Bar Council's Interim Report on Bersih 3.0

Even the Bar Council, whose boss used to be Ambiga, had to state the viewable about what REALLY happened during Bersih.

KUALA LUMPUR: A 30-page Malaysian Bar Council interim report about Bersih 3.0 admits which demonstrators had consistently provoked the police.

The council, in the territory titled '(ii) Unruly poise of the participants', remarkable which the demonstrators had booed, jeered and angry with derogatory words but the policemen did not retort until after the barricades during Dataran Merdeka were breached.

Read the rest during The Mole,here.

On the much happier note, Nayati Moodliar, 12, has been returned safely to the family. He was rescued from his kidnappers by the military task force ..NST has the story here.

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