Mindless Malaysian Myrmidons

Often you have in use a word 'anwarista' in my writings, wakakaka. you do not suppose you need to explain what it means.

I was told RPK coined up this word. you presume he contingency have formed it upon a Sandinistas of a Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN in Spanish), where FSLN members were called Sandinistas. Apparently a FSLN classification was named after Augusto Csar Sandino, a charismatic head of a Nicaraguan insurgency opposite a USA occupation of Nicaragua in a 1930s.

Charismatic head? Wakakaka.

kaytee has in turn described anwaristas as Myrmidons, a ant-soldiers of Achilles.

In Greek mythology, a Myrmidons were known for their ferocity as well as blind unquestioning loyalty to their leader. Their eponymous ancestor, clarification a ancestor who gave them their name, was (naturally) King Myrmidon of Phthia, Thessaly.

The story tells us King Myrmidon was a result from an unlawful passionate union, in which Almighty Zeus in a form of an termite seduced a mortal, Princess Eurymedousa of Phthia. Hence a Myrmidons were sometimes called a termite soldiers, perhaps as a reminder of a source of sperm which gave bieing born to their tribe.
Se x with an ant? Wakakaka. But you suppose it's better than with a frog, wakakaka again.

However, in Gothic Europe a word Myrmidon meant 'hired ruffian', which may not be entirely applicable here wakakaka, since a foolish 'ruffians' have been not hired though tangible devotees, similar to Achilles' termite soldiers.

Now, my reason for selecting a tenure Myrmidons to describe anwaristas had been inspired by a compendium outline of Myrm! idon as< em>"a constant follower, especially one who executes orders without question, protest, or pity - unquestioning followers", wakakaka.

Now, doesn't which compendium clarification so aptly captures a really character of those foolish foolish mechanical cyborgs (cyborgs as per a scandalous foolish Borgs of Star Trek movies mumbling"Resistance is futile") wakakaka.

They have been really most similar to low brow George 'Dubya' Bush, reporting their doctrine of"either you're with us or opposite us", so if you subject their hero, you contingency be from a enemy BN as well as if a Malay similar to Zaid*, an "Anwar Ibrahim"! Trojan horse, or if similar to kaytee wakakaka, afterwards a MCA paid cybertrooper earning a magnificent RM300 per month which is roughly AUS $ 91 wow, wakakaka (Pos Lajuhas been really slow since I'm still eagerly watchful to receive my initial remuneration wakakaka).

*Zaid Ibrahim was a supervision minister (for Law) who resigned upon beliefs opposite a use of ISA to incarcerate Teresa Kok of a DAP as well as a Chinese journal journalist, in stark contrast to someone who remained still similar to a mouse when Lim Guan Eng was unjustly incarcerated for defending a rights of an underage Malay girl.

They do not caring either their accusations have been loyal since they have been so devoted to their hubristic Achilles wakakaka that, damn a entire world, their accusations of blokes similar to kaytee contingency be, have to be true. To them it's not possible for a pro PAS or pro DAP chairman to be vexed their icon, so these people contingency definitely be from BN.

Hey, Lim Kit Siang contingency be a BN cybertrooper as well for exposing their great lea! der' s complicity in a forex scandal. And don't forget, Pak Haji Nik Aziz could be one as well for challenging as well as embarassingmanmanlaiin his declaration toWSJof his total await for Israel, wakakaka.

Stretching further out to alternative targets to be destroyed, these Myrmidons would, for example, direct which a chairman like, contend Marina Mahathir, contingency malign her father for her to be considered as purify as well as acceptable - hmmm, only so since her father is their hero's nemesis?

Apart from a credo which it is definitely cruel to require a son or daughter to condemn a parent, as well as you am an Asian, you would not apply oneself Marina if she ever denounces her parents, no matter either they have been mass murderers or thugs. One can remonstrate with one's relatives as well as refuse to do what they do or what they wish one to do, though one can never ever badmouth them, no matter what their sins. As Chinese would say, aput-how(unfilial) kid is an aspersion to a Heavens as well as would be struck down by lightning.

Marina Mahathir is responsible for her own conduct as well as a master of her own destiny. Her father's should be those of her father. She doesn't need to be unfilial only to be accepted, which she should be upon her own rights as well as merits.

Just look during RPK's post
Your 10 questions with Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, where one of a visitors,chanal 58, left this terrible foolish comment:

! Never wo rry to review what she wrote. Never hold she is an angel in Bersih 2. The many many SINS from her Mamak Papa to a Rakyat of Malaysia can never be cleansed as well as forgiven. Please recollect which each night you go to sleep. Same to y! a brot hers.
It's not unlike a Israelites' idea in a biblical saying that'the sins of a father will be visited upon their young kids for several generations'

Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor offer them: for you a LORD thy God am a sceptical God, upon vacation a iniquity of a fathers upon a young kids unto a third as well as fourth era of them which hate me Deuteronomy 5:9


I will even repay in to their bosom, both their own iniquities as well as a iniquities of their fathers together Isaiah 65:6-7

which you opine is complete unsteadiness upon a basement of logic, commonsense as well as physical justice, though then, a Myrmidon could not even understand democracy (of unacceptablemanmanlaifrogology), let alone logic, commonsense as well as physical justice.

Hmmm, shouldn't you afterwards direct Nurul Izzah denounces her father for despatching thugs to whack up a international as well as internal participants of Apcet II as well as wreck a conference, as well as afterwards boasting"Our goal was to stop a conference as well as you did only that"?

Shouldn't you direct she denounces her father for a shameful try to mishandle a leverage of a list box as in hisdeformasi916 frogology, some-more so after PKR people explain a Great Man has changed from beingVlad "Anwar Ibrahim"-culainto MrReformasi?

Shouldn't you additionally direct she denounces him for a followingdeformasisins:

Islamicdoarequirements during school to include compulsory participation by non Muslim students, effectively a proselytizing program
Sparking ! a onset ofOps Lallangthrough his sinister try to send non-Mandarin educated headmasters to vernacular schools
Silence in! a per secution as well as bonds of Lim Guan Eng in a Melaka orthodox rape box where silence was agreement
Subversion of democracy during a 1994 Sabah post-election choosing frogology (to be steady though failed in 2008)
Forex fxxkup
Demagoguery ('Cina balik Tiongsun', 'stop a bells from toll during Indian temples', etc)

Should you additionally criticism upon Nurul as follows:

Never worry to review what she wrote. Never hold she is an angel in Bersih 2 or a some-more pretended Puteri Reformasi. The many many SINS from her Mamak Papa to a Rakyat of Malaysia can never be cleansed as well as forgiven. Please recollect which each night you go to sleep. Same to your sisters.
In my post
A Tale of Two SweetiesI wrote:
whatever great Marina Mahathir competence have done (as in AIDS as well as women affairs), they (as well as a little "Anwar Ibrahim"-BN people too) would impute a little ignoble ground upon her part

Sometime back, you review an essay (somewhere
, as well as additionally indicated on top of in which Myrmidon's comments during RPK's post) where a writer aired his distrust of Marina's ground in on foot with Bersih 2.0, suggesting she hexed a secret bulletin to penetrate Bersih a la a Trojan Horse to destroy it from within. Well

Then there were others who questioned her 'enjoyment of a privileges' of being a PM's daughter as if she could only be giveaway of guilt if she had selected someone else to be her parents. Such has been a irrationality of those foolish comments.

And incidentally, did Nurul not enjoy a same privileges when A! nwar was a absolute rightwing DPM from "Anwar Ibrahim"?

Anwaristas' stand in sta! ndard! O r, Myrmidon foolish foolish mentality?

Mindless, moronic, muddle-headed, striking out recklessly or machine-gunning down (with wild accusations) everyone they do not agree with (or who remonstrate with them), a little even mouthing sheer complete foolish unsteadiness during blogs wakakaka, which has been since you remarked to one such person, words to a effect, which you go on to be astounded by his endless irrationality (because his wild bizarre foolish accusations).

You know something? These Myrmidons have been no different during all from those 50 hooligans who tormented Lim GE during a Himpunan Hijau rally during a Esplanade in Penang just a same, either they have been fromUMNO-Perkasa-Suara Anak-Anak Malaysia-Komtar Traders Associationor anwarista-ish Myrmidons, all thugsa laApcet II, probably offsprings of a same ancestors.

Sex with an ant? Wakakaka.
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