Why Would A Govt Jam The Internet, Mobile Phone Service?

Why should we hold Rais? Most of a BN ministers distortion by their teeth to strengthen themselves as well as their party. After Bersih 2.0, a Health Minister lied about rip gas being shot in to a Tung Shin sanatorium despite detailed justification as well as eye-witness accounts.
Mariam Mokhtar (Malaysian Mirror)
The internet, amicable networking sites as well as a mobile phone, can be used to widespread headlines as well as report quickly, so governments, generally peremptory ones, have a good fright of a internet.
Access to report as well as a leisure of expression have been elemental human rights but in Malaysia, those rights have been curbed. If assorted rough laws will not prevent people from being critical of a government, afterwards a authorities will review to underhand tactics to silence dissent.
Around 3 pm upon twenty-eight April, a day of a Bersih 3.0 rally, multiform people were unable to have calls, send content messages or entrance a internet. Blame was attributed to devices, alleged to be mobile jammers, that many had noticed upon four-wheel-drives near Dataran Merdeka.
The MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, asked a Information, Communications as well as Culture apportion Rais Yatim, either mobile phone use had been intentionally cut off in a area, upon a day of a rally. People had claimed difficulties in sending or reception information.
Rais denied that a supervision had shut off a communications systems regulating mobile jammers. He blamed a disaster upon network overload as well as pronounced that a shut off calls were because mobile phone networks could not ho! op thous ands of people making coexisting phone calls.
He said, "There were some-more than 20,000 people gathering in a small area according to Bernama. A cellular telecommunications complement generally does not have a genius to accommodate phone conversations as well as interpretation transfers as was needed during a Bersih rally.
"When these cells have been full, a complement will reject these (phone) calls, ensuing in shut off calls with none of them means to be made.
"Therefore, it is untrue that a supervision has shut off communications systems (that day)."
Another of his colleagues, Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Mohamed Nazri Aziz has indicted a Bersih 3.0 convene of being an try by a opposition, to overpower a government.
"The try was carried out by such tactics used during Tahrir Square in Egypt, Green Square in Libya as well as Martyrs' Square in Syria."
He cited a use of salt as well as mineral water bottles, used as "shields by a Bersih 3.0 convene participants, as absolute instruments to topple a supervision as well as that these items were 'just as absolute as a mobile phones that had brought down a absolute regimes in Egypt as well as Tunisia'.
He said, "So, don't underrate a energy of salt as well as bottles... a influential governments of Egypt as well as Tunisia fell because of a mobile phone."
Nazri's ridiculous suggestions have been sufficient to have us hold that a supervision didjam a mobile phone use upon twenty-eight April.
Why would a supervision review to jamming? They do it out of fear.
The authorities were fearful that a movement for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections would take base in Malaysian minds as well as spread. A former IGP pronounced that there were comrade elements in a crowd. Bersih 3.0 is seen as a threat. The use of assault by a military to quell a protestors as well as reporters have been serve justification of t! heir fea r.
Malaysians have been ripe for change. They have been disgusted with a corruption, a excessive spending, a waste of resources as well as a deliberate attempts by its leaders to alienate parts of society.
Technology will not pierce about a regime change. Instead, it is technology that will have us pierce faster towards that goal. Technology complements a enterprise for reform.
It is a use of amicable networks, mobile phones as well as a internet that will inspire as well as facilitate connectors as well as additionally mobilise people to rise up, to urge their rights.
During a assorted by-elections as well as a Sarawak election, alternative media sites suffered DDOS (distributed rejection of service) attacks.
Why should we hold Rais? Most of a BN ministers distortion by their teeth to strengthen themselves as well as their party.
After Bersih 2.0, a Health Minister lied about rip gas being shot in to a Tung Shin sanatorium despite detailed justification as well as eye-witness accounts.
Now Rais is fibbing even yet there were thousands of witnesses as well as photographs of a jamming devices.
Despite a efforts by a Egyptian authorities to jam a internet, a mobile phone use as well as amicable networking sites in Tahrir Square, Mubarak's rain was accelerated. The jamming backfired. The unrest picked up gait rather than fizzled out.
The Malaysian supervision should learn from a Egyptian jamming experience.
Jamming will force people together, even those groups whose causes have been different - a Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual as well as Transgender (LGBT) groups, those who have been fighting military brutality, women's groups, those looking equality in education, religious groups etc. will rope together in face-to-face communications as well as be joined in a single common cause.
Citizens who were apolitical, unknowingly or just will in conclusion join in. Cyber! jamming will create a some-more manly physical participation that will be some-more difficult to repress.
Facebook is a absolute apparatus for organising protests. Mobile phone use has grown exponentially. Footage of protests as well as military attacks upon reporters as well as a open can be filmed upon mobile phone cameras as well as afterwards broadcast back to millions of alternative Malaysians by a satellite channels. Events have been beamed as they unfold.
When people have been plunged in to silence by a supervision that wants them to be cocooned from meaningful what is happening, or prevented from meaningful about an injustice, or barred from in attendance an event that is discordant to a government's interests, afterwards is this supervision of your choice?
If we find disruption to a internet as well as phone use around a time of GE-13, we must think delicately about a celebration for that we will vote.
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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