Using The Poor For Fishing Votes

We have been informed with this 'berdikari' or stand up as well as be self supporting motto of training a person to fish to feed himself than giving him fish to feed him.

In BolehLand, in recent months, a supervision is similar to a little messiah, being able to feed a 'poor' as well as real bad with lots of dough, income that is. Billions of ringgit have been being since out, giveaway dough, income that is, such as a BR1M giveaway money, making recipients packed with smiles. Students were additionally since giveaway income in a form of book vouchers.

Then some-more goodies have been announced offering cheaper homes with easy loans, super fantastic returns in investments schemes as well as a total lot of 'cheap' things coming a way, a bad that is way. Makes a single wonder if BolehLand is a nation riddled with so most bad stricken, infirm bad or a supervision is enlightening a art of 'handouts' to a wider organisation eh?

1Malaysia's logic is it will assistance them to cope with a tall price of living for a total year that is, since it is a a single time assistance. Though there is right away informed we 'scratch a BN during a back of as well as they will scratch yours' to safeguard a each year 'bonus' for keeping them in power. Isn't this a little form of corruption?.

This giveaway income handouts is same to giving a people fish than training them to fish. Isn't these freebies an confirmation that not enough have been finished to safeguard a price of living is reasonable so people can take care of themselves as well as cope with their earnings?

Won't it be improved if we provide a improved rival market as well as allow these lower income opportunities to go in to business that will assistance to keep a price of living down. Say giving them land to grow food to revoke a food imports. Than only let a abounding landlords in a likes of FELDA, Sime Darby, skill owners as well as joist tycoons, a crony few to have final tracts of land for only a small organisation of people ! or compe tition to get rich.

Even in a transport industry, giveaway up a conglomeration as well as monopolists. Cab drives during a airport can't even practi! ce giveaway craving to benefit consumers.

The amount of giveaway cash is a measurement of a price of disaster of a supervision in we do a country. Of course a little will disagree it shows we have been super abounding as well as we must thank a supervision for making so most income to be able to give such billions out only similar to that! Didn't we hear we would be broke if we do not stop being élite with subsidies. Now if we have been starting to make this a single time benefit a each year affair, who's we do a Greece upon your during a back of huh?

The bad is a ultimate arms to benefit votes. You palm out a fishes to them as well as discuss it them to be grateful since we have been stuff oneself them as well as not we do most to let them fish upon your own.

The bad is being made similar to pawns, prawns providing fodder to a politicians to benefit votes as well as remain in power..

It's shameful to make use of a bad to uncover your jot down of success similar to what is being finished by 1Makaysia in Sabah recently. Read story here.The subject is why have been a oil abounding states initial of oil poor? Who caused this situation to happen?

While governments in grown democracies have been shameful there have been bad or those living below misery line, a supervision is proud to make use of them as report label of how great a supervision they have been compared to a opposition! We have been happy to see misery a worse off a improved in areas administered by a opposition.

On a single hand, 1Malaysia shouts about inclusiveness as well as a religious institutions upon how they strengthen a umat as well as reject anyone who bluster religion, competition as well as privileges. On a other hand, 1Mal! aysia ha s no qualms to withhold income taken from oil abounding states as well as dispossess them of a income to develop their state as well as a people?

The make use of of a bad as well as worse display them for all to see similar to a little unfortunate destitutes rushing for giveaway income or since wheelchairs or since hampers is unequivocally being insensitive.

For us to he! ar, Kela ntan is so bad since of PAS when we have been holding a sovereign piggy bank is unequivocally a shameful as well as inhuman act.from those who explain to be defenders of religion, competition as well as privileges!

Using a bad to fish for votes creates those we do it a sharks.

It's about time a bad as well as a most of us held in a lower as well as income rut discuss it a powers be to stop giving freebies since if we take from somewhere, a little others will be deprived. It's ironical, we have been told of billions in a tube with a ETP programmes that will pull us all in to tall income earners. Well billions have been spent upon so most corridors as well as super ones as well as well as yet, a large pool of fellows suffering seems to increase. Blame it upon great babies producers or illegals being naturalise or a people have been getting lazier?

One is prone to consider there is a little consipracy to have bad people so that we can burst in as well as uncover we have been a saviour by rising 1 this as well as 1 that. But a 1Too Many Projects have been they income generators? How does a KRIM shops assistance a poorer income to get some-more income. It does not. They still consequence RM1000 a month. Their income has not increased. KR1M does not enlarge their income. So as well a whatever 1Mamak cheaper food concept. Isn't it improved to enlarge a income so that a associate can shop during KRIM as well as afford a improved dish too?

These 1schemes have been similar to asking a people to be where we are. Stay during your income level, we will come up with some-more cheaper schemes so that! your RM 1,000 can buy some-more things to survive. So compartment 2020 this guy is starting to be during RM1000 as well as substantially have a choice of 1000 1Malaysia cheaper outlets for his or her needs. Where is a tall income society.

Ok it seems simplistic. But a message is a bad is starting to be kept during their standing quo since we need a damaged debilitated homes, we need a prolonged queues preferably in a prohibited object to pick up income handouts, we need laterite roads, damaged bridges to ask voters to go on to vote we in becau! se we n eed another 1000 years to make things better, huh?

Let us hope a bad do not get held in a net of deception as well as worse to feel they owe a thankfulness to a 1Fishmonger for throwing them a fries while he gets richer as well as fatter sharing a great locate with his geng as well as selling it to outsiders who can compensate a price.

So since of BN, Sabah is richer additionally holds similarly valid as well as true since of BN, Kelantan is so most poorer huh?
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One Eight - Kuala Lumpur Protest

The Internal Security Act (ISA) is a preventive apprehension law that allows for military arrest as well as apprehension without need for evidence nor explanation of guilt. On 1st Aug 2009, twenty thousand Malaysians marched in a streets of Kuala Lumpur to protest opposite a draconian action as well as to call for the repeal. Music by: Explosions In The Sky

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Courtesy of Bon! m Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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