Lest you have forgotten, Sir!

Dzulkefly Ahmad (TMI)

MAY 3 Amidst a horror stories of military brutality, a most spins, a endless ranting in a social media as well as a finger-pointing blame game, we right away write to allot my unsolicited opinion. Despite being a narrow-minded person, we shall regularly endeavour to write but fright or favour.

Granted, whilst "Pakatan Rakyat" 3.0 officially finished at 4pm or so, upon which watershed historical date of 428, a critical claims as well as counter-claims of contesting parties violation a limits of "permissibility" shall continue. Only an inquiry by Suhakam or a royal commission of inquiry could put a most hostile claims to rest.

While a plethora of papers as well as a most video footages, both actual as well as a little edited, of a "good, bad as well as ugly" scenes of "Pakatan Rakyat" 3.0 continue, we suspicion my square is conjunction going to incite further "sedition" nor put any more strain upon all a "aggrieved" parties.

But write it we must. It is in this impulse of arguably intense confusion as well as conflict, where argument oftentimes tend to cut both ways, which we find a refuge of a Almighty for a clarity of my suspicion process.

Rest positive which we am not about to pronounce a verdict of who is right or wrong, or who kept their promises as well as who didn't. we will certainly shy divided from being a judge to establish who in a future were a "greater devils or a lesser ones". My verdict is as unimportant as it is perhaps presumptuous at this juncture.

No a single doubts a fact which clashes occurred usually after military fired tear gas as well as water cannons to disperse tens of thousands of demonstrators, following a crack of a block in front of Dataran Merdeka. For a record, a court sequence barring "Pakatan Rakyat" 3.0 entering a historic square across a weekend was performed through an ex-parte application which c! learly i s in contradiction with a make a difference of a home apportion which declared "Pakatan Rakyat" 3.0 as not a security threat.

The barbed-wire barricades around a Dataran Merdeka usually helped to worsen a despondency as well as revulsion of a rakyat, nay of a most Malaysians a world over.

Little did a mayor of Kuala Lumpur realise which 10 of a eleven seats in a Federal Territory were won by a opposition in a last general election (GE). It doesn't take a pundit to remind a mayor which Kuala Lumpur is overwhelmingly Pakatan's or perhaps belonging to a "Other Malaysia", to borrow from my good crony Farish Noor.

While we assimilate as well as sorrow with a years of subjugation of a military force by a powers-that-be which in a future incited them to be a "unquestioning armed division of Umno", my deeper sympathy must certainly be for a most "victims of terror" of a "Pakatan Rakyat" protestors, a most reporters grievously harm as well as detained, as well as particularly for a "Pakatan Rakyat" 2.0 steering committee who have been precisely blamed for a alleged "loss of control".

Be which as it may, assent me to sojourn concentration upon a bone of row in this debate which has right away incited to be a good inhabitant conversation.

Lest we have been swayed, let it be again said which a greatest row conjunction centres upon a PDRM's brutality nor a alleged failures of "Pakatan Rakyat"'s Ambiga or Pak Samad or for which make a difference of opposition party leaders out to "hijack' a inhabitant agenda of "Pakatan Rakyat" 2.0.

Yes, a centre of row is upon "electoral reform" as well as because it has been deliberately behind if not entirely derailed. So, assent me to plainly ask a person in conclusion in charge of this country, a Right Honourable Prime Minister.

Sir, we knew which a "Pakatan Rakyat" 3.0 "Duduk dan Bantah" was all about dire for electoral reforms but because did we choose not to attend to their grievances?

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