SEMEMANGNYA memualkan anak tekak melihat sikap Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng yang meminta hartawan Bumiputera berjaya, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary untuk menyerahkan laporan terperinci mengenai perancangan berhubung Penang Port.

Sedangkan, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sudah joke menerangkan dengan sejelas-jelasnya tentang perancangan utamanya terhadap pelabuhan yang semakin hari semakin mencatat kerugian demi kerugian.

Guan Eng boleh merujuk keterangan Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar di dada-dada akhbar atau google saja di internet, sudah pasti dia akan dapat mengetahui apakah master grand plan ahli perniagaan kebanggaan bangsa Melayu itu dengan mudah.

Sekiranya dia tidak puas hati, rasanya dia sebagai Ketua Menteri boleh bertemu dengan Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar atau pihak pengurusan syarikatnya bagi mendapatkan perincian mengenai masa depan Penang Port di bawah pengurusan Seaport Terminal (Johor) Sdn Bhd.

Sebenarnya, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar tidak perlu joke menjelaskan segala perancangan Penang Port yang bakal diambil alih itu kepada Guan Eng memandangkan pelabuhan terkenal di utara Semenanjung itu adalah milik penuh Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia.

Namun, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sebagai ahli perniagaan yang profesional dan masak dengan sikap seorang Cina yang tebal dengan sikap chauvinis ultra kiasu, telah joke menjelaskan segala tohmahan yang dibuat terhadap pengambil alihan Penang Port tersebut.

Pada pandangan saya, pengambilalihan Penang Port oleh Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar itu sepatutnya bukanlah satu isu. Tender pengambil alihan itu dibuat secara terbuka dan bidaannya berjaya memikat hati dan memberi keyakinan kepada Kementerian Kewangan, itu saja.

Tapi sebalikn! ya, Guan Eng telah banyak berhutang kepada rakyat mengenai beberapa isu besar yang gagal dijawab dengan baik.

Ia termasuklah skandal sebidang tanah yang sepatutnya didirikan kawasan perumahan mampu milik yang dibatalkan dan diberikan kepada pihak pemaju tertentu.

Apa yang Guan Eng perlu jelaskan mengenainya apakah kurniaan tanah kepada pihak tersebut lebih penting berbanding kepentingan rakyat yang memerlukan rumah yang mampu mereka beli dengan harga mampu?

Atau Guan Eng lebih mementingkan keuntungan RM90 juta yang dipercayai akan masuk ke kocek DAP dan Pakatan Haram?

Guan Eng juga perlu menjelaskan ketidakpuasan hati rakyat Pulau Pinang yang marah padanya berkenaan sebidang tanah rizab Melayu yang sepatutnya dibina sebuah masjid di atas tapak tersebut.

Sebaliknya, Ketua Menteri yang dikelilingi oleh para pegawainya yang pekat dengan sifat rasis itu telah memberikan tanah tersebut kepada pihak pemaju yang dikatakan mahu membina pusat komersil dan kondo mewah.

Apakah Guan Eng lupa atau buat-buat lupa dengan skandal-skandal tersebut?

Sepatutnya, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang itu perlu menjelaskan dan menyelesaikan masalah tersebut secara terperinci kepada rakyat negeri itu bersama fakta dan bukti-bukti kukuh yang mewajarkannya mencabul tanah umat Islam.

Itu belum lagi disebut mengenai Kampung Buah Pala di mana dikatakan bahawa lebih separuh dari kalangan masyarakat India yang berkampung di situ sejak turun temurun benar-benar marah pada Pakatan Haram Pulau Pinang.

Memang Guan Eng berikan rumah sebagai pampasan kepada para penduduk Kampung Buah Pala. Tapi, dikhabarkan bahawa mereka terpaksa membayar lebih separuh harga rumah yang diberikan tersebut memandangkan harga kampung warisan itu dikatakan lebih rendah dari rumah-rumah baru mereka.

Dulu, mereka tidak menanggung hutang ketika tinggal di Kampung Buah Pala, tapi sekarang mereka terpaksa membayar sejumlah wang yang besar setiap bulan kepada bank sedangkan mereka terdiri dari golongan berpendapata! n rendah .

Sekiranya nanti mereka tidak dapat membayar sewa beli rumah tersebut dan bank merampas rumah mereka, apakah Guan Eng sanggup memberikan rumahnya sendiri kepada masyarakat India Kampung Buah Pala itu?

Sebenarnya, rakyat Pulau Pinang khususnya bangsa Melayu dan kaum India kenal benar dengan sikap rasis pentadbiran Guan Eng yang memilih bulu dan tidak berdasarkan keadilan kepada semua kaum.

Malah dikatakan kaum Cina yang menyokong MCA dan Gerakan di Pulau Pinang joke terkena tempias berat sebelah Guan Eng yang meminggir dan menekan mereka cari makan berbanding kaum Cina yang menyokong DAP dan Pakatan Haram.

Berbalik kepada pengambil alihan Penang Port oleh Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar, sudah tentu akan dikerat memandangkan Guan Eng dan para penasihat di kiri kananya memang tidak suka melihat bangsa Melayu bertapak dan maju di pulau yang konon-konon miliknya itu.

Persoalannya, apakah PAS dan PKR yang rata-ratanya Melayu begitu buta untuk melihat dasar Guan Eng yang dilihat cuba menghalau bumiputera dan mereka-mereka yang dia tidak suka dari Pulau Mutiara tersebut?

Fikir-fikirkanlah. Janganlah hanya kerana politik, Melayu PAS dan PKR sanggup menggadai tanahair kepada Cina chauvinis ultra kiasu itu.

Sampai bila PAS dan PKR mahu menjilat bontot Guan Eng?

Sumber: Perak Today

Rafizi charged under Bafia

"If a supervision is to govern a country, a law must be enforced." - Anonymous
Upholding a law.Many people suspicion which a PKR Strategist was removing divided with it. Perhaps, Rafizi suspicion he was starting to get divided with it. But this is a Bafia, man. Even a liberal-minded businessmen as well as corporate dudes I talked to this morning were happy which Bank Negara had taken Rafizi to court for revealing trusted banking details related to a NFC issue.

There was a feeling which this nation was slipping solemnly into anarchy. The people who know a law, especially, have been violation them. And removing divided with it."It's about time a Government dont consider about about politics as well as begin enforcing a law". If a politicians have been authorised to get divided with violation a law, a common burglar will be encouraged as well as inspired.

Kudos to Bank Negara governor Zeti Aziz for carrying a balls to uphold a law as well as not permitting foreigners to consider which a regulations, together with Bafia, have been there only for window dressing.

This should be a wake up call to a Inspector General of Police, I'd say.

The Implicit Message of s. 114A of Evidence Act 1950 to All Malaysians

The newly inserted s. 114A of Evidence Act 1950 has sparkled controversies which need to be addressed. It should no longer be a make a difference of concern of reporters as good as those who have been outspoken. It is a law which relates to all of we as good as competence a little day be practical to all of you.
Photo credit: | "Liars first.., honest chairman next?"
The Evidence (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2012 shouldn't be a make a difference of concern usually to reporters as good as human rights critics. It is though a law which relates to any a single as good as can be practical to anyone. To total out a pieces of pieces of this controversial insertion of s. 114A in to a Evidence Act 1950, there have been basically three sorts of situations where there would be a rebuttable hypothesis of actuality in law:
(1) If your name, photograph or pseudonym appears in a publication, which depicts yourself to have a little connection with a publication, either we as a owner, editor or etc., we have been reputed to have published or republished a essence of a publication;
(2) If a announcement originates from a network use which we have purebred as good as subscribed to, we have been reputed to have published or re-published a essence of a publication; or
(3) If a announcement originates from a mechanism which we have custody or control upon it, we have been reputed to have published or re-published a essence of a publication.
Before venturing serve abyss in to a import of this provision, it is necessary to understand dual critical principles which have been at stake. Let us say A has finished a matter revelation we which we have been not an honest person, good a initial response we will have is to reply 'why is whi! ch so?' One wouldn't disagree which A underneath these resources will have to insist since we have been not an honest person. The authorised phraseology 'he who asserts contingency prove' embodies this usual sense, which a chairman has a weight to infer his/her box which he has brought forward. Let us suppose another situation, where we have been brought before a court as good as have been charged with theft. In such a box a prosecutor (who indicted we of committing a crime) contingency infer which we did commit a crime 'beyond in accord with doubt' as good as we have been to remain trusting 'until proven guilty'. From here we can see which a dual principles, i.e. 'he who asserts contingency prove' as good as a hypothesis of ignorance essentially work hand-in-hand together, consistently as good as logically.
However, such a hypothesis of ignorance is by no equates to comprehensive in a face of legislation. Parliament through a proper inherent framework can always legislate to change a weight of explanation from a charge (or plaintiffs in polite cases) to a defendant. In law, we impute to these clauses which change such a weight as 'reverse onuses/burdens'. E.g., territory 6 (2) of a Sedition Act 1948 states which 'No chairman shall be convicted of any offenceif a chairman proves which a publicationwas printed, published, sold, offering for sale, distributed, reproduced or alien though his authority, determine as good as hold as good as though any wish of due care or counsel upon his part, or which he did not know as good as had no reason to hold which a announcement had a factious tendency.' Also, a draconian territory 37 of a Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 is of a same effect, which presumes a chairman to be in receive of drug if he is found to have custody of drug as good as additionally presumes a chairman to be trafficking drug if he is found to have receive of drugs, unless proven to a contrary.
Now since is it so quarrelsome given a suspect is given a event to assert to a contrary? Is! n't this a loyal enshrinement of a right to a satisfactory trial where each celebration is given a satisfactory event to present their case? The answer is simply not if we appreciate which there is usually formal equivalence in in in between a state/prosecution as good as a defence, though not concrete equality. As worded truthfully by Paul Roberts as good as Adrian Zuckerman, 'in criminal proceedingsthe adversarial expectancy of "equality of arms" in in in between a parties is frequency ever some-more than a transparent, as good as potentially pernicious, fiction'. Such lack of harmony explains a motive of a hypothesis of ignorance as good as a tall customary which a charge contingency prove, which have been a little a elemental safeguards in a law of justification which protects an particular from a powerful state. The outcome of territory 114A competence or competence not be in effect in targeting cyber-crimes, though it is really expected to crush a default in front of as good as to deteriorate a already unsymmetrical in front of in in in between an particular as good as a state.
Furthermore, as argued by David Hamer, both a hypothesis of ignorance as good as retreat onuses protects opposite interests: a former protects a seductiveness of a suspect not to be convicted innocently since a latter protects a seductiveness of society in facilitating law enforcement. The emanate here was what a justifications are, in every single case, to change a weight from a alternative as good as to prioritize one's seductiveness to a other. Well obviously this legislative addition was promulgated by a government for a role of facilitating law enforcement, i.e. 'the identification as good as proof of a identity of an anonymous chairman involved in announcement through a internet', as evident from a exegetic matter to a Bill. One could certainly disagree which a welfare of a public should be prioritized over a individual, where utilitarianism, nationalism or communalism, whatever a single competence consider of, f! inal it.
But a single should never dont think about a important difference of an eminent jurist, William Blackstone who contends which 'it is improved to let 10 guilty men go giveaway than to crook a single innocent'. Criminal libel is so severe as good as devastating in nature, which a 'symbolic sting of censure competence be some-more painful to an offender (whom competence be innocent) than any tough diagnosis meted out to him as discernible punishment'. It is inauspicious to someone who is innocently convicted, for which person's hard-earned reputation, self-respect as good as moral station will be publicly condemned as good as cruelly ruined. That is since justification to change a weight as good as to mislay a safeguards of a hypothesis of ignorance contingency be judged as good as scrutinized in a robust manner. The highest court in UK inR v Lambert, was explicit in this indicate when Lord Steyn tangible a customary which contingency be shown to justify a retreat responsibility to be 'pressing necessity'. It is my acquiescence which a Malaysian system should come to which standard.
Due to a Human Rights Act 1998, a UK courts have over a time 'read down' a number of retreat onuses to a lesser 'evidential burden'*- to essentially concede both a hypothesis of ignorance as good as parliamentary sovereignty. Now we contingency bear in mind which we do not rehearse parliamentary government in this country, though a leverage of a Federal Constitution. It is certainly welcoming to see a nation where Parliament is supreme to be enchanting in full of health discussions, both in a academia as good as in a courts, upon how to pull a satisfactory change in in in between a hypothesis as good as retreat onuses; since it is disappointing to see a nation to bring in some-more as good as some-more retreat onuses which have been questionable, when we have been essentially 'safeguarded' by a Federal Constitution which contains a Bill of Rights. Relating this behind to territory 114A, my q! uestion is what is a strong justification here? I would determine which most of us competence have incompatible views of what is 'pressingly needed' in this country, though I am indifferent in finding which it contingency be something to do with internet hacking.
Now, if this law is practical in reality- a implicit summary which it sends out is simple: all Malaysians will be seen as 'liars (or deceivers, seditionists, defamers, etc) first, honest chairman next', which is additionally similar to a summary conveyed by any retreat onuses- 'criminals first, adults next'. The charge can easily end we up in jail, as good as to stigmatize we with harsh labels such as 'defamers, deceivers, liars, as good as seditionists' if we have been unsuccessful in proof your innocence. The state with a abundant resources as good as manpower, from a military to a prosecuting authorities, will shed a competence of a whole state opposite a weak particular which is underneath arrest by no laws, though usually by his conscience. Justice simply cannot be finished if a person's mechanism is hacked by somebody else as a equates to to widespread factious matter or if a villain simply put a name of a important as good as responsible bard upon an unknown piece of insulting article, as good as a law final this infirm chairman as good as trusting bard to be serve depressed in proof their innocence. Equality is serve undermined, when right away an particular which was reputed underneath territory 114A will have a 50:50 chance of securing his exculpation (because he will have to infer his box based upon a customary of change of probabilities), rsther than than being convicted over in accord with doubt, as it should be if a responsibility of display shame lies upon a prosecution.
If a imbalance in in in between a state as good as a particular is serve tipped in foster of a state by this territory 114A, I fright that, in a present context, freedom of countenance competence a single day find a services of Rockwells.
* In a box of 'evidential burden', a suspect needs usually to uncover sufficient justification to lift an emanate or a defence, though a weight to infer a defendant's shame will throughout lies upon a prosecution, which is bound to negate which issue/defence which was raised by a defendant. E.g. inR v Lambert, territory twenty-eight (2) of a Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was argued by a charge to have imposed a authorised weight upon a suspect to infer which he has no hold of a sort of drug he has in possession. However, a highest court in UK has rejected this argument as good as 'read down' a territory to bears usually an 'evidential burden' upon a defendant. Hence, a suspect needs usually offer justification sufficient enough to lift an emanate which he competence have no hold of a sort of drug he has in possession, as good as a charge though bears a weight to infer a defendant's shame by negate his assertion which he has no hold over in accord with doubt.
Blackstone W,Commentaries upon a Laws of England
Chun M., 'Internet Users Cry Foul over Amendment to Evidence Act',The Sunday Mail(20 May 2012) <> accessed twenty-eight Jul 2012Hamer D., 'The Presumption of Innocence as good as Reverse Burdens: A Balancing Act' (2007) 66 Cambridge Law Journal 142
Roberts P. & Zuckerman A., Criminal Evidence (2nded, OUP 2010)
Yapp E., 'Evidence Act Amendments, A Slippery Slope',Digital News Asia(24 May 2012) <> accessed twenty-eight Jul 2012
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, s. 37
Evidence Act 1950, s. 114A
Evidence (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2012, s. 3
Human Rights Act 1998
Evidence (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2012, exegetic statement
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s. twenty-eight (2)
Sedition Act 1948, s. 6 (2)
R v Lambert[2002] 2 AC 545, [38]
- Loyarburok
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CIA conned by Kua Kia Soong's SUARAM?

CIA through their front organization NDI gave money to SUARAM. See above though ...(Bernama) - Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), an outfit linked to Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, was not purebred under a Registration of Businesses Act 1956 or a Companies Act 1965, pronounced a Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM).CCM arch senior manager officer Mohd Naim Daruwish pronounced upon a other hand, Suara Inisiatif was

PM Najib Well Done!!

Lajim we should know this..

In using the nation the personality needs to safeguard which rules as well as policies have been being followed. If not the whole nation will be ruled by Jungle Law. What PM Najib has done to mislay Lajimwhich of march is his prerogative "was in suitability with proviso (3) Article 43A, which was review together with proviso (5) Article 43 of the Federal Constitution."
Lajim thinks as an UMNO Sabah warlord he can move the celebration down onits knees andhis negotiate energy is so clever which he will not be private as the Deputy Minister. There have been times when we can play hardball as well as this time Lajim played poorly his cards.


It will not be as well prolonged which hisfollowers will leave him as they as well will feel which their positions as well as livelihood have been being compromised.
Najib has right away come tough upon those whothreaten UMNO as well as his Cabinet as well as very soonthis summary will have aPOSITIVE ROLLER BALL EFFECTon the rest of the component parties in BN.
Najib needs to have the mount as well as he will not let the warlords havetoo much say or freedom. He listens ,watches ,compromised though will notsuccumb to overzealous politics of confrontation. It's never as well late to have the preference as well as Najib has wielded his long knife as well as theSTATEMENT IS LOUD AND CLEAR.

Lajim had his Day as well as Now Najib will finish it for him.

- audie61
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Kitingans STAR to keep core areas from Pakatan

Kitingan pronounced a signs in Sabah indicate that BN was at risk of losing a touted "fixed deposit" there. File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 1 Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan is unshaken by a entrance of dual Barisan Nasional (BN) veterans in to a antithesis onslaught for Sabah, observant his State Reform Party (STAR) will not concede a "core areas" for any of a domestic allies.
The well-known politician, whose Borneo agenda is pronounced to be creation inroads with a state's Kadazandusun as well as Murut communities, pronounced there was no reason for STAR to behind down from seats where it knows a change is strong.
He pointed out that for a "greater good" of Sabah, all parties competing upon a antithesis front contingency have good upon their guarantee to work together for a purpose of toppling BN as well as not to assert more power over a single another.
"As far as STAR is concerned, you have been going to concentration in a areas where you feel you have been strong. And you will tell them (opposition parties) that you have been not going to concede in a core areas," he pronounced when contacted here yesterday.
"But you have been talking with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in a common seductiveness of operative together. We have no preference though to talk.
"Of course, as you know, STAR wants to stand upon a own feet... to work with Pakatan as partners as well as not work under them.... so you have been talking about how to understanding with this," he added.
Kitingan toldThe Malaysian Insiderthat STAR's "core areas" impute to between 22 as well as 33 seats of Sabah's 60 state seats, most of that have been mixed seats with Muslim voters.
The maestro politician has uttered his intention to take upon his older brother, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, a president of BN's P! arti Ber satu Sabah (PBS), for a Keningau parliamentary chair a quarrel that he lost in Election 2008.
There is no love lost between a dual brothers though speak is that a younger kin has upped a ante opposite Pairin over a past few years, gaining in strength through his "Borneo Tea Party" transformation opposite Sabah.
Sabah's domestic landscape gifted a tiny reorganization over a weekend when dual senior BN lawmakers Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin as well as Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing spoken their decisions to launch dual brand new domestic movements aligned to Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
While a federal antithesis has celebrated a duo's decision to behind their struggle, speak is that a sudden change could lower a existent chair adversary among parties in a already swarming antithesis front.
One vital player is a Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) led by prominent ex-chief apportion Datuk Yong Teck Lee, that is pronounced to have already concluded upon a power-sharing understanding with a domestic allies in PR.
Kitingan remarkable that a battle was right away more swarming than ever though pronounced a key challenge right away was for a antithesis to "synchronise as well as work together".
"If a antithesis wants to capitalise upon this pierce by Lajim as well as Bumburing, they (the opposition) contingency work together.
"Of course, this would be a really challenging charge as, carrying already laid down their strategies, a equation right away has to take in to comment these additional variables," he said.
But notwithstanding a imminent chair scuffle among Sabah's antithesis parties, Kitingan remarkable with confidence that Malaysians can design a "wave" in Sabah come a subsequent ubiquitous election.
He pointed to a flourishing restlessness among locals with a ruling BN government for a purported failure to settle Sabah a liberty it was betrothed in a Malaysia agreement.!
This unhappiness has additionally resulted from a current entrenched complaint of illegals in Sabah, a state's detriment of oil income to a federal collateral as well as a failure to strengthen native prevalent land rights, Jeffrey added.
Kitingan cited Lajim as well as Bumburing's exit as a transparent indicator of this flourishing discontent, observant a dual men had expected longed for to be a part of a changes in a Land Below a Wind.
"I think BN, if they have been not careful, they may remove their fixed deposit here. The energy is here... it is only about managing it," he warned.
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Ah Jib Gor-nomics: Mahathirism revisited

YOURSAY'This is no some-more than a mega-subsidy scheme for commercial operation as well as industry. Yet Najib wants to cut oil as well as alternative subsidies.'

Tun Razak Exchange: A soon-to-fail mega-project?

your sayOng Guan Sin:From a PM who is well known to buy off a citizens with a RM500 handout, do not be astounded if, being so unfortunate for a failing plan with his late father's name upon it, he relates a same to a prospective investors, usually which it will be RM500 million apiece.

Malaysia is indeed doomed with a PM who is unfortunate as well as indiscreet with open funds.

Bob Teoh:This is no some-more than a mega-subsidy scheme for commercial operation as well as industry. Yet Najib Abdul Razak wants to cut oil as well as alternative subsidies. This is simply Ah Jib Gor-nomics.

The finish result is which his reign will be a larger disaster than Dr Mahathir Mohamad's as it costs really most more.

Paul Warren:When The British gave us our Merdeka, they gave up a cost of administration as well as provision of security, though kept for themselves a income generating assets of a coun! try.

Umno is only doing a same. Committing a nation to outrageous future expenditures though contracts have been given to crony Umno companies.

So what does it make a difference if Pakatan Rakyat wins? They can lift a weight of costs of running a country. Umno continues to receive a good of income generating assets as well as income generating! contrac ts entered in to now.

Just similar to a British when they gave us autonomy as well as yet kept for themselves all a plantations as well as tin mining companies.

JomUbahUbah:I entirely agreed with DAP national broadside arch Tony Pua. This will be an additional large white elephant from our Mr Flip Flop. It's time to opinion out a hurtful Umno as well as BN.

NasiLemak:Malaysiakinihas a bizarre set of readers. Everything is wrong for them in this country. They consider PKR as well as DAP have been always right.

Look during corruption in Selangor. Four years ago, open income was used to bail out former Talam chairperson Chan Ah Chai. No corruption? It's fine to do this?

PKR/DAP in energy will be worse. It's bad as it is when they have been not yet in power.

Foodforthought:NasiLemak, we too have been a bizarre feller, a facts have been slapping we in a face as well as yet we exclude to admit them.

Raja Chulan:This is yet an additional contractor/construction-based mega-project where a income will be wrinkled out up-front during a building a whole proviso by Umno statesman as well as cronies.

Thereafter a white elephant will be left there for taxpayers to purify up a disaster later. This is a same tactic used over as well as over again by a Umno supervision to suck a rakyat's red blood as well as sweat.

Telestai!:What Najib failed to recognize is which when we foster a monetary hub, we do not need a dedicated district since in a age of IT, earthy vicinity is no longer an issue.

Rather, what is vicious is accessibility of tellurian resource. If we do not have it, we can import though can we attract talent to work in Malaysia?

Singapore is an glorious example of a monetary heart though notice which it hasn't got a special district for it. Yet many international monetary institutions similar to banks as well as insurance/re-insurance compan! ies have relocated there.

With glorious infrastructure, low taxation rates, tall quality dwellings, it is easy to see since they do not need a monetary district.

Anonymous #43051382:We Malaysians know which all these mega-investment proclamation have been only honeyed nothings which go in to our ears. The billions as well as billions in investment have been only to emanate a feel-good atmosphere... that's it.

Nothing solid will come out of those announcements. Indeed, a choosing is really near.

Anonymous_3e86:The bigger a project, a larger a kickbacks. Like all a alternative mega-projects, this one will most likely finish up as a mega-white elephant. Has Labuan been recognised as a successful monetary hub? Did it surpass Singapore?

Ferdtan:The gov! ernment suspicion which by only changing a name as well as voila, we hereby have a transformation as well as a new brand.

If it is so easy then we do not need dear consultants. Najib, please tell us what is new, alternative than a common taxation incentives?

When investors deposit their millions, they demeanour for long-term benefits. They demeanour during a domestic situation, share structure (now they have been singular to 30 percent), a accessible qualified workers as well as a reasonable palliate to do commercial operation without encumbrance by bureaucracy as well as corruption.

Other smaller factors embody either it is a protected place to work, with no worry of crimes as well as restrictions upon foreign experts authorised to work in a country. It is not all about monetary incentives.
Dumb&Deaf:Tony Pua has brilliantly put his finger upon a large problem: these BN dinosaurs have been trapped in an analogue time-warp, no make a difference how lustful they have been of dropping catch-phrases similar to "K-economy" or "Internet savvy".

It's virtually unfit for them to consider outside a box since they have been a box!
Odin:I determine with Tony Pua which this plan is highly unlikely to succeed. Only some 400km south, there is a great monetary centre already.

There, a supervision is roughly 100 percent purify similar to a city. There, we do not find extremist groups causing all sorts of problems. There, we do not find racists as well as eremite bigots irritating as well as provoking those not of their kind as well as religion.

There, hurtful politicians have been so few as well as far between as to be non-existent. There, life is so most better! not only! for a locals though additionally for expatriates. - Malaysiakini
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RMC Student Death: Authorities Maintain Silence

KUALA LUMPUR: The Fourth Former of the Royal Military College (RMC) who was found unresolved from a steel beam during his dormitory on Monday was facing punishment for purported indiscipline. ... Read More

still intact

, according to Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) cabinet member Datuk ...

Capacity building, industrial production drivers of economic growth

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Hujung minggu yang lepas adalah antara yang pale seronok dalam hidup Anwar. Dah lama plan. Tak menjadi. Tapi kali ni menjadi kenyataan. Anwar sangat gembira kerana keluarnya Lajim dan Wilfred Bumburing akan memberikan impak kepada politik Sabah. Anwar cukup yakin, dengan kemasukan Lajim dan Bumburing, PKR akan mendapat tapak politik baru di Sabah.

Khabarnya, Anwar siap untuk menjanjikan ROTATION SYSTEM dihidupkan semula di Sabah. Ketua Menteri pertama yang bakal dilantik (jika Sabah jatuh kepada PKR) adalah Jefrrey Kitingan. Anwar mahukan Sabah diletakkan di bawah kendalian Jefrrey buat sementara waktu. Memang ramai yang protes. Azmin antara orang yang pale tak bersetuju. Argument Azmin sangat mudah Jeffrey tidak bergerak di atas semangat yang sama dengan PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat.

Sabah is meant for great Sabahan leader, kata Anwar di Tuaran. Soalnya siapa? Jeffrey? Anwar lupa bagaimana Jeffrey tinggal dan lubangkan kapal PKR di Sabah, sehingga Azmin terpaksa pergi tutup semula lubang.

Anwar jelaskan kepada Azmin, new governing body is about wisdom. forgive and forget. kita nak menang PUTRAJAYA. Frasa kita nak menang Putrajaya ini yang jadi kacau bilau.

Lebih merosakkan lagi, apabila Lajim sibuk menjual kepada orang kampung bahawa dia bakal KETUA MENTERI PR selepas pilihanraya.

Mana satu betul ni? Jefrrey atau Lajim? Rotation atau kekal? Banyak benda yang Anwar kena fikirkan.

Anwar kenal Lajim lama. Lajim ini memang pemain solo. Dia prima dona. Anwar tahu sangat perangai Lajim. Kalau boleh semua jawatan dia nak pegang. Malahan, pada satu ketika, Lajim pernah bergaduh dengan Pak Lah sebab nakkan jawatan Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS). Itulah Lajim Ukin.

Di kalangan orang PKR, ramai juga! yang be ranggapan Lajim bukan ASET. Tapi liabiliti kepada PKR.

Ramai juga yang ingatkan Anwar fail SPRM terhadap Lajim juga boleh tahan tebal. Mahukah PKR terpalit dengan orang yang begini?

Ramai Ketua Cabang di Sabah masih sangsi dengan diversion Anwar kali ini. Ke mana arahnya?

HUSE PK: Ini aku petik dari blog Gelagat Anwar. Apa yang aku nak cerita kat pembaca kat sini ialah kebenaran tentang Lajim Ukin. Lajim ni sebenarnya, hanya berpengaruh di DUN Klias saja, iaitu kampung dia la,dalam Parlimen Beaufort joke dia 50-50 je, manakala si Wilfred Bumburing pulak kat Tuaran tu memang dah tak akan dicalonkan lagi oleh UPKO, sebab tu la dia lompat, dia menang 2008 dulu joke sebab di sokong oleh PBS dan UMNO!

So Anwar, mampos lu sekarang!

Kitingans STAR to keep core areas from Pakatan

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 1 Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan is unshaken by a entry of dual Barisan Nasional (BN) veterans into a opposition struggle for Sabah, observant his State Reform Party (STAR) will not concede a core areas for any of a domestic allies. The obvious politician, whose Borneo agenda is said to be creation inroads with a ... Read More

Sivarasa dah nafikan tuduhan RPK tapi berdiam kisah tanah pekerja estet

Sivarasa akhirnya menjawab kisah tuduhan RPK di sebalik yuran guaman yang direbut oleh peguam SUARAM aka PKR. Baca di The mole sini.Kita tunggu RPK jawab pula.Sementara itu, Sivarsa masih berdiam laghi berkenaan kisah tanah peguam Estet SIme Darby yang dah dijanjkan tanah sebanyak 15 ekar tapi dua keling PKR, lawyer mereka Sivarasa dan exco Selangor Dr Xavier telah kelepet 8 ekar tanah

MCA: Selangor will dry up in two weeks without rain

MCA currently pronounced experts which the celebration had consulted have corroborated which Selangor was in truth facing vicious H2O shortages which would become vicious inside of dual months.

"They pronounced the H2O reserve now is usually inside of 2-3 percent in all H2O diagnosis plants. In normal circumstances, it should hold during slightest 20 percent to support for the dry season. In other words, if there is no sleet for the week or two, all of us will be in trouble.

NONE"They likely which by the finish of probably dual months, the situation will become critical," pronounced MCA president Chua Soi Lek (right) after chairing the party's presidential council meeting during the Kuala Lumpur headquarters this afternoon.

He added which the vicious areas are Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Petaling as well as Hulu Langat.

However, Chua declined to exhibit the identities of the experts, saying which the little of them were from the state supervision as well as in isolation sector as well as had requested for anonymity.

Chua pronounced the experts had briefed MCA which almost all 34 H2O diagnosis plant in the state were overworked as well as there had been no significant collateral output by the state supervision to upgrade existent plants.

"We titillate Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor not to play governing body with the H2O issue as it will affect 7 to 8 million people as well as affect the social as well as ecnomic development of Selangor, Putrajaya as well as Kuala Lumpur," he said.
He added which MCA upheld any efforts to residence the H2O complaint together with the construction of the RM8.65 billion Langat 2 H2O diagnosis plant thorough of piping as well as transfer cost.

azlanThe controversyfirst broke outwhen Syabas on Jul 14 announced the devise for H2O rationing in sure parts of Selangor. This prompted the state supervision to accuse the sovereign supervision of manufacturing the predicament putting the dual during loggerheads.

The sovereign supervision has given stepped in with the special cupboard cabinet on the make a difference as well as subsequently pronounced there was"no need"for rationing during this time.
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TARC to get university-college status next year

KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 31 TheMinistry of Higher Education has given a curtsy for Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) to be upgraded to university-college standing in effect subsequent year, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek voiced today.
Dr Chua additionally said which Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is additionally finance minister, will additionally go on a special funding of TARC.
"This funding will be for collateral output and for operations. And subsequent year, we have been told which a government in principle has betrothed RM56 million," he told a news discussion at a party domicile here today.
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Suarams Business of Human Rights Defence

Dr Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser
While a Registrar of Societies may right away adopt innocence per their selectivity in induction societies by questioning SUARAM's registration as a business, let me remind a immature era as well as those with reduced memories about a nation's shortcomings relating to a leisure of organization in a new history.
As you know, 'Operation Lalang' was Dr Mahathir's autocracy during a worst when he arrested as well as detained some-more than a hundred trusting Malaysians though trial in Oct 1987. Upon a recover of a final Operation Lalang detainees in 1989, multiform of these detainees including my good self as well as members of a Families Support Group shaped this tellurian rights classification known as SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia). Aware of a obstacles in induction a tellurian rights society underneath a Registrar of Societies, SUARAM purebred as a commercial operation underneath a Registrar of Business.
At a time, an additional tellurian rights organisation, HAKAM had taken some-more than dual years to be purebred in 1989 even yet it boasted dual former Prime Ministers (the Tunku as well as Tun Hussein Onn) as a patrons. It had attempted unsuccessfully multiform times to register as a society in a eighties. The Malaysian chapter of Amnesty International additionally attempted unsuccessfully for 5 years to register as a society underneath a Societies Act. Two applications as well as an appeal to a Home Minister were additionally rejected. Consequently, quite a number of NGOs decided which in order to lift out their services to society, they had no choice though to register as businesses.
So why is there a remarkable seductiveness in SUARAM's status after a twenty-three years' existence? Is it coincidental which this has arisen out of a new ask to a French judicial complement to pursue suspected commissions embroiled in a RM7 billion Scorpene submarine dea! ls?

Given a difficulties created by a Societies Act, a little non-governmental organisations, including SUARAM decided to register as companies or businesses. As a corporate gurus say, "If something is not working, do something else." Or, as Deng Xiaoping famously said, "It does not matter if a cat is white or black, as long as it catches a mice." The mice, in a case of NGOs, have been fortifying tellurian rights, democracy as well as social justice.
NGOs induction as companies were positively not a secret. In fact, in early 1997 a supervision in jeopardy to force all NGOs to register underneath a Societies Act. Nonetheless, registration as a association has not utterly protected NGOs from nuisance by a government, as a new intrusion by a SSM into SUARAM's accounts has demonstrated. In 1996, a Institut Pengajian Komuniti (IPK), an NGO reception up a emanate of rights of indigenous peoples in Sarawak was de-registered by a Registrar of Business over a authorised technicality.

In 1997, a Registrar of Companies raided a offices of Tenaganita, a NGO which had unprotected inhuman conditions in immigrant apprehension centres, as well as confiscated their documents. Tenaganita as well as dual directors were subsequently charged in justice in Mar 1997 underneath a Companies Act for late filing of audited financial statements of 1994. And many unusual was a actuality which a charges were prosecuted by a Deputy Prosecutor from a Attorney-General's Chambers instead of a common officers of a Registrar.
The charges were subsequently cold upon 9 July 1997 when it was pointed out in justice which a Registrar had already compounded a offences as well as supposed payment of a excellent by Tenaganita's accountants. Then upon 5 September 1997, a Registrar again issued uninformed charges opposite Tenaganita as well as dual directors up! on minor technicalities. This time around, a Registrar refused to devalue a purported offences for a fine. After Tenaganita mounted a authorised plea to a prosecutions alleging mala fide prosecution, a charges were cold upon twenty-five Nov 1997.
As you can see, NGOs in Malaysia have found themselves "between a ROC as well as a tough place"

Opposition political parties have fared no better. Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) usually performed a authorised registration as a political celebration in 2008, 10 years after it initial filed a application. The complete tale endured by PSM in a onslaught to be purebred reads like a Greek tragedy in complicated Malaysia.
And of course, a Registrar of Societies can adopt resourceful snub yet again: "Wasn't a Malaysian Indian United celebration (MIUP), whose initial personality is S. Nallakaruppan swiftly purebred in Oct 2007, just 5 months after he quit PKR in May 2007?"
"You mean a celebration which pledged to work closely with, as well as give a support to, a ruling BN coalition? Yes, you hold a ROS acted expeditiously upon their application"

Restrictions to a elemental right to leisure of organization have been additionally imposed upon traffic union officials by a Trade Unions Act. Today, less than 10 per cent of Malaysian workers have been unionised compared to some-more than 60 per cent during a time of Independence. What a transformation indeed!

We highlight which a complete sham by a supervision to harass SUARAM by a censure by a little nonentity in a public as well as CCM's 'routine' investigation is political as well as uncalled for. We do not even know if a censure was done strictly to a CCM. It would crop up which a CCM is behaving upon each! singula r censure (offical or otherwise) from a public during a rarely efficient rate. We question if there is a Standard Operating Procedure ("SOP") inside of CCM which provides discipline upon reception as well as behaving upon a complaint. We additionally question either or not a SOP requires a CCM to initial determine a credentials of a complainant before to reception as well as behaving upon a complaint.
From a justification in a Paris (Scorpene Scandal) Papers, one would have expected which a CCM would know a priorities as well as begin "routinely inspecting" a rarely dubious activities as well as accounts of Perimekar Sdn Bhd as well as Terasasi Sdn Bhd, though have they?

Through twenty 3 years of unselfish work fortifying tellurian rights in Malaysia, SUARAM has established itself as a tellurian rights centre of Malaysia. From Operation Lalang by a Reformasi duration to a present day, many victims of state hardship have turned to SUARAM for assistance in highlighting their plight. The appropriation you get goes into nurturing immature activists in tellurian rights work. We occupy a handful of dedicated immature staff which has selected this trail of service in tellurian rights work. The elder members of a SUARAM secretariat like me have regularly been non-staff volunteers in overseeing a running of a organisation.
Since 1989, SUARAM has been a main coordinating secretariat for a Movement opposite a ISA as well as alternative apprehension though trial laws, a EO as well as a DDA. Our office serves as a retreat for those whose family members have been victims of state oppression. We send Urgent Appeals via a universe whenever any apprehension or alternative violations of tellurian rights happen.
Despite a small staff, SUARAM publishes a usually convincing as well as detailed Malaysian Human Rights Report each year though destroy as well as has been yo! u do so given 1998. Such a report is an invaluable service to all a peoples of Malaysia irrespective of ethnicity, sacrament or creed. Since a founding, SUARAM has worked toward a full of health approved movement in a nation as well as you could well contend which all a efforts by SUARAM in a final twenty years have been instrumental in producing today's two-front complement as well as a political tsunami of 2008.
Throughout a existence over a final twenty years, SUARAM staff as well as secretariat have been involved in tellurian rights as well as environmental education, giving talks, organising seminars as well as on condition that training. SUARAM has instituted campaigns opposite a Bakun dam as well as a Selangor dam to strengthen a interests of indigenous peoples, a sourroundings as well as a interests of Malaysian taxation payers. We have additionally upheld marginalised communities such as a civic settlers, estate communities as well as refugees when they have met eviction as well as state oppression.
SUARAM has played a purpose in a "Stop a War Coalition" as well as has coordinated Anti-US demonstrations as well as protests opposite a US-led function of Iraq as well as Afghanistan as well as Israeli atrocities in Gaza in new years. SUARAM additionally played a key purpose in a final critical assent discussion for East Timor in 1996 together with alternative NGOs. We have been partial of a campaign for democracy in Burma. In alternative words, SUARAM has regularly been in a commercial operation of fighting for justice, equality, democracy as well as tellurian rights in Malaysia as well as oral out opposite imperialism as well as militarism in a rest of a world.
For a efforts, SUARAM was awarded a Human Rights Award for 2011 by a country's Human Rights Commission SUHAKAM. The usually dividends you have gained in this commercial operation over these twenty-three years have been a high regard of a victims of hardship as well as exploitation, nature lovers as well as ! Malaysia n taxation payers. And to all a detractors as well as oppressors you can usually say:
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Sabah resignations just a 'storm in a teacup': Then why is Najib deferring Sept polls?

Sabah resignations only the 'storm in the teacup': Then because is Najib deferring Sept polls?
The latest resignations by two Sabah BN domestic leaders have prompted another spin of conjecture upon the dates for the subsequent ubiquitous election.
The resignation of Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin upon Saturday, as well as the exit of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) deputy president as well as Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing from the party, is likely to force the BN's top care to delay the polls to the end of the year, from Sep as widely speculated earlier,Nanyang Siang Paureported.
Lajim give up all Umno as well as Barisan Nasional (BN) posts, though pronounced his position as deputy apportion was during the budding minister's pleasure.
On Monday, he was given the show cause minute by the Umno Supreme Council upon because he should not be sacked from the party.
Today, the budding apportion removed him from his post as deputy apportion with immediate effect.
A Sabah BN source believed Najib would have to relook dates for the polls to safeguard Sabah remains the "fixed deposit" which is consequential for the ruling bloc to stay in power.
The source pronounced Najib, who was approaching to dissolve the Parliament this month as well as call for the snap choosing in September, will right away have to shift his thoughts following the remarkable spin of events in Sabah.
"Their resignations will not have most impact outward Sabah, though their impact upon the local domestic arena could perceptible itself. It is starting to affect the BN once the resignations tu! rn an is sue," the state BN source pronounced in theNanyangreport.
Storm in the teacup to Putrajaya
But BN sources in Putrajaya begged to talk about about the importance of both leaders quitting, observant what is happening in Sabah is only the storm in the teacup.
They explain which Najib had long known which the two MPs would leave the national front, according to aSin Chew Dailytoday.
Lajim as well as Bumburing's fallout with their particular celebration leaders was an open secret, as well as their resignations are pronounced to be due to celebration internal tussles as well as personal interest, rsther than than ideological differences or the people's interest. As such, their resignations would not awaken any negative sentiments between the people, pronounced theSin Chewreport.
"The duo's resignations were the culmination of their conflicts with their particular celebration leaderships. They would not affect BN togetherness or the sentiments of the people in the state where party-hopping is not uncommon," the report said.
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... "celebrating diversity, renewing prosperity, behaving political frontal lobotomy ..

-- azly rahman

(Please Share Liberally)
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Bersih 3.0

Experimental Video Assignment

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THE QUESTION upon whether FT Labuan is still having a 'free port' standing now, as well as is a supervision starting to allowing a 'Barter Trade' to be regenerated upon a island?

This was lifted by a Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu not long ago in a Jun sitting in a Parliament. The Finance Minister in a created reply said which a Labuan Island is given a special right as a 'Free Port' which is supposing under a Clause XVIII under Section 154 to 160 of a Custom Act 1967. Thus, FT Labuan is a 100% giveaway port.
At a time being, a supervision is not considering to allow a Barter Trade in FT Labuan to be restarted again.

The people in Sabah as well as from FT Labuan have requested a KK MP during his revisit to Labuan Island to help to put their subject in Parliament. After knowing a answer, they have been not happy at all. Many people asked because a island is a 100% a giveaway port as well as yet a prices of many equipment have been some-more costly than Sabah as well as Sarawak? In a past you can buy cheap products from Labuan which enclosed those imported from abroad country.

The Barter Trade commercial operation is a live-line of Labuan Island as well as last time many people depended upon this to consequence a living. The traders from neighbouring countries had regularly came to do their traffic upon their furnish as well as in exchange for a Labuan goods.

The barter traffic was terminated by a supervision claiming which a traffic brought along bootleggi! ng as we ll as illegal businesses. This severely cut off a live-lines of many businesses of a people in Labuan.

They had not recovered until currently as well as their businesses gone, as well as in lapse this had influenced seriously a economy of Labuan Island. The once sepulchral island has been converted to an island without most commercial operation activity. Labuan has been suffering from really delayed mercantile growth since.

KK MP Hiew who often visits Labuan has close connection with a people here, as well as he felt which Labuan indispensable evident courtesy especially in a mercantile advancement. There is only not sufficient mercantile wake up here to sustain a financial stability. The supervision is not you do most in terms of helping a island.

The various businesses here can not grow without injection of fund as well as other large investments as well as development projects. Hiew said to put Labuan behind upon a feet, a supervision contingency put in great efforts as well as encourage investments into a island. It has plenty of potential as well as opportunities, if it is carried out by a supervision who has a determination as well as prophesy to open it up.

Back in a midst 1970s, Labuan was only an island with little or no industries as well as commercial operation opportunities. It had became sepulchral until a investiture of a oil rig phony back yard (Broom as well as Root), a Labuan Flour as well as Feed Mill, a Sabah Ship Yard, a Shell oil as well as gas base as well as terminal, a Asian Supply Base etc.

The Kg Rancha Rancha as well as Pulau Eno were remade from a fishing village into a complicated attention site with a environment up of a gas methanol plant as well as a iron smelting plant. For this, you contingency appreciate a people who had a vision, a wisdom as well as a will energy to give these to a Labuan people. These peop! le shall be remembered by all here in Labuan.

It is unhappy to see which currently there is no plan to move into Labuan any economy booster or any positive mercantile directives/plans whereby a Labuan people can tumble upon or follow. In an additional words, a BN supervision has totally unsuccessful a Labuan people. (DAP Media)
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Interim Stay granted to ZI Publications

July 31, 2012

Kuala Lumpur High Court grants Interim Stay to ZI Publications

by Hafiz

The Kuala Lumpur High Court has granted an halt stay preventing Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) from questioning as well as prosecuting ZI Publications as well as a executive Mohd Ezra Mohd Zaid.

Ezra is scheduled to report prior to a Syariah Lower Court tomorrow as he has been asked by a authorities to do so.Following today's development, a Syariah Court is not expected to assign Mohd Ezra tomorrow.

NONEJudge Rohana Yusuf additionally granted ZI Publications as well as Ezra leave to beginner a legal examination opposite a physical condition of a book Allah, Liberty as well as Love by Manji Irshad.

Following a halt stay granted today, ZI Publications has seven days to file an inter-party stay.

This is because a Selangor government, which is named as a single of a respondents, in a legal examination duplicate was not represented in today's proceedings.

It should have been represented by a Selangor authorised adviser. The justice additionally ordered a Selangor government to file a full legal examination duplicate as soon as possible.

The justice additionally bound Sep 5 to hear a legal examination duplicate of Erza as well as ZI Publications.

Lawyers Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, K Shanmuga as well as Nizam Bashir who appeared for ZI Publications as well as Senior Federal Counsel Nor Hisham Ismail who represented a Federal Government met with Justice Rohana in her chambers.

ZI Publications as well as Mohd Ezra has named JAIS, a Director-General, a Chief Enforcement Officer, a Syariah Chief Prosecutor as well as a Selangor as well as ! Malaysia n governments as respondents.

Unlike a bookseller Border's case, Ezra is nonetheless to be charged with any offence, resulting in a justice extenuation a temporary stay.

In a case of Borders, owned by Berjaya Books Sdn Bhd, a store manager Nik Raina Nik Abdul Aziz was been charged during a Kuala Lumpur Syariah Court final month for allegedly distributing materials which go opposite Islamic teachings.

'Jais had no office to come in premises'

In a application filed progressing this month, ZI Publications as well as Ezra claimed which Jais as well as a officers had no office to come in into their premises upon May 29, as it was a company as well as a authorities could only take movement opposite Muslims.

Furthermore, a warrant is for a poke as well as as a result JAIS as well as a officers do not have a authority to seize a books. Ezra serve claimed his arrest violated his constitutional right to leisure of expression, which could only be limited by Parliament as well as not by a Selangor legislative assembly. He additionally claimed Section 16(1) of a Selangor Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment was ultra vires a Federal Constitution upon a leisure of expression.

NONEAlternatively, Erza as well as ZI Publications claimed a physical condition of a books was a defilement of a leisure of religion.

Since there is a sovereign law limiting a leisure of countenance based upon a Publications as well as Printing Presses Act (PPPA), a Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment, a state law, is, therefore, inconsistent with a Federal Constitution.

The two plaintiffs sought a stipulation ! which Se ction sixteen of a dramatization is nothing as well as void as it violates a sovereign constitution upon a leisure of expression. They are additionally looking an sequence of certiorari to stifle a actions of a authorities in raiding, seizing a books as well as arresting.

Ezra as well as ZI Publications are additionally looking a writ of mandamus to compel a authorities to lapse a books as well as cancel a arrest order. Furthermore, they are looking a stipulation which a Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment as well as a Syariah Criminal Procedure Code are only germane to Muslims as well as not to companies.

They serve say which a Syariah Criminal Offences law does not criminalise acts of book translations as well as based upon Article 121(1), a proper forum to appreciate a PPPA upon a dramatization is a polite dais of a High Court, not a syariah court.

The two are additionally looking a stop to any JAIS movement until a ordering of their legal examination duplicate as well as alternative relief deemed required by a court.

They additionally filed a legal examination looking to lift a anathema upon a book as well as his matter has been bound for hearing upon Aug 13.

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KOTA KINABALU : Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin has declined to comment on reversal of his appointment as Deputy Minister of Housing as well as Local Government in outcome immediately.

"I have no comments for a time being as well as will issue a matter during a suitable time," he pronounced in a brief matter here today.
The Prime Minister's Office matter currently pronounced which Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah has consented to a reversal of his appointment.

It was made underneath Clause (3) Article 43A review together with Clause (5) Article 43 of a Federal Constitution.

On Saturday, Lajim give up as Umno Supreme Council part of as well as Beaufort multiplication Barisan Nasional (BN) authority with evident effect.

The Sabah veteran politician who also give up as Beaufort Umno multiplication chief however remained a part of of Umno.

Meanwhile, Sabah BN secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan pronounced a reversal of Lajim's appointment as emissary apportion was timely.

"The Yang di-Pertuan Agong acted correctly. Now a budding apportion has to study a scenario as well as confirm to leave a post vacant or fill it."

Abdul Rahman who is Member of Parliament for Kota Belud pronounced Lajim should not criticize Umno but still remain a celebration member.

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) information chief Datuk Johnny Mo! situn pr onounced it is a privilege of a budding apportion to appoint or devaluate a appointment. - Sabahkini
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PKR GE Meeting: PKR Lost Before Competing?

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Is this Hudud?

Screaming about crime is no full of blood good. Screaming that you need to shift the supervision is additionally no full of blood good. What you want to listen to is about the devise to strike hard upon corruption. Only afterwards would things change. Then as well as only afterwards would you avoid putting aged booze in to the brand new bottle.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Read the three headlines items below. One headlines item is about what happened in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The other dual headlines items have been about what happened in the People's Republic of China. Iranian law is formed upon the Sharia -- hudud is the single branch of the Sharia -- while China uses the Soviet-influenced complement of revolutionary law.
Nevertheless, either you instruct to call it 'Islamic' law or 'Communist' law, they have been both the same. Corruption is 'rewarded' with the genocide judgment in both Iran as well as China. Hence there is unequivocally no disproportion in between Islam as well as Communism, during slightest as distant as the low mark for crime is concerned.
Malaysia too faces the outrageous complaint with corruption. And Malaysia practices 'British' laws. Thus Malaysia's laws have been conjunction Islamic nor Communist though 'Colonial'. But those found guilty of crime have been not put to genocide in Malaysia. Some may even get promoted if they happen to be upon the right side of the domestic fence.
In spite of the genocide judgment being imposed upon those found guilty of crime in Iran as well as China, there have been still incidences of corruption. Hence the genocide judgment does not deter people from committing hurtful acts. you consternation what it would be like if there was no genocide judgment for corru! ption. W ould crime in Iran as well as China be worse than it is now?
Malaysians have been right away pensive in the discuss regarding Hudud. Is that important enough the make the difference to debate? Does it make the difference either the laws have been called Sharia Laws, Socialist Laws or British Common Laws? What is some-more crucial would be the efficacy in the doing of these laws rather than the labels you want to insert to these laws.
Labels upset me. And Malaysians only adore attaching labels to everything. We have Bumiputera, non-Bumiputera, Muslim, non-Muslim, perjuang, pendadatang, katak, perwira, as well as many some-more -- so many that you only can't recollect them all. We additionally adore slogans. We have 'Pandang ke Timur', 'Bersih, Cekap, Amanah', '1Malaysia', 'Islam Hadhari', and, again, many some-more that Malaysians can no longer even remember.
Malaysia's weakness is in the doing of these laws. Malaysia practices selective prosecution. Malaysia additionally practices harm disguised as prosecution. These have been the counts that need addressing. So it would be time improved outlayed if you discuss this instead.
Let us get back to basics. Is the supervision serious about cleaning up the country? If so afterwards you need major reforms. And the reason you sent 222 Malaysians to Parliament is so that they can turn the lawmakers.
But have been these 222 Members of Parliament doing what you have been paying them to do? Or have been they wasting the time by only playing politics 24-7 as well as 365 days the year? We complain, lament, grumble, bitch, blubber as well as plaint about how you need changes as well as reforms. We scream ABU or 'anything though Umno' because the supervision has unsuccessful us.
Okay, granted, the supervision has unsuccessful us. There is no denying that this is true. You do not have to discuss it me that the supervision has unsuccessful us. you know that the supervision has unsuccessful ! us. you can discuss it you myself that the supervision has unsuccessful us so you did not need you revelation me.
What you want to know is what is going to happen once you opinion in the brand new government? Does this brand new supervision have the plan? And does this devise include clamping down hard upon crime even to the extent of imposing the genocide judgment upon those found guilty of corruption?
Screaming about crime is no full of blood good. Screaming that you need to shift the supervision is additionally no full of blood good. What you want to listen to is about the devise to strike hard upon corruption. Only afterwards would things change. Then as well as only afterwards would you avoid putting aged booze in to the brand new bottle.
Hudud ke. Islamic law ke. Communist law ke. British usual law ke. Who the hell cares what it is called? Tell us how these laws have been going to be implemented for the maximum results.
Four sentenced to genocide for Iran's greatest bank fraud
(Al Arabiya) - TEHRAN, Jul 31: An Iranian justice has sentenced four people to genocide for their purposes in the billion-dollar banking fraud scandal that forced bank management team out of their jobs as well as tainted the supervision of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, state media reported upon Monday.
The sentences came during the finish of the hearing of 39 suspects that proposed in February. The bulk of the scandal was estimated during $ 2.6 billion when it came to light in Sep final year.
"We have been typing their sentences right away as well as according to the judgment that was issued, four of the indicted in this case were sentenced to death," judiciary orator Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei told the IRNA state headlines agency.
Mohseni Ejeie pronounced dual other of the suspects were sentenced to hold up in jail as well as the ! remainin g received terms at the back of bars of up to 25 years after additionally being found guilty of corruption.
The identities of those convicted were not done public. They have 20 days from the date of the outcome to lodge any appeal.
The scandal revolved around the in isolation organisation that thick with trillions of rials in loans from half the dozen Iranian banks by what were pronounced to be feign or illegally procured letters of credit to buy multiform state companies up for privatization.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad final year denied accusations from some vicious media outlets that his bureau had any links to the fraud.
The affair for multiform weeks fuelled domestic infighting in between Ahmadinejad's supervision as well as ultra-conservative factions of the system of administration dominating council as well as the courts.
Economy as well as Finance Minister Shamseddin Hosseini final November scraped by an attempt by the council to have him fired.
Supreme personality Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as well as parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani afterwards stepped in to calm the row as well as order an finish to open quarrelling seen as undermining the country's interests.
Chinese politician gets genocide judgment for corruption
(The Times of India) BEIJING, April 27: A Chinese justice has sentenced Song Chenguang, former comparison domestic advisor of easterly China's Jiangxi Province, to genocide with dual years of trial for bribery.
Song, former vice authority of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), was convicted of receiving 12. 63 million yuan (USD 2 million) in bribes from 1998 to 2010, the matter from the Intermediate People's Court of Tai'an city said.
In sell of the income he had offering favours to 18 compa! nies as well as people in contracting projects, gaining sales permission as well as getting promotions, it said.
Given his poise in asking for bribes as well as the amount of income he accepted, Song contingency embrace serious low mark though the two-year trial of the execution has been postulated as he confessed to his crimes, the justice outcome said.
Song, 60, was diminished from the CPC as well as removed from bureau final July.
Corrupt senior manager gets dangling genocide judgment in China
(NDTV) Beijing, November 9: A Shanghai justice handed the former chief senior manager of the vast state-owned curative company the dangling genocide judgment for crime that enabled him to assemble some-more than 50 million yuan ($ 8 million), an official pronounced Wednesday.
Wu Jianwen, the former head of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group Ltd., was convicted of accepting bribes, embezzling open funds as well as other swindle charges by the Shanghai Intermediate People's Court, according to the justice official surnamed Wang.
Wang pronounced the justice handed down the dangling genocide judgment with the two-year reprieve. Such sentences customarily have been commuted to hold up in jail with great behaviour.
Shanghai Pharma says it is China's third largest curative builder as well as second largest distributor of curative products.
The low mark comes as China wrestles with food as well as product reserve concerns as well as appears aimed during showing that the authorities have been cracking down upon prevalent corruption.
China's increasing importance as the curative writer has ratcheted up concerns over the slew of scandals involving fake, adulterated as well as differently vulnerable drug - generally since the abounding marketplace in mail order medications.
In 2007, China executed Zheng Xiaoy! u, the f ormer head of the country's food as well as drug regulatory authority, after he was convicted of receiving bribes to approve injured disinfectant blamed for multiform deaths.
The low mark became the symbol of the product reserve crisis, that had been triggered by the find of potentially deadly substances in exports, from pet food ingredients to fish.
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For the record -- Malaysia's Daylight Robbery Is Shining Badder than Olympic torch...

AND once again, PKR Strategy Director is proven right from weeks back. Just as he was proven right in exposing Wanita Chief Sharizat as well as company's spoliation at a National Feedlot Centre -- of RM150million. Oh, a latest involving a mainly H2O company is since billion-dollar railway project, WITH A LITTLE "tender" HELP FROM THE PM HIMSELF!Oh Lord, please assistance us Malaysians VOTE4CHANGE at GE-13. We might drown underneath H2O if not run over by a Oh Georgie Can't railway trains, as well as De ... Read More

Royal Malaysia Police response to 'Why police are impotent'

Written by ACP Ramli Mohamed YoosufCPIAsia
pdrm-letterCPI Intro:We have been sharing with readers a response of Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) to a commentary by Dr Lim Teck Ghee on"Why military have been impotent in dealing with growing crime"(23 Jul 2012).

Interested readers have been speedy to send in their views upon a assorted points raised by PDRM in defending a central crime census interpretation as well as a steps taken to fight crime.
There have been quite a series of debates newly upon a issues of crime, quite upon a correctness of central crime census interpretation as well as military potency in combating crime. Various articles as well as reports have been created with most buliding offering differing views. The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) have constantly been keeping a open abreast upon a crime incident as well as military efforts in crime prevention. In this article, PDRM would similar to to clarify pertinent issues concerning crime as well as in particular reply to a essay created by Dr. Lim Teck Ghee entitled "Why military have been impotent in dealing with growing crime" in CPI website which was published upon 23July 2012 .
Crime census interpretation expelled by a PDRM have been a tangible total of rapist cases reported to as well as investigated by a military department. These total have been auto-generated by a department's mechanis! m system , i.e. Police Reporting System (PRS). In this way, no alteration or composition to a total can be done, in order to execute a rosy picture of a crime incident as claimed by sure quarters.
The routine of camp a military inform starts with a complainant walk in to a Police Station as well as during a Enquiry Office a military crew perceived a inform as well as types it in to a mechanism using a PRS. Then, a typed inform is shown to a complainant for him/her to acknowledge it to be loyal as well as accurate. In box where he/she cannot review Bahasa Malaysia, a inform is review to him/her as well as translated if possible. The complainant will afterwards pointer a duplicate of a inform for acknowledgement. The PRS will afterwards generate a military inform series as well as a Officer-in-Charge of Police Station (OCS) classifies a censure according to a inlet of a report, either it is of a civil or rapist category. The Officer Commanding Police District (OCPD) will subsequently re-check either a inform is reasonably classified.
The PRS is linked-up around a country as well as to a Contingent as well as Bukit Aman headquarters, Criminal Intelligence Units (URJ) during these HQ levels accumulate crime census interpretation intermittently daily, weekly, monthly, as well as so on.
Since a inception of a PRS, PDRM have stopped compiling crime census interpretation manually, to illustrate a subject of doctored total should not arise during all. Dr. Lim might determine which while crime approval have caused some-more victims to come forward to lodge reports for military investigation, there have been instances crime goes unreported for reasons well known to a victim. These have been a supposed dim total of crime. But so prolonged as a box is reported as well as duly investigated, a open can be positive which it is reflected in a central crime statistics.
The PRS is monitored every day during a District, Contingent as well as Bukit Aman HQ levels. Senior office! rs durin g these levels regularly check a correctness of a classification around a complement itself. As a matter of fact, this use is very critical which disciplinary actions will be taken opposite those officers who unsuccessful to systematise cases accordingly as well as those who refused or unsuccessful to take down a inform will be dealt with disciplinary procedure.
In short, PDRM would similar to to assure as well as reassure a open which you do not resort to mean action a open by personification tricks with crime figures. Obviously such furious as well as unfounded assumptions have been opposite a seductiveness of a military to offer a rakyat better. All crime interpretation as well as census interpretation generated inside of a PDRM complement have been audited as well as verified by Pricewaterhouse Coopers Malaysia (PwC). Therefore all total presented by PDRM have been valid as well as reliable in accordance with a standards of a veteran auditors as well as not something of our own creation. In light of this, it is definitely not loyal to explain which a stream crime rate is a highest you have ever seen. Based upon crime census interpretation over a past 10 years, a highest series of cases was available in 2008 with 211,645 cases.
With aggressive crime impediment measures taken by a stream tip leadership of a force, crime rates have been brought down in a subsequent years. The doing of NKRA Crime Prevention initiatives, in particular, has successfully helped to reduce crime index to 177,520 in 2010 as well as 157,891 in 2011.
To gauge how a open feel about their safety as well as their confidence in a military service, PEMANDU has consecrated a private general company, TNS Research International to control a open opinion consult from Dec 2009 to date. The consult is conducted with a representation size of 1,212 respondents of age 18 as well as upon tip of who have been randomly picked proportionately according to state distribution. The mode of consult is face-to! -face in terviews.
The ultimate consult results for a duration Jan to Dec 2011 suggested which a public's "fear of being a victim of crime" have increasing marginally from 52% in Jan 2011 to 52.9% in Dec 2011. This slight enlarge could be attributed to a actuality which a little cases have generated some-more open interest, generally when they concerned a "series" or "pattern" of specific crime such as deadly snatch-theft cases. The reports of such crimes have in spin formed open opinions upon a "state of crime in a country", hence induction an enlarge in a fright of becoming a victim.
On a alternative hand, a open satisfaction towards a performance of military use has shown a poignant improvement, i.e., from 56.6% in Jan 2011 to 70.5% in Dec 2011.
In his article, Dr. Lim done a little valid recommendations as to how to fight crime some-more effectively. In fact, numerous measures have been taken by PDRM to plunge into a crime problems, together with those mentioned by Dr Lim. First as well as foremost, a force regularly give a highest priority to tackling crime, right from a IGP to a lowest ranked military officers. We additionally acquire bona fide criticisms as well as recommendations which will help us improve.
The force is in a routine of deploying some-more crew to work upon a belligerent by our "civilianization" exercise where desk works which have been some-more clerical or executive in inlet have been reserved to civilian staff, as well as a relieved uniformed crew have been transferred to a ground. In addition, all officers as well as men, together with those who have been office-based, have been compulsory to patrol a street underneath a NKRA initiatives. For instance, our ultimate "Omnipresence" crime impediment plan was launched not long ago where 300 uniformed crew from a ranks of Constables to Superintendent have been deployed to 10 strategic locations in KL as well as PJ daily. This is upon tip of a regular beat as well as patrol duties carri! ed out b y a particular Police Station personnel.
With courtesy to a idea of Dr. Lim to take upon a proceed ofBroken Windows,PDRM have similar projects calledProgram Gerakan Tumpuan (PGT)andSafeCityProgramme.
PGT has been implemented given 2005 with a design to plunge into amicable problems as well as crime, teach some-more values in a community as well as emanate larger rapport in between residents as well as supervision agencies as well as non supervision organizations (NGO).
In this programme, efforts were focused upon a operational as well as strategic standpoint of policing, where resources have been managed optimally with officers being redeployed to a streets. The combination of this redeployment of resources as well as brand new tactical initiatives have resulted in a early detection of crime in sure populated as well as business areas.
Some of a issues addressed underneath PGT have been associated to drugs, robbery as well as waylay thefts. The success of a PGT depended upon a cooperation of a assorted organizations which has brought positive changes in areas of implementation. As a indicate of reference, a investigate conducted in a San Peng area by a National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) in 2006 showed a decrease in amicable problems as well as crime in this area.
As for a Safe City Programme (SCP), it was authorized by a supervision in 2004 with a categorical design to help crime impediment generally in crime disposed areas, privately to giveaway cities from destruction to properties as well as lives, similar to crime, burglary as well as robbery; vandalism; amicable as well as moral problems; as well as accidents inside or outside buildings.
Under a SCP, twenty-three crime preventive measures have been introduced as well as installation of CCTVs during op! en space s as well as crime disposed areas have contributed to a rebate in waylay theft. CCTV locations to be identified by GIS mapping of crime disposed areas as well as to be monitored by PDRM.
This programme has perceived a Special Achievement in Geographical Integrated Systems (GIS) Award by ESRI (A US based association specializing in project consultancy as well as doing services) during a International User Conference in San Diego upon 25th of July, 2012. The endowment was a form of approval to a collaboration in between PDRM as well as a particular agencies in implementing a Safe City Monitoring System.
In sum, you have no doubt a author (Dr Lim) has all a good intention in his penetrating observations, but regrettably they do not simulate a tangible state of affairs of a assorted efforts as well as undertakings taken both by a supervision as well as PDRM to fight a ever becoming different landscape of crime as well as criminality. It is in this vigor PDRM is committed to relentlessly stability to protect a hold up as well as property of Malaysians 24/7; sleet or shine. In a suggestion of understanding as well as caring Malaysians, you know which this is possible.
ACP Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf
Assistant Chief Inspector-General Secretariat
(Public Relations)
Bukit Aman
thirty Jul 2012
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