Hindraf's 'no' to Bersih 3.0: Does it benefit the Indians or Uthaya's political ambitions?

Hindraf's 'no' to Bersih 3.0: Does it good a Indians or Uthaya's political ambitions?
It was sad to hear which Hindraf will not participate in Bersih 3.0, if Pakatan Leaders do not attend a meeting which Hindraf orderly for surveying Indian woes inside of 100 days of forming a brand new Federal Government. Such a statement roughly mirrors Perkasa's views as well as usually Perkasa, so far, has asked a military to stop a rally. There seems to be a link between a two?
P Uthayakumar, a de facto personality of Hindraf, has selfishly tied together a NGO to his Human Rights Party to illustrate abating Hindraf's chances of survival. Is Hindraf still relevant? And to whom? Or does it exist merely to lend credibility to HRP? This is one question which Uthaya as well as his HRP team should answer as well as have known to all Malaysian Indians, given in one approach or another, a village is connected to Hindraf by a special bond(Pasam).
And no one can deny which thisPasamexists. It is this special down payment which captivated thousands upon which day upon November 25, 2007 to gather as well as protest a Badawi administration department for not helping a Indians more. And compartment today, roughly all Indians from across a political order still have a soothing mark for Hindraf. They will never dont think about theMakkal Shakticry created by Hindraf which helped to create a 2008 Political Tsunami.
The BN Government could not endure a feel-good factor which Hindraf was spreading to all a people in a republic as well as this enclosed a non-Indians. In a end, they criminialized Hindraf, usually li! ke they criminialized Bersih 2.0, though which did not stop Hindraf or a people from running circles around a BN Government.
In a end, Prime Minister Najib Razak had to fast hijack Makkal Shakti as well as purebred it in to a political celebration run by someone who can many appropriate be described as a "Traitor" of Indians. It is RS Thanenthiran who is helming Najib's Makkal Shakti.This caused a large split among a ISA Five - or a five categorical organizers of a Hindraf rally. All went their own way, which is what a ruling Government had longed for as well as schemed after during which time.
Why link Hindraf to HRP decisions?
When Uthaya pronounced he would wait for a outcome from a Pakatan to confirm Hindraf's participation in Bersih 3.0 rally, his reasoning is flawed. He contingency assimilate Bersih is apolitical as well as there is no reason to include Pakatan in to his argument unless he has an dark agenda (udang di sebalik batu).
Sad to contend all Politicians have this agenda, so it is not surprising which Uthaya contingency assimilate a sentiments of a Indians as well as follow it accordingly. If he uses a Hindraf hat, then he contingency action as an NGO as well as put a true ground of Hindraf first. In HRP he can action as a politician as well as have many disguises to trick as well as dupe a people. That is his choice as well as a people will not care though as Hindraf head, he contingency have usually one face to convince a people which he as well is Apolitical in his decisions. Strange which Uthaya can be Apolitical as he professes to be when heads a political organization, HRP.
Bersih 3.0 might appear to support Pakatan though which is given their supposed "Cause" are similar. Both wish a free as well as fair election, while a BN Government doesn't wish to shift anything during all. So of course both are against BN's policies in this aspect as well as it will be utterly difficult to separate them given they! have a same bargain as well as viewpoints as distant as cleaning up a electoral routine is concerned.
Uthaya contingency shift his ways as well as not try to be a Perkasa copycat, generally if he wants Hindraf to become applicable again. He contingency realize which he as well as his brother Waythamoorthy are a categorical stumbling blocks to Hindraf's credibility.
Forget a 'stumbling blocks', unite with a other races for a better Malaysia
As for a Indians, they contingency remember which leaders come as well as go. Many have incited Traitors as well as Betrayed a community. The many important thing is which if we wish a Better Malaysia, then we have to stay joined to end a BN's rule. In this context, a Chinese are steadfast as well as will lead a approach this time around.
Malaysian Indians as well should not give up after their magnificent 2007 contribution. They contingency press upon as well as together with all a races be benefaction upon Apr 28 for BERSIH 3.0. Malaysian Indians contingency take honour which they started a round rolling scarcely 5 years ago. They contingency now assistance to flog a round in to a net, if not measure a goal again this time - a many important time ever for Malaysia as well as Malaysians of all colours as well as creed.
I'm game for it - are you?
Malaysia Chronicle
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