizan as well as a lady he violated, though additionally about all a girls in this republic as well as a common regard for them.

The Jud! ge has i n effect dealt a blow to a single of a couple of noble values which a people of this republic universally accept which a young kids should be cared for as well as be protected.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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